Thank you for intent to contribute to SnippetStore. As I only have one machine that run linux, I really need some help from you guys in order to distribute this app on MacOS.
Build for windows:
npm run dist:win
Build for macOS:
npm run dist:mac
Build for linux:
npm run dist:linux
- Install dependencies
cd SnippetStore
npm i
- Run Project
npm run dev
- Add some code and send me the PR
|-- app // contains the main process code
|-- browser // contains the render process code
|-- core // contains the core functions CRUD
|-- lib // contains functions that can be used for both core functions and render components
|-- render // contains render components, pages
|-- components // small components
|-- layouts // snippet list layouts
|-- lib // lib for render functions
|-- modals // setting modal, create modal,...
|-- store // mobX store
|-- languages // contains the languages for i18n
|-- scripts // development scripts like webpack...
|-- test // tests
|-- resources // fonts, images, icons
Please run eslint and check for error before submit a PR
npm run lint
Please add some tests for the new features, it make PR more easy to review and merge