The free MiPosaur BLE protocol lets you send and receive commands to and from your MiPosaur robot. You will need to write your own control code in the language of your choice using an appropriate Bluetooth Low Energy library.
Pre-built official SDKs are coming soon.
For information on WowWee products visit:
Finding a MiPosaur before Connecting
When scanning for MiPosaurs you can use the Broadcast Data to get some basic info about MiPosaur (such as his name) and to determine whether it's a MiPosaur or another WowWee toy.
Here is a typical snapshot of broadcast data returned by scanning for MiPosaurs (on iOS), yours may look slightly different but it should still have similar values:
kCBAdvDataManufacturerData = <00050100 00000000 00000000 00000000 0000>;
kCBAdvDataServiceUUIDs = (
"Unknown (<fff0>)",
"Unknown (<ffb0>)"
- kCBAdvDataManufacturerData = 000501000000000000000000000000000000
To know the difference between MiPosaur and other BLE based products you can check the Manufacturer Specific Data which is sent as part of the advertising Packet. Check with your BLE framework on how to get this.
Each WowWee BLE product assigns a special 16bit ID in the first two bytes of the Manufacturer specific data. If you are using one of our prebuilt SDKs this is handled automatically for you.
Taking the first 4 digits gives us a product ID of 5, all MiPosaurs are assigned 5 as a product ID.
- kCBAdvDataServiceUUIDs
Please ignore these values, the only way to find the available services is by connecting to a MiPosaur and scanning for services
For Android, you will need to write your own Advertising Data parser, it's not difficult but it's not something that (as of writing) was offered natively like on iOS.
Connecting to a MiPosaur
Please see your BLE framework for instructions on how to connect to a BLE device. Usually the framework will give you an object and a connect command. Your code should handle mundane tasks such as reconnecting, or handling a failed connection.
Controlling MiPosaur
Bluetooth Low Energy is made up of a series of Services & Characteristics. In the case of MiPosaur these are proprietary which means you need to find them by UUID. The following important services are available:
- Receive Data Service: 0xFFE0
- Receive Data NOTIFY Characteristic: 0xFFE4
- Send Data Service: 0xFFE5
- Send Data WRITE Characteristic: 0xFFE9
Using your Bluetooth Framework of choice you can choose to run a callback every time you receive data using the Receive Data NOTIFY Characteristic.
Please note that you can only find the above services once you're connected to MiPosaur. They will not show up in the broadcast data.
Sending command bytes is very easy, just send a raw byte according to the value in the table.
Receiving commands on the other hand need some special treatment before they can be processed as raw command bytes. All commands come in an ASCII encoded string. For example, in Objective-C you might do the following:
// Get ASCII command value from incoming data
NSString *asciiHex = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:data encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
// Here we simply split the string array for every 2 characters
NSMutableArray *theDataArray = [NSMutableArray array];
for (int i = 0; i < [asciiHex length]; i=i+2) {
NSString *cmd = [asciiHex substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(i, 2)];
[theDataArray addObject:@([cmd hexFromString])];
NSUInteger cmdByte = [theDataArray[0] unsignedIntegerValue];
[theDataArray removeObjectAtIndex:0];
NSUInteger length = [theDataArray count];
// Using the above code we can get the command
NSLog(@"The command is: %lu", cmdByte);
NSLog(@"Contains %lu extra data bytes: %@", length, theDataArray);
Note that this is just an example, you can use any language to processes commands if you follow these steps:
- Convert the incoming string to ASCII
- Process the ASCII string and split it off every 2 characters, every two characters is a single incoming hex byte
- Convert each string set of hex characters into an integer value
Process incoming integer values as you would normally based on the command protocol document.
All of the available control commands are located in the command document
Example of Receiving Data from MiPosaur
Receiving data and interpreting can be a bit confusing, but just take it step by step. Here's an example sending command 0x14 which is getting the firmware version.
- Send 0x14 to the robot as raw hex (don't do any conversion)
- Receive 0x31,0x34,0x30,0x45,0x30,0x32,0x31,0x42,0x30,0x37 raw bytes from the robot
- Convert them to ASCII, for this example I just use a simple website. This gets the result 140E021B07
- Here is a string you can now use to interpret the command:
- 14 = Command 0x14 you sent, it's echoed back, just lets you know which data this command is for
- 0E = Year 14 (when converted to decimal)
- 02 = Month 02 (when converted to decimal)
- 1B = Day 27 (when converted to decimal)
- 07 = Number 7 (when converted to decimal) for the revision on this day
Remember that this is a String so if you want to treat them as Integers, you will need to convert the hex into an integer. Most languages have this as a built in core function.
Exciting Projects
We always love to share great projects that are built off of our libraries.
Please submit a pull request or create an issue if you have created any great libraries for MiPosaur.