from glob import glob from tqdm import tqdm from PIL import Image from skimage.color import gray2rgb from utils import * from crops_utils import * import tensorflow as tf import scipy.misc import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def run_resize_on_net(resize_fun, imgs, batch_size, scale): imgs = np.array(imgs) i = 0 res = None while(i + batch_size < len(imgs)): out = resize_fun(imgs[i:i+batch_size], batch_size, scale)[0] if res is None: res = out else: res = np.concatenate((res, out)) i += batch_size if i >= len(imgs): return res last_part = imgs[i:] out = resize_fun(last_part, len(last_part), scale)[0] if res is None: return out res = np.concatenate((res, out)) return res def __test_img_with_crops(img, img_out_shape, img_x, img_y, scale, resize_fun, batch_size, channels): output = np.zeros(img_out_shape) w, h, c = img.shape o_w, o_h, oc = img_out_shape c_x, c_y = img_x, img_y c_o_x, c_o_y = int(img_x*scale), int(img_y*scale) n_w = w // c_x n_h = h // c_y i = 0 crops = lambda img, i, j, s_x, s_y: img[i * s_x : (i+1) * s_x, j * s_y : (j+1) * s_y, :] imgs_smaller = [crops(img, i, j, c_x, c_y) for i in range(n_w) for j in range(n_h)] all_resized = run_resize_on_net(resize_fun, imgs_smaller, batch_size, scale) for i in range(n_w): for j in range(n_h): output[i*c_o_x:(i+1)*c_o_x, j*c_o_y:(j+1)*c_o_y, :] = all_resized[i*n_h + j].reshape(c_o_x, c_o_y, channels)# * 255 frame = [] begins = [i * c_x for i in range(n_w)] begins.append((w - c_x)) crops = [img[b : b + c_x, h - c_y : h, :] for b in begins] bottom_frame = run_resize_on_net(resize_fun, crops, batch_size, scale) for i, b in enumerate(begins): start = min(int(b*scale), o_w - c_o_x) output[start : start + c_o_x, o_h - c_o_y : o_h, :] = bottom_frame[i].reshape(c_o_x, c_o_y, channels)# * 255 begins = [i * c_y for i in range(n_h)] begins.append((h - c_y)) crops = [img[w - c_x : w, b : b + c_y :] for b in begins] right_frame = run_resize_on_net(resize_fun, crops, batch_size, scale) for i, b in enumerate(begins): start = min(int(b*scale), o_h - c_o_y) output[o_w - c_o_x : o_w, start : start + c_o_y :] = right_frame[i].reshape(c_o_x, c_o_y, channels)# * 255 return output def __test_on_img(img, img_x, img_y, scale_in, scale_out, scale, resize_fun, batch_size, channels, scale_down_function): img_in, img_out = __get_two_img_scale(img, scale_in, scale_out, scale_down_function) img_in = img_in / 255 img_out = img_out return img_out, __test_img_with_crops(img_in, img_out.shape, img_x, img_y, scale, resize_fun, batch_size, channels) def __test_on_img_more_precise(img, img_x, img_y, scale_in, scale_out, scale, resize_fun, batch_size, channels, scale_down_function): img_in, img_out = __get_two_img_scale(img, scale_in, scale_out, scale_down_function) img_in_2 = np.array(img_in) img_in = img_in / 255 img_out = img_out my_out = __compute_average_from_scale_up_crops(img_in, img_x, img_y, scale, resize_fun, batch_size, channels) return img_in_2, img_out, my_out def __compute_average_from_scale_up_crops(small_img, input_x_size, input_y_size, scale, resize_fun, batch_size, channels): w,h,c = small_img.shape def get_crop_value(decreasing_val, scale_1): i = decreasing_val while i > 0: up = i * scale_1 if int(up) == up and i < decreasing_val-8: break i -= 1 assert i != 0 return i w_crop = get_crop_value(w, scale) h_crop = get_crop_value(h, scale) img_1 = np.array(small_img[0:w_crop, 0:h_crop,:]) img_2 = np.array(small_img[w - w_crop:w, 0:h_crop,:]) img_3 = np.array(small_img[0:w_crop, h-h_crop:h,:]) img_4 = np.array(small_img[w - w_crop:w, h-h_crop:h,:]) crops = [img_1, img_2, img_3, img_4] w_crop_s = int(w_crop * scale) h_crop_s = int(h_crop * scale) crop_out_shape = (w_crop_s, h_crop_s, c) outs = [__test_img_with_crops(c, crop_out_shape, input_x_size, input_y_size, scale, resize_fun, batch_size, channels) for c in crops] def make_crops_avarage(crops, w, h, c): result = np.zeros([w,h,c]) # print(result[0:w_crop_s, 0:h_crop_s,:].shape) # print(crops[0].shape) result[0:w_crop_s, 0:h_crop_s,:] += crops[0] result[w - w_crop_s:w, 0:h_crop_s,:] += crops[1] result[0:w_crop_s, h - h_crop_s:h,:] += crops[2] result[w - w_crop_s:w, h - h_crop_s:h,:] += crops[3] result[w - w_crop_s:w_crop_s, h - h_crop_s:h_crop_s,:] /= 4 result[0:w - w_crop_s, h - h_crop_s:h_crop_s,:] /= 2 result[w_crop_s:w, h - h_crop_s:h_crop_s,:] /= 2 result[w - w_crop_s:w_crop_s, 0:h - h_crop_s,:] /= 2 result[w - w_crop_s:w_crop_s, h_crop_s:h,:] /= 2 return result return make_crops_avarage(outs, int(w*scale), int(h*scale), c) def __fix_greyscale(img): if len(img.shape) < 3: return gray2rgb(img) else: return img def run_test(path, resize_fun, scale_in, input_x_size, input_y_size, scale, channels, batch_size, scale_down_function_name, downscaled_img_path=''): scale_down_function = get_interp_function(scale_down_function_name) scale_out = scale_in / scale img = np.array( if downscaled_img_path != '': img_in, img_out = np.array(, img else: img_in, img_out = __get_two_img_scale(img, scale_in, scale_out, scale_down_function) if img_in.shape == img_out.shape and img_in.shape[0] == input_x_size: #MNIST/CIFAR my_out = resize_fun(np.expand_dims(img_in /255, axis=0), 1,1) return img_in*255, img_out, my_out[0].reshape(img_out.shape) img_in, img_out = __fix_greyscale(img_in), __fix_greyscale(img_out) img_in_2 = np.array(img_in) img_in = img_in / 255 my_out = __compute_average_from_scale_up_crops(img_in, input_x_size, input_y_size, scale, resize_fun, batch_size, channels) return img_in_2, img_out, my_out