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A simple commerce package for Laravel

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After searching for a simple ecommerce package for Laravel and not finding a lightweight simple to use solution - I decided to attempt to create one myself.

Read the official documentation here:


  • Cart (stored in the session - so guests can also have a cart)
  • Orders
  • Coupons
  • Special Offers
  • Multiple Currencies
  • Multiple Payment Gateways

This package only implements the backend logic, and leaves you with full control over the frontend.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require yiddishe-kop/laravel-commerce

To publish the commerce.php config file:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="YiddisheKop\LaravelCommerce\CommerceServiceProvider" --tag="config"

You can also publish the migrations if you need to customize them:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="YiddisheKop\LaravelCommerce\CommerceServiceProvider" --tag="migrations"



You can access the cart anywhere, regardless if the user is logged in or a guest, using the facade:

use YiddisheKop\LaravelCommerce\Facades\Cart;

$cart = Cart::get();

When the guest logs in, the cart will be attached to his account 👌.

Note: If you want the cart to still be available after logout, you need to override the following method in Auth\LoginController:

public function logout(Request $request) {

    // keep cart data for after logout
    $cartId = session()->get('cart');
    session()->put('cart', $cartId);

    if ($response = $this->loggedOut($request)) {
        return $response;

    return $request->wantsJson()
        ? new JsonResponse([], 204)
        : redirect('/');


You can make any model purchasable - by implementing the Purchasable contract:

use YiddisheKop\LaravelCommerce\Contracts\Purchasable;
use YiddisheKop\LaravelCommerce\Traits\Purchasable as PurchasableTrait;

class Product implements Purchasable {
  use PurchasableTrait;

    // the title of the product
    public function getTitle(): string {
        return $this->name;

    // the price
    public function getPrice(): int {
        return $this->price;
Add products to cart

Adding a product to the cart couldn't be simpler:

Cart::add(Purchasable $product, int $quantity = 1);


$product->addToCart($quantity = 1);

If you add a product that already exists in the cart, we'll automatically just update the quantity 😎 .

Remove products from the cart
Cart::remove(Purchasable $product);



To empty the whole cart:


Access cart items

You can access the cart items using the items relation:

$cartItems = $cart->items;

To access the Product model from the cartItem, use the model relation (morphable):

$product = $cart->items[0]->model;

Calculate Totals

To calculate and persist the totals of the cart, use the calculateTotals() method:


Now the cart has the following data up to date:

  "items_total" => 3552
  "tax_total" => 710.0
  "coupon_total" => "0"
  "grand_total" => 4262.0

Deleted products will automatically get removed from the cart upon calculating the totals.


You can use the HasOrders trait on the User model, to get a orders relationship:

use YiddisheKop\LaravelCommerce\Traits\HasOrders;

class User {
  use HasOrders;
  // ...

// you can now get all the users' orders (status complete)
$orders = $user->orders;


This package has extensive tests - with the delightful Pest framework. To run the tests:

composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.