virsh list # 显示正在运行的虚拟机 virsh list --all # 显示所有虚拟机
virsh start VM-NAME # 启动 virsh autostart VM-NAME # 开机自启 virsh autostart --disable VM-NAME # 取消开机自启
virsh shutdown VM-NAME # 正常关机 virsh destroy VM-NAME # 强制关机
无法关机, 说明虚拟机内的acpi
服务有问题或未安装; Ubuntu 的 "关机确认" 没有关闭也会导致关机失败 -
virsh suspend VM-NAME # 挂起 virsh resume VM-NAME # 恢复挂起
virsh managedsave VM-NAME # [--domain] <string> domain name, id or uuid # --bypass-cache avoid file system cache when saving # --running set domain to be running on next start # --paused set domain to be paused on next start # --verbose display the progress of save virsh start VM-NAME
virsh undefined VM-NAME [--managed-save] # 当虚拟机处于saved状态时, 删除时需要指定这个选项 [--snapshots-metadata] [ {--storage volumes | --remove-all-storage [--delete-snapshots]} --wipe-storage]
virsh shutdown VM-NAME-01 # 确保VM-NAME-01为关机状态
virt-clone -o VM-NAME-01 -n VM-NAME-02 -f /data/VM-NAME-02.qcow2 # VM-NAME-01克隆为VM-NAME-02
热迁移 - 共享存储
virsh dumpxml <vmname> > vmname.xml
下找xml文件 -
下 -
virsh setmaxmem VM-NAME 4096M --config # 最大可分配内存, 重启后生效 virsh setmem VM-NAME 2048M # 当前分配内存, 值应该小于最大可分配内存的值
$ virsh domtime rhel79 --pretty # 显示虚拟机时间, 仅可查看开机状态的主机 $ virsh domtime --time 1614244228 # 设置时间 # --now set to the time of the host running virsh, " acts like if it was an alias for --time $now " # --pretty print domain's time in human readable form # --sync instead of setting given time, synchronize from domain's RTC # --time <number> time to set
SYNOPSIS attach-interface <domain> <type> <source> [--target <string>] [--mac <string>] [--script <string>] [--model <string>] [--inbound <string>] [--outbound <string>] [--persistent] [--config] [--live] [--current] [--print-xml] [--managed] OPTIONS [--domain] <string> domain name, id or uuid [--type] <string> network interface type [--source] <string> source of network interface --target <string> target network name --mac <string> MAC address --script <string> script used to bridge network interface --model <string> model type --inbound <string> control domain's incoming traffics --outbound <string> control domain's outgoing traffics --persistent make live change persistent --config affect next boot --live affect running domain --current affect current domain --print-xml print XML document rather than attach the interface --managed libvirt will automatically detach/attach the device from/to host
$ virsh attach-interface --domain rhel79 --type bridge --source br0 --model virtio --print-xml <interface type='bridge'> <source bridge='br0'/> <model type='virtio'/> </interface>
SYNOPSIS detach-interface <domain> <type> [--mac <string>] [--persistent] [--config] [--live] [--current] OPTIONS [--domain] <string> domain name, id or uuid [--type] <string> network interface type --mac <string> MAC address --persistent make live change persistent --config affect next boot --live affect running domain --current affect current domain
$ virsh detach-interface rhel79 --type bridge # 有多网卡时, 需要指定mac来删除网卡 error: Domain has 2 interfaces. Please specify which one to detach using --mac error: Failed to detach interface $ virsh detach-interface rhel79 --type bridge --mac 52:54:00:84:14:f2 Interface detached successfully $ virsh domiflist rhel79 Interface Type Source Model MAC ------------------------------------------------------- vnet0 bridge br0 virtio 52:54:00:64:fc:47
qemu-img create -f qcow2 /home/virtimg/rhel6.img 10G # 创建磁盘 qemu-img resize /home/virtimg/rhel6.img +1G # 增大磁盘容量 qemu-img info /home/virtimg/rhel6.img # 查看磁盘信息
SYNOPSIS attach-disk <domain> <source> <target> [--targetbus <string>] [--driver <string>] [--subdriver <string>] [--iothread <string>] [--cache <string>] [--io <string>] [--type <string>] [--mode <string>] [--sourcetype <string>] [--serial <string>] [--wwn <string>] [--rawio] [--address <string>] [--multifunction] [--print-xml] [--persistent] [--config] [--live] [--current] OPTIONS [--domain] <string> domain name, id or uuid [--source] <string> source of disk device => /data/dev-7-rhel79.qcow2 [--target] <string> target of disk device => vda, sdb等 --targetbus <string> target bus of disk device => 典型值为ide,scsi,virtio,xen,usb,sata或sd; 如果省略,则根据设备名称的样式推断总线类型(例如, 'sda'则认为是使用SCSI总线导出的设备) --driver <string> driver of disk device => For Xen Hypervior: file,tap,phy; For QEMU emulator:qemu --subdriver <string> subdriver of disk device => For Xen Hypervior: aio; For QEMU emulator:raw or qcow2 --iothread <string> IOThread to be used by supported device --cache <string> cache mode of disk device => "default","none","writethrough","writeback","directsync" or "unsafe". --io <string> io policy of disk device => "threads" and "native" --type <string> target device type => 设备类型: disk(default),lun,cdrom,floppy --mode <string> mode of device reading and writing => readonly/shareable --sourcetype <string> type of source (block|file) --serial <string> serial of disk device => 设备序列号 --wwn <string> wwn of disk device => 设备wwn --rawio needs rawio capability --address <string> address of disk device => address is the address of disk device in the form of pci:domain.bus.slot.function, scsi:controller.bus.unit, ide:controller.bus.unit or ccw:cssid.ssid.devno. --multifunction use multifunction pci under specified address --print-xml print XML document rather than attach the disk --persistent make live change persistent --config affect next boot --live affect running domain --current affect current domain
$ virsh attach-disk --domain rhel79 --source /data/tmp.qcow2 --target vdb --targetbus virtio --driver qemu --subdriver qcow2 --print-xml <disk type='file'> <driver name='qemu' type='qcow2'/> <source file='/data/tmp.qcow2'/> <target dev='vdb' bus='virtio'/> </disk> # 添加共享磁盘 $ virsh attach-disk --domain rhel79 --source /data/tmp.raw --target vdc --targetbus virtio --driver qemu --subdriver raw --shareable --print-xml <disk type='file'> <driver name='qemu' type='raw'/> <source file='/data/tmp.raw'/> <target dev='vdc' bus='virtio'/> <shareable/> </disk>
SYNOPSIS detach-disk <domain> <target> [--persistent] [--config] [--live] [--current] [--print-xml] OPTIONS [--domain] <string> domain name, id or uuid [--target] <string> target of disk device --persistent make live change persistent --config affect next boot --live affect running domain --current affect current domain --print-xml print XML document rather than detach the disk
virsh detach-disk --domain rhel79-clone --target vdb --config
如果磁盘是 "精简置备", 在虚拟机的使用过程中, 虚拟机内的文件经过大量的增, 删, 改等操作后, 会使得虚拟机磁盘的体积变大, 即使删除了虚拟机内的文件, 已经分配给虚拟磁盘的空间却并不会被回收。
dd if=/dev/zero of=/mount_point/junk rm -f /mount_point/junk
为磁盘挂载点, 上面的操作是将虚拟磁盘内部所有未被占用的空间用 0 字节填充, 便于后续回收 -
将虚拟机关机, 执行:
qemu-img convert -c -O qcow2 Centos76.qcow2 Centos76-new.qcow2
转换的时候不拷贝 0 数据块, 达到回收空间的目的.
执行完命令以后, 将虚拟机的磁盘文件替换成新的磁盘文件即可.
界面修改或者编辑配置文件 (
virsh edit centos76
snapshot-create Create a snapshot from XML snapshot-create-as Create a snapshot from a set of args snapshot-current Get or set the current snapshot <=当前快照 snapshot-delete Delete a domain snapshot snapshot-dumpxml Dump XML for a domain snapshot <=导出快照xml文件 snapshot-edit edit XML for a snapshot <=编辑快照xml文件 snapshot-info snapshot information <=查看快照信息 snapshot-list List snapshots for a domain snapshot-parent Get the name of the parent of a snapshot snapshot-revert Revert a domain to a snapshot
: 创建默认快照(一般为一串数字)
: 创建自定义名称快照
$ virsh snapshot-create --domain rhel79 $ virsh snapshot-create-as rhel79 --name rhel79-snapshot-1 $ virsh snapshot-list rhel79 Name Creation Time State ------------------------------------------------------------ 1614330821 2021-02-26 17:13:41 +0800 shutoff rhel79-snapshot-1 2021-02-26 17:14:08 +0800 shutoff
内置快照: 快照数据和base磁盘数据放在一个qcow2文件中。
外置快照: 快照数据单独的qcow2文件存放。
# 1. 创建 virsh snapshot-create-as --domain rhel79 --name fresh --disk-only --diskspec vda,snapshot=external,file=/data/rhel79_1.qcow2 --atomic # 2. 合并快照 ## 2.1 blockcommit将top镜像合并至低层的base镜像 快照路径:初始=>rhel79_1=>rhel79_2=>当前 virsh blockcommit --domain rhel79 --base /data/rhel79_1.qcow2 --top /data/rhel79_2.qcow2 --wait --verbose ## 2.2 blockpull将backing-file向上合并至active 快照路径: 初始=>rhel79_3=>rhel79_4=>当前 # 合并快照3到当前使用的快照4中 virsh blockpull --domain rhel79 --path /data/rhel79_3.qcow2 --base /data/test4.qcow2 --wait --verbose # 迁移虚拟机, 合并base-image到active,合并需要一段时间 virsh blockpull --domain rhel79 --path /data/test4.qcow2 --wait --verbose
virsh snapshot-revert --domain rhel79 --snapshotname 1614330821
virsh snapshot-delete rhel79 --snapshotname 1614330821
$ virsh console rhel79
# --force force console connection (disconnect already connected sessions)
# --safe only connect if safe console handling is supported
默认情况下, 直接执行命令连接到虚拟机时, 会卡住, 需要特殊配置
echo "ttyS0" >> /etc/securetty
... title Red Hat Enterprise Linux (2.6.32-358.el6.x86_64) root (hd0,0) kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.32-358.el6.x86_64 ro ... rhgb quiet console=ttyS0 <== 添加 console=ttyS0 initrd /initramfs-2.6.32-358.el6.x86_64.img ...
中添加S0:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty ttyS0 115200
echo "S0:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty ttyS0 115200" >> /etc/inittab
方法一: 执行命令添加参数"
"grubby --update-kernel=ALL --args="console=ttyS0"
方法二: 手动编辑
, 添加参数"console=ttyS0
", 然后使用grub2-mkconfig
命令使配置生效# /etc/default/grub ... GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="spectre_v2=retpoline rd.lvm.lv=rhel/root rd.lvm.lv=rhel/swap rhgb quiet console=ttyS0" <== 添加 console=ttyS0 ...
grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg
systemctl enable [email protected] systemctl start [email protected]
RHEL/CentOS/Rocky 8
方法一: 执行命令添加参数 "
"grubby --update-kernel=ALL --args="console=ttyS0,115200n8"
systemctl enable [email protected] systemctl start [email protected]
Ubuntu 14.04, 16.04
添加/修改:GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200" GRUB_TERMINAL=serial GRUB_SERIAL_COMMAND="serial --speed=115200 --unit=0 --word=8 --parity=no --stop=1"
添加/修改:start on stopped rc RUNLEVEL=[2345] and ( not-container or container CONTAINER=lxc or container CONTAINER=lxc-libvirt) stop on runlevel [!2345] respawn exec /sbin/getty -h -L -w 115200 ttyS0 vt100
Ubuntu 18.04, 20.04
添加/修改:GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200" GRUB_TERMINAL="console serial" GRUB_SERIAL_COMMAND="serial --speed=115200 --unit=0 --word=8 --parity=no --stop=1"
update-grub # 或 grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
$ virsh dominfo rhel79
Id: 32
Name: rhel79
UUID: 4ecca1a6-cfe2-4975-9ffe-cb80c2356d55
OS Type: hvm
State: running
CPU(s): 1
CPU time: 53.2s
Max memory: 1048576 KiB
Used memory: 1048576 KiB
Persistent: yes
Autostart: disable
Managed save: no
Security model: none
Security DOI: 0
$ virsh domstats rhel79-clone rhel79
# --state report domain state
# --cpu-total report domain physical cpu usage
# --balloon report domain balloon statistics
# --vcpu report domain virtual cpu information
# --interface report domain network interface information
# --block report domain block device statistics
# --perf report domain perf event statistics
# --list-active list only active domains
# --list-inactive list only inactive domains
# --list-persistent list only persistent domains
# --list-transient list only transient domains
# --list-running list only running domains
# --list-paused list only paused domains
# --list-shutoff list only shutoff domains
# --list-other list only domains in other states
# --raw do not pretty-print the fields
# --enforce enforce requested stats parameters
# --backing add backing chain information to block stats
# --nowait report only stats that are accessible instantly
# <domain> list of domains to get stats for
$ virsh domstate rhel79-clone --reason
running (booted)
# --reason also print reason for the state
$ virsh domblklist rhel79 --details Type Device Target Source ------------------------------------------------ file disk vda /data/rhel79.qcow2 # --inactive get inactive rather than running configuration
$ virsh domblkinfo rhel79 vda Capacity: 10737418240 Allocation: 1802313728 Physical: 1802371072 # --device <string> block device # --human Human readable output # --all display all block devices info
$ virsh domblkstat rhel79 # 仅可查看开机状态的主机 rd_req 9741 rd_bytes 154587648 wr_req 614 wr_bytes 13020672 flush_operations 320 rd_total_times 1419425446 wr_total_times 321114004 flush_total_times 290348748 # --device <string> block device # --human print a more human readable output
virsh domblkerror VM-NAME # 仅可查看开机状态的主机
控制接口的状态 (仅开机状态)
$ virsh domcontrol rhel79 ok
$ virsh domiflist rhel79 Interface Type Source Model MAC ------------------------------------------------------- - bridge br0 virtio 52:54:00:f0:a3:23 # --inactive get inactive rather than running configuration
网卡状态 (仅开机状态)
$ virsh domif-getlink rhel79 vnet1 vnet1 up # --config Get persistent interface state
$ virsh domifstat rhel79 vnet1 vnet1 rx_bytes 82461 vnet1 rx_packets 617 vnet1 rx_errs 0 vnet1 rx_drop 0 vnet1 tx_bytes 2428 vnet1 tx_packets 38 vnet1 tx_errs 0 vnet1 tx_drop 0
$ virsh domifaddr rhel79 # --interface <string> network interface name # --full always display names and MACs of interfaces # --source <string> address source: 'lease', 'agent', or 'arp'
$ virsh dommemstat rhel79
actual 1048576
swap_in 0
swap_out 0
major_fault 186
minor_fault 158840
unused 879464
available 1014784
last_update 1614304438
rss 594740
# --period <number> period in seconds to set collection
# --config affect next boot
# --live affect running domain
# --current affect current domain
# 对于带有memory balloon的QEMU/KVM, 将可选的--period设置为大于0的值(以秒为单位), 将使balloon dirver程序返回其他统计信息, 这些统计信息将由后续的dommemstat命令显示。
# 将--period设置为0将停止气球状驱动程序收集, 但不会清除气球状驱动程序中的统计信息。 需要至少QEMU/KVM 1.5在主机上运行。
# --live, -config和--current标志仅在使用--period选项设置气球驱动程序的收集时间时有效。
# 如果指定了--live, 则仅影响正在运行的来宾收集周期。
# 如果指定了--config, 将影响持久客户机的下一次引导。
# 如果指定了--current, 则影响当前的来宾状态。
# --current不能和--live和--config一起给出。如果未指定标志, 则行为将根据来宾状态而有所不同。
# swap_in - The amount of data read from swap space (in KiB)
# swap_out - The amount of memory written out to swap space (in KiB)
# major_fault - The number of page faults where disk IO was required
# minor_fault - The number of other page faults
# unused - The amount of memory left unused by the system (in KiB)
# available - The amount of usable memory as seen by the domain (in KiB)
# actual - Current balloon value (in KiB)
# rss - Resident Set Size of the running domain's process (in KiB)
# usable - The amount of memory which can be reclaimed by balloon without causing host swapping (in KiB)
# last-update - Timestamp of the last update of statistics (in seconds)
# disk_caches - The amount of memory that can be reclaimed without additional I/O, typically disk caches (in KiB)
~] virt-install --help
usage: virt-install --name NAME --memory MB STORAGE INSTALL [options]
Create a new virtual machine from specified install media.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show program''s version number and exit
--connect URI Connect to hypervisor with libvirt URI
General Options:
-n NAME, --name NAME Name of the guest instance
--memory MEMORY Configure guest memory allocation. Ex:
--memory 1024 (in MiB)
--memory memory=1024,currentMemory=512
--vcpus VCPUS Number of vcpus to configure for your guest. Ex:
--vcpus 5
--vcpus 5,maxvcpus=10,cpuset=1-4,6,8
--vcpus sockets=2,cores=4,threads=2
--cpu CPU CPU model and features. Ex:
--cpu coreduo,+x2apic
--cpu host-passthrough
--cpu host
--metadata METADATA Configure guest metadata. Ex:
--metadata name=foo,title="My pretty title",uuid=...
--metadata description="My nice long description"
Installation Method Options:
--cdrom CDROM CD-ROM installation media
-l LOCATION, --location LOCATION
Distro install URL, eg. https://host/path. See man
page for specific distro examples.
--pxe Boot from the network using the PXE protocol
--import Build guest around an existing disk image 在已有的磁盘镜像中构建客户机
-x EXTRA_ARGS, --extra-args EXTRA_ARGS
Additional arguments to pass to the install kernel
booted from --location
--initrd-inject INITRD_INJECT
Add given file to root of initrd from --location
--unattended [UNATTENDED]
Perform an unattended installation
--install INSTALL Specify fine grained install options
--boot BOOT Configure guest boot settings. Ex:
--boot hd,cdrom,menu=on
--boot init=/sbin/init (for containers)
--idmap IDMAP Enable user namespace for LXC container. Ex:
--idmap uid.start=0,uid.target=1000,uid.count=10
OS options:
--os-variant OS_VARIANT
The OS being installed in the guest.
This is used for deciding optimal defaults like virtio.
Example values: fedora29, rhel7.0, win10, ...
See 'osinfo-query os' for a full list.
Device Options:
--disk DISK Specify storage with various options. Ex.
--disk size=10 (new 10GiB image in default location)
--disk /my/existing/disk,cache=none
--disk device=cdrom,bus=scsi
-w NETWORK, --network NETWORK
Configure a guest network interface. Ex:
--network bridge=mybr0
--network network=my_libvirt_virtual_net
--network network=mynet,model=virtio,mac=00:11...
--network none
--network help
--graphics GRAPHICS Configure guest display settings. Ex:
--graphics spice
--graphics vnc,port=5901,listen=
--graphics none
--controller CONTROLLER
Configure a guest controller device. Ex:
--controller type=usb,model=qemu-xhci
--controller virtio-scsi
--input INPUT Configure a guest input device. Ex:
--input tablet
--input keyboard,bus=usb
--serial SERIAL Configure a guest serial device
--parallel PARALLEL Configure a guest parallel device
--channel CHANNEL Configure a guest communication channel
--console CONSOLE Configure a text console connection between the guest
and host
--hostdev HOSTDEV Configure physical USB/PCI/etc host devices to be
shared with the guest
--filesystem FILESYSTEM
Pass host directory to the guest. Ex:
--filesystem /my/source/dir,/dir/in/guest
--filesystem template_name,/,type=template
--sound [SOUND] Configure guest sound device emulation
--watchdog WATCHDOG Configure a guest watchdog device
--video VIDEO Configure guest video hardware.
--smartcard SMARTCARD
Configure a guest smartcard device. Ex:
--smartcard mode=passthrough
--redirdev REDIRDEV Configure a guest redirection device. Ex:
--redirdev usb,type=tcp,server=
--memballoon MEMBALLOON
Configure a guest memballoon device. Ex:
--memballoon model=virtio
--tpm TPM Configure a guest TPM device. Ex:
--tpm /dev/tpm
--rng RNG Configure a guest RNG device. Ex:
--rng /dev/urandom
--panic PANIC Configure a guest panic device. Ex:
--panic default
--memdev MEMDEV Configure a guest memory device. Ex:
--memdev dimm,target.size=1024
--vsock VSOCK Configure guest vsock sockets. Ex:
--vsock cid.auto=yes
--vsock cid.address=7
Guest Configuration Options:
--iothreads IOTHREADS
Set domain <iothreads> and <iothreadids>
--seclabel SECLABEL, --security SECLABEL
Set domain seclabel configuration.
--cputune CPUTUNE Tune CPU parameters for the domain process.
--numatune NUMATUNE Tune NUMA policy for the domain process.
--memtune MEMTUNE Tune memory policy for the domain process.
--blkiotune BLKIOTUNE
Tune blkio policy for the domain process.
--memorybacking MEMORYBACKING
Set memory backing policy for the domain process. Ex:
--memorybacking hugepages=on
--features FEATURES Set domain <features> XML. Ex:
--features acpi=off
--features apic=on,apic.eoi=on
--clock CLOCK Set domain <clock> XML. Ex:
--clock offset=localtime,rtc_tickpolicy=catchup
--pm PM Configure VM power management features
--events EVENTS Configure VM lifecycle management policy
--resource RESOURCE Configure VM resource partitioning (cgroups)
--sysinfo SYSINFO Configure SMBIOS System Information. Ex:
--sysinfo host
--sysinfo bios.vendor=MyVendor,bios.version=1.2.3,...
--qemu-commandline QEMU_COMMANDLINE
Pass arguments directly to the qemu emulator. Ex:
--qemu-commandline='-display gtk,gl=on'
--qemu-commandline env=DISPLAY=:0.1
--launchSecurity LAUNCHSECURITY, --launchsecurity LAUNCHSECURITY
Configure VM launch security (e.g. SEV memory encryption). Ex:
--launchSecurity type=sev,cbitpos=47,reducedPhysBits=1,policy=0x0001,dhCert=BASE64CERT
--launchSecurity sev
Virtualization Platform Options:
-v, --hvm This guest should be a fully virtualized guest
-p, --paravirt This guest should be a paravirtualized guest
--container This guest should be a container guest
--virt-type VIRT_TYPE
Hypervisor name to use (kvm, qemu, xen, ...)
--arch ARCH The CPU architecture to simulate
--machine MACHINE The machine type to emulate
Miscellaneous Options:
--autostart Have domain autostart on host boot up.
--transient Create a transient domain.
--destroy-on-exit Force power off the domain when the console viewer is
--wait [WAIT] Minutes to wait for install to complete.
--noautoconsole Don't automatically try to connect to the guest
--noreboot Don't boot guest after completing install.
--print-xml [XMLONLY]
Print the generated domain XML rather than create the
--dry-run Run through install process, but do not create devices
or define the guest.
--check CHECK Enable or disable validation checks. Example:
--check path_in_use=off
--check all=off
-q, --quiet Suppress non-error output
-d, --debug Print debugging information
Use '--option=?' or '--option help' to see available suboptions
See man page for examples and full option syntax.
The simplest invocation to interactively install a Fedora 29 KVM VM with recommended defaults. virt-viewer(1) will be launched to graphically interact with the VM install:
Note: 启动virt-viewer图形窗口安装; 此操作需要安装virt-viewer;
sudo virt-install --install fedora29 # 'fedora29' 为操作系统类型, 可通过 'osinfo-query os' 查询支持的选项
Similar, but use libosinfo's unattended install support, which will perform the fedora29 install automatically without user intervention:
Note: 使用 libosinfo 无人值守安装
sudo virt-install --install fedora29 --unattended
Install a Windows 10 VM, using 40GiB storage in the default location and 4096MiB of ram, and ensure we are connecting to the system libvirtd instance:
virt-install \ --connect qemu:///system \ --name my-win10-vm \ --memory 4096 \ --disk size=40 \ --os-variant win10 \ --cdrom /path/to/my/win10.iso
Install a CentOS 7 KVM from a URL, with recommended device defaults and default required storage, but specifically request VNC graphics instead of the default SPICE, and request 8 virtual CPUs and 8192 MiB of memory:
virt-install \ --connect qemu:///system \ --memory 8192 \ --vcpus 8 \ --graphics vnc \ --os-variant centos7.0 \ --location http://mirror.centos.org/centos-7/7/os/x86_64/
Create a VM around an existing debian9 disk image:
virt-install \ --import \ --memory 512 \ --disk /home/user/VMs/my-debian9.img \ --os-variant debian9
bridge 常用场景
eth0 可以不连接 br0, 看实际需求
+-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Host | VirtualMachine1 | VirtualMachine2 | | | | | | +-------------------------------------+ | +-------------------------+ | +-------------------------+ | | | Newwork Protocol Stack | | | Newwork Protocol Stack | | | Newwork Protocol Stack | | | +-------------------------------------+ | +-------------------------+ | +-------------------------+ | | ↑ | ↑ | ↑ | |......................|........................|................|..................|.................|.................| | ↓ | ↓ | ↓ | | +--------+ | +-------+ | +-------+ | | | .3.101 | | | .3.102| | | .3.103| | | +------+ +--------+ +-------+ | +-------+ | +-------+ | | | eth0 |<--->| br0 |<--->|tun/tap| | | eth0 | | | eth0 | | | +------+ +--------+ +-------+ | +-------+ | +-------+ | | ↑ ↑ ↑ | ↑ | ↑ | | | | +--------------------------+ | | | | | ↓ | | | | | | +-------+ | | | | | | |tun/tap| | | | | | | +-------+ | | | | | | ↑ | | | | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------|-----------------+ | | | | | | +---------|-------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ ↓ Physical Network (
由于容器运行在自己单独的network namespace里面(需要使用 veth对), 所以都有自己单独的协议栈, 情况和上面的虚拟机差不多, 但它采用了另一种方式来和外界通信:
+------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Host | Container 1 | Container 2 | | | | | | +--------------------------------------+ | +-------------------------+ | +-------------------------+ | | | Newwork Protocol Stack | | | Newwork Protocol Stack | | | Newwork Protocol Stack | | | +--------------------------------------+ | +-------------------------+ | +-------------------------+ | | ↑ ↑ | ↑ | ↑ | |.........|.............|........................|................|..................|.................|.................| | ↓ ↓ | ↓ | ↓ | | +------+ +--------+ | +-------+ | +-------+ | | |.3.101| | .9.1 | | | .9.2 | | | .9.3 | | | +------+ +--------+ +-------+ | +-------+ | +-------+ | | | eth0 | | br0 |<--->| veth | | | eth0 | | | eth0 | | | +------+ +--------+ +-------+ | +-------+ | +-------+ | | ↑ ↑ ↑ | ↑ | ↑ | | | | +---------------------------+ | | | | | ↓ | | | | | | +-------+ | | | | | | | veth | | | | | | | +-------+ | | | | | | ↑ | | | | | | +------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------+ | | | | | | +---------|--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ ↓ Physical Network (
新建 bridge
--vnet0 ==> kvm-host0 宿主机 ==> br0 ==> ens33 ==> --vnet1 ==> kvm-host1
方法1. 编辑文件配置
# 修改ifcfg-ens33, 注释掉IP信息, 添加 BRIDGE=br0 TYPE=Ethernet BOOTPROTO=none DEFROUTE=yes IPV4_FAILURE_FATAL=no NAME=ens33 DEVICE=ens33 ONBOOT=yes #IPADDR= <= #PREFIX=24 <= BRIDGE=br0 <=
# 添加ifcfg-br0 DEVICE=br0 ONBOOT=yes TYPE=Bridge BOOTPROTO=none IPADDR= <= NETMASK= <= DELAY=0
brctl show bridge name bridge id STP enabled interfaces br0 8000.000c297b41d3 no ens33 <= virbr0 8000.525400e4a58b yes virbr0-nic
命令配置brctl addr br0 brctl addif br0 eth0 brctl stp br0 on brctl delif br0 eth0
命令配置nmcli connection add type bridge ifname br0 con-name br0 nmcli connection modify br0 ipv4.addresses ipv4.method manual autoconnect yes
命令配置ip link add name br0 type bridge ip link set br0 up ip link set dev eth0 master br0 ip addr add dev br0
if [ "$1" == "all" ]; then
vm_list=$(virsh list --name)
function ping_ip () {
for i in $(seq 1 255); do
ping ${ip_head1}.${i} -c 1 -w 1 > /dev/null 2>&1
ping ${ip_head2}.${i} -c 1 -w 1 > /dev/null 2>&1
} &
function find_vm () {
for vm in ${vm_list}; do
echo "${vm}"
vm_mac=$(virsh domiflist ${vm} | grep -Ew 'br0|br-heartb' | awk '{print $NF}')
for mac in ${vm_mac}; do
arp -n | grep -i ${mac} | awk '{print "\t" "IP:"$1 "\t" "MAC:"$3}'
function main () {
获取全部虚拟机的 IP
~] bash get_vm_ip.sh all centos7.6 IP: MAC:52:54:00:b7:33:03 IP: MAC:52:54:00:b7:33:03 rhel7.6 IP: MAC:52:54:00:03:20:e1 rhel76-qnetd IP: MAC:52:54:00:62:d1:05 IP: MAC:52:54:00:a6:8a:13 rhel76-01 IP: MAC:52:54:00:e6:3d:8f IP: MAC:52:54:00:e6:3d:8f IP: MAC:52:54:00:af:5a:d8 rhel76-02 IP: MAC:52:54:00:0e:95:37 IP: MAC:52:54:00:0e:95:37 IP: MAC:52:54:00:84:f3:fd
获取指定虚拟机的 IP
~] bash get_vm_ip.sh centos7.6 centos7.6 IP: MAC:52:54:00:b7:33:03 IP: MAC:52:54:00:b7:33:03
if [ "$1" == "all" ]; then
vm_list=$(virsh list --name)
function get_mem () {
for vm in ${vm_list}; do
printf "%-20s" "$vm"
virsh dominfo "${vm}" | grep -i 'used memory' | xargs | awk '{print "\t" "Mem(GB): "($3/1024/1024) }'
function main () {
~] bash get_vm_mem.sh all
centos7.6 Mem(GB): 1
centos7.9 Mem(GB): 1
centos8.5 Mem(GB): 1.5
openeuler2003 Mem(GB): 1
if [ "$1" == "all" ]; then
vm_list=$(virsh list --all --name)
function get_cpu () {
for vm in ${vm_list}; do
printf "%-20s" "${vm}"
virsh vcpucount "${vm}" | grep 'current\s*config' | awk '{print "\t" "CPU(Core): "$3 }'
function main () {
~] bash get_vm_cpu.sh all
centos7.6 CPU(Core): 1
centos7.9 CPU(Core): 2
centos8.5 CPU(Core): 2
openeuler2003 CPU(Core): 1