diff --git a/assets/images/discordapp_details_discord.png b/assets/images/discordapp_details_discord.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39eb7ab
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/images/discordapp_details_discord.png differ
diff --git a/assets/images/discordapp_details_dreamlab.png b/assets/images/discordapp_details_dreamlab.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58554db
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/images/discordapp_details_dreamlab.png differ
diff --git a/assets/images/discordapp_oauth2.png b/assets/images/discordapp_oauth2.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a37b8c8
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/images/discordapp_oauth2.png differ
diff --git a/assets/images/discordapp_redirects.png b/assets/images/discordapp_redirects.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b30004
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/images/discordapp_redirects.png differ
diff --git a/assets/images/discordapp_url_mappings.png b/assets/images/discordapp_url_mappings.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db106ea
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/images/discordapp_url_mappings.png differ
diff --git a/pages/discord/about.mdx b/pages/discord/about.mdx
index e69de29..7647a68 100644
--- a/pages/discord/about.mdx
+++ b/pages/discord/about.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# About Discord Activities
diff --git a/pages/discord/publishing.mdx b/pages/discord/publishing.mdx
index e69de29..56e3e84 100644
--- a/pages/discord/publishing.mdx
+++ b/pages/discord/publishing.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+import { Callout } from 'nextra/components'
+import DetailsDiscord from '~/assets/images/discordapp_details_discord.png'
+import DetailsDreamlab from '~/assets/images/discordapp_details_dreamlab.png'
+import OAuth2 from '~/assets/images/discordapp_oauth2.png'
+import Redirects from '~/assets/images/discordapp_redirects.png'
+import UrlMappings from '~/assets/images/discordapp_url_mappings.png'
+import { Image } from '~/components/image'
+# Publishing Your Game as a Discord Activity
+Publishing your Dreamlab game as an Application on Discord is a fairly straightforward process.
+## Step 1: Create a Application on Discord Developers
+To create an application, go to https://discord.com/developers/applications and click `New Application` in the top-right.
+You will want to give it a cool name that matches the Dreamlab game you wish to publish.
+Once created you can set an app icon, description, and tags to better identify your game and allow people to find it more easily.
+Right now this is strictly optional, but once Discord rolls out the App Discovery page this will be important for discoverability.
+## Step 2: Link your Discord Application to Dreamlab
+To link your Discord application to Dreamlab you will need to add its OAuth2 details to your Dreamlab world.
+These can be found in the **OAuth2** tab in the sidebar on the Discord Developers page for your application.
+You will need both the **Client ID** and **Client Secret**. In Dreamlab, go to your Library and find the world you want to link to your Discord app.
+Click the Edit Details button and scroll to the Discord Activities Settings section and paste in the Client ID and Secret from Discord.
+Make sure these match exactly and then click the save button at the top.
+ **Keep these credentials safe and do not share them with anyone except Dreamlab.** These are potentially dangerous as it can let anyone with them perform actions as your application.
+Dreamlab will only use these credentials to authenticate the Discord SDK for your application.
+## Step 3: Setup OAuth2 Redirects
+Discord requires your app to have at least one OAuth2 Redirect configured in order to enable authentication.
+While the Activity SDK is still in preview these are not validated so you can enter any valid URL, such as `http://localhost:3000`.
+## Step 4: Setup the Activity URL Mappings
+Discord Activities run in a sandboxed environment and must specify all required external dependencies manually. Dreamlab will take care of
+In the Discord Developers page sidebar, select the **URL Mappings** page. If you have not yet created an activity for your application go to the **Getting Started** page and click the **Enable** button.
+Fill in the following URL mappings exactly.
+| Prefix | Target |
+| ------------- | -------------------------------- |
+| `/` | `discord-activities.dreamlab.gg` |
+| `/mp` | `mp1.dreamlab.gg` |
+| `/s3` | `s3-assets.dreamlab.gg` |
+| `/esm` | `esm.sh` |
+| `/v135` | `esm.sh/v135` |
+| `/stable` | `esm.sh/stable` |
+| `/jsdelivr ` | `cdn.jsdelivr.net` |
+Your final page should look like the following. Make sure to save!
+## Step 5: Test inside Discord
+To test your activity inside of Discord, you must first enable Developer Mode to be able to see your activity.
+This can be found in `User Settings -> App Settings -> Advanced` in the Discord Client.
+Once enabled, you should be able to see your activity at the top of the list when starting an activity in any voice channel.
+When starting an activity as a developer, only you will be able to join and interact with it.
+While the Activity SDK is still in preview you will need to manually add any testers in the Discord Developer Portal.
+This can be done in the **App Testers** section in your application settings. Anyone you add will receive an email from Discord
+inviting them to test your app.