From 1fb376cbd571011a2744503f0e559821a7c69cf0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: zhengweitang <>
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2024 17:02:59 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] fix syncd and otss runtime error

 dockers/docker-orchagent-ot/ | 18 ++----------------
 src/sonic-otairedis                      |  2 +-
 2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dockers/docker-orchagent-ot/ b/dockers/docker-orchagent-ot/
index 472bd4c86a69..1184a61643a7 100755
--- a/dockers/docker-orchagent-ot/
+++ b/dockers/docker-orchagent-ot/
@@ -8,38 +8,24 @@ export platform=$(echo $OTSS_VARS | jq -r '.asic_type')
 # Create a folder for OTSS record files
 mkdir -p /var/log/otss
-ORCHAGENT_ARGS="-d /var/log/otss "
 # Set orchagent pop batch size to 8192
 ORCHAGENT_ARGS+="-b 8192 "
-# Set synchronous mode if it is enabled in CONFIG_DB
-SYNC_MODE=$(echo $OTSS_VARS | jq -r '.synchronous_mode')
-if [ "$SYNC_MODE" == "enable" ]; then
-    ORCHAGENT_ARGS+="-s "
 # Check if there is an "asic_id field" in the DEVICE_METADATA in configDB.
 #    "localhost": {
 #        ....
 #        "asic_id": "0",
 #    }
-# ID field could be integers just to denote the asic instance like 0,1,2...
-# OR could be PCI device ID's which will be strings like "03:00.0"
-# depending on what the SAI/SDK expects.
 asic_id=$(echo $OTSS_VARS | jq -r '.asic_id')
 if [ -n "$asic_id" ]
     ORCHAGENT_ARGS+="-i $asic_id "
-# for multi asic platforms add the asic name to the record file names
-if [[ "$NAMESPACE_ID" ]]; then
-    ORCHAGENT_ARGS+="-f otss.asic$NAMESPACE_ID.rec -j otairedis.asic$NAMESPACE_ID.rec "
 hwsku=`sonic-cfggen -d -v "DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['hwsku']"`
 if [ -n "$hwsku" ]
diff --git a/src/sonic-otairedis b/src/sonic-otairedis
index e93afe369c52..297fbe688421 160000
--- a/src/sonic-otairedis
+++ b/src/sonic-otairedis
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit e93afe369c52c94a8d8b079cf381879233e4f38c
+Subproject commit 297fbe688421ae96c5d00fb19495d193fbf1bfd1