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RAM API Reference Utility
This page shows some useful classes, including selecting a node, programatically saving/loading motion data, as well as storing camera settings.
ramNodeFinder searches for a node or multiple notes from an array of nodes managed by ramActorManager. If you want to manupulate specific nodes, this is much easier than a for-loop. ramNodeFinder should be used in your draw() loop, and not in drawActor() or drawRigid()
ramNodeFinder nf;
ramNodeIdentifer cyril_head("Cyril", ramActor::JOINT_HEAD);
ramNodeFinder nf(cyril_head);
Sets target name.
Sets target joint id.
Returns true if ramActorManager has ramNodeArray whose name is the same as ramNodeFinder::name, and the ramNodeArray has a node which has the same id as ramNodeFinder::index.
If this is true, the search result node is set to ramNode &node
Return all nodes which matches the target name and target joint id.
Return all nodes which matches the target joint id.
A tiny class for identifying a node.
Generally it is used with ramNodeFinder.
Name and id are copied from right hand side.
Sets target name and target id.
Sets target name.
Sets target id.
Clears target name and target id.
Checks to see if target name and target id are set.
Puts name and id into stream.
ramCameraSettings stores some settings used for controlling ofCamera.
string name
ofVec3f pos
ofVec3f look_at
float fov
unsigned int moving_type
bool bMoving
ofVec3f moving_from
ofVec3f moving_to
float moving_duration
float moving_start_time
float moving_end_time
ofVec3f moving_axis_pos
ofVec3f moving_axis_up_vector
float moving_radius
float moving_speed
float moving_deg
A sample XML format is available here: RAMDanceToolkit/resources/Settings/cam.moving.xml
Loads one setting from XML
Loads all settings from XML.
Returns true if loading const string filePath
is successful.
#ramCommunicationManager ramCommunicationManager is communication tools with other applications via OSC.
An example is available at examples/example-communicationManager
###Setup //communicationManager setup ramCommunicationManager::instance().addSender("localhost", 8000);
###Send OSC to another app //Send from communicationManager ramCommunicationManager::instance().sendCC("rightHand", handPos, 3);
###Receive OSC from another app and use it //Receive from communicationManager
//[Send format]
//Port : same as the port passed to ramInitialize( ... )
//Address : /ram/communicate/cc
//Args : string(Instrument name), float(cc value), float(cc value), ...
float scale = 10 + ramCommunicationManager::instance().getCC("someInst", 0) * 50.0;
ofDrawBox(0, 100, 0, scale);
#ramOscReceiveTag ramOscReceiveTag is an OSC receiver class for each scene. ###Setup ofxOscReceiveTag receiver;
###Receive while (receiver.hasWaitingMessages()){
ofxOscMessage m;
if (m.getAddress() == "/Signals/bang"){
cout << "Receive bang" << endl;
if (m.getAddress() == "/Signals/control"){
cout << "Control :" << m.getArgAsInt32(0) << endl;
This Document by YCAM InterLab, Yoshito Onishi, Satoru Higa, Motoi Shimizu, and Kyle McDonald is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
This Wiki and API References (RAMDanceToolkit 1.0.0) is created on 2013-03-09