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RAM API Reference Utility

Motoi Shimizu edited this page Mar 10, 2013 · 20 revisions



This page shows some useful class e.g. pick node by clicking, save/load motion data programatically, and store camera settings.

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ramNodeFinder searches node(s) from nodearrays managed by ramActorManager.
If you want to manipulate not ramNodeArray but specific nodes, it is more easier than using for-loop. Proberbly ramNodeFinder is used not in drawActor(), drawRigid() but in draw().



ramNodeFinder nf;

ramNodeFinder(const ramNodeIdentifer& copy)


ramNodeIdentifer cyril_head("Cyril", ramActor::JOINT_HEAD);
ramNodeFinder nf(cyril_head);

void setTargetName(string name_)

Sets target name.

void setJointID(int index_)

Sets target joint id.

bool ramNodeFinder::findOne(ramNode &node)

Returns true if ramActorManager has ramNodeArray whose name is same to ramNodeFinder::name, and the ramNodeArray has node which has id same to ramNodeFinder::index. If it's true, search result node is set to ramNode &node.

vector findAll()

Returns all nodes which matches to target name and target joint id.

vector findByID()

Returns all nodes which matches to target joint id.


A tiny class to identify node.
Generally it's used for ramNodeFinder.



ramNodeIdentifer(int index)


ramNodeIdentifer(const string &name)


ramNodeIdentifer(const string &name, int index)


ramNodeIdentifer(const ramNodeIdentifer& copy)


ramNodeIdentifer& operator=(const ramNodeIdentifer& copy)

Name and id are copied from right hand side.

void set(const string &name, int index)

Sets target name and target id.

void set(const string &name)

Sets target name.

void set(int index)

Sets target id.

void clear()

Clears target name and target id.

bool isValid() const

Checks target name and target id are set.

friend ostream& operator<<(ostream &os, const ramNodeIdentifer& o)

Puts name and id to stream.


ramCameraSettings stores some settings used for control ofCamera.

string name, ofVec3f pos, ofVec3f look_at, float fov, unsigned int moving_type, bool bMoving, ofVec3f moving_from, ofVec3f moving_to, float moving_duration, float moving_start_time, float moving_end_time, ofVec3f moving_axis_pos, ofVec3f moving_axis_up_vector, float moving_radius, float moving_speed, float moving_deg,

Sample XML format is in RAMDanceToolkit/resources/Settings/cam.moving.xml

ramCameraSettings(ofxXmlSettings& setting)

Loads one setting from XML

static vector loadSettings(ofxXmlSettings& setting)

Loads settings from XML.


bool load(const string filePath)

Returns true if load const string filePath succeeded.

bool save(const ramSession &src)

Returns true if save const ramSession &src as tsv file.