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base repository: WordPress/gutenberg
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected base ref is valid, then try again.
base: 4b4b9a892e8b550c0bb623122c0445afc83edbfe
Choose a base ref
head repository: WordPress/gutenberg
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected head ref is valid, then try again.
compare: 131fbcc3b2c85d16638a9e9aff217ebbb5fce811
Choose a head ref
Showing with 1,743 additions and 1,036 deletions.
  1. +1 −3 .github/CODEOWNERS
  2. +44 −8 .travis.yml
  3. +2 −131
  4. +1 −1
  5. +0 −3
  6. +2 −0 assets/stylesheets/_colors.scss
  7. +1 −1 bin/
  8. +3 −3 bin/packages/watch.js
  9. +28 −14 bin/update-readmes.js
  10. +1 −1 docs/contributors/
  11. +8 −4 docs/contributors/
  12. +90 −0 docs/contributors/
  13. +21 −0 docs/contributors/
  14. +9 −0 docs/contributors/
  15. +8 −0 docs/contributors/
  16. +3 −3 docs/contributors/
  17. +0 −86 docs/designers-developers/developers/data/
  18. +1 −29 docs/designers-developers/developers/data/
  19. +0 −176 docs/designers-developers/developers/data/
  20. +1 −1 docs/designers-developers/developers/tutorials/javascript/
  21. +2 −2 docs/designers-developers/developers/tutorials/javascript/
  22. +24 −6 docs/manifest.json
  23. +5 −2 docs/toc.json
  24. +70 −9 docs/tool/parser.js
  25. +2 −2 gutenberg.php
  26. +65 −11 lib/client-assets.php
  27. +0 −265 lib/packages-dependencies.php
  28. +5 −5 package-lock.json
  29. +1 −1 package.json
  30. +6 −0 packages/autop/
  31. +1 −1 packages/autop/src/index.js
  32. +10 −0 packages/autop/src/test/index.test.js
  33. +42 −14 packages/block-editor/
  34. +3 −0 packages/block-editor/src/components/autocomplete/index.js
  35. +6 −0 packages/block-editor/src/components/block-list-appender/style.scss
  36. +0 −1 packages/block-editor/src/components/block-list/block.js
  37. +5 −5 packages/block-editor/src/components/block-list/style.scss
  38. +2 −2 packages/block-editor/src/components/block-mover/index.js
  39. +3 −0 packages/block-editor/src/components/block-vertical-alignment-toolbar/index.js
  40. +6 −1 packages/block-editor/src/components/button-block-appender/index.js
  41. +2 −2 packages/block-editor/src/components/button-block-appender/style.scss
  42. +10 −14 packages/block-editor/src/components/color-palette/control.js
  43. +7 −9 packages/block-editor/src/components/color-palette/test/__snapshots__/control.js.snap
  44. +23 −14 packages/block-editor/src/components/index.js
  45. +1 −1 packages/block-editor/src/components/index.native.js
  46. +3 −0 packages/block-editor/src/components/inner-blocks/index.js
  47. +3 −0 packages/block-editor/src/components/inspector-controls/index.js
  48. +3 −0 packages/block-editor/src/components/media-placeholder/index.js
  49. +7 −1 packages/block-editor/src/components/media-placeholder/index.native.js
  50. +3 −0 packages/block-editor/src/components/media-upload/check.js
  51. +3 −1 packages/block-editor/src/components/media-upload/index.js
  52. +3 −0 packages/block-editor/src/components/observe-typing/index.js
  53. +3 −0 packages/block-editor/src/components/plain-text/index.js
  54. +4 −1 packages/block-editor/src/components/rich-text/index.js
  55. +10 −5 packages/block-editor/src/components/rich-text/index.native.js
  56. +1 −1 packages/block-editor/src/components/rich-text/input-event.js
  57. +1 −1 packages/block-editor/src/components/rich-text/input-event.native.js
  58. +3 −0 packages/block-editor/src/components/url-input/button.js
  59. +3 −0 packages/block-editor/src/components/url-input/index.js
  60. +3 −0 packages/block-editor/src/components/url-popover/index.js
  61. +1 −1 packages/block-library/src/audio/transforms.js
  62. +0 −1 packages/block-library/src/block/edit-panel/style.scss
  63. +22 −0 packages/block-library/src/button/editor.scss
  64. +27 −3 packages/block-library/src/group/edit.js
  65. +30 −4 packages/block-library/src/heading/edit.native.js
  66. +34 −5 packages/block-library/src/image/edit.native.js
  67. +1 −4 packages/block-library/src/legacy-widget/editor.scss
  68. +1 −1 packages/block-library/src/media-text/style.scss
  69. +17 −10 packages/block-library/src/nextpage/edit.native.js
  70. +1 −0 packages/block-library/src/nextpage/editor.native.scss
  71. +2 −2 packages/block-library/src/paragraph/edit.js
  72. +25 −2 packages/block-library/src/paragraph/edit.native.js
  73. +1 −1 packages/blocks/package.json
  74. +2 −2 packages/blocks/src/api/raw-handling/
  75. +1 −1 packages/blocks/src/api/validation.js
  76. +2 −0 packages/components/
  77. +2 −0 packages/components/src/
  78. +0 −1 packages/components/src/color-palette/style.scss
  79. +14 −0 packages/components/src/drop-zone/
  80. +4 −1 packages/components/src/font-size-picker/index.js
  81. +9 −2 packages/components/src/keyboard-shortcuts/index.js
  82. +18 −0 packages/components/src/keyboard-shortcuts/platform.js
  83. +14 −1 packages/compose/
  84. +17 −0 packages/compose/src/with-global-events/index.js
  85. +376 −2 packages/core-data/
  86. +2 −0 packages/custom-templated-path-webpack-plugin/
  87. +2 −2 packages/data/
  88. +2 −2 packages/data/src/components/with-dispatch/index.js
  89. +1 −1 packages/date/
  90. +1 −1 packages/date/src/index.js
  91. +2 −0 packages/dependency-extraction-webpack-plugin/
  92. +3 −3 packages/dependency-extraction-webpack-plugin/index.js
  93. +1 −1 packages/dependency-extraction-webpack-plugin/test/fixtures/overrides/webpack.config.js
  94. +0 −83 packages/docgen/
  95. +15 −0 packages/e2e-test-utils/
  96. +2 −0 packages/e2e-test-utils/
  97. +1 −1 packages/e2e-tests/specs/block-deletion.test.js
  98. +1 −1 packages/e2e-tests/specs/block-hierarchy-navigation.test.js
  99. +8 −4 packages/e2e-tests/specs/blocks/__snapshots__/group.test.js.snap
  100. +10 −2 packages/e2e-tests/specs/blocks/group.test.js
  101. +3 −1 packages/e2e-tests/specs/links.test.js
  102. +14 −0 packages/e2e-tests/specs/plugins/__snapshots__/cpt-locking.test.js.snap
  103. +9 −0 packages/e2e-tests/specs/plugins/cpt-locking.test.js
  104. +3 −1 packages/e2e-tests/specs/plugins/wp-editor-meta-box.test.js
  105. +4 −1 packages/e2e-tests/specs/taxonomies.test.js
  106. +35 −0 packages/e2e-tests/specs/undo.test.js
  107. +2 −2 packages/editor/src/components/deprecated.js
  108. +2 −2 packages/editor/src/components/deprecated.native.js
  109. +0 −1 packages/editor/src/components/error-boundary/style.scss
  110. +7 −3 packages/editor/src/components/post-locked-modal/index.js
  111. +3 −9 packages/editor/src/components/post-saved-state/style.scss
  112. +3 −0 packages/editor/src/components/post-taxonomies/style.scss
  113. +16 −1 packages/editor/src/components/post-title/index.native.js
  114. +6 −0 packages/editor/src/editor-styles.scss
  115. +1 −0 packages/eslint-plugin/
  116. +1 −0 packages/eslint-plugin/
  117. +9 −0 packages/eslint-plugin/configs/custom.js
  118. +45 −0 packages/eslint-plugin/docs/rules/
  119. +74 −0 packages/eslint-plugin/rules/__tests__/no-base-control-with-label-without-id.js
  120. +26 −0 packages/eslint-plugin/rules/no-base-control-with-label-without-id.js
  121. +2 −2 packages/format-library/src/bold/index.js
  122. +2 −2 packages/format-library/src/italic/index.js
  123. +2 −2 packages/format-library/src/underline/index.js
  124. +34 −15 packages/rich-text/src/apply-format.js
  125. +114 −2 packages/rich-text/src/test/apply-format.js
  126. +36 −0 packages/rich-text/src/test/to-dom.js
  127. +1 −1 packages/rich-text/src/test/toggle-format.js
  128. +5 −1 packages/rich-text/src/to-dom.js
  129. +6 −0 packages/scripts/
  130. +1 −1 packages/scripts/config/webpack.config.js
  131. +26 −0 phpunit/class-extend-preload-paths-test.php
  132. +1 −3 test/unit/jest.config.js
4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions .github/CODEOWNERS
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -83,9 +83,7 @@

/lib @youknowriad @gziolo @aduth

# Styles
*.scss @chrisvanpatten
*-controller.php @youknowriad @gziolo @aduth @timothybjacobs

# Native (Unowned)
*.native.js @ghost
52 changes: 44 additions & 8 deletions .travis.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -64,41 +64,77 @@ jobs:
- ./bin/

- name: E2E tests (Admin with plugins) (1/2)
- name: E2E tests (Admin with plugins) (1/4)
- ./bin/
- $( npm bin )/wp-scripts test-e2e --config=./packages/e2e-tests/jest.config.js --listTests > ~/.jest-e2e-tests
- npm run build
- npm run test-e2e -- --ci --cacheDirectory="$HOME/.jest-cache" --runTestsByPath $( awk 'NR % 2 == 0' < ~/.jest-e2e-tests )
- npm run test-e2e -- --ci --cacheDirectory="$HOME/.jest-cache" --runTestsByPath $( awk 'NR % 4 == 0' < ~/.jest-e2e-tests )

- name: E2E tests (Admin with plugins) (2/2)
- name: E2E tests (Admin with plugins) (2/4)
- ./bin/
- $( npm bin )/wp-scripts test-e2e --config=./packages/e2e-tests/jest.config.js --listTests > ~/.jest-e2e-tests
- npm run build
- npm run test-e2e -- --ci --cacheDirectory="$HOME/.jest-cache" --runTestsByPath $( awk 'NR % 2 == 1' < ~/.jest-e2e-tests )
- npm run test-e2e -- --ci --cacheDirectory="$HOME/.jest-cache" --runTestsByPath $( awk 'NR % 4 == 1' < ~/.jest-e2e-tests )

- name: E2E tests (Author without plugins) (1/2)
- name: E2E tests (Admin with plugins) (3/4)
- ./bin/
- $( npm bin )/wp-scripts test-e2e --config=./packages/e2e-tests/jest.config.js --listTests > ~/.jest-e2e-tests
- npm run build
- npm run test-e2e -- --ci --cacheDirectory="$HOME/.jest-cache" --runTestsByPath $( awk 'NR % 4 == 2' < ~/.jest-e2e-tests )

- name: E2E tests (Admin with plugins) (4/4)
- ./bin/
- $( npm bin )/wp-scripts test-e2e --config=./packages/e2e-tests/jest.config.js --listTests > ~/.jest-e2e-tests
- npm run build
- npm run test-e2e -- --ci --cacheDirectory="$HOME/.jest-cache" --runTestsByPath $( awk 'NR % 4 == 3' < ~/.jest-e2e-tests )

- name: E2E tests (Author without plugins) (1/4)
env: WP_VERSION=latest SCRIPT_DEBUG=false E2E_ROLE=author
- ./bin/
- $( npm bin )/wp-scripts test-e2e --config=./packages/e2e-tests/jest.config.js --listTests > ~/.jest-e2e-tests
- npm run build
- npm run test-e2e -- --ci --cacheDirectory="$HOME/.jest-cache" --runTestsByPath $( awk 'NR % 4 == 0' < ~/.jest-e2e-tests )

- name: E2E tests (Author without plugins) (2/4)
env: WP_VERSION=latest SCRIPT_DEBUG=false E2E_ROLE=author
- ./bin/
- $( npm bin )/wp-scripts test-e2e --config=./packages/e2e-tests/jest.config.js --listTests > ~/.jest-e2e-tests
- npm run build
- npm run test-e2e -- --ci --cacheDirectory="$HOME/.jest-cache" --runTestsByPath $( awk 'NR % 4 == 1' < ~/.jest-e2e-tests )

- name: E2E tests (Author without plugins) (3/4)
env: WP_VERSION=latest SCRIPT_DEBUG=false E2E_ROLE=author
- ./bin/
- $( npm bin )/wp-scripts test-e2e --config=./packages/e2e-tests/jest.config.js --listTests > ~/.jest-e2e-tests
- npm run build
- npm run test-e2e -- --ci --cacheDirectory="$HOME/.jest-cache" --runTestsByPath $( awk 'NR % 2 == 0' < ~/.jest-e2e-tests )
- npm run test-e2e -- --ci --cacheDirectory="$HOME/.jest-cache" --runTestsByPath $( awk 'NR % 4 == 2' < ~/.jest-e2e-tests )

- name: E2E tests (Author without plugins) (2/2)
- name: E2E tests (Author without plugins) (4/4)
env: WP_VERSION=latest SCRIPT_DEBUG=false E2E_ROLE=author
- ./bin/
- $( npm bin )/wp-scripts test-e2e --config=./packages/e2e-tests/jest.config.js --listTests > ~/.jest-e2e-tests
- npm run build
- npm run test-e2e -- --ci --cacheDirectory="$HOME/.jest-cache" --runTestsByPath $( awk 'NR % 2 == 1' < ~/.jest-e2e-tests )
- npm run test-e2e -- --ci --cacheDirectory="$HOME/.jest-cache" --runTestsByPath $( awk 'NR % 4 == 3' < ~/.jest-e2e-tests )
- name: PHP unit tests (PHP 5.3)
env: WP_VERSION=latest SWITCH_TO_PHP=5.3
133 changes: 2 additions & 131 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -10,125 +10,9 @@ All WordPress projects are [licensed under the GPLv2+](/, and all con

This document covers the technical details around setup, and submitting your contribution to the Gutenberg project.

## Getting Started
## Developer Contributions

Gutenberg is a Node.js-based project, built primarily in JavaScript.

The easiest way to get started (on MacOS, Linux, or Windows 10 with the Linux Subsystem) is by running the Local Environment setup script, `./bin/`. This will check if you have everything installed and updated, and help you download any extra tools you need.

For another version of Windows, or if you prefer to set things up manually, be sure to have <a href="">Node.js installed first</a>. You should be running a Node version matching the [current active LTS release]( or newer for this plugin to work correctly. You can check your Node.js version by typing `node -v` in the Terminal prompt.

If you have an incompatible version of Node in your development environment, you can use [nvm]( to change node versions on the command line:

nvm install
nvm use

You also should have the latest release of [npm installed][npm]. npm is a separate project from Node.js and is updated frequently. If you've just installed Node.js which includes a version of npm within the installation you most likely will need also to update your npm installation. To update npm, type this into your terminal: `npm install npm@latest -g`

To test the plugin, or to contribute to it, you can clone this repository and build the plugin files using Node. How you do that depends on whether you're developing locally or uploading the plugin to a remote host.

### Local Environment

First, you need a WordPress Environment to run the plugin on. The quickest way to get up and running is to use the provided docker setup. Install [docker]( and [docker-compose]( by following the most recent instructions on the docker site.

In the folder of your preference, clone this project and enter the working directory:
git clone
cd gutenberg

Then, run a setup script to check if docker and node are configured properly and starts the local WordPress instance. You may need to run this script multiple times if prompted.

**If you're developing themes, or core WordPress functionality alongside Gutenberg**, you can make the WordPress files accessible in `wordpress/` by following these instructions instead:

1. If this is your first time setting up the environment, run `DOCKER_ENV=localwpdev ./bin/` instead of `./bin/`
2. If you've already had the previous environment set up, you need to start fresh, and you can do that by first running `docker-compose down --rmi all`. After that, you can repeat step 1.
3. If you turn off your computer or restart Docker, you can get your local WordPress dev environment back by typing `docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-localdev.yml up`. If you just run `docker-compose up`, you will get the vanilla install that doesn't expose the WordPress folder.

**If everything was successful**, you'll see the following ASCII art:
Welcome to...
,⁻⁻⁻· . |
| ،⁓’. . |--- ,---. ,---. |---. ,---. ,---. ,---.
| | | | | |---' | | | | |---' | | |
`---' `---' `---’ `---’ ' ` `---' `---’ ` `---|

The WordPress installation should be available at `http://localhost:8888` (**Username**: `admin`, **Password**: `password`).
Inside the "docker" directory, you can use any docker command to interact with your containers. If this port is in use, you can override it in your `docker-compose.override.yml` file. If you're running [e2e tests](/docs/contributors/, this change will be used correctly.

To bring down this local WordPress instance later run:
docker-compose down

If you'd like to see your changes reflected in this local WordPress instance, run:
npm install
npm run dev

Alternatively, you can use your own local WordPress environment and clone this repository right into your `wp-content/plugins` directory.

Next, open a terminal (or if on Windows, a command prompt) and navigate to the repository you cloned. Now type `npm install` to get the dependencies all set up. Then you can type `npm run dev` in your terminal or command prompt to keep the plugin building in the background as you work on it.

WordPress comes with specific [debug systems]( designed to simplify the process as well as standardize code across core, plugins and themes. It is possible to use environment variables (`WP_DEBUG` and `SCRIPT_DEBUG`) to update a site's configuration constants located in `wp-config.php` file. Both flags can be disabled at any time by running the following command:
SCRIPT_DEBUG=false WP_DEBUG=false ./bin/
By default, both flags will be set to `true`.

### On A Remote Server

Open a terminal (or if on Windows, a command prompt) and navigate to the repository you cloned. Now type `npm install` to get the dependencies all set up. Once that finishes, you can type `npm run build`. You can now upload the entire repository to your `wp-content/plugins` directory on your web server and activate the plugin from the WordPress admin.

You can also type `npm run package-plugin` which will run the two commands above and create a zip file automatically for you which you can use to install Gutenberg through the WordPress admin.

## Workflow

A good workflow for new contributors to follow is listed below:
- Fork Gutenberg repository
- Clone forked repository
- Create a new branch
- Make code changes
- Commit code changes within the newly created branch
- Push branch to forked repository
- Submit Pull Request to Gutenberg repository

Ideally name your branches with prefixes and descriptions, like this: `[type]/[change]`. A good prefix would be:

- `add/` = add a new feature
- `try/` = experimental feature, "tentatively add"
- `update/` = update an existing feature

For example, `add/gallery-block` means you're working on adding a new gallery block.

You can pick among all the <a href="">tickets</a>, or some of the ones labelled <a href="">Good First Issue</a>.

The workflow is documented in greater detail in the [repository management](/docs/contributors/ document.

## Playground

The Gutenberg repository also includes a static Gutenberg playground that allows testing and developing in a WordPress-agnostic context. This is very helpful for developing reusable components and trying generic JavaScript modules without any backend dependency.

You can launch the playground by running `npm run playground:start` locally. The playground should be available on [http://localhost:1234](http://localhost:1234).

## Testing

Gutenberg contains both PHP and JavaScript code and encourages testing and code style linting for both. It also incorporates end-to-end testing using [Google Puppeteer]( You can find out more details in [Testing Overview document](/docs/contributors/

## Managing Packages

This repository uses [lerna] to manage Gutenberg modules and publish them as packages to [npm]. This enforces certain steps in the workflow which are described in details in [packages](/packages/ documentation.

Maintaining dozens of npm packages is difficult—it can be tough to keep track of changes. That's why we use `` files for each package to simplify the release process. As a contributor you should add an entry to the aforementioned file each time you contribute adding production code as described in [Maintaining Changelogs](/packages/ section.
Please see the [Developer Contributions section](/docs/contributors/ of the Contributor Handbook.

## How Can Designers Contribute?

@@ -147,16 +31,3 @@ If you're contributing to the documentation of any component from the `@wordpres
## Reporting Security Issues

Please see [](/

## Localizing Gutenberg Plugin

To translate Gutenberg in your locale or language, [select your locale here]( and translate *Development* (which contains the plugin's string) and/or *Development Readme* (please translate what you see in the Details tab of the [plugin page](

A Global Translation Editor (GTE) or Project Translation Editor (PTE) with suitable rights will process your translations in due time.

Language packs are automatically generated once 95% of the plugin's strings are translated and approved for a locale.

The eventual inclusion of Gutenberg into WordPress core means that more than 51% of WordPress installations running a translated WordPress installation will have Gutenberg's translated strings compiled into the core language pack as well.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ This list is manually curated to include valuable contributions by volunteers th
| @pento | @pento |
| @karmatosed | @karmatosed |
| @nitrajka | @nitrajka |
| @sirreal | |
| @sirreal | @jonsurrell |
| @inhil | |
| @georgeolaru | @babbardel |
| @martinlugton | @martinlugton |
3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions

This file was deleted.

2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions assets/stylesheets/_colors.scss
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ $dark-opacity-light-400: rgba(#95959c, 0.2);
$dark-opacity-light-300: rgba(#829493, 0.15);
$dark-opacity-light-200: rgba(#8b8b96, 0.1);
$dark-opacity-light-100: rgba(#747474, 0.05);
$dark-opacity-background-fill: rgba($dark-gray-700, 0.7); // Similar to $dark-opacity-light-200, but more opaque.

// Light opacities, for use with dark themes.
$light-opacity-900: rgba($white, 1);
@@ -64,6 +65,7 @@ $light-opacity-light-400: rgba($white, 0.25);
$light-opacity-light-300: rgba($white, 0.2);
$light-opacity-light-200: rgba($white, 0.15);
$light-opacity-light-100: rgba($white, 0.1);
$light-opacity-background-fill: rgba($light-gray-300, 0.8); // Similar to $light-opacity-light-200, but more opaque.

// Additional colors.
// Some are from
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion bin/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ npm run build
php bin/generate-gutenberg-php.php > gutenberg.tmp.php
mv gutenberg.tmp.php gutenberg.php

build_files=$(ls build/*/*.{js,css} build/block-library/blocks/*.php)
build_files=$(ls build/*/*.{js,css,deps.json} build/block-library/blocks/*.php)

# Generate the plugin zip file.
status "Creating archive... 🎁"
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions bin/packages/watch.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
const fs = require( 'fs' );
const watch = require( 'node-watch' );
const { execSync } = require( 'child_process' );
const { spawn } = require( 'child_process' );
const path = require( 'path' );
const chalk = require( 'chalk' );

@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ const chalk = require( 'chalk' );
const getPackages = require( './get-packages' );

const BUILD_CMD = `node \"${ path.resolve( __dirname, './build.js' ) }\"`;
const BUILD_SCRIPT = path.resolve( __dirname, './build.js' );

let filesToBuild = new Map();

@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ setInterval( () => {
if ( files.length ) {
filesToBuild = new Map();
try {
execSync( `${ BUILD_CMD } \"${ files.join( ' ' ) }\"`, { stdio: [ 0, 1, 2 ] } );
spawn( 'node', [ BUILD_SCRIPT, ...files ], { stdio: [ 0, 1, 2 ] } );
} catch ( e ) {}
}, 100 );
42 changes: 28 additions & 14 deletions bin/update-readmes.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/env node

const path = require( 'path' );
const { join } = require( 'path' );
const { promisify } = require( 'util' );
const spawn = promisify( require( 'child_process' ).spawn );

@@ -13,6 +13,10 @@ const packages = [
[ 'core-data', {
'Autogenerated actions': 'src/actions.js',
'Autogenerated selectors': 'src/selectors.js',
} ],
@@ -35,20 +39,30 @@ const packages = [

Promise.all( async ( packageName ) => {
const { status, stderr } = await spawn(
path.join( __dirname, '..', 'node_modules', '.bin', 'docgen' ),
`packages/${ packageName }/src/index.js`,
`--output packages/${ packageName }/`,
'--ignore "/unstable|experimental/i"',
{ shell: true },
if ( status !== 0 ) {
throw stderr.toString();
Promise.all( ( entry ) => {
if ( ! Array.isArray( entry ) ) {
entry = [ entry, { 'Autogenerated API docs': 'src/index.js' } ];

const [ packageName, targets ] = entry;

return Promise.all( Object.entries( targets ).map( async ( [ token, path ] ) => {
const { status, stderr } = await spawn(
join( __dirname, '..', 'node_modules', '.bin', 'docgen' ),
join( 'packages', packageName, path ),
`--output packages/${ packageName }/`,
`--use-token "${ token }"`,
'--ignore "/unstable|experimental/i"',
{ shell: true },

if ( status !== 0 ) {
throw stderr.toString();
} ) );
} ) ).catch( ( error ) => {
process.stderr.write( `${ error }\n` );
process.exit( 1 );
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/contributors/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -201,6 +201,6 @@ alert( `My name is ${ name }.` );
We use
[`phpcs` (PHP\_CodeSniffer)]( with the [WordPress Coding Standards ruleset]( to run a lot of automated checks against all PHP code in this project. This ensures that we are consistent with WordPress PHP coding standards.

The easiest way to use PHPCS is [local environment]( Once that's installed, you can check your PHP by running `npm run lint-php`.
The easiest way to use PHPCS is [local environment](/docs/contributors/ Once that's installed, you can check your PHP by running `npm run lint-php`.

If you prefer to install PHPCS locally, you should use `composer`. [Install `composer`]( on your computer, then run `composer install`. This will install `phpcs` and `WordPress-Coding-Standards` which you can the run via `vendor/bin/phpcs`.