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MouseGraphics ToolKit

This is a complex API library written by Apple circa 1985. The Apple Programmers and Developers Association (APDA) documentation can be found at:

Changes from this documentation are called out below.

The Graphics Primitives are likely originally authored by Bill Budge, based on his The Graphics Page series in Softalk magazine:

For the purposes of DeskTop, the entry point is fixed at $4000 AUX, called MLI-style:

    JSR $4000
    .byte call
    .addr params

Result will be in A, with Z bit set, 0 indicating success (so BNE error works).

ca65 syntax is used for primitives: .byte, .word (interpreted as 16-bit signed integer), .addr (16-bit address), .res N (N byte buffer)

Graphics Primitives



.word       xcoord
.word       ycoord


.word       x1
.word       y1
.word       x2
.word       y2

or equivalently:

Point       topleft
Point       bottomright


A simple repeating 8x8 pattern is defined by 8 bytes. All bits of each byte are used.

.byte       row0
.byte       row1
.byte       row2
.byte       row3
.byte       row4
.byte       row5
.byte       row6
.byte       row7


Used with GrafPorts to define offsets/clipping, and bitmaps for source data.

Point       viewloc
.addr       mapbits         $2000 for the screen, or bitmap bits
.byte       mapwidth        $80, or stride for bitmap
.byte       reserved
Rect        maprect         a.k.a. cliprect


There is always a current GrafPort (or "port" for short) that defines the destination and pen state of drawing operations.

MapInfo     portmap
Pattern     penpattern
.byte       colormask_and
.byte       colormask_or
Point       penloc
.byte       penwidth        horizontal pen thickness
.byte       penheight       vertical pen thickness
.byte       penmode
.byte       textback        text background
.addr       textfont


.byte       count           number of vertices in this polygon
.byte       last            high bit set if there are more polygons
Point       vertex0
... repeats for each vertex
... repeats for each polygon


This is a MousePaint-compatible font. Single- and double-width fonts are supported; max height is 16 pixels.

.byte       fonttype        0=regular, $80=double-width
.byte       lastchar        char code of last character (usually $7F)
.byte       height          pixels (1-16)
.res N      charwidth       pixels, for each char
.res N      row0            bits
.res N      row0right       bits (double-width only)
... repeats for each row


NoOp ($00)


No parameters.


InitGraf ($01)

No parameters.

SetSwitches ($02)

Configure display switches


 .byte       flags           bit 0=hires, 1=page2, 2=mixed, 3=text

GrafPort - assign, update, query ports

InitPort ($03)

Initialize GrafPort to standard values


(input is address of GrafPort record)

SetPort ($04)

Set current port as specified


(input is address of GrafPort record)

GetPort ($05)

Get pointer to current port


.addr       port            (out)

This also copies the current GrafPort data from the zero page to the current port. When SetZP1 has been called to disable preserving the zero page, it is necessary to call this manually to retain the GrafPort state.

SetPortBits ($06)

Set just the mapinfo (viewloc, mapbits) of the current grafport.


(input is address of MapInfo record)

SetPenMode ($07)

Set the pen mode of the current grafport.


.byte       mode            pen*/notpen*

Pen modes are:

  • 0 = pencopy
  • 1 = penOR
  • 2 = penXOR
  • 3 = penBIC
  • 4 = notpencopy
  • 5 = notpenOR
  • 6 = notpenXOR
  • 7 = notpenBIC

SetPattern ($08)

Set the pattern of the current grafport.


.res 8      pattern         8x8 pixel pattern for PaintRect calls

SetColorMasks ($09)

Set the color masks of the current grafport.


.byte       and_mask
.byte       or_mask

These flags are primarily for controlling the high bit of bytes on the double-hires graphics screen, which is useful for certain RGB cards.

SetPenSize ($0A)

Set the pen size of the current grafport.


.byte       penwidth        horizontal pen thickness
.byte       penheight       vertical pen thickness

SetFont ($0B)

Set the font of the current grafport.


.addr       textfont        font definition

SetTextBG ($0C)

Set the text background of the current grafport. Text is drawn in the inverse of this color.


.byte       backcolor       0=black, $7F=white

Drawing - draw lines; frame, fill, and test rects and polys

Move ($0D)

Set pen location (relative) of the current grafport.


.word       xdelta
.word       ydelta

MoveTo ($0E)

Set pen location (absolute) of the current grafport.


Point        pos

Line ($0F)

Draw line from pen location (relative) of the current grafport.


.word       xdelta
.word       ydelta

LineTo ($10)

Draw line from pen location (absolute) of the current grafport.


Point       pos

PaintRect ($11)

Fill rectangle with pattern of the current grafport.


Rect        rect

FrameRect ($12)

Draw rectangle with pen mode/size of the current grafport.


Rect        rect

InRect ($13)

Is current position in bounds? A=$80 true, 0 false


Rect        rect

PaintBits ($14)

Draw bitmap.


(input is address of MapInfo record)

Note that the cursor is not hidden automatically for this operation. See PaintBitsHC.

If PaintBits is used the cursor is not hidden, then the caller must assure that the cursor save/restore area and the bitmap do not intersect, or when the cursor moves the display will be distorted.

In general, PaintBitsHC should be preferred except for truly performance-sensitive operations (e.g. animations) where the cursor remains visible but is hidden conditionally.

PaintPoly ($15)

Fill multiple closed polygons with the pattern of the current grafport.


(input is address of PolyList record)

FramePoly ($16)

Draw multiple closed polygons with the pen mode/size of the current grafport.


(input is address of PolyList record)

InPoly ($17)

Is pen location of the current grafport within the polygon? A=$80 true, 0 false


(input is address of PolyList record)

Text - draw and measure text

TextWidth ($18)

Measure the width of a string in pixels


.addr       data
.byte       length
.word       width           (out) result in pixels

DrawText ($19)

Draw string at the pen location of the current graphport (as left, baseline)


.addr       data
.byte       length

Utility - configuration and version

SetZP1 ($1A)

Configure usage of upper ($80-$FF) zero page by the API (speed vs. convenience)

If high bit is set (the default), part of the zero page is preserved across all MGTK calls. This is convenient for callers, at the expense of performance.

If the high bit is clear, MGTK assumes that the caller will not modify this part of the zero page.


.byte       preserve        $00=stash/no auto restore; $80=restore now and onward

When zero page preservation is turned on (the default), the active GrafPort is automatically updated after each call, and so changes made by calls (e.g. SetPenMode) will be retained when the port is re-selected in the future.

If zero page preservation is turned off, the active GrafPort will not be updated by calls. In this mode, the application may force the active GrafPort to be updated by calling GetPort.

SetZP2 ($1B)

Configure usage of lower ($00-$43) zero page by the API (speed vs. convenience)

If high bit is set (the default), part of the zero page is preserved across DrawText calls. This is convenient for callers, at the expense of performance.

If the high bit is clear, MGTK assumes that the caller will not modify this part of the zero page.


.byte       preserve        $00=stash/no auto restore; $80=restore now and onward

Version ($1C)

Get toolkit version


.byte       (out) major
.byte       (out) minor
.byte       (out) patch
.byte       (out) status
.word       (out) number

Mouse Graphics

Mouse Keys

  • To enter Mouse Keys mode, hold down both the Open-Apple key and the Solid-Apple (Option) key and then press the Space key. A confirmation sound will play.
  • Move the mouse cursor using the arrow keys. Use the Solid-Apple (or Option) key as the mouse button.
  • To exit Mouse Keys mode, press Escape. A confirmation sound will play.



.res 24     bitmap          2x12 byte bitmap (XOR'd after mask)
.res 24     mask            2x12 byte mask (OR'd with screen)
.byte       hotx            hotspot coords (pixels)
.byte       hoty


.byte       kind            MGTK::EventKind::*
.res 4

if kind is MGTK::EventKind::key_down:

.byte       kind            MGTK::EventKind::*
.byte       key             (ASCII code; high bit clear)
.byte       modifiers       (0=none, 1=open-apple, 2=solid-apple, 3=both)
.res 2      reserved

if kind is MGTK::EventKind::update:

.byte       kind            MGTK::EventKind::*
.byte       window_id       (0=desktop)
.res 3      reserved


.byte       kind            MGTK::EventKind::*
.word       mousex
.word       mousey
MGTK::EventKind::no_event        = 0    ; No mouse or keypress
MGTK::EventKind::button_down     = 1    ; Mouse button was depressed
MGTK::EventKind::button_up       = 2    ; Mouse button was released
MGTK::EventKind::key_down        = 3    ; Key was pressed
MGTK::EventKind::drag            = 4    ; Mouse button still down
MGTK::EventKind::apple_key       = 5    ; Mouse button was depressed, modifier key down
MGTK::EventKind::update          = 6    ; Desktop/window update needed

event_modifier_open_apple  = 1 << 0
event_modifier_solid_apple = 1 << 1


Menu Bar record:

.word       count           Number of menu bar items

.byte       menu_id         Menu identifier
.byte       disabled        Flag
.addr       title           Address of length-prefixed string
.addr       menu            Address of Menu record
.res 6      reserved        Reserved
... repeats for each menu

Menu record:

.word       count           Number of items in menu
.res  5     reserved        Reserved

.byte       options         bit 0=OA, 1=SA, 2=mark, 5=check, 6=filler, 7=disabled
.byte       mark_char       Custom mark character if mark option set
.byte       char1           ASCII code of shortcut #1 (e.g. uppercase B); or 0
.byte       char2           ASCII code of shortcut #2 (e.g. lowercase b, or same); or 0
.addr       name            Address of length-prefixed string
... repeats for each menu item

Window "winfo"

.byte       id
.byte       options         MGTK::Option::*
.addr       title
.byte       hscroll         MGTK::Scroll::option_*
.byte       vscroll         MGTK::Scroll::option_*
.byte       hthumbmax
.byte       hthumbpos
.byte       vthumbmax
.byte       vthumbpos
.byte       status
.byte       reserved
.word       mincontwidth    minimum content size (horizontal)
.word       mincontlength   minimum content size (vertical)
.word       maxcontwidth    maximum content size (horizontal)
.word       maxcontlength   maximum content size (vertical)
GrafPort    windowport      GrafPort record
.addr       nextwinfo       address of next lower window in stack

Windows have a content area which has the requested dimensions. Above this is an optional title bar which in turn has an optional close box. Within the content area are an optional resize box and optional scroll bars.

MGTK::Option::dialog_box       = 1 << 0
MGTK::Option::go_away_box      = 1 << 1
MGTK::Option::grow_box         = 1 << 2

MGTK::Scroll::option_none      = 0
MGTK::Scroll::option_present   = 1 << 7
MGTK::Scroll::option_thumb     = 1 << 6
MGTK::Scroll::option_active    = 1 << 0
MGTK::Scroll::option_normal    = option_present | option_thumb | option_active



StartDeskTop ($1D)

Inits state, registers interrupt handler, draws desktop


.byte       machine         ROM FBB3 ($06 = IIe or later)
.byte       subid           ROM FBC0 ($EA = IIe, $E0 = IIe enh/IIgs, $00 = IIc/IIc+)
.byte       op_sys          0=ProDOS, 1=Pascal
.byte       slot_num:       Mouse slot, 0 = search (will be filled in)
.byte       use_interrupts  0=passive, 1=interrupt
.addr       sysfontptr
.addr       savearea        buffer for saving screen data (e.g. behind menus)
.word       savesize        bytes

StopDeskTop ($1E)

Deallocates interrupt, hides cursor

No parameters.

SetUserHook ($1F)


.byte       hook_id         0=before, 1=after event checking
.addr       routine_ptr     0=remove hook_id

AttachDriver ($20)

Install pointer driver; A=0 on success, $95 if mouse disabled


.addr       hook            Mouse hook routine to install
.addr       mouse_state     (out) Address of mouse state (.word x, y; .byte status)

ScaleMouse ($21)

Set mouse/screen scaling


.byte       x_exponent      x-scale factor for mouse, 0...3
.byte       y_exponent      y-scale factor for mouse, 0...3

KeyboardMouse ($22)

Next operation (DragWindow or GrowWindow) will be performed by keyboard

No parameters.

GetIntHandler ($23)

Get address of interrupt handler


.addr       handler         (out) Address of interrupt handler (after `CLD`)

This call is not present in the 1985 APDA documentation. All subsequent call numbers are offset by one.

Cursor Manager - set, show, hide

SetCursor ($24)

Set cursor definition


(input is address of Cursor record)

Instead of an address, one of the MGTK::SystemCursor::* enum values can be passed instead: pointer, ibeam, or watch.

The SystemCursor enum support is a modern addition, so is not present in the 1985 APDA documentation.

ShowCursor ($25)

Return cursor to visibility.

No parameters.

HideCursor ($26)

Cursor hidden until ShowCursor call

No parameters.

ObscureCursor ($27)

Cursor hidden until moved.

No parameters.

GetCursorAdr ($28)

Get cursor definition


.addr definition            (out) Address of cursor record

Event Manager - get, peek, post

CheckEvents ($29)

Process mouse/kbd if GetEvent will be delayed.

No parameters.

GetEvent ($2A)

Return the next event from the queue.


(parameter is address of Event record)

DA specific:

  • Call JUMP_TABLE_YIELD_LOOP to allow DeskTop to do periodic tasks.

FlushEvents ($2B)

Drop any pending events from the queue.

No parameters.

PeekEvent ($2C)

Observe the next event in the queue, without removing it.

EventKind::no_event signals that there was no event in the queue.


(parameter is address of Event record)

PostEvent ($2D)

Post event to queue.


(parameter is address of Event record)

SetKeyEvent ($2E)

If set, keypresses are ignored by Tool Kit


.byte       handle_keys     high bit set = ignore keyboard, otherwise check

Menu Manager - configure, enable, disable, select

InitMenu ($2F)

Configure characters used for menu glyphs. Optional. The defaults are open=$1F, solid=$1E, check=$1D, control=$01.


.byte       open_char       char code to use for open apple glyph
.byte       solid_char      char code to use for solid apple glyph
.byte       check_char      char code to use for checkmark glyph
.byte       control_char    char code to use for control key glyph

The 1985 APDA documentation defines a inactive_char parameter, but this was removed.

SetMenu ($30)

Configure (and draw) menu


(input is address of Menu Bar record)

MenuSelect ($31)

Enter modal loop for handling mouse-down on menu bar


.byte       menu_id         (out) Top level menu identifier, or 0 if none
.byte       menu_item       (out) Index (1-based) of item in menu, or 0 if none

MenuKey ($32)

Find menu item corresponding to keypress


.byte       menu_id         (out)
.byte       menu_item       (out)
.byte       which_key
.byte       key_mods        bit 0=OA, bit 1=SA

HiliteMenu ($33)

Toggle highlight state of menu


.byte       menu_id

DisableMenu ($34)

Disable/enable a menu. Effectively disables all items, but individual disable/enable states are restored when re-enabled.


.byte       menu_id
.byte       disable         0=enable, 1=disable

DisableItem ($35)

Disable/enable a specific item in a menu.


.byte       menu_id
.byte       menu_item
.byte       disable         0=enable, 1=disable

CheckItem ($36)

Sets a specific menu item as checked.


.byte       menu_id
.byte       menu_item
.byte       check           0=unchecked, 1=checked

SetMark ($37)

Sets a specific menu item as using a distinct mark character when checked.


.byte       menu_id
.byte       menu_item
.byte       set_char        0=use checkmark, 1=use mark_char
.byte       mark_char       char code to use for mark

Window Manager - open, close, drag, grow, update

OpenWindow ($38)


(input is address of WInfo record)

CloseWindow ($39)


.byte window_id

CloseAll ($3A)

No parameters.

GetWinPtr ($3B)

Get pointer to window params by id; A=0 on success


.byte       window_id
.addr       window_ptr      (out) winfo address

GetWinPort ($3C)

Populate GrafPort with current drawing state of window, clipped if the window is partially offscreen.


.byte       window_id
.addr       port            address of GrafPort to populate

Returns Error::window_obscured if the content area of the window is completely offscreen and drawing must be skipped. (The port rect will be invalid.)

SetWinPort ($3D)

Update port of window


.byte       window_id
.addr       port            GrafPort to copy from

BeginUpdate ($3E)

Respond to update event for desktop/window


.byte       window_id       0 if desktop

Returns Error::window_obscured if the content area of the window is completely offscreen and drawing should be skipped. (The port rect will be invalid.)

Update events with window_id of 0 are a modern addition, and not present in the 1985 APDA documentation. They are added to support redrawing onto the desktop itself, e.g. volume icons.

EndUpdate ($3F)

No parameters.

FindWindow ($40)


.word       mousex          screen coordinates
.word       mousey
.byte       which_area      (out) MGTK::Area::*
.byte       window_id       (out) of window

FrontWindow ($41)

Get id of top window


.byte       window_id       (out) window, or 0 if none

SelectWindow ($42)

Make window topmost


.byte       window_id

TrackGoAway ($43)


.byte       clicked         (out) 0 = canceled, 1 = close

DragWindow ($44)


.byte       window_id
.word       dragx           mouse coords
.word       dragy
.byte       moved           (out) high bit set if moved, clear if not

The 1986 APDA documentation specified that the moved parameter has values of 1 for yes, 0 for no. The implementation uses the high bit instead.

GrowWindow ($45)


.byte       window_id
.word       mousex
.word       mousey
.byte       itgrew          (out) high bit set if resized, clear if not

The 1986 APDA documentation specified that the itgrew parameter has values of 1 for yes, 0 for now. The implementation uses the high bit instead.

ScreenToWindow ($46)

Map screen coords to content coords


.byte       window_id
.word       screenx
.word       screeny
.word       windowx         (out)
.word       windowy         (out)

WindowToScreen ($47)

Map content coords to screen coords


.byte       window_id
.word       windowx
.word       windowy
.word       screenx         (out)
.word       screeny         (out)

Control Manager - scrollbars

FindControl ($48)


.word       mousex
.word       mousey
.byte       which_ctl       (out) MGTK::Ctl::*
.byte       which_part      (out) MGTK::Part::*

SetCtlMax ($49)


.byte       which_ctl       MGTK::Ctl::*_scroll_bar
.byte       ctlmax          maximum value

TrackThumb ($4A)


.byte       which_ctl       MGTK::Ctl::*_scroll_bar
.word       mousex
.word       mousey
.byte       thumbpos        (out) 0...255
.byte       thumbmobed      (out) 0 = no change, 1 = moved

UpdateThumb ($4B)


.byte       which_ctl       MGTK::Ctl::*_scroll_bar
.byte       thumbpos        new position 0...250

ActivateCtl ($4C)

Activate/deactivate scroll bar


.byte       which_ctl       MGTK::Ctl::*_scroll_bar
.byte       activate        0=deactivate, 1=activate


BitBlt ($4D)

Lower level (and screen-only?) than PaintBits.

Further documentation is needed.


(input is address of MapInfo record)

This call was not listed in the 1985 APDA documentation, so the behavior is inferred from the source.

GetDeskPat ($4E)

Get address of desktop pattern.


.addr       pattern         (out) 8x8 pixel pattern

This call is a modern addition, so is not present in the 1985 APDA documentation.

SetDeskPat ($4F)

Set new desktop pattern. Note that this does NOT redraw anything. Applications can use RedrawDeskTop to force a redraw.


.res 8      pattern         8x8 pixel pattern

This call is a modern addition, so is not present in the 1985 APDA documentation.

DrawMenuBar ($50)

Redraws the current menu bar. Useful after full-screen operations. Note that hilite state of menu bar items is not restored; this must be done by manual calls to HiliteMenu

No parameters.

This call is a modern addition, so is not present in the 1985 APDA documentation.

GetWinFrameRect ($51)

Get the rectangle framing a window. This is in screen coordinates, and is the same rectangle that would be drawn for grow or move operations.


.byte       window_id
Rect        rect            (out)

This call is a modern addition, so is not present in the 1985 APDA documentation.

RedrawDeskTop ($52)

Redraws the desktop background, and posts update events for the desktop and all windows.

No parameters.

This call is a modern addition, so is not present in the 1985 APDA documentation.

FindControlEx ($53)

Like FindControl, but works on all windows, not just the topmost window.


.word       mousex
.word       mousey
.byte       which_ctl       (out) MGTK::Ctl::*
.byte       which_part      (out) MGTK::Part::*
.byte       window_id

This call is a modern addition, so is not present in the 1985 APDA documentation.

PaintBitsHC ($54)

Like PaintBits, but hides/restores the cursor for the operation.


(input is address of MapInfo record)

If the cursor is already hidden (via a call to ShowCursor or ObscureCursor) then this is the same as PaintBits, with no performance penalty. If the cursor is not already hidden, then this is equivalent in behavior but faster than surrounding a PaintBits call with ShowCursor/HideCursor because the extra dispatch is avoided.

This call is a modern addition, so is not present in the 1985 APDA documentation.

FlashMenuBar ($55)

Negates (XOR) the pixels of the menu bar. Useful for silent alerts. This should be called an even number of times before another MGTK call is made so the menu bar is left in a normal state.

No parameters.

This call is a modern addition, so is not present in the 1985 APDA documentation.

SaveScreenRect ($56)

Save the passed screen rectangle to the save area.


Rect        rect

This exposes the logic used to save the bits behind a menu, allowing for quickly restoring. This can be used to implement pop-ups, alerts, or other modal effects without requiring underlying windows to update.

Note that no error checking is done that the passed rect is valid or that the save area passed to StartDeskTop is large enough.

RestoreScreenRect ($57)

Restore the passed screen rectangle from the save area.


Rect        rect

This must only be used following a SaveScreenRect call and must be passed the same rectangle dimensions. No error checking is done.

InflateRect ($58)

Expand the referenced rectangle by xdelta and ydelta, which can be negative.


.addr       rect            Address of MGTK::Rect
.word       xdelta          pixels
.word       ydelta          pixels

UnionRects ($59)

Expand the second rectangle to encompass the first rectangle.


.addr       rect1           Address of MGTK::Rect. No modified
.addr       rect2           Address of MGTK::Rect. Expanded if needed.

MulDiv ($5A)

Multiplies two 16-bit values and then divides the 32-bit result by a third 16-bit value, yielding a 16-bit result and a 16-bit remainder.


.word       number          (in)
.word       numerator       (in)
.word       denominator     (in)
.word       result          (out)
.word       remainder       (out)

This operation is commonly used for scaling, for example setting a scroll bar thumb position based on the viewport offset or vice versa, or calculating a progress bar's position. By using a denominator or numerator of 1 this can be used for simple multiplication or division, respectively.

Note that if the result does not fit into 16 bits, the output is undefined.

Creating Applications and DeskTop Desk Accessories

Application Use

Notes specific to DeskTop Desk Accessories (DA) are included where usage differs.


  • SetZP1 (optional)
  • StartDeskTop
  • InitMenu (if necessary; the defaults are sensible)
  • SetMenu
  • Run main loop until quit
  • StopDeskTop

Main Loop

  • Call a SystemTask-equivalent function provided by the app to do periodic tasks.
  • GetEvent
  • If MGTK::EventKind::button_down or MGTK::EventKind::apple_key:
    • FindWindow to figure out what was clicked
    • If MGTK::Area::desktop - ignore
    • If MGTK::Area::menubar - handle menu
    • If MGTK::Area::dragbar - handle window drag
    • If MGTK::Area::grow_box - handle window resize
    • If MGTK::Area::close_box - handle window close
    • If MGTK::Area::content:
      • FindControl
      • If MGTK::Ctl::*_scroll_bar - handle scrolling
      • If MGTK::Ctl::dead_zone - ignore
      • If MGTK::Ctl::not_a_control:
        • If not topmost:
          • SelectWindow
        • Otherwise, handle content click per app
  • If MGTK::EventKind::key_down - handle key
  • If MGTK::EventKind::drag:
    • TODO
  • If MGTK::EventKind::update:
    • If window_id is 0, draw any desktop details into clipped port
    • Otherwise, draw contents of window_id into clipped port

DA specific:

  • Call JUMP_TABLE_SYSTEM_TASK to allow DeskTop to handle periodic tasks such as updating the clock.

Redraw window

  • GetWinPort - populate a local GrafPort with an appropriately clipped port
  • if Error::window_obscured is returned, abort these steps (port will be invalid)
  • SetPort - make it current
  • optional: HideCursor - if multiple drawing calls will be made
  • ... draw ...
  • optional: ShowCursor - if it was hidden above
  • optional: SetWinPort - save changed attributes (penpos, etc) if desired

Handle Key

  • MenuKey
  • If menu_id is not 0:
    • Dispatch for menu_id and menu_item
    • HiliteMenu to toggle state back off when done
  • Otherwise:
    • handle key press per app

DA specific: Menus are not supported in DAs, so the first steps here can be skipped.

Handle Menu

  • MenuSelect to initiate menu modal loop
  • If menu_id is 0, done
  • Dispatch for menu_id and menu_item
  • HiliteMenu to toggle state back off when done

DA specific: Menus are not supported in DAs.

Handle Window Drag

  • SelectWindow to make topmost if necessary
  • DragWindow to initiate drag modal loop
  • If moved is true:

DA specific:

  • Call JUMP_TABLE_CLEAR_UPDATES to allow DeskTop to handle update events. This will not redraw the DA window, however.
  • Redraw DA window content

Handle Window Close

  • TrackGoAway to initiate modal close loop
  • If canceled - done
  • CloseWindow

DA specific:

  • Call JUMP_TABLE_CLEAR_UPDATES to allow DeskTop to handle update events.

Handle Scrolling

  • If MGTK::Part::thumb:
    • TrackThumb to initiate modal scroll loop
    • If thumb did not move - done
    • Redraw window content
    • UpdateThumb
  • If MGTK::Part::page_*:
    • Scroll by a "page"
    • Redraw window content
    • UpdateThumb
  • If MGTK::Part::*_arrow:
    • Scroll by a "line"
    • Redraw window content
    • UpdateThumb

Handle Window Resize

  • GrowWindow to initiate modal resize loop
  • If itgrew is true:

DA specific:

  • Call JUMP_TABLE_CLEAR_UPDATES to allow DeskTop to handle update events. This will not redraw the DA window, however.
  • Redraw DA window content

Handle Update Events

  • Repeat:
    • PeekEvent
    • If not MGTK::EventKind::update - exit these steps
    • Otherwise:
      • GetEvent
      • BeginUpdate
      • If error, continue
      • Otherwise:
        • If window_id is 0, redraw any desktop content (e.g. icons)
        • Otherwise, redraw window_id's content
        • EndUpdate

DA specific:

  • Following a window move, resize or close, call JUMP_TABLE_CLEAR_UPDATES to allow DeskTop to handle update events. This will not redraw the DA window, however.