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CLAP: Isolating Content from Style through Contrastive Learning with Augmented Prompts

[Paper] (arxiv)


Figure 1 Causal generative models of vision-language data. ~


Figure 2 Refining CLIP through data augmentation.

1. Installation

a) Install CLIP and the following pakages:

pip install pyyaml
pip install tensorboard
pip install scikit-learn

b) Install EDA for the ablative experiments.

2. Preparing datasets

Download PACS, VLCS, OfficeHome and DomainNet (cleaned version) datasets to the "./data" directory, and arrange them as the following directory structure:

└── datasets/
   ├── PACS/                       // dataset
   │   ├── art_painting/           // domain
   │   │   ├── dog/                // class name
   │   │   │   ├── sample1.jpg
   │   │   │   ├── sample2.jpg
   │   │   │   └── ...
   │   │   ├── ...
   │   ├── ...
   ├── VLCS/
   │   ├── Caltech101/
   │   ├── ...
   ├── OfficeHome/
   │   ├── Art/
   │   ├── ...
   └── DomainNet/
       ├── clipart/
       ├── ...

To generate a YAML file containing the class names and template prompts for training CLAP with your own dataset, follow these steps:

  1. Organize your dataset into the following directory structure:
Dataset name/
├── Domain name/
│   ├── Class name 1/
│   │   ├── Sample1.jpg
│   │   ├── Sample2.jpg
│   │   └── ...
│   ├── Class name 2/
│   │   ├── Sample1.jpg
│   │   ├── Sample2.jpg
│   │   └── ...
│   └── ...
└── ...
  1. Create a YAML file ([dataset_name].yaml) that contains the class names by runing:
python gen_class_names dataset_name     # `dataset_name` is the directory name of your own Dataset
  1. Generate template prompts for training CLAP:
python dataset_name

Few-shot samples

Run this code to generate the few-shot training data for evaluating the linear probe setting:

python dataset_name

3. Usage

3.1 Training

Run the following script for training a CLAP disentangled network:

python config/[train_config].yaml     # Refer to the template "" for configuration details.

Here, we use our configurations of using CLIP ViT-B/16 on VLCS dataset as an example of the [train_config].yaml:

# train_CLAP_VLCS_ViTB.yaml

# [SEED]
manual_seed: 2024   

clip_name: ViT-B/16   
latent_dim: 512           # Latent dimension of the disentangled network
out_dim: 512              # Output dimension of the disentangled network, we set it the same with CLIP feature dim in our experiments.
repeat: 0                 # Add repeated layers of the network, we always set it to 0 in our experiments.
scale: 1                  # The scale parameter of the disentangled network is always 1 in traning.
activation: torch.nn.SiLU   
drop_rate_psi_n_beta: 0   # dropout, not used
drop_rate_theta: 0        # dropout, not used
  - beta                  # beta for text modality, i.e. training CLAP
  # - psi                 # uncomment psi and comment beta, if taining Im.Aug
weights_path:             # not used 
load_weights:             # not used

  - VLCS                  # The test dataset for this training, to determine path to prompt and class names...
batch_size: 8             # Batch size, we set it lager than the number of class names
shuffle: True             # Shuffle the dataloader if True
prompts_path: data/prompts_template/VLCS    # Specify the path to training prompt source
images_path:              # Specify the path to synthetic training images if training Im.Aug, otherwise leave it empty.

# Prompt augmentation configurations, invalid when training Im.Aug
  eda: False              # If use eda, then the belowing args are invalid; Our CLAP set it to False.
  replace: False          # If True, replace property to a new word but not erase it, we set it to False.
  object_size: 0.5        # The probability of deleting/replacing object size property
  object_color: 0.5       # The probability of deleting/replacing object color property
  img_type:  0            # The probability of deleting/replacing image type property
  art_style: 0            # The probability of deleting/replacing art style property
  reverse: 0.5            # The probability of swapping the statement order of the prompt.
noise_len: 4              # The context length of random noise augmentation (set it to zero, when the class names is enough big)
std: 0.02                 # The standard deviation of random norm noise.

# Image augmentation configurations, invalid when training CLAP
    - 0.0   # 0.5    # probability
    - 0.25      # max ratio of maskd blocks
    - 8         # lower bound of [img_W/block_w]
    - 16        # upper bound of [img_W/block_w]
  perspective: 0.0 # 0.3  # max distortion scale
    - 0.64      # lower bound of cropped area ratio
    - 1.0       # upper bound of cropped area ratio
  hflip: 0    # 0.5 # probability

optimizer: torch.optim.Adam     # Optimizer for training CLAP
learning_rate: 0.0001           # Initial learning rate
weight_decay: 0                 
total_steps: 8000               # Total training steps
tau_txt: 0.5                    # Temperature value of the loss function, only valid for CLAP
tau_cnt: 1                      # Only valid for CLAP
scale_coef: 1                   # Lambda coefficient to balance loss terms, only valid for CLAP
tau_img: 0.5                    # Temperature value of Im.Aug loss function
log_frequency: 50               
check_frequency: 480            # We generate 480 prompt samples per class, so we check loss at every 480 steps.
  patience: 5                   # Patience of checking steps for early stopping
  delta: 0.01                   # Delta value for early stopping

3.2 Evaluation

python config/[eval_config].yaml   # evaluating zero-shot performance, both in natural and adversarial settings
python config/[eval_config].yaml   # evaluating few-shot (1,4,8,16,32) performance, in the natural setting.
python config/[eval_config].yaml   # evaluating one-shot performance, in the adversarial setting.

Here, we use our configurations of using CLIP ViT-B/16 on the VLCS dataset as an example for the [eval_config].yaml:

# eval_CLAP_VLCS_ViTB.yaml

# [SEED]
manual_seed: 2024
eval_clip: False

clip_name: ViT-B/16 
latent_dim: 512        # Keep the same with your training configuration
out_dim: 512           # Keep the same with your training configuration
repeat: 0              # Keep the same with your training configuration
scale: 0.056           # alpha value of the disentangled network for inference
activation: torch.nn.SiLU  

# [model to be evaluated] 
  - beta                                   # CLAP, keep the same with your training configuration.
ckpt_path: runs/Results_CLAP_ViTB/VLCS     # Path to your checkpoints path of your trained disentangled network
                                           # If `eval_clip: True`, specify a directory to save the evaluation results.

  VLCS:               # Dataset name, keep the same with your training configuration
    - Caltech101      # Domains in the dataset
    - LabelMe
    - SUN09
    - VOC2007

Search alpha value for inference: To search for an optimal alpha value for inference, please refer to the code in the script. You may want to modify the scale_list variable in line 120 or call the binary_search function in line 88 to adjust the search intervals.

3.3 (Optional) Training Im.Aug

If you would like to use this codebase to train image augmentation, you can organize the training images with the following directory structure:

data/synthesis_images/          // dataset
    ├── class_name1/
    │   ├── prompt1/            // a prompt of the class_name1
    │   │   ├── image1.jpg      // synthesis image
    │   │   ├── image2.jpg
    │   │   └── ...
    │   ├── class2/
    │   │   ├── image1.jpg
    │   │   ├── image2.jpg
    │   │   └── ...
    │   └── ...
    └── ...

To use Stable Diffusion v2.1 for image synthesis, you can run the provided script:

python dataset_name   # Here `dataset_name' if you prepared test dataset (Sec. 2)

You might consider using more advanced stable diffusion models to generate more coherent and realistic images, as this technology is rapidly evolving. Utilizing a more powerful generative model could potentially enhance the performance of Im.Aug. Once you have prepared the synthetic images, you can train and evaluate Im.Aug in a manner similar to CLAP.

4. Archived artifacts for reproductivity

    ├── Ablations_Prompts_Sources   // Ablative study results on analyzing prompt sources
    ├── runs/Results_CLAP_ViTB      // Main results of CLAP using ViT-B/16 CLIP model
    ├── runs/Results_CLAP_ViTL      // Zero-shot performance of CLAP repeated experiments on ViT-L/14 model
    ├── Results_CLIP_ViTB           // CLIP baseline of CLIP-B/16 model size
    ├── Results_CLIP_ViTL           // CLIP baseline of CLIP-L/14 model size
    └── Results_ImgAug_ViTB         // ImAug experimental results using ViT-B/16 CLIP model

5. Experiment results

5.1 Zero-shot performance

zero-shot zs-var

5.2 Few-shot performance


5.3 Adversarial Attacking Resilience
