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Releases: WerWolv/EdiZon

Bug fixes

28 Oct 11:21
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Mostly a bug fix release.

Full changelog

  • Compiled with libnx 1.5.0 which fixes timestamps being 31121969_235959 when the switch hasn't been connected to the internet before and the timestamps being in UTC
  • Fixed visual glitch when pressing the L button while selecting an account
  • Fixed some more of the menu lag
  • Prevented useInstead from creating an infinite loop and freezing EdiZon
  • Added a warning message for SX OS users since it still causes issues
  • Cleaned up the code base and removed some more unnecessary debug prints
  • Added all the lastest configs and scripts

Batch backups, editable titles only and much more!

15 Sep 21:04
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Finally after almost a month there's a new version of EdiZon. Version 1.5.0 brings you batch backups and a lot more! Special thanks to @trueicecold for implementing most of these features!

Full changelog

  • You can now backup all saves of a single game or the saves of all games and users at once from the title select screen. Thanks to @trueicecold for this feature
  • Added editable-only mode which hides all games except the ones you can edit using the builtin save editor. Again thanks to @trueicecold for this.
  • Added scrolling multipliers to the value widgets. Like that you can scroll in steps of 1, 10, 100, 1000 and 10000.
  • Added a step size setting to the configs that acts as a multiplier for the multipliers.
  • From now on ALL configs get shown immediately without the need to approve them first. However, they get overlayed with a big "BETA" label so you can see that they might not work yet.
  • Added support for shared fonts. This makes the whole UI a lot prettier and makes the .nro a bit smaller. Thanks to @AnalogMan151
  • Updated Lua to the latest version 5.3.5
  • Cleaned up the entire UI
  • Fixed a lot of lag everywhere
  • Fixed issues with huge save files causing Lua to fail
  • Fixed issue with the latest libnx
  • Refactored and cleaned up a lot of code and got rid of many many memory leaks
  • Fixed equations. They should work A LOT better now

Also, as you might have noticed, @thomasnet-mc has left the project since he hasn't worked on it a lot anymore lately and moved on to different things. Thanks a lot to you though for everything you did to the project! <3

More config features

18 Aug 18:41
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This is mostly a bug fix and behind the scenes release which will make a lot of things easier or possible for config developers

Please update ALL you configs and scripts! They won't work anymore with this version!

Full changelog

  • Lua now supports 64 bit numbers
  • Full unsigned and signed 32 bit numbers can now be used as min/max value
  • Fixed crash when no save files or games are on the system
  • Configs can now have different offsets based on what game version is installed
  • Fixed value widget increment/decrement acceleration
  • Added equations which get applied before displaying it or before saving it to the file
  • Added config file redirection (Useful for games with different titleIDs for different regions)

Unicode support!

28 Jul 21:21
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This release supports save files which are UTF-16 and UTF-8 encoded!

Full changelog

  • Savefiles encoded in UTF-8 and UTF-16 can now get parsed by the editor
  • Implemented multithreading so animations look a lot smoother now!
    • If some animations are too fast, please tell me
  • Since the devkit recently fixed exceptions, EdiZon isn't crashing anymore when loading a faulty config file.
    • Also added a message which gets displayed in this case

This is the last release before my holidays so there will probably be no or just very few releases during the next three weeks. I'll probably won't just vanish though and still lurk around on GBATemp or on the Discord from time to time :)

Hotfix with small UX improvements

27 Jul 10:52
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This is again just a hotfix release with some small little additions though

Full changelog

  • Fully fixed that extra byte being added to binary save files. I'm so stupid...
  • Categories are scrollable now! No more categories going off-screen :)
  • Added a "Checking for updates" dialog when pressing - , so the switch doesn't just freeze up
  • The position of the cursor in the title select screen now remembers its position when entering and exiting the editor
  • Save files you can edit now display in the correct order once again
  • Button icons are drawn a bit higher up now
  • DEVELOPERS ONLY: People who want to debug EdiZon or the Editor Scripts but don't want to connect their Switch to a WiFi network can now create a file called EdiZon.log inside their /EdiZon folder. This will redirect all STDOUT and STDERR to that log file.
  • Updated all configs and scripts to the latest version


26 Jul 09:14
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This version should fix save file corruption when editing for example Mario Tennis Acre plus some more small fixes

Full changelog

  • Fixed the bug that an extra zero byte gets added at the end of a binary save file
  • Backed up save files are now displayed in reverse order which makes them display from latest to oldest.
  • Fixed regex file paths only showing exactly one save file, even if there are multiples.
  • Updated all configs and scripts to the latest version

Automatic updates!

24 Jul 12:22
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This release brings automatic updating features for all configs and scripts and even EdiZon itself!

Full changelog

  • Added automatic update feature for configs, scripts and EdiZon. Just press the - button in the title select screen.
  • Added Regex capability to save file paths.
  • Added possibility to get a string representation of a save file in the scripts.
    • This shortens the load time of e.g big json save files from 5 seconds to < 0.5 seconds.
  • Added a hint text to the title select screen
  • Fixed LOTS of issues with the save editor crashing the switch or not displaying items correctly.
  • Stability intensifies!
  • Many small bug fixes and performance improvements.
    • I can't remember all of them anymore.
    • EdiZon's better now. Trust me.

Save file editing with scripting support

08 Jul 19:04
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This release brings Lua scripting support, separating of save file editing into external Lua modules, categories and much much more.

Full changelog

  • Added support for config file parsers written in Lua. Many many thanks to @SmallJoker for spending hours to help me debug this :P
  • Made the config files much more generic for the use with Lua scripts
  • Added categories to the editor
  • Lots of UI tweeks
    • Title bars in the editor now have a color that matches their icon. Thanks to @mrasam for some help there
    • Added a scrolling animation to list selectors
    • Added message boxes before you apply or discard changes made in the editor
    • Lots of little UI changes so EdiZon looks more like the real Switch UI
  • You can now switch though your games and accounts in the editor by clicking on the icons or pressing ZL or ZR.
  • Updated Super Mario Odyssey Editor Config file to support the new version
  • Added a Editor Config file for Hollow Knight
  • Added a Editor Script file for binary save files
  • Added a Editor Script file for json save files
  • Updated the Readme and the Wiki to document the new Editor Config and Editor Script files so YOU can make your own ones now!

All Editor Config and Editor Script files can now be found in this repository for download

Implemented binary save file editor!

25 Jun 12:55
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This release finally fully implements the save file editor for binary save files. Included is an example config file which allows you to modify your current coin count in Super Mario Odyssey.

Full changelog

  • Implemented the save file editor for binary save files
  • Added some animations to make the interface a lot more pleasant to look at
  • Made some animations a lot prettier
  • Added icons for all buttons (Not pretty yet though). Thanks to @BernardoGiordano
  • Fixed the menu offset bug (once again)
  • Fixed backup creation for people with unicode characters in their usernames
  • Lots of other bug fixes and code cleanup. EdiZon should run a lot smoother now.

If you want to contribute, feel free to reverse engineer save files of your favorite games and write your own config files for them. You can send them either to me ( @werwolv98 ) or to @thomasnet-mc and I'll be happy to upload them to my site.

Fixed save restoring problems

06 Jun 09:36
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I know I don't have much time to contribute on this (should have more now), but I fixed the issues some people had on restoring saves for games which store data in directories, plus some corruptions due to new files not being deleted while restoring.
Please open an issue if you find some new problems!