From 306888a738c6eeabd677625e53a7880d2cc8775d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ramon <>
Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2022 09:27:11 +1100
Subject: [PATCH 01/11] Initial commit. Detecting the color of an A tag, if it
 exists and passing it to the ConstrastChecker

Added base logic and tests.
Very messy. To be optimzized. Don't hate me.
 .../src/components/contrast-checker/index.js  | 164 +++++++++++++++---
 .../components/contrast-checker/test/index.js | 162 ++++++++++++++++-
 .../block-editor/src/hooks/color-panel.js     |  11 ++
 3 files changed, 304 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)

diff --git a/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/index.js b/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/index.js
index afb60b5f42fda6..09072f65e25e2f 100644
--- a/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/index.js
+++ b/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/index.js
@@ -15,19 +15,26 @@ import { useEffect } from '@wordpress/element';
 extend( [ namesPlugin, a11yPlugin ] );
+// @TODO move this to an external component.
 function ContrastCheckerMessage( {
+	colordLinkColor,
+	linkColor,
 } ) {
 	let msg = '';
 	if ( shouldShowTransparencyWarning ) {
 		msg = __( 'Transparent text may be hard for people to read.' );
 	} else {
+		const backgroundColorBrightness = colordBackgroundColor.brightness();
 		msg =
-			colordBackgroundColor.brightness() < colordTextColor.brightness()
+			( colordTextColor &&
+				backgroundColorBrightness < colordTextColor.brightness() ) ||
+			( colordLinkColor &&
+				backgroundColorBrightness < colordLinkColor.brightness() )
 				? __(
 						'This color combination may be hard for people to read. Try using a darker background color and/or a brighter text color.'
@@ -45,7 +52,7 @@ function ContrastCheckerMessage( {
 			? __( 'Transparent text may be hard for people to read.' )
 			: __( 'This color combination may be hard for people to read.' );
 		speak( speakMsg );
-	}, [ backgroundColor, textColor ] );
+	}, [ backgroundColor, textColor, linkColor ] );
 	return (
 		<div className="block-editor-contrast-checker">
@@ -64,61 +71,166 @@ function ContrastChecker( {
+	fallbackLinkColor,
 	fontSize, // font size value in pixels
+	linkColor,
 	enableAlphaChecker = false,
 } ) {
-	if (
-		! ( backgroundColor || fallbackBackgroundColor ) ||
-		! ( textColor || fallbackTextColor )
-	) {
+	if ( ! ( backgroundColor || fallbackBackgroundColor ) ) {
 		return null;
+	const hasTextColor = !! ( textColor || fallbackTextColor );
+	const hasLinkColor = !! ( linkColor || fallbackLinkColor );
+	// Must have at least one text color.
+	if ( ! hasLinkColor && ! hasTextColor ) {
+		return null;
+	}
 	const colordBackgroundColor = colord(
 		backgroundColor || fallbackBackgroundColor
 	const colordTextColor = colord( textColor || fallbackTextColor );
-	const textColorHasTransparency = colordTextColor.alpha() < 1;
+	const colordLinkColor = colord( linkColor || fallbackLinkColor );
+	const textColorHasTransparency =
+		colordTextColor && colordTextColor.alpha() < 1;
+	const linkColorHasTransparency =
+		colordLinkColor && colordLinkColor.alpha() < 1;
 	const backgroundColorHasTransparency = colordBackgroundColor.alpha() < 1;
 	const hasTransparency =
-		textColorHasTransparency || backgroundColorHasTransparency;
-	const isReadable = colordTextColor.isReadable( colordBackgroundColor, {
-		level: 'AA',
-		size:
-			isLargeText || ( isLargeText !== false && fontSize >= 24 )
-				? 'large'
-				: 'small',
-	} );
+		backgroundColorHasTransparency ||
+		textColorHasTransparency ||
+		linkColorHasTransparency;
+	const textSize =
+		isLargeText || ( isLargeText !== false && fontSize >= 24 )
+			? 'large'
+			: 'small';
+	const isTextColorReadable =
+		hasTextColor &&
+		colordTextColor.isReadable( colordBackgroundColor, {
+			level: 'AA',
+			size: textSize,
+		} );
+	const isLinkColorReadable =
+		hasLinkColor &&
+		colordLinkColor.isReadable( colordBackgroundColor, {
+			level: 'AA',
+			size: textSize,
+		} );
 	// Don't show the message if the text is readable AND there's no transparency.
 	// This is the default.
-	if ( isReadable && ! hasTransparency ) {
-		return null;
+	if ( ! hasTransparency ) {
+		if ( ! hasLinkColor && isTextColorReadable ) {
+			return null;
+		}
+		if ( ! hasTextColor && isLinkColorReadable ) {
+			return null;
+		}
+		if ( isTextColorReadable && isLinkColorReadable ) {
+			return null;
+		}
 	if ( hasTransparency ) {
+		// If there's transparency, don't show the message if the alpha checker is disabled.
+		if ( ! enableAlphaChecker ) {
+			return null;
+		}
+		// If the background has transparency, don't show any warnings.
+		if (
+			backgroundColorHasTransparency &&
+			( ! textColorHasTransparency || ! linkColorHasTransparency )
+		) {
+			return null;
+		}
+		// Only text color.
+		if (
+			! hasLinkColor &&
+			isTextColorReadable &&
+			! textColorHasTransparency
+		) {
+			return null;
+		}
+		if (
+			! hasTextColor &&
+			isLinkColorReadable &&
+			! linkColorHasTransparency
+		) {
+			return null;
+		}
 		if (
-			// If there's transparency, don't show the message if the alpha checker is disabled.
-			! enableAlphaChecker ||
-			// If the alpha checker is enabled, we only show the warning if the text has transparency.
-			( isReadable && ! textColorHasTransparency )
+			isTextColorReadable &&
+			! textColorHasTransparency &&
+			isLinkColorReadable &&
+			! linkColorHasTransparency
 		) {
 			return null;
+	// Flag to warn about transparency only if the text is otherwise readable according to colord
+	// to ensure the readability warnings take precedence.
+	let shouldShowTransparencyWarning = false;
+	if ( ! hasLinkColor ) {
+		if ( isTextColorReadable && textColorHasTransparency ) {
+			shouldShowTransparencyWarning = true;
+		}
+	}
+	if ( ! hasTextColor ) {
+		if ( isLinkColorReadable && linkColorHasTransparency ) {
+			shouldShowTransparencyWarning = true;
+		}
+	}
+	if ( hasTextColor && hasLinkColor ) {
+		if ( linkColorHasTransparency && textColorHasTransparency ) {
+			shouldShowTransparencyWarning = true;
+		}
+		if (
+			isLinkColorReadable &&
+			linkColorHasTransparency &&
+			! textColorHasTransparency &&
+			isTextColorReadable
+		) {
+			shouldShowTransparencyWarning = true;
+		}
+		if (
+			isTextColorReadable &&
+			textColorHasTransparency &&
+			! linkColorHasTransparency &&
+			isLinkColorReadable
+		) {
+			shouldShowTransparencyWarning = true;
+		}
+	}
 	return (
 			backgroundColor={ backgroundColor }
 			textColor={ textColor }
+			linkColor={ linkColor }
 			colordBackgroundColor={ colordBackgroundColor }
 			colordTextColor={ colordTextColor }
-			// Flag to warn about transparency only if the text is otherwise readable according to colord
-			// to ensure the readability warnings take precedence.
-			shouldShowTransparencyWarning={
-				isReadable && textColorHasTransparency
-			}
+			colordLinkColor={ colordLinkColor }
+			shouldShowTransparencyWarning={ shouldShowTransparencyWarning }
diff --git a/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/test/index.js b/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/test/index.js
index d916e12439cfff..1f5ba4b33de26f 100644
--- a/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/test/index.js
+++ b/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/test/index.js
@@ -21,11 +21,12 @@ jest.mock( '@wordpress/a11y', () => ( { speak: jest.fn() } ) );
 describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 	const backgroundColor = '#ffffff';
 	const textColor = '#000000';
+	const linkColor = '#0040ff';
 	const isLargeText = true;
 	const fallbackBackgroundColor = '#fff';
 	const fallbackTextColor = '#000';
 	const sameShade = '#666';
-	const colorWithTransparency = 'rgba(102,102,102,0.5)';
+	const colorWithTransparency = 'rgba(102,102,102,0.5)'; // #666 with opacity.
 	beforeEach( () => {
@@ -35,11 +36,25 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 		expect( mount( <ContrastChecker /> ).html() ).toBeNull();
 	} );
+	test( 'should render null when no background or fallback background color is provided', () => {
+		const wrapper = mount(
+			<ContrastChecker
+				textColor={ textColor }
+				linkColor={ linkColor }
+				isLargeText={ isLargeText }
+			/>
+		);
+		expect( speak ).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
+		expect( wrapper.html() ).toBeNull();
+	} );
 	test( 'should render null when the colors meet AA WCAG guidelines.', () => {
 		const wrapper = mount(
 				backgroundColor={ backgroundColor }
 				textColor={ textColor }
+				linkColor={ linkColor }
 				isLargeText={ isLargeText }
 				fallbackBackgroundColor={ fallbackBackgroundColor }
 				fallbackTextColor={ fallbackTextColor }
@@ -50,25 +65,51 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 		expect( wrapper.html() ).toBeNull();
 	} );
-	test( 'should render null when the colors meet AA WCAG guidelines and alpha checker enabled.', () => {
+	test( 'should render component when the text and background colors do not meet AA WCAG guidelines.', () => {
 		const wrapper = mount(
-				backgroundColor={ backgroundColor }
+				backgroundColor={ sameShade }
+				textColor={ sameShade }
+				isLargeText={ isLargeText }
+				fallbackBackgroundColor={ fallbackBackgroundColor }
+				fallbackTextColor={ fallbackTextColor }
+			/>
+		);
+		expect( speak ).toHaveBeenCalledWith(
+			'This color combination may be hard for people to read.'
+		);
+		expect( wrapper.find( Notice ).children().text() ).toBe(
+			'This color combination may be hard for people to read. Try using a brighter background color and/or a darker text color.'
+		);
+	} );
+	test( 'should render component when the link and background colors do not meet AA WCAG guidelines.', () => {
+		const wrapper = mount(
+			<ContrastChecker
+				backgroundColor={ sameShade }
 				textColor={ textColor }
+				linkColor={ sameShade }
 				isLargeText={ isLargeText }
-				enableAlphaChecker={ true }
+				fallbackBackgroundColor={ fallbackBackgroundColor }
+				fallbackTextColor={ fallbackTextColor }
-		expect( speak ).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
-		expect( wrapper.html() ).toBeNull();
+		expect( speak ).toHaveBeenCalledWith(
+			'This color combination may be hard for people to read.'
+		);
+		expect( wrapper.find( Notice ).children().text() ).toBe(
+			'This color combination may be hard for people to read. Try using a brighter background color and/or a darker text color.'
+		);
 	} );
-	test( 'should render component when the colors do not meet AA WCAG guidelines.', () => {
+	test( 'should render component when the link and text and background colors do not meet AA WCAG guidelines.', () => {
 		const wrapper = mount(
 				backgroundColor={ sameShade }
 				textColor={ sameShade }
+				linkColor={ sameShade }
 				isLargeText={ isLargeText }
 				fallbackBackgroundColor={ fallbackBackgroundColor }
 				fallbackTextColor={ fallbackTextColor }
@@ -88,6 +129,7 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 				backgroundColor={ colorWithTransparency }
 				textColor={ sameShade }
+				linkColor={ sameShade }
 				isLargeText={ isLargeText }
 				fallbackBackgroundColor={ fallbackBackgroundColor }
 				fallbackTextColor={ fallbackTextColor }
@@ -113,6 +155,22 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 		expect( wrapper.html() ).toBeNull();
 	} );
+	test( 'should render render null if link color contains a transparency', () => {
+		const wrapper = mount(
+			<ContrastChecker
+				backgroundColor={ backgroundColor }
+				textColor={ textColor }
+				linkColor={ colorWithTransparency }
+				isLargeText={ isLargeText }
+				fallbackBackgroundColor={ fallbackBackgroundColor }
+				fallbackTextColor={ fallbackTextColor }
+			/>
+		);
+		expect( speak ).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
+		expect( wrapper.html() ).toBeNull();
+	} );
 	test( 'should render different message matching snapshot when background color has less brightness than text color.', () => {
 		const darkerShade = '#555';
@@ -247,6 +305,22 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 	} );
+	test( 'should render messages when the linkColor is valid, but the fallback backgroundColor conflicts.', () => {
+		const wrapper = mount(
+			<ContrastChecker
+				linkColor={ linkColor }
+				fallbackBackgroundColor={ linkColor }
+			/>
+		);
+		expect( speak ).toHaveBeenCalledWith(
+			'This color combination may be hard for people to read.'
+		);
+		expect( wrapper.find( Notice ).children().text() ).toBe(
+			'This color combination may be hard for people to read. Try using a brighter background color and/or a darker text color.'
+		);
+	} );
 	test( 'should re-announce if colors change, but still insufficient contrast', () => {
 		const appRoot = document.createElement( 'div' );
@@ -274,11 +348,45 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 	} );
 	// enableAlphaChecker tests
+	test( 'should render null when the colors meet AA WCAG guidelines and alpha checker enabled.', () => {
+		const wrapper = mount(
+			<ContrastChecker
+				backgroundColor={ backgroundColor }
+				textColor={ textColor }
+				isLargeText={ isLargeText }
+				enableAlphaChecker={ true }
+			/>
+		);
+		expect( speak ).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
+		expect( wrapper.html() ).toBeNull();
+	} );
 	test( 'should render component when the colors meet AA WCAG guidelines but the text color only has alpha transparency with alpha checker enabled.', () => {
 		const wrapper = mount(
 				backgroundColor={ backgroundColor }
 				textColor={ 'rgba(0,0,0,0.9)' }
+				linkColor={ linkColor }
+				isLargeText={ isLargeText }
+				enableAlphaChecker={ true }
+			/>
+		);
+		expect( speak ).toHaveBeenCalledWith(
+			'Transparent text may be hard for people to read.'
+		);
+		expect( wrapper.find( Notice ).children().text() ).toBe(
+			'Transparent text may be hard for people to read.'
+		);
+	} );
+	test( 'should render component when the colors meet AA WCAG guidelines but the link color only has alpha transparency with alpha checker enabled.', () => {
+		const wrapper = mount(
+			<ContrastChecker
+				backgroundColor={ backgroundColor }
+				linkColor={ 'rgba(0,0,0,0.9)' }
+				textColor={ textColor }
 				isLargeText={ isLargeText }
 				enableAlphaChecker={ true }
@@ -297,6 +405,7 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 				backgroundColor={ 'rgba(255,255,255,0.7)' }
 				textColor={ textColor }
+				linkColor={ linkColor }
 				isLargeText={ isLargeText }
 				enableAlphaChecker={ true }
@@ -306,10 +415,49 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 		expect( wrapper.html() ).toBeNull();
 	} );
+	test( 'should render render null if background color contains a transparency with alpha checker enabled.', () => {
+		const wrapper = mount(
+			<ContrastChecker
+				backgroundColor={ colorWithTransparency }
+				textColor={ sameShade }
+				linkColor={ 'rgba(0,0,0,0.9)' }
+				isLargeText={ isLargeText }
+				fallbackBackgroundColor={ fallbackBackgroundColor }
+				fallbackTextColor={ fallbackTextColor }
+				enableAlphaChecker={ true }
+			/>
+		);
+		expect( speak ).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
+		expect( wrapper.html() ).toBeNull();
+	} );
+	test( 'should render component and prioritize contrast warning when the colors do no meet AA WCAG guidelines and text has alpha transparency with the alpha checker enabled.', () => {
+		const wrapper = mount(
+			<ContrastChecker
+				backgroundColor={ sameShade }
+				textColor={ 'rgba(0,0,0,0.9)' }
+				linkColor={ sameShade }
+				isLargeText={ isLargeText }
+				fallbackBackgroundColor={ fallbackBackgroundColor }
+				fallbackTextColor={ fallbackTextColor }
+				enableAlphaChecker={ true }
+			/>
+		);
+		expect( speak ).toHaveBeenCalledWith(
+			'This color combination may be hard for people to read.'
+		);
+		expect( wrapper.find( Notice ).children().text() ).toBe(
+			'This color combination may be hard for people to read. Try using a brighter background color and/or a darker text color.'
+		);
+	} );
 	test( 'should render component when the colors meet AA WCAG guidelines but all colors have alpha transparency with alpha checker enabled.', () => {
 		const wrapper = mount(
 				backgroundColor={ 'rgba(255,255,255,0.7)' }
+				linkColor={ 'rgba(0,0,0,0.7)' }
 				textColor={ 'rgba(0,0,0,0.7)' }
 				isLargeText={ isLargeText }
 				enableAlphaChecker={ true }
diff --git a/packages/block-editor/src/hooks/color-panel.js b/packages/block-editor/src/hooks/color-panel.js
index 72ec01fd326ceb..0ef493172590b7 100644
--- a/packages/block-editor/src/hooks/color-panel.js
+++ b/packages/block-editor/src/hooks/color-panel.js
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ export default function ColorPanel( {
 } ) {
 	const [ detectedBackgroundColor, setDetectedBackgroundColor ] = useState();
 	const [ detectedColor, setDetectedColor ] = useState();
+	const [ detectedLinkColor, setDetectedLinkColor ] = useState();
 	const ref = useBlockRef( clientId );
 	useEffect( () => {
@@ -37,6 +38,15 @@ export default function ColorPanel( {
 		setDetectedColor( getComputedStyle( ref.current ).color );
+		if ( ref.current?.children?.length ) {
+			const linkElement = Array.from( ref.current.children ).find(
+				( child ) => child.nodeName === 'A'
+			);
+			if ( linkElement && !! linkElement.textContent ) {
+				setDetectedLinkColor( getComputedStyle( linkElement ).color );
+			}
+		}
 		let backgroundColorNode = ref.current;
 		let backgroundColor = getComputedStyle( backgroundColorNode )
@@ -70,6 +80,7 @@ export default function ColorPanel( {
 						backgroundColor={ detectedBackgroundColor }
 						textColor={ detectedColor }
 						enableAlphaChecker={ enableAlpha }
+						linkColor={ detectedLinkColor }
 				) }

From 63d8402da6da840d7c687358c0e905c422a61e23 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ramonjd <>
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2022 12:51:52 +1100
Subject: [PATCH 02/11] A WIP commit. Reducing logic complexity into a hook.
 Will be squished.

 .../src/components/contrast-checker/index.js  | 160 +++++++-----------
 .../components/contrast-checker/test/index.js |  25 ++-
 .../use-get-contrast-checker-colors.js        | 107 ++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 195 insertions(+), 97 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/use-get-contrast-checker-colors.js

diff --git a/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/index.js b/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/index.js
index 09072f65e25e2f..5bd26c0b26b69d 100644
--- a/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/index.js
+++ b/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/index.js
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import { speak } from '@wordpress/a11y';
 import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';
 import { Notice } from '@wordpress/components';
 import { useEffect } from '@wordpress/element';
+import {useGetContrastCheckerColors} from "./use-get-contrast-checker-colors";
 extend( [ namesPlugin, a11yPlugin ] );
@@ -78,146 +79,115 @@ function ContrastChecker( {
 	enableAlphaChecker = false,
 } ) {
-	if ( ! ( backgroundColor || fallbackBackgroundColor ) ) {
+	const currentBackgroundColor = backgroundColor || fallbackBackgroundColor;
+	// Must have a background color.
+	if ( ! currentBackgroundColor ) {
 		return null;
-	const hasTextColor = !! ( textColor || fallbackTextColor );
-	const hasLinkColor = !! ( linkColor || fallbackLinkColor );
+	const currentTextColor = textColor || fallbackTextColor;
+	const currentLinkColor = linkColor || fallbackLinkColor;
 	// Must have at least one text color.
-	if ( ! hasLinkColor && ! hasTextColor ) {
+	if ( ! currentTextColor && ! currentLinkColor ) {
 		return null;
+	// const textSize =
+	// 	isLargeText || ( isLargeText !== false && fontSize >= 24 )
+	// 		? 'large'
+	// 		: 'small';
+	//
+	// const {
+	//
+	// } = useGetContrastCheckerColors( {
+	// 	currentBackgroundColor,
+	// 	currentTextColor,
+	// 	currentLinkColor,
+	// 	enableAlphaChecker,
+	// 	size: textSize,
+	// } );
 	const colordBackgroundColor = colord(
-		backgroundColor || fallbackBackgroundColor
+		currentBackgroundColor
-	const colordTextColor = colord( textColor || fallbackTextColor );
-	const colordLinkColor = colord( linkColor || fallbackLinkColor );
-	const textColorHasTransparency =
-		colordTextColor && colordTextColor.alpha() < 1;
-	const linkColorHasTransparency =
-		colordLinkColor && colordLinkColor.alpha() < 1;
 	const backgroundColorHasTransparency = colordBackgroundColor.alpha() < 1;
-	const hasTransparency =
-		backgroundColorHasTransparency ||
-		textColorHasTransparency ||
-		linkColorHasTransparency;
+	const hasTextAndLinkColors = currentTextColor && currentLinkColor;
+	// If there's only one color passed, store in `singleTextColor`.
+	const singleTextColor = hasTextAndLinkColors
+		? null
+		: currentTextColor || currentLinkColor;
+	const colordTextColor = singleTextColor
+		? colord( singleTextColor )
+		: colord( currentTextColor );
+	const colordLinkColor = colord( currentLinkColor );
+	// Transparency.
+	const textColorHasTransparency =
+		currentTextColor && colordTextColor.alpha() < 1;
+	const linkColorHasTransparency =
+		currentLinkColor && colordLinkColor.alpha() < 1;
+	// Text size.
 	const textSize =
 		isLargeText || ( isLargeText !== false && fontSize >= 24 )
 			? 'large'
 			: 'small';
+	// Readability.
 	const isTextColorReadable =
-		hasTextColor &&
+		currentTextColor &&
 		colordTextColor.isReadable( colordBackgroundColor, {
 			level: 'AA',
 			size: textSize,
 		} );
 	const isLinkColorReadable =
-		hasLinkColor &&
+		currentLinkColor &&
 		colordLinkColor.isReadable( colordBackgroundColor, {
 			level: 'AA',
 			size: textSize,
 		} );
+	// Flag to warn about transparency only if the text is otherwise readable according to colord
+	// to ensure the readability warnings take precedence.
+	let shouldShowTransparencyWarning = false;
 	// Don't show the message if the text is readable AND there's no transparency.
 	// This is the default.
-	if ( ! hasTransparency ) {
-		if ( ! hasLinkColor && isTextColorReadable ) {
-			return null;
-		}
-		if ( ! hasTextColor && isLinkColorReadable ) {
-			return null;
-		}
-		if ( isTextColorReadable && isLinkColorReadable ) {
-			return null;
-		}
-	}
-	if ( hasTransparency ) {
-		// If there's transparency, don't show the message if the alpha checker is disabled.
-		if ( ! enableAlphaChecker ) {
-			return null;
-		}
-		// If the background has transparency, don't show any warnings.
-		if (
-			backgroundColorHasTransparency &&
-			( ! textColorHasTransparency || ! linkColorHasTransparency )
-		) {
-			return null;
-		}
-		// Only text color.
-		if (
-			! hasLinkColor &&
-			isTextColorReadable &&
-			! textColorHasTransparency
-		) {
-			return null;
-		}
+	if ( ! textColorHasTransparency && ! linkColorHasTransparency ) {
+		// If the background has transparency, don't show any contrast warnings.
 		if (
-			! hasTextColor &&
-			isLinkColorReadable &&
-			! linkColorHasTransparency
+			backgroundColorHasTransparency ||
+			( isTextColorReadable && isLinkColorReadable ) ||
+			( singleTextColor && isTextColorReadable )
 		) {
 			return null;
-		if (
-			isTextColorReadable &&
-			! textColorHasTransparency &&
-			isLinkColorReadable &&
-			! linkColorHasTransparency
-		) {
+	} else {
+		// If there's text transparency, don't show the message if the alpha checker is disabled.
+		if ( ! enableAlphaChecker ) {
 			return null;
-	}
-	// Flag to warn about transparency only if the text is otherwise readable according to colord
-	// to ensure the readability warnings take precedence.
-	let shouldShowTransparencyWarning = false;
-	if ( ! hasLinkColor ) {
-		if ( isTextColorReadable && textColorHasTransparency ) {
-			shouldShowTransparencyWarning = true;
-		}
-	}
-	if ( ! hasTextColor ) {
-		if ( isLinkColorReadable && linkColorHasTransparency ) {
+		// If the background has transparency, don't show any contrast warnings.
+		if ( backgroundColorHasTransparency ) {
 			shouldShowTransparencyWarning = true;
-	}
-	if ( hasTextColor && hasLinkColor ) {
-		if ( linkColorHasTransparency && textColorHasTransparency ) {
+		// If there is only one text color (text or link) and the color is readable with no transparency.
+		if ( singleTextColor && isTextColorReadable ) {
+			if ( ! textColorHasTransparency ) {
+				return null;
+			}
 			shouldShowTransparencyWarning = true;
-		if (
-			isLinkColorReadable &&
-			linkColorHasTransparency &&
-			! textColorHasTransparency &&
-			isTextColorReadable
-		) {
-			shouldShowTransparencyWarning = true;
-		}
-		if (
-			isTextColorReadable &&
-			textColorHasTransparency &&
-			! linkColorHasTransparency &&
-			isLinkColorReadable
-		) {
+		// If both text colors are readable, but transparent show the warning.
+		if ( isTextColorReadable && isLinkColorReadable ) {
 			shouldShowTransparencyWarning = true;
diff --git a/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/test/index.js b/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/test/index.js
index 1f5ba4b33de26f..6b5dc9b45eaad2 100644
--- a/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/test/index.js
+++ b/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/test/index.js
@@ -415,12 +415,12 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 		expect( wrapper.html() ).toBeNull();
 	} );
-	test( 'should render render null if background color contains a transparency with alpha checker enabled.', () => {
+	test( 'should render null if background color contains a transparency with alpha checker enabled.', () => {
 		const wrapper = mount(
 				backgroundColor={ colorWithTransparency }
 				textColor={ sameShade }
-				linkColor={ 'rgba(0,0,0,0.9)' }
+				linkColor={ sameShade }
 				isLargeText={ isLargeText }
 				fallbackBackgroundColor={ fallbackBackgroundColor }
 				fallbackTextColor={ fallbackTextColor }
@@ -432,6 +432,27 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 		expect( wrapper.html() ).toBeNull();
 	} );
+	test( 'should render transparency warning only if one text is not readable but the other is transparent and the background color contains a transparency with alpha checker enabled.', () => {
+		const wrapper = mount(
+			<ContrastChecker
+				backgroundColor={ colorWithTransparency }
+				textColor={ sameShade }
+				linkColor={ 'rgba(0,0,0,0.9)' }
+				isLargeText={ isLargeText }
+				fallbackBackgroundColor={ fallbackBackgroundColor }
+				fallbackTextColor={ fallbackTextColor }
+				enableAlphaChecker={ true }
+			/>
+		);
+		expect( speak ).toHaveBeenCalledWith(
+			'Transparent text may be hard for people to read.'
+		);
+		expect( wrapper.find( Notice ).children().text() ).toBe(
+			'Transparent text may be hard for people to read.'
+		);
+	} );
 	test( 'should render component and prioritize contrast warning when the colors do no meet AA WCAG guidelines and text has alpha transparency with the alpha checker enabled.', () => {
 		const wrapper = mount(
diff --git a/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/use-get-contrast-checker-colors.js b/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/use-get-contrast-checker-colors.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..f5e8d25860ebcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/use-get-contrast-checker-colors.js
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+ * External dependencies
+ */
+import { colord, extend } from 'colord';
+import namesPlugin from 'colord/plugins/names';
+import a11yPlugin from 'colord/plugins/a11y';
+ * WordPress dependencies
+ */
+import { speak } from '@wordpress/a11y';
+import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';
+import { Notice } from '@wordpress/components';
+import { useEffect } from '@wordpress/element';
+extend( [ namesPlugin, a11yPlugin ] );
+export function useGetContrastCheckerColors( {
+	backgroundColor,
+	textColor,
+	linkColor,
+	enableAlphaChecker = false,
+	alphaThreshold = 1,
+	size = 'small',
+} ) {
+	const shouldShowContrastWarning = true;
+	const colordBackgroundColor = colord( backgroundColor );
+	const backgroundColorHasTransparency = colordBackgroundColor.alpha() < 1;
+	const hasTextAndLinkColors = textColor && linkColor;
+	// If there's only one color passed, store in `singleTextColor`.
+	const singleTextColor = hasTextAndLinkColors
+		? null
+		: textColor || linkColor;
+	const colordTextColor = singleTextColor
+		? colord( singleTextColor )
+		: colord( textColor );
+	const colordLinkColor = colord( linkColor );
+	// Transparency.
+	const textColorHasTransparency =
+		textColor && colordTextColor.alpha() < alphaThreshold;
+	const linkColorHasTransparency =
+		linkColor && colordLinkColor.alpha() < alphaThreshold;
+	// Readability.
+	const isTextColorReadable =
+		textColor &&
+		colordTextColor.isReadable( colordBackgroundColor, {
+			level: 'AA',
+			size,
+		} );
+	const isLinkColorReadable =
+		linkColor &&
+		colordLinkColor.isReadable( colordBackgroundColor, {
+			level: 'AA',
+			size,
+		} );
+	// Flag to warn about transparency only if the text is otherwise readable according to colord
+	// to ensure the readability warnings take precedence.
+	let shouldShowTransparencyWarning = false;
+	// Don't show the message if the text is readable AND there's no transparency.
+	// This is the default.
+	if ( ! textColorHasTransparency && ! linkColorHasTransparency ) {
+		// If the background has transparency, don't show any contrast warnings.
+		if (
+			backgroundColorHasTransparency ||
+			( isTextColorReadable && isLinkColorReadable ) ||
+			( singleTextColor && isTextColorReadable )
+		) {
+			return null;
+		}
+	} else {
+		// If there's text transparency, don't show the message if the alpha checker is disabled.
+		if ( ! enableAlphaChecker ) {
+			return null;
+		}
+		// If the background has transparency, don't show any contrast warnings.
+		if ( backgroundColorHasTransparency ) {
+			shouldShowTransparencyWarning = true;
+		}
+		// If there is only one text color (text or link) and the color is readable with no transparency.
+		if ( singleTextColor && isTextColorReadable ) {
+			if ( ! textColorHasTransparency ) {
+				return null;
+			}
+			shouldShowTransparencyWarning = true;
+		}
+		// If both text colors are readable, but transparent show the warning.
+		if ( isTextColorReadable && isLinkColorReadable ) {
+			shouldShowTransparencyWarning = true;
+		}
+	}
+	return {
+		shouldShowContrastWarning,
+		shouldShowTransparencyWarning,
+	};

From 858e0ce58f25cc2b45bd4db5a29df0900a7cf75b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ramonjd <>
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2022 13:50:45 +1100
Subject: [PATCH 03/11] WIP to be squashed. Using hook

 .../src/components/contrast-checker/index.js  | 135 +++---------
 .../use-get-contrast-checker-colors.js        | 197 +++++++++++-------
 2 files changed, 146 insertions(+), 186 deletions(-)

diff --git a/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/index.js b/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/index.js
index 5bd26c0b26b69d..af3ffecd4478ed 100644
--- a/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/index.js
+++ b/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/index.js
@@ -12,7 +12,11 @@ import { speak } from '@wordpress/a11y';
 import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';
 import { Notice } from '@wordpress/components';
 import { useEffect } from '@wordpress/element';
-import {useGetContrastCheckerColors} from "./use-get-contrast-checker-colors";
+ * Internal dependencies
+ */
+import { useGetContrastCheckerColors } from './use-get-contrast-checker-colors';
 extend( [ namesPlugin, a11yPlugin ] );
@@ -80,123 +84,32 @@ function ContrastChecker( {
 	enableAlphaChecker = false,
 } ) {
 	const currentBackgroundColor = backgroundColor || fallbackBackgroundColor;
-	// Must have a background color.
-	if ( ! currentBackgroundColor ) {
-		return null;
-	}
 	const currentTextColor = textColor || fallbackTextColor;
 	const currentLinkColor = linkColor || fallbackLinkColor;
-	// Must have at least one text color.
-	if ( ! currentTextColor && ! currentLinkColor ) {
+	const {
+		shouldShowTransparencyWarning,
+		shouldRenderMessage,
+		colordBackgroundColor,
+		colordTextColor,
+		colordLinkColor,
+	} = useGetContrastCheckerColors( {
+		backgroundColor: currentBackgroundColor,
+		textColor: currentTextColor,
+		linkColor: currentLinkColor,
+		isLargeText,
+		fontSize,
+		enableAlphaChecker,
+	} );
+	if ( ! shouldRenderMessage ) {
 		return null;
-	// const textSize =
-	// 	isLargeText || ( isLargeText !== false && fontSize >= 24 )
-	// 		? 'large'
-	// 		: 'small';
-	//
-	// const {
-	//
-	// } = useGetContrastCheckerColors( {
-	// 	currentBackgroundColor,
-	// 	currentTextColor,
-	// 	currentLinkColor,
-	// 	enableAlphaChecker,
-	// 	size: textSize,
-	// } );
-	const colordBackgroundColor = colord(
-		currentBackgroundColor
-	);
-	const backgroundColorHasTransparency = colordBackgroundColor.alpha() < 1;
-	const hasTextAndLinkColors = currentTextColor && currentLinkColor;
-	// If there's only one color passed, store in `singleTextColor`.
-	const singleTextColor = hasTextAndLinkColors
-		? null
-		: currentTextColor || currentLinkColor;
-	const colordTextColor = singleTextColor
-		? colord( singleTextColor )
-		: colord( currentTextColor );
-	const colordLinkColor = colord( currentLinkColor );
-	// Transparency.
-	const textColorHasTransparency =
-		currentTextColor && colordTextColor.alpha() < 1;
-	const linkColorHasTransparency =
-		currentLinkColor && colordLinkColor.alpha() < 1;
-	// Text size.
-	const textSize =
-		isLargeText || ( isLargeText !== false && fontSize >= 24 )
-			? 'large'
-			: 'small';
-	// Readability.
-	const isTextColorReadable =
-		currentTextColor &&
-		colordTextColor.isReadable( colordBackgroundColor, {
-			level: 'AA',
-			size: textSize,
-		} );
-	const isLinkColorReadable =
-		currentLinkColor &&
-		colordLinkColor.isReadable( colordBackgroundColor, {
-			level: 'AA',
-			size: textSize,
-		} );
-	// Flag to warn about transparency only if the text is otherwise readable according to colord
-	// to ensure the readability warnings take precedence.
-	let shouldShowTransparencyWarning = false;
-	// Don't show the message if the text is readable AND there's no transparency.
-	// This is the default.
-	if ( ! textColorHasTransparency && ! linkColorHasTransparency ) {
-		// If the background has transparency, don't show any contrast warnings.
-		if (
-			backgroundColorHasTransparency ||
-			( isTextColorReadable && isLinkColorReadable ) ||
-			( singleTextColor && isTextColorReadable )
-		) {
-			return null;
-		}
-	} else {
-		// If there's text transparency, don't show the message if the alpha checker is disabled.
-		if ( ! enableAlphaChecker ) {
-			return null;
-		}
-		// If the background has transparency, don't show any contrast warnings.
-		if ( backgroundColorHasTransparency ) {
-			shouldShowTransparencyWarning = true;
-		}
-		// If there is only one text color (text or link) and the color is readable with no transparency.
-		if ( singleTextColor && isTextColorReadable ) {
-			if ( ! textColorHasTransparency ) {
-				return null;
-			}
-			shouldShowTransparencyWarning = true;
-		}
-		// If both text colors are readable, but transparent show the warning.
-		if ( isTextColorReadable && isLinkColorReadable ) {
-			shouldShowTransparencyWarning = true;
-		}
-	}
 	return (
-			backgroundColor={ backgroundColor }
-			textColor={ textColor }
-			linkColor={ linkColor }
+			backgroundColor={ currentBackgroundColor }
+			textColor={ currentTextColor }
+			linkColor={ currentLinkColor }
 			colordBackgroundColor={ colordBackgroundColor }
 			colordTextColor={ colordTextColor }
 			colordLinkColor={ colordLinkColor }
diff --git a/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/use-get-contrast-checker-colors.js b/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/use-get-contrast-checker-colors.js
index f5e8d25860ebcf..b353081e02c902 100644
--- a/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/use-get-contrast-checker-colors.js
+++ b/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/use-get-contrast-checker-colors.js
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import a11yPlugin from 'colord/plugins/a11y';
 import { speak } from '@wordpress/a11y';
 import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';
 import { Notice } from '@wordpress/components';
-import { useEffect } from '@wordpress/element';
+import { useEffect, useMemo } from '@wordpress/element';
 extend( [ namesPlugin, a11yPlugin ] );
@@ -21,87 +21,134 @@ export function useGetContrastCheckerColors( {
 	enableAlphaChecker = false,
 	alphaThreshold = 1,
-	size = 'small',
+	isLargeText,
+	fontSize,
 } ) {
-	const shouldShowContrastWarning = true;
-	const colordBackgroundColor = colord( backgroundColor );
-	const backgroundColorHasTransparency = colordBackgroundColor.alpha() < 1;
-	const hasTextAndLinkColors = textColor && linkColor;
-	// If there's only one color passed, store in `singleTextColor`.
-	const singleTextColor = hasTextAndLinkColors
-		? null
-		: textColor || linkColor;
-	const colordTextColor = singleTextColor
-		? colord( singleTextColor )
-		: colord( textColor );
-	const colordLinkColor = colord( linkColor );
-	// Transparency.
-	const textColorHasTransparency =
-		textColor && colordTextColor.alpha() < alphaThreshold;
-	const linkColorHasTransparency =
-		linkColor && colordLinkColor.alpha() < alphaThreshold;
-	// Readability.
-	const isTextColorReadable =
-		textColor &&
-		colordTextColor.isReadable( colordBackgroundColor, {
-			level: 'AA',
-			size,
-		} );
-	const isLinkColorReadable =
-		linkColor &&
-		colordLinkColor.isReadable( colordBackgroundColor, {
-			level: 'AA',
-			size,
-		} );
-	// Flag to warn about transparency only if the text is otherwise readable according to colord
-	// to ensure the readability warnings take precedence.
-	let shouldShowTransparencyWarning = false;
-	// Don't show the message if the text is readable AND there's no transparency.
-	// This is the default.
-	if ( ! textColorHasTransparency && ! linkColorHasTransparency ) {
-		// If the background has transparency, don't show any contrast warnings.
-		if (
-			backgroundColorHasTransparency ||
-			( isTextColorReadable && isLinkColorReadable ) ||
-			( singleTextColor && isTextColorReadable )
-		) {
-			return null;
+	return useMemo( () => {
+		// Flag to indicate that we should show the message.
+		let shouldRenderMessage = false;
+		// Flag to warn about transparency only if the text is otherwise readable according to colord
+		// to ensure the readability warnings take precedence.
+		let shouldShowTransparencyWarning = false;
+		// Must have a background color.
+		if ( ! backgroundColor ) {
+			return {
+				shouldRenderMessage,
+				shouldShowTransparencyWarning,
+			};
-	} else {
-		// If there's text transparency, don't show the message if the alpha checker is disabled.
-		if ( ! enableAlphaChecker ) {
-			return null;
+		// Must have at least one text color.
+		if ( !! textColor && !! linkColor ) {
+			return {
+				shouldRenderMessage,
+				shouldShowTransparencyWarning,
+			};
-		// If the background has transparency, don't show any contrast warnings.
-		if ( backgroundColorHasTransparency ) {
-			shouldShowTransparencyWarning = true;
-		}
+		const colordBackgroundColor = colord( backgroundColor );
+		const backgroundColorHasTransparency =
+			colordBackgroundColor.alpha() < 1;
+		const hasTextAndLinkColors = textColor && linkColor;
+		// If there's only one color passed, store in `singleTextColor`.
+		const singleTextColor = hasTextAndLinkColors
+			? null
+			: textColor || linkColor;
+		const colordTextColor = singleTextColor
+			? colord( singleTextColor )
+			: colord( textColor );
+		const colordLinkColor = colord( linkColor );
+		// Transparency.
+		const textColorHasTransparency =
+			textColor && colordTextColor.alpha() < alphaThreshold;
+		const linkColorHasTransparency =
+			linkColor && colordLinkColor.alpha() < alphaThreshold;
+		// Text size
+		const size =
+			isLargeText || ( isLargeText !== false && fontSize >= 24 )
+				? 'large'
+				: 'small';
+		// Readability.
+		const isTextColorReadable =
+			textColor &&
+			colordTextColor.isReadable( colordBackgroundColor, {
+				level: 'AA',
+				size,
+			} );
-		// If there is only one text color (text or link) and the color is readable with no transparency.
-		if ( singleTextColor && isTextColorReadable ) {
-			if ( ! textColorHasTransparency ) {
-				return null;
+		const isLinkColorReadable =
+			linkColor &&
+			colordLinkColor.isReadable( colordBackgroundColor, {
+				level: 'AA',
+				size,
+			} );
+		// Don't show the message if the text is readable AND there's no transparency.
+		// This is the default.
+		if ( ! textColorHasTransparency && ! linkColorHasTransparency ) {
+			// If the background has transparency, don't show any contrast warnings.
+			if (
+				backgroundColorHasTransparency ||
+				( isTextColorReadable && isLinkColorReadable ) ||
+				( singleTextColor && isTextColorReadable )
+			) {
+				return {
+					shouldRenderMessage,
+					shouldShowTransparencyWarning,
+				};
+			}
+		} else {
+			// If there's text transparency, don't show the message if the alpha checker is disabled.
+			if ( ! enableAlphaChecker ) {
+				return {
+					shouldRenderMessage,
+					shouldShowTransparencyWarning,
+				};
+			}
+			// If the background has transparency, don't show any contrast warnings.
+			if ( backgroundColorHasTransparency ) {
+				return {
+					shouldRenderMessage: true,
+					shouldShowTransparencyWarning: true,
+				};
+			}
+			// If there is only one text color (text or link) and the color is readable with no transparency.
+			if ( singleTextColor && isTextColorReadable ) {
+				if ( ! textColorHasTransparency ) {
+					return {
+						shouldRenderMessage: false,
+						shouldShowTransparencyWarning: false,
+					};
+				}
+				return {
+					shouldRenderMessage: true,
+					shouldShowTransparencyWarning: true,
+				};
-			shouldShowTransparencyWarning = true;
-		}
-		// If both text colors are readable, but transparent show the warning.
-		if ( isTextColorReadable && isLinkColorReadable ) {
-			shouldShowTransparencyWarning = true;
+			// If both text colors are readable, but transparent show the warning.
+			if ( isTextColorReadable && isLinkColorReadable ) {
+				return {
+					shouldRenderMessage: true,
+					shouldShowTransparencyWarning: true,
+				};
+			}
-	}
-	return {
-		shouldShowContrastWarning,
-		shouldShowTransparencyWarning,
-	};
+		return {
+			shouldRenderMessage,
+			shouldShowTransparencyWarning,
+			colordBackgroundColor,
+			colordTextColor,
+			colordLinkColor,
+		};
+	}, [ backgroundColor, textColor, linkColor ] );

From c6e0b42c2756c04d78947b2ffdf08bd90df23503 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ramonjd <>
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2022 13:54:11 +1100
Subject: [PATCH 04/11] Reducing logic with passing tests.

 .../src/components/contrast-checker/index.js  | 117 ++++++++++---
 .../use-get-contrast-checker-colors.js        | 154 ------------------
 2 files changed, 93 insertions(+), 178 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/use-get-contrast-checker-colors.js

diff --git a/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/index.js b/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/index.js
index af3ffecd4478ed..728702a6d7f572 100644
--- a/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/index.js
+++ b/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/index.js
@@ -13,11 +13,6 @@ import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';
 import { Notice } from '@wordpress/components';
 import { useEffect } from '@wordpress/element';
- * Internal dependencies
- */
-import { useGetContrastCheckerColors } from './use-get-contrast-checker-colors';
 extend( [ namesPlugin, a11yPlugin ] );
 // @TODO move this to an external component.
@@ -84,32 +79,106 @@ function ContrastChecker( {
 	enableAlphaChecker = false,
 } ) {
 	const currentBackgroundColor = backgroundColor || fallbackBackgroundColor;
+	// Must have a background color.
+	if ( ! currentBackgroundColor ) {
+		return null;
+	}
 	const currentTextColor = textColor || fallbackTextColor;
 	const currentLinkColor = linkColor || fallbackLinkColor;
-	const {
-		shouldShowTransparencyWarning,
-		shouldRenderMessage,
-		colordBackgroundColor,
-		colordTextColor,
-		colordLinkColor,
-	} = useGetContrastCheckerColors( {
-		backgroundColor: currentBackgroundColor,
-		textColor: currentTextColor,
-		linkColor: currentLinkColor,
-		isLargeText,
-		fontSize,
-		enableAlphaChecker,
-	} );
-	if ( ! shouldRenderMessage ) {
+	// Must have at least one text color.
+	if ( ! currentTextColor && ! currentLinkColor ) {
 		return null;
+	const colordBackgroundColor = colord( currentBackgroundColor );
+	const backgroundColorHasTransparency = colordBackgroundColor.alpha() < 1;
+	const hasTextAndLinkColors = currentTextColor && currentLinkColor;
+	// If there's only one color passed, store in `singleTextColor`.
+	const singleTextColor = hasTextAndLinkColors
+		? null
+		: currentTextColor || currentLinkColor;
+	const colordTextColor = singleTextColor
+		? colord( singleTextColor )
+		: colord( currentTextColor );
+	const colordLinkColor = colord( currentLinkColor );
+	// Transparency.
+	const textColorHasTransparency =
+		currentTextColor && colordTextColor.alpha() < 1;
+	const linkColorHasTransparency =
+		currentLinkColor && colordLinkColor.alpha() < 1;
+	// Text size.
+	const textSize =
+		isLargeText || ( isLargeText !== false && fontSize >= 24 )
+			? 'large'
+			: 'small';
+	// Readability.
+	const isTextColorReadable =
+		currentTextColor &&
+		colordTextColor.isReadable( colordBackgroundColor, {
+			level: 'AA',
+			size: textSize,
+		} );
+	const isLinkColorReadable =
+		currentLinkColor &&
+		colordLinkColor.isReadable( colordBackgroundColor, {
+			level: 'AA',
+			size: textSize,
+		} );
+	// Flag to warn about transparency only if the text is otherwise readable according to colord
+	// to ensure the readability warnings take precedence.
+	let shouldShowTransparencyWarning = false;
+	// Don't show the message if the text is readable AND there's no transparency.
+	// This is the default.
+	if ( ! textColorHasTransparency && ! linkColorHasTransparency ) {
+		// If the background has transparency, don't show any contrast warnings.
+		if (
+			backgroundColorHasTransparency ||
+			( isTextColorReadable && isLinkColorReadable ) ||
+			( singleTextColor && isTextColorReadable )
+		) {
+			return null;
+		}
+	} else {
+		// If there's text transparency, don't show the message if the alpha checker is disabled.
+		if ( ! enableAlphaChecker ) {
+			return null;
+		}
+		// If the background has transparency, don't show any contrast warnings.
+		if ( backgroundColorHasTransparency ) {
+			shouldShowTransparencyWarning = true;
+		}
+		// If there is only one text color (text or link) and the color is readable with no transparency.
+		if ( singleTextColor && isTextColorReadable ) {
+			if ( ! textColorHasTransparency ) {
+				return null;
+			}
+			shouldShowTransparencyWarning = true;
+		}
+		// If both text colors are readable, but transparent show the warning.
+		if ( isTextColorReadable && isLinkColorReadable ) {
+			shouldShowTransparencyWarning = true;
+		}
+	}
 	return (
-			backgroundColor={ currentBackgroundColor }
-			textColor={ currentTextColor }
-			linkColor={ currentLinkColor }
+			backgroundColor={ backgroundColor }
+			textColor={ textColor }
+			linkColor={ linkColor }
 			colordBackgroundColor={ colordBackgroundColor }
 			colordTextColor={ colordTextColor }
 			colordLinkColor={ colordLinkColor }
diff --git a/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/use-get-contrast-checker-colors.js b/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/use-get-contrast-checker-colors.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b353081e02c902..00000000000000
--- a/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/use-get-contrast-checker-colors.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
- * External dependencies
- */
-import { colord, extend } from 'colord';
-import namesPlugin from 'colord/plugins/names';
-import a11yPlugin from 'colord/plugins/a11y';
- * WordPress dependencies
- */
-import { speak } from '@wordpress/a11y';
-import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';
-import { Notice } from '@wordpress/components';
-import { useEffect, useMemo } from '@wordpress/element';
-extend( [ namesPlugin, a11yPlugin ] );
-export function useGetContrastCheckerColors( {
-	backgroundColor,
-	textColor,
-	linkColor,
-	enableAlphaChecker = false,
-	alphaThreshold = 1,
-	isLargeText,
-	fontSize,
-} ) {
-	return useMemo( () => {
-		// Flag to indicate that we should show the message.
-		let shouldRenderMessage = false;
-		// Flag to warn about transparency only if the text is otherwise readable according to colord
-		// to ensure the readability warnings take precedence.
-		let shouldShowTransparencyWarning = false;
-		// Must have a background color.
-		if ( ! backgroundColor ) {
-			return {
-				shouldRenderMessage,
-				shouldShowTransparencyWarning,
-			};
-		}
-		// Must have at least one text color.
-		if ( !! textColor && !! linkColor ) {
-			return {
-				shouldRenderMessage,
-				shouldShowTransparencyWarning,
-			};
-		}
-		const colordBackgroundColor = colord( backgroundColor );
-		const backgroundColorHasTransparency =
-			colordBackgroundColor.alpha() < 1;
-		const hasTextAndLinkColors = textColor && linkColor;
-		// If there's only one color passed, store in `singleTextColor`.
-		const singleTextColor = hasTextAndLinkColors
-			? null
-			: textColor || linkColor;
-		const colordTextColor = singleTextColor
-			? colord( singleTextColor )
-			: colord( textColor );
-		const colordLinkColor = colord( linkColor );
-		// Transparency.
-		const textColorHasTransparency =
-			textColor && colordTextColor.alpha() < alphaThreshold;
-		const linkColorHasTransparency =
-			linkColor && colordLinkColor.alpha() < alphaThreshold;
-		// Text size
-		const size =
-			isLargeText || ( isLargeText !== false && fontSize >= 24 )
-				? 'large'
-				: 'small';
-		// Readability.
-		const isTextColorReadable =
-			textColor &&
-			colordTextColor.isReadable( colordBackgroundColor, {
-				level: 'AA',
-				size,
-			} );
-		const isLinkColorReadable =
-			linkColor &&
-			colordLinkColor.isReadable( colordBackgroundColor, {
-				level: 'AA',
-				size,
-			} );
-		// Don't show the message if the text is readable AND there's no transparency.
-		// This is the default.
-		if ( ! textColorHasTransparency && ! linkColorHasTransparency ) {
-			// If the background has transparency, don't show any contrast warnings.
-			if (
-				backgroundColorHasTransparency ||
-				( isTextColorReadable && isLinkColorReadable ) ||
-				( singleTextColor && isTextColorReadable )
-			) {
-				return {
-					shouldRenderMessage,
-					shouldShowTransparencyWarning,
-				};
-			}
-		} else {
-			// If there's text transparency, don't show the message if the alpha checker is disabled.
-			if ( ! enableAlphaChecker ) {
-				return {
-					shouldRenderMessage,
-					shouldShowTransparencyWarning,
-				};
-			}
-			// If the background has transparency, don't show any contrast warnings.
-			if ( backgroundColorHasTransparency ) {
-				return {
-					shouldRenderMessage: true,
-					shouldShowTransparencyWarning: true,
-				};
-			}
-			// If there is only one text color (text or link) and the color is readable with no transparency.
-			if ( singleTextColor && isTextColorReadable ) {
-				if ( ! textColorHasTransparency ) {
-					return {
-						shouldRenderMessage: false,
-						shouldShowTransparencyWarning: false,
-					};
-				}
-				return {
-					shouldRenderMessage: true,
-					shouldShowTransparencyWarning: true,
-				};
-			}
-			// If both text colors are readable, but transparent show the warning.
-			if ( isTextColorReadable && isLinkColorReadable ) {
-				return {
-					shouldRenderMessage: true,
-					shouldShowTransparencyWarning: true,
-				};
-			}
-		}
-		return {
-			shouldRenderMessage,
-			shouldShowTransparencyWarning,
-			colordBackgroundColor,
-			colordTextColor,
-			colordLinkColor,
-		};
-	}, [ backgroundColor, textColor, linkColor ] );

From 665800582908a747fcfc0b46caf314335d2d6a2f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ramonjd <>
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2022 14:08:38 +1100
Subject: [PATCH 05/11] Extracting ContrastCheckerMessage component

 .../contrast-checker-message.js               | 58 +++++++++++++++
 .../src/components/contrast-checker/index.js  | 70 ++-----------------
 2 files changed, 65 insertions(+), 63 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/contrast-checker-message.js

diff --git a/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/contrast-checker-message.js b/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/contrast-checker-message.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..96ea04c7bfb3e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/contrast-checker-message.js
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+ * WordPress dependencies
+ */
+import { speak } from '@wordpress/a11y';
+import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';
+import { Notice } from '@wordpress/components';
+import { useEffect } from '@wordpress/element';
+export default function ContrastCheckerMessage( {
+	colordBackgroundColor,
+	colordTextColor,
+	colordLinkColor,
+	backgroundColor,
+	textColor,
+	linkColor,
+	shouldShowTransparencyWarning,
+} ) {
+	let msg = '';
+	if ( shouldShowTransparencyWarning ) {
+		msg = __( 'Transparent text may be hard for people to read.' );
+	} else {
+		const backgroundColorBrightness = colordBackgroundColor.brightness();
+		msg =
+			( colordTextColor &&
+				backgroundColorBrightness < colordTextColor.brightness() ) ||
+			( colordLinkColor &&
+				backgroundColorBrightness < colordLinkColor.brightness() )
+				? __(
+						'This color combination may be hard for people to read. Try using a darker background color and/or a brighter text color.'
+				  )
+				: __(
+						'This color combination may be hard for people to read. Try using a brighter background color and/or a darker text color.'
+				  );
+	}
+	// Note: The `Notice` component can speak messages via its `spokenMessage`
+	// prop, but the contrast checker requires granular control over when the
+	// announcements are made. Notably, the message will be re-announced if a
+	// new color combination is selected and the contrast is still insufficient.
+	useEffect( () => {
+		const speakMsg = shouldShowTransparencyWarning
+			? __( 'Transparent text may be hard for people to read.' )
+			: __( 'This color combination may be hard for people to read.' );
+		speak( speakMsg );
+	}, [ backgroundColor, textColor, linkColor ] );
+	return (
+		<div className="block-editor-contrast-checker">
+			<Notice
+				spokenMessage={ null }
+				status="warning"
+				isDismissible={ false }
+			>
+				{ msg }
+			</Notice>
+		</div>
+	);
diff --git a/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/index.js b/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/index.js
index 728702a6d7f572..f77d4f10f65559 100644
--- a/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/index.js
+++ b/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/index.js
@@ -6,67 +6,12 @@ import namesPlugin from 'colord/plugins/names';
 import a11yPlugin from 'colord/plugins/a11y';
- * WordPress dependencies
+ * Internal dependencies
-import { speak } from '@wordpress/a11y';
-import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';
-import { Notice } from '@wordpress/components';
-import { useEffect } from '@wordpress/element';
+import ContrastCheckerMessage from './contrast-checker-message';
 extend( [ namesPlugin, a11yPlugin ] );
-// @TODO move this to an external component.
-function ContrastCheckerMessage( {
-	colordBackgroundColor,
-	colordTextColor,
-	colordLinkColor,
-	backgroundColor,
-	textColor,
-	linkColor,
-	shouldShowTransparencyWarning,
-} ) {
-	let msg = '';
-	if ( shouldShowTransparencyWarning ) {
-		msg = __( 'Transparent text may be hard for people to read.' );
-	} else {
-		const backgroundColorBrightness = colordBackgroundColor.brightness();
-		msg =
-			( colordTextColor &&
-				backgroundColorBrightness < colordTextColor.brightness() ) ||
-			( colordLinkColor &&
-				backgroundColorBrightness < colordLinkColor.brightness() )
-				? __(
-						'This color combination may be hard for people to read. Try using a darker background color and/or a brighter text color.'
-				  )
-				: __(
-						'This color combination may be hard for people to read. Try using a brighter background color and/or a darker text color.'
-				  );
-	}
-	// Note: The `Notice` component can speak messages via its `spokenMessage`
-	// prop, but the contrast checker requires granular control over when the
-	// announcements are made. Notably, the message will be re-announced if a
-	// new color combination is selected and the contrast is still insufficient.
-	useEffect( () => {
-		const speakMsg = shouldShowTransparencyWarning
-			? __( 'Transparent text may be hard for people to read.' )
-			: __( 'This color combination may be hard for people to read.' );
-		speak( speakMsg );
-	}, [ backgroundColor, textColor, linkColor ] );
-	return (
-		<div className="block-editor-contrast-checker">
-			<Notice
-				spokenMessage={ null }
-				status="warning"
-				isDismissible={ false }
-			>
-				{ msg }
-			</Notice>
-		</div>
-	);
 function ContrastChecker( {
@@ -156,7 +101,11 @@ function ContrastChecker( {
 		// If the background has transparency, don't show any contrast warnings.
-		if ( backgroundColorHasTransparency ) {
+		// If both text colors are readable, but transparent show the warning.
+		if (
+			backgroundColorHasTransparency ||
+			( isTextColorReadable && isLinkColorReadable )
+		) {
 			shouldShowTransparencyWarning = true;
@@ -167,11 +116,6 @@ function ContrastChecker( {
 			shouldShowTransparencyWarning = true;
-		// If both text colors are readable, but transparent show the warning.
-		if ( isTextColorReadable && isLinkColorReadable ) {
-			shouldShowTransparencyWarning = true;
-		}
 	return (

From 4fd73ba9824011ad5d55176aff8f5df3c54a2eac Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ramonjd <>
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2022 14:15:25 +1100
Subject: [PATCH 06/11] Extracting readable options

 .../src/components/contrast-checker/index.js  | 29 +++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

diff --git a/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/index.js b/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/index.js
index f77d4f10f65559..aba4b586f9f524 100644
--- a/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/index.js
+++ b/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/index.js
@@ -41,11 +41,11 @@ function ContrastChecker( {
 	const colordBackgroundColor = colord( currentBackgroundColor );
 	const backgroundColorHasTransparency = colordBackgroundColor.alpha() < 1;
-	const hasTextAndLinkColors = currentTextColor && currentLinkColor;
 	// If there's only one color passed, store in `singleTextColor`.
-	const singleTextColor = hasTextAndLinkColors
-		? null
-		: currentTextColor || currentLinkColor;
+	const singleTextColor =
+		currentTextColor && currentLinkColor
+			? null
+			: currentTextColor || currentLinkColor;
 	const colordTextColor = singleTextColor
 		? colord( singleTextColor )
@@ -59,25 +59,22 @@ function ContrastChecker( {
 		currentLinkColor && colordLinkColor.alpha() < 1;
 	// Text size.
-	const textSize =
-		isLargeText || ( isLargeText !== false && fontSize >= 24 )
-			? 'large'
-			: 'small';
+	const isReadableOptions = {
+		level: 'AA',
+		size:
+			isLargeText || ( isLargeText !== false && fontSize >= 24 )
+				? 'large'
+				: 'small',
+	};
 	// Readability.
 	const isTextColorReadable =
 		currentTextColor &&
-		colordTextColor.isReadable( colordBackgroundColor, {
-			level: 'AA',
-			size: textSize,
-		} );
+		colordTextColor.isReadable( colordBackgroundColor, isReadableOptions );
 	const isLinkColorReadable =
 		currentLinkColor &&
-		colordLinkColor.isReadable( colordBackgroundColor, {
-			level: 'AA',
-			size: textSize,
-		} );
+		colordLinkColor.isReadable( colordBackgroundColor, isReadableOptions );
 	// Flag to warn about transparency only if the text is otherwise readable according to colord
 	// to ensure the readability warnings take precedence.

From 416337aacf85c6c7a1fab633f4fd929d76252a82 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ramonjd <>
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2022 20:41:15 +1100
Subject: [PATCH 07/11] Update DOM query to find an A tag even if its nested
 in, say, a strong or em tag.

 packages/block-editor/src/hooks/color-panel.js | 10 +++-------
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/packages/block-editor/src/hooks/color-panel.js b/packages/block-editor/src/hooks/color-panel.js
index 0ef493172590b7..c360ed4e87c6cb 100644
--- a/packages/block-editor/src/hooks/color-panel.js
+++ b/packages/block-editor/src/hooks/color-panel.js
@@ -38,13 +38,9 @@ export default function ColorPanel( {
 		setDetectedColor( getComputedStyle( ref.current ).color );
-		if ( ref.current?.children?.length ) {
-			const linkElement = Array.from( ref.current.children ).find(
-				( child ) => child.nodeName === 'A'
-			);
-			if ( linkElement && !! linkElement.textContent ) {
-				setDetectedLinkColor( getComputedStyle( linkElement ).color );
-			}
+		const firstLinkElement = ref.current?.querySelector( 'a' );
+		if ( firstLinkElement && !! firstLinkElement.innerText ) {
+			setDetectedLinkColor( getComputedStyle( firstLinkElement ).color );
 		let backgroundColorNode = ref.current;

From 00e5e31f402c7231af995afa25a38c42a61d40a3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ramonjd <>
Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2022 23:44:52 +1100
Subject: [PATCH 08/11] This commit refactors the contrast checker to accept an
 array of text colors. This is so it can handle checking multiple
 text/foreground colors on a single background, e.g., text, link and so on.
 Updating arguments and tests.

 .../src/components/colors/color-panel.js      |  12 +-
 .../contrast-checker-message.js               |  44 +--
 .../src/components/contrast-checker/index.js  | 150 +++++----
 .../components/contrast-checker/test/index.js | 292 ++++++++++++++----
 .../block-editor/src/hooks/color-panel.js     |  12 +-
 .../src/navigation/edit/index.js              |  14 +-
 .../block-library/src/social-links/edit.js    |  11 +-
 7 files changed, 345 insertions(+), 190 deletions(-)

diff --git a/packages/block-editor/src/components/colors/color-panel.js b/packages/block-editor/src/components/colors/color-panel.js
index 95784826eb302d..75fe0e26238e30 100644
--- a/packages/block-editor/src/components/colors/color-panel.js
+++ b/packages/block-editor/src/components/colors/color-panel.js
@@ -53,7 +53,11 @@ export default function ColorPanel( {
 										key={ `${ backgroundColor }-${ textColor }` }
 										backgroundColor={ backgroundColor }
-										textColor={ textColor }
+										textColors={ [
+											{
+												color: textColor,
+											},
+										] }
 										{ }
@@ -79,7 +83,11 @@ export default function ColorPanel( {
 									{ ...contrastCheckers }
 									key={ `${ backgroundColor }-${ textColor }` }
 									backgroundColor={ backgroundColor }
-									textColor={ textColor }
+									textColors={ [
+										{
+											color: textColor,
+										},
+									] }
 					  } ) ) }
diff --git a/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/contrast-checker-message.js b/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/contrast-checker-message.js
index 96ea04c7bfb3e9..317f361e822c52 100644
--- a/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/contrast-checker-message.js
+++ b/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/contrast-checker-message.js
@@ -1,49 +1,9 @@
  * WordPress dependencies
-import { speak } from '@wordpress/a11y';
-import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';
 import { Notice } from '@wordpress/components';
-import { useEffect } from '@wordpress/element';
-export default function ContrastCheckerMessage( {
-	colordBackgroundColor,
-	colordTextColor,
-	colordLinkColor,
-	backgroundColor,
-	textColor,
-	linkColor,
-	shouldShowTransparencyWarning,
-} ) {
-	let msg = '';
-	if ( shouldShowTransparencyWarning ) {
-		msg = __( 'Transparent text may be hard for people to read.' );
-	} else {
-		const backgroundColorBrightness = colordBackgroundColor.brightness();
-		msg =
-			( colordTextColor &&
-				backgroundColorBrightness < colordTextColor.brightness() ) ||
-			( colordLinkColor &&
-				backgroundColorBrightness < colordLinkColor.brightness() )
-				? __(
-						'This color combination may be hard for people to read. Try using a darker background color and/or a brighter text color.'
-				  )
-				: __(
-						'This color combination may be hard for people to read. Try using a brighter background color and/or a darker text color.'
-				  );
-	}
-	// Note: The `Notice` component can speak messages via its `spokenMessage`
-	// prop, but the contrast checker requires granular control over when the
-	// announcements are made. Notably, the message will be re-announced if a
-	// new color combination is selected and the contrast is still insufficient.
-	useEffect( () => {
-		const speakMsg = shouldShowTransparencyWarning
-			? __( 'Transparent text may be hard for people to read.' )
-			: __( 'This color combination may be hard for people to read.' );
-		speak( speakMsg );
-	}, [ backgroundColor, textColor, linkColor ] );
+export default function ContrastCheckerMessage( { message } ) {
 	return (
 		<div className="block-editor-contrast-checker">
@@ -51,7 +11,7 @@ export default function ContrastCheckerMessage( {
 				isDismissible={ false }
-				{ msg }
+				{ message }
diff --git a/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/index.js b/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/index.js
index aba4b586f9f524..0925aade73a64e 100644
--- a/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/index.js
+++ b/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/index.js
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+ * WordPress dependencies
+ */
+import { __, sprintf } from '@wordpress/i18n';
+import { speak } from '@wordpress/a11y';
  * External dependencies
@@ -15,50 +20,21 @@ extend( [ namesPlugin, a11yPlugin ] );
 function ContrastChecker( {
-	fallbackTextColor,
-	fallbackLinkColor,
 	fontSize, // font size value in pixels
-	textColor,
-	linkColor,
+	textColors,
 	enableAlphaChecker = false,
 } ) {
 	const currentBackgroundColor = backgroundColor || fallbackBackgroundColor;
-	// Must have a background color.
-	if ( ! currentBackgroundColor ) {
-		return null;
-	}
-	const currentTextColor = textColor || fallbackTextColor;
-	const currentLinkColor = linkColor || fallbackLinkColor;
-	// Must have at least one text color.
-	if ( ! currentTextColor && ! currentLinkColor ) {
+	// Must have a background color and some colours to iterate over.
+	if ( ! currentBackgroundColor || ! textColors || ! textColors.length ) {
 		return null;
 	const colordBackgroundColor = colord( currentBackgroundColor );
 	const backgroundColorHasTransparency = colordBackgroundColor.alpha() < 1;
-	// If there's only one color passed, store in `singleTextColor`.
-	const singleTextColor =
-		currentTextColor && currentLinkColor
-			? null
-			: currentTextColor || currentLinkColor;
-	const colordTextColor = singleTextColor
-		? colord( singleTextColor )
-		: colord( currentTextColor );
-	const colordLinkColor = colord( currentLinkColor );
-	// Transparency.
-	const textColorHasTransparency =
-		currentTextColor && colordTextColor.alpha() < 1;
-	const linkColorHasTransparency =
-		currentLinkColor && colordLinkColor.alpha() < 1;
-	// Text size.
+	const backgroundColorBrightness = colordBackgroundColor.brightness();
 	const isReadableOptions = {
 		level: 'AA',
@@ -67,63 +43,75 @@ function ContrastChecker( {
 				: 'small',
-	// Readability.
-	const isTextColorReadable =
-		currentTextColor &&
-		colordTextColor.isReadable( colordBackgroundColor, isReadableOptions );
-	const isLinkColorReadable =
-		currentLinkColor &&
-		colordLinkColor.isReadable( colordBackgroundColor, isReadableOptions );
-	// Flag to warn about transparency only if the text is otherwise readable according to colord
-	// to ensure the readability warnings take precedence.
-	let shouldShowTransparencyWarning = false;
-	// Don't show the message if the text is readable AND there's no transparency.
-	// This is the default.
-	if ( ! textColorHasTransparency && ! linkColorHasTransparency ) {
-		// If the background has transparency, don't show any contrast warnings.
-		if (
-			backgroundColorHasTransparency ||
-			( isTextColorReadable && isLinkColorReadable ) ||
-			( singleTextColor && isTextColorReadable )
-		) {
-			return null;
+	let message = '';
+	let speakMessage = '';
+	for ( const item of textColors ) {
+		const currentTextColor = item.color || item.fallback;
+		// If there is no color, go no further.
+		if ( ! currentTextColor ) {
+			continue;
-	} else {
-		// If there's text transparency, don't show the message if the alpha checker is disabled.
-		if ( ! enableAlphaChecker ) {
-			return null;
+		const colordTextColor = colord( currentTextColor );
+		const isColordTextReadable = colordTextColor.isReadable(
+			colordBackgroundColor,
+			isReadableOptions
+		);
+		const textHasTransparency = colordTextColor.alpha() < 1;
+		// If the contrast is not readable.
+		if ( ! isColordTextReadable ) {
+			// Don't show the message if the background or text is transparent.
+			if ( backgroundColorHasTransparency || textHasTransparency ) {
+				continue;
+			}
+			const description = item.description || __( 'text color' );
+			message =
+				backgroundColorBrightness < colordTextColor.brightness()
+					? sprintf(
+							// translators: %s is a type of text color, e.g., "text color" or "link color"
+							__(
+								'This color combination may be hard for people to read. Try using a darker background color and/or a brighter %s.'
+							),
+							description
+					  )
+					: sprintf(
+							// translators: %s is a type of text color, e.g., "text color" or "link color"
+							__(
+								'This color combination may be hard for people to read. Try using a brighter background color and/or a darker %s.'
+							),
+							description
+					  );
+			speakMessage = __(
+				'This color combination may be hard for people to read.'
+			);
+			// Break from the loop when we have a contrast warning.
+			// These messages take priority over the transparency warning.
+			break;
-		// If the background has transparency, don't show any contrast warnings.
-		// If both text colors are readable, but transparent show the warning.
-		if (
-			backgroundColorHasTransparency ||
-			( isTextColorReadable && isLinkColorReadable )
-		) {
-			shouldShowTransparencyWarning = true;
+		// If the text color is readable, but transparent, show the transparent warning.
+		if ( textHasTransparency && true === enableAlphaChecker ) {
+			message = __( 'Transparent text may be hard for people to read.' );
+			speakMessage = __(
+				'Transparent text may be hard for people to read.'
+			);
+	}
-		// If there is only one text color (text or link) and the color is readable with no transparency.
-		if ( singleTextColor && isTextColorReadable ) {
-			if ( ! textColorHasTransparency ) {
-				return null;
-			}
-			shouldShowTransparencyWarning = true;
-		}
+	if ( ! message ) {
+		return null;
+	// Note: The `Notice` component can speak messages via its `spokenMessage`
+	// prop, but the contrast checker requires granular control over when the
+	// announcements are made. Notably, the message will be re-announced if a
+	// new color combination is selected and the contrast is still insufficient.
+	speak( speakMessage );
 	return (
-			backgroundColor={ backgroundColor }
-			textColor={ textColor }
-			linkColor={ linkColor }
-			colordBackgroundColor={ colordBackgroundColor }
-			colordTextColor={ colordTextColor }
-			colordLinkColor={ colordLinkColor }
-			shouldShowTransparencyWarning={ shouldShowTransparencyWarning }
+			message={ message }
+			speakMessage={ speakMessage }
diff --git a/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/test/index.js b/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/test/index.js
index 6b5dc9b45eaad2..d4936944b0ee49 100644
--- a/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/test/index.js
+++ b/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/test/index.js
@@ -39,9 +39,18 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 	test( 'should render null when no background or fallback background color is provided', () => {
 		const wrapper = mount(
-				textColor={ textColor }
-				linkColor={ linkColor }
-				isLargeText={ isLargeText }
+				textColors={ [
+					{
+						color: textColor,
+						fallback: undefined,
+						description: 'text color',
+					},
+					{
+						color: linkColor,
+						fallback: undefined,
+						description: 'link color',
+					},
+				] }
@@ -53,11 +62,20 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 		const wrapper = mount(
 				backgroundColor={ backgroundColor }
-				textColor={ textColor }
-				linkColor={ linkColor }
 				isLargeText={ isLargeText }
 				fallbackBackgroundColor={ fallbackBackgroundColor }
-				fallbackTextColor={ fallbackTextColor }
+				textColors={ [
+					{
+						color: textColor,
+						fallback: fallbackTextColor,
+						description: 'text color',
+					},
+					{
+						color: linkColor,
+						fallback: undefined,
+						description: 'link color',
+					},
+				] }
@@ -69,10 +87,15 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 		const wrapper = mount(
 				backgroundColor={ sameShade }
-				textColor={ sameShade }
 				isLargeText={ isLargeText }
 				fallbackBackgroundColor={ fallbackBackgroundColor }
-				fallbackTextColor={ fallbackTextColor }
+				textColors={ [
+					{
+						color: sameShade,
+						fallback: fallbackTextColor,
+						description: 'text color',
+					},
+				] }
@@ -88,11 +111,20 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 		const wrapper = mount(
 				backgroundColor={ sameShade }
-				textColor={ textColor }
-				linkColor={ sameShade }
 				isLargeText={ isLargeText }
 				fallbackBackgroundColor={ fallbackBackgroundColor }
-				fallbackTextColor={ fallbackTextColor }
+				textColors={ [
+					{
+						color: textColor,
+						fallback: fallbackTextColor,
+						description: 'text color',
+					},
+					{
+						color: sameShade,
+						fallback: undefined,
+						description: 'link color, Jack',
+					},
+				] }
@@ -100,7 +132,7 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 			'This color combination may be hard for people to read.'
 		expect( wrapper.find( Notice ).children().text() ).toBe(
-			'This color combination may be hard for people to read. Try using a brighter background color and/or a darker text color.'
+			'This color combination may be hard for people to read. Try using a brighter background color and/or a darker link color, Jack.'
 	} );
@@ -108,11 +140,19 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 		const wrapper = mount(
 				backgroundColor={ sameShade }
-				textColor={ sameShade }
-				linkColor={ sameShade }
 				isLargeText={ isLargeText }
 				fallbackBackgroundColor={ fallbackBackgroundColor }
-				fallbackTextColor={ fallbackTextColor }
+				textColors={ [
+					{
+						color: sameShade,
+						fallback: fallbackTextColor,
+						description: 'text color',
+					},
+					{
+						color: sameShade,
+						description: 'link color',
+					},
+				] }
@@ -128,11 +168,18 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 		const wrapper = mount(
 				backgroundColor={ colorWithTransparency }
-				textColor={ sameShade }
-				linkColor={ sameShade }
 				isLargeText={ isLargeText }
 				fallbackBackgroundColor={ fallbackBackgroundColor }
-				fallbackTextColor={ fallbackTextColor }
+				textColors={ [
+					{
+						color: sameShade,
+						description: 'text color',
+					},
+					{
+						color: sameShade,
+						description: 'link color',
+					},
+				] }
@@ -140,14 +187,18 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 		expect( wrapper.html() ).toBeNull();
 	} );
-	test( 'should render render null if text color contains a transparency', () => {
+	test( 'should render null if text color contains a transparency', () => {
 		const wrapper = mount(
 				backgroundColor={ sameShade }
-				textColor={ colorWithTransparency }
 				isLargeText={ isLargeText }
 				fallbackBackgroundColor={ fallbackBackgroundColor }
-				fallbackTextColor={ fallbackTextColor }
+				textColors={ [
+					{
+						color: colorWithTransparency,
+						description: 'text color',
+					},
+				] }
@@ -159,11 +210,18 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 		const wrapper = mount(
 				backgroundColor={ backgroundColor }
-				textColor={ textColor }
-				linkColor={ colorWithTransparency }
 				isLargeText={ isLargeText }
 				fallbackBackgroundColor={ fallbackBackgroundColor }
-				fallbackTextColor={ fallbackTextColor }
+				textColors={ [
+					{
+						color: textColor,
+						description: 'text color',
+					},
+					{
+						color: colorWithTransparency,
+						description: 'link color',
+					},
+				] }
@@ -177,10 +235,15 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 		const wrapper = mount(
 				backgroundColor={ darkerShade }
-				textColor={ sameShade }
 				isLargeText={ ! isLargeText }
 				fallbackBackgroundColor={ fallbackBackgroundColor }
-				fallbackTextColor={ fallbackTextColor }
+				textColors={ [
+					{
+						color: sameShade,
+						fallback: fallbackTextColor,
+						description: 'text color',
+					},
+				] }
@@ -196,8 +259,13 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 		const wrapperSmallText = mount(
-				textColor="#000000"
 				isLargeText={ false }
+				textColors={ [
+					{
+						color: '#000000',
+						description: 'text color',
+					},
+				] }
@@ -211,8 +279,13 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 		const wrapperLargeText = mount(
-				textColor="#000000"
 				isLargeText={ true }
+				textColors={ [
+					{
+						color: '#000000',
+						description: 'text color',
+					},
+				] }
@@ -223,7 +296,12 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 		const wrapperSmallFontSize = mount(
-				textColor="#000000"
+				textColors={ [
+					{
+						color: '#000000',
+						description: 'text color',
+					},
+				] }
 				fontSize={ 23 }
@@ -238,7 +316,12 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 		const wrapperLargeText = mount(
-				textColor="#000000"
+				textColors={ [
+					{
+						color: '#000000',
+						description: 'text color',
+					},
+				] }
 				fontSize={ 24 }
@@ -250,7 +333,12 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 		const wrapper = mount(
-				textColor="#000000"
+				textColors={ [
+					{
+						color: '#000000',
+						description: 'text color',
+					},
+				] }
 				fontSize={ 23 }
 				isLargeText={ true }
@@ -262,7 +350,12 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 		const wrapperNoLargeText = mount(
-				textColor="#000000"
+				textColors={ [
+					{
+						color: '#000000',
+						description: 'text color',
+					},
+				] }
 				fontSize={ 24 }
 				isLargeText={ false }
@@ -281,7 +374,12 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 				isLargeText={ isLargeText }
 				fallbackBackgroundColor={ fallbackBackgroundColor }
-				fallbackTextColor={ fallbackTextColor }
+				textColors={ [
+					{
+						fallback: fallbackTextColor,
+						description: 'text color',
+					},
+				] }
@@ -292,8 +390,13 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 	test( 'should render messages when the textColor is valid, but the fallback backgroundColor conflicts.', () => {
 		const wrapper = mount(
-				textColor={ textColor }
 				fallbackBackgroundColor={ textColor }
+				textColors={ [
+					{
+						color: textColor,
+						description: 'text color',
+					},
+				] }
@@ -308,8 +411,13 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 	test( 'should render messages when the linkColor is valid, but the fallback backgroundColor conflicts.', () => {
 		const wrapper = mount(
-				linkColor={ linkColor }
 				fallbackBackgroundColor={ linkColor }
+				textColors={ [
+					{
+						color: linkColor,
+						description: 'link color',
+					},
+				] }
@@ -317,7 +425,7 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 			'This color combination may be hard for people to read.'
 		expect( wrapper.find( Notice ).children().text() ).toBe(
-			'This color combination may be hard for people to read. Try using a brighter background color and/or a darker text color.'
+			'This color combination may be hard for people to read. Try using a brighter background color and/or a darker link color.'
 	} );
@@ -327,8 +435,13 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 		act( () => {
-					textColor={ textColor }
 					fallbackBackgroundColor={ textColor }
+					textColors={ [
+						{
+							color: textColor,
+							description: 'text color',
+						},
+					] }
@@ -337,7 +450,12 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 		act( () => {
-					textColor={ backgroundColor }
+					textColors={ [
+						{
+							color: backgroundColor,
+							description: 'text color',
+						},
+					] }
 					fallbackBackgroundColor={ backgroundColor }
@@ -352,9 +470,14 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 		const wrapper = mount(
 				backgroundColor={ backgroundColor }
-				textColor={ textColor }
 				isLargeText={ isLargeText }
 				enableAlphaChecker={ true }
+				textColors={ [
+					{
+						color: textColor,
+						description: 'text color',
+					},
+				] }
@@ -366,10 +489,18 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 		const wrapper = mount(
 				backgroundColor={ backgroundColor }
-				textColor={ 'rgba(0,0,0,0.9)' }
-				linkColor={ linkColor }
 				isLargeText={ isLargeText }
 				enableAlphaChecker={ true }
+				textColors={ [
+					{
+						color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.9)',
+						description: 'text color',
+					},
+					{
+						color: linkColor,
+						description: 'link color',
+					},
+				] }
@@ -385,10 +516,18 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 		const wrapper = mount(
 				backgroundColor={ backgroundColor }
-				linkColor={ 'rgba(0,0,0,0.9)' }
-				textColor={ textColor }
 				isLargeText={ isLargeText }
 				enableAlphaChecker={ true }
+				textColors={ [
+					{
+						color: textColor,
+						description: 'text color',
+					},
+					{
+						color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.9)',
+						description: 'link color',
+					},
+				] }
@@ -404,10 +543,18 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 		const wrapper = mount(
 				backgroundColor={ 'rgba(255,255,255,0.7)' }
-				textColor={ textColor }
-				linkColor={ linkColor }
 				isLargeText={ isLargeText }
 				enableAlphaChecker={ true }
+				textColors={ [
+					{
+						color: textColor,
+						description: 'text color',
+					},
+					{
+						color: linkColor,
+						description: 'link color',
+					},
+				] }
@@ -419,12 +566,20 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 		const wrapper = mount(
 				backgroundColor={ colorWithTransparency }
-				textColor={ sameShade }
-				linkColor={ sameShade }
 				isLargeText={ isLargeText }
 				fallbackBackgroundColor={ fallbackBackgroundColor }
-				fallbackTextColor={ fallbackTextColor }
 				enableAlphaChecker={ true }
+				textColors={ [
+					{
+						color: sameShade,
+						fallback: fallbackTextColor,
+						description: 'text color',
+					},
+					{
+						color: sameShade,
+						description: 'link color',
+					},
+				] }
@@ -436,12 +591,20 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 		const wrapper = mount(
 				backgroundColor={ colorWithTransparency }
-				textColor={ sameShade }
-				linkColor={ 'rgba(0,0,0,0.9)' }
 				isLargeText={ isLargeText }
 				fallbackBackgroundColor={ fallbackBackgroundColor }
-				fallbackTextColor={ fallbackTextColor }
 				enableAlphaChecker={ true }
+				textColors={ [
+					{
+						color: sameShade,
+						fallback: fallbackTextColor,
+						description: 'text color',
+					},
+					{
+						color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.9)',
+						description: 'link color',
+					},
+				] }
@@ -457,12 +620,19 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 		const wrapper = mount(
 				backgroundColor={ sameShade }
-				textColor={ 'rgba(0,0,0,0.9)' }
-				linkColor={ sameShade }
 				isLargeText={ isLargeText }
 				fallbackBackgroundColor={ fallbackBackgroundColor }
-				fallbackTextColor={ fallbackTextColor }
 				enableAlphaChecker={ true }
+				textColors={ [
+					{
+						color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.9)',
+						description: 'text color',
+					},
+					{
+						color: sameShade,
+						description: 'link color',
+					},
+				] }
@@ -470,7 +640,7 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 			'This color combination may be hard for people to read.'
 		expect( wrapper.find( Notice ).children().text() ).toBe(
-			'This color combination may be hard for people to read. Try using a brighter background color and/or a darker text color.'
+			'This color combination may be hard for people to read. Try using a brighter background color and/or a darker link color.'
 	} );
@@ -478,10 +648,18 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 		const wrapper = mount(
 				backgroundColor={ 'rgba(255,255,255,0.7)' }
-				linkColor={ 'rgba(0,0,0,0.7)' }
-				textColor={ 'rgba(0,0,0,0.7)' }
 				isLargeText={ isLargeText }
 				enableAlphaChecker={ true }
+				textColors={ [
+					{
+						color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.7)',
+						description: 'text color',
+					},
+					{
+						color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.7)',
+						description: 'link color',
+					},
+				] }
diff --git a/packages/block-editor/src/hooks/color-panel.js b/packages/block-editor/src/hooks/color-panel.js
index c360ed4e87c6cb..2775eebe66c0de 100644
--- a/packages/block-editor/src/hooks/color-panel.js
+++ b/packages/block-editor/src/hooks/color-panel.js
@@ -74,9 +74,17 @@ export default function ColorPanel( {
 				{ enableContrastChecking && (
 						backgroundColor={ detectedBackgroundColor }
-						textColor={ detectedColor }
 						enableAlphaChecker={ enableAlpha }
-						linkColor={ detectedLinkColor }
+						textColors={ [
+							{
+								color: detectedColor,
+								description: __( 'text color' ),
+							},
+							{
+								color: detectedLinkColor,
+								description: __( 'link color' ),
+							},
+						] }
 				) }
diff --git a/packages/block-library/src/navigation/edit/index.js b/packages/block-library/src/navigation/edit/index.js
index 705a46845c1057..0667377f71f947 100644
--- a/packages/block-library/src/navigation/edit/index.js
+++ b/packages/block-library/src/navigation/edit/index.js
@@ -633,13 +633,23 @@ function Navigation( {
-										textColor={ detectedColor }
+										textColors={ [
+											{
+												color: detectedColor,
+												description: __( 'text color' ),
+											},
+										] }
-										textColor={ detectedOverlayColor }
+										textColors={ [
+											{
+												color: detectedOverlayColor,
+												description: __( 'text color' ),
+											},
+										] }
 							) }
diff --git a/packages/block-library/src/social-links/edit.js b/packages/block-library/src/social-links/edit.js
index ee5425174c67af..dd05a199e6844a 100644
--- a/packages/block-library/src/social-links/edit.js
+++ b/packages/block-library/src/social-links/edit.js
@@ -208,11 +208,14 @@ export function SocialLinksEdit( props ) {
 				{ ! logosOnly && (
-						{ ...{
-							textColor: iconColorValue,
-							backgroundColor: iconBackgroundColorValue,
-						} }
+						backgroundColor={ iconBackgroundColorValue }
 						isLargeText={ false }
+						textColors={ [
+							{
+								color: iconColorValue,
+								description: __( 'icon color' ),
+							},
+						] }
 				) }

From fafd100eff0fc2b707023cf2c4d7cb6e913875ce Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ramonjd <>
Date: Sat, 5 Feb 2022 08:16:55 +1100
Subject: [PATCH 09/11] Reverting change in ContrastChecker props model. These
 things should be done iteratively as it touches too many parts, e.g. mobile.

 .../src/components/colors/color-panel.js      |  12 +-
 .../contrast-checker-message.js               |  18 --
 .../src/components/contrast-checker/index.js  |  57 ++--
 .../components/contrast-checker/test/index.js | 288 ++++--------------
 .../block-editor/src/hooks/color-panel.js     |  12 +-
 .../src/navigation/edit/index.js              |  14 +-
 .../block-library/src/social-links/edit.js    |  11 +-
 7 files changed, 104 insertions(+), 308 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/contrast-checker-message.js

diff --git a/packages/block-editor/src/components/colors/color-panel.js b/packages/block-editor/src/components/colors/color-panel.js
index 75fe0e26238e30..95784826eb302d 100644
--- a/packages/block-editor/src/components/colors/color-panel.js
+++ b/packages/block-editor/src/components/colors/color-panel.js
@@ -53,11 +53,7 @@ export default function ColorPanel( {
 										key={ `${ backgroundColor }-${ textColor }` }
 										backgroundColor={ backgroundColor }
-										textColors={ [
-											{
-												color: textColor,
-											},
-										] }
+										textColor={ textColor }
 										{ }
@@ -83,11 +79,7 @@ export default function ColorPanel( {
 									{ ...contrastCheckers }
 									key={ `${ backgroundColor }-${ textColor }` }
 									backgroundColor={ backgroundColor }
-									textColors={ [
-										{
-											color: textColor,
-										},
-									] }
+									textColor={ textColor }
 					  } ) ) }
diff --git a/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/contrast-checker-message.js b/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/contrast-checker-message.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 317f361e822c52..00000000000000
--- a/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/contrast-checker-message.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
- * WordPress dependencies
- */
-import { Notice } from '@wordpress/components';
-export default function ContrastCheckerMessage( { message } ) {
-	return (
-		<div className="block-editor-contrast-checker">
-			<Notice
-				spokenMessage={ null }
-				status="warning"
-				isDismissible={ false }
-			>
-				{ message }
-			</Notice>
-		</div>
-	);
diff --git a/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/index.js b/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/index.js
index 0925aade73a64e..52945430bd5d1b 100644
--- a/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/index.js
+++ b/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/index.js
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
 import { __, sprintf } from '@wordpress/i18n';
 import { speak } from '@wordpress/a11y';
+import { Notice } from '@wordpress/components';
  * External dependencies
@@ -10,28 +12,44 @@ import { colord, extend } from 'colord';
 import namesPlugin from 'colord/plugins/names';
 import a11yPlugin from 'colord/plugins/a11y';
- * Internal dependencies
- */
-import ContrastCheckerMessage from './contrast-checker-message';
 extend( [ namesPlugin, a11yPlugin ] );
 function ContrastChecker( {
+	fallbackTextColor,
+	fallbackLinkColor,
 	fontSize, // font size value in pixels
-	textColors,
+	textColor,
+	linkColor,
 	enableAlphaChecker = false,
 } ) {
 	const currentBackgroundColor = backgroundColor || fallbackBackgroundColor;
-	// Must have a background color and some colours to iterate over.
-	if ( ! currentBackgroundColor || ! textColors || ! textColors.length ) {
+	// Must have a background color.
+	if ( ! currentBackgroundColor ) {
+		return null;
+	}
+	const currentTextColor = textColor || fallbackTextColor;
+	const currentLinkColor = linkColor || fallbackLinkColor;
+	// Must have at least one text color.
+	if ( ! currentTextColor && ! currentLinkColor ) {
 		return null;
+	const textColors = [
+		{
+			color: currentTextColor,
+			description: __( 'text color' ),
+		},
+		{
+			color: currentLinkColor,
+			description: __( 'link color' ),
+		},
+	];
 	const colordBackgroundColor = colord( currentBackgroundColor );
 	const backgroundColorHasTransparency = colordBackgroundColor.alpha() < 1;
 	const backgroundColorBrightness = colordBackgroundColor.brightness();
@@ -46,12 +64,11 @@ function ContrastChecker( {
 	let message = '';
 	let speakMessage = '';
 	for ( const item of textColors ) {
-		const currentTextColor = item.color || item.fallback;
 		// If there is no color, go no further.
-		if ( ! currentTextColor ) {
+		if ( ! item.color ) {
-		const colordTextColor = colord( currentTextColor );
+		const colordTextColor = colord( item.color );
 		const isColordTextReadable = colordTextColor.isReadable(
@@ -64,7 +81,6 @@ function ContrastChecker( {
 			if ( backgroundColorHasTransparency || textHasTransparency ) {
-			const description = item.description || __( 'text color' );
 			message =
 				backgroundColorBrightness < colordTextColor.brightness()
 					? sprintf(
@@ -72,14 +88,14 @@ function ContrastChecker( {
 								'This color combination may be hard for people to read. Try using a darker background color and/or a brighter %s.'
-							description
+							item.description
 					: sprintf(
 							// translators: %s is a type of text color, e.g., "text color" or "link color"
 								'This color combination may be hard for people to read. Try using a brighter background color and/or a darker %s.'
-							description
+							item.description
 			speakMessage = __(
 				'This color combination may be hard for people to read.'
@@ -109,10 +125,15 @@ function ContrastChecker( {
 	speak( speakMessage );
 	return (
-		<ContrastCheckerMessage
-			message={ message }
-			speakMessage={ speakMessage }
-		/>
+		<div className="block-editor-contrast-checker">
+			<Notice
+				spokenMessage={ null }
+				status="warning"
+				isDismissible={ false }
+			>
+				{ message }
+			</Notice>
+		</div>
diff --git a/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/test/index.js b/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/test/index.js
index d4936944b0ee49..a686762a3c8fcb 100644
--- a/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/test/index.js
+++ b/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/test/index.js
@@ -39,18 +39,9 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 	test( 'should render null when no background or fallback background color is provided', () => {
 		const wrapper = mount(
-				textColors={ [
-					{
-						color: textColor,
-						fallback: undefined,
-						description: 'text color',
-					},
-					{
-						color: linkColor,
-						fallback: undefined,
-						description: 'link color',
-					},
-				] }
+				textColor={ textColor }
+				linkColor={ linkColor }
+				isLargeText={ isLargeText }
@@ -62,20 +53,11 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 		const wrapper = mount(
 				backgroundColor={ backgroundColor }
+				textColor={ textColor }
+				linkColor={ linkColor }
 				isLargeText={ isLargeText }
 				fallbackBackgroundColor={ fallbackBackgroundColor }
-				textColors={ [
-					{
-						color: textColor,
-						fallback: fallbackTextColor,
-						description: 'text color',
-					},
-					{
-						color: linkColor,
-						fallback: undefined,
-						description: 'link color',
-					},
-				] }
+				fallbackTextColor={ fallbackTextColor }
@@ -87,15 +69,10 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 		const wrapper = mount(
 				backgroundColor={ sameShade }
+				textColor={ sameShade }
 				isLargeText={ isLargeText }
 				fallbackBackgroundColor={ fallbackBackgroundColor }
-				textColors={ [
-					{
-						color: sameShade,
-						fallback: fallbackTextColor,
-						description: 'text color',
-					},
-				] }
+				fallbackTextColor={ fallbackTextColor }
@@ -111,20 +88,11 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 		const wrapper = mount(
 				backgroundColor={ sameShade }
+				textColor={ textColor }
+				linkColor={ sameShade }
 				isLargeText={ isLargeText }
 				fallbackBackgroundColor={ fallbackBackgroundColor }
-				textColors={ [
-					{
-						color: textColor,
-						fallback: fallbackTextColor,
-						description: 'text color',
-					},
-					{
-						color: sameShade,
-						fallback: undefined,
-						description: 'link color, Jack',
-					},
-				] }
+				fallbackTextColor={ fallbackTextColor }
@@ -132,7 +100,7 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 			'This color combination may be hard for people to read.'
 		expect( wrapper.find( Notice ).children().text() ).toBe(
-			'This color combination may be hard for people to read. Try using a brighter background color and/or a darker link color, Jack.'
+			'This color combination may be hard for people to read. Try using a brighter background color and/or a darker link color.'
 	} );
@@ -140,19 +108,11 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 		const wrapper = mount(
 				backgroundColor={ sameShade }
+				textColor={ sameShade }
+				linkColor={ sameShade }
 				isLargeText={ isLargeText }
 				fallbackBackgroundColor={ fallbackBackgroundColor }
-				textColors={ [
-					{
-						color: sameShade,
-						fallback: fallbackTextColor,
-						description: 'text color',
-					},
-					{
-						color: sameShade,
-						description: 'link color',
-					},
-				] }
+				fallbackTextColor={ fallbackTextColor }
@@ -168,18 +128,11 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 		const wrapper = mount(
 				backgroundColor={ colorWithTransparency }
+				textColor={ sameShade }
+				linkColor={ sameShade }
 				isLargeText={ isLargeText }
 				fallbackBackgroundColor={ fallbackBackgroundColor }
-				textColors={ [
-					{
-						color: sameShade,
-						description: 'text color',
-					},
-					{
-						color: sameShade,
-						description: 'link color',
-					},
-				] }
+				fallbackTextColor={ fallbackTextColor }
@@ -187,18 +140,14 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 		expect( wrapper.html() ).toBeNull();
 	} );
-	test( 'should render null if text color contains a transparency', () => {
+	test( 'should render render null if text color contains a transparency', () => {
 		const wrapper = mount(
 				backgroundColor={ sameShade }
+				textColor={ colorWithTransparency }
 				isLargeText={ isLargeText }
 				fallbackBackgroundColor={ fallbackBackgroundColor }
-				textColors={ [
-					{
-						color: colorWithTransparency,
-						description: 'text color',
-					},
-				] }
+				fallbackTextColor={ fallbackTextColor }
@@ -210,18 +159,11 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 		const wrapper = mount(
 				backgroundColor={ backgroundColor }
+				textColor={ textColor }
+				linkColor={ colorWithTransparency }
 				isLargeText={ isLargeText }
 				fallbackBackgroundColor={ fallbackBackgroundColor }
-				textColors={ [
-					{
-						color: textColor,
-						description: 'text color',
-					},
-					{
-						color: colorWithTransparency,
-						description: 'link color',
-					},
-				] }
+				fallbackTextColor={ fallbackTextColor }
@@ -235,15 +177,10 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 		const wrapper = mount(
 				backgroundColor={ darkerShade }
+				textColor={ sameShade }
 				isLargeText={ ! isLargeText }
 				fallbackBackgroundColor={ fallbackBackgroundColor }
-				textColors={ [
-					{
-						color: sameShade,
-						fallback: fallbackTextColor,
-						description: 'text color',
-					},
-				] }
+				fallbackTextColor={ fallbackTextColor }
@@ -259,13 +196,8 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 		const wrapperSmallText = mount(
+				textColor="#000000"
 				isLargeText={ false }
-				textColors={ [
-					{
-						color: '#000000',
-						description: 'text color',
-					},
-				] }
@@ -279,13 +211,8 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 		const wrapperLargeText = mount(
+				textColor="#000000"
 				isLargeText={ true }
-				textColors={ [
-					{
-						color: '#000000',
-						description: 'text color',
-					},
-				] }
@@ -296,12 +223,7 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 		const wrapperSmallFontSize = mount(
-				textColors={ [
-					{
-						color: '#000000',
-						description: 'text color',
-					},
-				] }
+				textColor="#000000"
 				fontSize={ 23 }
@@ -316,12 +238,7 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 		const wrapperLargeText = mount(
-				textColors={ [
-					{
-						color: '#000000',
-						description: 'text color',
-					},
-				] }
+				textColor="#000000"
 				fontSize={ 24 }
@@ -333,12 +250,7 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 		const wrapper = mount(
-				textColors={ [
-					{
-						color: '#000000',
-						description: 'text color',
-					},
-				] }
+				textColor="#000000"
 				fontSize={ 23 }
 				isLargeText={ true }
@@ -350,12 +262,7 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 		const wrapperNoLargeText = mount(
-				textColors={ [
-					{
-						color: '#000000',
-						description: 'text color',
-					},
-				] }
+				textColor="#000000"
 				fontSize={ 24 }
 				isLargeText={ false }
@@ -374,12 +281,7 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 				isLargeText={ isLargeText }
 				fallbackBackgroundColor={ fallbackBackgroundColor }
-				textColors={ [
-					{
-						fallback: fallbackTextColor,
-						description: 'text color',
-					},
-				] }
+				fallbackTextColor={ fallbackTextColor }
@@ -390,13 +292,8 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 	test( 'should render messages when the textColor is valid, but the fallback backgroundColor conflicts.', () => {
 		const wrapper = mount(
+				textColor={ textColor }
 				fallbackBackgroundColor={ textColor }
-				textColors={ [
-					{
-						color: textColor,
-						description: 'text color',
-					},
-				] }
@@ -411,13 +308,8 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 	test( 'should render messages when the linkColor is valid, but the fallback backgroundColor conflicts.', () => {
 		const wrapper = mount(
+				linkColor={ linkColor }
 				fallbackBackgroundColor={ linkColor }
-				textColors={ [
-					{
-						color: linkColor,
-						description: 'link color',
-					},
-				] }
@@ -435,13 +327,8 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 		act( () => {
+					textColor={ textColor }
 					fallbackBackgroundColor={ textColor }
-					textColors={ [
-						{
-							color: textColor,
-							description: 'text color',
-						},
-					] }
@@ -450,12 +337,7 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 		act( () => {
-					textColors={ [
-						{
-							color: backgroundColor,
-							description: 'text color',
-						},
-					] }
+					textColor={ backgroundColor }
 					fallbackBackgroundColor={ backgroundColor }
@@ -470,14 +352,9 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 		const wrapper = mount(
 				backgroundColor={ backgroundColor }
+				textColor={ textColor }
 				isLargeText={ isLargeText }
 				enableAlphaChecker={ true }
-				textColors={ [
-					{
-						color: textColor,
-						description: 'text color',
-					},
-				] }
@@ -489,18 +366,10 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 		const wrapper = mount(
 				backgroundColor={ backgroundColor }
+				textColor={ 'rgba(0,0,0,0.9)' }
+				linkColor={ linkColor }
 				isLargeText={ isLargeText }
 				enableAlphaChecker={ true }
-				textColors={ [
-					{
-						color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.9)',
-						description: 'text color',
-					},
-					{
-						color: linkColor,
-						description: 'link color',
-					},
-				] }
@@ -516,18 +385,10 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 		const wrapper = mount(
 				backgroundColor={ backgroundColor }
+				linkColor={ 'rgba(0,0,0,0.9)' }
+				textColor={ textColor }
 				isLargeText={ isLargeText }
 				enableAlphaChecker={ true }
-				textColors={ [
-					{
-						color: textColor,
-						description: 'text color',
-					},
-					{
-						color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.9)',
-						description: 'link color',
-					},
-				] }
@@ -543,18 +404,10 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 		const wrapper = mount(
 				backgroundColor={ 'rgba(255,255,255,0.7)' }
+				textColor={ textColor }
+				linkColor={ linkColor }
 				isLargeText={ isLargeText }
 				enableAlphaChecker={ true }
-				textColors={ [
-					{
-						color: textColor,
-						description: 'text color',
-					},
-					{
-						color: linkColor,
-						description: 'link color',
-					},
-				] }
@@ -566,20 +419,12 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 		const wrapper = mount(
 				backgroundColor={ colorWithTransparency }
+				textColor={ sameShade }
+				linkColor={ sameShade }
 				isLargeText={ isLargeText }
 				fallbackBackgroundColor={ fallbackBackgroundColor }
+				fallbackTextColor={ fallbackTextColor }
 				enableAlphaChecker={ true }
-				textColors={ [
-					{
-						color: sameShade,
-						fallback: fallbackTextColor,
-						description: 'text color',
-					},
-					{
-						color: sameShade,
-						description: 'link color',
-					},
-				] }
@@ -591,20 +436,12 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 		const wrapper = mount(
 				backgroundColor={ colorWithTransparency }
+				textColor={ sameShade }
+				linkColor={ 'rgba(0,0,0,0.9)' }
 				isLargeText={ isLargeText }
 				fallbackBackgroundColor={ fallbackBackgroundColor }
+				fallbackTextColor={ fallbackTextColor }
 				enableAlphaChecker={ true }
-				textColors={ [
-					{
-						color: sameShade,
-						fallback: fallbackTextColor,
-						description: 'text color',
-					},
-					{
-						color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.9)',
-						description: 'link color',
-					},
-				] }
@@ -620,19 +457,12 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 		const wrapper = mount(
 				backgroundColor={ sameShade }
+				textColor={ 'rgba(0,0,0,0.9)' }
+				linkColor={ sameShade }
 				isLargeText={ isLargeText }
 				fallbackBackgroundColor={ fallbackBackgroundColor }
+				fallbackTextColor={ fallbackTextColor }
 				enableAlphaChecker={ true }
-				textColors={ [
-					{
-						color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.9)',
-						description: 'text color',
-					},
-					{
-						color: sameShade,
-						description: 'link color',
-					},
-				] }
@@ -648,18 +478,10 @@ describe( 'ContrastChecker', () => {
 		const wrapper = mount(
 				backgroundColor={ 'rgba(255,255,255,0.7)' }
+				linkColor={ 'rgba(0,0,0,0.7)' }
+				textColor={ 'rgba(0,0,0,0.7)' }
 				isLargeText={ isLargeText }
 				enableAlphaChecker={ true }
-				textColors={ [
-					{
-						color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.7)',
-						description: 'text color',
-					},
-					{
-						color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.7)',
-						description: 'link color',
-					},
-				] }
diff --git a/packages/block-editor/src/hooks/color-panel.js b/packages/block-editor/src/hooks/color-panel.js
index 2775eebe66c0de..c360ed4e87c6cb 100644
--- a/packages/block-editor/src/hooks/color-panel.js
+++ b/packages/block-editor/src/hooks/color-panel.js
@@ -74,17 +74,9 @@ export default function ColorPanel( {
 				{ enableContrastChecking && (
 						backgroundColor={ detectedBackgroundColor }
+						textColor={ detectedColor }
 						enableAlphaChecker={ enableAlpha }
-						textColors={ [
-							{
-								color: detectedColor,
-								description: __( 'text color' ),
-							},
-							{
-								color: detectedLinkColor,
-								description: __( 'link color' ),
-							},
-						] }
+						linkColor={ detectedLinkColor }
 				) }
diff --git a/packages/block-library/src/navigation/edit/index.js b/packages/block-library/src/navigation/edit/index.js
index 0667377f71f947..705a46845c1057 100644
--- a/packages/block-library/src/navigation/edit/index.js
+++ b/packages/block-library/src/navigation/edit/index.js
@@ -633,23 +633,13 @@ function Navigation( {
-										textColors={ [
-											{
-												color: detectedColor,
-												description: __( 'text color' ),
-											},
-										] }
+										textColor={ detectedColor }
-										textColors={ [
-											{
-												color: detectedOverlayColor,
-												description: __( 'text color' ),
-											},
-										] }
+										textColor={ detectedOverlayColor }
 							) }
diff --git a/packages/block-library/src/social-links/edit.js b/packages/block-library/src/social-links/edit.js
index dd05a199e6844a..ee5425174c67af 100644
--- a/packages/block-library/src/social-links/edit.js
+++ b/packages/block-library/src/social-links/edit.js
@@ -208,14 +208,11 @@ export function SocialLinksEdit( props ) {
 				{ ! logosOnly && (
-						backgroundColor={ iconBackgroundColorValue }
+						{ ...{
+							textColor: iconColorValue,
+							backgroundColor: iconBackgroundColorValue,
+						} }
 						isLargeText={ false }
-						textColors={ [
-							{
-								color: iconColorValue,
-								description: __( 'icon color' ),
-							},
-						] }
 				) }

From 9d3e1fe520286787f4823b16123aec8388d86700 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ramon <>
Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2022 15:29:38 +1100
Subject: [PATCH 10/11] Update

Co-authored-by: Aaron Robertshaw <>
 packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/index.js | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/index.js b/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/index.js
index 52945430bd5d1b..2e78331e4d748b 100644
--- a/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/index.js
+++ b/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/index.js
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ function ContrastChecker( {
 		// If the text color is readable, but transparent, show the transparent warning.
-		if ( textHasTransparency && true === enableAlphaChecker ) {
+		if ( textHasTransparency && enableAlphaChecker ) {
 			message = __( 'Transparent text may be hard for people to read.' );
 			speakMessage = __(
 				'Transparent text may be hard for people to read.'

From 6976b04c071f39cfa7ca4efed494d652ef7c6f65 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ramonjd <>
Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2022 15:40:58 +1100
Subject: [PATCH 11/11] Reorder dependencies Update comment so that it reflects
 what's going on in the code.

 .../src/components/contrast-checker/index.js  | 19 ++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/index.js b/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/index.js
index 2e78331e4d748b..d3ceb80835a07e 100644
--- a/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/index.js
+++ b/packages/block-editor/src/components/contrast-checker/index.js
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
- * WordPress dependencies
+ * External dependencies
-import { __, sprintf } from '@wordpress/i18n';
-import { speak } from '@wordpress/a11y';
-import { Notice } from '@wordpress/components';
+import a11yPlugin from 'colord/plugins/a11y';
+import namesPlugin from 'colord/plugins/names';
+import { colord, extend } from 'colord';
- * External dependencies
+ * WordPress dependencies
-import { colord, extend } from 'colord';
-import namesPlugin from 'colord/plugins/names';
-import a11yPlugin from 'colord/plugins/a11y';
+import { __, sprintf } from '@wordpress/i18n';
+import { Notice } from '@wordpress/components';
+import { speak } from '@wordpress/a11y';
 extend( [ namesPlugin, a11yPlugin ] );
@@ -105,7 +105,8 @@ function ContrastChecker( {
-		// If the text color is readable, but transparent, show the transparent warning.
+		// If there is no contrast warning and the text is transparent,
+		// show the transparent warning if alpha check is enabled.
 		if ( textHasTransparency && enableAlphaChecker ) {
 			message = __( 'Transparent text may be hard for people to read.' );
 			speakMessage = __(