Drop in replacement for source-map-loader but this loader understands file://
and http[s]://
prefixes in source map files like the kind you find in scala.js
generated source maps. It is often recommended that scala.js resources
use the -P:scalajs:mapSourceURI
option to set their source maps to
github resources since there is no stable mechanism to include them in jars.
Including scala sources increases the map size so use bundleHttp: false
to not
bundle them. They are bundled by default. Warnings that "file://" resources
cannot be found can be turned off using skipFileURLWarnings
which is true by
default. If you depend on other scala.js libraries, they may have file://
links embedded that cause warnings. If you work offline and do not have access
to http resources, then set your
option using a nodejs environment variable: bundleHttp: process.env.OFFLINE
and set the environment variable OFFLINE="true"
you run webpack. Note that "true" is in quotes to make at a string environment
Fetched resources are cached. The default cache directory is <cwd>/.scala-js-sources
Webpack already caches source maps so this cache mostly helps with
cold starts.
As a drop-in replacement:
test: /\.js$/,
// use loader defaults
use: ["scalajs-friendly-source-map-loader"],
// set options explicitly
use: [
loader: "scalajs-friendly-source-map-loader",
options: {
skipFileURLWarnings: true, // or false, default is true
bundleHttp: true // or false, default is true,
cachePath: ".scala-js-sources", // cache dir name, exclude in .gitignore
noisyCache: false, // whether http cache changes are output
useCache: true, // false => remove any http cache processing
enforce: "pre",
To use in your loaders only for your scalajs output:
test: /\.js$/,
use: [
loader: "scalajs-friendly-source-map-loader"
options: {
bundleHttp: false // or use the short version above
enforce: "pre",
include: [scalapath],
test: /\.js$/,
use: ["source-map-loader"],
enforce: "pre",
// does not handle scala.js issued https: remote resources
exclude: [/node_modules/, scalapath],
Loaders are used right to left so the normal source-map-loader will run first
but ignore the scala.js output leaving the scala js file to the friendly
loader. scalapath
is a resolved path to your scala.js compiler output file.