- Fixing usage of cookie-parser and body-parser PR
- Adding cookie-parser and body-parser dependencies PR
- Updating shrinkwrap for Express update PR
- Updating Express to 4.x PR
- Adding support for passing sauce tunnel in capabilities PR
- Adding support for passing sauce username and accesskey in capabilities PR
- Update sauce labs dashboard with test results PR
- Adding support to show sauce labs report url in report PR
- Updating capabilities for iOS PR
- Add the capacity to record POST body and access it from proxy manager's record PR
- Fix for screenshots getting overwritten if there are multiple test failures in one descriptor PR Issue
- Fix for supporting context with datadriven descriptors and fixing shrinkwrap PR
- Setting rejectUnauthorized to false for webservice controller PR
- Setting express version to 3.x and Mocha to ~1.18.2 PR
- Fix to avoid ECONNRESET issue with Nodejs 10 PR
- Restarting phantomjs before retry, if it crashed while test execution PR Issue
- Add additional checks for markup-test.js PR
- Adding support for data driven descriptors PR Documentation
- Adding support for sharing parameters from descriptors PR Documentation
- Error handling for JSON parsing in webservice controller PR
- Adding support for specifying comments in descriptor PR
- Making nodejs tests honor logLevel PR
- Fixed the issue - space after a comma in the 'commonLib' string in 'test-descriptor.json' causes a fail Issue PR
- Using cdnjs link for yui PR
- Adding support to pass capabilities as JSON object, merging default capabilities with user defined capabilities PR
- Adding support for Android browser PR
- Adding support to resize the browser window PR
- Fixing the issue - Error: EMFILE, too many open files 'node/proxy.log Issue PR
- Adding feature to Import tests from other descriptors based test or group [ Details - #200 ]
- Adding support for webdriver key object and improved error messaging [ Details - #201 ]
- adding path method to return installed arrow directory [ Details - #199 ]
- Turn off socket connection limiting in http.request() [ Details - #195 ]
- Changing require path for executors [ Details - #197 ]
- Using cdnjs link for chai.js and protocol independent urls for mocha & expect
- Adding support for SSL proxy and adding more error event listeners for better error handling
- Setting nodejs back as default driver
- Not maximizing browsers for mobile tests
- Support for starting reusable browser session from Arrow command
- Fix for Mocha test failures on on IE8.
- Fixed appium and android driver compatibility
- Removed raw github links, which were failing mocha tests on IE8.
- Fix for Screenshot url
- Added selenium-webdriver in npm-shrinkwrap
- Upgrading to selenium-webdriver version 2.39
- Fixes for reporting when running with multiple browsers
- Adding support for showing screenshots url in report [ For details - http://yahoo.github.io/arrow/arrow_FAQs.html#how-can-I-see-screenshoturls-in-report-and-console ]
- Fix for overriding configurations using local config file
- Fix for report file not being generated when custom controller failed to load
- set logging level to ERROR and hooked up log4js ( for tests requiring Arrow server )
- Improved examples in documentation
- Refactoring
- Bug fix
- Added support for mouse hover in locator controller [ For details - https://github.com/yahoo/arrow/blob/master/docs/arrow_cookbook/arrow_FAQs.rst#how-can-i-use-the-locator-controller-to-test-mouse-hover-functionality ]
- Maximizing browser before running tests
- Added support for reading response headers using proxy
- Integrated support for markup validation using DebugCSS [ For details - https://github.com/yahoo/arrow/blob/master/docs/arrow_cookbook/arrow_markup_testing.rst ]
- Fixed startup error message for PhantomJs
- Reverted the yui defaultAppSeed url from https to http
- Improved error management & messages
- Better Error Handling
- No more HTML logs during mocha test execution
- locator controller could be used for just waiting for an element, without performing any UI action.
- Fixed a locator controller bug, where passing "stay" param used to discard 'waitForElement(s)' params
- Added testTimeOut as a descriptor level param, now users can override testTimeout for a test
- Added hasTest as a descriptor level param, now if a scenario does not have any test, but all the scenario steps pass, ARROW will consider it as a pass test.
- Fixed a bug where "enabled" property does not used to work properly if a boolean 'false' is passed
- Improved bunch of error messages