- Allow sets to have an [ ] (empty) default value (#232)
- Use LinkedHashSet when deserializing Set to preserve order (#227)
- Allow SchemaMapper to generate from String and not only URL (#221)
- Generate @Param and @Returns javadoc (#219)
- Creating a list of objects with class name as “S” (#213)
- Add 'customRuleFactory' config option for pluggable RuleFactory (#211)
- Added ')' to jdk unbounded range for Maven 2.X (#205)
- Allow Sets and Lists to be initialized to null (instead of an empty collection) (#203)
- Add includes & excludes Maven config options for source file filtering (#200)
- Reorganise module dependencies, pull CLI out from under other plugins (#198)
- "properties" property implies "type": "object" (#192)
- Preserve casing of field names (#187)
- sourceType = 'json' is ignored by Gradle plugin (#184)
- Handling local references on jsonschema2pojo.org (#183)
- Builder Method for Additional Properties (#175)
- javaInterfaces extension property is ignored for Enum types (#172)
- Binary property support (#171)
- Support annotating additionalProperties field. (#170)
- customAnnotator shows 'dynamic properties deprecated' warning when using Gradle plugin (#163)
- Switch from HashSet to LinkedHashSet for uniqueItems arrays to preserve order (#159)
- Add @Valid on all collections, not just those with items type "object" (#158)
- Allow collections to be null by default (#156)
- Add support for generic type arguments to javaType (#151)
- sourceType config option is ignored by the gradle plugin (#144)
- Array properties that include the word "men" in the name result in incorrectly named item class (#142)
- Type "Number" is generating Floats instead of Double (#141)
- Add config option to choose commons-lang3 for hashCode/toString implementation (#140)
- Return JType from SchemaMapper.generate(...) (#137)
- Rename setAdditionalProperties to avoid confusing naive introspectors (#136)
- ExtendedCharacters tests fail on command line, but pass in Eclipse (Windows) (#131)
- Long integers become java.lang.Double when using JSON source type (#130)
- Integration tests in GsonIT suite fail on Windows (#129)
- JSON schema with enum member with a name starting with a capital letter, causes a generation of a code that doesn't compile (#126)
- Contribute Gradle plugin (#123)
- Corrected default annotationStyle to be jackson2 (#122)
- Enable maven plugin to recurse subdirectories for schema to code generation (#117)
- Migrate groupId to org.jsonschema2pojo (#116)
- Migrate package structure to org.jsonschema2pojo (#115)
- Allow system default charset to be overriden (#113)
- Configuration option to use Joda types (#110)
- Default propertyWordDelimiters to commonly used characters (#109)
- Standalone enums have wrong package name (#103)
- Type names are printed to stdout during code generation (#101)
- @Valid is not being added to an arrays of objects that are defined using a $ref (#97)
- ContentResolver.resolve throws a.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unrecognised URI when path to schema contains space (#94)
- Add 'removeOldOutput' option to clear all previously generated sources (#92)
- Add support for generating Gson compatible types (#70)
- Add extension to force generated classes to implement additional interface(s) (#60)
- Better inflection when making array names singular (#96)
- Optimized deserialization for enum values (#95)
- Elements with similar names are overwritten (#93)
- Support for classpath in Ant target (#89)
- Support for custom Annotator classes (#86)
- Add support for http:// URLs when using $ref (#87)
- Add support for resource: URLs when using $ref (#85)
- JSON property called "class" creates a method called "getClass" which Java is not happy about (#84)
- Support @Valid annotation for transitive validation (#82)
- Add minLength/maxLength to JSR-303 support (#78)
- Array properties use item type instead of collection type when using a ref to an array schema more than once (#76)
- Array item type is not named well when array property name ends in 'ies' (#75)
- Run a hosted/web version of jsonschema2pojo (#66)
- Configuration propertyWordDelimiters are used for properties but ignored when naming new Java types (#73)
- Reserved Java words are not transformed during object generation when propertyWordDelimiters=_ is used (#72)
- Threadsafe Maven generate mojo (#71)
- Support generating types 'by example', using example JSON document instead of a JSON Schema (#42)
- Switch from commons-jci snapshot to jsr-199 compiler for integration tests (#68)
- Support both Jackson 1.x and Jackson 2.x (#64)
- Property name that is a java keyword generates java code with compile error (#63)
- Some tests fail on Windows due to line.separator differences (#56)
- Support for JSR-303 validation annotations (#18)
- Add support for multiple source files/directories (#62)
- Default null value causes NumberFormatException (#61)
- Compile error when schema contains list with empty default value (#59)
- Exception thrown for empty string enum value. (#58)
- Add flag not to generate hashCode() and equals() to Maven plugin (#53)
- Add flag to Maven plugin that allows Jackson annotations to be omitted (#52)
- No source file in exception from parse error (#50)
- Switch from Easymock to Mockito (#49)
- IllegalArgumentException when using hyphen as a delimiter in the CLI (#47)
- Remove Serializable from POJOs since they aren't (necessarily) (#45)
- Migrate to Jackson 2.0 (#44)
- Support for union types (#17)
- Null pointer when invoking the maven plugin if propertyWordDelimiters not set (#46)
- Add support for primitive types via the javaType property (#41)
- generation yields unreproducible results for "additionalProperties" (#40)
- Option for generating CamelCase names (#39)
- Add 'skip' property to allow maven plugin to be easily switched off (#37)
- Keep wiki example in line with code automatically (#35)
- Add Eclipse m2e support (#34)
- Ant task(s) for jsonschema2pojo (#23)
- Migrate to git (#33)
- Remove deprecated 'optional' rule (#32)
- Properties should be nullable, use wrapper types not primitives (#31)
- omitting targetPackage causes NullPointerException in maven plugin (#30)
- Improve serialization ordering (#27)
- Omit null valued properties when deserializing POJOs (#29)
- Publish maven plugin documentation (#26)
- Make the addition of output dir as a source root optional (#25)
- Plugin does not respect types present on the project classpath (#24)
- Add support for more format values (#21)
- Pom files cause plugin version warnings in Maven 3 (#20)
- Support for 'extends' schema rule (#14)
- Copyright notices are currently out-of-date (#19)
- Support for 'default' schema rule (#15)
- Add acceptance test framework for better end-to-end testing (#10)
- Create empty collection when mapping JSON array to Java List/Set (#3)
- Properties with special characters in name are not marshalled/unmarshalled correctly (#13)
- Format rule only applies to strings, spec says it is valid for any type (#12)
- Type rule does not default to "any" or accept unrecognised types as per spec (#11)
- Support for $ref (#7)
- Jackson Enum annotations aren't applied correctly (#9)
- Publish versioned javadocs & remove head javadocs from repo (#6)
- Schema with non-complex type as root element produces extra/invalid pojos (#8)
- Support additionalProperties from json schema (#5)
- Create builder-style pojos (#2)
- Automate all release tasks (#48)