Approx 45min - 1hour depending on your network. minimum device requirements 2gb ram, 10-12gb storage
Download termux for droid either via this link or via the github repository I suggest you do not download the google play store one as it has no regular updates. Also I reccomend this VNC apk for your desktop environment.
After termux installation open termux to set it up by following these steps {C&P1BY1&YFOREVERYTHING}
pkg update && pkg upgrade -y
pkg install x11-repo -y
apt get-update && apt full-upgrade -y
pkg install git
pkg install python
pkg install python3
pkg install wget
pkg install curl
pkg install cmake
pkg install rust
pkg install proot
pkg update -y && pkg upgrade -y
Now your terminal is setup lets move onto the kali install/build.
If install stops repeat this in your cmd line until instalation continues it gets and installs missing pkgs
apt --fix-broken install
if you are really stuck look at my SS if not feel free to contact me}
pkg install wget openssl-tool proot -y && hash -r && wget && bash
After kali has installed start it by inputting, ./
Once your cmd line changes to root@localhost:~# continue following my steps. {C&P1BY1}
wget --no-check-certificate && bash
Just follow the installation steps after installation carry on following my steps {C&P1BY1}
apt update -y && apt full-upgrade -y
apt install -y kali-linux-nethunter
Follow the installation instructions for the kali nethunter install. FYI yes for everything, for kismet put yes enter then leave blank and press enter. Remember if install stops just input on your cmd line { apt --fix-broken install } you might have to do this a couple times to install your missing packages dont worry its not broken error's it will restart itself. Also if it feels like its doing nothing leave it its configuring the packages in the background, DO NOT CLOSE TERMUX OR END THE PROCCESS YOU WILL HAVE TO REDO EVERYTHING
Continue following my steps. {C&P1BY1}:
apt install apt-file
apt-file update
Run this one more time. apt update -y && apt full-upgrade -y
If nothing needs doing type exit then Ctrl alt z then exit x2 then enter
Restart termux and input ./ if nethunter was a successful install your cmd line should now say ┌──(root㉿localhost)-[~] ignore the message from kali devs as you will at this point have nethunter fully installed and setup its just an advertisement and input touch ~/.hushlogin.
After input
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade -y
apt autoremove
Double check nothing needs doing with,
apt update && apt full-upgrade -y
if nothing needs to be done then input vncserver to start the desktop. Then log in on your VNC apk. Input what it says in termux into your vnc server apk.
local host = port number will be showing more than likely will be 5902. Then when it asks for your password, input the password you created earlier
Once you are logged into your nethunter desktop go back into termux and input,
vncserver -kill :1
As this is what we used to create our desktop earlier and is no longer needed once we are logged in on a fresh desktop environment. To exit nethunter and termux after using repeat some of the previous steps we took.
If black screen on vnc startup input:
vncserver -kill
chmod +x ~/.vnc/xstartup
please go to this repository of mine to update nethunter
I am on a rootless device but as you can see I have rooted nethunter. I have spent my own free time working on this. So any feedback would be much appreciated thank you, any questions feel free to ask.
A better way to install NH and the only rooted version for both rooted and rootless devices, and now my way the rooted way is now one of the only ways to use nethunter with 0 errors 0 bugs 0 stress. I have spent hours puzzling the Pieces together to get it working again of my own free will, i managed to do this as i specialise in bash and used my knowledge of termux to create this version building a desktop env for nethunter rather than using an installer that comes with a bunch of bugs Everyone can now have access to a linux distro, No matter if your Device is rooted or not and best part about it it doesnt touch your main OS so enjoy my freinds.
~$ ZłO