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How To Create a User Plugin

Background: Nuitka Standard and User Plugins

User plugins are technically built and structured in the same way as Nuitka's own standard plugins are. There also is no difference with respect to what they can do. Both types are invoked via parameters in Nuitka's command line. The difference is the invocation format:

  • A standard plugin is invoked by --enable-plugin=<plugin_name>. The string <plugin_name> is a unique identifier by which Nuitka identifies it. As soon as Nuitka has found the corresponding plugin, it will call its initialization method. Nuitka also has some standard plugins which are always activated. A standard plugin is represented by a Python script living in nuitka/plugins/standard. Standard plugins also internally have an object which can issue warnings when it encounters situations looking like it is required.
  • A user plugin is invoked by --user-plugin=</path/to/>. Nuitka will import the script and call its initialization method just like for a standard plugin. The plugin must have a non-empty string specified in its variable plugin_name. It must also not equal one of the de-activated standard plugin strings. Best practice is filling it with the filename, e.g. plugin_name == __file__, because this allows providing it with options. User plugins are always activated once successfully loaded. They therefore have no mechanism to warn if not being used.

Example User Plugin

This is a simple demo user plugin. It will display source code lines of the main program if they contain calls to the math module, if an option named "trace" is active:

import os
import sys

from nuitka import Options
from nuitka.plugins.PluginBase import NuitkaPluginBase

class NuitkaPluginMine(NuitkaPluginBase):
    # Derive from filename, but can and should also be explicit.
    plugin_name = __name__.split(".")[-1]

    def __init__(self, trace_my_plugin):
        # demo only: extract and display my options list
        # check whether some specific option is set

        self.check = trace_my_plugin" 'trace' is set to '%s'" % self.check)

        # do more init work here ...

    def addPluginCommandLineOptions(cls, group):
            help="This is show in help output."

    def onModuleSourceCode(self, module_name, source_filename, source_code):
        # if this is the main script and tracing should be done ...
        if module_name == "__main__" and self.check:
  " Calls to 'math' module:")
            for i, l in enumerate(source_code.splitlines()):
                if "math." in l:
          " %i: %s" % (i+1, l))
        return source_code

Sample invocation line and output:

python -m nuitka --standalone
Nuitka:INFO: '' options: ['trace']
Nuitka:INFO: 'trace' is set to True
Nuitka:INFO:User plugin '' loaded.
Nuitka:INFO: Calls to 'math' module:
Nuitka:INFO: 125: print(math.sqrt(2))

Nuitka Options Overview

About 60 methods are available to access option information for the current Nuitka execution. Import the Options module (from nuitka import Options) and use one of the following.

Please note that str results may return None. Except very few, the methods have no argument.

Method Description
assumeYesForDownloads bool = --assume-yes-for-downloads
isExperimental bool, check for items of --experimental=
getFileReferenceMode str, one of runtime, original or frozen (--file-reference-mode)
getIconPaths list, values of icon options
getJobLimit int, value of --jobs / -j or number of CPU kernels
getMainArgs tuple, arguments following the optional arguments
getMsvcVersion str, value of --msvc
getMustIncludeModules list, items of --include-module=
getMustIncludePackages list, items of --include-package=
getOutputDir str, value of --output-dir
getOutputFilename str, value of -o
getOutputPath(path) str, os.path.join(getOutputDir(), path)
getPluginsDisabled tuple, items of --disable-plugin=
getPluginsEnabled tuple, enabled plugins (including user plugins)
getPluginOptions(plugin_name) list, options for specified plugin
getPositionalArgs tuple, command line positional arguments
getPythonFlags list, value of --python-flag
getPythonPathForScons str, value of --python-for-scons
getShallFollowExtra list, items of --include-plugin-directory=
getShallFollowExtraFilePatterns list, items of --include-plugin-files=
getShallFollowInNoCase list, items of --nofollow-import-to=
getShallFollowModules list, items of --follow-import-to=
getUserPlugins tuple, items of --user-plugin=
isAllowedToReexecute bool = not --must-not-re-execute
isClang bool = --clang
isDebug bool = --debug or --debugger
isExperimental("feature") bool = --experimental=feature
isFullCompat bool = --full-compat
isLto bool = --lto
isMingw64 bool = --mingw64
isProfile bool = --profile
shallUsePythonDebug bool = --python-debug or sys.flags.debug
isRemoveBuildDir bool = --remove-output
isShowInclusion bool = --show-modules
isShowMemory bool = --show-memory
isShowProgress bool = --show-progress
isShowScons bool = --show-scons
isStandaloneMode bool = --standalone
isUnstripped bool = --unstripped or --profile
isVerbose bool = --verbose
shallClearPythonPathEnvironment bool = not --execute-with-pythonpath
shallCreatePyiFile bool = not --no-pyi-file
shallDetectMissingPlugins bool = not --plugin-no-detection
shallDisableConsoleWindow bool = --win-disable-console
shallExecuteImmediately bool = --run
shallExplainImports bool = --explain-imports
shallFollowAllImports bool = --follow-imports
shallFollowNoImports bool = --nofollow-imports
shallListPlugins bool = --plugin-list
shallMakeModule bool = --module
shallNotDoExecCCompilerCall bool = --generate-c-only
shallNotStoreDependsExeCachedResults bool = --disable-dll-dependency-cache
shallNotUseDependsExeCachedResults bool = --disable-dll-dependency-cache or --force-dll-dependency-cache-update
shallOnlyExecCCompilerCall bool = --recompile-c-only
shallRunInDebugger bool = --debug
shallTraceExecution bool = --trace-execution
shallWarnImplicitRaises bool = --warn-implicit-exceptions
shallWarnUnusualCode bool = --warn-unusual-code