- Some tweaks on the generated messages.
- Experimental @nogc support thanks to mir-algorithm and dip1008
- Fix some hidden bug with should.exist() with pointers
- Improved output message. Now shows that type of the expected and tests values.
- Pijamas now supports DLang frontend 2.086
- Moved unit-tests to an separate foolder to avoid pollute other projects with Pijamas unit-testing dependencies.
- Launch tests using silly, unit-threaded, trial and dunit.
- Assertions now throws AssertException that extends from Exception or to unit-threaded UnitTestException
- Added expect and .to()
- Now Assertion is a struct
- Switching to GitHub CI
- Update tests to use Silly 1.1
- Tweaks on tests dependencies (optional: true)
- Update to DLang frontend 2.91
- Using std.math.isClose instead of .approxEquals
- Added .close as alias of .approxEquals
- .throw must be @trusted, to allow to catch Errors
- Added .biggerOrEqualThan and .smallerOrEqualThan
- .equals and others, must be @trusted to allow to call @system opEquals
- .approxEquals to do approximated equality of float types
- Make Pijamas @safe
- Rename module to pijamas.
- .empty for arrays, associative arrays and strings.
Versions v0.2.x must keep being source compatible with Pyjamas.
- Ignores failing Appveyor with LDC on 32 bit Windows. Looks that its a problem of 32bit DUB+LDC 1.21.0 on Windows.
Versions v0.2.x must keep being source compatible with Pyjamas.
- Update to DLang frontend 2.090
- Autogeneration of GH Pages with documentation
- Rewrite tests to use Silly
- Fixed false positives with should.exists . The old approach to see if is convertible to null, wasn't working.
- Fixed .match(ctRegex) . Now mimics how std.regex : match handles it
- Improved the test battery to detect false positives.
- Documenting the source code, so ddoc can generate the documentation.