Releases: ZoeyVid/NPMplus
- close #782 - nginx now reads cloudflares CF-Connecting-IP header
- update coreruleset to v4.2.0
- switch to freenginx
- dep updates
- remove aws cloudfront ips, because their real ip header doesn't work
- block apache files
Full Changelog: 2024-04-19-r2...2024-04-27-r1
- use clean-modules instead of node-prune
Full Changelog: 2024-04-19-r1...2024-04-19-r2
- improve workflows
- update nginx to 1.25.5
- update deps
- update eslint and use prettier
Full Changelog: 2024-03-25-r1...2024-04-19-r1
Hello, this is not a new release.
I want to rewrite NPMplus in PHP in the near future, this will unify the backend and frontend, but will remove the API, I will try to make it possible to migrate to the rewrite from the "old" Node.js version (not sure with TLS Certificates). Please write Ideas you want into this discussion. The rewritten version will look different from NPMplus does now, CSS will be done by @DavidCraftDev. No I don't know when I will start working on this and when I will be finished with it / when an alpha/beta version will be published. But you can expect that no all changes listed below will be there with the first release.
What will be added/changed/kept?
- API will be removed
- gravatar will be removed, you can upload profile pictures yourself
- Written in PHP (with some composer deps) and CSS based on Tailwind by @DavidCraftDev
- will also improve dark mode
- Option to further protect login using MFA and optional hcaptcha support
- I will switch to #585 (removal of certbot)
- custom CAs in UI
- export/import option #628
- Language support #693
- Geo-blocking #730
- proxy protocol upstreams for stream #619
- easier static/php site support in UI
- everything NPMplus currently supports
- try to move all env options to the UI (
- error/access logs in UI
- Crowdsec BOUNCER config in UI
- coreruleset/crs plugins/modsec in UI
- your ideas/more
- instead of using and nginx, use caddy instead? not sure...
- close #717 by adding an env option to disable the 404 error redirect
- dep updates
- improve TZ regex
- add additional warning for deprecated env
Full Changelog: 2024-03-21-r2...2024-03-25-r1
Full Changelog: 2024-03-21-r1...2024-03-21-r2
- fix #704
- dep updates
Full Changelog: 2024-03-12-r3...2024-03-21-r1
- use su-exec instead of sudo
Full Changelog: 2024-03-12-r2...2024-03-12-r3
- try to fix #698 again by adding findutils
- Remove prerun patches (just ignore this, if you don't know what this is) - also the path of the prerun scripts changed
Full Changelog: 2024-03-12-r1...2024-03-12-r2
- fix #698
Full Changelog: 2024-03-11-r1...2024-03-12-r1