diff --git a/Sources/WireGuardApp/LocalizationHelper.swift b/Sources/WireGuardApp/LocalizationHelper.swift index 9e628a9ad..1f9545544 100644 --- a/Sources/WireGuardApp/LocalizationHelper.swift +++ b/Sources/WireGuardApp/LocalizationHelper.swift @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import Foundation -/// Gets the English string from the Base.lproj bundle, which can be used as a fallback when the translation for a certain language is missing. +/// Gets the English string from Base.lproj as a fallback for missing translations. func tr_base(_ key: String) -> String { let baseBundlePath: String? = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "Base", ofType: "lproj") let baseBundle: Bundle? = Bundle(path: baseBundlePath ?? "") ?? nil diff --git a/Sources/WireGuardApp/ca.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Sources/WireGuardApp/ca.lproj/Localizable.strings index 70b9b93a8..a77be6038 100644 --- a/Sources/WireGuardApp/ca.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/Sources/WireGuardApp/ca.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -95,181 +95,3 @@ "macMenuManageTunnels" = "Gestiona túnels"; "macMenuCut" = "Talla"; "macMenuCopy" = "Copia"; -"newTunnelViewTitle" = "New configuration"; -"macMenuDeleteSelected" = "Delete Selected"; -"alertSystemErrorMessageTunnelConfigurationInvalid" = "The configuration is invalid."; -"tunnelPeerEndpoint" = "Endpoint"; -"tunnelInterfaceMTU" = "MTU"; -"alertInvalidInterfaceMessageListenPortInvalid" = "Interface’s listen port must be between 0 and 65535, or unspecified"; -"addPeerButtonTitle" = "Add peer"; -"tunnelHandshakeTimestampSystemClockBackward" = "(System clock wound backwards)"; -"macMenuTitle" = "WireGuard"; -"macAlertNoInterface" = "Configuration must have an ‘Interface’ section."; -"macNameFieldExportZip" = "Export tunnels to:"; -"editTunnelViewTitle" = "Edit configuration"; -"alertSystemErrorMessageTunnelConfigurationUnknown" = "Unknown system error."; -"macEditDiscard" = "Discard"; -"macSheetButtonExportZip" = "Save"; -"macWindowTitleManageTunnels" = "Manage WireGuard Tunnels"; -"tunnelsListTitle" = "WireGuard"; -"macConfirmAndQuitAlertInfo" = "If you close the tunnels manager, WireGuard will continue to be available from the menu bar icon."; -"macUnusableTunnelInfo" = "In case this tunnel was created by another user, only that user can view, edit, or activate this tunnel."; -"alertTunnelActivationErrorTunnelIsNotInactiveMessage" = "The tunnel is already active or in the process of being activated"; -"alertTunnelActivationSetNetworkSettingsMessage" = "Unable to apply network settings to tunnel object."; -"macMenuExportTunnels" = "Export Tunnels to Zip…"; -"macMenuShowAllApps" = "Show All"; -"alertCantOpenInputConfFileTitle" = "Unable to import from file"; -"macMenuHideApp" = "Hide WireGuard"; -"macDeleteTunnelConfirmationAlertInfo" = "You cannot undo this action."; -"macDeleteTunnelConfirmationAlertButtonTitleDeleting" = "Deleting…"; -"tunnelPeerPersistentKeepalive" = "Persistent keepalive"; -"alertSystemErrorMessageTunnelConnectionFailed" = "The connection failed."; -"macButtonEdit" = "Edit"; -"macAlertPublicKeyInvalid" = "Public key is invalid"; -"tunnelOnDemandOptionWiFiOnly" = "Wi-Fi only"; -"macNameFieldExportLog" = "Save log to:"; -"alertSystemErrorOnAddTunnelTitle" = "Unable to create tunnel"; -"macConfirmAndQuitAlertMessage" = "Do you want to close the tunnels manager or quit WireGuard entirely?"; -"alertTunnelActivationSavedConfigFailureMessage" = "Unable to retrieve tunnel information from the saved configuration."; -"tunnelOnDemandOptionOff" = "Off"; -"tunnelOnDemandSectionTitleSelectedSSIDs" = "SSIDs"; -"macAlertInfoUnrecognizedInterfaceKey" = "Valid keys are: ‘PrivateKey’, ‘ListenPort’, ‘Address’, ‘DNS’ and ‘MTU’."; -"macLogColumnTitleTime" = "Time"; -"actionOK" = "OK"; -"alertTunnelNameEmptyMessage" = "Cannot create tunnel with an empty name"; -"alertInvalidInterfaceMessageMTUInvalid" = "Interface’s MTU must be between 576 and 65535, or unspecified"; -"tunnelOnDemandWiFi" = "Wi-Fi"; -"alertTunnelNameEmptyTitle" = "No name provided"; -"alertUnableToWriteLogMessage" = "Unable to write logs to file"; -"macToggleStatusButtonActivating" = "Activating…"; -"macMenuQuit" = "Quit WireGuard"; -"macMenuAddEmptyTunnel" = "Add Empty Tunnel…"; -"tunnelStatusDeactivating" = "Deactivating"; -"alertInvalidInterfaceTitle" = "Invalid interface"; -"tunnelSectionTitleStatus" = "Status"; -"macDeleteTunnelConfirmationAlertButtonTitleDelete" = "Delete"; -"alertTunnelActivationFailureTitle" = "Activation failure"; -"macLogButtonTitleClose" = "Close"; -"tunnelOnDemandSSIDViewTitle" = "SSIDs"; -"tunnelOnDemandOptionCellularOnly" = "Cellular only"; -"tunnelEditPlaceholderTextOptional" = "Optional"; -"settingsExportZipButtonTitle" = "Export zip archive"; -"tunnelSectionTitleOnDemand" = "On-Demand Activation"; -"deleteTunnelsConfirmationAlertButtonTitle" = "Delete"; -"alertInvalidInterfaceMessageNameRequired" = "Interface name is required"; -"tunnelEditPlaceholderTextAutomatic" = "Automatic"; -"macViewPrivateData" = "view tunnel private keys"; -"alertInvalidPeerMessageEndpointInvalid" = "Peer’s endpoint must be of the form ‘host:port’ or ‘[host]:port’"; -"alertTunnelActivationErrorTunnelIsNotInactiveTitle" = "Activation in progress"; -"addTunnelMenuImportFile" = "Create from file or archive"; -"deletePeerConfirmationAlertButtonTitle" = "Delete"; -"addTunnelMenuQRCode" = "Create from QR code"; -"alertInvalidPeerMessagePreSharedKeyInvalid" = "Peer’s preshared key must be a 32-byte key in base64 encoding"; -"macAppExitingWithActiveTunnelInfo" = "The tunnel will remain active after exiting. You may disable it by reopening this application or through the Network panel in System Preferences."; -"macMenuEdit" = "Edit"; -"donateLink" = "♥ Donate to the WireGuard Project"; -"macMenuWindow" = "Window"; -"tunnelStatusRestarting" = "Restarting"; -"tunnelHandshakeTimestampNow" = "Now"; -"alertTunnelActivationFailureMessage" = "The tunnel could not be activated. Please ensure that you are connected to the Internet."; -"tunnelInterfaceListenPort" = "Listen port"; -"tunnelOnDemandOptionEthernetOnly" = "Ethernet only"; -"macMenuHideOtherApps" = "Hide Others"; -"alertCantOpenInputZipFileMessage" = "The zip archive could not be read."; -"alertInvalidInterfaceMessagePrivateKeyInvalid" = "Interface’s private key must be a 32-byte key in base64 encoding"; -"deleteTunnelButtonTitle" = "Delete tunnel"; -"alertInvalidInterfaceMessageDNSInvalid" = "Interface’s DNS servers must be a list of comma-separated IP addresses"; -"tunnelStatusInactive" = "Inactive"; -"macAlertPrivateKeyInvalid" = "Private key is invalid."; -"deleteTunnelConfirmationAlertMessage" = "Delete this tunnel?"; -"macDeleteTunnelConfirmationAlertButtonTitleCancel" = "Cancel"; -"alertSystemErrorMessageTunnelConfigurationDisabled" = "The configuration is disabled."; -"alertInvalidPeerMessagePersistentKeepaliveInvalid" = "Peer’s persistent keepalive must be between 0 to 65535, or unspecified"; -"macMenuNetworksNone" = "Networks: None"; -"tunnelOnDemandSSIDsKey" = "SSIDs"; -"alertCantOpenOutputZipFileForWritingMessage" = "Could not open zip file for writing."; -"macMenuSelectAll" = "Select All"; -"alertInvalidPeerMessagePublicKeyInvalid" = "Peer’s public key must be a 32-byte key in base64 encoding"; -"tunnelOnDemandCellular" = "Cellular"; -"macConfirmAndQuitAlertQuitWireGuard" = "Quit WireGuard"; -"alertSystemErrorOnRemoveTunnelTitle" = "Unable to remove tunnel"; -"macFieldOnDemand" = "On-Demand:"; -"macMenuCloseWindow" = "Close Window"; -"macSheetButtonExportLog" = "Save"; -"tunnelOnDemandOptionWiFiOrCellular" = "Wi-Fi or cellular"; -"alertSystemErrorOnModifyTunnelTitle" = "Unable to modify tunnel"; -"alertSystemErrorMessageTunnelConfigurationReadWriteFailed" = "Reading or writing the configuration failed."; -"macMenuEditTunnel" = "Edit…"; -"macButtonImportTunnels" = "Import tunnel(s) from file"; -"macAppExitingWithActiveTunnelMessage" = "WireGuard is exiting with an active tunnel"; -"alertSystemErrorMessageTunnelConfigurationStale" = "The configuration is stale."; -"tunnelPeerPreSharedKey" = "Preshared key"; -"alertTunnelDNSFailureMessage" = "One or more endpoint domains could not be resolved."; -"alertInvalidInterfaceMessageAddressInvalid" = "Interface addresses must be a list of comma-separated IP addresses, optionally in CIDR notation"; -"alertNoTunnelsInImportedZipArchiveTitle" = "No tunnels in zip archive"; -"alertTunnelDNSFailureTitle" = "DNS resolution failure"; -"macLogButtonTitleSave" = "Save…"; -"macMenuToggleStatus" = "Toggle Status"; -"macMenuMinimize" = "Minimize"; -"deletePeerButtonTitle" = "Delete peer"; -"alertCantOpenInputZipFileTitle" = "Unable to read zip archive"; -"alertSystemErrorOnListingTunnelsTitle" = "Unable to list tunnels"; -"settingsVersionKeyWireGuardForIOS" = "WireGuard for iOS"; -"macMenuPaste" = "Paste"; -"macAlertMultipleInterfaces" = "Configuration must have only one ‘Interface’ section."; -"macAppStoreUpdatingAlertMessage" = "App Store would like to update WireGuard"; -"macUnusableTunnelMessage" = "The configuration for this tunnel cannot be found in the keychain."; -"macToolTipEditTunnel" = "Edit tunnel (⌘E)"; -"tunnelEditPlaceholderTextStronglyRecommended" = "Strongly recommended"; -"macMenuZoom" = "Zoom"; -"alertBadArchiveTitle" = "Unable to read zip archive"; -"macExportPrivateData" = "export tunnel private keys"; -"alertTunnelAlreadyExistsWithThatNameTitle" = "Name already exists"; -"iosViewPrivateData" = "Authenticate to view tunnel private keys."; -"tunnelPeerLastHandshakeTime" = "Latest handshake"; -"macAlertPreSharedKeyInvalid" = "Preshared key is invalid"; -"alertBadConfigImportTitle" = "Unable to import tunnel"; -"macEditSave" = "Save"; -"macConfirmAndQuitAlertCloseWindow" = "Close Tunnels Manager"; -"macMenuFile" = "File"; -"tunnelStatusActivating" = "Activating"; -"macToolTipToggleStatus" = "Toggle status (⌘T)"; -"macTunnelsMenuTitle" = "Tunnels"; -"alertTunnelActivationSystemErrorTitle" = "Activation failure"; -"alertInvalidInterfaceMessagePrivateKeyRequired" = "Interface’s private key is required"; -"alertNoTunnelsToExportTitle" = "Nothing to export"; -"scanQRCodeTipText" = "Tip: Generate with `qrencode -t ansiutf8 < tunnel.conf`"; -"alertNoTunnelsToExportMessage" = "There are no tunnels to export"; -"macMenuImportTunnels" = "Import Tunnel(s) from File…"; -"macMenuViewLog" = "View Log"; -"macAlertInfoUnrecognizedPeerKey" = "Valid keys are: ‘PublicKey’, ‘PresharedKey’, ‘AllowedIPs’, ‘Endpoint’ and ‘PersistentKeepalive’"; -"tunnelOnDemandNoSSIDs" = "No SSIDs"; -"deleteTunnelConfirmationAlertButtonTitle" = "Delete"; -"tunnelEditPlaceholderTextOff" = "Off"; -"addTunnelMenuHeader" = "Add a new WireGuard tunnel"; -"macUnusableTunnelButtonTitleDeleteTunnel" = "Delete tunnel"; -"tunnelEditPlaceholderTextRequired" = "Required"; -"tunnelStatusReasserting" = "Reactivating"; -"macMenuTunnel" = "Tunnel"; -"alertTunnelAlreadyExistsWithThatNameMessage" = "A tunnel with that name already exists"; -"macLogColumnTitleLogMessage" = "Log message"; -"iosExportPrivateData" = "Authenticate to export tunnel private keys."; -"macMenuAbout" = "About WireGuard"; -"macSheetButtonImport" = "Import"; -"alertScanQRCodeNamePromptTitle" = "Please name the scanned tunnel"; -"alertUnableToRemovePreviousLogMessage" = "The pre-existing log could not be cleared"; -"alertTunnelActivationBackendFailureMessage" = "Unable to turn on Go backend library."; -"settingsSectionTitleExportConfigurations" = "Export configurations"; -"alertBadArchiveMessage" = "Bad or corrupt zip archive."; -"settingsVersionKeyWireGuardGoBackend" = "WireGuard Go Backend"; -"macFieldOnDemandSSIDs" = "SSIDs:"; -"deletePeerConfirmationAlertMessage" = "Delete this peer?"; -"alertCantOpenOutputZipFileForWritingTitle" = "Unable to create zip archive"; -"tunnelStatusActive" = "Active"; -"tunnelStatusWaiting" = "Waiting"; -"alertNoTunnelsInImportedZipArchiveMessage" = "No .conf tunnel files were found inside the zip archive."; -"alertTunnelActivationFileDescriptorFailureMessage" = "Unable to determine TUN device file descriptor."; -"addTunnelMenuFromScratch" = "Create from scratch"; -"tunnelOnDemandOptionWiFiOrEthernet" = "Wi-Fi or ethernet"; -"macToggleStatusButtonActivate" = "Activate"; -"macAlertNameIsEmpty" = "Name is required"; diff --git a/Sources/WireGuardApp/de.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Sources/WireGuardApp/de.lproj/Localizable.strings index cc0a93e33..3c27a3635 100644 --- a/Sources/WireGuardApp/de.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/Sources/WireGuardApp/de.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -441,4 +441,3 @@ // Donation "donateLink" = "♥ Spende an das WireGuard Projekt"; -"macTunnelsMenuTitle" = "Tunnels"; diff --git a/Sources/WireGuardApp/es.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Sources/WireGuardApp/es.lproj/Localizable.strings index a4ba30006..45e193bf8 100644 --- a/Sources/WireGuardApp/es.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/Sources/WireGuardApp/es.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -356,39 +356,3 @@ // Donation "donateLink" = "♥ Donar al Proyecto WireGuard"; -"macAlertNoInterface" = "Configuration must have an ‘Interface’ section."; -"macConfirmAndQuitAlertInfo" = "If you close the tunnels manager, WireGuard will continue to be available from the menu bar icon."; -"macUnusableTunnelInfo" = "In case this tunnel was created by another user, only that user can view, edit, or activate this tunnel."; -"alertTunnelActivationErrorTunnelIsNotInactiveMessage" = "The tunnel is already active or in the process of being activated"; -"alertTunnelActivationSetNetworkSettingsMessage" = "Unable to apply network settings to tunnel object."; -"macMenuExportTunnels" = "Export Tunnels to Zip…"; -"alertCantOpenInputConfFileTitle" = "Unable to import from file"; -"macConfirmAndQuitAlertMessage" = "Do you want to close the tunnels manager or quit WireGuard entirely?"; -"macAlertInfoUnrecognizedInterfaceKey" = "Valid keys are: ‘PrivateKey’, ‘ListenPort’, ‘Address’, ‘DNS’ and ‘MTU’."; -"alertTunnelNameEmptyMessage" = "Cannot create tunnel with an empty name"; -"alertTunnelNameEmptyTitle" = "No name provided"; -"macMenuAddEmptyTunnel" = "Add Empty Tunnel…"; -"macViewPrivateData" = "view tunnel private keys"; -"alertTunnelActivationErrorTunnelIsNotInactiveTitle" = "Activation in progress"; -"macAppExitingWithActiveTunnelInfo" = "The tunnel will remain active after exiting. You may disable it by reopening this application or through the Network panel in System Preferences."; -"macMenuHideOtherApps" = "Hide Others"; -"macAlertPrivateKeyInvalid" = "Private key is invalid."; -"macMenuNetworksNone" = "Networks: None"; -"alertSystemErrorMessageTunnelConfigurationReadWriteFailed" = "Reading or writing the configuration failed."; -"macAppExitingWithActiveTunnelMessage" = "WireGuard is exiting with an active tunnel"; -"alertSystemErrorMessageTunnelConfigurationStale" = "The configuration is stale."; -"alertTunnelDNSFailureMessage" = "One or more endpoint domains could not be resolved."; -"alertSystemErrorOnListingTunnelsTitle" = "Unable to list tunnels"; -"macAlertMultipleInterfaces" = "Configuration must have only one ‘Interface’ section."; -"macMenuZoom" = "Zoom"; -"macExportPrivateData" = "export tunnel private keys"; -"alertTunnelAlreadyExistsWithThatNameTitle" = "Name already exists"; -"iosViewPrivateData" = "Authenticate to view tunnel private keys."; -"macTunnelsMenuTitle" = "Tunnels"; -"alertTunnelAlreadyExistsWithThatNameMessage" = "A tunnel with that name already exists"; -"iosExportPrivateData" = "Authenticate to export tunnel private keys."; -"alertTunnelActivationBackendFailureMessage" = "Unable to turn on Go backend library."; -"settingsVersionKeyWireGuardGoBackend" = "WireGuard Go Backend"; -"alertNoTunnelsInImportedZipArchiveMessage" = "No .conf tunnel files were found inside the zip archive."; -"alertTunnelActivationFileDescriptorFailureMessage" = "Unable to determine TUN device file descriptor."; -"macAlertNameIsEmpty" = "Name is required"; diff --git a/Sources/WireGuardApp/fa.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Sources/WireGuardApp/fa.lproj/Localizable.strings index 7f220da94..9edf181fd 100644 --- a/Sources/WireGuardApp/fa.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/Sources/WireGuardApp/fa.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -347,58 +347,3 @@ // Donation "donateLink" = "♥ کمک مالی به پروژه WireGuard"; -"alertInvalidInterfaceMessageListenPortInvalid" = "Interface’s listen port must be between 0 and 65535, or unspecified"; -"tunnelHandshakeTimestampSystemClockBackward" = "(System clock wound backwards)"; -"macAlertNoInterface" = "Configuration must have an ‘Interface’ section."; -"alertScanQRCodeCameraUnsupportedMessage" = "This device is not able to scan QR codes"; -"macConfirmAndQuitAlertInfo" = "If you close the tunnels manager, WireGuard will continue to be available from the menu bar icon."; -"macUnusableTunnelInfo" = "In case this tunnel was created by another user, only that user can view, edit, or activate this tunnel."; -"alertTunnelActivationErrorTunnelIsNotInactiveMessage" = "The tunnel is already active or in the process of being activated"; -"alertTunnelActivationSetNetworkSettingsMessage" = "Unable to apply network settings to tunnel object."; -"alertCantOpenInputConfFileTitle" = "Unable to import from file"; -"alertScanQRCodeInvalidQRCodeMessage" = "The scanned QR code is not a valid WireGuard configuration"; -"macConfirmAndQuitAlertMessage" = "Do you want to close the tunnels manager or quit WireGuard entirely?"; -"alertTunnelActivationSavedConfigFailureMessage" = "Unable to retrieve tunnel information from the saved configuration."; -"macAlertInfoUnrecognizedInterfaceKey" = "Valid keys are: ‘PrivateKey’, ‘ListenPort’, ‘Address’, ‘DNS’ and ‘MTU’."; -"alertTunnelNameEmptyMessage" = "Cannot create tunnel with an empty name"; -"alertInvalidInterfaceMessageMTUInvalid" = "Interface’s MTU must be between 576 and 65535, or unspecified"; -"alertUnableToWriteLogMessage" = "Unable to write logs to file"; -"alertInvalidPeerMessageEndpointInvalid" = "Peer’s endpoint must be of the form ‘host:port’ or ‘[host]:port’"; -"alertInvalidPeerMessagePublicKeyDuplicated" = "Two or more peers cannot have the same public key"; -"alertInvalidPeerMessagePreSharedKeyInvalid" = "Peer’s preshared key must be a 32-byte key in base64 encoding"; -"macAppExitingWithActiveTunnelInfo" = "The tunnel will remain active after exiting. You may disable it by reopening this application or through the Network panel in System Preferences."; -"alertTunnelActivationFailureMessage" = "The tunnel could not be activated. Please ensure that you are connected to the Internet."; -"alertCantOpenInputZipFileMessage" = "The zip archive could not be read."; -"alertInvalidInterfaceMessagePrivateKeyInvalid" = "Interface’s private key must be a 32-byte key in base64 encoding"; -"alertInvalidInterfaceMessageDNSInvalid" = "Interface’s DNS servers must be a list of comma-separated IP addresses"; -"alertInvalidPeerMessagePersistentKeepaliveInvalid" = "Peer’s persistent keepalive must be between 0 to 65535, or unspecified"; -"alertInvalidPeerMessagePublicKeyRequired" = "Peer’s public key is required"; -"alertCantOpenOutputZipFileForWritingMessage" = "Could not open zip file for writing."; -"alertInvalidPeerMessagePublicKeyInvalid" = "Peer’s public key must be a 32-byte key in base64 encoding"; -"alertSystemErrorMessageTunnelConfigurationReadWriteFailed" = "Reading or writing the configuration failed."; -"macAppExitingWithActiveTunnelMessage" = "WireGuard is exiting with an active tunnel"; -"alertTunnelDNSFailureMessage" = "One or more endpoint domains could not be resolved."; -"alertInvalidInterfaceMessageAddressInvalid" = "Interface addresses must be a list of comma-separated IP addresses, optionally in CIDR notation"; -"alertTunnelDNSFailureTitle" = "DNS resolution failure"; -"macMenuToggleStatus" = "Toggle Status"; -"alertCantOpenInputZipFileTitle" = "Unable to read zip archive"; -"alertScanQRCodeUnreadableQRCodeMessage" = "The scanned code could not be read"; -"macAlertMultipleInterfaces" = "Configuration must have only one ‘Interface’ section."; -"macAppStoreUpdatingAlertMessage" = "App Store would like to update WireGuard"; -"macUnusableTunnelMessage" = "The configuration for this tunnel cannot be found in the keychain."; -"iosViewPrivateData" = "Authenticate to view tunnel private keys."; -"macToolTipToggleStatus" = "Toggle status (⌘T)"; -"macTunnelsMenuTitle" = "Tunnels"; -"scanQRCodeTipText" = "Tip: Generate with `qrencode -t ansiutf8 < tunnel.conf`"; -"macAlertInfoUnrecognizedPeerKey" = "Valid keys are: ‘PublicKey’, ‘PresharedKey’, ‘AllowedIPs’, ‘Endpoint’ and ‘PersistentKeepalive’"; -"alertInvalidPeerMessageAllowedIPsInvalid" = "Peer’s allowed IPs must be a list of comma-separated IP addresses, optionally in CIDR notation"; -"alertTunnelAlreadyExistsWithThatNameMessage" = "A tunnel with that name already exists"; -"iosExportPrivateData" = "Authenticate to export tunnel private keys."; -"alertScanQRCodeNamePromptTitle" = "Please name the scanned tunnel"; -"alertUnableToRemovePreviousLogMessage" = "The pre-existing log could not be cleared"; -"alertTunnelActivationBackendFailureMessage" = "Unable to turn on Go backend library."; -"settingsSectionTitleExportConfigurations" = "Export configurations"; -"settingsVersionKeyWireGuardGoBackend" = "WireGuard Go Backend"; -"alertCantOpenOutputZipFileForWritingTitle" = "Unable to create zip archive"; -"alertNoTunnelsInImportedZipArchiveMessage" = "No .conf tunnel files were found inside the zip archive."; -"alertTunnelActivationFileDescriptorFailureMessage" = "Unable to determine TUN device file descriptor."; diff --git a/Sources/WireGuardApp/fi.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Sources/WireGuardApp/fi.lproj/Localizable.strings index 4c2604d88..66d1574c5 100644 --- a/Sources/WireGuardApp/fi.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/Sources/WireGuardApp/fi.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -356,47 +356,3 @@ // Donation "donateLink" = "♥ Lahjoita WireGuard projektille"; -"macAlertNoInterface" = "Configuration must have an ‘Interface’ section."; -"macConfirmAndQuitAlertInfo" = "If you close the tunnels manager, WireGuard will continue to be available from the menu bar icon."; -"macUnusableTunnelInfo" = "In case this tunnel was created by another user, only that user can view, edit, or activate this tunnel."; -"alertTunnelActivationErrorTunnelIsNotInactiveMessage" = "The tunnel is already active or in the process of being activated"; -"alertTunnelActivationSetNetworkSettingsMessage" = "Unable to apply network settings to tunnel object."; -"alertCantOpenInputConfFileTitle" = "Unable to import from file"; -"alertScanQRCodeInvalidQRCodeMessage" = "The scanned QR code is not a valid WireGuard configuration"; -"macConfirmAndQuitAlertMessage" = "Do you want to close the tunnels manager or quit WireGuard entirely?"; -"alertTunnelActivationSavedConfigFailureMessage" = "Unable to retrieve tunnel information from the saved configuration."; -"macAlertInfoUnrecognizedInterfaceKey" = "Valid keys are: ‘PrivateKey’, ‘ListenPort’, ‘Address’, ‘DNS’ and ‘MTU’."; -"alertTunnelNameEmptyMessage" = "Cannot create tunnel with an empty name"; -"alertUnableToWriteLogMessage" = "Unable to write logs to file"; -"settingsExportZipButtonTitle" = "Export zip archive"; -"macViewPrivateData" = "view tunnel private keys"; -"macAppExitingWithActiveTunnelInfo" = "The tunnel will remain active after exiting. You may disable it by reopening this application or through the Network panel in System Preferences."; -"alertUnableToRemovePreviousLogTitle" = "Log export failed"; -"alertTunnelActivationFailureMessage" = "The tunnel could not be activated. Please ensure that you are connected to the Internet."; -"alertCantOpenInputZipFileMessage" = "The zip archive could not be read."; -"alertSystemErrorMessageTunnelConfigurationDisabled" = "The configuration is disabled."; -"alertUnableToWriteLogTitle" = "Log export failed"; -"alertCantOpenOutputZipFileForWritingMessage" = "Could not open zip file for writing."; -"alertSystemErrorOnRemoveTunnelTitle" = "Unable to remove tunnel"; -"alertSystemErrorOnModifyTunnelTitle" = "Unable to modify tunnel"; -"macAppExitingWithActiveTunnelMessage" = "WireGuard is exiting with an active tunnel"; -"alertSystemErrorMessageTunnelConfigurationStale" = "The configuration is stale."; -"alertTunnelDNSFailureMessage" = "One or more endpoint domains could not be resolved."; -"alertTunnelDNSFailureTitle" = "DNS resolution failure"; -"alertCantOpenInputZipFileTitle" = "Unable to read zip archive"; -"alertScanQRCodeUnreadableQRCodeMessage" = "The scanned code could not be read"; -"macAlertMultipleInterfaces" = "Configuration must have only one ‘Interface’ section."; -"macUnusableTunnelMessage" = "The configuration for this tunnel cannot be found in the keychain."; -"alertBadArchiveTitle" = "Unable to read zip archive"; -"macExportPrivateData" = "export tunnel private keys"; -"macToolTipToggleStatus" = "Toggle status (⌘T)"; -"macTunnelsMenuTitle" = "Tunnels"; -"alertTunnelAlreadyExistsWithThatNameMessage" = "A tunnel with that name already exists"; -"iosExportPrivateData" = "Authenticate to export tunnel private keys."; -"alertScanQRCodeNamePromptTitle" = "Please name the scanned tunnel"; -"alertUnableToRemovePreviousLogMessage" = "The pre-existing log could not be cleared"; -"alertTunnelActivationBackendFailureMessage" = "Unable to turn on Go backend library."; -"settingsSectionTitleExportConfigurations" = "Export configurations"; -"alertCantOpenOutputZipFileForWritingTitle" = "Unable to create zip archive"; -"alertNoTunnelsInImportedZipArchiveMessage" = "No .conf tunnel files were found inside the zip archive."; -"alertTunnelActivationFileDescriptorFailureMessage" = "Unable to determine TUN device file descriptor."; diff --git a/Sources/WireGuardApp/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Sources/WireGuardApp/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings index 43dcfd8ed..3ac7a4656 100644 --- a/Sources/WireGuardApp/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/Sources/WireGuardApp/fr.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -441,4 +441,3 @@ // Donation "donateLink" = "♥ Faire un don au projet WireGuard"; -"macTunnelsMenuTitle" = "Tunnels"; diff --git a/Sources/WireGuardApp/id.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Sources/WireGuardApp/id.lproj/Localizable.strings index a1e9ca5dc..af03b133a 100644 --- a/Sources/WireGuardApp/id.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/Sources/WireGuardApp/id.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -92,180 +92,3 @@ "tunnelOnDemandCellular" = "Cellular"; "tunnelOnDemandEthernet" = "Ethernet"; "tunnelOnDemandWiFi" = "Wi-Fi"; -"settingsSectionTitleAbout" = "About"; -"macMenuDeleteSelected" = "Delete Selected"; -"alertSystemErrorMessageTunnelConfigurationInvalid" = "The configuration is invalid."; -"alertInvalidInterfaceMessageListenPortInvalid" = "Interface’s listen port must be between 0 and 65535, or unspecified"; -"addPeerButtonTitle" = "Add peer"; -"tunnelHandshakeTimestampSystemClockBackward" = "(System clock wound backwards)"; -"macMenuTitle" = "WireGuard"; -"macAlertNoInterface" = "Configuration must have an ‘Interface’ section."; -"macNameFieldExportZip" = "Export tunnels to:"; -"alertSystemErrorMessageTunnelConfigurationUnknown" = "Unknown system error."; -"macMenuCut" = "Cut"; -"macEditDiscard" = "Discard"; -"tunnelPeerPresharedKeyEnabled" = "enabled"; -"alertScanQRCodeCameraUnsupportedMessage" = "This device is not able to scan QR codes"; -"macSheetButtonExportZip" = "Save"; -"macWindowTitleManageTunnels" = "Manage WireGuard Tunnels"; -"macConfirmAndQuitAlertInfo" = "If you close the tunnels manager, WireGuard will continue to be available from the menu bar icon."; -"macUnusableTunnelInfo" = "In case this tunnel was created by another user, only that user can view, edit, or activate this tunnel."; -"alertTunnelActivationErrorTunnelIsNotInactiveMessage" = "The tunnel is already active or in the process of being activated"; -"alertTunnelActivationSetNetworkSettingsMessage" = "Unable to apply network settings to tunnel object."; -"macMenuExportTunnels" = "Export Tunnels to Zip…"; -"macMenuShowAllApps" = "Show All"; -"alertCantOpenInputConfFileTitle" = "Unable to import from file"; -"alertScanQRCodeInvalidQRCodeMessage" = "The scanned QR code is not a valid WireGuard configuration"; -"macMenuHideApp" = "Hide WireGuard"; -"settingsViewTitle" = "Settings"; -"macDeleteTunnelConfirmationAlertInfo" = "You cannot undo this action."; -"macDeleteTunnelConfirmationAlertButtonTitleDeleting" = "Deleting…"; -"settingsViewLogButtonTitle" = "View log"; -"alertSystemErrorMessageTunnelConnectionFailed" = "The connection failed."; -"macButtonEdit" = "Edit"; -"macAlertPublicKeyInvalid" = "Public key is invalid"; -"tunnelOnDemandOptionWiFiOnly" = "Wi-Fi only"; -"macNameFieldExportLog" = "Save log to:"; -"alertSystemErrorOnAddTunnelTitle" = "Unable to create tunnel"; -"macConfirmAndQuitAlertMessage" = "Do you want to close the tunnels manager or quit WireGuard entirely?"; -"alertTunnelActivationSavedConfigFailureMessage" = "Unable to retrieve tunnel information from the saved configuration."; -"tunnelOnDemandOptionOff" = "Off"; -"tunnelOnDemandSectionTitleSelectedSSIDs" = "SSIDs"; -"macAlertInfoUnrecognizedInterfaceKey" = "Valid keys are: ‘PrivateKey’, ‘ListenPort’, ‘Address’, ‘DNS’ and ‘MTU’."; -"macLogColumnTitleTime" = "Time"; -"alertTunnelNameEmptyMessage" = "Cannot create tunnel with an empty name"; -"alertInvalidInterfaceMessageMTUInvalid" = "Interface’s MTU must be between 576 and 65535, or unspecified"; -"alertTunnelNameEmptyTitle" = "No name provided"; -"tunnelOnDemandOnlyTheseSSIDs" = "Only these SSIDs"; -"tunnelOnDemandExceptTheseSSIDs" = "Except these SSIDs"; -"alertUnableToWriteLogMessage" = "Unable to write logs to file"; -"macMenuQuit" = "Quit WireGuard"; -"macMenuAddEmptyTunnel" = "Add Empty Tunnel…"; -"alertInvalidInterfaceTitle" = "Invalid interface"; -"macDeleteTunnelConfirmationAlertButtonTitleDelete" = "Delete"; -"alertTunnelActivationFailureTitle" = "Activation failure"; -"macLogButtonTitleClose" = "Close"; -"tunnelOnDemandSSIDViewTitle" = "SSIDs"; -"tunnelOnDemandOptionCellularOnly" = "Cellular only"; -"tunnelEditPlaceholderTextOptional" = "Optional"; -"settingsExportZipButtonTitle" = "Export zip archive"; -"alertInvalidInterfaceMessageNameRequired" = "Interface name is required"; -"tunnelEditPlaceholderTextAutomatic" = "Automatic"; -"macViewPrivateData" = "view tunnel private keys"; -"alertInvalidPeerTitle" = "Invalid peer"; -"alertInvalidPeerMessageEndpointInvalid" = "Peer’s endpoint must be of the form ‘host:port’ or ‘[host]:port’"; -"alertTunnelActivationErrorTunnelIsNotInactiveTitle" = "Activation in progress"; -"alertInvalidPeerMessagePublicKeyDuplicated" = "Two or more peers cannot have the same public key"; -"deletePeerConfirmationAlertButtonTitle" = "Delete"; -"alertInvalidPeerMessagePreSharedKeyInvalid" = "Peer’s preshared key must be a 32-byte key in base64 encoding"; -"macAppExitingWithActiveTunnelInfo" = "The tunnel will remain active after exiting. You may disable it by reopening this application or through the Network panel in System Preferences."; -"macMenuEdit" = "Edit"; -"donateLink" = "♥ Donate to the WireGuard Project"; -"alertScanQRCodeCameraUnsupportedTitle" = "Camera Unsupported"; -"macMenuWindow" = "Window"; -"alertUnableToRemovePreviousLogTitle" = "Log export failed"; -"tunnelHandshakeTimestampNow" = "Now"; -"alertTunnelActivationFailureMessage" = "The tunnel could not be activated. Please ensure that you are connected to the Internet."; -"tunnelOnDemandOptionEthernetOnly" = "Ethernet only"; -"macMenuHideOtherApps" = "Hide Others"; -"alertCantOpenInputZipFileMessage" = "The zip archive could not be read."; -"alertInvalidInterfaceMessagePrivateKeyInvalid" = "Interface’s private key must be a 32-byte key in base64 encoding"; -"deleteTunnelButtonTitle" = "Delete tunnel"; -"alertInvalidInterfaceMessageDNSInvalid" = "Interface’s DNS servers must be a list of comma-separated IP addresses"; -"macAlertPrivateKeyInvalid" = "Private key is invalid."; -"deleteTunnelConfirmationAlertMessage" = "Delete this tunnel?"; -"macDeleteTunnelConfirmationAlertButtonTitleCancel" = "Cancel"; -"alertSystemErrorMessageTunnelConfigurationDisabled" = "The configuration is disabled."; -"alertInvalidPeerMessagePersistentKeepaliveInvalid" = "Peer’s persistent keepalive must be between 0 to 65535, or unspecified"; -"alertUnableToWriteLogTitle" = "Log export failed"; -"alertInvalidPeerMessagePublicKeyRequired" = "Peer’s public key is required"; -"macMenuNetworksNone" = "Networks: None"; -"tunnelOnDemandSSIDsKey" = "SSIDs"; -"alertCantOpenOutputZipFileForWritingMessage" = "Could not open zip file for writing."; -"macMenuSelectAll" = "Select All"; -"logViewTitle" = "Log"; -"alertInvalidPeerMessagePublicKeyInvalid" = "Peer’s public key must be a 32-byte key in base64 encoding"; -"tunnelOnDemandKey" = "On demand"; -"macConfirmAndQuitAlertQuitWireGuard" = "Quit WireGuard"; -"alertSystemErrorOnRemoveTunnelTitle" = "Unable to remove tunnel"; -"macFieldOnDemand" = "On-Demand:"; -"macMenuCloseWindow" = "Close Window"; -"macSheetButtonExportLog" = "Save"; -"tunnelOnDemandOptionWiFiOrCellular" = "Wi-Fi or cellular"; -"alertSystemErrorOnModifyTunnelTitle" = "Unable to modify tunnel"; -"alertSystemErrorMessageTunnelConfigurationReadWriteFailed" = "Reading or writing the configuration failed."; -"macMenuEditTunnel" = "Edit…"; -"settingsSectionTitleTunnelLog" = "Log"; -"macMenuManageTunnels" = "Manage Tunnels"; -"macButtonImportTunnels" = "Import tunnel(s) from file"; -"macAppExitingWithActiveTunnelMessage" = "WireGuard is exiting with an active tunnel"; -"alertSystemErrorMessageTunnelConfigurationStale" = "The configuration is stale."; -"alertTunnelDNSFailureMessage" = "One or more endpoint domains could not be resolved."; -"tunnelOnDemandAddMessageAddNewSSID" = "Add new"; -"alertInvalidInterfaceMessageAddressInvalid" = "Interface addresses must be a list of comma-separated IP addresses, optionally in CIDR notation"; -"tunnelOnDemandSectionTitleAddSSIDs" = "Add SSIDs"; -"alertNoTunnelsInImportedZipArchiveTitle" = "No tunnels in zip archive"; -"alertTunnelDNSFailureTitle" = "DNS resolution failure"; -"macLogButtonTitleSave" = "Save…"; -"macMenuToggleStatus" = "Toggle Status"; -"macMenuMinimize" = "Minimize"; -"deletePeerButtonTitle" = "Delete peer"; -"alertCantOpenInputZipFileTitle" = "Unable to read zip archive"; -"alertScanQRCodeUnreadableQRCodeMessage" = "The scanned code could not be read"; -"alertScanQRCodeUnreadableQRCodeTitle" = "Invalid Code"; -"alertSystemErrorOnListingTunnelsTitle" = "Unable to list tunnels"; -"settingsVersionKeyWireGuardForIOS" = "WireGuard for iOS"; -"macMenuPaste" = "Paste"; -"macAlertMultipleInterfaces" = "Configuration must have only one ‘Interface’ section."; -"scanQRCodeViewTitle" = "Scan QR code"; -"macAppStoreUpdatingAlertMessage" = "App Store would like to update WireGuard"; -"macUnusableTunnelMessage" = "The configuration for this tunnel cannot be found in the keychain."; -"macToolTipEditTunnel" = "Edit tunnel (⌘E)"; -"tunnelEditPlaceholderTextStronglyRecommended" = "Strongly recommended"; -"macMenuZoom" = "Zoom"; -"alertBadArchiveTitle" = "Unable to read zip archive"; -"macExportPrivateData" = "export tunnel private keys"; -"alertTunnelAlreadyExistsWithThatNameTitle" = "Name already exists"; -"iosViewPrivateData" = "Authenticate to view tunnel private keys."; -"macAlertPreSharedKeyInvalid" = "Preshared key is invalid"; -"macEditSave" = "Save"; -"macConfirmAndQuitAlertCloseWindow" = "Close Tunnels Manager"; -"macMenuFile" = "File"; -"macToolTipToggleStatus" = "Toggle status (⌘T)"; -"macTunnelsMenuTitle" = "Tunnels"; -"alertTunnelActivationSystemErrorTitle" = "Activation failure"; -"alertInvalidInterfaceMessagePrivateKeyRequired" = "Interface’s private key is required"; -"tunnelOnDemandAnySSID" = "Any SSID"; -"alertNoTunnelsToExportTitle" = "Nothing to export"; -"scanQRCodeTipText" = "Tip: Generate with `qrencode -t ansiutf8 < tunnel.conf`"; -"alertNoTunnelsToExportMessage" = "There are no tunnels to export"; -"macMenuImportTunnels" = "Import Tunnel(s) from File…"; -"alertScanQRCodeInvalidQRCodeTitle" = "Invalid QR Code"; -"macMenuViewLog" = "View Log"; -"macAlertInfoUnrecognizedPeerKey" = "Valid keys are: ‘PublicKey’, ‘PresharedKey’, ‘AllowedIPs’, ‘Endpoint’ and ‘PersistentKeepalive’"; -"tunnelOnDemandNoSSIDs" = "No SSIDs"; -"deleteTunnelConfirmationAlertButtonTitle" = "Delete"; -"tunnelEditPlaceholderTextOff" = "Off"; -"macUnusableTunnelButtonTitleDeleteTunnel" = "Delete tunnel"; -"tunnelEditPlaceholderTextRequired" = "Required"; -"alertInvalidPeerMessageAllowedIPsInvalid" = "Peer’s allowed IPs must be a list of comma-separated IP addresses, optionally in CIDR notation"; -"macMenuTunnel" = "Tunnel"; -"macMenuCopy" = "Copy"; -"alertTunnelAlreadyExistsWithThatNameMessage" = "A tunnel with that name already exists"; -"macLogColumnTitleLogMessage" = "Log message"; -"iosExportPrivateData" = "Authenticate to export tunnel private keys."; -"macMenuAbout" = "About WireGuard"; -"macSheetButtonImport" = "Import"; -"alertScanQRCodeNamePromptTitle" = "Please name the scanned tunnel"; -"alertUnableToRemovePreviousLogMessage" = "The pre-existing log could not be cleared"; -"alertTunnelActivationBackendFailureMessage" = "Unable to turn on Go backend library."; -"settingsSectionTitleExportConfigurations" = "Export configurations"; -"alertBadArchiveMessage" = "Bad or corrupt zip archive."; -"settingsVersionKeyWireGuardGoBackend" = "WireGuard Go Backend"; -"macFieldOnDemandSSIDs" = "SSIDs:"; -"deletePeerConfirmationAlertMessage" = "Delete this peer?"; -"alertCantOpenOutputZipFileForWritingTitle" = "Unable to create zip archive"; -"alertNoTunnelsInImportedZipArchiveMessage" = "No .conf tunnel files were found inside the zip archive."; -"alertTunnelActivationFileDescriptorFailureMessage" = "Unable to determine TUN device file descriptor."; -"tunnelOnDemandOptionWiFiOrEthernet" = "Wi-Fi or ethernet"; -"macAlertNameIsEmpty" = "Name is required"; diff --git a/Sources/WireGuardApp/it.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Sources/WireGuardApp/it.lproj/Localizable.strings index 417688186..d257064a1 100644 --- a/Sources/WireGuardApp/it.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/Sources/WireGuardApp/it.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -441,4 +441,3 @@ // Donation "donateLink" = "♥ Fai una donazione al progetto WireGuard"; -"macTunnelsMenuTitle" = "Tunnels"; diff --git a/Sources/WireGuardApp/ja.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Sources/WireGuardApp/ja.lproj/Localizable.strings index 07ec818b4..2a04a4fad 100644 --- a/Sources/WireGuardApp/ja.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/Sources/WireGuardApp/ja.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -441,4 +441,3 @@ // Donation "donateLink" = "♥ WireGuard プロジェクトに寄付する"; -"macTunnelsMenuTitle" = "Tunnels"; diff --git a/Sources/WireGuardApp/ko.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Sources/WireGuardApp/ko.lproj/Localizable.strings index 070b3fcdd..a748cb17f 100644 --- a/Sources/WireGuardApp/ko.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/Sources/WireGuardApp/ko.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -36,217 +36,3 @@ // Settings UI "settingsViewTitle" = "설정"; -"settingsSectionTitleAbout" = "About"; -"newTunnelViewTitle" = "New configuration"; -"macMenuDeleteSelected" = "Delete Selected"; -"alertSystemErrorMessageTunnelConfigurationInvalid" = "The configuration is invalid."; -"tunnelPeerPublicKey" = "Public key"; -"tunnelPeerEndpoint" = "Endpoint"; -"tunnelInterfaceMTU" = "MTU"; -"alertInvalidInterfaceMessageListenPortInvalid" = "Interface’s listen port must be between 0 and 65535, or unspecified"; -"addPeerButtonTitle" = "Add peer"; -"tunnelHandshakeTimestampSystemClockBackward" = "(System clock wound backwards)"; -"macMenuTitle" = "WireGuard"; -"macAlertNoInterface" = "Configuration must have an ‘Interface’ section."; -"macNameFieldExportZip" = "Export tunnels to:"; -"editTunnelViewTitle" = "Edit configuration"; -"alertSystemErrorMessageTunnelConfigurationUnknown" = "Unknown system error."; -"macMenuCut" = "Cut"; -"macEditDiscard" = "Discard"; -"tunnelPeerPresharedKeyEnabled" = "enabled"; -"macSheetButtonExportZip" = "Save"; -"macWindowTitleManageTunnels" = "Manage WireGuard Tunnels"; -"macConfirmAndQuitAlertInfo" = "If you close the tunnels manager, WireGuard will continue to be available from the menu bar icon."; -"macUnusableTunnelInfo" = "In case this tunnel was created by another user, only that user can view, edit, or activate this tunnel."; -"alertTunnelActivationErrorTunnelIsNotInactiveMessage" = "The tunnel is already active or in the process of being activated"; -"macToggleStatusButtonReasserting" = "Reactivating…"; -"alertTunnelActivationSetNetworkSettingsMessage" = "Unable to apply network settings to tunnel object."; -"macMenuExportTunnels" = "Export Tunnels to Zip…"; -"macMenuShowAllApps" = "Show All"; -"alertCantOpenInputConfFileTitle" = "Unable to import from file"; -"macMenuHideApp" = "Hide WireGuard"; -"macDeleteTunnelConfirmationAlertInfo" = "You cannot undo this action."; -"macDeleteTunnelConfirmationAlertButtonTitleDeleting" = "Deleting…"; -"tunnelPeerPersistentKeepalive" = "Persistent keepalive"; -"settingsViewLogButtonTitle" = "View log"; -"alertSystemErrorMessageTunnelConnectionFailed" = "The connection failed."; -"macButtonEdit" = "Edit"; -"macAlertPublicKeyInvalid" = "Public key is invalid"; -"tunnelOnDemandOptionWiFiOnly" = "Wi-Fi only"; -"macNameFieldExportLog" = "Save log to:"; -"alertSystemErrorOnAddTunnelTitle" = "Unable to create tunnel"; -"macConfirmAndQuitAlertMessage" = "Do you want to close the tunnels manager or quit WireGuard entirely?"; -"alertTunnelActivationSavedConfigFailureMessage" = "Unable to retrieve tunnel information from the saved configuration."; -"tunnelOnDemandOptionOff" = "Off"; -"tunnelOnDemandSectionTitleSelectedSSIDs" = "SSIDs"; -"macAlertInfoUnrecognizedInterfaceKey" = "Valid keys are: ‘PrivateKey’, ‘ListenPort’, ‘Address’, ‘DNS’ and ‘MTU’."; -"macLogColumnTitleTime" = "Time"; -"alertTunnelNameEmptyMessage" = "Cannot create tunnel with an empty name"; -"alertInvalidInterfaceMessageMTUInvalid" = "Interface’s MTU must be between 576 and 65535, or unspecified"; -"alertTunnelNameEmptyTitle" = "No name provided"; -"tunnelOnDemandOnlyTheseSSIDs" = "Only these SSIDs"; -"macToggleStatusButtonRestarting" = "Restarting…"; -"tunnelOnDemandExceptTheseSSIDs" = "Except these SSIDs"; -"alertUnableToWriteLogMessage" = "Unable to write logs to file"; -"macToggleStatusButtonActivating" = "Activating…"; -"macMenuQuit" = "Quit WireGuard"; -"macMenuAddEmptyTunnel" = "Add Empty Tunnel…"; -"tunnelStatusDeactivating" = "Deactivating"; -"alertInvalidInterfaceTitle" = "Invalid interface"; -"macDeleteTunnelConfirmationAlertButtonTitleDelete" = "Delete"; -"alertTunnelActivationFailureTitle" = "Activation failure"; -"tunnelPeerTxBytes" = "Data sent"; -"macLogButtonTitleClose" = "Close"; -"tunnelOnDemandSSIDViewTitle" = "SSIDs"; -"tunnelOnDemandOptionCellularOnly" = "Cellular only"; -"tunnelEditPlaceholderTextOptional" = "Optional"; -"settingsExportZipButtonTitle" = "Export zip archive"; -"tunnelSectionTitleOnDemand" = "On-Demand Activation"; -"tunnelInterfaceGenerateKeypair" = "Generate keypair"; -"deleteTunnelsConfirmationAlertButtonTitle" = "Delete"; -"alertInvalidInterfaceMessageNameRequired" = "Interface name is required"; -"tunnelEditPlaceholderTextAutomatic" = "Automatic"; -"macViewPrivateData" = "view tunnel private keys"; -"alertInvalidPeerTitle" = "Invalid peer"; -"alertInvalidPeerMessageEndpointInvalid" = "Peer’s endpoint must be of the form ‘host:port’ or ‘[host]:port’"; -"alertTunnelActivationErrorTunnelIsNotInactiveTitle" = "Activation in progress"; -"tunnelPeerAllowedIPs" = "Allowed IPs"; -"alertInvalidPeerMessagePublicKeyDuplicated" = "Two or more peers cannot have the same public key"; -"macToggleStatusButtonDeactivate" = "Deactivate"; -"addTunnelMenuImportFile" = "Create from file or archive"; -"deletePeerConfirmationAlertButtonTitle" = "Delete"; -"addTunnelMenuQRCode" = "Create from QR code"; -"alertInvalidPeerMessagePreSharedKeyInvalid" = "Peer’s preshared key must be a 32-byte key in base64 encoding"; -"macAppExitingWithActiveTunnelInfo" = "The tunnel will remain active after exiting. You may disable it by reopening this application or through the Network panel in System Preferences."; -"macMenuEdit" = "Edit"; -"donateLink" = "♥ Donate to the WireGuard Project"; -"macMenuWindow" = "Window"; -"tunnelStatusRestarting" = "Restarting"; -"alertUnableToRemovePreviousLogTitle" = "Log export failed"; -"tunnelHandshakeTimestampNow" = "Now"; -"alertTunnelActivationFailureMessage" = "The tunnel could not be activated. Please ensure that you are connected to the Internet."; -"tunnelInterfaceListenPort" = "Listen port"; -"tunnelOnDemandOptionEthernetOnly" = "Ethernet only"; -"tunnelInterfaceName" = "Name"; -"macToggleStatusButtonWaiting" = "Waiting…"; -"tunnelInterfaceStatus" = "Status"; -"macMenuHideOtherApps" = "Hide Others"; -"alertCantOpenInputZipFileMessage" = "The zip archive could not be read."; -"alertInvalidInterfaceMessagePrivateKeyInvalid" = "Interface’s private key must be a 32-byte key in base64 encoding"; -"deleteTunnelButtonTitle" = "Delete tunnel"; -"tunnelSectionTitleInterface" = "Interface"; -"alertInvalidInterfaceMessageDNSInvalid" = "Interface’s DNS servers must be a list of comma-separated IP addresses"; -"tunnelStatusInactive" = "Inactive"; -"macAlertPrivateKeyInvalid" = "Private key is invalid."; -"tunnelsListCenteredAddTunnelButtonTitle" = "Add a tunnel"; -"deleteTunnelConfirmationAlertMessage" = "Delete this tunnel?"; -"macDeleteTunnelConfirmationAlertButtonTitleCancel" = "Cancel"; -"alertSystemErrorMessageTunnelConfigurationDisabled" = "The configuration is disabled."; -"alertInvalidPeerMessagePersistentKeepaliveInvalid" = "Peer’s persistent keepalive must be between 0 to 65535, or unspecified"; -"alertUnableToWriteLogTitle" = "Log export failed"; -"alertInvalidPeerMessagePublicKeyRequired" = "Peer’s public key is required"; -"macMenuNetworksNone" = "Networks: None"; -"tunnelOnDemandSSIDsKey" = "SSIDs"; -"alertCantOpenOutputZipFileForWritingMessage" = "Could not open zip file for writing."; -"macMenuSelectAll" = "Select All"; -"logViewTitle" = "Log"; -"alertInvalidPeerMessagePublicKeyInvalid" = "Peer’s public key must be a 32-byte key in base64 encoding"; -"tunnelOnDemandCellular" = "Cellular"; -"tunnelOnDemandKey" = "On demand"; -"macConfirmAndQuitAlertQuitWireGuard" = "Quit WireGuard"; -"alertSystemErrorOnRemoveTunnelTitle" = "Unable to remove tunnel"; -"macFieldOnDemand" = "On-Demand:"; -"macMenuCloseWindow" = "Close Window"; -"macSheetButtonExportLog" = "Save"; -"tunnelOnDemandOptionWiFiOrCellular" = "Wi-Fi or cellular"; -"alertSystemErrorOnModifyTunnelTitle" = "Unable to modify tunnel"; -"alertSystemErrorMessageTunnelConfigurationReadWriteFailed" = "Reading or writing the configuration failed."; -"macMenuEditTunnel" = "Edit…"; -"settingsSectionTitleTunnelLog" = "Log"; -"macMenuManageTunnels" = "Manage Tunnels"; -"macButtonImportTunnels" = "Import tunnel(s) from file"; -"macAppExitingWithActiveTunnelMessage" = "WireGuard is exiting with an active tunnel"; -"tunnelSectionTitlePeer" = "Peer"; -"alertSystemErrorMessageTunnelConfigurationStale" = "The configuration is stale."; -"tunnelPeerPreSharedKey" = "Preshared key"; -"alertTunnelDNSFailureMessage" = "One or more endpoint domains could not be resolved."; -"tunnelOnDemandAddMessageAddNewSSID" = "Add new"; -"alertInvalidInterfaceMessageAddressInvalid" = "Interface addresses must be a list of comma-separated IP addresses, optionally in CIDR notation"; -"tunnelOnDemandSectionTitleAddSSIDs" = "Add SSIDs"; -"alertNoTunnelsInImportedZipArchiveTitle" = "No tunnels in zip archive"; -"alertTunnelDNSFailureTitle" = "DNS resolution failure"; -"tunnelOnDemandEthernet" = "Ethernet"; -"macLogButtonTitleSave" = "Save…"; -"macMenuToggleStatus" = "Toggle Status"; -"macMenuMinimize" = "Minimize"; -"deletePeerButtonTitle" = "Delete peer"; -"tunnelPeerRxBytes" = "Data received"; -"alertCantOpenInputZipFileTitle" = "Unable to read zip archive"; -"alertScanQRCodeUnreadableQRCodeMessage" = "The scanned code could not be read"; -"alertSystemErrorOnListingTunnelsTitle" = "Unable to list tunnels"; -"tunnelPeerExcludePrivateIPs" = "Exclude private IPs"; -"settingsVersionKeyWireGuardForIOS" = "WireGuard for iOS"; -"macMenuPaste" = "Paste"; -"tunnelInterfaceAddresses" = "Addresses"; -"macAlertMultipleInterfaces" = "Configuration must have only one ‘Interface’ section."; -"scanQRCodeViewTitle" = "Scan QR code"; -"macAppStoreUpdatingAlertMessage" = "App Store would like to update WireGuard"; -"macUnusableTunnelMessage" = "The configuration for this tunnel cannot be found in the keychain."; -"macToolTipEditTunnel" = "Edit tunnel (⌘E)"; -"tunnelEditPlaceholderTextStronglyRecommended" = "Strongly recommended"; -"macMenuZoom" = "Zoom"; -"alertBadArchiveTitle" = "Unable to read zip archive"; -"macExportPrivateData" = "export tunnel private keys"; -"alertTunnelAlreadyExistsWithThatNameTitle" = "Name already exists"; -"macToggleStatusButtonDeactivating" = "Deactivating…"; -"iosViewPrivateData" = "Authenticate to view tunnel private keys."; -"tunnelPeerLastHandshakeTime" = "Latest handshake"; -"macAlertPreSharedKeyInvalid" = "Preshared key is invalid"; -"alertBadConfigImportTitle" = "Unable to import tunnel"; -"macEditSave" = "Save"; -"macConfirmAndQuitAlertCloseWindow" = "Close Tunnels Manager"; -"macMenuFile" = "File"; -"tunnelStatusActivating" = "Activating"; -"macToolTipToggleStatus" = "Toggle status (⌘T)"; -"macTunnelsMenuTitle" = "Tunnels"; -"alertTunnelActivationSystemErrorTitle" = "Activation failure"; -"alertInvalidInterfaceMessagePrivateKeyRequired" = "Interface’s private key is required"; -"tunnelOnDemandAnySSID" = "Any SSID"; -"alertNoTunnelsToExportTitle" = "Nothing to export"; -"scanQRCodeTipText" = "Tip: Generate with `qrencode -t ansiutf8 < tunnel.conf`"; -"alertNoTunnelsToExportMessage" = "There are no tunnels to export"; -"macMenuImportTunnels" = "Import Tunnel(s) from File…"; -"macMenuViewLog" = "View Log"; -"macAlertInfoUnrecognizedPeerKey" = "Valid keys are: ‘PublicKey’, ‘PresharedKey’, ‘AllowedIPs’, ‘Endpoint’ and ‘PersistentKeepalive’"; -"tunnelOnDemandNoSSIDs" = "No SSIDs"; -"deleteTunnelConfirmationAlertButtonTitle" = "Delete"; -"tunnelEditPlaceholderTextOff" = "Off"; -"addTunnelMenuHeader" = "Add a new WireGuard tunnel"; -"macUnusableTunnelButtonTitleDeleteTunnel" = "Delete tunnel"; -"tunnelEditPlaceholderTextRequired" = "Required"; -"tunnelStatusReasserting" = "Reactivating"; -"alertInvalidPeerMessageAllowedIPsInvalid" = "Peer’s allowed IPs must be a list of comma-separated IP addresses, optionally in CIDR notation"; -"macMenuTunnel" = "Tunnel"; -"macMenuCopy" = "Copy"; -"alertTunnelAlreadyExistsWithThatNameMessage" = "A tunnel with that name already exists"; -"macLogColumnTitleLogMessage" = "Log message"; -"iosExportPrivateData" = "Authenticate to export tunnel private keys."; -"macMenuAbout" = "About WireGuard"; -"macSheetButtonImport" = "Import"; -"alertScanQRCodeNamePromptTitle" = "Please name the scanned tunnel"; -"alertUnableToRemovePreviousLogMessage" = "The pre-existing log could not be cleared"; -"alertTunnelActivationBackendFailureMessage" = "Unable to turn on Go backend library."; -"settingsSectionTitleExportConfigurations" = "Export configurations"; -"alertBadArchiveMessage" = "Bad or corrupt zip archive."; -"settingsVersionKeyWireGuardGoBackend" = "WireGuard Go Backend"; -"macFieldOnDemandSSIDs" = "SSIDs:"; -"deletePeerConfirmationAlertMessage" = "Delete this peer?"; -"alertCantOpenOutputZipFileForWritingTitle" = "Unable to create zip archive"; -"tunnelStatusActive" = "Active"; -"tunnelStatusWaiting" = "Waiting"; -"alertNoTunnelsInImportedZipArchiveMessage" = "No .conf tunnel files were found inside the zip archive."; -"alertTunnelActivationFileDescriptorFailureMessage" = "Unable to determine TUN device file descriptor."; -"addTunnelMenuFromScratch" = "Create from scratch"; -"tunnelOnDemandOptionWiFiOrEthernet" = "Wi-Fi or ethernet"; -"macToggleStatusButtonActivate" = "Activate"; -"macAlertNameIsEmpty" = "Name is required"; diff --git a/Sources/WireGuardApp/pa.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Sources/WireGuardApp/pa.lproj/Localizable.strings index c2b22ce2d..668c941e9 100644 --- a/Sources/WireGuardApp/pa.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/Sources/WireGuardApp/pa.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -441,4 +441,3 @@ // Donation "donateLink" = "♥ ਵਾਇਰਗਾਰਡ ਪਰੋਜੈਕਟ ਨੂੰ ਦਾਨ ਦਿਓ"; -"macTunnelsMenuTitle" = "Tunnels"; diff --git a/Sources/WireGuardApp/pl.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Sources/WireGuardApp/pl.lproj/Localizable.strings index 5741570a0..55d60ffe4 100644 --- a/Sources/WireGuardApp/pl.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/Sources/WireGuardApp/pl.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -441,4 +441,3 @@ // Donation "donateLink" = "♥ Dotacja dla projektu WireGuard"; -"macTunnelsMenuTitle" = "Tunnels"; diff --git a/Sources/WireGuardApp/ro.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Sources/WireGuardApp/ro.lproj/Localizable.strings index fe4415533..8f86e2338 100644 --- a/Sources/WireGuardApp/ro.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/Sources/WireGuardApp/ro.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -441,4 +441,3 @@ // Donation "donateLink" = "♥ Donează pentru proiectul WireGuard"; -"macTunnelsMenuTitle" = "Tunnels"; diff --git a/Sources/WireGuardApp/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Sources/WireGuardApp/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings index c05a566af..598b8cc50 100644 --- a/Sources/WireGuardApp/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/Sources/WireGuardApp/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -441,4 +441,3 @@ // Donation "donateLink" = "♥ Пожертвовать проекту WireGuard"; -"macTunnelsMenuTitle" = "Tunnels"; diff --git a/Sources/WireGuardApp/sl.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Sources/WireGuardApp/sl.lproj/Localizable.strings index a4434c031..e2f2395d9 100644 --- a/Sources/WireGuardApp/sl.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/Sources/WireGuardApp/sl.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -441,4 +441,3 @@ // Donation "donateLink" = "♥ Donirajte projektu WireGuard"; -"macTunnelsMenuTitle" = "Tunnels"; diff --git a/Sources/WireGuardApp/tr.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Sources/WireGuardApp/tr.lproj/Localizable.strings index 84868dda0..93bbe381c 100644 --- a/Sources/WireGuardApp/tr.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/Sources/WireGuardApp/tr.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -441,4 +441,3 @@ // Donation "donateLink" = "♥ WireGuard Projesine Bağış Yapın"; -"macTunnelsMenuTitle" = "Tunnels"; diff --git a/Sources/WireGuardApp/zh-Hans.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Sources/WireGuardApp/zh-Hans.lproj/Localizable.strings index 83dbd8d24..7d5ce89ae 100644 --- a/Sources/WireGuardApp/zh-Hans.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/Sources/WireGuardApp/zh-Hans.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -441,4 +441,3 @@ // Donation "donateLink" = "♥ 为 WireGuard 捐赠"; -"macTunnelsMenuTitle" = "Tunnels"; diff --git a/Sources/WireGuardApp/zh-Hant.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Sources/WireGuardApp/zh-Hant.lproj/Localizable.strings index 41bc67254..b954ebd94 100644 --- a/Sources/WireGuardApp/zh-Hant.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/Sources/WireGuardApp/zh-Hant.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -88,182 +88,3 @@ "macMenuSelectAll" = "全選"; "macMenuToggleStatus" = "切換狀態"; "macMenuMinimize" = "最小化"; -"macMenuDeleteSelected" = "Delete Selected"; -"alertSystemErrorMessageTunnelConfigurationInvalid" = "The configuration is invalid."; -"tunnelPeerPublicKey" = "Public key"; -"tunnelPeerEndpoint" = "Endpoint"; -"alertInvalidInterfaceMessageListenPortInvalid" = "Interface’s listen port must be between 0 and 65535, or unspecified"; -"addPeerButtonTitle" = "Add peer"; -"tunnelHandshakeTimestampSystemClockBackward" = "(System clock wound backwards)"; -"macMenuTitle" = "WireGuard"; -"macAlertNoInterface" = "Configuration must have an ‘Interface’ section."; -"macNameFieldExportZip" = "Export tunnels to:"; -"alertSystemErrorMessageTunnelConfigurationUnknown" = "Unknown system error."; -"macEditDiscard" = "Discard"; -"tunnelPeerPresharedKeyEnabled" = "enabled"; -"alertScanQRCodeCameraUnsupportedMessage" = "This device is not able to scan QR codes"; -"macSheetButtonExportZip" = "Save"; -"macWindowTitleManageTunnels" = "Manage WireGuard Tunnels"; -"macConfirmAndQuitAlertInfo" = "If you close the tunnels manager, WireGuard will continue to be available from the menu bar icon."; -"macUnusableTunnelInfo" = "In case this tunnel was created by another user, only that user can view, edit, or activate this tunnel."; -"alertTunnelActivationErrorTunnelIsNotInactiveMessage" = "The tunnel is already active or in the process of being activated"; -"alertTunnelActivationSetNetworkSettingsMessage" = "Unable to apply network settings to tunnel object."; -"macMenuExportTunnels" = "Export Tunnels to Zip…"; -"macMenuShowAllApps" = "Show All"; -"alertCantOpenInputConfFileTitle" = "Unable to import from file"; -"alertScanQRCodeInvalidQRCodeMessage" = "The scanned QR code is not a valid WireGuard configuration"; -"macDeleteTunnelConfirmationAlertInfo" = "You cannot undo this action."; -"macDeleteTunnelConfirmationAlertButtonTitleDeleting" = "Deleting…"; -"tunnelPeerPersistentKeepalive" = "Persistent keepalive"; -"settingsViewLogButtonTitle" = "View log"; -"alertSystemErrorMessageTunnelConnectionFailed" = "The connection failed."; -"macButtonEdit" = "Edit"; -"macAlertPublicKeyInvalid" = "Public key is invalid"; -"tunnelOnDemandOptionWiFiOnly" = "Wi-Fi only"; -"macNameFieldExportLog" = "Save log to:"; -"alertSystemErrorOnAddTunnelTitle" = "Unable to create tunnel"; -"macConfirmAndQuitAlertMessage" = "Do you want to close the tunnels manager or quit WireGuard entirely?"; -"alertTunnelActivationSavedConfigFailureMessage" = "Unable to retrieve tunnel information from the saved configuration."; -"tunnelOnDemandOptionOff" = "Off"; -"tunnelOnDemandSectionTitleSelectedSSIDs" = "SSIDs"; -"macAlertInfoUnrecognizedInterfaceKey" = "Valid keys are: ‘PrivateKey’, ‘ListenPort’, ‘Address’, ‘DNS’ and ‘MTU’."; -"macLogColumnTitleTime" = "Time"; -"alertTunnelNameEmptyMessage" = "Cannot create tunnel with an empty name"; -"alertInvalidInterfaceMessageMTUInvalid" = "Interface’s MTU must be between 576 and 65535, or unspecified"; -"tunnelOnDemandWiFi" = "Wi-Fi"; -"alertTunnelNameEmptyTitle" = "No name provided"; -"tunnelOnDemandOnlyTheseSSIDs" = "Only these SSIDs"; -"tunnelOnDemandExceptTheseSSIDs" = "Except these SSIDs"; -"alertUnableToWriteLogMessage" = "Unable to write logs to file"; -"macMenuAddEmptyTunnel" = "Add Empty Tunnel…"; -"alertInvalidInterfaceTitle" = "Invalid interface"; -"macDeleteTunnelConfirmationAlertButtonTitleDelete" = "Delete"; -"alertTunnelActivationFailureTitle" = "Activation failure"; -"tunnelPeerTxBytes" = "Data sent"; -"macLogButtonTitleClose" = "Close"; -"tunnelOnDemandSSIDViewTitle" = "SSIDs"; -"tunnelOnDemandOptionCellularOnly" = "Cellular only"; -"tunnelEditPlaceholderTextOptional" = "Optional"; -"settingsExportZipButtonTitle" = "Export zip archive"; -"tunnelSectionTitleOnDemand" = "On-Demand Activation"; -"alertInvalidInterfaceMessageNameRequired" = "Interface name is required"; -"macViewPrivateData" = "view tunnel private keys"; -"alertInvalidPeerTitle" = "Invalid peer"; -"alertInvalidPeerMessageEndpointInvalid" = "Peer’s endpoint must be of the form ‘host:port’ or ‘[host]:port’"; -"alertTunnelActivationErrorTunnelIsNotInactiveTitle" = "Activation in progress"; -"tunnelPeerAllowedIPs" = "Allowed IPs"; -"alertInvalidPeerMessagePublicKeyDuplicated" = "Two or more peers cannot have the same public key"; -"deletePeerConfirmationAlertButtonTitle" = "Delete"; -"alertInvalidPeerMessagePreSharedKeyInvalid" = "Peer’s preshared key must be a 32-byte key in base64 encoding"; -"macAppExitingWithActiveTunnelInfo" = "The tunnel will remain active after exiting. You may disable it by reopening this application or through the Network panel in System Preferences."; -"macMenuEdit" = "Edit"; -"donateLink" = "♥ Donate to the WireGuard Project"; -"alertScanQRCodeCameraUnsupportedTitle" = "Camera Unsupported"; -"macMenuWindow" = "Window"; -"alertUnableToRemovePreviousLogTitle" = "Log export failed"; -"alertTunnelActivationFailureMessage" = "The tunnel could not be activated. Please ensure that you are connected to the Internet."; -"tunnelOnDemandOptionEthernetOnly" = "Ethernet only"; -"macMenuHideOtherApps" = "Hide Others"; -"alertCantOpenInputZipFileMessage" = "The zip archive could not be read."; -"alertInvalidInterfaceMessagePrivateKeyInvalid" = "Interface’s private key must be a 32-byte key in base64 encoding"; -"deleteTunnelButtonTitle" = "Delete tunnel"; -"alertInvalidInterfaceMessageDNSInvalid" = "Interface’s DNS servers must be a list of comma-separated IP addresses"; -"macAlertPrivateKeyInvalid" = "Private key is invalid."; -"deleteTunnelConfirmationAlertMessage" = "Delete this tunnel?"; -"macDeleteTunnelConfirmationAlertButtonTitleCancel" = "Cancel"; -"alertSystemErrorMessageTunnelConfigurationDisabled" = "The configuration is disabled."; -"alertInvalidPeerMessagePersistentKeepaliveInvalid" = "Peer’s persistent keepalive must be between 0 to 65535, or unspecified"; -"alertUnableToWriteLogTitle" = "Log export failed"; -"alertInvalidPeerMessagePublicKeyRequired" = "Peer’s public key is required"; -"macMenuNetworksNone" = "Networks: None"; -"tunnelOnDemandSSIDsKey" = "SSIDs"; -"alertCantOpenOutputZipFileForWritingMessage" = "Could not open zip file for writing."; -"logViewTitle" = "Log"; -"alertInvalidPeerMessagePublicKeyInvalid" = "Peer’s public key must be a 32-byte key in base64 encoding"; -"tunnelOnDemandCellular" = "Cellular"; -"tunnelOnDemandKey" = "On demand"; -"macConfirmAndQuitAlertQuitWireGuard" = "Quit WireGuard"; -"alertSystemErrorOnRemoveTunnelTitle" = "Unable to remove tunnel"; -"macFieldOnDemand" = "On-Demand:"; -"macMenuCloseWindow" = "Close Window"; -"macSheetButtonExportLog" = "Save"; -"tunnelOnDemandOptionWiFiOrCellular" = "Wi-Fi or cellular"; -"alertSystemErrorOnModifyTunnelTitle" = "Unable to modify tunnel"; -"alertSystemErrorMessageTunnelConfigurationReadWriteFailed" = "Reading or writing the configuration failed."; -"macMenuEditTunnel" = "Edit…"; -"settingsSectionTitleTunnelLog" = "Log"; -"macMenuManageTunnels" = "Manage Tunnels"; -"macButtonImportTunnels" = "Import tunnel(s) from file"; -"macAppExitingWithActiveTunnelMessage" = "WireGuard is exiting with an active tunnel"; -"tunnelSectionTitlePeer" = "Peer"; -"alertSystemErrorMessageTunnelConfigurationStale" = "The configuration is stale."; -"tunnelPeerPreSharedKey" = "Preshared key"; -"alertTunnelDNSFailureMessage" = "One or more endpoint domains could not be resolved."; -"tunnelOnDemandAddMessageAddNewSSID" = "Add new"; -"alertInvalidInterfaceMessageAddressInvalid" = "Interface addresses must be a list of comma-separated IP addresses, optionally in CIDR notation"; -"tunnelOnDemandSectionTitleAddSSIDs" = "Add SSIDs"; -"alertNoTunnelsInImportedZipArchiveTitle" = "No tunnels in zip archive"; -"alertTunnelDNSFailureTitle" = "DNS resolution failure"; -"tunnelOnDemandEthernet" = "Ethernet"; -"macLogButtonTitleSave" = "Save…"; -"deletePeerButtonTitle" = "Delete peer"; -"tunnelPeerRxBytes" = "Data received"; -"alertCantOpenInputZipFileTitle" = "Unable to read zip archive"; -"alertScanQRCodeUnreadableQRCodeMessage" = "The scanned code could not be read"; -"alertScanQRCodeUnreadableQRCodeTitle" = "Invalid Code"; -"alertSystemErrorOnListingTunnelsTitle" = "Unable to list tunnels"; -"tunnelPeerExcludePrivateIPs" = "Exclude private IPs"; -"settingsVersionKeyWireGuardForIOS" = "WireGuard for iOS"; -"tunnelInterfaceAddresses" = "Addresses"; -"macAlertMultipleInterfaces" = "Configuration must have only one ‘Interface’ section."; -"scanQRCodeViewTitle" = "Scan QR code"; -"macAppStoreUpdatingAlertMessage" = "App Store would like to update WireGuard"; -"macUnusableTunnelMessage" = "The configuration for this tunnel cannot be found in the keychain."; -"macToolTipEditTunnel" = "Edit tunnel (⌘E)"; -"tunnelEditPlaceholderTextStronglyRecommended" = "Strongly recommended"; -"macMenuZoom" = "Zoom"; -"alertBadArchiveTitle" = "Unable to read zip archive"; -"macExportPrivateData" = "export tunnel private keys"; -"alertTunnelAlreadyExistsWithThatNameTitle" = "Name already exists"; -"iosViewPrivateData" = "Authenticate to view tunnel private keys."; -"tunnelPeerLastHandshakeTime" = "Latest handshake"; -"macAlertPreSharedKeyInvalid" = "Preshared key is invalid"; -"macEditSave" = "Save"; -"macConfirmAndQuitAlertCloseWindow" = "Close Tunnels Manager"; -"macMenuFile" = "File"; -"macToolTipToggleStatus" = "Toggle status (⌘T)"; -"macTunnelsMenuTitle" = "Tunnels"; -"alertTunnelActivationSystemErrorTitle" = "Activation failure"; -"alertInvalidInterfaceMessagePrivateKeyRequired" = "Interface’s private key is required"; -"tunnelOnDemandAnySSID" = "Any SSID"; -"alertNoTunnelsToExportTitle" = "Nothing to export"; -"scanQRCodeTipText" = "Tip: Generate with `qrencode -t ansiutf8 < tunnel.conf`"; -"alertNoTunnelsToExportMessage" = "There are no tunnels to export"; -"macMenuImportTunnels" = "Import Tunnel(s) from File…"; -"alertScanQRCodeInvalidQRCodeTitle" = "Invalid QR Code"; -"macMenuViewLog" = "View Log"; -"macAlertInfoUnrecognizedPeerKey" = "Valid keys are: ‘PublicKey’, ‘PresharedKey’, ‘AllowedIPs’, ‘Endpoint’ and ‘PersistentKeepalive’"; -"tunnelOnDemandNoSSIDs" = "No SSIDs"; -"deleteTunnelConfirmationAlertButtonTitle" = "Delete"; -"tunnelEditPlaceholderTextOff" = "Off"; -"macUnusableTunnelButtonTitleDeleteTunnel" = "Delete tunnel"; -"tunnelEditPlaceholderTextRequired" = "Required"; -"alertInvalidPeerMessageAllowedIPsInvalid" = "Peer’s allowed IPs must be a list of comma-separated IP addresses, optionally in CIDR notation"; -"macMenuTunnel" = "Tunnel"; -"alertTunnelAlreadyExistsWithThatNameMessage" = "A tunnel with that name already exists"; -"macLogColumnTitleLogMessage" = "Log message"; -"iosExportPrivateData" = "Authenticate to export tunnel private keys."; -"macSheetButtonImport" = "Import"; -"alertScanQRCodeNamePromptTitle" = "Please name the scanned tunnel"; -"alertUnableToRemovePreviousLogMessage" = "The pre-existing log could not be cleared"; -"alertTunnelActivationBackendFailureMessage" = "Unable to turn on Go backend library."; -"settingsSectionTitleExportConfigurations" = "Export configurations"; -"alertBadArchiveMessage" = "Bad or corrupt zip archive."; -"settingsVersionKeyWireGuardGoBackend" = "WireGuard Go Backend"; -"macFieldOnDemandSSIDs" = "SSIDs:"; -"deletePeerConfirmationAlertMessage" = "Delete this peer?"; -"alertCantOpenOutputZipFileForWritingTitle" = "Unable to create zip archive"; -"alertNoTunnelsInImportedZipArchiveMessage" = "No .conf tunnel files were found inside the zip archive."; -"alertTunnelActivationFileDescriptorFailureMessage" = "Unable to determine TUN device file descriptor."; -"tunnelOnDemandOptionWiFiOrEthernet" = "Wi-Fi or ethernet"; -"macAlertNameIsEmpty" = "Name is required";