- Fix useScrollPosition may have undefined element
- Fix nextjs issue in SSR
- Multiple minor JSDoc bugs, typos fixed
- Refactor useEventListener for wider use cases
- Update version of the generateUniqueId function.
Add generateUniqueId for user decided length.
Support millisecond precision for generateUniqueId.
- Minor bugs fixed for debounce and eventlistener
- Update jsr config
- Add lost return type declaration. Publish to JSR
Update all dom hooks with debounce and extend
- Update all dom hooks with debounce
- Extend dom hooks not only for window but also for document and element
- Merge
- Add
state hook
- Support NextJS Client side components
- Try to support for nextjs
- add timeout to copy util.
First Version ready for Production
- Build & Packaging: Fixed the incomplete build process, ensuring all exports and types are properly included.
- Production Readiness: This is the first usable version of
. - Ready for use in modern React (support 19RC) and Next.js (support 15) projects.
- Fix React peerDependencies issue
Update JSDoc, add new functions.
- Hooks:
- useInViewport: Hook to check if an element is in the viewport (could provide a offset).
- useIsBottom: Hook to check if an element is at the bottom of the viewport (could provide a offset).
- useIsTop: Hook to check if an element is at the top of the viewport (could provide a offset).
- useKeyPress: Hook to listen to key presses.
- useScrollProgress: Hook to get the scroll progress of current window (from 0 to 100).
- useDebouncedCallback: Hook to create a debounced callback.
- Utils:
- mathUtils, dateUtils, stringUtils, objectUtils: add new functions.
- Hooks:
- Bump up to test new workflow
- Update documentation site structure
- bump version to 0.1.2
- b588129: Update package.json
- Initialize project with core features:
- Lightweight and reusable React hooks.
- Fully typed TypeScript support.
- Organized utilities for async, state, and DOM management.
- Added initial API documentation.
- Integrated VitePress for generating project documentation.
- Set up basic testing framework using Vitest.
- Achieved ~100% test coverage for core utilities.