This sample includes an .app iOS simulator file & an .IPA iOS device file. It also has a pre-written Appium test suite prepared for running in AppCenter/Test or
Please see this document for information on preparing an existing Appium test suite for running in AppCenter:
If you haven't previously set up Appium, you can do so by following these steps:
- Install
: - Install Appium by using this command in the Terminal (it may require additional permission arguments to work: npm/npm#17268):
sudo npm install -g appium
Install Maven:
Install carthage:
brew install carthage
- Install ios-deploy
npm install -g ios-deploy
(Note: The author of this sample used IntelliJ IDEA 2017.3.4 (Ultimate Edition) on Mac OS X 10.13.3, though other tools for building/running may work.)
- You have to make some setup specific modifications to the tests to make them runnable locally. Those are documented here:
- Initial / Simulator setup:
- Additional steps for real devices:
- The sample also has commented lines on how you can modify it to run locally: Maven/src/test/java/com/microsoft/altframeworktraining/
- Build the Maven project using your perferred method. Your IDE may prompt you to auto-apply some settings, in which case confirm them.
- Make sure to start the local Appium server before running tests, otherwise the tests will fail.
Note: Only .IPA files are compatible in App Center Test, because physical iOS devices are used, not simulators
- Build the Maven project.
- Generate a command line for upload. Directions
- Run the upload command with project-specific arguments:
- OS X paste your command as the value for 'AppCenter_Test_Command' in ''. In terminal navigate to the Maven folder and run 'sh' to generate the 'test/upload' folder and then upload to AppCenter/Test
- Windows The '' file is not technically compatible with Windows, however it shows how to modify the generated command to upload this sample manually.
See Also:
The sample app is the Xamarin.Forms iOS app sourcecode found in the Xamarin.UITest sample here:
The sample was created using a Xamarin.Forms template project with Xamarin.UITest support added. Including or removing Xamarin.UITest has no effect on running Appium iOS tests against this sample according to our QA tests; so if you wish to build the same sample from the iOS source it should work normally.