diff --git a/index.bs b/index.bs
index d8cdd8d..4c6a289 100644
--- a/index.bs
+++ b/index.bs
@@ -142,28 +142,32 @@ permission-related algorithms and types are defined as follows:
Issue(WICG/permissions-request#2): Ideally this user activation requirement would be defined upstream.
-To query file system permission
-given a {{FileSystemHandle}} |handle| and a {{FileSystemPermissionMode}} |mode|, run these steps:
-1. Let |desc| be a {{FileSystemPermissionDescriptor}}.
-1. Set |desc|.{{PermissionDescriptor/name}} to {{"file-system"}}.
-1. Set |desc|.{{FileSystemPermissionDescriptor/handle}} to |handle|.
-1. Set |desc|.{{FileSystemPermissionDescriptor/mode}} to |mode|.
-1. Return |desc|'s [=permission state=].
+runs these steps:
+ 1. Return an algorithm that runs these steps, taking a |mode| argument:
+ 1. Let |desc| be a {{FileSystemPermissionDescriptor}}.
+ 1. Set |desc|.{{PermissionDescriptor/name}} to {{"file-system"}}.
+ 1. Set |desc|.{{FileSystemPermissionDescriptor/handle}} to a
+ {{FileSystemHandle}} associated with |entry|.
+ 1. Set |desc|.{{FileSystemPermissionDescriptor/mode}} to |mode|.
+ 1. Return |desc|'s [=permission state=].
request file system permission
-given a {{FileSystemHandle}} |handle| and a {{FileSystemPermissionMode}} |mode|, run these steps:
-1. Let |desc| be a {{FileSystemPermissionDescriptor}}.
-1. Set |desc|.{{PermissionDescriptor/name}} to {{"file-system"}}.
-1. Set |desc|.{{FileSystemPermissionDescriptor/handle}} to |handle|.
-1. Set |desc|.{{FileSystemPermissionDescriptor/mode}} to |mode|.
-1. Let |status| be the result of running
create a PermissionStatus for |desc|.
-1. Run the [=permission request algorithm=] for the {{"file-system"}} feature, given |desc| and |status|.
-1. Return |desc|'s [=permission state=].
+runs these steps:
+ 1. Return an algorithm that runs there steps, taking a |mode| argument:
+ 1. Let |desc| be a {{FileSystemPermissionDescriptor}}.
+ 1. Set |desc|.{{PermissionDescriptor/name}} to {{"file-system"}}.
+ 1. Set |desc|.{{FileSystemPermissionDescriptor/handle}} to a
+ {{FileSystemHandle}} associated with |entry|.
+ 1. Set |desc|.{{FileSystemPermissionDescriptor/mode}} to |mode|.
+ 1. Let |status| be the result of running
create a PermissionStatus for |desc|.
+ 1. Run the [=permission request algorithm=] for the {{"file-system"}}
+ feature, given |desc| and |status|.
+ 1. Return |desc|'s [=permission state=].
@@ -215,8 +219,9 @@ The queryPermission(|descriptor|) method,
1. Let |result| be [=a new promise=].
1. Run the following steps [=in parallel=]:
- 1. Let |state| be the result of [=querying file system permission=]
- given [=this=] and |descriptor|.{{FileSystemHandlePermissionDescriptor/mode}}.
+ 1. Let |state| be the result of running [=this=]'s
+ [=FileSystemHandle/entry=]'s [=file system entry/query access=] algorithm
+ given |descriptor|.{{FileSystemHandlePermissionDescriptor/mode}}.
1. [=/Resolve=] |result| with |state|.
1. Return |result|.
@@ -247,9 +252,9 @@ The requestPermission(|descriptor|) metho
1. Let |result| be [=a new promise=].
1. Run the following steps [=in parallel=]:
- 1. Let |state| be the result of [=requesting file system permission=]
- given [=this=] and |descriptor|.{{FileSystemHandlePermissionDescriptor/mode}}.
- If that throws an exception, [=reject=] |result| with that exception and abort.
+ 1. Let |state| be the result of running [=this=]'s
+ [=FileSystemHandle/entry=]'s [=file system entry/request access=] algorithm
+ given |descriptor|.{{FileSystemHandlePermissionDescriptor/mode}}.
1. [=/Resolve=] |result| with |state|.
1. Return |result|.
@@ -692,6 +697,11 @@ these steps:
either go back to the beginning of these [=in parallel=] steps,
or [=/reject=] |p| with an {{AbortError}} and abort.
+ 1. Set |entry|'s [=file system entry/query access=] algorithm to
+ [$QueryFileSystemPermission$](|entry|).
+ 1. Set |entry|'s [=file system entry/request access=] algorithm to
+ [$RequestFileSystemPermission$](|entry|).
1. Add a new {{FileSystemFileHandle}} associated with |entry| to |result|.
1. [=Remember a picked directory=] given |options|.{{FilePickerOptions/id}}, |entries|[0] and |environment|.
@@ -776,6 +786,11 @@ these steps:
either go back to the beginning of these [=in parallel=] steps,
or [=/reject=] |p| with an {{AbortError}} and abort.
+ 1. Set |entry|'s [=file system entry/query access=] algorithm to
+ [$QueryFileSystemPermission$](|entry|).
+ 1. Set |entry|'s [=file system entry/request access=] algorithm to
+ [$RequestFileSystemPermission$](|entry|).
1. Set |entry|'s [=binary data=] to an empty [=byte sequence=].
1. Set |result| to a new {{FileSystemFileHandle}} associated with |entry|.
@@ -845,6 +860,11 @@ these steps:
either go back to the beginning of these [=in parallel=] steps,
or [=/reject=] |p| with an {{AbortError}} and abort.
+ 1. Set |entry|'s [=file system entry/query access=] algorithm to
+ [$QueryFileSystemPermission$](|entry|).
+ 1. Set |entry|'s [=file system entry/request access=] algorithm to
+ [$RequestFileSystemPermission$](|entry|).
1. Set |result| to a new {{FileSystemDirectoryHandle}} associated with |entry|.
1. [=Remember a picked directory=] given |options|.{{DirectoryPickerOptions/id}}, |entry| and |environment|.