From 9423d557a1ecb1de1251592b75bd7a64ca5717dd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: 702fbtngus <>
Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2025 14:41:40 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 01/12] Minor change

 spectec/src/al/ | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/spectec/src/al/ b/spectec/src/al/
index c5e9bef86d..1e00d76eec 100644
--- a/spectec/src/al/
+++ b/spectec/src/al/
@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ let rec structured_string_of_iter = function
 and structured_string_of_record_expr r =
-    (fun a v acc -> acc ^ string_of_atom a ^ ": " ^ string_of_expr v ^ "; ")
+    (fun a v acc -> acc ^ string_of_atom a ^ ": " ^ structured_string_of_expr v ^ "; ")
     r "{ "
   ^ "}"

From 37b543e41cfc7e3282b1a91921d48ab8484e1662 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: 702fbtngus <>
Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2025 14:56:14 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 02/12] Parentheses issues fixed

 spectec/src/backend-prose/ |  41 ++++++-
 spectec/test-prose/          | 180 ++++++++++++++--------------
 2 files changed, 128 insertions(+), 93 deletions(-)

diff --git a/spectec/src/backend-prose/ b/spectec/src/backend-prose/
index 9b687140ec..3ba8948b4e 100644
--- a/spectec/src/backend-prose/
+++ b/spectec/src/backend-prose/
@@ -62,6 +62,16 @@ let render_order index depth =
   | 3 -> alp_idx ^ ")"
   | _ -> assert false
+let rec is_additive_bine expr = match with
+  | Al.Ast.BinE ((`AddOp | `SubOp), _, _) -> true
+  | Al.Ast.CvtE (e, _, _) -> is_additive_bine e
+  | _ -> false
+and is_bine expr = match with
+  | Al.Ast.BinE _ -> true
+  | Al.Ast.CvtE (e, _, _) -> is_bine e
+  | _ -> false
 (* Translation from Al inverse call exp to Al binary exp *)
 let e2a e = Al.Ast.ExpA e $
 let a2e a =
@@ -177,7 +187,20 @@ and al_to_el_expr expr =
       | #Num.binop as elop ->
         let* ele1 = al_to_el_expr e1 in
         let* ele2 = al_to_el_expr e2 in
-        Some (El.Ast.BinE (ele1, elop, ele2))
+        (* Add parentheses when needed *)
+        let pele1 = match op with
+          | `MulOp | `DivOp | `ModOp when is_additive_bine e1 ->
+            El.Ast.ParenE ele1 $ no_region
+          | `PowOp when is_bine e1 ->
+            El.Ast.ParenE ele1 $ no_region
+          | _ -> ele1 in
+        let pele2 = match op with
+          | `SubOp | `MulOp when is_additive_bine e2 ->
+            El.Ast.ParenE ele2 $ no_region
+          | `DivOp | `ModOp when is_bine e2->
+            El.Ast.ParenE ele2 $ no_region
+          | _ -> ele2 in
+        Some (El.Ast.BinE (pele1, elop, pele2))
       | #Num.cmpop | #Bool.cmpop as elop ->
         let* ele1 = al_to_el_expr e1 in
         let* ele2 = al_to_el_expr e2 in
@@ -194,9 +217,20 @@ and al_to_el_expr expr =
       | _ ->
         let elid = id $ no_region in
         let* elal = al_to_el_args al in
+        (* Unwrap parenthsized args *)
         let elal =
           (fun elarg ->
-            (ref elarg) $ no_region)
+            let elarg = match elarg with
+            | El.Ast.ExpA exp ->
+              let exp = match with
+              | ParenE exp' -> exp'
+              | _ -> exp
+              in
+              El.Ast.ExpA exp
+            | _ -> elarg
+            in
+            (ref elarg) $ no_region
+          )
         Some (El.Ast.CallE (elid, elal))
@@ -258,7 +292,8 @@ and al_to_el_expr expr =
     | Al.Ast.CaseE (op, el) ->
       (* Current rules for omitting parenthesis around a CaseE:
         1) Has no argument
-        2) Is infix notation *)
+        2) Is infix notation
+        3) Is argument of CallE -> add first, omit later at CallE *)
       let elal = mixop_to_el_exprs op in
       let* elel = al_to_el_exprs el in
       let ele = El.Ast.SeqE (case_to_el_exprs elal elel) in
diff --git a/spectec/test-prose/ b/spectec/test-prose/
index 2ee2fd65d9..0268a19bc6 100644
--- a/spectec/test-prose/
+++ b/spectec/test-prose/
@@ -1501,7 +1501,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{mi}}` be :math:`{\mathrm{growmemory}}(z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0], n)`.
-  #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~{|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|} / 64 \, {\mathrm{Ki}})` to the stack.
+  #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~{|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|} / (64 \, {\mathrm{Ki}}))` to the stack.
   #. Perform :math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0] = {\mathit{mi}}]`.
@@ -2416,7 +2416,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. Let :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~({}[~i~..~j~]),\; \mathsf{bytes}~{b^\ast} \}\end{array}` be :math:`{\mathit{mi}}`.
-#. Let :math:`{i'}` be :math:`{|{b^\ast}|} / 64 \, {\mathrm{Ki}} + n`.
+#. Let :math:`{i'}` be :math:`{|{b^\ast}|} / (64 \, {\mathrm{Ki}}) + n`.
 #. If :math:`{i'} \leq j`, then:
@@ -2581,8 +2581,8 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
   #. Return :math:`{\mathit{ga}}~{{\mathit{ga}'}^\ast}`.
-:math:`{\mathrm{alloctable}}(s, ({}[~i~..~j~]))`
+:math:`{\mathrm{alloctable}}(s, {}[~i~..~j~])`
 1. Let :math:`{\mathit{ti}}` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~({}[~i~..~j~]),\; \mathsf{refs}~{\epsilon^{i}} \}\end{array}`.
@@ -2611,8 +2611,8 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. Return :math:`{\mathit{ta}}~{{\mathit{ta}'}^\ast}`.
-:math:`{\mathrm{allocmem}}(s, ({}[~i~..~j~]))`
+:math:`{\mathrm{allocmem}}(s, {}[~i~..~j~])`
 1. Let :math:`{\mathit{mi}}` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~({}[~i~..~j~]),\; \mathsf{bytes}~{\mathtt{0x00}^{i \cdot 64 \, {\mathrm{Ki}}}} \}\end{array}`.
@@ -2641,8 +2641,8 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. Return :math:`{\mathit{ma}}~{{\mathit{ma}'}^\ast}`.
-:math:`{\mathrm{instexport}}({{\mathit{fa}}^\ast}, {{\mathit{ga}}^\ast}, {{\mathit{ta}}^\ast}, {{\mathit{ma}}^\ast}, (\mathsf{export}~{\mathit{name}}~{\mathit{externidx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}))`
+:math:`{\mathrm{instexport}}({{\mathit{fa}}^\ast}, {{\mathit{ga}}^\ast}, {{\mathit{ta}}^\ast}, {{\mathit{ma}}^\ast}, \mathsf{export}~{\mathit{name}}~{\mathit{externidx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}})`
 1. If :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{func}`, then:
@@ -7418,7 +7418,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{mi}}` be :math:`{\mathrm{growmemory}}(z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0], n)`.
-  #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~{|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|} / 64 \, {\mathrm{Ki}})` to the stack.
+  #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~{|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|} / (64 \, {\mathrm{Ki}}))` to the stack.
   #. Perform :math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0] = {\mathit{mi}}]`.
@@ -7906,8 +7906,8 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. Return :math:`{\mathrm{dataidx}}({{\mathit{in}}^\ast})`.
 1. Return :math:`{\mathrm{dataidx}}(e)`.
@@ -8991,8 +8991,8 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. Return :math:`{{\mathit{fN}}_2^\ast}`.
-:math:`{{\mathrm{vextunop}}}_{{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_1}{\mathsf{x}}{M_1}, {{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_2}{\mathsf{x}}{M_2}}((\mathsf{extadd\_pairwise}~{\mathit{sx}}), c_1)`
+:math:`{{\mathrm{vextunop}}}_{{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_1}{\mathsf{x}}{M_1}, {{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_2}{\mathsf{x}}{M_2}}(\mathsf{extadd\_pairwise}~{\mathit{sx}}, c_1)`
 1. Let :math:`{{\mathit{ci}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_2}{\mathsf{x}}{M_2}}(c_1)`.
@@ -9406,7 +9406,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. Let :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~({}[~i~..~j~])~\mathsf{page},\; \mathsf{bytes}~{b^\ast} \}\end{array}` be :math:`{\mathit{mi}}`.
-#. Let :math:`{i'}` be :math:`{|{b^\ast}|} / 64 \, {\mathrm{Ki}} + n`.
+#. Let :math:`{i'}` be :math:`{|{b^\ast}|} / (64 \, {\mathrm{Ki}}) + n`.
 #. If :math:`{i'} \leq j`, then:
@@ -9722,8 +9722,8 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. Return :math:`{\mathit{da}}~{{\mathit{da}'}^\ast}`.
-:math:`{\mathrm{instexport}}({{\mathit{fa}}^\ast}, {{\mathit{ga}}^\ast}, {{\mathit{ta}}^\ast}, {{\mathit{ma}}^\ast}, (\mathsf{export}~{\mathit{name}}~{\mathit{externidx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}))`
+:math:`{\mathrm{instexport}}({{\mathit{fa}}^\ast}, {{\mathit{ga}}^\ast}, {{\mathit{ta}}^\ast}, {{\mathit{ma}}^\ast}, \mathsf{export}~{\mathit{name}}~{\mathit{externidx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}})`
 1. If :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{func}`, then:
@@ -9834,8 +9834,8 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. Return :math:`{\mathit{moduleinst}}`.
-:math:`{\mathrm{runelem}}((\mathsf{elem}~{\mathit{reftype}}~{{\mathit{expr}}^\ast}~{\mathit{elemmode}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}), i)`
+:math:`{\mathrm{runelem}}(\mathsf{elem}~{\mathit{reftype}}~{{\mathit{expr}}^\ast}~{\mathit{elemmode}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}, i)`
 1. If :math:`{\mathit{elemmode}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{passive}`, then:
@@ -9855,8 +9855,8 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. Return :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}~(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~0)~(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~n)~(\mathsf{table{.}init}~x~i)~(\mathsf{elem{.}drop}~i)`.
-:math:`{\mathrm{rundata}}((\mathsf{data}~{{\mathit{byte}}^\ast}~{\mathit{datamode}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}), i)`
+:math:`{\mathrm{rundata}}(\mathsf{data}~{{\mathit{byte}}^\ast}~{\mathit{datamode}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}, i)`
 1. If :math:`{\mathit{datamode}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{passive}`, then:
@@ -19156,7 +19156,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{mi}}` be :math:`{\mathrm{growmem}}(z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x], n)`.
-  #. Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}{.}\mathsf{const}~{|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|} / 64 \, {\mathrm{Ki}})` to the stack.
+  #. Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}{.}\mathsf{const}~{|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|} / (64 \, {\mathrm{Ki}}))` to the stack.
   #. Perform :math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x] = {\mathit{mi}}]`.
@@ -19870,8 +19870,8 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. Return :math:`{\mathit{at}}_2`.
-:math:`(\mathsf{ref}~{\mathsf{null}}{{{}_{1}^?}}~{\mathit{ht}}_1) \setminus (\mathsf{ref}~{{\mathsf{null}^?}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}~{\mathit{ht}}_2)`
+:math:`\mathsf{ref}~{\mathsf{null}}{{{}_{1}^?}}~{\mathit{ht}}_1 \setminus \mathsf{ref}~{{\mathsf{null}^?}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}~{\mathit{ht}}_2`
 1. If :math:`{{\mathsf{null}^?}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{null}`, then:
@@ -20070,8 +20070,8 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. Return :math:`{\mathit{ht}}`.
-:math:`{(\mathsf{ref}~{\mathsf{null}^?}~{\mathit{ht}})}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]}`
+:math:`{\mathsf{ref}~{\mathsf{null}^?}~{\mathit{ht}}}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]}`
 1. Return :math:`(\mathsf{ref}~{\mathsf{null}^?}~{{\mathit{ht}}}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]})`.
@@ -20151,22 +20151,22 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. Return :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{{\mathit{ft}}}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]})`.
-:math:`{(\mathsf{sub}~{\mathsf{final}^?}~{{\mathit{tu}'}^\ast}~{\mathit{ct}})}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]}`
+:math:`{\mathsf{sub}~{\mathsf{final}^?}~{{\mathit{tu}'}^\ast}~{\mathit{ct}}}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]}`
 1. Return :math:`(\mathsf{sub}~{\mathsf{final}^?}~{{{\mathit{tu}'}}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]}^\ast}~{{\mathit{ct}}}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]})`.
-:math:`{(\mathsf{rec}~{{\mathit{st}}^\ast})}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]}`
+:math:`{\mathsf{rec}~{{\mathit{st}}^\ast}}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]}`
 1. Return :math:`(\mathsf{rec}~{{{\mathit{st}}}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]}^\ast})`.
-:math:`{({\mathit{qt}} {.} i)}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]}`
+:math:`{{\mathit{qt}} {.} i}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]}`
 1. Return :math:`({{\mathit{qt}}}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]} {.} i)`.
@@ -20200,8 +20200,8 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. Return :math:`({\mathit{at}}, {\mathit{lim}}, {{\mathit{rt}}}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]})`.
-:math:`{({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~\mathsf{page})}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]}`
+:math:`{{\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~\mathsf{page}}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]}`
 1. Return :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~\mathsf{page})`.
@@ -20351,8 +20351,8 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. Return :math:`{((\mathsf{rec}~{{\mathit{subtype}}^{n}}) {.} i)^{i<n}}`.
-:math:`{\mathrm{unroll}}(({\mathit{rectype}} {.} i))`
+:math:`{\mathrm{unroll}}({\mathit{rectype}} {.} i)`
 1. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathrm{unroll}}({\mathit{rectype}})` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{rec}`.
@@ -20616,8 +20616,8 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{typeuse}}({\mathit{typeuse}})`.
 1. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{heaptype}}({\mathit{heaptype}})`.
@@ -20742,22 +20742,22 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{functype}}({\mathit{functype}})`.
 1. Return `$free_list($free_typeuse(typeuse)*{typeuse <- typeuse*}) ++ $free_comptype(comptype)`.
 1. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{list}}({{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{subtype}}({\mathit{subtype}})^\ast})`.
-:math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{deftype}}(({\mathit{rectype}} {.} n))`
+:math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{deftype}}({\mathit{rectype}} {.} n)`
 1. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{rectype}}({\mathit{rectype}})`.
@@ -20777,8 +20777,8 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. Return `$free_addrtype(addrtype) ++ $free_reftype(reftype)`.
 1. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{addrtype}}({\mathit{addrtype}})`.
@@ -21485,50 +21485,50 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{list}}({{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{instr}}({\mathit{instr}})^\ast})`.
 1. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{rectype}}({\mathit{rectype}})`.
 1. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{valtype}}(t)`.
 1. Return `$free_typeidx(typeidx) ++ $free_list($free_local(local)*{local <- local*}) ++ update($free_block(expr).LOCALS, [])`.
 1. Return `$free_globaltype(globaltype) ++ $free_expr(expr)`.
 1. Return `$free_tabletype(tabletype) ++ $free_expr(expr)`.
 1. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{memtype}}({\mathit{memtype}})`.
 1. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{typeidx}}({\mathit{typeidx}})`.
@@ -21553,8 +21553,8 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. Return :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{types}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{funcs}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{globals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{tables}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{mems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{elems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{datas}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{labels}~\epsilon \}\end{array}`.
 1. Return `$free_reftype(reftype) ++ $free_list($free_expr(expr)*{expr <- expr*}) ++ $free_elemmode(elemmode)`.
@@ -21575,36 +21575,36 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. Return :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{types}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{funcs}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{globals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{tables}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{mems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{elems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{datas}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{labels}~\epsilon \}\end{array}`.
 1. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{datamode}}({\mathit{datamode}})`.
 1. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{funcidx}}({\mathit{funcidx}})`.
 1. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{externidx}}({\mathit{externidx}})`.
 1. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{externtype}}({\mathit{externtype}})`.
 1. Return `$free_list($free_type(type)*{type <- type*}) ++ $free_list($free_import(import)*{import <- import*}) ++ $free_list($free_func(func)*{func <- func*}) ++ $free_list($free_global(global)*{global <- global*}) ++ $free_list($free_table(table)*{table <- table*}) ++ $free_list($free_mem(mem)*{mem <- mem*}) ++ $free_list($free_tag(tag)*{tag <- tag*}) ++ $free_list($free_elem(elem)*{elem <- elem*}) ++ $free_list($free_data(data)*{data <- data*}) ++ $free_opt($free_start(start)?{start <- start?}) ++ $free_list($free_export(export)*{export <- export*})`.
@@ -21768,7 +21768,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
-1. Return :math:`{\mathrm{funcidx}}((\mathsf{module}~\epsilon~\epsilon~\epsilon~{{\mathit{global}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{table}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{mem}}^\ast}~\epsilon~{{\mathit{elem}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{data}}^\ast}~\epsilon~\epsilon))`.
+1. Return :math:`{\mathrm{funcidx}}(\mathsf{module}~\epsilon~\epsilon~\epsilon~{{\mathit{global}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{table}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{mem}}^\ast}~\epsilon~{{\mathit{elem}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{data}}^\ast}~\epsilon~\epsilon)`.
 :math:`{{\mathrm{relaxed}}(i)}{{}[ X_1, X_2 ]}`
@@ -21930,32 +21930,32 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{\mathit{sx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{u}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`i \mathbin{\mathrm{mod}} {2^{M}}`.
+  a. Return :math:`i \mathbin{\mathrm{mod}} ({2^{M}})`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{sx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{s}`.
-#. Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{signed}}}_{N}^{{-1}}}}{({{\mathrm{signed}}}_{M}(i \mathbin{\mathrm{mod}} {2^{M}}))}`.
+#. Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{signed}}}_{N}^{{-1}}}}{({{\mathrm{signed}}}_{M}(i \mathbin{\mathrm{mod}} ({2^{M}})))}`.
 :math:`{{\mathrm{iadd}}}_{N}(i_1, i_2)`
-1. Return :math:`i_1 + i_2 \mathbin{\mathrm{mod}} {2^{N}}`.
+1. Return :math:`(i_1 + i_2) \mathbin{\mathrm{mod}} ({2^{N}})`.
 :math:`{{\mathrm{isub}}}_{N}(i_1, i_2)`
-1. Return :math:`{2^{N}} + i_1 - i_2 \mathbin{\mathrm{mod}} {2^{N}}`.
+1. Return :math:`({2^{N}} + i_1 - i_2) \mathbin{\mathrm{mod}} ({2^{N}})`.
 :math:`{{\mathrm{imul}}}_{N}(i_1, i_2)`
-1. Return :math:`i_1 \cdot i_2 \mathbin{\mathrm{mod}} {2^{N}}`.
+1. Return :math:`i_1 \cdot i_2 \mathbin{\mathrm{mod}} ({2^{N}})`.
 :math:`{{{{\mathrm{iadd\_sat}}}_{N}^{{\mathit{sx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}}}}{(i_1, i_2)}`
@@ -23262,8 +23262,8 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_2}{\mathsf{x}}{M_2}}^{{-1}}}}{({c^\ast})}`.
-:math:`{({\mathsf{extadd\_pairwise}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})}{{}_{{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_1}{\mathsf{x}}{M_1}, {{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_2}{\mathsf{x}}{M_2}}(v_1)}`
+:math:`{{\mathsf{extadd\_pairwise}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}}}{{}_{{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_1}{\mathsf{x}}{M_1}, {{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_2}{\mathsf{x}}{M_2}}(v_1)}`
 1. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ivextunop}}}_{{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_1}{\mathsf{x}}{M_1}, {{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_2}{\mathsf{x}}{M_2}}({\mathrm{ivadd}}_{{\mathit{pairwise}}}, {\mathit{sx}}, v_1)`.
@@ -23344,7 +23344,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. Let :math:`{c'}` be :math:`{}{{}_{{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_1}{\mathsf{x}}{M_1}, {{\mathsf{i}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}(c_1, c_2)}`.
-#. Let :math:`{c''}` be :math:`{({\mathsf{extadd\_pairwise}}{\mathsf{\_}}{\mathsf{s}})}{{}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}, {{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_2}{\mathsf{x}}{M_2}}({c'})}`.
+#. Let :math:`{c''}` be :math:`{{\mathsf{extadd\_pairwise}}{\mathsf{\_}}{\mathsf{s}}}{{}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}, {{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_2}{\mathsf{x}}{M_2}}({c'})}`.
 #. Let :math:`c` be an element of :math:`{\mathsf{add}}{{}_{{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_2}{\mathsf{x}}{M_2}}({c''}, c_3)}`.
@@ -23869,9 +23869,9 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. Let :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~({\mathit{at}}~({}[~i~..~j~])~\mathsf{page}),\; \mathsf{bytes}~{b^\ast} \}\end{array}` be :math:`{\mathit{meminst}}`.
-#. If :math:`{|{b^\ast}|} / 64 \, {\mathrm{Ki}} + n \leq j`, then:
+#. If :math:`{|{b^\ast}|} / (64 \, {\mathrm{Ki}}) + n \leq j`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{i'}` be :math:`{|{b^\ast}|} / 64 \, {\mathrm{Ki}} + n`.
+  a. Let :math:`{i'}` be :math:`{|{b^\ast}|} / (64 \, {\mathrm{Ki}}) + n`.
   #. Let :math:`{\mathit{meminst}'}` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~({\mathit{at}}~({}[~{i'}~..~j~])~\mathsf{page}),\; \mathsf{bytes}~{b^\ast}~{\mathtt{0x00}^{n \cdot 64 \, {\mathrm{Ki}}}} \}\end{array}`.
@@ -24040,8 +24040,8 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. Return :math:`{\mathit{ta}}~{{\mathit{ta}'}^\ast}`.
-:math:`{\mathrm{allocmem}}(s, ({\mathit{at}}~({}[~i~..~j~])~\mathsf{page}))`
+:math:`{\mathrm{allocmem}}(s, {\mathit{at}}~({}[~i~..~j~])~\mathsf{page})`
 1. Let :math:`{\mathit{meminst}}` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~({\mathit{at}}~({}[~i~..~j~])~\mathsf{page}),\; \mathsf{bytes}~{\mathtt{0x00}^{i \cdot 64 \, {\mathrm{Ki}}}} \}\end{array}`.
@@ -24172,8 +24172,8 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. Return :math:`{\mathit{da}}~{{\mathit{da}'}^\ast}`.
-:math:`{\mathrm{allocexport}}({\mathit{moduleinst}}, (\mathsf{export}~{\mathit{name}}~{\mathit{xx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}))`
+:math:`{\mathrm{allocexport}}({\mathit{moduleinst}}, \mathsf{export}~{\mathit{name}}~{\mathit{xx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}})`
 1. If :math:`{\mathit{xx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{func}`, then:
@@ -24311,8 +24311,8 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. Return :math:`{\mathit{moduleinst}}`.
-:math:`{{\mathrm{runelem}}}_{x}((\mathsf{elem}~{\mathit{rt}}~{e^{n}}~{\mathit{elemmode}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}))`
+:math:`{{\mathrm{runelem}}}_{x}(\mathsf{elem}~{\mathit{rt}}~{e^{n}}~{\mathit{elemmode}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}})`
 1. If :math:`{\mathit{elemmode}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{passive}`, then:
@@ -24330,8 +24330,8 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. Return :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}~(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~0)~(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~n)~(\mathsf{table{.}init}~y~x)~(\mathsf{elem{.}drop}~x)`.
-:math:`{{\mathrm{rundata}}}_{x}((\mathsf{data}~{b^{n}}~{\mathit{datamode}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}))`
+:math:`{{\mathrm{rundata}}}_{x}(\mathsf{data}~{b^{n}}~{\mathit{datamode}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}})`
 1. If :math:`{\mathit{datamode}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{passive}`, then:

From 7d47bfe29b68795a642dee682fe7fbf9781e85a2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: 702fbtngus <>
Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2025 17:35:58 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 03/12] Change CaseE to TupleE only in state case

 spectec/src/backend-interpreter/ |  20 +-
 spectec/src/il2al/               |   6 +-
 spectec/test-prose/                   | 542 +++++++++----------
 3 files changed, 285 insertions(+), 283 deletions(-)

diff --git a/spectec/src/backend-interpreter/ b/spectec/src/backend-interpreter/
index 3100953fc8..103f9db187 100644
--- a/spectec/src/backend-interpreter/
+++ b/spectec/src/backend-interpreter/
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ let rec al_to_storage_type: value -> storage_type = function
   | v -> ValStorageT (al_to_val_type v)
 and al_to_field_type: value -> field_type = function
-  | TupV [ mut; st ] -> FieldT (al_to_mut mut, al_to_storage_type st)
+  | CaseV (_, [ mut; st ]) -> FieldT (al_to_mut mut, al_to_storage_type st)
   | v -> error_value "field type" v
 and al_to_result_type: value -> result_type = function
@@ -210,11 +210,11 @@ let al_to_limits (default: int64): value -> limits = function
 let al_to_global_type: value -> global_type = function
-  | TupV [ mut; vt ] -> GlobalT (al_to_mut mut, al_to_val_type vt)
+  | TupV [ mut; vt ] | CaseV (_, [ mut; vt ]) -> GlobalT (al_to_mut mut, al_to_val_type vt)
   | v -> error_value "global type" v
 let al_to_table_type: value -> table_type = function
-  | TupV [ at; limits; rt ] -> TableT (al_to_addr_type at, al_to_limits default_table_max limits, al_to_ref_type rt)
+  | TupV [ at; limits; rt ] | CaseV (_, [ at; limits; rt ]) -> TableT (al_to_addr_type at, al_to_limits default_table_max limits, al_to_ref_type rt)
   | v -> error_value "table type" v
 let al_to_memory_type: value -> memory_type = function
@@ -694,7 +694,7 @@ let al_to_memop (f: value -> 'p) : value list -> idx * (num_type, 'p) memop = fu
   | v -> error_values "memop" v
 let al_to_pack_size_extension: value -> Pack.pack_size * Pack.extension = function
-  | TupV [ p; ext ] -> al_to_pack_size p, al_to_extension ext
+  | CaseV (_, [ p; ext ]) -> al_to_pack_size p, al_to_extension ext
   | v -> error_value "pack size, extension" v
 let al_to_loadop: value list -> idx * loadop = al_to_opt al_to_pack_size_extension |> al_to_memop
@@ -1249,7 +1249,7 @@ let rec al_of_storage_type = function
   | PackStorageT _ as st -> nullary (string_of_storage_type st)
 and al_of_field_type = function
-  | FieldT (mut, st) -> tupV [ al_of_mut mut; al_of_storage_type st ]
+  | FieldT (mut, st) -> CaseV ("", [ al_of_mut mut; al_of_storage_type st ])
 and al_of_result_type rt = al_of_list al_of_val_type rt
@@ -1318,13 +1318,13 @@ let al_of_limits default limits =
   CaseV ("[", [ al_of_nat64 limits.min; max ]) (* TODO: Something better tan this is needed *)
 let al_of_global_type = function
-  | GlobalT (mut, vt) -> tupV [ al_of_mut mut; al_of_val_type vt ]
+  | GlobalT (mut, vt) -> CaseV ("", [ al_of_mut mut; al_of_val_type vt ])
 let al_of_table_type = function
   | TableT (at, limits, rt) ->
     match !version with
-    | 3 -> tupV [ al_of_addr_type at; al_of_limits default_table_max limits; al_of_ref_type rt ]
-    | _ -> tupV [                     al_of_limits default_table_max limits; al_of_ref_type rt ]
+    | 3 -> CaseV ("", [ al_of_addr_type at; al_of_limits default_table_max limits; al_of_ref_type rt ])
+    | _ -> CaseV ("", [                     al_of_limits default_table_max limits; al_of_ref_type rt ])
 let al_of_memory_type = function
   | MemoryT (at, limits) ->
@@ -1876,7 +1876,7 @@ let al_of_memop f idx memop =
   [ al_of_num_type memop.ty; f memop.pack ] @ al_of_memidx idx @ [ StrV str ]
-let al_of_pack_size_extension (p, s) = tupV [ al_of_pack_size p; al_of_extension s ]
+let al_of_pack_size_extension (p, s) = CaseV ("", [ al_of_pack_size p; al_of_extension s ])
 let al_of_loadop = al_of_opt al_of_pack_size_extension |> al_of_memop
@@ -2103,7 +2103,7 @@ let al_of_global global =
 let al_of_table table =
   match !version with
-  | 1 -> CaseV ("TABLE", [ al_of_table_type |> arg_of_tup 0 ])
+  | 1 -> CaseV ("TABLE", [ al_of_table_type |> arg_of_case "" 0 ])
   | 2 -> CaseV ("TABLE", [ al_of_table_type ])
   | 3 -> CaseV ("TABLE", [ al_of_table_type; al_of_const ])
   | _ -> failwith "Unsupported version"
diff --git a/spectec/src/il2al/ b/spectec/src/il2al/
index 963627b0eb..6d93b31116 100644
--- a/spectec/src/il2al/
+++ b/spectec/src/il2al/
@@ -263,8 +263,10 @@ and translate_exp exp =
     (* Singleton *)
     | [ []; [] ], [ e1 ] ->
       { (translate_exp e1) with note=note }
-    (* Tuple *)
-    | _ when List.for_all is_simple_separator op ->
+    (* State *)
+    | _ when List.for_all is_simple_separator op
+      && Il.Print.string_of_typ_name exp.note = "state"
+      ->
       tupE ( translate_exp exps) ~at ~note
     (* Normal Case *)
     | _ ->
diff --git a/spectec/test-prose/ b/spectec/test-prose/
index 0268a19bc6..21d28d7aab 100644
--- a/spectec/test-prose/
+++ b/spectec/test-prose/
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ The function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^?}` is valid.
-The global type :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}, t)` is valid.
+The global type :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}~t)` is valid.
@@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{global{.}get}~x)` is valid with the function typ
   * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{mut}}, t)`.
+  * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{mut}}~t)`.
@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{global{.}set}~x)` is valid with the function typ
   * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{mut}, t)`.
+  * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{mut}~t)`.
@@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ The instruction :math:`({t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}{.}\mathsf{loa
     * The number type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}`.
-    * :math:`{{\mathit{loadop\_u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is equal to :math:`(M, {\mathit{sx}})`.
+    * :math:`{{\mathit{loadop\_u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is equal to :math:`(M~{\mathit{sx}})`.
     * The number type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}`.
@@ -531,7 +531,7 @@ The instruction :math:`({t{.}\mathsf{load}}{\epsilon}~{\mathit{memarg}})` is val
-The instruction :math:`({{\mathsf{i}}{n}{.}\mathsf{load}}{(M, {\mathit{sx}})}~{\mathit{memarg}})` is valid with the function type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\rightarrow~{\mathsf{i}}{n}` if:
+The instruction :math:`({{\mathsf{i}}{n}{.}\mathsf{load}}{M~{\mathit{sx}}}~{\mathit{memarg}})` is valid with the function type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\rightarrow~{\mathsf{i}}{n}` if:
   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
@@ -646,7 +646,7 @@ The expression :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the result type :ma
     * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` exists.
-    * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`(\epsilon, t)`.
+    * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`(\epsilon~t)`.
@@ -661,7 +661,7 @@ The expression :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the result type :ma
   * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`(\epsilon, t)`.
+  * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`(\epsilon~t)`.
@@ -701,7 +701,7 @@ The global :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{gt}}~{\mathit{expr}})` is valid with
   * The global type :math:`{\mathit{gt}}` is valid.
-  * The global type :math:`{\mathit{gt}}` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{mut}}, t)`.
+  * The global type :math:`{\mathit{gt}}` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{mut}}~t)`.
   * The expression :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is valid with the number type :math:`t`.
@@ -1388,7 +1388,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
     1) Let :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}` be :math:`{{\mathit{loadop\_u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}`.
-    #) Let :math:`(n, {\mathit{sx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}`.
+    #) Let :math:`(n~{\mathit{sx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}`.
     #) If :math:`i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} + n / 8 > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
@@ -1400,7 +1400,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
     1) Let :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}` be :math:`{{\mathit{loadop\_u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}`.
-    #) Let :math:`(n, {\mathit{sx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}`.
+    #) Let :math:`(n~{\mathit{sx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}`.
     #) Let :math:`c` be the result for which :math:`{{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}(c)` :math:`=` :math:`z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} : n / 8]`.
@@ -2910,7 +2910,7 @@ Functype_ok
 - the function type t_1* -> t_2? is valid.
-- the global type (MUT?, t) is valid.
+- the global type (MUT? t) is valid.
 - the table type limits is valid if:
@@ -3106,12 +3106,12 @@ Instr_ok/local.tee
 - the instruction (GLOBAL.GET x) is valid with the function type [] -> [t] if:
   - the global type C.GLOBALS[x] exists.
-  - C.GLOBALS[x] is (mut, t).
+  - C.GLOBALS[x] is (mut t).
 - the instruction (GLOBAL.SET x) is valid with the function type [t] -> [] if:
   - the global type C.GLOBALS[x] exists.
-  - C.GLOBALS[x] is (?(MUT), t).
+  - C.GLOBALS[x] is (?(MUT) t).
 - the instruction MEMORY.SIZE is valid with the function type [] -> [I32] if:
@@ -3134,7 +3134,7 @@ Instr_ok/load
     - (2 ^ memarg.ALIGN) is less than or equal to ($size(t) / 8).
   - Or:
     - t_u1 is Inn.
-    - loadop__u1? is ?((M, sx)).
+    - loadop__u1? is ?((M sx)).
     - t_u3 is Inn.
     - (2 ^ memarg.ALIGN) is less than or equal to (M / 8).
@@ -3167,7 +3167,7 @@ Instr_ok/load-val
   - (2 ^ memarg.ALIGN) is less than or equal to ($size(t) / 8).
-- the instruction (LOAD Inn ?((M, sx)) memarg) is valid with the function type [I32] -> [Inn] if:
+- the instruction (LOAD Inn ?((M sx)) memarg) is valid with the function type [I32] -> [Inn] if:
   - the memory type C.MEMS[0] exists.
   - C.MEMS[0] is mt.
   - (2 ^ memarg.ALIGN) is less than or equal to (M / 8).
@@ -3225,7 +3225,7 @@ Instr_const
   - Or:
     - instr_u1 is (GLOBAL.GET x).
     - the global type C.GLOBALS[x] exists.
-    - C.GLOBALS[x] is (?(), t).
+    - C.GLOBALS[x] is (?() t).
 - the instruction (t.CONST c) is constant.
@@ -3233,7 +3233,7 @@ Instr_const/const
 - the instruction (GLOBAL.GET x) is constant if:
   - the global type C.GLOBALS[x] exists.
-  - C.GLOBALS[x] is (?(), t).
+  - C.GLOBALS[x] is (?() t).
 - the expression instr* is constant if:
@@ -3253,7 +3253,7 @@ Func_ok
 - the global (GLOBAL gt expr) is valid with the global type gt if:
   - gt is valid.
-  - gt is (mut, t).
+  - gt is (mut t).
   - the expression expr is valid with the number type ?(t).
   - expr is constant.
@@ -3585,13 +3585,13 @@ Step_read/load t_u1 loadop__u1? ao
 5. If the type of t_u1 is Inn, then:
   a. If loadop__u1? is defined, then:
     1) Let ?(loadop__0) be loadop__u1?.
-    2) Let (n, sx) be loadop__0.
+    2) Let (n sx) be loadop__0.
     3) If (((i + ao.OFFSET) + (n / 8)) > |$mem(z, 0).BYTES|), then:
       a) Trap.
   b. Let Inn be t_u1.
   c. If loadop__u1? is defined, then:
     1) Let ?(loadop__0) be loadop__u1?.
-    2) Let (n, sx) be loadop__0.
+    2) Let (n sx) be loadop__0.
     3) Let c be $ibytes__1^-1(n, $mem(z, 0).BYTES[(i + ao.OFFSET) : (n / 8)]).
     4) Push the value (Inn.CONST $extend__(n, $size(Inn), sx, c)) to the stack.
@@ -4326,12 +4326,12 @@ The function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}` is valid.
-The global type :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}, t)` is valid.
+The global type :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}~t)` is valid.
-The table type :math:`({\mathit{limits}}, {\mathit{reftype}})` is valid if:
+The table type :math:`({\mathit{limits}}~{\mathit{reftype}})` is valid if:
   * The limits :math:`{\mathit{limits}}` is valid with :math:`{2^{32}} - 1`.
@@ -4463,7 +4463,7 @@ The global type :math:`{\mathit{gt}}` matches itself.
-The table type :math:`({\mathit{lim}}_1, {\mathit{rt}})` matches the table type :math:`({\mathit{lim}}_2, {\mathit{rt}})` if:
+The table type :math:`({\mathit{lim}}_1~{\mathit{rt}})` matches the table type :math:`({\mathit{lim}}_2~{\mathit{rt}})` if:
   * The limits :math:`{\mathit{lim}}_1` matches the limits :math:`{\mathit{lim}}_2`.
@@ -4712,7 +4712,7 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{call\_indirect}~x~y)` is valid with the function
   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{lim}}, \mathsf{funcref})`.
+  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{lim}}~\mathsf{funcref})`.
   * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[y]` exists.
@@ -4943,7 +4943,7 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{global{.}get}~x)` is valid with the function typ
   * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{mut}}, t)`.
+  * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{mut}}~t)`.
@@ -4953,7 +4953,7 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{global{.}set}~x)` is valid with the function typ
   * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{mut}, t)`.
+  * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{mut}~t)`.
@@ -4963,7 +4963,7 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}get}~x)` is valid with the function type
   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{lim}}, {\mathit{rt}})`.
+  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}})`.
@@ -4973,7 +4973,7 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}set}~x)` is valid with the function type
   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{lim}}, {\mathit{rt}})`.
+  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}})`.
@@ -4983,7 +4983,7 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}size}~x)` is valid with the function typ
   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{lim}}, {\mathit{rt}})`.
+  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}})`.
@@ -4993,7 +4993,7 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}grow}~x)` is valid with the function typ
   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{lim}}, {\mathit{rt}})`.
+  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}})`.
@@ -5003,7 +5003,7 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}fill}~x)` is valid with the function typ
   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{lim}}, {\mathit{rt}})`.
+  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}})`.
@@ -5013,11 +5013,11 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}copy}~x_1~x_2)` is valid with the functi
   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x_1]` exists.
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x_1]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{lim}}_1, {\mathit{rt}})`.
+  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x_1]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{lim}}_1~{\mathit{rt}})`.
   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x_2]` exists.
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x_2]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{lim}}_2, {\mathit{rt}})`.
+  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x_2]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{lim}}_2~{\mathit{rt}})`.
@@ -5027,7 +5027,7 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}init}~x_1~x_2)` is valid with the functi
   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x_1]` exists.
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x_1]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{lim}}, {\mathit{rt}})`.
+  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x_1]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}})`.
   * The element type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[x_2]` exists.
@@ -5131,7 +5131,7 @@ The instruction :math:`({{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}{.
     * The number type :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}`.
-    * :math:`{{\mathit{loadop\_u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is equal to :math:`(M, {\mathit{sx}})`.
+    * :math:`{{\mathit{loadop\_u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is equal to :math:`(M~{\mathit{sx}})`.
     * The value type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}`.
@@ -5277,7 +5277,7 @@ The instruction :math:`({{\mathit{nt}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{\epsilon}~{\mathit{memar
-The instruction :math:`({{\mathsf{i}}{n}{.}\mathsf{load}}{(M, {\mathit{sx}})}~{\mathit{memarg}})` is valid with the function type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\rightarrow~{\mathsf{i}}{n}` if:
+The instruction :math:`({{\mathsf{i}}{n}{.}\mathsf{load}}{M~{\mathit{sx}}}~{\mathit{memarg}})` is valid with the function type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\rightarrow~{\mathsf{i}}{n}` if:
   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
@@ -5462,7 +5462,7 @@ The expression :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the result type :ma
     * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` exists.
-    * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`(\epsilon, t)`.
+    * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`(\epsilon~t)`.
@@ -5492,7 +5492,7 @@ The expression :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the result type :ma
   * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`(\epsilon, t)`.
+  * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`(\epsilon~t)`.
@@ -5532,7 +5532,7 @@ The global :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{gt}}~{\mathit{expr}})` is valid with
   * The global type :math:`{\mathit{gt}}` is valid.
-  * The global type :math:`{\mathit{gt}}` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{mut}}, t)`.
+  * The global type :math:`{\mathit{gt}}` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{mut}}~t)`.
   * The expression :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is valid with the value type :math:`t`.
@@ -5566,7 +5566,7 @@ The memory :math:`(\mathsf{memory}~{\mathit{mt}})` is valid with the memory type
     * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
-    * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{lim}}, {\mathit{rt}})`.
+    * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}})`.
     * The expression :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is valid with the value type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}`.
@@ -5587,7 +5587,7 @@ The memory :math:`(\mathsf{memory}~{\mathit{mt}})` is valid with the memory type
   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{lim}}, {\mathit{rt}})`.
+  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}})`.
   * The expression :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is valid with the value type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}`.
@@ -6931,7 +6931,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
     1) Let :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}` be :math:`{{\mathit{loadop\_u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}`.
-    #) Let :math:`(n, {\mathit{sx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}`.
+    #) Let :math:`(n~{\mathit{sx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}`.
     #) If :math:`i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} + n / 8 > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
@@ -6943,7 +6943,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
     1) Let :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}` be :math:`{{\mathit{loadop\_u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}`.
-    #) Let :math:`(n, {\mathit{sx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}`.
+    #) Let :math:`(n~{\mathit{sx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}`.
     #) Let :math:`c` be the result for which :math:`{{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}(c)` :math:`=` :math:`z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} : n / 8]`.
@@ -7150,7 +7150,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
     #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i)` to the stack.
-    #) Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{(8, \mathsf{u})})`.
+    #) Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{8~\mathsf{u}})`.
     #) Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{store}}{8})`.
@@ -7164,7 +7164,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
     #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i + n - 1)` to the stack.
-    #) Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{(8, \mathsf{u})})`.
+    #) Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{8~\mathsf{u}})`.
     #) Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{store}}{8})`.
@@ -9389,13 +9389,13 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
-1. Let :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~(({}[~i~..~j~]), {\mathit{rt}}),\; \mathsf{refs}~{{r'}^\ast} \}\end{array}` be :math:`{\mathit{ti}}`.
+1. Let :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~(({}[~i~..~j~])~{\mathit{rt}}),\; \mathsf{refs}~{{r'}^\ast} \}\end{array}` be :math:`{\mathit{ti}}`.
 #. Let :math:`{i'}` be :math:`{|{{r'}^\ast}|} + n`.
 #. If :math:`{i'} \leq j`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathit{ti}'}` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~(({}[~{i'}~..~j~]), {\mathit{rt}}),\; \mathsf{refs}~{{r'}^\ast}~{r^{n}} \}\end{array}`.
+  a. Let :math:`{\mathit{ti}'}` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~(({}[~{i'}~..~j~])~{\mathit{rt}}),\; \mathsf{refs}~{{r'}^\ast}~{r^{n}} \}\end{array}`.
   #. Return :math:`{\mathit{ti}'}`.
@@ -9596,11 +9596,11 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
   #. Return :math:`{\mathit{ga}}~{{\mathit{ga}'}^\ast}`.
-:math:`{\mathrm{alloctable}}(s, (({}[~i~..~j~]), {\mathit{rt}}))`
+:math:`{\mathrm{alloctable}}(s, ({}[~i~..~j~])~{\mathit{rt}})`
-1. Let :math:`{\mathit{ti}}` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~(({}[~i~..~j~]), {\mathit{rt}}),\; \mathsf{refs}~{(\mathsf{ref{.}null}~{\mathit{rt}})^{i}} \}\end{array}`.
+1. Let :math:`{\mathit{ti}}` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~(({}[~i~..~j~])~{\mathit{rt}}),\; \mathsf{refs}~{(\mathsf{ref{.}null}~{\mathit{rt}})^{i}} \}\end{array}`.
 #. Let :math:`a` be :math:`{|s{.}\mathsf{tables}|}`.
@@ -10003,10 +10003,10 @@ Functype_ok
 - the function type t_1* -> t_2* is valid.
-- the global type (MUT?, t) is valid.
+- the global type (MUT? t) is valid.
-- the table type (limits, reftype) is valid if:
+- the table type (limits reftype) is valid if:
   - the limits limits is valid with ((2 ^ 32) - 1).
@@ -10075,7 +10075,7 @@ Globaltype_sub
 - the global type gt matches itself.
-- the table type (lim_1, rt) matches the table type (lim_2, rt) if:
+- the table type (lim_1 rt) matches the table type (lim_2 rt) if:
   - the limits lim_1 matches the limits lim_2.
@@ -10202,7 +10202,7 @@ Instr_ok/call
 - the instruction (CALL_INDIRECT x y) is valid with the function type t_1* :: [I32] -> t_2* if:
   - the table type C.TABLES[x] exists.
-  - C.TABLES[x] is (lim, FUNCREF).
+  - C.TABLES[x] is (lim FUNCREF).
   - the function type C.TYPES[y] exists.
   - C.TYPES[y] is t_1* -> t_2*.
@@ -10329,49 +10329,49 @@ Instr_ok/local.tee
 - the instruction (GLOBAL.GET x) is valid with the function type [] -> [t] if:
   - the global type C.GLOBALS[x] exists.
-  - C.GLOBALS[x] is (mut, t).
+  - C.GLOBALS[x] is (mut t).
 - the instruction (GLOBAL.SET x) is valid with the function type [t] -> [] if:
   - the global type C.GLOBALS[x] exists.
-  - C.GLOBALS[x] is (?(MUT), t).
+  - C.GLOBALS[x] is (?(MUT) t).
 - the instruction (TABLE.GET x) is valid with the function type [I32] -> [rt] if:
   - the table type C.TABLES[x] exists.
-  - C.TABLES[x] is (lim, rt).
+  - C.TABLES[x] is (lim rt).
 - the instruction (TABLE.SET x) is valid with the function type [I32, rt] -> [] if:
   - the table type C.TABLES[x] exists.
-  - C.TABLES[x] is (lim, rt).
+  - C.TABLES[x] is (lim rt).
 - the instruction (TABLE.SIZE x) is valid with the function type [] -> [I32] if:
   - the table type C.TABLES[x] exists.
-  - C.TABLES[x] is (lim, rt).
+  - C.TABLES[x] is (lim rt).
 - the instruction (TABLE.GROW x) is valid with the function type [rt, I32] -> [I32] if:
   - the table type C.TABLES[x] exists.
-  - C.TABLES[x] is (lim, rt).
+  - C.TABLES[x] is (lim rt).
 - the instruction (TABLE.FILL x) is valid with the function type [I32, rt, I32] -> [] if:
   - the table type C.TABLES[x] exists.
-  - C.TABLES[x] is (lim, rt).
+  - C.TABLES[x] is (lim rt).
 - the instruction (TABLE.COPY x_1 x_2) is valid with the function type [I32, I32, I32] -> [] if:
   - the table type C.TABLES[x_1] exists.
-  - C.TABLES[x_1] is (lim_1, rt).
+  - C.TABLES[x_1] is (lim_1 rt).
   - the table type C.TABLES[x_2] exists.
-  - C.TABLES[x_2] is (lim_2, rt).
+  - C.TABLES[x_2] is (lim_2 rt).
 - the instruction (TABLE.INIT x_1 x_2) is valid with the function type [I32, I32, I32] -> [] if:
   - the table type C.TABLES[x_1] exists.
-  - C.TABLES[x_1] is (lim, rt).
+  - C.TABLES[x_1] is (lim rt).
   - the element type C.ELEMS[x_2] exists.
   - C.ELEMS[x_2] is rt.
@@ -10423,7 +10423,7 @@ Instr_ok/load
     - (2 ^ memarg.ALIGN) is less than or equal to ($size(nt) / 8).
   - Or:
     - nt_u1 is Inn.
-    - loadop__u1? is ?((M, sx)).
+    - loadop__u1? is ?((M sx)).
     - t_u1 is Inn.
     - (2 ^ memarg.ALIGN) is less than or equal to (M / 8).
@@ -10498,7 +10498,7 @@ Instr_ok/load-val
   - (2 ^ memarg.ALIGN) is less than or equal to ($size(nt) / 8).
-- the instruction (LOAD Inn ?((M, sx)) memarg) is valid with the function type [I32] -> [Inn] if:
+- the instruction (LOAD Inn ?((M sx)) memarg) is valid with the function type [I32] -> [Inn] if:
   - the memory type C.MEMS[0] exists.
   - C.MEMS[0] is mt.
   - (2 ^ memarg.ALIGN) is less than or equal to (M / 8).
@@ -10593,7 +10593,7 @@ Instr_const
   - Or:
     - in_u1 is (GLOBAL.GET x).
     - the global type C.GLOBALS[x] exists.
-    - C.GLOBALS[x] is (?(), t).
+    - C.GLOBALS[x] is (?() t).
 - the instruction (nt.CONST c) is constant.
@@ -10610,7 +10610,7 @@ Instr_const/ref.func
 - the instruction (GLOBAL.GET x) is constant if:
   - the global type C.GLOBALS[x] exists.
-  - C.GLOBALS[x] is (?(), t).
+  - C.GLOBALS[x] is (?() t).
 - the expression instr* is constant if:
@@ -10630,7 +10630,7 @@ Func_ok
 - the global (GLOBAL gt expr) is valid with the global type gt if:
   - gt is valid.
-  - gt is (mut, t).
+  - gt is (mut t).
   - the expression expr is valid with the value type t.
   - expr is constant.
@@ -10647,7 +10647,7 @@ Elemmode_ok
   - Either:
     - elemmode_u1 is (ACTIVE x expr).
     - the table type C.TABLES[x] exists.
-    - C.TABLES[x] is (lim, rt).
+    - C.TABLES[x] is (lim rt).
     - the expression expr is valid with the value type I32.
     - expr is constant.
   - Or:
@@ -10658,7 +10658,7 @@ Elemmode_ok
 - (ACTIVE x expr) is valid with the reference type rt if:
   - the table type C.TABLES[x] exists.
-  - C.TABLES[x] is (lim, rt).
+  - C.TABLES[x] is (lim rt).
   - the expression expr is valid with the value type I32.
   - expr is constant.
@@ -11307,13 +11307,13 @@ Step_read/load nt_u1 loadop__u1? ao
 5. If the type of nt_u1 is Inn, then:
   a. If loadop__u1? is defined, then:
     1) Let ?(loadop__0) be loadop__u1?.
-    2) Let (n, sx) be loadop__0.
+    2) Let (n sx) be loadop__0.
     3) If (((i + ao.OFFSET) + (n / 8)) > |$mem(z, 0).BYTES|), then:
       a) Trap.
   b. Let Inn be nt_u1.
   c. If loadop__u1? is defined, then:
     1) Let ?(loadop__0) be loadop__u1?.
-    2) Let (n, sx) be loadop__0.
+    2) Let (n sx) be loadop__0.
     3) Let c be $ibytes__1^-1(n, $mem(z, 0).BYTES[(i + ao.OFFSET) : (n / 8)]).
     4) Push the value (Inn.CONST $extend__(n, $size(Inn), sx, c)) to the stack.
@@ -11414,14 +11414,14 @@ Step_read/memory.copy
   a. If (j <= i), then:
     1) Push the value (I32.CONST j) to the stack.
     2) Push the value (I32.CONST i) to the stack.
-    3) Execute the instruction (LOAD I32 ?((8, U)) $memarg0()).
+    3) Execute the instruction (LOAD I32 ?((8 U)) $memarg0()).
     4) Execute the instruction (STORE I32 ?(8) $memarg0()).
     5) Push the value (I32.CONST (j + 1)) to the stack.
     6) Push the value (I32.CONST (i + 1)) to the stack.
   b. Else:
     1) Push the value (I32.CONST ((j + n) - 1)) to the stack.
     2) Push the value (I32.CONST ((i + n) - 1)) to the stack.
-    3) Execute the instruction (LOAD I32 ?((8, U)) $memarg0()).
+    3) Execute the instruction (LOAD I32 ?((8 U)) $memarg0()).
     4) Execute the instruction (STORE I32 ?(8) $memarg0()).
     5) Push the value (I32.CONST j) to the stack.
     6) Push the value (I32.CONST i) to the stack.
@@ -12479,10 +12479,10 @@ with_data z x b*
 2. Replace s.DATAS[f.MODULE.DATAS[x]].BYTES with b*.
 growtable ti n r
-1. Let { TYPE: (([ i .. j ]), rt); REFS: r'*; } be ti.
+1. Let { TYPE: (([ i .. j ]) rt); REFS: r'*; } be ti.
 2. Let i' be (|r'*| + n).
 3. If (i' <= j), then:
-  a. Let ti' be { TYPE: (([ i' .. j ]), rt); REFS: r'* :: r^n; }.
+  a. Let ti' be { TYPE: (([ i' .. j ]) rt); REFS: r'* :: r^n; }.
   b. Return ti'.
 growmemory mi n
@@ -12578,8 +12578,8 @@ allocglobals s gt_u1* v_u1*
   e. Let ga'* be $allocglobals(s, globaltype'*, val'*).
   f. Return [ga] :: ga'*.
-alloctable s (([ i .. j ]), rt)
-1. Let ti be { TYPE: (([ i .. j ]), rt); REFS: (REF.NULL rt)^i; }.
+alloctable s (([ i .. j ]) rt)
+1. Let ti be { TYPE: (([ i .. j ]) rt); REFS: (REF.NULL rt)^i; }.
 2. Let a be |s.TABLES|.
 3. Append ti to the s.TABLES.
 4. Return a.
@@ -12972,7 +12972,7 @@ The storage type :math:`{\mathit{packtype}}` is valid if:
-The field type :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}, {\mathit{storagetype}})` is valid if:
+The field type :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{storagetype}})` is valid if:
   * The storage type :math:`{\mathit{storagetype}}` is valid.
@@ -13488,7 +13488,7 @@ The storage type :math:`{\mathit{packtype}}_1` matches the storage type :math:`{
-The field type :math:`({{\mathsf{mut}^?}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}, {\mathit{zt}}_1)` matches the field type :math:`({{\mathsf{mut}^?}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}, {\mathit{zt}}_2)` if:
+The field type :math:`({{\mathsf{mut}^?}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}~{\mathit{zt}}_1)` matches the field type :math:`({{\mathsf{mut}^?}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}~{\mathit{zt}}_2)` if:
   * The storage type :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_1` matches the storage type :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_2`.
@@ -13510,7 +13510,7 @@ The field type :math:`({{\mathsf{mut}^?}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}
-The field type :math:`(\epsilon, {\mathit{zt}}_1)` matches the field type :math:`(\epsilon, {\mathit{zt}}_2)` if:
+The field type :math:`(\epsilon~{\mathit{zt}}_1)` matches the field type :math:`(\epsilon~{\mathit{zt}}_2)` if:
   * The storage type :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_1` matches the storage type :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_2`.
@@ -13518,7 +13518,7 @@ The field type :math:`(\epsilon, {\mathit{zt}}_1)` matches the field type :math:
-The field type :math:`(\mathsf{mut}, {\mathit{zt}}_1)` matches the field type :math:`(\mathsf{mut}, {\mathit{zt}}_2)` if:
+The field type :math:`(\mathsf{mut}~{\mathit{zt}}_1)` matches the field type :math:`(\mathsf{mut}~{\mathit{zt}}_2)` if:
   * The storage type :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_1` matches the storage type :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_2`.
@@ -13772,7 +13772,7 @@ The limits :math:`({}[~n~..~m~])` is valid with :math:`k` if:
-The global type :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}, t)` is valid if:
+The global type :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}~t)` is valid if:
   * The value type :math:`t` is valid.
@@ -13780,7 +13780,7 @@ The global type :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}, t)` is valid if:
-The table type :math:`({\mathit{addrtype}}, {\mathit{limits}}, {\mathit{reftype}})` is valid if:
+The table type :math:`({\mathit{addrtype}}~{\mathit{limits}}~{\mathit{reftype}})` is valid if:
   * The limits :math:`{\mathit{limits}}` is valid with :math:`{2^{32}} - 1`.
@@ -13902,7 +13902,7 @@ The instruction type :math:`{t_{11}^\ast}~{\rightarrow}_{{x_1^\ast}}\,{t_{12}^\a
   * For all :math:`t` in :math:`{t^\ast}` and :math:`x` in :math:`{x^\ast}`:
-    * The local type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{set}, t)`.
+    * The local type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{set}~t)`.
@@ -13917,7 +13917,7 @@ The limits :math:`({}[~n_1~..~m_1~])` matches the limits :math:`({}[~n_2~..~m_2~
-The global type :math:`({{\mathsf{mut}^?}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}, {\mathit{valtype}}_1)` matches the global type :math:`({{\mathsf{mut}^?}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}, {\mathit{valtype}}_2)` if:
+The global type :math:`({{\mathsf{mut}^?}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}~{\mathit{valtype}}_1)` matches the global type :math:`({{\mathsf{mut}^?}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}~{\mathit{valtype}}_2)` if:
   * The value type :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}_1` matches the value type :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}_2`.
@@ -13939,7 +13939,7 @@ The global type :math:`({{\mathsf{mut}^?}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}
-The global type :math:`(\epsilon, {\mathit{valtype}}_1)` matches the global type :math:`(\epsilon, {\mathit{valtype}}_2)` if:
+The global type :math:`(\epsilon~{\mathit{valtype}}_1)` matches the global type :math:`(\epsilon~{\mathit{valtype}}_2)` if:
   * The value type :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}_1` matches the value type :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}_2`.
@@ -13947,7 +13947,7 @@ The global type :math:`(\epsilon, {\mathit{valtype}}_1)` matches the global type
-The global type :math:`(\mathsf{mut}, {\mathit{valtype}}_1)` matches the global type :math:`(\mathsf{mut}, {\mathit{valtype}}_2)` if:
+The global type :math:`(\mathsf{mut}~{\mathit{valtype}}_1)` matches the global type :math:`(\mathsf{mut}~{\mathit{valtype}}_2)` if:
   * The value type :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}_1` matches the value type :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}_2`.
@@ -13957,7 +13957,7 @@ The global type :math:`(\mathsf{mut}, {\mathit{valtype}}_1)` matches the global
-The table type :math:`({\mathit{addrtype}}, {\mathit{limits}}_1, {\mathit{reftype}}_1)` matches the table type :math:`({\mathit{addrtype}}, {\mathit{limits}}_2, {\mathit{reftype}}_2)` if:
+The table type :math:`({\mathit{addrtype}}~{\mathit{limits}}_1~{\mathit{reftype}}_1)` matches the table type :math:`({\mathit{addrtype}}~{\mathit{limits}}_2~{\mathit{reftype}}_2)` if:
   * The limits :math:`{\mathit{limits}}_1` matches the limits :math:`{\mathit{limits}}_2`.
@@ -14420,7 +14420,7 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{call\_indirect}~x~y)` is valid with the instruct
   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}, {\mathit{lim}}, {\mathit{rt}})`.
+  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}})`.
   * The reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}` matches the reference type :math:`(\mathsf{ref}~\mathsf{null}~\mathsf{func})`.
@@ -14478,7 +14478,7 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{return\_call\_indirect}~x~y)` is valid with the
   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}, {\mathit{lim}}, {\mathit{rt}})`.
+  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}})`.
   * The reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}` matches the reference type :math:`(\mathsf{ref}~\mathsf{null}~\mathsf{func})`.
@@ -14643,7 +14643,7 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{struct{.}new}~x)` is valid with the instruction
   * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{struct}~{({\mathsf{mut}^?}, {\mathit{zt}})^\ast})`.
+  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{struct}~{({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{zt}})^\ast})`.
   * Let :math:`{t^\ast}` be the value type sequence :math:`{{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{zt}})^\ast}`.
@@ -14655,7 +14655,7 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{struct{.}new\_default}~x)` is valid with the ins
   * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{struct}~{({\mathsf{mut}^?}, {\mathit{zt}})^\ast})`.
+  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{struct}~{({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{zt}})^\ast})`.
   * For all :math:`{\mathit{zt}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{zt}}^\ast}`:
@@ -14673,7 +14673,7 @@ The instruction :math:`({\mathsf{struct{.}get}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{{\mathit{sx}}^?}}~
   * :math:`{|{{\mathit{yt}}^\ast}|}` is greater than :math:`i`.
-  * The field type :math:`{{\mathit{yt}}^\ast}{}[i]` is equal to :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}, {\mathit{zt}})`.
+  * The field type :math:`{{\mathit{yt}}^\ast}{}[i]` is equal to :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{zt}})`.
   * The signedness :math:`{{\mathit{sx}}^?}` is absent if and only if the storage type :math:`{\mathit{zt}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{zt}})`.
@@ -14691,7 +14691,7 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{struct{.}set}~x~i)` is valid with the instructio
   * :math:`{|{{\mathit{yt}}^\ast}|}` is greater than :math:`i`.
-  * The field type :math:`{{\mathit{yt}}^\ast}{}[i]` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{mut}, {\mathit{zt}})`.
+  * The field type :math:`{{\mathit{yt}}^\ast}{}[i]` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{mut}~{\mathit{zt}})`.
   * Let :math:`t` be the value type :math:`{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{zt}})`.
@@ -14703,7 +14703,7 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}new}~x)` is valid with the instruction t
   * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{array}~({\mathsf{mut}^?}, {\mathit{zt}}))`.
+  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{array}~({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{zt}}))`.
   * Let :math:`t` be the value type :math:`{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{zt}})`.
@@ -14715,7 +14715,7 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}new\_default}~x)` is valid with the inst
   * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{array}~({\mathsf{mut}^?}, {\mathit{zt}}))`.
+  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{array}~({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{zt}}))`.
   * A :ref:`default value <default-val>` for value type the value type :math:`{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{zt}})` is defined.
@@ -14727,7 +14727,7 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}new\_fixed}~x~n)` is valid with the inst
   * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{array}~({\mathsf{mut}^?}, {\mathit{zt}}))`.
+  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{array}~({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{zt}}))`.
   * Let :math:`t` be the value type :math:`{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{zt}})`.
@@ -14739,7 +14739,7 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}new\_elem}~x~y)` is valid with the instr
   * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{array}~({\mathsf{mut}^?}, {\mathit{rt}}))`.
+  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{array}~({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{rt}}))`.
   * The element type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[y]` exists.
@@ -14753,7 +14753,7 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}new\_data}~x~y)` is valid with the instr
   * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{array}~({\mathsf{mut}^?}, {\mathit{zt}}))`.
+  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{array}~({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{zt}}))`.
   * The value type :math:`{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{zt}})` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}` or :math:`{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{zt}})` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{vectype}}`.
@@ -14769,7 +14769,7 @@ The instruction :math:`({\mathsf{array{.}get}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{{\mathit{sx}}^?}}~x
   * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{array}~({\mathsf{mut}^?}, {\mathit{zt}}))`.
+  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{array}~({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{zt}}))`.
   * The signedness :math:`{{\mathit{sx}}^?}` is absent if and only if the storage type :math:`{\mathit{zt}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{zt}})`.
@@ -14783,7 +14783,7 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}set}~x)` is valid with the instruction t
   * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{array}~(\mathsf{mut}, {\mathit{zt}}))`.
+  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{array}~(\mathsf{mut}~{\mathit{zt}}))`.
   * Let :math:`t` be the value type :math:`{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{zt}})`.
@@ -14800,7 +14800,7 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}fill}~x)` is valid with the instruction
   * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{array}~(\mathsf{mut}, {\mathit{zt}}))`.
+  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{array}~(\mathsf{mut}~{\mathit{zt}}))`.
   * Let :math:`t` be the value type :math:`{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{zt}})`.
@@ -14812,11 +14812,11 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}copy}~x_1~x_2)` is valid with the instru
   * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x_1]` exists.
-  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x_1]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{array}~(\mathsf{mut}, {\mathit{zt}}_1))`.
+  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x_1]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{array}~(\mathsf{mut}~{\mathit{zt}}_1))`.
   * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x_2]` exists.
-  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x_2]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{array}~({\mathsf{mut}^?}, {\mathit{zt}}_2))`.
+  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x_2]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{array}~({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{zt}}_2))`.
   * The storage type :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_2` matches the storage type :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_1`.
@@ -14828,7 +14828,7 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}init\_elem}~x~y)` is valid with the inst
   * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{array}~(\mathsf{mut}, {\mathit{zt}}))`.
+  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{array}~(\mathsf{mut}~{\mathit{zt}}))`.
   * The element type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[y]` exists.
@@ -14842,7 +14842,7 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}init\_data}~x~y)` is valid with the inst
   * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{array}~(\mathsf{mut}, {\mathit{zt}}))`.
+  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{array}~(\mathsf{mut}~{\mathit{zt}}))`.
   * The value type :math:`{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{zt}})` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}` or :math:`{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{zt}})` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{vectype}}`.
@@ -15002,7 +15002,7 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{local{.}get}~x)` is valid with the instruction t
   * The local type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The local type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{set}, t)`.
+  * The local type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{set}~t)`.
@@ -15012,7 +15012,7 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{local{.}set}~x)` is valid with the instruction t
   * The local type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The local type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{init}}, t)`.
+  * The local type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{init}}~t)`.
@@ -15022,7 +15022,7 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{local{.}tee}~x)` is valid with the instruction t
   * The local type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The local type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{init}}, t)`.
+  * The local type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{init}}~t)`.
@@ -15032,7 +15032,7 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{global{.}get}~x)` is valid with the instruction
   * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}, t)`.
+  * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}~t)`.
@@ -15042,7 +15042,7 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{global{.}set}~x)` is valid with the instruction
   * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{mut}, t)`.
+  * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{mut}~t)`.
@@ -15052,7 +15052,7 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}get}~x)` is valid with the instruction t
   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}, {\mathit{lim}}, {\mathit{rt}})`.
+  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}})`.
@@ -15062,7 +15062,7 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}set}~x)` is valid with the instruction t
   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}, {\mathit{lim}}, {\mathit{rt}})`.
+  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}})`.
@@ -15072,7 +15072,7 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}size}~x)` is valid with the instruction
   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}, {\mathit{lim}}, {\mathit{rt}})`.
+  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}})`.
@@ -15082,7 +15082,7 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}grow}~x)` is valid with the instruction
   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}, {\mathit{lim}}, {\mathit{rt}})`.
+  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}})`.
@@ -15092,7 +15092,7 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}fill}~x)` is valid with the instruction
   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}, {\mathit{lim}}, {\mathit{rt}})`.
+  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}})`.
@@ -15102,11 +15102,11 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}copy}~x_1~x_2)` is valid with the instru
   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x_1]` exists.
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x_1]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}_1, {\mathit{lim}}_1, {\mathit{rt}}_1)`.
+  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x_1]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}_1~{\mathit{lim}}_1~{\mathit{rt}}_1)`.
   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x_2]` exists.
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x_2]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}_2, {\mathit{lim}}_2, {\mathit{rt}}_2)`.
+  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x_2]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}_2~{\mathit{lim}}_2~{\mathit{rt}}_2)`.
   * The reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}_2` matches the reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}_1`.
@@ -15120,7 +15120,7 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}init}~x~y)` is valid with the instructio
   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}, {\mathit{lim}}, {\mathit{rt}}_1)`.
+  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}}_1)`.
   * The element type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[y]` exists.
@@ -15232,7 +15232,7 @@ The instruction :math:`({{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}{.
     * The number type :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{N}`.
-    * :math:`{{\mathit{loadop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is equal to :math:`(M, {\mathit{sx}})`.
+    * :math:`{{\mathit{loadop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is equal to :math:`(M~{\mathit{sx}})`.
     * The value type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{N}`.
@@ -15375,7 +15375,7 @@ The instruction :math:`({{\mathit{nt}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{\epsilon}~x~{\mathit{mem
-The instruction :math:`({{\mathsf{i}}{N}{.}\mathsf{load}}{(M, {\mathit{sx}})}~x~{\mathit{memarg}})` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{\mathit{at}}~\rightarrow~{\mathsf{i}}{N}` if:
+The instruction :math:`({{\mathsf{i}}{N}{.}\mathsf{load}}{M~{\mathit{sx}}}~x~{\mathit{memarg}})` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{\mathit{at}}~\rightarrow~{\mathsf{i}}{N}` if:
   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` exists.
@@ -15486,9 +15486,9 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scripts
     * For all :math:`{\mathit{init}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{init}}^\ast}` and :math:`t` in :math:`{t^\ast}` and :math:`x_1` in :math:`{x_1^\ast}`:
-      * The local type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x_1]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{init}}, t)`.
+      * The local type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x_1]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{init}}~t)`.
-    * Under the context :math:`C{}[{.}\mathsf{local}{}[{x_1^\ast}] = {(\mathsf{set}, t)^\ast}]`, the instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_2^\ast}` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t_2^\ast}~{\rightarrow}_{{x_2^\ast}}\,{t_3^\ast}`.
+    * Under the context :math:`C{}[{.}\mathsf{local}{}[{x_1^\ast}] = {(\mathsf{set}~t)^\ast}]`, the instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_2^\ast}` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t_2^\ast}~{\rightarrow}_{{x_2^\ast}}\,{t_3^\ast}`.
   * Or:
     * The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}`.
@@ -15533,9 +15533,9 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_1~{{\mathit{instr}}_2^\ast}` is
   * For all :math:`{\mathit{init}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{init}}^\ast}` and :math:`t` in :math:`{t^\ast}` and :math:`x_1` in :math:`{x_1^\ast}`:
-    * The local type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x_1]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{init}}, t)`.
+    * The local type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x_1]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{init}}~t)`.
-  * Under the context :math:`C{}[{.}\mathsf{local}{}[{x_1^\ast}] = {(\mathsf{set}, t)^\ast}]`, the instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_2^\ast}` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t_2^\ast}~{\rightarrow}_{{x_2^\ast}}\,{t_3^\ast}`.
+  * Under the context :math:`C{}[{.}\mathsf{local}{}[{x_1^\ast}] = {(\mathsf{set}~t)^\ast}]`, the instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_2^\ast}` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t_2^\ast}~{\rightarrow}_{{x_2^\ast}}\,{t_3^\ast}`.
@@ -15616,7 +15616,7 @@ The expression :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the result type :ma
     * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` exists.
-    * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`(\epsilon, t)`.
+    * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`(\epsilon~t)`.
   * Or:
     * The instruction :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`({\mathsf{i}}{N} {.} {\mathit{binop}})`.
@@ -15693,7 +15693,7 @@ The expression :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the result type :ma
   * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`(\epsilon, t)`.
+  * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`(\epsilon~t)`.
@@ -15732,7 +15732,7 @@ The type definition :math:`(\mathsf{type}~{\mathit{rectype}})` is valid with the
-The local :math:`(\mathsf{local}~t)` is valid with the local type :math:`({\mathit{init}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}, t)` if:
+The local :math:`(\mathsf{local}~t)` is valid with the local type :math:`({\mathit{init}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}~t)` if:
   * Either:
@@ -15750,7 +15750,7 @@ The local :math:`(\mathsf{local}~t)` is valid with the local type :math:`({\math
-The local :math:`(\mathsf{local}~t)` is valid with the local type :math:`(\mathsf{set}, t)` if:
+The local :math:`(\mathsf{local}~t)` is valid with the local type :math:`(\mathsf{set}~t)` if:
   * A :ref:`default value <default-val>` for value type the value type :math:`t` is defined.
@@ -15758,7 +15758,7 @@ The local :math:`(\mathsf{local}~t)` is valid with the local type :math:`(\maths
-The local :math:`(\mathsf{local}~t)` is valid with the local type :math:`(\mathsf{unset}, t)` if:
+The local :math:`(\mathsf{local}~t)` is valid with the local type :math:`(\mathsf{unset}~t)` if:
   * A :ref:`default value <default-val>` for value type the value type :math:`t` is not defined.
@@ -15779,7 +15779,7 @@ The function :math:`(\mathsf{func}~x~{{\mathit{local}}^\ast}~{\mathit{expr}})` i
     * The local :math:`{\mathit{local}}` is valid with the local type :math:`{{\mathit{lt}}}`.
-  * Under the context :math:`C{}[{.}\mathsf{locals} \mathrel{{=}{\oplus}} {(\mathsf{set}, t_1)^\ast}~{{{\mathit{lt}}}^\ast}]{}[{.}\mathsf{labels} \mathrel{{=}{\oplus}} {t_2^\ast}]{}[{.}\mathsf{return} \mathrel{{=}{\oplus}} {t_2^\ast}]`, the expression :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is valid with the result type :math:`{t_2^\ast}`.
+  * Under the context :math:`C{}[{.}\mathsf{locals} \mathrel{{=}{\oplus}} {(\mathsf{set}~t_1)^\ast}~{{{\mathit{lt}}}^\ast}]{}[{.}\mathsf{labels} \mathrel{{=}{\oplus}} {t_2^\ast}]{}[{.}\mathsf{return} \mathrel{{=}{\oplus}} {t_2^\ast}]`, the expression :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is valid with the result type :math:`{t_2^\ast}`.
@@ -15789,7 +15789,7 @@ The global :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{globaltype}}~{\mathit{expr}})` is va
   * The global type :math:`{\mathit{gt}}` is valid.
-  * The global type :math:`{\mathit{globaltype}}` is equal to :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}, t)`.
+  * The global type :math:`{\mathit{globaltype}}` is equal to :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}~t)`.
   * The expression :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is valid with the value type :math:`t`.
@@ -15803,7 +15803,7 @@ The table :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tabletype}}~{\mathit{expr}})` is valid
   * The table type :math:`{\mathit{tt}}` is valid.
-  * The table type :math:`{\mathit{tabletype}}` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}, {\mathit{lim}}, {\mathit{rt}})`.
+  * The table type :math:`{\mathit{tabletype}}` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}})`.
   * The expression :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is valid with the value type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}`.
@@ -15839,7 +15839,7 @@ The element mode :math:`{\mathit{elemmode}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1
     * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
-    * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}, {\mathit{lim}}, {\mathit{rt}'})`.
+    * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}'})`.
     * The element type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}` matches the reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}'}`.
@@ -15862,7 +15862,7 @@ The element mode :math:`(\mathsf{active}~x~{\mathit{expr}})` is valid with the e
   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}, {\mathit{lim}}, {\mathit{rt}'})`.
+  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}'})`.
   * The element type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}` matches the reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}'}`.
@@ -16226,7 +16226,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
   * The context :math:`{C'}` is equal to :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{types}~{{\mathit{dt}'}^\ast},\; \mathsf{recs}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{funcs}~{{\mathit{dt}}_{\mathsf{i}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{dt}}^\ast},\; \mathsf{globals}~{{\mathit{gt}}_{\mathsf{i}}^\ast},\; \mathsf{tables}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{mems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{tags}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{elems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{datas}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{labels}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{return}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{refs}~{x^\ast} \}\end{array}`.
-  * The function index sequence :math:`{x^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{\mathrm{funcidx}}(({{\mathit{global}}^\ast}, {{\mathit{table}}^\ast}, {{\mathit{mem}}^\ast}, {{\mathit{elem}}^\ast}, {{\mathit{data}}^\ast}))`.
+  * The function index sequence :math:`{x^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{\mathrm{funcidx}}({{\mathit{global}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{table}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{mem}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{elem}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{data}}^\ast})`.
   * The defined type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{dt}}_{\mathsf{i}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{\mathrm{funcs}}({{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathsf{i}}^\ast})`.
@@ -16264,7 +16264,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptst
     * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` exists.
-    * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}, t)`.
+    * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}~t)`.
   * Or:
     * The instruction sequence :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast})`.
@@ -16292,7 +16292,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{global{.}get}~x)` is valid with the fun
   * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}, t)`.
+  * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}~t)`.
@@ -17752,7 +17752,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. Let :math:`(\mathsf{struct}~{\mathit{structtype}}_0)` be :math:`{\mathrm{expand}}(z{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x])`.
-#. Let :math:`{({\mathsf{mut}^?}, {\mathit{zt}})^\ast}` be :math:`{\mathit{structtype}}_0`.
+#. Let :math:`{({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{zt}})^\ast}` be :math:`{\mathit{structtype}}_0`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, for all :math:`{\mathit{zt}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{zt}}^\ast}`, :math:`{{\mathrm{default}}}_{{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{zt}})}` is defined.
@@ -17789,7 +17789,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
     #) Let :math:`(\mathsf{struct}~{\mathit{structtype}}_0)` be :math:`{\mathrm{expand}}(z{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x])`.
-    #) Let :math:`{({\mathsf{mut}^?}, {\mathit{zt}})^\ast}` be :math:`{\mathit{structtype}}_0`.
+    #) Let :math:`{({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{zt}})^\ast}` be :math:`{\mathit{structtype}}_0`.
     #) If :math:`i < {|{{\mathit{zt}}^\ast}|}`, then:
@@ -17810,7 +17810,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. Let :math:`(\mathsf{array}~{\mathit{arraytype}}_0)` be :math:`{\mathrm{expand}}(z{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x])`.
-#. Let :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}, {\mathit{zt}})` be :math:`{\mathit{arraytype}}_0`.
+#. Let :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{zt}})` be :math:`{\mathit{arraytype}}_0`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{{\mathrm{default}}}_{{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{zt}})}` is defined.
@@ -17866,7 +17866,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. Let :math:`(\mathsf{array}~{\mathit{arraytype}}_0)` be :math:`{\mathrm{expand}}(z{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x])`.
-#. Let :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}, {\mathit{zt}})` be :math:`{\mathit{arraytype}}_0`.
+#. Let :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{zt}})` be :math:`{\mathit{arraytype}}_0`.
 #. If :math:`i + n \cdot {|{\mathit{zt}}|} / 8 > {|z{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[y]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
@@ -17915,7 +17915,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
     #) Let :math:`(\mathsf{array}~{\mathit{arraytype}}_0)` be :math:`{\mathrm{expand}}(z{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x])`.
-    #) Let :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}, {\mathit{zt}})` be :math:`{\mathit{arraytype}}_0`.
+    #) Let :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{zt}})` be :math:`{\mathit{arraytype}}_0`.
     #) Push the value :math:`{{{{\mathrm{unpack}}}_{{\mathit{zt}}}^{{{\mathit{sx}}^?}}}}{(z{.}\mathsf{arrays}{}[a]{.}\mathsf{fields}{}[i])}` to the stack.
@@ -18068,7 +18068,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
       a) Let :math:`(\mathsf{array}~{\mathit{arraytype}}_0)` be :math:`{\mathrm{expand}}(z{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x_2])`.
-      #) Let :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}, {\mathit{zt}}_2)` be :math:`{\mathit{arraytype}}_0`.
+      #) Let :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{zt}}_2)` be :math:`{\mathit{arraytype}}_0`.
       #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{sx}}^?}` be :math:`{\mathrm{sx}}({\mathit{zt}}_2)`.
@@ -18102,7 +18102,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
         1. Let :math:`(\mathsf{array}~{\mathit{arraytype}}_0)` be :math:`{\mathrm{expand}}(z{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x_2])`.
-        #. Let :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}, {\mathit{zt}}_2)` be :math:`{\mathit{arraytype}}_0`.
+        #. Let :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{zt}}_2)` be :math:`{\mathit{arraytype}}_0`.
         #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{sx}}^?}` be :math:`{\mathrm{sx}}({\mathit{zt}}_2)`.
@@ -18238,7 +18238,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
     1) Let :math:`(\mathsf{array}~{\mathit{arraytype}}_0)` be :math:`{\mathrm{expand}}(z{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x])`.
-    #) Let :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}, {\mathit{zt}})` be :math:`{\mathit{arraytype}}_0`.
+    #) Let :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{zt}})` be :math:`{\mathit{arraytype}}_0`.
     #) If :math:`j + n \cdot {|{\mathit{zt}}|} / 8 > {|z{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[y]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
@@ -18322,7 +18322,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. Let :math:`z` be the current state.
-#. Let :math:`({\mathit{at}}, {\mathit{lim}}, {\mathit{rt}})` be :math:`z{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{type}`.
+#. Let :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}})` be :math:`z{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{type}`.
 #. Let :math:`n` be :math:`{|z{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{refs}|}`.
@@ -18512,7 +18512,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
     1) Let :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}` be :math:`{{\mathit{loadop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}`.
-    #) Let :math:`(n, {\mathit{sx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}`.
+    #) Let :math:`(n~{\mathit{sx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}`.
     #) If :math:`i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} + n / 8 > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
@@ -18524,7 +18524,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
     1) Let :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}` be :math:`{{\mathit{loadop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}`.
-    #) Let :math:`(n, {\mathit{sx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}`.
+    #) Let :math:`(n~{\mathit{sx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}`.
     #) Let :math:`c` be the result for which :math:`{{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}(c)` :math:`=` :math:`z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} : n / 8]`.
@@ -18735,7 +18735,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
     #) Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}_2{.}\mathsf{const}~i_2)` to the stack.
-    #) Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{(8, \mathsf{u})}~x_2)`.
+    #) Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{8~\mathsf{u}}~x_2)`.
     #) Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{store}}{8}~x_1)`.
@@ -18749,7 +18749,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
     #) Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}_2{.}\mathsf{const}~i_2 + n - 1)` to the stack.
-    #) Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{(8, \mathsf{u})}~x_2)`.
+    #) Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{8~\mathsf{u}}~x_2)`.
     #) Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{store}}{8}~x_1)`.
@@ -18850,7 +18850,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. Let :math:`(\mathsf{struct}~{\mathit{structtype}}_0)` be :math:`{\mathrm{expand}}(z{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x])`.
-#. Let :math:`{({\mathsf{mut}^?}, {\mathit{zt}})^{n}}` be :math:`{\mathit{structtype}}_0`.
+#. Let :math:`{({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{zt}})^{n}}` be :math:`{\mathit{structtype}}_0`.
 #. Let :math:`a` be :math:`{|z{.}\mathsf{structs}|}`.
@@ -18891,7 +18891,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
   #. Let :math:`(\mathsf{struct}~{\mathit{structtype}}_0)` be :math:`{\mathrm{expand}}(z{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x])`.
-  #. Let :math:`{({\mathsf{mut}^?}, {\mathit{zt}})^\ast}` be :math:`{\mathit{structtype}}_0`.
+  #. Let :math:`{({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{zt}})^\ast}` be :math:`{\mathit{structtype}}_0`.
   #. If :math:`i < {|{{\mathit{zt}}^\ast}|}`, then:
@@ -18908,7 +18908,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. Let :math:`(\mathsf{array}~{\mathit{arraytype}}_0)` be :math:`{\mathrm{expand}}(z{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x])`.
-#. Let :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}, {\mathit{zt}})` be :math:`{\mathit{arraytype}}_0`.
+#. Let :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{zt}})` be :math:`{\mathit{arraytype}}_0`.
 #. Let :math:`a` be :math:`{|z{.}\mathsf{arrays}|}`.
@@ -18957,7 +18957,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
   #. Let :math:`(\mathsf{array}~{\mathit{arraytype}}_0)` be :math:`{\mathrm{expand}}(z{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x])`.
-  #. Let :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}, {\mathit{zt}})` be :math:`{\mathit{arraytype}}_0`.
+  #. Let :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{zt}})` be :math:`{\mathit{arraytype}}_0`.
   #. Perform :math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{arrays}{}[a]{.}\mathsf{fields}{}[i] = {{\mathrm{pack}}}_{{\mathit{zt}}}({\mathit{val}})]`.
@@ -20121,11 +20121,11 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. Return :math:`{{\mathit{pt}}}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]}`.
-:math:`{({\mathsf{mut}^?}, {\mathit{zt}})}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]}`
+:math:`{{\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{zt}}}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]}`
-1. Return :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}, {{\mathit{zt}}}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]})`.
+1. Return :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{{\mathit{zt}}}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]})`.
 :math:`{{\mathit{ct}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]}`
@@ -20186,18 +20186,18 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. Return :math:`{\mathit{at}}`.
-:math:`{({\mathsf{mut}^?}, t)}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]}`
+:math:`{{\mathsf{mut}^?}~t}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]}`
-1. Return :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}, {t}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]})`.
+1. Return :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{t}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]})`.
-:math:`{({\mathit{at}}, {\mathit{lim}}, {\mathit{rt}})}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]}`
+:math:`{{\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}}}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]}`
-1. Return :math:`({\mathit{at}}, {\mathit{lim}}, {{\mathit{rt}}}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]})`.
+1. Return :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~{{\mathit{rt}}}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]})`.
 :math:`{{\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~\mathsf{page}}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]}`
@@ -20691,8 +20691,8 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{packtype}}({\mathit{packtype}})`.
-:math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{fieldtype}}(({\mathsf{mut}^?}, {\mathit{storagetype}}))`
 1. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{storagetype}}({\mathit{storagetype}})`.
@@ -20763,15 +20763,15 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{rectype}}({\mathit{rectype}})`.
-:math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{globaltype}}(({\mathsf{mut}^?}, {\mathit{valtype}}))`
 1. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{valtype}}({\mathit{valtype}})`.
-:math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{tabletype}}(({\mathit{addrtype}}, {\mathit{limits}}, {\mathit{reftype}}))`
 1. Return `$free_addrtype(addrtype) ++ $free_reftype(reftype)`.
@@ -21764,8 +21764,8 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
-:math:`{\mathrm{funcidx}}(({{\mathit{global}}^\ast}, {{\mathit{table}}^\ast}, {{\mathit{mem}}^\ast}, {{\mathit{elem}}^\ast}, {{\mathit{data}}^\ast}))`
 1. Return :math:`{\mathrm{funcidx}}(\mathsf{module}~\epsilon~\epsilon~\epsilon~{{\mathit{global}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{table}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{mem}}^\ast}~\epsilon~{{\mathit{elem}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{data}}^\ast}~\epsilon~\epsilon)`.
@@ -23852,13 +23852,13 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
-1. Let :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~({\mathit{at}}, ({}[~i~..~j~]), {\mathit{rt}}),\; \mathsf{refs}~{{r'}^\ast} \}\end{array}` be :math:`{\mathit{tableinst}}`.
+1. Let :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~({\mathit{at}}~({}[~i~..~j~])~{\mathit{rt}}),\; \mathsf{refs}~{{r'}^\ast} \}\end{array}` be :math:`{\mathit{tableinst}}`.
 #. If :math:`{|{{r'}^\ast}|} + n \leq j`, then:
   a. Let :math:`{i'}` be :math:`{|{{r'}^\ast}|} + n`.
-  #. Let :math:`{\mathit{tableinst}'}` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~({\mathit{at}}, ({}[~{i'}~..~j~]), {\mathit{rt}}),\; \mathsf{refs}~{{r'}^\ast}~{r^{n}} \}\end{array}`.
+  #. Let :math:`{\mathit{tableinst}'}` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~({\mathit{at}}~({}[~{i'}~..~j~])~{\mathit{rt}}),\; \mathsf{refs}~{{r'}^\ast}~{r^{n}} \}\end{array}`.
   #. Return :math:`{\mathit{tableinst}'}`.
@@ -24004,11 +24004,11 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
   #. Return :math:`{\mathit{ga}}~{{\mathit{ga}'}^\ast}`.
-:math:`{\mathrm{alloctable}}(s, ({\mathit{at}}, ({}[~i~..~j~]), {\mathit{rt}}), {\mathit{ref}})`
+:math:`{\mathrm{alloctable}}(s, {\mathit{at}}~({}[~i~..~j~])~{\mathit{rt}}, {\mathit{ref}})`
-1. Let :math:`{\mathit{tableinst}}` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~({\mathit{at}}, ({}[~i~..~j~]), {\mathit{rt}}),\; \mathsf{refs}~{{\mathit{ref}}^{i}} \}\end{array}`.
+1. Let :math:`{\mathit{tableinst}}` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~({\mathit{at}}~({}[~i~..~j~])~{\mathit{rt}}),\; \mathsf{refs}~{{\mathit{ref}}^{i}} \}\end{array}`.
 #. Let :math:`a` be :math:`{|s{.}\mathsf{tables}|}`.
@@ -24661,7 +24661,7 @@ Storagetype_ok/pack
   - packtype is valid.
-- the field type (MUT?, storagetype) is valid if:
+- the field type (MUT? storagetype) is valid if:
   - the storage type storagetype is valid.
@@ -24933,7 +24933,7 @@ Storagetype_sub/pack
   - packtype_1 matches packtype_2.
-- the field type (mut_u1, zt_1) matches the field type (mut_u2, zt_2) if:
+- the field type (mut_u1 zt_1) matches the field type (mut_u2 zt_2) if:
   - the storage type zt_1 matches the storage type zt_2.
   - Either:
     - mut_u1 is ?().
@@ -24944,11 +24944,11 @@ Fieldtype_sub
     - zt_2 matches zt_1.
-- the field type (?(), zt_1) matches the field type (?(), zt_2) if:
+- the field type (?() zt_1) matches the field type (?() zt_2) if:
   - the storage type zt_1 matches the storage type zt_2.
-- the field type (?(MUT), zt_1) matches the field type (?(MUT), zt_2) if:
+- the field type (?(MUT) zt_1) matches the field type (?(MUT) zt_2) if:
   - the storage type zt_1 matches the storage type zt_2.
   - zt_2 matches zt_1.
@@ -25077,11 +25077,11 @@ Limits_ok
   - m is less than or equal to k.
-- the global type (MUT?, t) is valid if:
+- the global type (MUT? t) is valid if:
   - the value type t is valid.
-- the table type (addrtype, limits, reftype) is valid if:
+- the table type (addrtype limits reftype) is valid if:
   - the limits limits is valid with ((2 ^ 32) - 1).
   - the reference type reftype is valid.
@@ -25143,7 +25143,7 @@ Instrtype_sub
   - For all x in x*:
     - the local type C.LOCALS[x] exists.
   - For all t in t* and x in x*:
-    - C.LOCALS[x] is (SET, t).
+    - C.LOCALS[x] is (SET t).
 - the limits ([ n_1 .. m_1 ]) matches the limits ([ n_2 .. m_2 ]) if:
@@ -25151,7 +25151,7 @@ Limits_sub
   - m_1 is less than or equal to m_2.
-- the global type (mut_u1, valtype_1) matches the global type (mut_u2, valtype_2) if:
+- the global type (mut_u1 valtype_1) matches the global type (mut_u2 valtype_2) if:
   - the value type valtype_1 matches the value type valtype_2.
   - Either:
     - mut_u1 is ?().
@@ -25162,16 +25162,16 @@ Globaltype_sub
     - valtype_2 matches valtype_1.
-- the global type (?(), valtype_1) matches the global type (?(), valtype_2) if:
+- the global type (?() valtype_1) matches the global type (?() valtype_2) if:
   - the value type valtype_1 matches the value type valtype_2.
-- the global type (?(MUT), valtype_1) matches the global type (?(MUT), valtype_2) if:
+- the global type (?(MUT) valtype_1) matches the global type (?(MUT) valtype_2) if:
   - the value type valtype_1 matches the value type valtype_2.
   - valtype_2 matches valtype_1.
-- the table type (addrtype, limits_1, reftype_1) matches the table type (addrtype, limits_2, reftype_2) if:
+- the table type (addrtype limits_1 reftype_1) matches the table type (addrtype limits_2 reftype_2) if:
   - the limits limits_1 matches the limits limits_2.
   - the reference type reftype_1 matches the reference type reftype_2.
   - reftype_2 matches reftype_1.
@@ -25405,7 +25405,7 @@ Instr_ok/call_ref
 - the instruction (CALL_INDIRECT x (_IDX y)) is valid with the instruction type t_1* :: [at] -> t_2* if:
   - the table type C.TABLES[x] exists.
-  - C.TABLES[x] is (at, lim, rt).
+  - C.TABLES[x] is (at lim rt).
   - the reference type rt matches the reference type (REF ?(NULL) FUNC).
   - the defined type C.TYPES[y] exists.
   - The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of C.TYPES[y] is the composite type (FUNC t_1* -> t_2*).
@@ -25434,7 +25434,7 @@ Instr_ok/return_call_ref
 - the instruction (RETURN_CALL_INDIRECT x (_IDX y)) is valid with the instruction type t_3* :: t_1* :: [at] -> t_4* if:
   - the table type C.TABLES[x] exists.
-  - C.TABLES[x] is (at, lim, rt).
+  - C.TABLES[x] is (at lim rt).
   - the reference type rt matches the reference type (REF ?(NULL) FUNC).
   - the defined type C.TYPES[y] exists.
   - The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of C.TYPES[y] is the composite type (FUNC t_1* -> t_2*).
@@ -25521,13 +25521,13 @@ Instr_ok/i31.get
 - the instruction (STRUCT.NEW x) is valid with the instruction type t* -> [(REF ?() (_IDX x))] if:
   - the defined type C.TYPES[x] exists.
-  - The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of C.TYPES[x] is the composite type (STRUCT (mut, zt)*).
+  - The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of C.TYPES[x] is the composite type (STRUCT (mut zt)*).
   - Let t* be the value type sequence $unpack(zt)*.
 - the instruction (STRUCT.NEW_DEFAULT x) is valid with the instruction type [] -> [(REF ?() (_IDX x))] if:
   - the defined type C.TYPES[x] exists.
-  - The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of C.TYPES[x] is the composite type (STRUCT (mut, zt)*).
+  - The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of C.TYPES[x] is the composite type (STRUCT (mut zt)*).
   - For all zt in zt*:
     - A :ref:`default value <default-val>` for value type the value type $unpack(zt) is defined.
@@ -25536,7 +25536,7 @@ Instr_ok/struct.get
   - the defined type C.TYPES[x] exists.
   - The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of C.TYPES[x] is the composite type (STRUCT yt*).
   - |yt*| is greater than i.
-  - the field type yt*[i] is (mut, zt).
+  - the field type yt*[i] is (mut zt).
   - the signedness sx? is ?() if and only if the storage type zt is $unpack(zt).
   - Let t be the value type $unpack(zt).
@@ -25545,38 +25545,38 @@ Instr_ok/struct.set
   - the defined type C.TYPES[x] exists.
   - The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of C.TYPES[x] is the composite type (STRUCT yt*).
   - |yt*| is greater than i.
-  - the field type yt*[i] is (?(MUT), zt).
+  - the field type yt*[i] is (?(MUT) zt).
   - Let t be the value type $unpack(zt).
 - the instruction (ARRAY.NEW x) is valid with the instruction type [t, I32] -> [(REF ?() (_IDX x))] if:
   - the defined type C.TYPES[x] exists.
-  - The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of C.TYPES[x] is the composite type (ARRAY (mut, zt)).
+  - The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of C.TYPES[x] is the composite type (ARRAY (mut zt)).
   - Let t be the value type $unpack(zt).
 - the instruction (ARRAY.NEW_DEFAULT x) is valid with the instruction type [I32] -> [(REF ?() (_IDX x))] if:
   - the defined type C.TYPES[x] exists.
-  - The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of C.TYPES[x] is the composite type (ARRAY (mut, zt)).
+  - The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of C.TYPES[x] is the composite type (ARRAY (mut zt)).
   - A :ref:`default value <default-val>` for value type the value type $unpack(zt) is defined.
 - the instruction (ARRAY.NEW_FIXED x n) is valid with the instruction type t^n -> [(REF ?() (_IDX x))] if:
   - the defined type C.TYPES[x] exists.
-  - The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of C.TYPES[x] is the composite type (ARRAY (mut, zt)).
+  - The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of C.TYPES[x] is the composite type (ARRAY (mut zt)).
   - Let t be the value type $unpack(zt).
 - the instruction (ARRAY.NEW_ELEM x y) is valid with the instruction type [I32, I32] -> [(REF ?() (_IDX x))] if:
   - the defined type C.TYPES[x] exists.
-  - The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of C.TYPES[x] is the composite type (ARRAY (mut, rt)).
+  - The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of C.TYPES[x] is the composite type (ARRAY (mut rt)).
   - the element type C.ELEMS[y] exists.
   - C.ELEMS[y] matches the reference type rt.
 - the instruction (ARRAY.NEW_DATA x y) is valid with the instruction type [I32, I32] -> [(REF ?() (_IDX x))] if:
   - the defined type C.TYPES[x] exists.
-  - The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of C.TYPES[x] is the composite type (ARRAY (mut, zt)).
+  - The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of C.TYPES[x] is the composite type (ARRAY (mut zt)).
   - $unpack(zt) is numtype or the value type $unpack(zt) is vectype.
   - the data type C.DATAS[y] exists.
   - C.DATAS[y] is OK.
@@ -25584,14 +25584,14 @@ Instr_ok/array.new_data
 - the instruction (ARRAY.GET sx? x) is valid with the instruction type [(REF ?(NULL) (_IDX x)), I32] -> [t] if:
   - the defined type C.TYPES[x] exists.
-  - The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of C.TYPES[x] is the composite type (ARRAY (mut, zt)).
+  - The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of C.TYPES[x] is the composite type (ARRAY (mut zt)).
   - the signedness sx? is ?() if and only if the storage type zt is $unpack(zt).
   - Let t be the value type $unpack(zt).
 - the instruction (ARRAY.SET x) is valid with the instruction type [(REF ?(NULL) (_IDX x)), I32, t] -> [] if:
   - the defined type C.TYPES[x] exists.
-  - The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of C.TYPES[x] is the composite type (ARRAY (?(MUT), zt)).
+  - The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of C.TYPES[x] is the composite type (ARRAY (?(MUT) zt)).
   - Let t be the value type $unpack(zt).
@@ -25600,28 +25600,28 @@ Instr_ok/array.len
 - the instruction (ARRAY.FILL x) is valid with the instruction type [(REF ?(NULL) (_IDX x)), I32, t, I32] -> [] if:
   - the defined type C.TYPES[x] exists.
-  - The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of C.TYPES[x] is the composite type (ARRAY (?(MUT), zt)).
+  - The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of C.TYPES[x] is the composite type (ARRAY (?(MUT) zt)).
   - Let t be the value type $unpack(zt).
 - the instruction (ARRAY.COPY x_1 x_2) is valid with the instruction type [(REF ?(NULL) (_IDX x_1)), I32, (REF ?(NULL) (_IDX x_2)), I32, I32] -> [] if:
   - the defined type C.TYPES[x_1] exists.
-  - The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of C.TYPES[x_1] is the composite type (ARRAY (?(MUT), zt_1)).
+  - The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of C.TYPES[x_1] is the composite type (ARRAY (?(MUT) zt_1)).
   - the defined type C.TYPES[x_2] exists.
-  - The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of C.TYPES[x_2] is the composite type (ARRAY (mut, zt_2)).
+  - The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of C.TYPES[x_2] is the composite type (ARRAY (mut zt_2)).
   - the storage type zt_2 matches the storage type zt_1.
 - the instruction (ARRAY.INIT_ELEM x y) is valid with the instruction type [(REF ?(NULL) (_IDX x)), I32, I32, I32] -> [] if:
   - the defined type C.TYPES[x] exists.
-  - The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of C.TYPES[x] is the composite type (ARRAY (?(MUT), zt)).
+  - The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of C.TYPES[x] is the composite type (ARRAY (?(MUT) zt)).
   - the element type C.ELEMS[y] exists.
   - C.ELEMS[y] matches the storage type zt.
 - the instruction (ARRAY.INIT_DATA x y) is valid with the instruction type [(REF ?(NULL) (_IDX x)), I32, I32, I32] -> [] if:
   - the defined type C.TYPES[x] exists.
-  - The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of C.TYPES[x] is the composite type (ARRAY (?(MUT), zt)).
+  - The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of C.TYPES[x] is the composite type (ARRAY (?(MUT) zt)).
   - $unpack(zt) is numtype or the value type $unpack(zt) is vectype.
   - the data type C.DATAS[y] exists.
   - C.DATAS[y] is OK.
@@ -25710,66 +25710,66 @@ Instr_ok/vcvtop
 - the instruction (LOCAL.GET x) is valid with the instruction type [] -> [t] if:
   - the local type C.LOCALS[x] exists.
-  - C.LOCALS[x] is (SET, t).
+  - C.LOCALS[x] is (SET t).
 - the instruction (LOCAL.SET x) is valid with the instruction type [t] ->_ [x] [] if:
   - the local type C.LOCALS[x] exists.
-  - C.LOCALS[x] is (init, t).
+  - C.LOCALS[x] is (init t).
 - the instruction (LOCAL.TEE x) is valid with the instruction type [t] ->_ [x] [t] if:
   - the local type C.LOCALS[x] exists.
-  - C.LOCALS[x] is (init, t).
+  - C.LOCALS[x] is (init t).
 - the instruction (GLOBAL.GET x) is valid with the instruction type [] -> [t] if:
   - the global type C.GLOBALS[x] exists.
-  - C.GLOBALS[x] is (mut, t).
+  - C.GLOBALS[x] is (mut t).
 - the instruction (GLOBAL.SET x) is valid with the instruction type [t] -> [] if:
   - the global type C.GLOBALS[x] exists.
-  - C.GLOBALS[x] is (?(MUT), t).
+  - C.GLOBALS[x] is (?(MUT) t).
 - the instruction (TABLE.GET x) is valid with the instruction type [at] -> [rt] if:
   - the table type C.TABLES[x] exists.
-  - C.TABLES[x] is (at, lim, rt).
+  - C.TABLES[x] is (at lim rt).
 - the instruction (TABLE.SET x) is valid with the instruction type [at, rt] -> [] if:
   - the table type C.TABLES[x] exists.
-  - C.TABLES[x] is (at, lim, rt).
+  - C.TABLES[x] is (at lim rt).
 - the instruction (TABLE.SIZE x) is valid with the instruction type [] -> [at] if:
   - the table type C.TABLES[x] exists.
-  - C.TABLES[x] is (at, lim, rt).
+  - C.TABLES[x] is (at lim rt).
 - the instruction (TABLE.GROW x) is valid with the instruction type [rt, at] -> [at] if:
   - the table type C.TABLES[x] exists.
-  - C.TABLES[x] is (at, lim, rt).
+  - C.TABLES[x] is (at lim rt).
 - the instruction (TABLE.FILL x) is valid with the instruction type [at, rt, at] -> [] if:
   - the table type C.TABLES[x] exists.
-  - C.TABLES[x] is (at, lim, rt).
+  - C.TABLES[x] is (at lim rt).
 - the instruction (TABLE.COPY x_1 x_2) is valid with the instruction type [at_1, at_2, t] -> [] if:
   - the table type C.TABLES[x_1] exists.
-  - C.TABLES[x_1] is (at_1, lim_1, rt_1).
+  - C.TABLES[x_1] is (at_1 lim_1 rt_1).
   - the table type C.TABLES[x_2] exists.
-  - C.TABLES[x_2] is (at_2, lim_2, rt_2).
+  - C.TABLES[x_2] is (at_2 lim_2 rt_2).
   - the reference type rt_2 matches the reference type rt_1.
   - Let t be the address type $minat(at_1, at_2).
 - the instruction (TABLE.INIT x y) is valid with the instruction type [at, I32, I32] -> [] if:
   - the table type C.TABLES[x] exists.
-  - C.TABLES[x] is (at, lim, rt_1).
+  - C.TABLES[x] is (at lim rt_1).
   - the element type C.ELEMS[y] exists.
   - C.ELEMS[y] is rt_2.
   - the reference type rt_2 matches the reference type rt_1.
@@ -25825,7 +25825,7 @@ Instr_ok/load
     - (2 ^ memarg.ALIGN) is less than or equal to ($size(nt) / 8).
   - Or:
     - nt_u1 is Inn.
-    - loadop_u1? is ?((M, sx)).
+    - loadop_u1? is ?((M sx)).
     - t_u1 is Inn.
     - (2 ^ memarg.ALIGN) is less than or equal to (M / 8).
@@ -25898,7 +25898,7 @@ Instr_ok/load-val
   - (2 ^ memarg.ALIGN) is less than or equal to ($size(nt) / 8).
-- the instruction (LOAD Inn ?((M, sx)) x memarg) is valid with the instruction type [at] -> [Inn] if:
+- the instruction (LOAD Inn ?((M sx)) x memarg) is valid with the instruction type [at] -> [Inn] if:
   - the memory type C.MEMS[x] exists.
   - C.MEMS[x] is at lim PAGE.
   - (2 ^ memarg.ALIGN) is less than or equal to (M / 8).
@@ -25953,8 +25953,8 @@ Instrs_ok
     - For all x_1 in x_1*:
       - the local type C.LOCALS[x_1] exists.
     - For all init in init* and t in t* and x_1 in x_1*:
-      - C.LOCALS[x_1] is (init, t).
-    - Under the context $with_locals(C, x_1*, (SET, t)*), the instruction sequence instr_2* is valid with the instruction type t_2* ->_ x_2* t_3*.
+      - C.LOCALS[x_1] is (init t).
+    - Under the context $with_locals(C, x_1*, (SET t)*), the instruction sequence instr_2* is valid with the instruction type t_2* ->_ x_2* t_3*.
   - Or:
     - instr_u1* is instr*.
     - instrtype_u1 is it'.
@@ -25978,8 +25978,8 @@ Instrs_ok/seq
   - For all x_1 in x_1*:
     - the local type C.LOCALS[x_1] exists.
   - For all init in init* and t in t* and x_1 in x_1*:
-    - C.LOCALS[x_1] is (init, t).
-  - Under the context $with_locals(C, x_1*, (SET, t)*), the instruction sequence instr_2* is valid with the instruction type t_2* ->_ x_2* t_3*.
+    - C.LOCALS[x_1] is (init t).
+  - Under the context $with_locals(C, x_1*, (SET t)*), the instruction sequence instr_2* is valid with the instruction type t_2* ->_ x_2* t_3*.
 - the instruction sequence instr* is valid with the instruction type it' if:
@@ -26025,7 +26025,7 @@ Instr_const
   - Or:
     - instr_u1 is (GLOBAL.GET x).
     - the global type C.GLOBALS[x] exists.
-    - C.GLOBALS[x] is (?(), t).
+    - C.GLOBALS[x] is (?() t).
   - Or:
     - instr_u1 is (BINOP Inn binop).
     - Inn is contained in [I32, I64].
@@ -26070,7 +26070,7 @@ Instr_const/extern.convert_any
 - the instruction (GLOBAL.GET x) is constant if:
   - the global type C.GLOBALS[x] exists.
-  - C.GLOBALS[x] is (?(), t).
+  - C.GLOBALS[x] is (?() t).
 - the instruction (BINOP Inn binop) is constant if:
@@ -26090,7 +26090,7 @@ Type_ok
   - Under the context C', the recursive type rectype is valid with (OK x).
-- the local (LOCAL t) is valid with the local type (init_u1, t) if:
+- the local (LOCAL t) is valid with the local type (init_u1 t) if:
   - Either:
     - the initialization status init_u1 is SET.
     - A :ref:`default value <default-val>` for value type the value type t is defined.
@@ -26099,11 +26099,11 @@ Local_ok
     - A :ref:`default value <default-val>` for value type t is not defined.
-- the local (LOCAL t) is valid with the local type (SET, t) if:
+- the local (LOCAL t) is valid with the local type (SET t) if:
   - A :ref:`default value <default-val>` for value type the value type t is defined.
-- the local (LOCAL t) is valid with the local type (UNSET, t) if:
+- the local (LOCAL t) is valid with the local type (UNSET t) if:
   - A :ref:`default value <default-val>` for value type the value type t is not defined.
@@ -26113,19 +26113,19 @@ Func_ok
   - |local*| is |lct*|.
   - For all lct in lct* and local in local*:
     - the local local is valid with the local type lct.
-  - Under the context C with .LOCALS appended by (SET, t_1)* :: lct* with .LABELS appended by [t_2*] with .RETURN appended by ?(t_2*), the expression expr is valid with the result type t_2*.
+  - Under the context C with .LOCALS appended by (SET t_1)* :: lct* with .LABELS appended by [t_2*] with .RETURN appended by ?(t_2*), the expression expr is valid with the result type t_2*.
 - the global (GLOBAL globaltype expr) is valid with the global type globaltype if:
   - the global type gt is valid.
-  - globaltype is (mut, t).
+  - globaltype is (mut t).
   - the expression expr is valid with the value type t.
   - expr is constant.
 - the table (TABLE tabletype expr) is valid with the table type tabletype if:
   - the table type tt is valid.
-  - tabletype is (at, lim, rt).
+  - tabletype is (at lim rt).
   - the expression expr is valid with the value type rt.
   - expr is constant.
@@ -26143,7 +26143,7 @@ Elemmode_ok
   - Either:
     - elemmode_u1 is (ACTIVE x expr).
     - the table type C.TABLES[x] exists.
-    - C.TABLES[x] is (at, lim, rt').
+    - C.TABLES[x] is (at lim rt').
     - rt matches the reference type rt'.
     - the expression expr is valid with the value type I32.
     - expr is constant.
@@ -26155,7 +26155,7 @@ Elemmode_ok
 - the element mode (ACTIVE x expr) is valid with the element type rt if:
   - the table type C.TABLES[x] exists.
-  - C.TABLES[x] is (at, lim, rt').
+  - C.TABLES[x] is (at lim rt').
   - rt matches the reference type rt'.
   - the expression expr is valid with the value type I32.
   - expr is constant.
@@ -26341,7 +26341,7 @@ Module_ok
   - $disjoint_(name, nm*) is true.
   - the context C is C' with .GLOBALS appended by gt* with .TABLES appended by tt_I* :: tt* with .MEMS appended by mt_I* :: mt* with .TAGS appended by jt_I* :: jt* with .ELEMS appended by rt* with .DATAS appended by ok*.
   - the context C' is { TYPES: dt'*; RECS: []; FUNCS: dt_I* :: dt*; GLOBALS: gt_I*; TABLES: []; MEMS: []; TAGS: []; ELEMS: []; DATAS: []; LOCALS: []; LABELS: []; RETURN: ?(); REFS: x*; }.
-  - the function index sequence x* is $funcidx_nonfuncs((global*, table*, mem*, elem*, data*)).
+  - the function index sequence x* is $funcidx_nonfuncs((global* table* mem* elem* data*)).
   - the defined type sequence dt_I* is $funcsxt(xt_I*).
   - the global type sequence gt_I* is $globalsxt(xt_I*).
   - the table type sequence tt_I* is $tablesxt(xt_I*).
@@ -26360,7 +26360,7 @@ NotationTypingInstrScheme
     - t_u1* is [].
     - t_u3* is [t].
     - the global type C.GLOBALS[x] exists.
-    - C.GLOBALS[x] is (mut, t).
+    - C.GLOBALS[x] is (mut t).
   - Or:
     - instr_u1 is (BLOCK blocktype instr*).
     - t_u1* is t_1*.
@@ -26375,7 +26375,7 @@ NotationTypingInstrScheme/i32.add
 - the instruction sequence [(GLOBAL.GET x)] is valid with the function type [] -> [t] if:
   - the global type C.GLOBALS[x] exists.
-  - C.GLOBALS[x] is (mut, t).
+  - C.GLOBALS[x] is (mut t).
 - the instruction sequence [(BLOCK blocktype instr*)] is valid with the function type t_1* -> t_2* if:
@@ -27060,7 +27060,7 @@ Step_read/struct.new_default x
 1. Let z be the current state.
 2. Assert: Due to validation, $expanddt($type(z, x)) is of the case STRUCT.
 3. Let (STRUCT structtype_0) be $expanddt($type(z, x)).
-4. Let (mut, zt)* be structtype_0.
+4. Let (mut zt)* be structtype_0.
 5. Assert: Due to validation, $default_($unpack(zt)) is defined*.
 6. Let ?(val)* be $default_($unpack(zt))*.
 7. Assert: Due to validation, (|val*| = |zt*|).
@@ -27078,7 +27078,7 @@ Step_read/struct.get sx? x i
   b. If ((i < |$structinst(z)[a].FIELDS|) /\ (a < |$structinst(z)|)), then:
     1) Assert: Due to validation, $expanddt($type(z, x)) is of the case STRUCT.
     2) Let (STRUCT structtype_0) be $expanddt($type(z, x)).
-    3) Let (mut, zt)* be structtype_0.
+    3) Let (mut zt)* be structtype_0.
     4) If (i < |zt*|), then:
       a) Push the value $unpackfield_(zt*[i], sx?, $structinst(z)[a].FIELDS[i]) to the stack.
@@ -27088,7 +27088,7 @@ Step_read/array.new_default x
 3. Pop the value (I32.CONST n) from the stack.
 4. Assert: Due to validation, $expanddt($type(z, x)) is of the case ARRAY.
 5. Let (ARRAY arraytype_0) be $expanddt($type(z, x)).
-6. Let (mut, zt) be arraytype_0.
+6. Let (mut zt) be arraytype_0.
 7. Assert: Due to validation, $default_($unpack(zt)) is defined.
 8. Let ?(val) be $default_($unpack(zt)).
 9. Push the values val^n to the stack.
@@ -27115,7 +27115,7 @@ Step_read/array.new_data x y
 5. Pop the value (I32.CONST i) from the stack.
 6. Assert: Due to validation, $expanddt($type(z, x)) is of the case ARRAY.
 7. Let (ARRAY arraytype_0) be $expanddt($type(z, x)).
-8. Let (mut, zt) be arraytype_0.
+8. Let (mut zt) be arraytype_0.
 9. If ((i + ((n * $zsize(zt)) / 8)) > |$data(z, y).BYTES|), then:
   a. Trap.
 10. Assert: Due to validation, (|$concatn__1^-1(byte, ($zsize(zt) / 8), $data(z, y).BYTES[i : ((n * $zsize(zt)) / 8)])| = n).
@@ -27139,7 +27139,7 @@ Step_read/array.get sx? x
   c. If ((i < |$arrayinst(z)[a].FIELDS|) /\ (a < |$arrayinst(z)|)), then:
     1) Assert: Due to validation, $expanddt($type(z, x)) is of the case ARRAY.
     2) Let (ARRAY arraytype_0) be $expanddt($type(z, x)).
-    3) Let (mut, zt) be arraytype_0.
+    3) Let (mut zt) be arraytype_0.
     4) Push the value $unpackfield_(zt, sx?, $arrayinst(z)[a].FIELDS[i]) to the stack.
@@ -27214,7 +27214,7 @@ Step_read/array.copy x_1 x_2
       a) Do nothing.
     6) Else if ((i_1 <= i_2) /\ $expanddt($type(z, x_2)) is of the case ARRAY), then:
       a) Let (ARRAY arraytype_0) be $expanddt($type(z, x_2)).
-      b) Let (mut, zt_2) be arraytype_0.
+      b) Let (mut zt_2) be arraytype_0.
       c) Let sx? be $sx(zt_2).
       d) Push the value (REF.ARRAY_ADDR a_1) to the stack.
       e) Push the value (I32.CONST i_1) to the stack.
@@ -27230,7 +27230,7 @@ Step_read/array.copy x_1 x_2
       o) Execute the instruction (ARRAY.COPY x_1 x_2).
     7) Else if $expanddt($type(z, x_2)) is of the case ARRAY, then:
       a) Let (ARRAY arraytype_0) be $expanddt($type(z, x_2)).
-      b) Let (mut, zt_2) be arraytype_0.
+      b) Let (mut zt_2) be arraytype_0.
       c) Let sx? be $sx(zt_2).
       d) Push the value (REF.ARRAY_ADDR a_1) to the stack.
       e) Push the value (I32.CONST ((i_1 + n) - 1)) to the stack.
@@ -27297,7 +27297,7 @@ Step_read/array.init_data x y
     1) Trap.
   c. If $expanddt($type(z, x)) is of the case ARRAY, then:
     1) Let (ARRAY arraytype_0) be $expanddt($type(z, x)).
-    2) Let (mut, zt) be arraytype_0.
+    2) Let (mut zt) be arraytype_0.
     3) If ((j + ((n * $zsize(zt)) / 8)) > |$data(z, y).BYTES|), then:
       a) Trap.
     4) If (n = 0), then:
@@ -27337,7 +27337,7 @@ Step_read/table.get x
 Step_read/table.size x
 1. Let z be the current state.
-2. Let (at, lim, rt) be $table(z, x).TYPE.
+2. Let (at lim rt) be $table(z, x).TYPE.
 3. Let n be |$table(z, x).REFS|.
 4. Push the value (at.CONST n) to the stack.
@@ -27430,13 +27430,13 @@ Step_read/load nt_u1 loadop_u1? x ao
 5. If the type of nt_u1 is Inn, then:
   a. If loadop_u1? is defined, then:
     1) Let ?(loadop__0) be loadop_u1?.
-    2) Let (n, sx) be loadop__0.
+    2) Let (n sx) be loadop__0.
     3) If (((i + ao.OFFSET) + (n / 8)) > |$mem(z, x).BYTES|), then:
       a) Trap.
   b. Let Inn be nt_u1.
   c. If loadop_u1? is defined, then:
     1) Let ?(loadop__0) be loadop_u1?.
-    2) Let (n, sx) be loadop__0.
+    2) Let (n sx) be loadop__0.
     3) Let c be $ibytes__1^-1(n, $mem(z, x).BYTES[(i + ao.OFFSET) : (n / 8)]).
     4) Push the value (Inn.CONST $extend__(n, $size(Inn), sx, c)) to the stack.
@@ -27539,14 +27539,14 @@ Step_read/memory.copy x_1 x_2
   a. If (i_1 <= i_2), then:
     1) Push the value (at_1.CONST i_1) to the stack.
     2) Push the value (at_2.CONST i_2) to the stack.
-    3) Execute the instruction (LOAD I32 ?((8, U)) x_2 $memarg0()).
+    3) Execute the instruction (LOAD I32 ?((8 U)) x_2 $memarg0()).
     4) Execute the instruction (STORE I32 ?(8) x_1 $memarg0()).
     5) Push the value (at_1.CONST (i_1 + 1)) to the stack.
     6) Push the value (at_2.CONST (i_2 + 1)) to the stack.
   b. Else:
     1) Push the value (at_1.CONST ((i_1 + n) - 1)) to the stack.
     2) Push the value (at_2.CONST ((i_2 + n) - 1)) to the stack.
-    3) Execute the instruction (LOAD I32 ?((8, U)) x_2 $memarg0()).
+    3) Execute the instruction (LOAD I32 ?((8 U)) x_2 $memarg0()).
     4) Execute the instruction (STORE I32 ?(8) x_1 $memarg0()).
     5) Push the value (at_1.CONST i_1) to the stack.
     6) Push the value (at_2.CONST i_2) to the stack.
@@ -27595,7 +27595,7 @@ Step/ x
 1. Let z be the current state.
 2. Assert: Due to validation, $expanddt($type(z, x)) is of the case STRUCT.
 3. Let (STRUCT structtype_0) be $expanddt($type(z, x)).
-4. Let (mut, zt)^n be structtype_0.
+4. Let (mut zt)^n be structtype_0.
 5. Let a be |$structinst(z)|.
 6. Assert: Due to validation, there are at least n values on the top of the stack.
 7. Pop the values val^n from the stack.
@@ -27615,7 +27615,7 @@ Step/struct.set x i
   a. Let (REF.STRUCT_ADDR a) be instr_u1.
   b. Assert: Due to validation, $expanddt($type(z, x)) is of the case STRUCT.
   c. Let (STRUCT structtype_0) be $expanddt($type(z, x)).
-  d. Let (mut, zt)* be structtype_0.
+  d. Let (mut zt)* be structtype_0.
   e. If (i < |zt*|), then:
     1) Perform $with_struct(z, a, i, $packfield_(zt*[i], val)).
@@ -27623,7 +27623,7 @@ Step/array.new_fixed x n
 1. Let z be the current state.
 2. Assert: Due to validation, $expanddt($type(z, x)) is of the case ARRAY.
 3. Let (ARRAY arraytype_0) be $expanddt($type(z, x)).
-4. Let (mut, zt) be arraytype_0.
+4. Let (mut zt) be arraytype_0.
 5. Let a be |$arrayinst(z)|.
 6. Assert: Due to validation, there are at least n values on the top of the stack.
 7. Pop the values val^n from the stack.
@@ -27647,7 +27647,7 @@ Step/array.set x
     1) Trap.
   c. Assert: Due to validation, $expanddt($type(z, x)) is of the case ARRAY.
   d. Let (ARRAY arraytype_0) be $expanddt($type(z, x)).
-  e. Let (mut, zt) be arraytype_0.
+  e. Let (mut zt) be arraytype_0.
   f. Perform $with_array(z, a, i, $packfield_(zt, val)).
 Step/local.set x
@@ -28187,8 +28187,8 @@ subst_storagetype zt_u1 tv* tu*
 3. Let pt be zt_u1.
 4. Return $subst_packtype(pt, tv*, tu*).
-subst_fieldtype (mut, zt) tv* tu*
-1. Return (mut, $subst_storagetype(zt, tv*, tu*)).
+subst_fieldtype (mut zt) tv* tu*
+1. Return (mut $subst_storagetype(zt, tv*, tu*)).
 subst_comptype ct_u1 tv* tu*
 1. If ct_u1 is of the case STRUCT, then:
@@ -28216,11 +28216,11 @@ subst_functype t_1* -> t_2* tv* tu*
 subst_addrtype at tv* tu*
 1. Return at.
-subst_globaltype (mut, t) tv* tu*
-1. Return (mut, $subst_valtype(t, tv*, tu*)).
+subst_globaltype (mut t) tv* tu*
+1. Return (mut $subst_valtype(t, tv*, tu*)).
-subst_tabletype (at, lim, rt) tv* tu*
-1. Return (at, lim, $subst_reftype(rt, tv*, tu*)).
+subst_tabletype (at lim rt) tv* tu*
+1. Return (at lim $subst_reftype(rt, tv*, tu*)).
 subst_memtype at lim PAGE tv* tu*
 1. Return at lim PAGE.
@@ -28445,7 +28445,7 @@ free_storagetype zt_u1
 3. Let packtype be zt_u1.
 4. Return $free_packtype(packtype).
-free_fieldtype (mut, storagetype)
+free_fieldtype (mut storagetype)
 1. Return $free_storagetype(storagetype).
 free_structtype fieldtype*
@@ -28477,10 +28477,10 @@ free_rectype (REC subtype*)
 free_deftype (DEF rectype n)
 1. Return $free_rectype(rectype).
-free_globaltype (mut, valtype)
+free_globaltype (mut valtype)
 1. Return $free_valtype(valtype).
-free_tabletype (addrtype, limits, reftype)
+free_tabletype (addrtype limits reftype)
 1. Return $free_addrtype(addrtype) ++ $free_reftype(reftype).
 free_memtype addrtype limits PAGE
@@ -28958,7 +28958,7 @@ default_ t_u1
 7. Assert: Due to validation, NULL_opt_0 is not defined.
 8. Return ?().
-funcidx_nonfuncs (global*, table*, mem*, elem*, data*)
+funcidx_nonfuncs (global* table* mem* elem* data*)
 1. Return $funcidx_module((MODULE [] [] [] global* table* mem* [] elem* data* ?() [])).
 relaxed2 i X X_1 X_2
@@ -29935,10 +29935,10 @@ add_exninst z exn*
 1. Append exn* to the s.EXNS.
 growtable tableinst n r
-1. Let { TYPE: (at, ([ i .. j ]), rt); REFS: r'*; } be tableinst.
+1. Let { TYPE: (at ([ i .. j ]) rt); REFS: r'*; } be tableinst.
 2. If ((|r'*| + n) <= j), then:
   a. Let i' be (|r'*| + n).
-  b. Let tableinst' be { TYPE: (at, ([ i' .. j ]), rt); REFS: r'* :: r^n; }.
+  b. Let tableinst' be { TYPE: (at ([ i' .. j ]) rt); REFS: r'* :: r^n; }.
   c. Return tableinst'.
 growmem meminst n
@@ -30008,8 +30008,8 @@ allocglobals s gt_u1* v_u1*
   e. Let ga'* be $allocglobals(s, globaltype'*, val'*).
   f. Return [ga] :: ga'*.
-alloctable s (at, ([ i .. j ]), rt) ref
-1. Let tableinst be { TYPE: (at, ([ i .. j ]), rt); REFS: ref^i; }.
+alloctable s (at ([ i .. j ]) rt) ref
+1. Let tableinst be { TYPE: (at ([ i .. j ]) rt); REFS: ref^i; }.
 2. Let a be |s.TABLES|.
 3. Append tableinst to the s.TABLES.
 4. Return a.

From b0037bd45c1c90a96d59e737ada6e57365fe712b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: 702fbtngus <>
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2025 14:58:41 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 04/12] Patch on frame, state, store - argument order of some
 functions (e.g. allocXs) are shown the same with spec definition - term
 "evaluation context" to "frame" or "handler" - frame pop and push fixed -
 wrong equality between states fixed (e.g. Let z be f) - removed unneccessary
 LetI(..., CurFrameE) - unpack wrong state parameters for some functions (e.g.
 with_elem z x ... -> with_elem (s,f) x ...) - store and state are passed in
 pointer style

 spectec/src/backend-prose/         |   87 --
 spectec/src/backend-prose/       |    8 +-
 spectec/src/backend-prose/  |   14 +
 spectec/src/backend-prose/prose_util.mli |    1 +
 spectec/src/backend-prose/      |    8 +-
 spectec/src/exe-watsup/           |    5 +-
 spectec/src/il2al/           |    3 +-
 spectec/src/il2al/translate.mli          |    2 +-
 spectec/src/il2al/           |  202 ++--
 spectec/src/il2al/transpile.mli          |    1 +
 spectec/test-prose/               | 1129 +++++++++-------------
 11 files changed, 636 insertions(+), 824 deletions(-)

diff --git a/spectec/src/backend-prose/ b/spectec/src/backend-prose/
index a032d9ea67..372467fd98 100644
--- a/spectec/src/backend-prose/
+++ b/spectec/src/backend-prose/
@@ -555,34 +555,6 @@ let postprocess_prose defs =
 let gen_validation_prose () =
   !Langs.validation_il |> prose_of_rels
-let get_state_arg_opt f =
-  let id = f $ no_region in
-  match Il.Env.find_opt_def (Il.Env.env_of_script ! id with
-  | Some (params, _, _) ->
-    List.find_map (
-      fun param ->
-        match with
-        | Il.Ast.ExpP (id, ({ it = VarT ({ it = "state"; _ }, _); _ } as typ)) ->
-          Some (Al.Ast.ExpA ((Al.Ast.VarE "z") $$ % typ) $ no_region)
-        | _ -> None
-    ) params
-  | None -> 
-    None
-let get_store_arg_opt f =
-  let id = f $ no_region in
-  match Il.Env.find_opt_def (Il.Env.env_of_script ! id with
-  | Some (params, _, _) ->
-    List.find_map (
-      fun param ->
-        match with
-        | Il.Ast.ExpP (id, ({ it = VarT ({ it = "store"; _ }, _); _ } as typ)) ->
-          Some (Al.Ast.ExpA ((Al.Ast.VarE "s") $$ % typ) $ no_region)
-        | _ -> None
-    ) params
-  | None -> 
-    None
 let insert_state_binding algo =
   let open Al.Ast in
   let z_binding = ref 0 in
@@ -625,71 +597,12 @@ let insert_state_binding algo =
   else algo
-let recover_state algo =
-  let get_state_and_store_args name =
-    let args = [] in
-    let args = 
-      match get_state_arg_opt name with
-      | Some arg -> arg :: args
-      | _ -> args
-    in
-    let args = 
-      match get_store_arg_opt name with
-      | Some arg -> arg :: args
-      | _ -> args
-    in
-    args
-  in
-  let algo =
-    match with
-    | Al.Ast.RuleA _ -> algo
-    | Al.Ast.FuncA (name, args, instrs) ->
-      let args = get_state_and_store_args name @ args in
-      {algo with it = Al.Ast.FuncA (name, args, instrs)}
-  in
-  let recover_state_expr expr =
-    match with
-    | Al.Ast.CallE (f, args) ->
-      let args = get_state_and_store_args f @ args in
-      {expr with it = Al.Ast.CallE (f, args)}
-    | _ -> expr
-  in
-  let recover_state_instr instr =
-    match with
-    | Al.Ast.PerformI (f, args) ->
-      let args = get_state_and_store_args f @ args in
-      [{instr with it = Al.Ast.PerformI (f, args)}]
-    | _ -> [instr]
-  in
-  let walk_expr walker expr =
-    let expr1 = recover_state_expr expr in
-    Al.Walk.base_walker.walk_expr walker expr1
-  in
-  let walk_instr walker instr =
-    let instr1 = recover_state_instr instr in
-    List.concat_map (Al.Walk.base_walker.walk_instr walker) instr1
-  in
-  let walker = { Al.Walk.base_walker with
-    walk_expr = walk_expr;
-    walk_instr = walk_instr;
-  }
-  in
-  let algo' = walker.walk_algo walker algo in
-  algo'
 (** Entry for generating execution prose **)
 let gen_execution_prose () =
     (fun algo ->
       let algo =
-        |> recover_state
         |> insert_state_binding
         |> Il2al.Transpile.remove_exit
         |> Il2al.Transpile.remove_enter
diff --git a/spectec/src/backend-prose/ b/spectec/src/backend-prose/
index 9ef7e59cb1..032fdc318e 100644
--- a/spectec/src/backend-prose/
+++ b/spectec/src/backend-prose/
@@ -234,13 +234,7 @@ let make_index depth =
   | _ -> assert false
 (* Prefix for stack push/pop operations *)
-let string_of_stack_prefix expr =
-  match with
-  | GetCurContextE _
-  | VarE ("F" | "L") -> ""
-  | _ when Il.Eq.eq_typ expr.note Al.Al_util.evalctxT -> "the evaluation context "
-  | IterE _ -> "the values "
-  | _ -> "the value "
+let string_of_stack_prefix = Prose_util.string_of_stack_prefix
 let rec string_of_instr' depth instr =
diff --git a/spectec/src/backend-prose/ b/spectec/src/backend-prose/
index 1a2b1e83cf..d5c3e27933 100644
--- a/spectec/src/backend-prose/
+++ b/spectec/src/backend-prose/
@@ -63,3 +63,17 @@ let apply_prose_hint hint args =
   let holes, template = split_prose_hint hint in
   let args = (fun hole -> List.nth args (hole_to_int hole - 1)) holes in
   alternate template args |> String.concat ""
+let string_of_stack_prefix expr =
+  let open Al.Ast in
+  match with
+  | GetCurContextE _
+  | VarE ("F" | "L") -> ""
+  | _ when Il.Eq.eq_typ expr.note Al.Al_util.frameT -> "the frame "
+  | CaseE (mixop, _) when Il.Eq.eq_typ expr.note Al.Al_util.evalctxT ->
+    let evalctx_name = (List.nth mixop 0)
+    |> fun s -> String.sub s 0 (String.length s - 1)
+    |> String.lowercase_ascii in
+    Printf.sprintf "the %s " evalctx_name
+  | IterE _ -> "the values "
+  | _ -> "the value "
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/spectec/src/backend-prose/prose_util.mli b/spectec/src/backend-prose/prose_util.mli
index 0285ea6ac2..944f2e97d9 100644
--- a/spectec/src/backend-prose/prose_util.mli
+++ b/spectec/src/backend-prose/prose_util.mli
@@ -2,3 +2,4 @@ val find_relation : string -> El.Ast.def option
 val extract_desc : Il.Ast.typ -> string
 val alternate : 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list
 val apply_prose_hint : string -> string list -> string
+val string_of_stack_prefix : Al.Ast.expr -> string
diff --git a/spectec/src/backend-prose/ b/spectec/src/backend-prose/
index 3ba8948b4e..64d806ba8a 100644
--- a/spectec/src/backend-prose/
+++ b/spectec/src/backend-prose/
@@ -790,13 +790,7 @@ and render_stmts env depth stmts =
 (* Instructions *)
 (* Prefix for stack push/pop operations *)
-let render_stack_prefix expr =
-  match with
-  | Al.Ast.GetCurContextE _
-  | Al.Ast.VarE ("F" | "L") -> ""
-  | _ when Il.Eq.eq_typ expr.note Al.Al_util.evalctxT -> "the evaluation context "
-  | Al.Ast.IterE _ -> "the values "
-  | _ -> "the value "
+let render_stack_prefix = Prose_util.string_of_stack_prefix
 let rec render_instr env algoname index depth instr =
   match with
diff --git a/spectec/src/exe-watsup/ b/spectec/src/exe-watsup/
index 98c19197d4..7ded18ffcf 100644
--- a/spectec/src/exe-watsup/
+++ b/spectec/src/exe-watsup/
@@ -201,7 +201,10 @@ let () =
       if not (!print_al || !print_al_o <> "") && (!target = Check || !target = Latex) then []
       else (
         log "Translating to AL...";
-        (Il2al.Translate.translate il @ Il2al.Manual.manual_algos)
+        let interp = match !target with
+        | Interpreter _ -> true
+        | _ -> false in
+        Il2al.Translate.translate il interp @ Il2al.Manual.manual_algos
diff --git a/spectec/src/il2al/ b/spectec/src/il2al/
index 6d93b31116..f6b5e7cb1d 100644
--- a/spectec/src/il2al/
+++ b/spectec/src/il2al/
@@ -1203,7 +1203,8 @@ and translate_rgroup (rule: rule_def) =
 (* Entry *)
-let translate il =
+let translate il interp =
+  Transpile.for_interp := interp;
   let rules, helpers = Preprocess.preprocess il in
   let al = translate_rgroup rules @ translate_helper helpers
diff --git a/spectec/src/il2al/translate.mli b/spectec/src/il2al/translate.mli
index af6f1db6ce..1314e473e1 100644
--- a/spectec/src/il2al/translate.mli
+++ b/spectec/src/il2al/translate.mli
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 val translate_exp : Il.Ast.exp -> Al.Ast.expr
 val translate_argexp : Il.Ast.exp -> Al.Ast.expr list
-val translate : Il.Ast.script -> Al.Ast.algorithm list
+val translate : Il.Ast.script -> bool -> Al.Ast.algorithm list
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/spectec/src/il2al/ b/spectec/src/il2al/
index c029c03ca1..d21d22cd44 100644
--- a/spectec/src/il2al/
+++ b/spectec/src/il2al/
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ open Util.Source
 open Util.Record
 open Xl
+let for_interp = ref false
 (* Helpers *)
@@ -603,9 +604,12 @@ let is_state_arg arg = match with
   | DefA _ -> false
 let hide_state_args args =
-  args
-  |> Lib.List.filter_not is_state_arg
-  |> Lib.List.filter_not is_store_arg
+  if !for_interp then
+    args
+    |> Lib.List.filter_not is_state_arg
+    |> Lib.List.filter_not is_store_arg
+  else
+    args
 let is_state_param param = match with
   | Il.Ast.ExpP (_, ({ it = VarT ({ it = "state"; _ }, _); _ })) -> true
@@ -616,14 +620,27 @@ let hide_state_params params =
   |> Lib.List.filter_not is_state_param
 let hide_state_expr expr =
-  let expr' =
-    match with
-    | CallE (f, args) -> CallE (f, hide_state_args args)
-    | TupE [ s; e ] when is_store s ->
-    | TupE [ z; e ] when is_state z ->
-    | e -> e
-  in
-  { expr with it = expr' }
+  if !for_interp then
+    let expr' =
+      match with
+      | CallE (f, args) -> CallE (f, hide_state_args args)
+      | TupE [ s; e ] when is_store s ->
+      | TupE [ z; e ] when is_state z ->
+      | e -> e
+    in
+    { expr with it = expr' }
+  else
+    let expr' =
+      match with
+      | CallE (f, args) -> CallE (f, hide_state_args args)
+      | TupE [ _s; f ] when is_frame expr ->
+      | TupE [ s; e ] when is_store s && not (is_frame e) ->
+      | TupE [ z; e ] when is_state z ->
+      | VarE _ when is_store expr -> VarE "s"
+      | VarE "z'" when is_state expr -> VarE "z"
+      | e -> e
+    in
+    { expr with it = expr' }
 let hide_state instr =
   let at = in
@@ -683,41 +700,65 @@ let hide_state instr =
   | _ -> [ instr ]
 let remove_state algo =
-  let il_env = Al.Valid.il_env in
-  let defs = (function
-    | (params, typ, clauses) -> (hide_state_params params, typ, clauses)
-  ) !il_env.defs in
-  il_env := { !il_env with defs };
-  let walk_expr walker expr = 
-    let expr1 = hide_state_expr expr in
-    Al.Walk.base_walker.walk_expr walker expr1
-  in
-  let walk_instr walker instr = 
-    let instr1 = hide_state instr in
-    List.concat_map (Al.Walk.base_walker.walk_instr walker) instr1
-  in
-  let walker = { Walk.base_walker with
-    walk_expr = walk_expr;
-    walk_instr = walk_instr;
-  }
-  in
-  let algo' = walker.walk_algo walker algo in
-  { algo' with it =
-    match algo'.it with
-    | FuncA (name, args, body) ->
-      let args' =
-        args
-        |> Lib.List.filter_not is_state_arg
-        |> Lib.List.filter_not is_store_arg
-        |> Lib.List.filter_not is_frame_arg
-      in
-      let body' = body
-        |> remove_dead_assignment
-      in
-      FuncA (name, args', body')
-    | rule -> rule
-  }
+  if !for_interp then (
+    let il_env = Al.Valid.il_env in
+    let defs = (function
+      | (params, typ, clauses) -> (hide_state_params params, typ, clauses)
+    ) !il_env.defs in
+    il_env := { !il_env with defs };
+    let walk_expr walker expr = 
+      let expr1 = hide_state_expr expr in
+      Al.Walk.base_walker.walk_expr walker expr1
+    in
+    let walk_instr walker instr = 
+      let instr1 = hide_state instr in
+      List.concat_map (Al.Walk.base_walker.walk_instr walker) instr1
+    in
+    let walker = { Walk.base_walker with
+      walk_expr = walk_expr;
+      walk_instr = walk_instr;
+    }
+    in
+    let algo' = walker.walk_algo walker algo in
+    { algo' with it =
+      match algo'.it with
+      | FuncA (name, args, body) ->
+        let args' =
+          args
+          |> Lib.List.filter_not is_state_arg
+          |> Lib.List.filter_not is_store_arg
+          |> Lib.List.filter_not is_frame_arg
+        in
+        let body' = body
+          |> remove_dead_assignment
+        in
+        FuncA (name, args', body')
+      | rule -> rule
+    }
+  ) else (
+    let walk_expr walker expr = 
+      let expr1 = hide_state_expr expr in
+      Al.Walk.base_walker.walk_expr walker expr1
+    in
+    let walk_instr walker instr = 
+      let instr1 = hide_state instr in
+      List.concat_map (Al.Walk.base_walker.walk_instr walker) instr1
+    in
+    let walker = { Walk.base_walker with
+      walk_expr = walk_expr;
+      walk_instr = walk_instr;
+    }
+    in
+    { algo with it =
+      match with
+      | FuncA (name, args, body) ->
+        FuncA (name, args, body
+        |> List.concat_map (walker.walk_instr walker)
+        |> remove_dead_assignment)
+      | rule -> rule
+    }
+  )
 (* Insert "Let f be the current frame" if necessary. *)
 let insert_frame_binding instrs =
@@ -845,43 +886,58 @@ let handle_framed_algo a instrs =
   let instr_tl = List.concat_map (walker.walk_instr walker) instrs in
-  if !frame_appeared then instr_hd :: instr_tl else instr_tl
+  if !for_interp && !frame_appeared then instr_hd :: instr_tl else instr_tl
 (* Case 2 *)
 let handle_unframed_algo instrs =
   (* Helpers *)
   let frame_arg = ref None in
   let extract_frame_arg expr =
-    match with
-    | CallE (_, args) ->
-      List.iter (fun a ->
-        if (is_frame_arg a || is_state_arg a) then frame_arg := Some a
-      ) args;
-      expr
-    | _ ->
-      expr
+  match with
+  | CallE (_, args) ->
+    List.iter (fun a ->
+      if (is_frame_arg a || is_state_arg a) then frame_arg := Some a
+    ) args;
+    expr
+  | _ ->
+    expr
+  in
+  let rec returned_frame e = match with
+    | TupE [f'; _] -> Some f'
+    | IterE (e, _) -> returned_frame e
+    | _ -> None
+  in
+  let postprocess_frame f = if !for_interp then f else match with
+    | VarE "z" -> { f with it = CallE ("frame", [ExpA f $]) }
+    | VarE "z'" -> { f with it = VarE "f'" }
+    | _ -> f
   let post_instr instr =
     let ret =
-      match !frame_arg with
-      | Some { it = ExpA f; _ } ->
-        let zeroE = natE ~note:natT in
-        let frame = frameE (zeroE, f) ~note:evalctxT in
-        let frame' =
-          match with
-          (* HARDCODE: the frame-passing-style *)
-          | LetI ( { it = TupE [f'; _]; _ }, _) ->
-            frameE (zeroE, f') ~at:f'.at ~note:evalctxT
-          | _ ->
-            frameE (zeroE, varE "_f" ~note:f.note) ~note:evalctxT
-        in
-        [
-          pushI frame;
-          instr;
-          popI frame' ~at:frame'.at;
-        ]
-      | _ -> [ instr ]
+    match !frame_arg with
+    | Some { it = ExpA f; _ } ->
+      let zeroE = natE ~note:natT in
+      let frame = frameE (zeroE, postprocess_frame f) ~note:evalctxT in
+      let _f = frameE (zeroE, varE "_f" ~note:f.note) ~note:evalctxT in
+      let frame' =
+        match with
+        (* HARDCODE: the frame-passing-style *)
+        | LetI (e, _) -> (match returned_frame e with
+          | Some f' ->
+              frameE (zeroE, postprocess_frame f') ~at:f'.at ~note:evalctxT
+          | None -> _f
+        )
+        | _ -> _f
+      in
+      [
+        pushI frame;
+        instr;
+        popI frame' ~at:frame'.at;
+      ]
+    | _ -> [ instr ]
     frame_arg := None;
diff --git a/spectec/src/il2al/transpile.mli b/spectec/src/il2al/transpile.mli
index a9f0eafddf..0b67f00e7d 100644
--- a/spectec/src/il2al/transpile.mli
+++ b/spectec/src/il2al/transpile.mli
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 open Al.Ast
+val for_interp : bool ref
 val insert_nop : instr list -> instr list
 val merge_blocks : instr list list -> instr list
 val push_either :instr -> instr list
diff --git a/spectec/test-prose/ b/spectec/test-prose/
index 21d28d7aab..e867998d4f 100644
--- a/spectec/test-prose/
+++ b/spectec/test-prose/
@@ -1337,7 +1337,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. Let :math:`f` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{locals}~{{\mathit{val}}^{k}}~{{{\mathrm{default}}}_{t}^\ast},\; \mathsf{module}~{\mathit{mm}} \}\end{array}`.
-#. Push the evaluation context :math:`({{\mathsf{frame}}_{n}}{\{}~f~\})` to the stack.
+#. Push the frame :math:`({{\mathsf{frame}}_{n}}{\{}~f~\})` to the stack.
 #. Enter :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` with label :math:`({{\mathsf{label}}_{n}}{\{}~\epsilon~\})`.
@@ -2225,174 +2225,144 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{mems}}({{\mathit{xv}}^\ast})`.
+:math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{store}`
 1. Return.
-1. Let :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{}\,\{~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
+:math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{frame}`
-#. Return :math:`f`.
+1. Return :math:`f`.
+:math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{funcs}`
-1. Let :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{}\,\{~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
-#. Return :math:`f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{funcs}`.
+1. Return :math:`f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{funcs}`.
+:math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{funcs}`
 1. Return :math:`s{.}\mathsf{funcs}`.
+:math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{globals}`
 1. Return :math:`s{.}\mathsf{globals}`.
+:math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{tables}`
 1. Return :math:`s{.}\mathsf{tables}`.
+:math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{mems}`
 1. Return :math:`s{.}\mathsf{mems}`.
-1. Let :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{}\,\{~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
-#. Return :math:`f{.}\mathsf{module}`.
-1. Let :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{}\,\{~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
-#. Return :math:`f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]`.
-1. Let :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{}\,\{~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
+:math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{module}`
-#. Return :math:`s{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]]`.
+1. Return :math:`f{.}\mathsf{module}`.
+:math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]`
-1. Let :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{}\,\{~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
-#. Return :math:`s{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]]`.
+1. Return :math:`f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]`.
+:math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]`
-1. Let :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{}\,\{~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
+1. Return :math:`s{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]]`.
-#. Return :math:`s{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]]`.
+:math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]`
+1. Return :math:`s{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]]`.
-1. Let :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{}\,\{~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
-#. Return :math:`s{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]]`.
+:math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]`
+1. Return :math:`s{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]]`.
-1. Let :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{}\,\{~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
+:math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]`
-#. Return :math:`f{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]`.
+1. Return :math:`s{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]]`.
-:math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x] = v]`
+:math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]`
-1. Let :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{}\,\{~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
-#. Replace :math:`f{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` with :math:`v`.
+1. Return :math:`f{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]`.
-:math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{value} = v]`
+:math:`(s, f){}[{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x] = v]`
-1. Let :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{}\,\{~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
+1. Replace :math:`f{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` with :math:`v`.
-#. Replace :math:`s{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]]{.}\mathsf{value}` with :math:`v`.
+:math:`(s, f){}[{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{value} = v]`
-:math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{refs}{}[i] = a]`
+1. Replace :math:`s{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]]{.}\mathsf{value}` with :math:`v`.
-1. Let :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{}\,\{~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
-#. Replace :math:`s{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]]{.}\mathsf{refs}{}[i]` with :math:`a`.
+:math:`(s, f){}[{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{refs}{}[i] = a]`
-:math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x] = {\mathit{ti}}]`
+1. Replace :math:`s{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]]{.}\mathsf{refs}{}[i]` with :math:`a`.
-1. Let :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{}\,\{~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
-#. Replace :math:`s{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]]` with :math:`{\mathit{ti}}`.
+:math:`(s, f){}[{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x] = {\mathit{ti}}]`
-:math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i : j] = {b^\ast}]`
+1. Replace :math:`s{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]]` with :math:`{\mathit{ti}}`.
-1. Let :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{}\,\{~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
+:math:`(s, f){}[{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i : j] = {b^\ast}]`
-#. Replace :math:`s{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i : j]` with :math:`{b^\ast}`.
+1. Replace :math:`s{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i : j]` with :math:`{b^\ast}`.
-:math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x] = {\mathit{mi}}]`
+:math:`(s, f){}[{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x] = {\mathit{mi}}]`
-1. Let :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{}\,\{~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
-#. Replace :math:`s{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]]` with :math:`{\mathit{mi}}`.
+1. Replace :math:`s{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]]` with :math:`{\mathit{mi}}`.
 :math:`{\mathrm{growtable}}({\mathit{ti}}, n)`
@@ -2813,25 +2783,25 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. Let :math:`f_{\mathit{init}}` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{module}~{\mathit{moduleinst}}_{\mathit{init}} \}\end{array}`.
-#. Let :math:`z` be :math:`f_{\mathit{init}}`.
+#. Let :math:`z` be :math:`(s, f_{\mathit{init}})`.
-#. Push the evaluation context :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z~\})` to the stack.
+#. Push the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z{.}\mathsf{frame}~\})` to the stack.
-#. Let :math:`{(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i_{\mathsf{d}})^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{eval}}_{\mathit{expr}}({\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{d}})^\ast}`.
+#. Let :math:`{(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i_{\mathsf{d}})^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{eval}}_{\mathit{expr}}(z, {\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{d}})^\ast}`.
-#. Pop the evaluation context :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~f~\})` from the stack.
+#. Pop the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z{.}\mathsf{frame}~\})` from the stack.
-#. Push the evaluation context :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z~\})` to the stack.
+#. Push the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z{.}\mathsf{frame}~\})` to the stack.
-#. Let :math:`{(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i_{\mathsf{e}})^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{eval}}_{\mathit{expr}}({\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{e}})^\ast}`.
+#. Let :math:`{(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i_{\mathsf{e}})^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{eval}}_{\mathit{expr}}(z, {\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{e}})^\ast}`.
-#. Pop the evaluation context :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~f~\})` from the stack.
+#. Pop the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z{.}\mathsf{frame}~\})` from the stack.
-#. Push the evaluation context :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z~\})` to the stack.
+#. Push the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z{.}\mathsf{frame}~\})` to the stack.
-#. Let :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{eval}}_{\mathit{expr}}({\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{g}})^\ast}`.
+#. Let :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{eval}}_{\mathit{expr}}(z, {\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{g}})^\ast}`.
-#. Pop the evaluation context :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~f~\})` from the stack.
+#. Pop the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z{.}\mathsf{frame}~\})` from the stack.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{moduleinst}}` be :math:`{\mathrm{allocmodule}}(s, {\mathit{module}}, {{\mathit{externaddr}}^\ast}, {{\mathit{val}}^\ast})`.
@@ -2841,11 +2811,11 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. Perform :math:`{\mathrm{initdata}}(s, {\mathit{moduleinst}}, {i_{\mathsf{d}}^\ast}, {{b^\ast}^\ast})`.
-#. Push the evaluation context :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~f~\})` to the stack.
+#. Push the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~f~\})` to the stack.
 #. Execute the sequence :math:`{(\mathsf{call}~{x'})^?}`.
-#. Pop the evaluation context :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~f~\})` from the stack.
+#. Pop the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~f~\})` from the stack.
 #. Return :math:`f{.}\mathsf{module}`.
@@ -2856,15 +2826,15 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. Let :math:`f` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{module}~\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{types}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{funcs}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{globals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{tables}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{mems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{exports}~\epsilon \}\end{array} \}\end{array}`.
-#. Push the evaluation context :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~f~\})` to the stack.
+#. Push the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~(s, f)~\})` to the stack.
-#. Let :math:`{t_1^{n}}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}` be :math:`z{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[{\mathit{fa}}]{.}\mathsf{type}`.
+#. Let :math:`{t_1^{n}}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}` be :math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[{\mathit{fa}}]{.}\mathsf{type}`.
-#. Pop the evaluation context :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~f~\})` from the stack.
+#. Pop the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~f~\})` from the stack.
 #. Let :math:`k` be :math:`{|{t_2^\ast}|}`.
-#. Push the evaluation context :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{k}\,\{~f~\})` to the stack.
+#. Push the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{k}\,\{~f~\})` to the stack.
 #. Push the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^{n}}` to the stack.
@@ -2872,7 +2842,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. Pop all values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` from the top of the stack.
-#. Pop the evaluation context :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{k}\,\{~f~\})` from the stack.
+#. Pop the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{k}\,\{~f~\})` from the stack.
 #. Push the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` to the stack.
@@ -3561,7 +3531,7 @@ Step_read/call_addr a
 8. Assert: Due to validation, there are at least k values on the top of the stack.
 9. Pop the values val^k from the stack.
 10. Let f be { LOCALS: val^k :: $default_(t)*; MODULE: mm; }.
-11. Push the evaluation context (FRAME_ n { f }) to the stack.
+11. Push the frame (FRAME_ n { f }) to the stack.
 12. Enter instr* with label (LABEL_ n { [] }).
 Step_read/local.get x
@@ -3985,80 +3955,65 @@ memsxa xv_u1*
 4. Let [externaddr] :: xv* be xv_u1*.
 5. Return $memsxa(xv*).
-store z
+store (s, f)
 1. Return.
-frame z
-1. Let (FRAME_ _ { f }) be the current FRAME_ context.
-2. Return f.
+frame (s, f)
+1. Return f.
-funcaddr z
-1. Let (FRAME_ _ { f }) be the current FRAME_ context.
-2. Return f.MODULE.FUNCS.
+funcaddr (s, f)
+1. Return f.MODULE.FUNCS.
-funcinst z
+funcinst (s, f)
 1. Return s.FUNCS.
-globalinst z
+globalinst (s, f)
 1. Return s.GLOBALS.
-tableinst z
+tableinst (s, f)
 1. Return s.TABLES.
-meminst z
+meminst (s, f)
 1. Return s.MEMS.
-moduleinst z
-1. Let (FRAME_ _ { f }) be the current FRAME_ context.
-2. Return f.MODULE.
+moduleinst (s, f)
+1. Return f.MODULE.
-type z x
-1. Let (FRAME_ _ { f }) be the current FRAME_ context.
-2. Return f.MODULE.TYPES[x].
+type (s, f) x
+1. Return f.MODULE.TYPES[x].
-func z x
-1. Let (FRAME_ _ { f }) be the current FRAME_ context.
-2. Return s.FUNCS[f.MODULE.FUNCS[x]].
+func (s, f) x
+1. Return s.FUNCS[f.MODULE.FUNCS[x]].
-global z x
-1. Let (FRAME_ _ { f }) be the current FRAME_ context.
-2. Return s.GLOBALS[f.MODULE.GLOBALS[x]].
+global (s, f) x
+1. Return s.GLOBALS[f.MODULE.GLOBALS[x]].
-table z x
-1. Let (FRAME_ _ { f }) be the current FRAME_ context.
-2. Return s.TABLES[f.MODULE.TABLES[x]].
+table (s, f) x
+1. Return s.TABLES[f.MODULE.TABLES[x]].
-mem z x
-1. Let (FRAME_ _ { f }) be the current FRAME_ context.
-2. Return s.MEMS[f.MODULE.MEMS[x]].
+mem (s, f) x
+1. Return s.MEMS[f.MODULE.MEMS[x]].
-local z x
-1. Let (FRAME_ _ { f }) be the current FRAME_ context.
-2. Return f.LOCALS[x].
+local (s, f) x
+1. Return f.LOCALS[x].
-with_local z x v
-1. Let (FRAME_ _ { f }) be the current FRAME_ context.
-2. Replace f.LOCALS[x] with v.
+with_local (s, f) x v
+1. Replace f.LOCALS[x] with v.
-with_global z x v
-1. Let (FRAME_ _ { f }) be the current FRAME_ context.
-2. Replace s.GLOBALS[f.MODULE.GLOBALS[x]].VALUE with v.
+with_global (s, f) x v
+1. Replace s.GLOBALS[f.MODULE.GLOBALS[x]].VALUE with v.
-with_table z x i a
-1. Let (FRAME_ _ { f }) be the current FRAME_ context.
-2. Replace s.TABLES[f.MODULE.TABLES[x]].REFS[i] with ?(a).
+with_table (s, f) x i a
+1. Replace s.TABLES[f.MODULE.TABLES[x]].REFS[i] with ?(a).
-with_tableinst z x ti
-1. Let (FRAME_ _ { f }) be the current FRAME_ context.
-2. Replace s.TABLES[f.MODULE.TABLES[x]] with ti.
+with_tableinst (s, f) x ti
+1. Replace s.TABLES[f.MODULE.TABLES[x]] with ti.
-with_mem z x i j b*
-1. Let (FRAME_ _ { f }) be the current FRAME_ context.
-2. Replace s.MEMS[f.MODULE.MEMS[x]].BYTES[i : j] with b*.
+with_mem (s, f) x i j b*
+1. Replace s.MEMS[f.MODULE.MEMS[x]].BYTES[i : j] with b*.
-with_meminst z x mi
-1. Let (FRAME_ _ { f }) be the current FRAME_ context.
-2. Replace s.MEMS[f.MODULE.MEMS[x]] with mi.
+with_meminst (s, f) x mi
+1. Replace s.MEMS[f.MODULE.MEMS[x]] with mi.
 growtable ti n
 1. Let { TYPE: ([ i .. j ]); REFS: ?(a)*; } be ti.
@@ -4259,36 +4214,36 @@ instantiate s module externaddr*
 13. Let (GLOBAL globaltype expr_G)* be global*.
 14. Let moduleinst_init be { TYPES: functype*; FUNCS: $funcs(externaddr*) :: (|s.FUNCS| + i_F)^(i_F<n_F); GLOBALS: $globals(externaddr*); TABLES: []; MEMS: []; EXPORTS: []; }.
 15. Let f_init be { LOCALS: []; MODULE: moduleinst_init; }.
-16. Let z be f_init.
-17. Push the evaluation context (FRAME_ 0 { z }) to the stack.
-18. Let [(I32.CONST i_D)]* be $eval_expr(expr_D)*.
-19. Pop the evaluation context (FRAME_ 0 { _f }) from the stack.
-20. Push the evaluation context (FRAME_ 0 { z }) to the stack.
-21. Let [(I32.CONST i_E)]* be $eval_expr(expr_E)*.
-22. Pop the evaluation context (FRAME_ 0 { _f }) from the stack.
-23. Push the evaluation context (FRAME_ 0 { z }) to the stack.
-24. Let [val]* be $eval_expr(expr_G)*.
-25. Pop the evaluation context (FRAME_ 0 { _f }) from the stack.
+16. Let z be (s, f_init).
+17. Push the frame (FRAME_ 0 { $frame(z) }) to the stack.
+18. Let [(I32.CONST i_D)]* be $eval_expr(z, expr_D)*.
+19. Pop the frame (FRAME_ 0 { $frame(z) }) from the stack.
+20. Push the frame (FRAME_ 0 { $frame(z) }) to the stack.
+21. Let [(I32.CONST i_E)]* be $eval_expr(z, expr_E)*.
+22. Pop the frame (FRAME_ 0 { $frame(z) }) from the stack.
+23. Push the frame (FRAME_ 0 { $frame(z) }) to the stack.
+24. Let [val]* be $eval_expr(z, expr_G)*.
+25. Pop the frame (FRAME_ 0 { $frame(z) }) from the stack.
 26. Let moduleinst be $allocmodule(s, module, externaddr*, val*).
 27. Let f be { LOCALS: []; MODULE: moduleinst; }.
 28. Perform $initelem(s, moduleinst, i_E*, moduleinst.FUNCS[x]**).
 29. Perform $initdata(s, moduleinst, i_D*, b**).
-30. Push the evaluation context (FRAME_ 0 { f }) to the stack.
+30. Push the frame (FRAME_ 0 { f }) to the stack.
 31. Execute the sequence ((CALL x')?).
-32. Pop the evaluation context (FRAME_ 0 { f }) from the stack.
+32. Pop the frame (FRAME_ 0 { f }) from the stack.
 33. Return f.MODULE.
 invoke s fa val^n
 1. Let f be { LOCALS: []; MODULE: { TYPES: []; FUNCS: []; GLOBALS: []; TABLES: []; MEMS: []; EXPORTS: []; }; }.
-2. Push the evaluation context (FRAME_ 0 { f }) to the stack.
-3. Let t_1^n -> t_2* be $funcinst(z)[fa].TYPE.
-4. Pop the evaluation context (FRAME_ 0 { _f }) from the stack.
+2. Push the frame (FRAME_ 0 { (s, f) }) to the stack.
+3. Let t_1^n -> t_2* be $funcinst((s, f))[fa].TYPE.
+4. Pop the frame (FRAME_ 0 { _f }) from the stack.
 5. Let k be |t_2*|.
-6. Push the evaluation context (FRAME_ k { f }) to the stack.
+6. Push the frame (FRAME_ k { f }) to the stack.
 7. Push the values val^n to the stack.
 8. Execute the instruction (CALL_ADDR fa).
 9. Pop all values val* from the top of the stack.
-10. Pop the evaluation context (FRAME_ k { f }) from the stack.
+10. Pop the frame (FRAME_ k { f }) from the stack.
 11. Push the values val* to the stack.
 12. Pop the values val^k from the stack.
 13. Return val^k.
@@ -6686,7 +6641,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. Let :math:`f` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{locals}~{{\mathit{val}}^{k}}~{{{\mathrm{default}}}_{t}^\ast},\; \mathsf{module}~{\mathit{mm}} \}\end{array}`.
-#. Push the evaluation context :math:`({{\mathsf{frame}}_{n}}{\{}~f~\})` to the stack.
+#. Push the frame :math:`({{\mathsf{frame}}_{n}}{\{}~f~\})` to the stack.
 #. Enter :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` with label :math:`({{\mathsf{label}}_{n}}{\{}~\epsilon~\})`.
@@ -9165,224 +9120,186 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{mems}}({{\mathit{xv}}^\ast})`.
+:math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{store}`
 1. Return.
-1. Let :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{}\,\{~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
+:math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{frame}`
-#. Return :math:`f`.
+1. Return :math:`f`.
+:math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{funcs}`
-1. Let :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{}\,\{~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
-#. Return :math:`f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{funcs}`.
+1. Return :math:`f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{funcs}`.
+:math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{funcs}`
 1. Return :math:`s{.}\mathsf{funcs}`.
+:math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{globals}`
 1. Return :math:`s{.}\mathsf{globals}`.
+:math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{tables}`
 1. Return :math:`s{.}\mathsf{tables}`.
+:math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{mems}`
 1. Return :math:`s{.}\mathsf{mems}`.
-1. Return :math:`s{.}\mathsf{elems}`.
-1. Return :math:`s{.}\mathsf{datas}`.
-1. Let :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{}\,\{~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
-#. Return :math:`f{.}\mathsf{module}`.
+:math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{elems}`
-1. Let :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{}\,\{~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
-#. Return :math:`f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]`.
+1. Return :math:`s{.}\mathsf{elems}`.
+:math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{datas}`
-1. Let :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{}\,\{~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
-#. Return :math:`s{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]]`.
+1. Return :math:`s{.}\mathsf{datas}`.
-1. Let :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{}\,\{~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
+:math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{module}`
-#. Return :math:`s{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]]`.
+1. Return :math:`f{.}\mathsf{module}`.
+:math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]`
-1. Let :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{}\,\{~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
-#. Return :math:`s{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]]`.
+1. Return :math:`f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]`.
+:math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]`
-1. Let :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{}\,\{~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
+1. Return :math:`s{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]]`.
-#. Return :math:`s{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]]`.
+:math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]`
+1. Return :math:`s{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]]`.
-1. Let :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{}\,\{~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
-#. Return :math:`s{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[x]]`.
+:math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]`
+1. Return :math:`s{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]]`.
-1. Let :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{}\,\{~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
+:math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]`
-#. Return :math:`s{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[x]]`.
+1. Return :math:`s{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]]`.
+:math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{elems}{}[x]`
-1. Let :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{}\,\{~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
-#. Return :math:`f{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]`.
+1. Return :math:`s{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[x]]`.
-:math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x] = v]`
+:math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{datas}{}[x]`
-1. Let :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{}\,\{~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
+1. Return :math:`s{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[x]]`.
-#. Replace :math:`f{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` with :math:`v`.
+:math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]`
-:math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{value} = v]`
+1. Return :math:`f{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]`.
-1. Let :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{}\,\{~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
-#. Replace :math:`s{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]]{.}\mathsf{value}` with :math:`v`.
+:math:`(s, f){}[{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x] = v]`
-:math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{refs}{}[i] = r]`
+1. Replace :math:`f{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` with :math:`v`.
-1. Let :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{}\,\{~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
+:math:`(s, f){}[{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{value} = v]`
-#. Replace :math:`s{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]]{.}\mathsf{refs}{}[i]` with :math:`r`.
+1. Replace :math:`s{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]]{.}\mathsf{value}` with :math:`v`.
-:math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x] = {\mathit{ti}}]`
+:math:`(s, f){}[{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{refs}{}[i] = r]`
-1. Let :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{}\,\{~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
-#. Replace :math:`s{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]]` with :math:`{\mathit{ti}}`.
+1. Replace :math:`s{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]]{.}\mathsf{refs}{}[i]` with :math:`r`.
-:math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i : j] = {b^\ast}]`
+:math:`(s, f){}[{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x] = {\mathit{ti}}]`
-1. Let :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{}\,\{~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
+1. Replace :math:`s{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]]` with :math:`{\mathit{ti}}`.
-#. Replace :math:`s{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i : j]` with :math:`{b^\ast}`.
+:math:`(s, f){}[{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i : j] = {b^\ast}]`
-:math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x] = {\mathit{mi}}]`
+1. Replace :math:`s{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i : j]` with :math:`{b^\ast}`.
-1. Let :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{}\,\{~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
-#. Replace :math:`s{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]]` with :math:`{\mathit{mi}}`.
+:math:`(s, f){}[{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x] = {\mathit{mi}}]`
-:math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{refs} = {r^\ast}]`
+1. Replace :math:`s{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]]` with :math:`{\mathit{mi}}`.
-1. Let :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{}\,\{~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
+:math:`(s, f){}[{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{refs} = {r^\ast}]`
-#. Replace :math:`s{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[x]]{.}\mathsf{refs}` with :math:`{r^\ast}`.
+1. Replace :math:`s{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[x]]{.}\mathsf{refs}` with :math:`{r^\ast}`.
-:math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes} = {b^\ast}]`
+:math:`(s, f){}[{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes} = {b^\ast}]`
-1. Let :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{}\,\{~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
-#. Replace :math:`s{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[x]]{.}\mathsf{bytes}` with :math:`{b^\ast}`.
+1. Replace :math:`s{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[x]]{.}\mathsf{bytes}` with :math:`{b^\ast}`.
 :math:`{\mathrm{growtable}}({\mathit{ti}}, n, r)`
@@ -9912,25 +9829,25 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. Let :math:`f_{\mathit{init}}` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{module}~{\mathit{moduleinst}}_{\mathit{init}} \}\end{array}`.
-#. Let :math:`z` be :math:`f_{\mathit{init}}`.
+#. Let :math:`z` be :math:`(s, f_{\mathit{init}})`.
-#. Push the evaluation context :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z~\})` to the stack.
+#. Push the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z{.}\mathsf{frame}~\})` to the stack.
-#. Let :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{eval}}_{\mathit{expr}}({\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{g}})^\ast}`.
+#. Let :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{eval}}_{\mathit{expr}}(z, {\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{g}})^\ast}`.
-#. Pop the evaluation context :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~f~\})` from the stack.
+#. Pop the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z{.}\mathsf{frame}~\})` from the stack.
-#. Push the evaluation context :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z~\})` to the stack.
+#. Push the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z{.}\mathsf{frame}~\})` to the stack.
-#. Let :math:`{{{\mathit{ref}}^\ast}^\ast}` be :math:`{{{\mathrm{eval}}_{\mathit{expr}}({\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{e}})^\ast}^\ast}`.
+#. Let :math:`{{{\mathit{ref}}^\ast}^\ast}` be :math:`{{{\mathrm{eval}}_{\mathit{expr}}(z, {\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{e}})^\ast}^\ast}`.
-#. Pop the evaluation context :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~f~\})` from the stack.
+#. Pop the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z{.}\mathsf{frame}~\})` from the stack.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{moduleinst}}` be :math:`{\mathrm{allocmodule}}(s, {\mathit{module}}, {{\mathit{externaddr}}^\ast}, {{\mathit{val}}^\ast}, {{{\mathit{ref}}^\ast}^\ast})`.
 #. Let :math:`f` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{module}~{\mathit{moduleinst}} \}\end{array}`.
-#. Push the evaluation context :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~f~\})` to the stack.
+#. Push the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~f~\})` to the stack.
 #. Execute the sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathsf{e}}^\ast}`.
@@ -9938,7 +9855,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. Execute the sequence :math:`{(\mathsf{call}~x)^?}`.
-#. Pop the evaluation context :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~f~\})` from the stack.
+#. Pop the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~f~\})` from the stack.
 #. Return :math:`f{.}\mathsf{module}`.
@@ -9949,15 +9866,15 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. Let :math:`f` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{module}~\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{types}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{funcs}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{globals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{tables}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{mems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{elems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{datas}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{exports}~\epsilon \}\end{array} \}\end{array}`.
-#. Push the evaluation context :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~f~\})` to the stack.
+#. Push the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~(s, f)~\})` to the stack.
-#. Let :math:`{t_1^{n}}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}` be :math:`z{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[{\mathit{fa}}]{.}\mathsf{type}`.
+#. Let :math:`{t_1^{n}}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}` be :math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[{\mathit{fa}}]{.}\mathsf{type}`.
-#. Pop the evaluation context :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~f~\})` from the stack.
+#. Pop the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~f~\})` from the stack.
 #. Let :math:`k` be :math:`{|{t_2^\ast}|}`.
-#. Push the evaluation context :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{k}\,\{~f~\})` to the stack.
+#. Push the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{k}\,\{~f~\})` to the stack.
 #. Push the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^{n}}` to the stack.
@@ -9965,7 +9882,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. Pop all values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` from the top of the stack.
-#. Pop the evaluation context :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{k}\,\{~f~\})` from the stack.
+#. Pop the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{k}\,\{~f~\})` from the stack.
 #. Push the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` to the stack.
@@ -11189,7 +11106,7 @@ Step_read/call_addr a
 8. Assert: Due to validation, there are at least k values on the top of the stack.
 9. Pop the values val^k from the stack.
 10. Let f be { LOCALS: val^k :: $default_(t)*; MODULE: mm; }.
-11. Push the evaluation context (FRAME_ n { f }) to the stack.
+11. Push the frame (FRAME_ n { f }) to the stack.
 12. Enter instr* with label (LABEL_ n { [] }).
 Step_read/ref.func x
@@ -12381,102 +12298,83 @@ memsxa xv_u1*
 4. Let [externaddr] :: xv* be xv_u1*.
 5. Return $memsxa(xv*).
-store z
+store (s, f)
 1. Return.
-frame z
-1. Let (FRAME_ _ { f }) be the current FRAME_ context.
-2. Return f.
+frame (s, f)
+1. Return f.
-funcaddr z
-1. Let (FRAME_ _ { f }) be the current FRAME_ context.
-2. Return f.MODULE.FUNCS.
+funcaddr (s, f)
+1. Return f.MODULE.FUNCS.
-funcinst z
+funcinst (s, f)
 1. Return s.FUNCS.
-globalinst z
+globalinst (s, f)
 1. Return s.GLOBALS.
-tableinst z
+tableinst (s, f)
 1. Return s.TABLES.
-meminst z
+meminst (s, f)
 1. Return s.MEMS.
-eleminst z
+eleminst (s, f)
 1. Return s.ELEMS.
-datainst z
+datainst (s, f)
 1. Return s.DATAS.
-moduleinst z
-1. Let (FRAME_ _ { f }) be the current FRAME_ context.
-2. Return f.MODULE.
+moduleinst (s, f)
+1. Return f.MODULE.
-type z x
-1. Let (FRAME_ _ { f }) be the current FRAME_ context.
-2. Return f.MODULE.TYPES[x].
+type (s, f) x
+1. Return f.MODULE.TYPES[x].
-func z x
-1. Let (FRAME_ _ { f }) be the current FRAME_ context.
-2. Return s.FUNCS[f.MODULE.FUNCS[x]].
+func (s, f) x
+1. Return s.FUNCS[f.MODULE.FUNCS[x]].
-global z x
-1. Let (FRAME_ _ { f }) be the current FRAME_ context.
-2. Return s.GLOBALS[f.MODULE.GLOBALS[x]].
+global (s, f) x
+1. Return s.GLOBALS[f.MODULE.GLOBALS[x]].
-table z x
-1. Let (FRAME_ _ { f }) be the current FRAME_ context.
-2. Return s.TABLES[f.MODULE.TABLES[x]].
+table (s, f) x
+1. Return s.TABLES[f.MODULE.TABLES[x]].
-mem z x
-1. Let (FRAME_ _ { f }) be the current FRAME_ context.
-2. Return s.MEMS[f.MODULE.MEMS[x]].
+mem (s, f) x
+1. Return s.MEMS[f.MODULE.MEMS[x]].
-elem z x
-1. Let (FRAME_ _ { f }) be the current FRAME_ context.
-2. Return s.ELEMS[f.MODULE.ELEMS[x]].
+elem (s, f) x
+1. Return s.ELEMS[f.MODULE.ELEMS[x]].
-data z x
-1. Let (FRAME_ _ { f }) be the current FRAME_ context.
-2. Return s.DATAS[f.MODULE.DATAS[x]].
+data (s, f) x
+1. Return s.DATAS[f.MODULE.DATAS[x]].
-local z x
-1. Let (FRAME_ _ { f }) be the current FRAME_ context.
-2. Return f.LOCALS[x].
+local (s, f) x
+1. Return f.LOCALS[x].
-with_local z x v
-1. Let (FRAME_ _ { f }) be the current FRAME_ context.
-2. Replace f.LOCALS[x] with v.
+with_local (s, f) x v
+1. Replace f.LOCALS[x] with v.
-with_global z x v
-1. Let (FRAME_ _ { f }) be the current FRAME_ context.
-2. Replace s.GLOBALS[f.MODULE.GLOBALS[x]].VALUE with v.
+with_global (s, f) x v
+1. Replace s.GLOBALS[f.MODULE.GLOBALS[x]].VALUE with v.
-with_table z x i r
-1. Let (FRAME_ _ { f }) be the current FRAME_ context.
-2. Replace s.TABLES[f.MODULE.TABLES[x]].REFS[i] with r.
+with_table (s, f) x i r
+1. Replace s.TABLES[f.MODULE.TABLES[x]].REFS[i] with r.
-with_tableinst z x ti
-1. Let (FRAME_ _ { f }) be the current FRAME_ context.
-2. Replace s.TABLES[f.MODULE.TABLES[x]] with ti.
+with_tableinst (s, f) x ti
+1. Replace s.TABLES[f.MODULE.TABLES[x]] with ti.
-with_mem z x i j b*
-1. Let (FRAME_ _ { f }) be the current FRAME_ context.
-2. Replace s.MEMS[f.MODULE.MEMS[x]].BYTES[i : j] with b*.
+with_mem (s, f) x i j b*
+1. Replace s.MEMS[f.MODULE.MEMS[x]].BYTES[i : j] with b*.
-with_meminst z x mi
-1. Let (FRAME_ _ { f }) be the current FRAME_ context.
-2. Replace s.MEMS[f.MODULE.MEMS[x]] with mi.
+with_meminst (s, f) x mi
+1. Replace s.MEMS[f.MODULE.MEMS[x]] with mi.
-with_elem z x r*
-1. Let (FRAME_ _ { f }) be the current FRAME_ context.
-2. Replace s.ELEMS[f.MODULE.ELEMS[x]].REFS with r*.
+with_elem (s, f) x r*
+1. Replace s.ELEMS[f.MODULE.ELEMS[x]].REFS with r*.
-with_data z x b*
-1. Let (FRAME_ _ { f }) be the current FRAME_ context.
-2. Replace s.DATAS[f.MODULE.DATAS[x]].BYTES with b*.
+with_data (s, f) x b*
+1. Replace s.DATAS[f.MODULE.DATAS[x]].BYTES with b*.
 growtable ti n r
 1. Let { TYPE: (([ i .. j ]) rt); REFS: r'*; } be ti.
@@ -12729,33 +12627,33 @@ instantiate s module externaddr*
 15. Let instr_E* be $concat_(instr, $runelem(elem*[i], i)^(i<n_E)).
 16. Let moduleinst_init be { TYPES: functype*; FUNCS: $funcs(externaddr*) :: (|s.FUNCS| + i_F)^(i_F<n_F); GLOBALS: $globals(externaddr*); TABLES: []; MEMS: []; ELEMS: []; DATAS: []; EXPORTS: []; }.
 17. Let f_init be { LOCALS: []; MODULE: moduleinst_init; }.
-18. Let z be f_init.
-19. Push the evaluation context (FRAME_ 0 { z }) to the stack.
-20. Let [val]* be $eval_expr(expr_G)*.
-21. Pop the evaluation context (FRAME_ 0 { _f }) from the stack.
-22. Push the evaluation context (FRAME_ 0 { z }) to the stack.
-23. Let [ref]** be $eval_expr(expr_E)**.
-24. Pop the evaluation context (FRAME_ 0 { _f }) from the stack.
+18. Let z be (s, f_init).
+19. Push the frame (FRAME_ 0 { $frame(z) }) to the stack.
+20. Let [val]* be $eval_expr(z, expr_G)*.
+21. Pop the frame (FRAME_ 0 { $frame(z) }) from the stack.
+22. Push the frame (FRAME_ 0 { $frame(z) }) to the stack.
+23. Let [ref]** be $eval_expr(z, expr_E)**.
+24. Pop the frame (FRAME_ 0 { $frame(z) }) from the stack.
 25. Let moduleinst be $allocmodule(s, module, externaddr*, val*, ref**).
 26. Let f be { LOCALS: []; MODULE: moduleinst; }.
-27. Push the evaluation context (FRAME_ 0 { f }) to the stack.
+27. Push the frame (FRAME_ 0 { f }) to the stack.
 28. Execute the sequence (instr_E*).
 29. Execute the sequence (instr_D*).
 30. Execute the sequence ((CALL x)?).
-31. Pop the evaluation context (FRAME_ 0 { f }) from the stack.
+31. Pop the frame (FRAME_ 0 { f }) from the stack.
 32. Return f.MODULE.
 invoke s fa val^n
 1. Let f be { LOCALS: []; MODULE: { TYPES: []; FUNCS: []; GLOBALS: []; TABLES: []; MEMS: []; ELEMS: []; DATAS: []; EXPORTS: []; }; }.
-2. Push the evaluation context (FRAME_ 0 { f }) to the stack.
-3. Let t_1^n -> t_2* be $funcinst(z)[fa].TYPE.
-4. Pop the evaluation context (FRAME_ 0 { _f }) from the stack.
+2. Push the frame (FRAME_ 0 { (s, f) }) to the stack.
+3. Let t_1^n -> t_2* be $funcinst((s, f))[fa].TYPE.
+4. Pop the frame (FRAME_ 0 { _f }) from the stack.
 5. Let k be |t_2*|.
-6. Push the evaluation context (FRAME_ k { f }) to the stack.
+6. Push the frame (FRAME_ k { f }) to the stack.
 7. Push the values val^n to the stack.
 8. Execute the instruction (CALL_ADDR fa).
 9. Pop all values val* from the top of the stack.
-10. Pop the evaluation context (FRAME_ k { f }) from the stack.
+10. Pop the frame (FRAME_ k { f }) from the stack.
 11. Push the values val* to the stack.
 12. Pop the values val^k from the stack.
 13. Return val^k.
@@ -17367,7 +17265,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
       #) Let :math:`f` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{locals}~{{\mathit{val}}^{n}}~{{{\mathrm{default}}}_{t}^\ast},\; \mathsf{module}~{\mathit{fi}}{.}\mathsf{module} \}\end{array}`.
-      #) Push the evaluation context :math:`({{\mathsf{frame}}_{m}}{\{}~f~\})` to the stack.
+      #) Push the frame :math:`({{\mathsf{frame}}_{m}}{\{}~f~\})` to the stack.
       #) Enter :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` with label :math:`({{\mathsf{label}}_{m}}{\{}~\epsilon~\})`.
@@ -17536,7 +17434,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
           #. Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{handler}` context from the stack.
-          #. Push the evaluation context :math:`({{\mathsf{handler}}_{n}}{\{}~{{\mathit{catch}'}^\ast}~\})` to the stack.
+          #. Push the handler :math:`({{\mathsf{handler}}_{n}}{\{}~{{\mathit{catch}'}^\ast}~\})` to the stack.
           #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}exn}~a)` to the stack.
@@ -17576,7 +17474,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
             #) Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{handler}` context from the stack.
-            #) Push the evaluation context :math:`({{\mathsf{handler}}_{n}}{\{}~{{\mathit{catch}'}^\ast}~\})` to the stack.
+            #) Push the handler :math:`({{\mathsf{handler}}_{n}}{\{}~{{\mathit{catch}'}^\ast}~\})` to the stack.
             #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}exn}~a)` to the stack.
@@ -17592,7 +17490,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
             #) Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{handler}` context from the stack.
-            #) Push the evaluation context :math:`({{\mathsf{handler}}_{n}}{\{}~{{\mathit{catch}'}^\ast}~\})` to the stack.
+            #) Push the handler :math:`({{\mathsf{handler}}_{n}}{\{}~{{\mathit{catch}'}^\ast}~\})` to the stack.
             #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}exn}~a)` to the stack.
@@ -17604,7 +17502,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
             #) Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{handler}` context from the stack.
-            #) Push the evaluation context :math:`({{\mathsf{handler}}_{n}}{\{}~{{\mathit{catch}'}^\ast}~\})` to the stack.
+            #) Push the handler :math:`({{\mathsf{handler}}_{n}}{\{}~{{\mathit{catch}'}^\ast}~\})` to the stack.
             #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}exn}~a)` to the stack.
@@ -17636,7 +17534,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
             #) Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{handler}` context from the stack.
-            #) Push the evaluation context :math:`({{\mathsf{handler}}_{n}}{\{}~{{\mathit{catch}'}^\ast}~\})` to the stack.
+            #) Push the handler :math:`({{\mathsf{handler}}_{n}}{\{}~{{\mathit{catch}'}^\ast}~\})` to the stack.
             #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}exn}~a)` to the stack.
@@ -17669,7 +17567,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. Pop the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^{m}}` from the stack.
-#. Push the evaluation context :math:`({{\mathsf{handler}}_{n}}{\{}~{{\mathit{catch}}^\ast}~\})` to the stack.
+#. Push the handler :math:`({{\mathsf{handler}}_{n}}{\{}~{{\mathit{catch}}^\ast}~\})` to the stack.
 #. Enter :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^{m}}~{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` with label :math:`({{\mathsf{label}}_{n}}{\{}~\epsilon~\})`.
@@ -23556,293 +23454,253 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{tags}}({{\mathit{xa}}^\ast})`.
+:math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{store}`
 1. Return.
-1. Let :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{}\,\{~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
-#. Return :math:`f`.
+:math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{frame}`
+1. Return :math:`f`.
-1. Let :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{}\,\{~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
+:math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{tags}`
-#. Return :math:`f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{tags}`.
+1. Return :math:`f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{tags}`.
+:math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{module}`
-1. Let :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{}\,\{~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
-#. Return :math:`f{.}\mathsf{module}`.
+1. Return :math:`f{.}\mathsf{module}`.
+:math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{funcs}`
 1. Return :math:`s{.}\mathsf{funcs}`.
+:math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{globals}`
 1. Return :math:`s{.}\mathsf{globals}`.
+:math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{tables}`
 1. Return :math:`s{.}\mathsf{tables}`.
+:math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{mems}`
 1. Return :math:`s{.}\mathsf{mems}`.
+:math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{tags}`
 1. Return :math:`s{.}\mathsf{tags}`.
+:math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{elems}`
 1. Return :math:`s{.}\mathsf{elems}`.
+:math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{datas}`
 1. Return :math:`s{.}\mathsf{datas}`.
+:math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{structs}`
 1. Return :math:`s{.}\mathsf{structs}`.
+:math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{arrays}`
 1. Return :math:`s{.}\mathsf{arrays}`.
+:math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{exns}`
 1. Return :math:`s{.}\mathsf{exns}`.
-1. Let :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{}\,\{~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
-#. Return :math:`f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]`.
-1. Let :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{}\,\{~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
-#. Return :math:`s{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]]`.
-1. Let :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{}\,\{~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
-#. Return :math:`s{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]]`.
+:math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]`
-1. Let :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{}\,\{~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
+1. Return :math:`f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]`.
-#. Return :math:`s{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]]`.
+:math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]`
+1. Return :math:`s{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]]`.
-1. Let :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{}\,\{~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
-#. Return :math:`s{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]]`.
+:math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]`
+1. Return :math:`s{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]]`.
-1. Let :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{}\,\{~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
+:math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]`
-#. Return :math:`s{.}\mathsf{tags}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{tags}{}[x]]`.
+1. Return :math:`s{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]]`.
+:math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]`
-1. Let :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{}\,\{~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
-#. Return :math:`s{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[x]]`.
+1. Return :math:`s{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]]`.
+:math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{tags}{}[x]`
-1. Let :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{}\,\{~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
-#. Return :math:`s{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[x]]`.
+1. Return :math:`s{.}\mathsf{tags}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{tags}{}[x]]`.
+:math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{elems}{}[x]`
-1. Let :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{}\,\{~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
+1. Return :math:`s{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[x]]`.
-#. Return :math:`f{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]`.
+:math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{datas}{}[x]`
-:math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x] = v]`
+1. Return :math:`s{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[x]]`.
-1. Let :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{}\,\{~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
-#. Replace :math:`f{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` with :math:`v`.
+:math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]`
-:math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{value} = v]`
+1. Return :math:`f{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]`.
-1. Let :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{}\,\{~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
+:math:`(s, f){}[{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x] = v]`
-#. Replace :math:`s{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]]{.}\mathsf{value}` with :math:`v`.
+1. Replace :math:`f{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` with :math:`v`.
-:math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{refs}{}[i] = r]`
+:math:`(s, f){}[{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{value} = v]`
-1. Let :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{}\,\{~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
-#. Replace :math:`s{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]]{.}\mathsf{refs}{}[i]` with :math:`r`.
+1. Replace :math:`s{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]]{.}\mathsf{value}` with :math:`v`.
-:math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x] = {\mathit{ti}}]`
+:math:`(s, f){}[{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{refs}{}[i] = r]`
-1. Let :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{}\,\{~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
+1. Replace :math:`s{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]]{.}\mathsf{refs}{}[i]` with :math:`r`.
-#. Replace :math:`s{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]]` with :math:`{\mathit{ti}}`.
+:math:`(s, f){}[{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x] = {\mathit{ti}}]`
-:math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i : j] = {b^\ast}]`
+1. Replace :math:`s{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]]` with :math:`{\mathit{ti}}`.
-1. Let :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{}\,\{~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
-#. Replace :math:`s{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i : j]` with :math:`{b^\ast}`.
+:math:`(s, f){}[{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i : j] = {b^\ast}]`
-:math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x] = {\mathit{mi}}]`
+1. Replace :math:`s{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i : j]` with :math:`{b^\ast}`.
-1. Let :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{}\,\{~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
-#. Replace :math:`s{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]]` with :math:`{\mathit{mi}}`.
+:math:`(s, f){}[{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x] = {\mathit{mi}}]`
-:math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{refs} = {r^\ast}]`
+1. Replace :math:`s{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]]` with :math:`{\mathit{mi}}`.
-1. Let :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{}\,\{~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
+:math:`(s, f){}[{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{refs} = {r^\ast}]`
-#. Replace :math:`s{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[x]]{.}\mathsf{refs}` with :math:`{r^\ast}`.
+1. Replace :math:`s{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[x]]{.}\mathsf{refs}` with :math:`{r^\ast}`.
-:math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes} = {b^\ast}]`
+:math:`(s, f){}[{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes} = {b^\ast}]`
-1. Let :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{}\,\{~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
-#. Replace :math:`s{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[x]]{.}\mathsf{bytes}` with :math:`{b^\ast}`.
+1. Replace :math:`s{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[x]]{.}\mathsf{bytes}` with :math:`{b^\ast}`.
-:math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{structs}{}[a]{.}\mathsf{fields}{}[i] = {\mathit{fv}}]`
+:math:`(s, f){}[{.}\mathsf{structs}{}[a]{.}\mathsf{fields}{}[i] = {\mathit{fv}}]`
 1. Replace :math:`s{.}\mathsf{structs}{}[a]{.}\mathsf{fields}{}[i]` with :math:`{\mathit{fv}}`.
-:math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{arrays}{}[a]{.}\mathsf{fields}{}[i] = {\mathit{fv}}]`
+:math:`(s, f){}[{.}\mathsf{arrays}{}[a]{.}\mathsf{fields}{}[i] = {\mathit{fv}}]`
 1. Replace :math:`s{.}\mathsf{arrays}{}[a]{.}\mathsf{fields}{}[i]` with :math:`{\mathit{fv}}`.
-:math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{structs} \mathrel{{=}{\oplus}} {{\mathit{si}}^\ast}]`
+:math:`(s, f){}[{.}\mathsf{structs} \mathrel{{=}{\oplus}} {{\mathit{si}}^\ast}]`
 1. Append :math:`{{\mathit{si}}^\ast}` to :math:`s{.}\mathsf{structs}`.
-:math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{arrays} \mathrel{{=}{\oplus}} {{\mathit{ai}}^\ast}]`
+:math:`(s, f){}[{.}\mathsf{arrays} \mathrel{{=}{\oplus}} {{\mathit{ai}}^\ast}]`
 1. Append :math:`{{\mathit{ai}}^\ast}` to :math:`s{.}\mathsf{arrays}`.
-:math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{exns} \mathrel{{=}{\oplus}} {{\mathit{exn}}^\ast}]`
+:math:`(s, f){}[{.}\mathsf{exns} \mathrel{{=}{\oplus}} {{\mathit{exn}}^\ast}]`
 1. Append :math:`{{\mathit{exn}}^\ast}` to :math:`s{.}\mathsf{exns}`.
@@ -24349,9 +24207,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
-1. Let :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{}\,\{~z~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
-#. If :math:`{{\mathit{gt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon` and :math:`{e_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
+1. If :math:`{{\mathit{gt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon` and :math:`{e_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
@@ -24363,15 +24219,15 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{gt}}~{{\mathit{gt}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{gt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
-#. Let :math:`f` be :math:`z`.
+#. Let :math:`(s, f)` be :math:`z`.
-#. Let :math:`{\mathit{val}}` be :math:`{\mathrm{eval}}_{\mathit{expr}}({\mathit{expr}})`.
+#. Let :math:`{\mathit{val}}` be :math:`{\mathrm{eval}}_{\mathit{expr}}(z, {\mathit{expr}})`.
 #. Let :math:`a` be :math:`{\mathrm{allocglobal}}(s, {\mathit{gt}}, {\mathit{val}})`.
 #. Append :math:`a` to :math:`f{.}\mathsf{module}{.}\mathsf{globals}`.
-#. Let :math:`{{\mathit{val}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{{\mathrm{evalglobal}}^\ast}}{(z, {{\mathit{gt}'}^\ast}, {{\mathit{expr}'}^\ast})}`.
+#. Let :math:`{{\mathit{val}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{{\mathrm{evalglobal}}^\ast}}{((s, f), {{\mathit{gt}'}^\ast}, {{\mathit{expr}'}^\ast})}`.
 #. Return :math:`{\mathit{val}}~{{\mathit{val}'}^\ast}`.
@@ -24426,31 +24282,31 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathsf{s}}^?}` be :math:`{(\mathsf{call}~x)^?}`.
-#. Let :math:`z` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{module}~{\mathit{moduleinst}}_0 \}\end{array}`.
+#. Let :math:`z` be :math:`(s, \{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{module}~{\mathit{moduleinst}}_0 \}\end{array})`.
-#. Push the evaluation context :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z~\})` to the stack.
+#. Push the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z{.}\mathsf{frame}~\})` to the stack.
 #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{val}}_{\mathsf{g}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{{\mathrm{evalglobal}}^\ast}}{(z, {{\mathit{globaltype}}^\ast}, {{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{g}}^\ast})}`.
-#. Pop the evaluation context :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~{z'}~\})` from the stack.
+#. Pop the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~{f'}~\})` from the stack.
-#. Push the evaluation context :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~{z'}~\})` to the stack.
+#. Push the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~{f'}~\})` to the stack.
-#. Let :math:`{{\mathit{ref}}_{\mathsf{t}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{eval}}_{\mathit{expr}}({\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{t}})^\ast}`.
+#. Let :math:`{{\mathit{ref}}_{\mathsf{t}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{eval}}_{\mathit{expr}}(z, {\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{t}})^\ast}`.
-#. Pop the evaluation context :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~f~\})` from the stack.
+#. Pop the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~{f'}~\})` from the stack.
-#. Push the evaluation context :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~{z'}~\})` to the stack.
+#. Push the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~{f'}~\})` to the stack.
-#. Let :math:`{{{\mathit{ref}}_{\mathsf{e}}^\ast}^\ast}` be :math:`{{{\mathrm{eval}}_{\mathit{expr}}({\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{e}})^\ast}^\ast}`.
+#. Let :math:`{{{\mathit{ref}}_{\mathsf{e}}^\ast}^\ast}` be :math:`{{{\mathrm{eval}}_{\mathit{expr}}(z, {\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{e}})^\ast}^\ast}`.
-#. Pop the evaluation context :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~f~\})` from the stack.
+#. Pop the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~{f'}~\})` from the stack.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{moduleinst}}` be :math:`{\mathrm{allocmodule}}(s, {\mathit{module}}, {{\mathit{externaddr}}^\ast}, {{\mathit{val}}_{\mathsf{g}}^\ast}, {{\mathit{ref}}_{\mathsf{t}}^\ast}, {{{\mathit{ref}}_{\mathsf{e}}^\ast}^\ast})`.
 #. Let :math:`f` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{module}~{\mathit{moduleinst}} \}\end{array}`.
-#. Push the evaluation context :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~f~\})` to the stack.
+#. Push the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~f~\})` to the stack.
 #. Execute the sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathsf{e}}^\ast}`.
@@ -24458,7 +24314,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. Execute the sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathsf{s}}^?}`.
-#. Pop the evaluation context :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~f~\})` from the stack.
+#. Pop the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~f~\})` from the stack.
 #. Return :math:`f{.}\mathsf{module}`.
@@ -24487,7 +24343,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. Let :math:`k` be :math:`{|{t_2^\ast}|}`.
-#. Push the evaluation context :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{k}\,\{~f~\})` to the stack.
+#. Push the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{k}\,\{~f~\})` to the stack.
 #. Push the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` to the stack.
@@ -24497,7 +24353,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. Pop all values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` from the top of the stack.
-#. Pop the evaluation context :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{k}\,\{~f~\})` from the stack.
+#. Pop the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{k}\,\{~f~\})` from the stack.
 #. Push the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` to the stack.
@@ -24506,8 +24362,8 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. Return :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^{k}}`.
-:math:`{{{\mathrm{allocX}}^\ast}}{({\mathit{TODO}}, {X_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}, {Y_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast})}`
+:math:`{{{\mathrm{allocX}}^\ast}}{(s, {X_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}, {Y_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast})}`
 1. If :math:`{X_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
@@ -24524,9 +24380,9 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
   #. Let :math:`Y~{{Y'}^\ast}` be :math:`{Y_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
-  #. Let :math:`a` be :math:`{\mathrm{allocX}}(s, {\mathit{TODO}}, {\mathit{TODO}}, X, Y)`.
+  #. Let :math:`a` be :math:`{\mathrm{allocX}}({\mathit{TODO}}, {\mathit{TODO}}, s, X, Y)`.
-  #. Let :math:`{{a'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{{\mathrm{allocX}}^\ast}}{({\mathit{TODO}}, {{X'}^\ast}, {{Y'}^\ast})}`.
+  #. Let :math:`{{a'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{{\mathrm{allocX}}^\ast}}{(s, {{X'}^\ast}, {{Y'}^\ast})}`.
   #. Return :math:`a~{{a'}^\ast}`.
@@ -26879,7 +26735,7 @@ Step_read/call_ref yy
       e) Assert: Due to validation, there are at least n values on the top of the stack.
       f) Pop the values val^n from the stack.
       g) Let f be { LOCALS: ?(val)^n :: $default_(t)*; MODULE: fi.MODULE; }.
-      h) Push the evaluation context (FRAME_ m { f }) to the stack.
+      h) Push the frame (FRAME_ m { f }) to the stack.
       i) Enter instr* with label (LABEL_ m { [] }).
 Step_read/return_call x
@@ -26960,7 +26816,7 @@ Step_read/throw_ref
       c) Else if catch_0 is not of the case CATCH_ALL_REF, then:
         1. Let [catch] :: catch'* be catch_u1*.
         2. Pop the current HANDLER_ context from the stack.
-        3. Push the evaluation context (HANDLER_ n { catch'* }) to the stack.
+        3. Push the handler (HANDLER_ n { catch'* }) to the stack.
         4. Push the value (REF.EXN_ADDR a) to the stack.
         5. Execute the instruction THROW_REF.
       d) Else:
@@ -26980,7 +26836,7 @@ Step_read/throw_ref
         3. Else:
           a. Let [catch] :: catch'* be catch_u1*.
           b. Pop the current HANDLER_ context from the stack.
-          c. Push the evaluation context (HANDLER_ n { catch'* }) to the stack.
+          c. Push the handler (HANDLER_ n { catch'* }) to the stack.
           d. Push the value (REF.EXN_ADDR a) to the stack.
           e. Execute the instruction THROW_REF.
       d) Else if catch_0 is of the case CATCH_REF, then:
@@ -26988,13 +26844,13 @@ Step_read/throw_ref
         2. If (x >= |$tagaddr(z)|), then:
           a. Let [catch] :: catch'* be catch_u1*.
           b. Pop the current HANDLER_ context from the stack.
-          c. Push the evaluation context (HANDLER_ n { catch'* }) to the stack.
+          c. Push the handler (HANDLER_ n { catch'* }) to the stack.
           d. Push the value (REF.EXN_ADDR a) to the stack.
           e. Execute the instruction THROW_REF.
         3. Else if ($exninst(z)[a].TAG =/= $tagaddr(z)[x]), then:
           a. Let [catch] :: catch'* be catch_u1*.
           b. Pop the current HANDLER_ context from the stack.
-          c. Push the evaluation context (HANDLER_ n { catch'* }) to the stack.
+          c. Push the handler (HANDLER_ n { catch'* }) to the stack.
           d. Push the value (REF.EXN_ADDR a) to the stack.
           e. Execute the instruction THROW_REF.
         4. Else:
@@ -27009,7 +26865,7 @@ Step_read/throw_ref
       f) Else if catch_0 is not of the case CATCH_ALL_REF, then:
         1. Let [catch] :: catch'* be catch_u1*.
         2. Pop the current HANDLER_ context from the stack.
-        3. Push the evaluation context (HANDLER_ n { catch'* }) to the stack.
+        3. Push the handler (HANDLER_ n { catch'* }) to the stack.
         4. Push the value (REF.EXN_ADDR a) to the stack.
         5. Execute the instruction THROW_REF.
       g) Else:
@@ -27025,7 +26881,7 @@ Step_read/try_table bt catch* instr*
 2. Let t_1^m -> t_2^n be $blocktype_(z, bt).
 3. Assert: Due to validation, there are at least m values on the top of the stack.
 4. Pop the values val^m from the stack.
-5. Push the evaluation context (HANDLER_ n { catch* }) to the stack.
+5. Push the handler (HANDLER_ n { catch* }) to the stack.
 6. Enter val^m :: instr* with label (LABEL_ n { [] }).
 Step_read/ref.null (_IDX x)
@@ -29806,132 +29662,112 @@ tagsxa xa_u1*
 4. Let [externaddr] :: xa* be xa_u1*.
 5. Return $tagsxa(xa*).
-store z
+store (s, f)
 1. Return.
-frame z
-1. Let (FRAME_ _ { f }) be the current FRAME_ context.
-2. Return f.
+frame (s, f)
+1. Return f.
-tagaddr z
-1. Let (FRAME_ _ { f }) be the current FRAME_ context.
-2. Return f.MODULE.TAGS.
+tagaddr (s, f)
+1. Return f.MODULE.TAGS.
-moduleinst z
-1. Let (FRAME_ _ { f }) be the current FRAME_ context.
-2. Return f.MODULE.
+moduleinst (s, f)
+1. Return f.MODULE.
-funcinst z
+funcinst (s, f)
 1. Return s.FUNCS.
-globalinst z
+globalinst (s, f)
 1. Return s.GLOBALS.
-tableinst z
+tableinst (s, f)
 1. Return s.TABLES.
-meminst z
+meminst (s, f)
 1. Return s.MEMS.
-taginst z
+taginst (s, f)
 1. Return s.TAGS.
-eleminst z
+eleminst (s, f)
 1. Return s.ELEMS.
-datainst z
+datainst (s, f)
 1. Return s.DATAS.
-structinst z
+structinst (s, f)
 1. Return s.STRUCTS.
-arrayinst z
+arrayinst (s, f)
 1. Return s.ARRAYS.
-exninst z
+exninst (s, f)
 1. Return s.EXNS.
-type z x
-1. Let (FRAME_ _ { f }) be the current FRAME_ context.
-2. Return f.MODULE.TYPES[x].
+type (s, f) x
+1. Return f.MODULE.TYPES[x].
-func z x
-1. Let (FRAME_ _ { f }) be the current FRAME_ context.
-2. Return s.FUNCS[f.MODULE.FUNCS[x]].
+func (s, f) x
+1. Return s.FUNCS[f.MODULE.FUNCS[x]].
-global z x
-1. Let (FRAME_ _ { f }) be the current FRAME_ context.
-2. Return s.GLOBALS[f.MODULE.GLOBALS[x]].
+global (s, f) x
+1. Return s.GLOBALS[f.MODULE.GLOBALS[x]].
-table z x
-1. Let (FRAME_ _ { f }) be the current FRAME_ context.
-2. Return s.TABLES[f.MODULE.TABLES[x]].
+table (s, f) x
+1. Return s.TABLES[f.MODULE.TABLES[x]].
-mem z x
-1. Let (FRAME_ _ { f }) be the current FRAME_ context.
-2. Return s.MEMS[f.MODULE.MEMS[x]].
+mem (s, f) x
+1. Return s.MEMS[f.MODULE.MEMS[x]].
-tag z x
-1. Let (FRAME_ _ { f }) be the current FRAME_ context.
-2. Return s.TAGS[f.MODULE.TAGS[x]].
+tag (s, f) x
+1. Return s.TAGS[f.MODULE.TAGS[x]].
-elem z x
-1. Let (FRAME_ _ { f }) be the current FRAME_ context.
-2. Return s.ELEMS[f.MODULE.ELEMS[x]].
+elem (s, f) x
+1. Return s.ELEMS[f.MODULE.ELEMS[x]].
-data z x
-1. Let (FRAME_ _ { f }) be the current FRAME_ context.
-2. Return s.DATAS[f.MODULE.DATAS[x]].
+data (s, f) x
+1. Return s.DATAS[f.MODULE.DATAS[x]].
-local z x
-1. Let (FRAME_ _ { f }) be the current FRAME_ context.
-2. Return f.LOCALS[x].
+local (s, f) x
+1. Return f.LOCALS[x].
-with_local z x v
-1. Let (FRAME_ _ { f }) be the current FRAME_ context.
-2. Replace f.LOCALS[x] with ?(v).
+with_local (s, f) x v
+1. Replace f.LOCALS[x] with ?(v).
-with_global z x v
-1. Let (FRAME_ _ { f }) be the current FRAME_ context.
-2. Replace s.GLOBALS[f.MODULE.GLOBALS[x]].VALUE with v.
+with_global (s, f) x v
+1. Replace s.GLOBALS[f.MODULE.GLOBALS[x]].VALUE with v.
-with_table z x i r
-1. Let (FRAME_ _ { f }) be the current FRAME_ context.
-2. Replace s.TABLES[f.MODULE.TABLES[x]].REFS[i] with r.
+with_table (s, f) x i r
+1. Replace s.TABLES[f.MODULE.TABLES[x]].REFS[i] with r.
-with_tableinst z x ti
-1. Let (FRAME_ _ { f }) be the current FRAME_ context.
-2. Replace s.TABLES[f.MODULE.TABLES[x]] with ti.
+with_tableinst (s, f) x ti
+1. Replace s.TABLES[f.MODULE.TABLES[x]] with ti.
-with_mem z x i j b*
-1. Let (FRAME_ _ { f }) be the current FRAME_ context.
-2. Replace s.MEMS[f.MODULE.MEMS[x]].BYTES[i : j] with b*.
+with_mem (s, f) x i j b*
+1. Replace s.MEMS[f.MODULE.MEMS[x]].BYTES[i : j] with b*.
-with_meminst z x mi
-1. Let (FRAME_ _ { f }) be the current FRAME_ context.
-2. Replace s.MEMS[f.MODULE.MEMS[x]] with mi.
+with_meminst (s, f) x mi
+1. Replace s.MEMS[f.MODULE.MEMS[x]] with mi.
-with_elem z x r*
-1. Let (FRAME_ _ { f }) be the current FRAME_ context.
-2. Replace s.ELEMS[f.MODULE.ELEMS[x]].REFS with r*.
+with_elem (s, f) x r*
+1. Replace s.ELEMS[f.MODULE.ELEMS[x]].REFS with r*.
-with_data z x b*
-1. Let (FRAME_ _ { f }) be the current FRAME_ context.
-2. Replace s.DATAS[f.MODULE.DATAS[x]].BYTES with b*.
+with_data (s, f) x b*
+1. Replace s.DATAS[f.MODULE.DATAS[x]].BYTES with b*.
-with_struct z a i fv
+with_struct (s, f) a i fv
 1. Replace s.STRUCTS[a].FIELDS[i] with fv.
-with_array z a i fv
+with_array (s, f) a i fv
 1. Replace s.ARRAYS[a].FIELDS[i] with fv.
-add_structinst z si*
+add_structinst (s, f) si*
 1. Append si* to the s.STRUCTS.
-add_arrayinst z ai*
+add_arrayinst (s, f) ai*
 1. Append ai* to the s.ARRAYS.
-add_exninst z exn*
+add_exninst (s, f) exn*
 1. Append exn* to the s.EXNS.
 growtable tableinst n r
@@ -30172,19 +30008,18 @@ rundata_ x (DATA b^n datamode_u1)
 4. Return instr* :: [(I32.CONST 0), (I32.CONST n), (MEMORY.INIT y x), (DATA.DROP x)].
 evalglobals z gt_u1* e_u1*
-1. Let (FRAME_ _ { z }) be the current FRAME_ context.
-2. If ((gt_u1* = []) /\ (e_u1* = [])), then:
+1. If ((gt_u1* = []) /\ (e_u1* = [])), then:
   a. Return [].
-3. Assert: Due to validation, (|e_u1*| >= 1).
-4. Let [expr] :: expr'* be e_u1*.
-5. Assert: Due to validation, (|gt_u1*| >= 1).
-6. Let [gt] :: gt'* be gt_u1*.
-7. Let f be z.
-8. Let [val] be $eval_expr(expr).
-9. Let a be $allocglobal(s, gt, val).
-10. Append a to the f.MODULE.GLOBALS.
-11. Let val'* be $evalglobals(z, gt'*, expr'*).
-12. Return [val] :: val'*.
+2. Assert: Due to validation, (|e_u1*| >= 1).
+3. Let [expr] :: expr'* be e_u1*.
+4. Assert: Due to validation, (|gt_u1*| >= 1).
+5. Let [gt] :: gt'* be gt_u1*.
+6. Let (s, f) be z.
+7. Let [val] be $eval_expr(z, expr).
+8. Let a be $allocglobal(s, gt, val).
+9. Append a to the f.MODULE.GLOBALS.
+10. Let val'* be $evalglobals((s, f), gt'*, expr'*).
+11. Return [val] :: val'*.
 instantiate s module externaddr*
 1. Let xt_I* -> xt_E* be $Module_ok(module).
@@ -30205,23 +30040,23 @@ instantiate s module externaddr*
 15. Assert: Due to validation, elem is of the case ELEM*.
 16. Let (ELEM reftype expr_E* elemmode)* be elem*.
 17. Let instr_S? be (CALL x)?.
-18. Let z be { LOCALS: []; MODULE: moduleinst_0; }.
-19. Push the evaluation context (FRAME_ 0 { z }) to the stack.
+18. Let z be (s, { LOCALS: []; MODULE: moduleinst_0; }).
+19. Push the frame (FRAME_ 0 { $frame(z) }) to the stack.
 20. Let val_G* be $evalglobals(z, globaltype*, expr_G*).
-21. Pop the evaluation context (FRAME_ 0 { z' }) from the stack.
-22. Push the evaluation context (FRAME_ 0 { z' }) to the stack.
-23. Let [ref_T]* be $eval_expr(expr_T)*.
-24. Pop the evaluation context (FRAME_ 0 { _f }) from the stack.
-25. Push the evaluation context (FRAME_ 0 { z' }) to the stack.
-26. Let [ref_E]** be $eval_expr(expr_E)**.
-27. Pop the evaluation context (FRAME_ 0 { _f }) from the stack.
+21. Pop the frame (FRAME_ 0 { f' }) from the stack.
+22. Push the frame (FRAME_ 0 { f' }) to the stack.
+23. Let [ref_T]* be $eval_expr(z, expr_T)*.
+24. Pop the frame (FRAME_ 0 { f' }) from the stack.
+25. Push the frame (FRAME_ 0 { f' }) to the stack.
+26. Let [ref_E]** be $eval_expr(z, expr_E)**.
+27. Pop the frame (FRAME_ 0 { f' }) from the stack.
 28. Let moduleinst be $allocmodule(s, module, externaddr*, val_G*, ref_T*, ref_E**).
 29. Let f be { LOCALS: []; MODULE: moduleinst; }.
-30. Push the evaluation context (FRAME_ 0 { f }) to the stack.
+30. Push the frame (FRAME_ 0 { f }) to the stack.
 31. Execute the sequence (instr_E*).
 32. Execute the sequence (instr_D*).
 33. Execute the sequence (instr_S?).
-34. Pop the evaluation context (FRAME_ 0 { f }) from the stack.
+34. Pop the frame (FRAME_ 0 { f }) from the stack.
 35. Return f.MODULE.
 invoke s funcaddr val*
@@ -30232,17 +30067,17 @@ invoke s funcaddr val*
 5. If not $Val_type(val, t_1)*, then:
   a. Fail.
 6. Let k be |t_2*|.
-7. Push the evaluation context (FRAME_ k { f }) to the stack.
+7. Push the frame (FRAME_ k { f }) to the stack.
 8. Push the values val* to the stack.
 9. Push the value (REF.FUNC_ADDR funcaddr) to the stack.
 10. Execute the instruction (CALL_REF s.FUNCS[funcaddr].TYPE).
 11. Pop all values val* from the top of the stack.
-12. Pop the evaluation context (FRAME_ k { f }) from the stack.
+12. Pop the frame (FRAME_ k { f }) from the stack.
 13. Push the values val* to the stack.
 14. Pop the values val^k from the stack.
 15. Return val^k.
-allocXs s X Y X_u1* Y_u1*
+allocXs X Y s X_u1* Y_u1*
 1. If (X_u1* = []), then:
   a. Assert: Due to validation, (Y_u1* = []).
   b. Return [].
@@ -30250,8 +30085,8 @@ allocXs s X Y X_u1* Y_u1*
   a. Let [X] :: X'* be X_u1*.
   b. Assert: Due to validation, (|Y_u1*| >= 1).
   c. Let [Y] :: Y'* be Y_u1*.
-  d. Let a be $allocX(s, X, Y, X, Y).
-  e. Let a'* be $allocXs(s, X, Y, X'*, Y'*).
+  d. Let a be $allocX(X, Y, s, X, Y).
+  e. Let a'* be $allocXs(X, Y, s, X'*, Y'*).
   f. Return [a] :: a'*.
 var X

From 3edf90f3cffc4184baa327aca9d8e5192ed7e5aa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: 702fbtngus <>
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2025 16:47:51 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 05/12] Eval_expr render fix

 spectec/src/backend-prose/ | 27 ++++++++++++++++--------
 spectec/src/il2al/      |  2 +-
 spectec/test-prose/          | 32 ++++++++++++++---------------
 3 files changed, 36 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)

diff --git a/spectec/src/backend-prose/ b/spectec/src/backend-prose/
index 64d806ba8a..743b434811 100644
--- a/spectec/src/backend-prose/
+++ b/spectec/src/backend-prose/
@@ -479,14 +479,25 @@ and render_expr' env expr =
     (match dir with
     | Al.Ast.Front -> sprintf "%s with %s prepended by %s" se1 sps se2
     | Al.Ast.Back -> sprintf "%s with %s appended by %s" se1 sps se2)
-  | Al.Ast.CallE (_, al) ->
-    let args = (render_arg env) al in
-    (match args with
-    | [arg1; arg2] ->
-      arg1 ^ " is :ref:`valid <valid-val>` with type " ^ arg2
-    | [arg] -> "the type of " ^ arg
-    | _ -> error "Invalid arity for relation call";
-    )
+  | Al.Ast.CallE (id, al) ->
+    (* HARDCODE: relation call *)
+    if id = "Eval_expr" then
+      let args = (render_arg env) al in
+      (match args with
+      | [z; expr] ->
+        "the result of :ref:`evaluating <exec-expr>` " ^ expr ^ " with state " ^ z
+      | [arg] -> "the type of " ^ arg
+      | _ -> error "Invalid arity for relation call";
+      )
+    else if String.ends_with ~suffix:"_type" id || String.ends_with ~suffix:"_ok" id then
+      let args = (render_arg env) al in
+      (match args with
+      | [arg1; arg2] ->
+        arg1 ^ " is :ref:`valid <valid-val>` with type " ^ arg2
+      | [arg] -> "the type of " ^ arg
+      | _ -> error "Invalid arity for relation call";
+      )
+    else error ("Not supported relation call: " ^ id);
   | Al.Ast.InvCallE (id, nl, al) ->
     let e =
       if id = "lsizenn" || id = "lsizenn1" || id = "lsizenn2" then Al.Al_util.varE "N" ~note:Al.Al_util.no_note
diff --git a/spectec/src/il2al/ b/spectec/src/il2al/
index f6b5e7cb1d..18ccd4c63d 100644
--- a/spectec/src/il2al/
+++ b/spectec/src/il2al/
@@ -879,7 +879,7 @@ let translate_rulepr id exp =
     (* Note: State is automatically converted into frame by remove_state *)
     (* Note: Push/pop is automatically inserted by handle_frame *)
     let lhs = tupE [z'; vs] ~at:(over_region [z'.at;]) ~note:vs.note in
-    let rhs = callE ("eval_expr", [ expA z; expA is ]) ~note:vs.note in
+    let rhs = callE ("Eval_expr", [ expA z; expA is ]) ~note:vs.note in
     [ letI (lhs, rhs) ~at ]
   (* ".*_sub" *)
   | name, [_C; rt1; rt2]
diff --git a/spectec/test-prose/ b/spectec/test-prose/
index e867998d4f..b495070527 100644
--- a/spectec/test-prose/
+++ b/spectec/test-prose/
@@ -2787,19 +2787,19 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. Push the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z{.}\mathsf{frame}~\})` to the stack.
-#. Let :math:`{(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i_{\mathsf{d}})^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{eval}}_{\mathit{expr}}(z, {\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{d}})^\ast}`.
+#. Let :math:`{(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i_{\mathsf{d}})^\ast}` be for all :math:`{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{d}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{d}}^\ast}`, the result of :ref:`evaluating <exec-expr>` :math:`{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{d}}` with state :math:`z`.
 #. Pop the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z{.}\mathsf{frame}~\})` from the stack.
 #. Push the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z{.}\mathsf{frame}~\})` to the stack.
-#. Let :math:`{(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i_{\mathsf{e}})^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{eval}}_{\mathit{expr}}(z, {\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{e}})^\ast}`.
+#. Let :math:`{(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i_{\mathsf{e}})^\ast}` be for all :math:`{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{e}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{e}}^\ast}`, the result of :ref:`evaluating <exec-expr>` :math:`{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{e}}` with state :math:`z`.
 #. Pop the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z{.}\mathsf{frame}~\})` from the stack.
 #. Push the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z{.}\mathsf{frame}~\})` to the stack.
-#. Let :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{eval}}_{\mathit{expr}}(z, {\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{g}})^\ast}`.
+#. Let :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` be for all :math:`{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{g}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{g}}^\ast}`, the result of :ref:`evaluating <exec-expr>` :math:`{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{g}}` with state :math:`z`.
 #. Pop the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z{.}\mathsf{frame}~\})` from the stack.
@@ -4216,13 +4216,13 @@ instantiate s module externaddr*
 15. Let f_init be { LOCALS: []; MODULE: moduleinst_init; }.
 16. Let z be (s, f_init).
 17. Push the frame (FRAME_ 0 { $frame(z) }) to the stack.
-18. Let [(I32.CONST i_D)]* be $eval_expr(z, expr_D)*.
+18. Let [(I32.CONST i_D)]* be $Eval_expr(z, expr_D)*.
 19. Pop the frame (FRAME_ 0 { $frame(z) }) from the stack.
 20. Push the frame (FRAME_ 0 { $frame(z) }) to the stack.
-21. Let [(I32.CONST i_E)]* be $eval_expr(z, expr_E)*.
+21. Let [(I32.CONST i_E)]* be $Eval_expr(z, expr_E)*.
 22. Pop the frame (FRAME_ 0 { $frame(z) }) from the stack.
 23. Push the frame (FRAME_ 0 { $frame(z) }) to the stack.
-24. Let [val]* be $eval_expr(z, expr_G)*.
+24. Let [val]* be $Eval_expr(z, expr_G)*.
 25. Pop the frame (FRAME_ 0 { $frame(z) }) from the stack.
 26. Let moduleinst be $allocmodule(s, module, externaddr*, val*).
 27. Let f be { LOCALS: []; MODULE: moduleinst; }.
@@ -9833,13 +9833,13 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. Push the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z{.}\mathsf{frame}~\})` to the stack.
-#. Let :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{eval}}_{\mathit{expr}}(z, {\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{g}})^\ast}`.
+#. Let :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` be for all :math:`{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{g}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{g}}^\ast}`, the result of :ref:`evaluating <exec-expr>` :math:`{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{g}}` with state :math:`z`.
 #. Pop the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z{.}\mathsf{frame}~\})` from the stack.
 #. Push the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z{.}\mathsf{frame}~\})` to the stack.
-#. Let :math:`{{{\mathit{ref}}^\ast}^\ast}` be :math:`{{{\mathrm{eval}}_{\mathit{expr}}(z, {\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{e}})^\ast}^\ast}`.
+#. Let :math:`{{{\mathit{ref}}^\ast}^\ast}` be for all :math:`{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{e*}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{e*}}^\ast}`, for all :math:`{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{e}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{e}}^\ast}`, the result of :ref:`evaluating <exec-expr>` :math:`{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{e}}` with state :math:`z`.
 #. Pop the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z{.}\mathsf{frame}~\})` from the stack.
@@ -12629,10 +12629,10 @@ instantiate s module externaddr*
 17. Let f_init be { LOCALS: []; MODULE: moduleinst_init; }.
 18. Let z be (s, f_init).
 19. Push the frame (FRAME_ 0 { $frame(z) }) to the stack.
-20. Let [val]* be $eval_expr(z, expr_G)*.
+20. Let [val]* be $Eval_expr(z, expr_G)*.
 21. Pop the frame (FRAME_ 0 { $frame(z) }) from the stack.
 22. Push the frame (FRAME_ 0 { $frame(z) }) to the stack.
-23. Let [ref]** be $eval_expr(z, expr_E)**.
+23. Let [ref]** be $Eval_expr(z, expr_E)**.
 24. Pop the frame (FRAME_ 0 { $frame(z) }) from the stack.
 25. Let moduleinst be $allocmodule(s, module, externaddr*, val*, ref**).
 26. Let f be { LOCALS: []; MODULE: moduleinst; }.
@@ -24221,7 +24221,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. Let :math:`(s, f)` be :math:`z`.
-#. Let :math:`{\mathit{val}}` be :math:`{\mathrm{eval}}_{\mathit{expr}}(z, {\mathit{expr}})`.
+#. Let :math:`{\mathit{val}}` be the result of :ref:`evaluating <exec-expr>` :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` with state :math:`z`.
 #. Let :math:`a` be :math:`{\mathrm{allocglobal}}(s, {\mathit{gt}}, {\mathit{val}})`.
@@ -24292,13 +24292,13 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. Push the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~{f'}~\})` to the stack.
-#. Let :math:`{{\mathit{ref}}_{\mathsf{t}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{eval}}_{\mathit{expr}}(z, {\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{t}})^\ast}`.
+#. Let :math:`{{\mathit{ref}}_{\mathsf{t}}^\ast}` be for all :math:`{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{t}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{t}}^\ast}`, the result of :ref:`evaluating <exec-expr>` :math:`{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{t}}` with state :math:`z`.
 #. Pop the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~{f'}~\})` from the stack.
 #. Push the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~{f'}~\})` to the stack.
-#. Let :math:`{{{\mathit{ref}}_{\mathsf{e}}^\ast}^\ast}` be :math:`{{{\mathrm{eval}}_{\mathit{expr}}(z, {\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{e}})^\ast}^\ast}`.
+#. Let :math:`{{{\mathit{ref}}_{\mathsf{e}}^\ast}^\ast}` be for all :math:`{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{e*}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{e*}}^\ast}`, for all :math:`{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{e}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{e}}^\ast}`, the result of :ref:`evaluating <exec-expr>` :math:`{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{e}}` with state :math:`z`.
 #. Pop the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~{f'}~\})` from the stack.
@@ -30015,7 +30015,7 @@ evalglobals z gt_u1* e_u1*
 4. Assert: Due to validation, (|gt_u1*| >= 1).
 5. Let [gt] :: gt'* be gt_u1*.
 6. Let (s, f) be z.
-7. Let [val] be $eval_expr(z, expr).
+7. Let [val] be $Eval_expr(z, expr).
 8. Let a be $allocglobal(s, gt, val).
 9. Append a to the f.MODULE.GLOBALS.
 10. Let val'* be $evalglobals((s, f), gt'*, expr'*).
@@ -30045,10 +30045,10 @@ instantiate s module externaddr*
 20. Let val_G* be $evalglobals(z, globaltype*, expr_G*).
 21. Pop the frame (FRAME_ 0 { f' }) from the stack.
 22. Push the frame (FRAME_ 0 { f' }) to the stack.
-23. Let [ref_T]* be $eval_expr(z, expr_T)*.
+23. Let [ref_T]* be $Eval_expr(z, expr_T)*.
 24. Pop the frame (FRAME_ 0 { f' }) from the stack.
 25. Push the frame (FRAME_ 0 { f' }) to the stack.
-26. Let [ref_E]** be $eval_expr(z, expr_E)**.
+26. Let [ref_E]** be $Eval_expr(z, expr_E)**.
 27. Pop the frame (FRAME_ 0 { f' }) from the stack.
 28. Let moduleinst be $allocmodule(s, module, externaddr*, val_G*, ref_T*, ref_E**).
 29. Let f be { LOCALS: []; MODULE: moduleinst; }.

From 201be941efa8872804c946a46b3070c1830b88bb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: 702fbtngus <>
Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2025 15:07:30 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 06/12] concat_ render fix

 spectec/src/backend-prose/ |   60 +-
 spectec/src/il2al/         |    4 +-
 spectec/test-prose/          | 7502 +++++++++++++--------------
 3 files changed, 3787 insertions(+), 3779 deletions(-)

diff --git a/spectec/src/backend-prose/ b/spectec/src/backend-prose/
index 743b434811..875eafd7a2 100644
--- a/spectec/src/backend-prose/
+++ b/spectec/src/backend-prose/
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ let env config inputs outputs render_latex : env =
 (* Helpers *)
-let indent = "  "
+let indent = "   "
 let rec repeat str num =
   if num = 0 then ""
@@ -215,25 +215,25 @@ and al_to_el_expr expr =
       | Some _ ->
       | _ ->
-        let elid = id $ no_region in
-        let* elal = al_to_el_args al in
-        (* Unwrap parenthsized args *)
-        let elal =
-          (fun elarg ->
-            let elarg = match elarg with
-            | El.Ast.ExpA exp ->
-              let exp = match with
-              | ParenE exp' -> exp'
-              | _ -> exp
+          let elid = id $ no_region in
+          let* elal = al_to_el_args al in
+          (* Unwrap parenthsized args *)
+          let elal =
+            (fun elarg ->
+              let elarg = match elarg with
+              | El.Ast.ExpA exp ->
+                let exp = match with
+                | ParenE exp' -> exp'
+                | _ -> exp
+                in
+                El.Ast.ExpA exp
+              | _ -> elarg
-              El.Ast.ExpA exp
-            | _ -> elarg
-            in
-            (ref elarg) $ no_region
-          )
-          elal
-        in
-        Some (El.Ast.CallE (elid, elal))
+              (ref elarg) $ no_region
+            )
+            elal
+          in
+          Some (El.Ast.CallE (elid, elal))
     | Al.Ast.CatE (e1, e2) ->
       let* ele1 = al_to_el_expr e1 in
@@ -481,16 +481,16 @@ and render_expr' env expr =
     | Al.Ast.Back -> sprintf "%s with %s appended by %s" se1 sps se2)
   | Al.Ast.CallE (id, al) ->
     (* HARDCODE: relation call *)
+    let args = (render_arg env) al in
     if id = "Eval_expr" then
-      let args = (render_arg env) al in
       (match args with
       | [z; expr] ->
         "the result of :ref:`evaluating <exec-expr>` " ^ expr ^ " with state " ^ z
-      | [arg] -> "the type of " ^ arg
-      | _ -> error "Invalid arity for relation call";
+      | [instrs] ->
+        "the result of :ref:`evaluating <exec-expr>` " ^ instrs
+      | _ -> error (Printf.sprintf "Invalid arity for relation call: %d ([ %s ])" (List.length args) (String.concat " " args));
     else if String.ends_with ~suffix:"_type" id || String.ends_with ~suffix:"_ok" id then
-      let args = (render_arg env) al in
       (match args with
       | [arg1; arg2] ->
         arg1 ^ " is :ref:`valid <valid-val>` with type " ^ arg2
@@ -670,7 +670,7 @@ and render_paths env paths =
   let spaths = (render_path env) paths in
   String.concat " of " spaths
-let typs = ref Map.empty
+ let typs = ref Map.empty
 let init_typs () = typs := Map.empty
 let render_expr_with_type env e =
   let s = render_expr env e in
@@ -970,8 +970,8 @@ let rec render_instr env algoname index depth instr =
       (render_expr env elhs)
       (render_math "=")
       (render_expr env erhs)
-  | Al.Ast.LetI (n, ({ it = Al.Ast.CallE (id, [{ it = ExpA arge; _ }]); _ } as e))
-    when Option.is_some (Prose_util.find_relation id) ->
+  | Al.Ast.LetI (n, ({ it = Al.Ast.CallE (("Module_ok" | "Ref_type"), [{ it = ExpA arge; _ }]); _ } as e)) ->
+    (* HARDCODE: special function calls for LetI *)
     let to_expr exp' = exp' $$ (no_region, Il.Ast.BoolT $ no_region) in
     let to_instr instr' = instr' $$ (no_region, 0) in
     let is_valid = Al.Ast.IsValidE arge |> to_expr in
@@ -983,6 +983,14 @@ let rec render_instr env algoname index depth instr =
       (render_order index depth) (render_expr env n)
       (render_expr env e)
+  | Al.Ast.LetI (n, ({ it = Al.Ast.CallE ("concat_", al); _ })) ->
+    let args = (render_arg env) al in
+    let ce = (match args with
+    | [_; expr] ->
+      "the concatenation of " ^ expr
+    | _ -> error "Invalid arity for relation call";
+    ) in
+    sprintf "%s Let %s be %s." (render_order index depth) (render_expr env n) ce
   | Al.Ast.LetI (n, e) ->
     sprintf "%s Let %s be %s." (render_order index depth) (render_expr env n)
       (render_expr env e)
diff --git a/spectec/src/il2al/ b/spectec/src/il2al/
index 92c7be063b..36f109aba7 100644
--- a/spectec/src/il2al/
+++ b/spectec/src/il2al/
@@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ let eval_expr =
   (* Add function definition to AL environment *)
   let param = Il.Ast.ExpP ("_" $ no_region, ty_instrs) $ no_region in
   Al.Valid.il_env :=
-    Il.Env.bind_def !Al.Valid.il_env ("eval_expr" $ no_region) ([param], ty_vals, []);
+    Il.Env.bind_def !Al.Valid.il_env ("Eval_expr" $ no_region) ([param], ty_vals, []);
   FuncA (
-    "eval_expr",
+    "Eval_expr",
     [expA instrs],
       executeI instrs;
diff --git a/spectec/test-prose/ b/spectec/test-prose/
index b495070527..0646f2f5bf 100644
--- a/spectec/test-prose/
+++ b/spectec/test-prose/
@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ watsup 0.4 generator
 The limits :math:`({}[~n~..~m~])` is valid with :math:`k` if:
-  * :math:`n` is less than or equal to :math:`m`.
+   * :math:`n` is less than or equal to :math:`m`.
-  * :math:`m` is less than or equal to :math:`k`.
+   * :math:`m` is less than or equal to :math:`k`.
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ The global type :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}~t)` is valid.
 The table type :math:`{\mathit{limits}}` is valid if:
-  * The table type :math:`{\mathit{limits}}` is valid with :math:`{2^{32}} - 1`.
+   * The table type :math:`{\mathit{limits}}` is valid with :math:`{2^{32}} - 1`.
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ The table type :math:`{\mathit{limits}}` is valid if:
 The memory type :math:`{\mathit{limits}}` is valid if:
-  * The memory type :math:`{\mathit{limits}}` is valid with :math:`{2^{16}}`.
+   * The memory type :math:`{\mathit{limits}}` is valid with :math:`{2^{16}}`.
@@ -58,27 +58,27 @@ The memory type :math:`{\mathit{limits}}` is valid if:
 The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is valid if:
-  * Either:
+   * Either:
-    * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{functype}})`.
+      * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{functype}})`.
-    * The function type :math:`{\mathit{functype}}` is valid.
+      * The function type :math:`{\mathit{functype}}` is valid.
-  * Or:
+   * Or:
-    * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{globaltype}})`.
+      * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{globaltype}})`.
-    * The global type :math:`{\mathit{globaltype}}` is valid.
-  * Or:
+      * The global type :math:`{\mathit{globaltype}}` is valid.
+   * Or:
-    * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tabletype}})`.
+      * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tabletype}})`.
-    * The table type :math:`{\mathit{tabletype}}` is valid.
-  * Or:
+      * The table type :math:`{\mathit{tabletype}}` is valid.
+   * Or:
-    * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{memtype}})`.
+      * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{memtype}})`.
-    * The memory type :math:`{\mathit{memtype}}` is valid.
+      * The memory type :math:`{\mathit{memtype}}` is valid.
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`
 The external type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{functype}})` is valid if:
-  * The function type :math:`{\mathit{functype}}` is valid.
+   * The function type :math:`{\mathit{functype}}` is valid.
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ The external type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{functype}})` is valid if:
 The external type :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{globaltype}})` is valid if:
-  * The global type :math:`{\mathit{globaltype}}` is valid.
+   * The global type :math:`{\mathit{globaltype}}` is valid.
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ The external type :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{globaltype}})` is valid if:
 The external type :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tabletype}})` is valid if:
-  * The table type :math:`{\mathit{tabletype}}` is valid.
+   * The table type :math:`{\mathit{tabletype}}` is valid.
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ The external type :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tabletype}})` is valid if:
 The external type :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{memtype}})` is valid if:
-  * The memory type :math:`{\mathit{memtype}}` is valid.
+   * The memory type :math:`{\mathit{memtype}}` is valid.
@@ -118,9 +118,9 @@ The external type :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{memtype}})` is valid if:
 The limits :math:`({}[~n_{11}~..~n_{12}~])` matches the limits :math:`({}[~n_{21}~..~n_{22}~])` if:
-  * :math:`n_{11}` is greater than or equal to :math:`n_{21}`.
+   * :math:`n_{11}` is greater than or equal to :math:`n_{21}`.
-  * :math:`n_{12}` is less than or equal to :math:`n_{22}`.
+   * :math:`n_{12}` is less than or equal to :math:`n_{22}`.
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ The global type :math:`{\mathit{gt}}` matches itself.
 The table type :math:`{\mathit{lim}}_1` matches the table type :math:`{\mathit{lim}}_2` if:
-  * The table type :math:`{\mathit{lim}}_1` matches the table type :math:`{\mathit{lim}}_2`.
+   * The table type :math:`{\mathit{lim}}_1` matches the table type :math:`{\mathit{lim}}_2`.
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ The table type :math:`{\mathit{lim}}_1` matches the table type :math:`{\mathit{l
 The memory type :math:`{\mathit{lim}}_1` matches the memory type :math:`{\mathit{lim}}_2` if:
-  * The memory type :math:`{\mathit{lim}}_1` matches the memory type :math:`{\mathit{lim}}_2`.
+   * The memory type :math:`{\mathit{lim}}_1` matches the memory type :math:`{\mathit{lim}}_2`.
@@ -154,35 +154,35 @@ The memory type :math:`{\mathit{lim}}_1` matches the memory type :math:`{\mathit
 The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` matches the external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` if:
-  * Either:
+   * Either:
-    * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{ft}}_1)`.
+      * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{ft}}_1)`.
-    * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{ft}}_2)`.
+      * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{ft}}_2)`.
-    * The function type :math:`{\mathit{ft}}_1` matches the function type :math:`{\mathit{ft}}_2`.
+      * The function type :math:`{\mathit{ft}}_1` matches the function type :math:`{\mathit{ft}}_2`.
-  * Or:
+   * Or:
-    * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{gt}}_1)`.
+      * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{gt}}_1)`.
-    * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{gt}}_2)`.
+      * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{gt}}_2)`.
-    * The global type :math:`{\mathit{gt}}_1` matches the global type :math:`{\mathit{gt}}_2`.
-  * Or:
+      * The global type :math:`{\mathit{gt}}_1` matches the global type :math:`{\mathit{gt}}_2`.
+   * Or:
-    * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tt}}_1)`.
+      * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tt}}_1)`.
-    * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tt}}_2)`.
+      * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tt}}_2)`.
-    * The table type :math:`{\mathit{tt}}_1` matches the table type :math:`{\mathit{tt}}_2`.
-  * Or:
+      * The table type :math:`{\mathit{tt}}_1` matches the table type :math:`{\mathit{tt}}_2`.
+   * Or:
-    * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{mt}}_1)`.
+      * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{mt}}_1)`.
-    * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{mt}}_2)`.
+      * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{mt}}_2)`.
-    * The memory type :math:`{\mathit{mt}}_1` matches the memory type :math:`{\mathit{mt}}_2`.
+      * The memory type :math:`{\mathit{mt}}_1` matches the memory type :math:`{\mathit{mt}}_2`.
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`
 The external type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{ft}}_1)` matches the external type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{ft}}_2)` if:
-  * The function type :math:`{\mathit{ft}}_1` matches the function type :math:`{\mathit{ft}}_2`.
+   * The function type :math:`{\mathit{ft}}_1` matches the function type :math:`{\mathit{ft}}_2`.
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ The external type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{ft}}_1)` matches the external t
 The external type :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{gt}}_1)` matches the external type :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{gt}}_2)` if:
-  * The global type :math:`{\mathit{gt}}_1` matches the global type :math:`{\mathit{gt}}_2`.
+   * The global type :math:`{\mathit{gt}}_1` matches the global type :math:`{\mathit{gt}}_2`.
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ The external type :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{gt}}_1)` matches the external
 The external type :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tt}}_1)` matches the external type :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tt}}_2)` if:
-  * The table type :math:`{\mathit{tt}}_1` matches the table type :math:`{\mathit{tt}}_2`.
+   * The table type :math:`{\mathit{tt}}_1` matches the table type :math:`{\mathit{tt}}_2`.
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ The external type :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tt}}_1)` matches the external
 The external type :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{mt}}_1)` matches the external type :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{mt}}_2)` if:
-  * The memory type :math:`{\mathit{mt}}_1` matches the memory type :math:`{\mathit{mt}}_2`.
+   * The memory type :math:`{\mathit{mt}}_1` matches the memory type :math:`{\mathit{mt}}_2`.
@@ -242,9 +242,9 @@ The instruction :math:`\mathsf{select}` is valid with the function type :math:`t
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{t^?}~{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast})` is valid with the function type :math:`\epsilon~\rightarrow~{t^?}` if:
-  * Let :math:`{C'}` be the same context as :math:`C`, but with the result type sequence :math:`{t^?}` prepended to the field :math:`\mathsf{labels}`.
+   * Let :math:`{C'}` be the same context as :math:`C`, but with the result type sequence :math:`{t^?}` prepended to the field :math:`\mathsf{labels}`.
-  * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the function type :math:`\epsilon~\rightarrow~{t^?}`.
+   * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the function type :math:`\epsilon~\rightarrow~{t^?}`.
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{t^?}~{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast})` is valid
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{loop}~{t^?}~{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast})` is valid with the function type :math:`\epsilon~\rightarrow~{t^?}` if:
-  * The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the function type :math:`\epsilon~\rightarrow~\epsilon`.
+   * The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the function type :math:`\epsilon~\rightarrow~\epsilon`.
@@ -260,11 +260,11 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{loop}~{t^?}~{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast})` is valid w
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{if}~{t^?}~{{\mathit{instr}}_1^\ast}~\mathsf{else}~{{\mathit{instr}}_2^\ast})` is valid with the function type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\rightarrow~{t^?}` if:
-  * Let :math:`{C'}` be the same context as :math:`C`, but with the result type sequence :math:`{t^?}` prepended to the field :math:`\mathsf{labels}`.
+   * Let :math:`{C'}` be the same context as :math:`C`, but with the result type sequence :math:`{t^?}` prepended to the field :math:`\mathsf{labels}`.
-  * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_1^\ast}` is valid with the function type :math:`\epsilon~\rightarrow~{t^?}`.
+   * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_1^\ast}` is valid with the function type :math:`\epsilon~\rightarrow~{t^?}`.
-  * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_2^\ast}` is valid with the function type :math:`\epsilon~\rightarrow~{t^?}`.
+   * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_2^\ast}` is valid with the function type :math:`\epsilon~\rightarrow~{t^?}`.
@@ -272,9 +272,9 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{if}~{t^?}~{{\mathit{instr}}_1^\ast}~\mathsf{else
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br}~l)` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~{t^?}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}` if:
-  * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]` exists.
+   * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]` exists.
-  * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]` is equal to :math:`{t^?}`.
+   * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]` is equal to :math:`{t^?}`.
@@ -282,9 +282,9 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br}~l)` is valid with the function type :math:`{
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br\_if}~l)` is valid with the function type :math:`{t^?}~\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\rightarrow~{t^?}` if:
-  * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]` exists.
+   * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]` exists.
-  * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]` is equal to :math:`{t^?}`.
+   * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]` is equal to :math:`{t^?}`.
@@ -292,17 +292,17 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br\_if}~l)` is valid with the function type :mat
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br\_table}~{l^\ast}~{l'})` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~{t^?}~\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}` if:
-  * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[{l'}]` exists.
+   * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[{l'}]` exists.
-  * The result type :math:`{t^?}` is equal to :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[{l'}]`.
+   * The result type :math:`{t^?}` is equal to :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[{l'}]`.
-  * For all :math:`l` in :math:`{l^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`l` in :math:`{l^\ast}`:
-    * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]` exists.
+      * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]` exists.
-  * For all :math:`l` in :math:`{l^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`l` in :math:`{l^\ast}`:
-    * The result type :math:`{t^?}` is equal to :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]`.
+      * The result type :math:`{t^?}` is equal to :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]`.
@@ -310,9 +310,9 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br\_table}~{l^\ast}~{l'})` is valid with the fun
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{call}~x)` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^?}` if:
-  * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^?}`.
+   * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^?}`.
@@ -320,9 +320,9 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{call}~x)` is valid with the function type :math:
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{call\_indirect}~x)` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\rightarrow~{t_2^?}` if:
-  * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^?}`.
+   * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^?}`.
@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{call\_indirect}~x)` is valid with the function t
 The instruction :math:`\mathsf{return}` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~{t^?}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}` if:
-  * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{return}` is equal to :math:`{t^?}`.
+   * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{return}` is equal to :math:`{t^?}`.
@@ -363,15 +363,15 @@ The instruction :math:`(t {.} {\mathit{relop}}_t)` is valid with the function ty
 The instruction :math:`({\mathit{nt}}_1 {.} {{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{nt}}_2})` is valid with the function type :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_2~\rightarrow~{\mathit{nt}}_1` if:
-  * Either:
+   * Either:
-    * :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{reinterpret}`.
+      * :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{reinterpret}`.
-    * :math:`{|{\mathit{nt}}_1|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{nt}}_2|}`.
+      * :math:`{|{\mathit{nt}}_1|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{nt}}_2|}`.
-  * Or:
+   * Or:
-    * :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}`.
+      * :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}`.
@@ -379,9 +379,9 @@ The instruction :math:`({\mathit{nt}}_1 {.} {{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{local{.}get}~x)` is valid with the function type :math:`\epsilon~\rightarrow~t` if:
-  * The number type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The number type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The number type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`t`.
+   * The number type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`t`.
@@ -389,9 +389,9 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{local{.}get}~x)` is valid with the function type
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{local{.}set}~x)` is valid with the function type :math:`t~\rightarrow~\epsilon` if:
-  * The number type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The number type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The number type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`t`.
+   * The number type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`t`.
@@ -399,9 +399,9 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{local{.}set}~x)` is valid with the function type
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{local{.}tee}~x)` is valid with the function type :math:`t~\rightarrow~t` if:
-  * The number type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The number type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The number type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`t`.
+   * The number type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`t`.
@@ -409,9 +409,9 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{local{.}tee}~x)` is valid with the function type
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{global{.}get}~x)` is valid with the function type :math:`\epsilon~\rightarrow~t` if:
-  * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{mut}}~t)`.
+   * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{mut}}~t)`.
@@ -419,9 +419,9 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{global{.}get}~x)` is valid with the function typ
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{global{.}set}~x)` is valid with the function type :math:`t~\rightarrow~\epsilon` if:
-  * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{mut}~t)`.
+   * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{mut}~t)`.
@@ -429,9 +429,9 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{global{.}set}~x)` is valid with the function typ
 The instruction :math:`\mathsf{memory{.}size}` is valid with the function type :math:`\epsilon~\rightarrow~\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}` if:
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
@@ -439,9 +439,9 @@ The instruction :math:`\mathsf{memory{.}size}` is valid with the function type :
 The instruction :math:`\mathsf{memory{.}grow}` is valid with the function type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\rightarrow~\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}` if:
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
@@ -449,29 +449,29 @@ The instruction :math:`\mathsf{memory{.}grow}` is valid with the function type :
 The instruction :math:`({t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{{{\mathit{loadop\_u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}}~{\mathit{memarg}})` is valid with the function type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\rightarrow~t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}` if:
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
-  * Either:
+   * Either:
-    * The number type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`t`.
+      * The number type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`t`.
-    * :math:`{{\mathit{loadop\_u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is absent.
+      * :math:`{{\mathit{loadop\_u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is absent.
-    * The number type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}` is equal to :math:`t`.
+      * The number type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}` is equal to :math:`t`.
-    * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`{|t|} / 8`.
+      * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`{|t|} / 8`.
-  * Or:
+   * Or:
-    * The number type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}`.
+      * The number type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}`.
-    * :math:`{{\mathit{loadop\_u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is equal to :math:`(M~{\mathit{sx}})`.
+      * :math:`{{\mathit{loadop\_u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is equal to :math:`(M~{\mathit{sx}})`.
-    * The number type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}`.
+      * The number type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}`.
-    * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`M / 8`.
+      * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`M / 8`.
@@ -479,29 +479,29 @@ The instruction :math:`({t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}{.}\mathsf{loa
 The instruction :math:`({t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}{.}\mathsf{store}}{{{\mathit{sz}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}}~{\mathit{memarg}})` is valid with the function type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}~\rightarrow~\epsilon` if:
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
-  * Either:
+   * Either:
-    * The number type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`t`.
+      * The number type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`t`.
-    * The pack size :math:`{{\mathit{sz}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is absent.
+      * The pack size :math:`{{\mathit{sz}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is absent.
-    * The number type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`t`.
+      * The number type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`t`.
-    * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`{|t|} / 8`.
+      * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`{|t|} / 8`.
-  * Or:
+   * Or:
-    * The number type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}`.
+      * The number type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}`.
-    * The pack size :math:`{{\mathit{sz}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is equal to :math:`M`.
+      * The pack size :math:`{{\mathit{sz}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is equal to :math:`M`.
-    * The number type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}`.
+      * The number type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}`.
-    * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`M / 8`.
+      * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`M / 8`.
@@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ The instruction :math:`({t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}{.}\mathsf{sto
 The instruction :math:`({\mathit{nt}}_1 {.} {\mathsf{reinterpret}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{nt}}_2})` is valid with the function type :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_2~\rightarrow~{\mathit{nt}}_1` if:
-  * :math:`{|{\mathit{nt}}_1|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{nt}}_2|}`.
+   * :math:`{|{\mathit{nt}}_1|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{nt}}_2|}`.
@@ -522,11 +522,11 @@ The instruction :math:`({\mathit{nt}}_1 {.} {{\mathit{cvtop}}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\ma
 The instruction :math:`({t{.}\mathsf{load}}{\epsilon}~{\mathit{memarg}})` is valid with the function type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\rightarrow~t` if:
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
-  * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`{|t|} / 8`.
+   * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`{|t|} / 8`.
@@ -534,11 +534,11 @@ The instruction :math:`({t{.}\mathsf{load}}{\epsilon}~{\mathit{memarg}})` is val
 The instruction :math:`({{\mathsf{i}}{n}{.}\mathsf{load}}{M~{\mathit{sx}}}~{\mathit{memarg}})` is valid with the function type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\rightarrow~{\mathsf{i}}{n}` if:
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
-  * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`M / 8`.
+   * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`M / 8`.
@@ -546,11 +546,11 @@ The instruction :math:`({{\mathsf{i}}{n}{.}\mathsf{load}}{M~{\mathit{sx}}}~{\mat
 The instruction :math:`({t{.}\mathsf{store}}{\epsilon}~{\mathit{memarg}})` is valid with the function type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~t~\rightarrow~\epsilon` if:
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
-  * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`{|t|} / 8`.
+   * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`{|t|} / 8`.
@@ -558,11 +558,11 @@ The instruction :math:`({t{.}\mathsf{store}}{\epsilon}~{\mathit{memarg}})` is va
 The instruction :math:`({{\mathsf{i}}{n}{.}\mathsf{store}}{M}~{\mathit{memarg}})` is valid with the function type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~{\mathsf{i}}{n}~\rightarrow~\epsilon` if:
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
-  * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`M / 8`.
+   * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`M / 8`.
@@ -570,34 +570,34 @@ The instruction :math:`({{\mathsf{i}}{n}{.}\mathsf{store}}{M}~{\mathit{memarg}})
 The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}^\ast}` if:
-  * Either:
+   * Either:
-    * The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`\epsilon`.
+      * The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`\epsilon`.
-    * The number type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`\epsilon`.
+      * The number type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`\epsilon`.
-    * The number type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`\epsilon`.
+      * The number type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`\epsilon`.
-  * Or:
+   * Or:
-    * The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_1~{{\mathit{instr}}_2^\ast}`.
+      * The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_1~{{\mathit{instr}}_2^\ast}`.
-    * The number type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{t_1^\ast}`.
+      * The number type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{t_1^\ast}`.
-    * The number type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{t_3^\ast}`.
+      * The number type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{t_3^\ast}`.
-    * The instruction :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_1` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
+      * The instruction :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_1` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
-    * The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_2^\ast}` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_2^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_3^\ast}`.
-  * Or:
+      * The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_2^\ast}` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_2^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_3^\ast}`.
+   * Or:
-    * The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}`.
+      * The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}`.
-    * The number type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{t^\ast}~{t_1^\ast}`.
+      * The number type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{t^\ast}~{t_1^\ast}`.
-    * The number type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{t^\ast}~{t_2^\ast}`.
+      * The number type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{t^\ast}~{t_2^\ast}`.
-    * The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
+      * The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
@@ -610,9 +610,9 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`\epsilon` is valid with the function type :math:
 The instruction sequence :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_1~{{\mathit{instr}}_2^\ast}` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_3^\ast}` if:
-  * The instruction :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_1` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
+   * The instruction :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_1` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
-  * The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_2^\ast}` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_2^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_3^\ast}`.
+   * The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_2^\ast}` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_2^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_3^\ast}`.
@@ -620,7 +620,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_1~{{\mathit{instr}}_2^\ast}` is
 The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the function type :math:`{t^\ast}~{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t^\ast}~{t_2^\ast}` if:
-  * The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
+   * The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
@@ -628,7 +628,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the funct
 The expression :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the result type :math:`{t^?}` if:
-  * The expression :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the function type :math:`\epsilon~\rightarrow~{t^?}`.
+   * The expression :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the function type :math:`\epsilon~\rightarrow~{t^?}`.
@@ -636,17 +636,17 @@ The expression :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the result type :ma
 :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is const if:
-  * Either:
+   * Either:
-    * The instruction :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(t{.}\mathsf{const}~c)`.
+      * The instruction :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(t{.}\mathsf{const}~c)`.
-  * Or:
+   * Or:
-    * The instruction :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{global{.}get}~x)`.
+      * The instruction :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{global{.}get}~x)`.
-    * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` exists.
+      * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` exists.
-    * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`(\epsilon~t)`.
+      * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`(\epsilon~t)`.
@@ -659,9 +659,9 @@ The expression :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the result type :ma
 :math:`(\mathsf{global{.}get}~x)` is const if:
-  * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`(\epsilon~t)`.
+   * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`(\epsilon~t)`.
@@ -669,9 +669,9 @@ The expression :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the result type :ma
 :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is const if:
-  * For all :math:`{\mathit{instr}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`{\mathit{instr}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}`:
-    * :math:`{\mathit{instr}}` is const.
+      * :math:`{\mathit{instr}}` is const.
@@ -679,7 +679,7 @@ The expression :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the result type :ma
 The type :math:`(\mathsf{type}~{\mathit{ft}})` is valid with the function type :math:`{\mathit{ft}}` if:
-  * The function type :math:`{\mathit{ft}}` is valid.
+   * The function type :math:`{\mathit{ft}}` is valid.
@@ -687,11 +687,11 @@ The type :math:`(\mathsf{type}~{\mathit{ft}})` is valid with the function type :
 The function :math:`(\mathsf{func}~x~{(\mathsf{local}~t)^\ast}~{\mathit{expr}})` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^?}` if:
-  * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^?}`.
+   * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^?}`.
-  * Under the context :math:`C{}[{.}\mathsf{locals} \mathrel{{=}{\oplus}} {t_1^\ast}~{t^\ast}]{}[{.}\mathsf{labels} \mathrel{{=}{\oplus}} {t_2^?}]{}[{.}\mathsf{return} \mathrel{{=}{\oplus}} {t_2^?}]`, the expression :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is valid with the result type :math:`{t_2^?}`.
+   * Under the context :math:`C{}[{.}\mathsf{locals} \mathrel{{=}{\oplus}} {t_1^\ast}~{t^\ast}]{}[{.}\mathsf{labels} \mathrel{{=}{\oplus}} {t_2^?}]{}[{.}\mathsf{return} \mathrel{{=}{\oplus}} {t_2^?}]`, the expression :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is valid with the result type :math:`{t_2^?}`.
@@ -699,13 +699,13 @@ The function :math:`(\mathsf{func}~x~{(\mathsf{local}~t)^\ast}~{\mathit{expr}})`
 The global :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{gt}}~{\mathit{expr}})` is valid with the global type :math:`{\mathit{gt}}` if:
-  * The global type :math:`{\mathit{gt}}` is valid.
+   * The global type :math:`{\mathit{gt}}` is valid.
-  * The global type :math:`{\mathit{gt}}` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{mut}}~t)`.
+   * The global type :math:`{\mathit{gt}}` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{mut}}~t)`.
-  * The expression :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is valid with the number type :math:`t`.
+   * The expression :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is valid with the number type :math:`t`.
-  * :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is const.
+   * :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is const.
@@ -713,7 +713,7 @@ The global :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{gt}}~{\mathit{expr}})` is valid with
 The table :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tt}})` is valid with the table type :math:`{\mathit{tt}}` if:
-  * The table type :math:`{\mathit{tt}}` is valid.
+   * The table type :math:`{\mathit{tt}}` is valid.
@@ -721,7 +721,7 @@ The table :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tt}})` is valid with the table type :m
 The memory :math:`(\mathsf{memory}~{\mathit{mt}})` is valid with the memory type :math:`{\mathit{mt}}` if:
-  * The memory type :math:`{\mathit{mt}}` is valid.
+   * The memory type :math:`{\mathit{mt}}` is valid.
@@ -729,23 +729,23 @@ The memory :math:`(\mathsf{memory}~{\mathit{mt}})` is valid with the memory type
 The table segment :math:`(\mathsf{elem}~{\mathit{expr}}~{x^\ast})` is valid if:
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[0]` exists.
+   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[0]` exists.
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{lim}}`.
+   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{lim}}`.
-  * The expression :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is valid with the number type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}`.
+   * The expression :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is valid with the number type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}`.
-  * :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is const.
+   * :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is const.
-  * :math:`{|{\mathit{x*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{ft*}}|}`.
+   * :math:`{|{\mathit{x*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{ft*}}|}`.
-  * For all :math:`x` in :math:`{x^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`x` in :math:`{x^\ast}`:
-    * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` exists.
+      * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` exists.
-  * For all :math:`{\mathit{ft}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{ft}}^\ast}` and :math:`x` in :math:`{x^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`{\mathit{ft}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{ft}}^\ast}` and :math:`x` in :math:`{x^\ast}`:
-    * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{ft}}`.
+      * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{ft}}`.
@@ -753,13 +753,13 @@ The table segment :math:`(\mathsf{elem}~{\mathit{expr}}~{x^\ast})` is valid if:
 The memory segment :math:`(\mathsf{data}~{\mathit{expr}}~{b^\ast})` is valid if:
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{lim}}`.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{lim}}`.
-  * The expression :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is valid with the number type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}`.
+   * The expression :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is valid with the number type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}`.
-  * :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is const.
+   * :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is const.
@@ -767,9 +767,9 @@ The memory segment :math:`(\mathsf{data}~{\mathit{expr}}~{b^\ast})` is valid if:
 The start function :math:`(\mathsf{start}~x)` is valid if:
-  * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`\epsilon~\rightarrow~\epsilon`.
+   * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`\epsilon~\rightarrow~\epsilon`.
@@ -777,7 +777,7 @@ The start function :math:`(\mathsf{start}~x)` is valid if:
 The import :math:`(\mathsf{import}~{\mathit{name}}_1~{\mathit{name}}_2~{\mathit{xt}})` is valid with the external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}` if:
-  * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}` is valid.
+   * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}` is valid.
@@ -785,43 +785,43 @@ The import :math:`(\mathsf{import}~{\mathit{name}}_1~{\mathit{name}}_2~{\mathit{
 The external index :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is valid with the external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` if:
-  * Either:
+   * Either:
-    * The external index :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{func}~x)`.
+      * The external index :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{func}~x)`.
-    * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{ft}})`.
+      * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{ft}})`.
-    * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` exists.
+      * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` exists.
-    * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{ft}}`.
+      * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{ft}}`.
-  * Or:
+   * Or:
-    * The external index :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{global}~x)`.
+      * The external index :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{global}~x)`.
-    * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{gt}})`.
+      * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{gt}})`.
-    * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` exists.
+      * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` exists.
-    * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{gt}}`.
-  * Or:
+      * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{gt}}`.
+   * Or:
-    * The external index :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{table}~x)`.
+      * The external index :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{table}~x)`.
-    * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tt}})`.
+      * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tt}})`.
-    * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
+      * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
-    * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{tt}}`.
-  * Or:
+      * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{tt}}`.
+   * Or:
-    * The external index :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~x)`.
+      * The external index :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~x)`.
-    * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{mt}})`.
+      * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{mt}})`.
-    * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` exists.
+      * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` exists.
-    * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
+      * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
@@ -829,9 +829,9 @@ The external index :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyl
 The external index :math:`(\mathsf{func}~x)` is valid with the external type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{ft}})` if:
-  * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{ft}}`.
+   * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{ft}}`.
@@ -839,9 +839,9 @@ The external index :math:`(\mathsf{func}~x)` is valid with the external type :ma
 The external index :math:`(\mathsf{global}~x)` is valid with the external type :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{gt}})` if:
-  * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{gt}}`.
+   * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{gt}}`.
@@ -849,9 +849,9 @@ The external index :math:`(\mathsf{global}~x)` is valid with the external type :
 The external index :math:`(\mathsf{table}~x)` is valid with the external type :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tt}})` if:
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{tt}}`.
+   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{tt}}`.
@@ -859,9 +859,9 @@ The external index :math:`(\mathsf{table}~x)` is valid with the external type :m
 The external index :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~x)` is valid with the external type :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{mt}})` if:
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
@@ -869,7 +869,7 @@ The external index :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~x)` is valid with the external type :mat
 The export :math:`(\mathsf{export}~{\mathit{name}}~{\mathit{externidx}})` is valid with the external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}` if:
-  * The external index :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}` is valid with the external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}`.
+   * The external index :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}` is valid with the external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}`.
@@ -877,75 +877,75 @@ The export :math:`(\mathsf{export}~{\mathit{name}}~{\mathit{externidx}})` is val
 The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{func}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{global}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{table}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{mem}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{elem}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{data}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{start}}^?}~{{\mathit{export}}^\ast})` is valid if:
-  * :math:`{|{\mathit{type*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{ft'*}}|}`.
+   * :math:`{|{\mathit{type*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{ft'*}}|}`.
-  * For all :math:`{\mathit{ft}'}` in :math:`{{\mathit{ft}'}^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{type}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`{\mathit{ft}'}` in :math:`{{\mathit{ft}'}^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{type}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}`:
-    * The type :math:`{\mathit{type}}` is valid with the function type :math:`{\mathit{ft}'}`.
+      * The type :math:`{\mathit{type}}` is valid with the function type :math:`{\mathit{ft}'}`.
-  * :math:`{|{\mathit{ixt*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{import*}}|}`.
+   * :math:`{|{\mathit{ixt*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{import*}}|}`.
-  * For all :math:`{\mathit{import}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{import}}^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{ixt}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{ixt}}^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`{\mathit{import}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{import}}^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{ixt}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{ixt}}^\ast}`:
-    * Under the context :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{types}~{{\mathit{ft}'}^\ast},\; \mathsf{funcs}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{globals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{tables}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{mems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{labels}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{return}~\epsilon \}\end{array}`, the import :math:`{\mathit{import}}` is valid with the external type :math:`{\mathit{ixt}}`.
+      * Under the context :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{types}~{{\mathit{ft}'}^\ast},\; \mathsf{funcs}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{globals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{tables}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{mems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{labels}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{return}~\epsilon \}\end{array}`, the import :math:`{\mathit{import}}` is valid with the external type :math:`{\mathit{ixt}}`.
-  * :math:`{|{\mathit{gt*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{global*}}|}`.
+   * :math:`{|{\mathit{gt*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{global*}}|}`.
-  * For all :math:`{\mathit{global}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{global}}^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{gt}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{gt}}^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`{\mathit{global}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{global}}^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{gt}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{gt}}^\ast}`:
-    * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the global :math:`{\mathit{global}}` is valid with the global type :math:`{\mathit{gt}}`.
+      * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the global :math:`{\mathit{global}}` is valid with the global type :math:`{\mathit{gt}}`.
-  * :math:`{|{\mathit{func*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{ft*}}|}`.
+   * :math:`{|{\mathit{func*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{ft*}}|}`.
-  * For all :math:`{\mathit{ft}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{ft}}^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{func}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{func}}^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`{\mathit{ft}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{ft}}^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{func}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{func}}^\ast}`:
-    * The function :math:`{\mathit{func}}` is valid with the function type :math:`{\mathit{ft}}`.
+      * The function :math:`{\mathit{func}}` is valid with the function type :math:`{\mathit{ft}}`.
-  * :math:`{|{\mathit{tt*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{table*}}|}`.
+   * :math:`{|{\mathit{tt*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{table*}}|}`.
-  * For all :math:`{\mathit{table}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{table}}^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{tt}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{tt}}^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`{\mathit{table}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{table}}^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{tt}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{tt}}^\ast}`:
-    * The table :math:`{\mathit{table}}` is valid with the table type :math:`{\mathit{tt}}`.
+      * The table :math:`{\mathit{table}}` is valid with the table type :math:`{\mathit{tt}}`.
-  * :math:`{|{\mathit{mt*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{mem*}}|}`.
+   * :math:`{|{\mathit{mt*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{mem*}}|}`.
-  * For all :math:`{\mathit{mem}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{mem}}^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{mt}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{mt}}^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`{\mathit{mem}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{mem}}^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{mt}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{mt}}^\ast}`:
-    * The memory :math:`{\mathit{mem}}` is valid with the memory type :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
+      * The memory :math:`{\mathit{mem}}` is valid with the memory type :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
-  * For all :math:`{\mathit{elem}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{elem}}^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`{\mathit{elem}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{elem}}^\ast}`:
-    * The table segment :math:`{\mathit{elem}}` is valid.
+      * The table segment :math:`{\mathit{elem}}` is valid.
-  * For all :math:`{\mathit{data}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{data}}^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`{\mathit{data}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{data}}^\ast}`:
-    * The memory segment :math:`{\mathit{data}}` is valid.
+      * The memory segment :math:`{\mathit{data}}` is valid.
-  * If :math:`{\mathit{start}}` is defined, then:
+   * If :math:`{\mathit{start}}` is defined, then:
-    * The start function :math:`{\mathit{start}}` is valid.
+      * The start function :math:`{\mathit{start}}` is valid.
-  * :math:`{|{\mathit{xt*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{export*}}|}`.
+   * :math:`{|{\mathit{xt*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{export*}}|}`.
-  * For all :math:`{\mathit{export}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{export}}^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{xt}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`{\mathit{export}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{export}}^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{xt}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}`:
-    * The export :math:`{\mathit{export}}` is valid with the external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}`.
+      * The export :math:`{\mathit{export}}` is valid with the external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}`.
-  * :math:`{|{{\mathit{tt}}^\ast}|}` is less than or equal to :math:`1`.
+   * :math:`{|{{\mathit{tt}}^\ast}|}` is less than or equal to :math:`1`.
-  * :math:`{|{{\mathit{mt}}^\ast}|}` is less than or equal to :math:`1`.
+   * :math:`{|{{\mathit{mt}}^\ast}|}` is less than or equal to :math:`1`.
-  * The context :math:`C` is equal to :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{types}~{{\mathit{ft}'}^\ast},\; \mathsf{funcs}~{{\mathit{ift}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{ft}}^\ast},\; \mathsf{globals}~{{\mathit{igt}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{gt}}^\ast},\; \mathsf{tables}~{{\mathit{itt}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{tt}}^\ast},\; \mathsf{mems}~{{\mathit{imt}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{mt}}^\ast},\; \mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{labels}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{return}~\epsilon \}\end{array}`.
+   * The context :math:`C` is equal to :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{types}~{{\mathit{ft}'}^\ast},\; \mathsf{funcs}~{{\mathit{ift}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{ft}}^\ast},\; \mathsf{globals}~{{\mathit{igt}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{gt}}^\ast},\; \mathsf{tables}~{{\mathit{itt}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{tt}}^\ast},\; \mathsf{mems}~{{\mathit{imt}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{mt}}^\ast},\; \mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{labels}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{return}~\epsilon \}\end{array}`.
-  * The context :math:`{C'}` is equal to :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{types}~{{\mathit{ft}'}^\ast},\; \mathsf{funcs}~{{\mathit{ift}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{ft}}^\ast},\; \mathsf{globals}~{{\mathit{igt}}^\ast},\; \mathsf{tables}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{mems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{labels}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{return}~\epsilon \}\end{array}`.
+   * The context :math:`{C'}` is equal to :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{types}~{{\mathit{ft}'}^\ast},\; \mathsf{funcs}~{{\mathit{ift}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{ft}}^\ast},\; \mathsf{globals}~{{\mathit{igt}}^\ast},\; \mathsf{tables}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{mems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{labels}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{return}~\epsilon \}\end{array}`.
-  * The function type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{ift}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{\mathrm{funcs}}({{\mathit{ixt}}^\ast})`.
+   * The function type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{ift}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{\mathrm{funcs}}({{\mathit{ixt}}^\ast})`.
-  * The global type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{igt}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{\mathrm{globals}}({{\mathit{ixt}}^\ast})`.
+   * The global type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{igt}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{\mathrm{globals}}({{\mathit{ixt}}^\ast})`.
-  * The table type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{itt}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{\mathrm{tables}}({{\mathit{ixt}}^\ast})`.
+   * The table type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{itt}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{\mathrm{tables}}({{\mathit{ixt}}^\ast})`.
-  * The memory type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{imt}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{\mathrm{mems}}({{\mathit{ixt}}^\ast})`.
+   * The memory type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{imt}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{\mathrm{mems}}({{\mathit{ixt}}^\ast})`.
@@ -991,11 +991,11 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. If :math:`c \neq 0`, then:
-  a. Push the value :math:`{\mathit{val}}_1` to the stack.
+   a. Push the value :math:`{\mathit{val}}_1` to the stack.
 #. Else:
-  a. Push the value :math:`{\mathit{val}}_2` to the stack.
+   a. Push the value :math:`{\mathit{val}}_2` to the stack.
@@ -1008,11 +1008,11 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. If :math:`c \neq 0`, then:
-  a. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{t^?}~{{\mathit{instr}}_1^\ast})`.
+   a. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{t^?}~{{\mathit{instr}}_1^\ast})`.
 #. Else:
-  a. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{t^?}~{{\mathit{instr}}_2^\ast})`.
+   a. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{t^?}~{{\mathit{instr}}_2^\ast})`.
@@ -1038,31 +1038,31 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. If :math:`n_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = 0`, then:
-  a. Assert: Due to validation, there are at least :math:`n` values on the top of the stack.
+   a. Assert: Due to validation, there are at least :math:`n` values on the top of the stack.
-  #. Pop the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^{n}}` from the stack.
+   #. Pop the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^{n}}` from the stack.
-  #. Pop all values :math:`{{\mathit{val}'}^\ast}` from the top of the stack.
+   #. Pop all values :math:`{{\mathit{val}'}^\ast}` from the top of the stack.
-  #. Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{label}` context from the stack.
+   #. Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{label}` context from the stack.
-  #. Push the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^{n}}` to the stack.
+   #. Push the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^{n}}` to the stack.
-  #. Execute the instruction :math:`{{\mathit{instr}'}^\ast}`.
+   #. Execute the instruction :math:`{{\mathit{instr}'}^\ast}`.
 #. Else:
-  a. Pop all values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` from the top of the stack.
+   a. Pop all values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` from the top of the stack.
-  #. If :math:`n_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} \geq 1`, then:
+   #. If :math:`n_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} \geq 1`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`l` be :math:`n_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} - 1`.
+      1) Let :math:`l` be :math:`n_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} - 1`.
-    #) Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{label}` context from the stack.
+      #) Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{label}` context from the stack.
-    #) Push the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` to the stack.
+      #) Push the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` to the stack.
-    #) Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br}~l)`.
+      #) Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br}~l)`.
@@ -1075,11 +1075,11 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. If :math:`c \neq 0`, then:
-  a. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br}~l)`.
+   a. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br}~l)`.
 #. Else:
-  a. Do nothing.
+   a. Do nothing.
@@ -1092,11 +1092,11 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. If :math:`i < {|{l^\ast}|}`, then:
-  a. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br}~{l^\ast}{}[i])`.
+   a. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br}~{l^\ast}{}[i])`.
 #. Else:
-  a. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br}~{l'})`.
+   a. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br}~{l'})`.
@@ -1124,27 +1124,27 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If the first non-value entry of the stack is a :math:`\mathsf{frame}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`({{\mathsf{frame}}_{n}}{\{}~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
+   a. Let :math:`({{\mathsf{frame}}_{n}}{\{}~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
-  #. Assert: Due to validation, there are at least :math:`n` values on the top of the stack.
+   #. Assert: Due to validation, there are at least :math:`n` values on the top of the stack.
-  #. Pop the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^{n}}` from the stack.
+   #. Pop the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^{n}}` from the stack.
-  #. Pop all values :math:`{{\mathit{val}'}^\ast}` from the top of the stack.
+   #. Pop all values :math:`{{\mathit{val}'}^\ast}` from the top of the stack.
-  #. Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context from the stack.
+   #. Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context from the stack.
-  #. Push the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^{n}}` to the stack.
+   #. Push the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^{n}}` to the stack.
 #. Else if the first non-value entry of the stack is a :math:`\mathsf{label}`, then:
-  a. Pop all values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` from the top of the stack.
+   a. Pop all values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` from the top of the stack.
-  #. Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{label}` context from the stack.
+   #. Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{label}` context from the stack.
-  #. Push the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` to the stack.
+   #. Push the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` to the stack.
-  #. Execute the instruction :math:`\mathsf{return}`.
+   #. Execute the instruction :math:`\mathsf{return}`.
 :math:`t {.} {\mathit{unop}}`
@@ -1157,7 +1157,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. If :math:`{|{{\mathit{unop}}}{{}_{t}}{(c_1)}|} \leq 0`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. Let :math:`c` be an element of :math:`{{\mathit{unop}}}{{}_{t}}{(c_1)}`.
@@ -1178,7 +1178,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. If :math:`{|{{\mathit{binop}}}{{}_{t}}{(c_1, c_2)}|} \leq 0`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. Let :math:`c` be an element of :math:`{{\mathit{binop}}}{{}_{t}}{(c_1, c_2)}`.
@@ -1225,7 +1225,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. If :math:`{|{{\mathit{cvtop}}}{{}_{t_1, t_2}}{(c_1)}|} \leq 0`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. Let :math:`c` be an element of :math:`{{\mathit{cvtop}}}{{}_{t_1, t_2}}{(c_1)}`.
@@ -1255,13 +1255,13 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. If :math:`{t^?}` is not defined, then:
-  a. Enter :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` with label :math:`({{\mathsf{label}}_{n}}{\{}~\epsilon~\})`.
+   a. Enter :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` with label :math:`({{\mathsf{label}}_{n}}{\{}~\epsilon~\})`.
 #. Let :math:`n` be :math:`1`.
 #. If :math:`{t^?} \neq \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Enter :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` with label :math:`({{\mathsf{label}}_{n}}{\{}~\epsilon~\})`.
+   a. Enter :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` with label :math:`({{\mathsf{label}}_{n}}{\{}~\epsilon~\})`.
@@ -1294,21 +1294,21 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. If :math:`i \geq {|z{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{refs}|}`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. If :math:`z{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{refs}{}[i]` is not defined, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. Let :math:`a` be :math:`z{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{refs}{}[i]`.
 #. If :math:`a \geq {|z{.}\mathsf{funcs}|}`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. If :math:`z{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x] \neq z{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[a]{.}\mathsf{type}`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{call}~a)`.
@@ -1372,39 +1372,39 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. If :math:`{{\mathit{loadop\_u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is not defined, then:
-  a. Let :math:`t` be :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`t` be :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} + {|t|} / 8 > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} + {|t|} / 8 > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
-    1) Trap.
+      1) Trap.
-  #. Let :math:`c` be the result for which :math:`{{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{t}(c)` :math:`=` :math:`z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} : {|t|} / 8]`.
+   #. Let :math:`c` be the result for which :math:`{{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{t}(c)` :math:`=` :math:`z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} : {|t|} / 8]`.
-  #. Push the value :math:`(t{.}\mathsf{const}~c)` to the stack.
+   #. Push the value :math:`(t{.}\mathsf{const}~c)` to the stack.
 #. If the type of :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Inn, then:
-  a. If :math:`{{\mathit{loadop\_u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is defined, then:
+   a. If :math:`{{\mathit{loadop\_u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is defined, then:
-    1) Let :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}` be :math:`{{\mathit{loadop\_u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}`.
+      1) Let :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}` be :math:`{{\mathit{loadop\_u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}`.
-    #) Let :math:`(n~{\mathit{sx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}`.
+      #) Let :math:`(n~{\mathit{sx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}`.
-    #) If :math:`i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} + n / 8 > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
+      #) If :math:`i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} + n / 8 > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
-      a) Trap.
+         a) Trap.
-  #. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}` be :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}` be :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`{{\mathit{loadop\_u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is defined, then:
+   #. If :math:`{{\mathit{loadop\_u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is defined, then:
-    1) Let :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}` be :math:`{{\mathit{loadop\_u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}`.
+      1) Let :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}` be :math:`{{\mathit{loadop\_u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}`.
-    #) Let :math:`(n~{\mathit{sx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}`.
+      #) Let :math:`(n~{\mathit{sx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}`.
-    #) Let :math:`c` be the result for which :math:`{{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}(c)` :math:`=` :math:`z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} : n / 8]`.
+      #) Let :math:`c` be the result for which :math:`{{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}(c)` :math:`=` :math:`z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} : n / 8]`.
-    #) Push the value :math:`({\mathsf{i}}{n}{.}\mathsf{const}~{{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{n, {|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{(c)})` to the stack.
+      #) Push the value :math:`({\mathsf{i}}{n}{.}\mathsf{const}~{{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{n, {|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{(c)})` to the stack.
@@ -1462,29 +1462,29 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. If :math:`i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} + {|t|} / 8 > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}` and :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = t` and :math:`{{\mathit{sz}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is not defined, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. If :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = t` and :math:`{{\mathit{sz}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is not defined, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{b^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{t}(c)`.
+   a. Let :math:`{b^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{t}(c)`.
-  #. Perform :math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} : {|t|} / 8] = {b^\ast}]`.
+   #. Perform :math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} : {|t|} / 8] = {b^\ast}]`.
 #. If the type of :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is Inn, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}` be :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}` be :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = {\mathsf{i}}{n}` and :math:`{{\mathit{sz}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is defined, then:
+   #. If :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = {\mathsf{i}}{n}` and :math:`{{\mathit{sz}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is defined, then:
-    1) Let :math:`n` be :math:`{{\mathit{sz}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}`.
+      1) Let :math:`n` be :math:`{{\mathit{sz}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}`.
-    #) If :math:`i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} + n / 8 > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
+      #) If :math:`i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} + n / 8 > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
-      a) Trap.
+         a) Trap.
-    #) Let :math:`{b^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}({{\mathrm{wrap}}}_{{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}, n}(c))`.
+      #) Let :math:`{b^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}({{\mathrm{wrap}}}_{{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}, n}(c))`.
-    #) Perform :math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} : n / 8] = {b^\ast}]`.
+      #) Perform :math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} : n / 8] = {b^\ast}]`.
@@ -1499,15 +1499,15 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. Either:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathit{mi}}` be :math:`{\mathrm{growmemory}}(z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0], n)`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{mi}}` be :math:`{\mathrm{growmemory}}(z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0], n)`.
-  #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~{|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|} / (64 \, {\mathrm{Ki}}))` to the stack.
+   #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~{|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|} / (64 \, {\mathrm{Ki}}))` to the stack.
-  #. Perform :math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0] = {\mathit{mi}}]`.
+   #. Perform :math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0] = {\mathit{mi}}]`.
 #. Or:
-  a. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~{{{{\mathrm{signed}}}_{32}^{{-1}}}}{({-1})})` to the stack.
+   a. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~{{{{\mathrm{signed}}}_{32}^{{-1}}}}{({-1})})` to the stack.
@@ -1523,7 +1523,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`i \leq j`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`i`.
+   a. Return :math:`i`.
 #. Return :math:`j`.
@@ -1534,7 +1534,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{n_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`0`.
+   a. Return :math:`0`.
 #. Let :math:`n~{{n'}^\ast}` be :math:`{n_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -1547,7 +1547,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{X_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{|{X_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}|} = 1`.
@@ -1562,7 +1562,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{X_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is not defined, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`w` be :math:`{X_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}`.
@@ -1575,7 +1575,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{X_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{w^\ast}~{{{w'}^\ast}^\ast}` be :math:`{X_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -1588,7 +1588,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`N_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = 32`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`23`.
+   a. Return :math:`23`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`N_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = 64`.
@@ -1601,7 +1601,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`N_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = 32`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`8`.
+   a. Return :math:`8`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`N_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = 64`.
@@ -1649,19 +1649,19 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`32`.
+   a. Return :math:`32`.
 #. If :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 64}}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`64`.
+   a. Return :math:`64`.
 #. If :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{f{\scriptstyle 32}}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`32`.
+   a. Return :math:`32`.
 #. If :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{f{\scriptstyle 64}}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`64`.
+   a. Return :math:`64`.
 :math:`{\mathrm{funcs}}({{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast})`
@@ -1670,15 +1670,15 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}_0~{{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}_0` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{func}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{ft}})` be :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}_0`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{ft}})` be :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}_0`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathit{ft}}~{\mathrm{funcs}}({{\mathit{xt}}^\ast})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathit{ft}}~{\mathrm{funcs}}({{\mathit{xt}}^\ast})`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}~{{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -1691,15 +1691,15 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}_0~{{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}_0` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{global}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{gt}})` be :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}_0`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{gt}})` be :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}_0`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathit{gt}}~{\mathrm{globals}}({{\mathit{xt}}^\ast})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathit{gt}}~{\mathrm{globals}}({{\mathit{xt}}^\ast})`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}~{{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -1712,15 +1712,15 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}_0~{{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}_0` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{table}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tt}})` be :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}_0`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tt}})` be :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}_0`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathit{tt}}~{\mathrm{tables}}({{\mathit{xt}}^\ast})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathit{tt}}~{\mathrm{tables}}({{\mathit{xt}}^\ast})`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}~{{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -1733,15 +1733,15 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}_0~{{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}_0` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{mem}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{mt}})` be :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}_0`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{mt}})` be :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}_0`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathit{mt}}~{\mathrm{mems}}({{\mathit{xt}}^\ast})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathit{mt}}~{\mathrm{mems}}({{\mathit{xt}}^\ast})`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}~{{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -1761,7 +1761,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`i < {2^{N - 1}}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`i`.
+   a. Return :math:`i`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{2^{N - 1}} \leq i`.
@@ -1785,21 +1785,21 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If the type of :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Inn, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}` be :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}` be :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Let :math:`{\mathit{iN}}` be :math:`c_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{\mathit{iN}}` be :math:`c_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{unop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{clz}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{unop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{clz}`, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{iclz}}}_{{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}}({\mathit{iN}})`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{iclz}}}_{{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}}({\mathit{iN}})`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{unop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{ctz}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{unop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{ctz}`, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ictz}}}_{{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}}({\mathit{iN}})`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ictz}}}_{{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}}({\mathit{iN}})`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{unop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{popcnt}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{unop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{popcnt}`, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ipopcnt}}}_{{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}}({\mathit{iN}})`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ipopcnt}}}_{{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}}({\mathit{iN}})`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, the type of :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Fnn.
@@ -1809,27 +1809,27 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{unop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{abs}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fabs}}}_{{|{\mathsf{f}}{n}|}}({\mathit{fN}})`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fabs}}}_{{|{\mathsf{f}}{n}|}}({\mathit{fN}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{unop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{neg}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fneg}}}_{{|{\mathsf{f}}{n}|}}({\mathit{fN}})`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fneg}}}_{{|{\mathsf{f}}{n}|}}({\mathit{fN}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{unop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{sqrt}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fsqrt}}}_{{|{\mathsf{f}}{n}|}}({\mathit{fN}})`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fsqrt}}}_{{|{\mathsf{f}}{n}|}}({\mathit{fN}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{unop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{ceil}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fceil}}}_{{|{\mathsf{f}}{n}|}}({\mathit{fN}})`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fceil}}}_{{|{\mathsf{f}}{n}|}}({\mathit{fN}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{unop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{floor}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ffloor}}}_{{|{\mathsf{f}}{n}|}}({\mathit{fN}})`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ffloor}}}_{{|{\mathsf{f}}{n}|}}({\mathit{fN}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{unop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{trunc}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ftrunc}}}_{{|{\mathsf{f}}{n}|}}({\mathit{fN}})`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ftrunc}}}_{{|{\mathsf{f}}{n}|}}({\mathit{fN}})`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{unop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{nearest}`.
@@ -1842,65 +1842,65 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If the type of :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Inn, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}` be :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}` be :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Let :math:`{\mathit{iN}}_1` be :math:`c_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{\mathit{iN}}_1` be :math:`c_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Let :math:`{\mathit{iN}}_2` be :math:`c_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{\mathit{iN}}_2` be :math:`c_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{add}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{add}`, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{iadd}}}_{{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}}({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{iadd}}}_{{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}}({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{sub}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{sub}`, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{isub}}}_{{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}}({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{isub}}}_{{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}}({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{mul}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{mul}`, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{imul}}}_{{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}}({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{imul}}}_{{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}}({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{div}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{div}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{div}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{div}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-    #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{idiv}}}_{{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)}`.
+      #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{idiv}}}_{{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)}`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{rem}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{rem}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{rem}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{rem}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-    #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{irem}}}_{{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)}`.
+      #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{irem}}}_{{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)}`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{and}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{and}`, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{iand}}}_{{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}}({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{iand}}}_{{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}}({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{or}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{or}`, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ior}}}_{{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}}({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ior}}}_{{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}}({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{xor}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{xor}`, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ixor}}}_{{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}}({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ixor}}}_{{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}}({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{shl}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{shl}`, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ishl}}}_{{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}}({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ishl}}}_{{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}}({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{shr}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{shr}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{shr}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{shr}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-    #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{ishr}}}_{{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)}`.
+      #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{ishr}}}_{{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)}`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{rotl}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{rotl}`, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{irotl}}}_{{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}}({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{irotl}}}_{{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}}({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{rotr}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{rotr}`, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{irotr}}}_{{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}}({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{irotr}}}_{{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}}({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, the type of :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Fnn.
@@ -1912,27 +1912,27 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{add}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fadd}}}_{{|{\mathsf{f}}{n}|}}({\mathit{fN}}_1, {\mathit{fN}}_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fadd}}}_{{|{\mathsf{f}}{n}|}}({\mathit{fN}}_1, {\mathit{fN}}_2)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{sub}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fsub}}}_{{|{\mathsf{f}}{n}|}}({\mathit{fN}}_1, {\mathit{fN}}_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fsub}}}_{{|{\mathsf{f}}{n}|}}({\mathit{fN}}_1, {\mathit{fN}}_2)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{mul}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fmul}}}_{{|{\mathsf{f}}{n}|}}({\mathit{fN}}_1, {\mathit{fN}}_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fmul}}}_{{|{\mathsf{f}}{n}|}}({\mathit{fN}}_1, {\mathit{fN}}_2)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{div}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fdiv}}}_{{|{\mathsf{f}}{n}|}}({\mathit{fN}}_1, {\mathit{fN}}_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fdiv}}}_{{|{\mathsf{f}}{n}|}}({\mathit{fN}}_1, {\mathit{fN}}_2)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{min}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fmin}}}_{{|{\mathsf{f}}{n}|}}({\mathit{fN}}_1, {\mathit{fN}}_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fmin}}}_{{|{\mathsf{f}}{n}|}}({\mathit{fN}}_1, {\mathit{fN}}_2)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{max}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fmax}}}_{{|{\mathsf{f}}{n}|}}({\mathit{fN}}_1, {\mathit{fN}}_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fmax}}}_{{|{\mathsf{f}}{n}|}}({\mathit{fN}}_1, {\mathit{fN}}_2)`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{copysign}`.
@@ -1952,43 +1952,43 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If the type of :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Inn, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}` be :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}` be :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Let :math:`{\mathit{iN}}_1` be :math:`c_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{\mathit{iN}}_1` be :math:`c_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Let :math:`{\mathit{iN}}_2` be :math:`c_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{\mathit{iN}}_2` be :math:`c_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{eq}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{eq}`, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ieq}}}_{{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}}({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ieq}}}_{{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}}({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{ne}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{ne}`, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ine}}}_{{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}}({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ine}}}_{{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}}({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{lt}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{lt}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{lt}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{lt}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-    #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{ilt}}}_{{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)}`.
+      #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{ilt}}}_{{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)}`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{gt}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{gt}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{gt}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{gt}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-    #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{igt}}}_{{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)}`.
+      #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{igt}}}_{{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)}`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{le}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{le}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{le}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{le}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-    #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{ile}}}_{{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)}`.
+      #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{ile}}}_{{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)}`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{ge}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{ge}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{ge}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{ge}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-    #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{ige}}}_{{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)}`.
+      #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{ige}}}_{{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)}`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, the type of :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Fnn.
@@ -2000,23 +2000,23 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{eq}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{feq}}}_{{|{\mathsf{f}}{n}|}}({\mathit{fN}}_1, {\mathit{fN}}_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{feq}}}_{{|{\mathsf{f}}{n}|}}({\mathit{fN}}_1, {\mathit{fN}}_2)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{ne}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fne}}}_{{|{\mathsf{f}}{n}|}}({\mathit{fN}}_1, {\mathit{fN}}_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fne}}}_{{|{\mathsf{f}}{n}|}}({\mathit{fN}}_1, {\mathit{fN}}_2)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{lt}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{flt}}}_{{|{\mathsf{f}}{n}|}}({\mathit{fN}}_1, {\mathit{fN}}_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{flt}}}_{{|{\mathsf{f}}{n}|}}({\mathit{fN}}_1, {\mathit{fN}}_2)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{gt}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fgt}}}_{{|{\mathsf{f}}{n}|}}({\mathit{fN}}_1, {\mathit{fN}}_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fgt}}}_{{|{\mathsf{f}}{n}|}}({\mathit{fN}}_1, {\mathit{fN}}_2)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{le}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fle}}}_{{|{\mathsf{f}}{n}|}}({\mathit{fN}}_1, {\mathit{fN}}_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fle}}}_{{|{\mathsf{f}}{n}|}}({\mathit{fN}}_1, {\mathit{fN}}_2)`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{ge}`.
@@ -2029,63 +2029,63 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{extend}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{extend}~{\mathit{sx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{extend}~{\mathit{sx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Let :math:`{\mathit{iN}}` be :math:`c_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{\mathit{iN}}` be :math:`c_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}` and :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}} = \mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 64}}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}` and :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}} = \mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 64}}`, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{32, 64}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{iN}})}`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{32, 64}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{iN}})}`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{iN}}` be :math:`c_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
 #. If :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 64}}` and :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}} = \mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}` and :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{wrap}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{wrap}}}_{64, 32}({\mathit{iN}})`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{wrap}}}_{64, 32}({\mathit{iN}})`.
 #. If the type of :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Fnn, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathsf{f}}{n}` be :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathsf{f}}{n}` be :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. If the type of :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is Inn, then:
+   #. If the type of :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is Inn, then:
-    1) Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}` be :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}` be :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}`.
-    #) If :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{trunc}`, then:
+      #) If :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{trunc}`, then:
-      a) Let :math:`(\mathsf{trunc}~{\mathit{sx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+         a) Let :math:`(\mathsf{trunc}~{\mathit{sx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-      #) Let :math:`{\mathit{fN}}` be :math:`c_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+         #) Let :math:`{\mathit{fN}}` be :math:`c_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-      #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{trunc}}}_{{|{\mathsf{f}}{n}|}, {|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{fN}})}`.
+         #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{trunc}}}_{{|{\mathsf{f}}{n}|}, {|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{fN}})}`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{fN}}` be :math:`c_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
 #. If :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{f{\scriptstyle 32}}` and :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}} = \mathsf{f{\scriptstyle 64}}` and :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{promote}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{promote}}}_{32, 64}({\mathit{fN}})`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{promote}}}_{32, 64}({\mathit{fN}})`.
 #. If :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{f{\scriptstyle 64}}` and :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}} = \mathsf{f{\scriptstyle 32}}` and :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{demote}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{demote}}}_{64, 32}({\mathit{fN}})`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{demote}}}_{64, 32}({\mathit{fN}})`.
 #. If the type of :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Inn, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}` be :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}` be :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. If the type of :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is Fnn, then:
+   #. If the type of :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is Fnn, then:
-    1) Let :math:`{\mathsf{f}}{n}` be :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`{\mathsf{f}}{n}` be :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}`.
-    #) If :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{convert}`, then:
+      #) If :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{convert}`, then:
-      a) Let :math:`(\mathsf{convert}~{\mathit{sx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+         a) Let :math:`(\mathsf{convert}~{\mathit{sx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-      #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{convert}}}_{{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}, {|{\mathsf{f}}{n}|}}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{iN}})}`.
+         #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{convert}}}_{{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}, {|{\mathsf{f}}{n}|}}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{iN}})}`.
-    #) If :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{reinterpret}` and :math:`{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|} = {|{\mathsf{f}}{n}|}`, then:
+      #) If :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{reinterpret}` and :math:`{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|} = {|{\mathsf{f}}{n}|}`, then:
-      a) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{reinterpret}}}_{{\mathsf{i}}{n}, {\mathsf{f}}{n}}({\mathit{iN}})`.
+         a) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{reinterpret}}}_{{\mathsf{i}}{n}, {\mathsf{f}}{n}}({\mathit{iN}})`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, the type of :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Fnn.
@@ -2126,15 +2126,15 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~0)`.
+   a. Return :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~0)`.
 #. If :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 64}}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 64}}{.}\mathsf{const}~0)`.
+   a. Return :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 64}}{.}\mathsf{const}~0)`.
 #. If :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{f{\scriptstyle 32}}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`(\mathsf{f{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~{+0})`.
+   a. Return :math:`(\mathsf{f{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~{+0})`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{f{\scriptstyle 64}}`.
@@ -2147,15 +2147,15 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{xv}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0~{{\mathit{xv}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xv}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{func}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{fa}})` be :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{fa}})` be :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathit{fa}}~{\mathrm{funcs}}({{\mathit{xv}}^\ast})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathit{fa}}~{\mathrm{funcs}}({{\mathit{xv}}^\ast})`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}~{{\mathit{xv}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xv}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -2168,15 +2168,15 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{xv}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0~{{\mathit{xv}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xv}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{global}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{ga}})` be :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{ga}})` be :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathit{ga}}~{\mathrm{globals}}({{\mathit{xv}}^\ast})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathit{ga}}~{\mathrm{globals}}({{\mathit{xv}}^\ast})`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}~{{\mathit{xv}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xv}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -2189,15 +2189,15 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{xv}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0~{{\mathit{xv}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xv}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{table}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{ta}})` be :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{ta}})` be :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathit{ta}}~{\mathrm{tables}}({{\mathit{xv}}^\ast})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathit{ta}}~{\mathrm{tables}}({{\mathit{xv}}^\ast})`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}~{{\mathit{xv}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xv}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -2210,15 +2210,15 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{xv}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0~{{\mathit{xv}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xv}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{mem}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{ma}})` be :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{ma}})` be :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathit{ma}}~{\mathrm{mems}}({{\mathit{xv}}^\ast})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathit{ma}}~{\mathrm{mems}}({{\mathit{xv}}^\ast})`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}~{{\mathit{xv}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xv}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -2375,9 +2375,9 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. If :math:`{i'} \leq j`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathit{ti}'}` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~({}[~{i'}~..~j~]),\; \mathsf{refs}~{a^\ast}~{\epsilon^{n}} \}\end{array}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{ti}'}` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~({}[~{i'}~..~j~]),\; \mathsf{refs}~{a^\ast}~{\epsilon^{n}} \}\end{array}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathit{ti}'}`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathit{ti}'}`.
 :math:`{\mathrm{growmemory}}({\mathit{mi}}, n)`
@@ -2390,9 +2390,9 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. If :math:`{i'} \leq j`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathit{mi}'}` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~({}[~{i'}~..~j~]),\; \mathsf{bytes}~{b^\ast}~{\mathtt{0x00}^{n \cdot 64 \, {\mathrm{Ki}}}} \}\end{array}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{mi}'}` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~({}[~{i'}~..~j~]),\; \mathsf{bytes}~{b^\ast}~{\mathtt{0x00}^{n \cdot 64 \, {\mathrm{Ki}}}} \}\end{array}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathit{mi}'}`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathit{mi}'}`.
 :math:`{\mathrm{funcs}}({{\mathit{xv}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast})`
@@ -2401,15 +2401,15 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{xv}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0~{{\mathit{externaddr}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xv}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{func}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{fa}})` be :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{fa}})` be :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathit{fa}}~{\mathrm{funcs}}({{\mathit{externaddr}'}^\ast})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathit{fa}}~{\mathrm{funcs}}({{\mathit{externaddr}'}^\ast})`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}~{{\mathit{externaddr}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xv}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -2422,15 +2422,15 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{xv}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0~{{\mathit{externaddr}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xv}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{global}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{ga}})` be :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{ga}})` be :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathit{ga}}~{\mathrm{globals}}({{\mathit{externaddr}'}^\ast})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathit{ga}}~{\mathrm{globals}}({{\mathit{externaddr}'}^\ast})`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}~{{\mathit{externaddr}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xv}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -2443,15 +2443,15 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{xv}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0~{{\mathit{externaddr}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xv}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{table}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{ta}})` be :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{ta}})` be :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathit{ta}}~{\mathrm{tables}}({{\mathit{externaddr}'}^\ast})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathit{ta}}~{\mathrm{tables}}({{\mathit{externaddr}'}^\ast})`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}~{{\mathit{externaddr}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xv}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -2464,15 +2464,15 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{xv}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0~{{\mathit{externaddr}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xv}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{mem}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{ma}})` be :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{ma}})` be :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathit{ma}}~{\mathrm{mems}}({{\mathit{externaddr}'}^\ast})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathit{ma}}~{\mathrm{mems}}({{\mathit{externaddr}'}^\ast})`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}~{{\mathit{externaddr}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xv}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -2502,7 +2502,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{func}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{func}}~{{\mathit{func}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{func}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -2532,23 +2532,23 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{gt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{v_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`.
+   a. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{v_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`.
-  #. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   #. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Else:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathit{globaltype}}~{{\mathit{globaltype}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{gt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{globaltype}}~{{\mathit{globaltype}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{gt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
-  #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{|{v_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}|} \geq 1`.
+   #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{|{v_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}|} \geq 1`.
-  #. Let :math:`{\mathit{val}}~{{\mathit{val}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{v_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{\mathit{val}}~{{\mathit{val}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{v_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
-  #. Let :math:`{\mathit{ga}}` be :math:`{\mathrm{allocglobal}}(s, {\mathit{globaltype}}, {\mathit{val}})`.
+   #. Let :math:`{\mathit{ga}}` be :math:`{\mathrm{allocglobal}}(s, {\mathit{globaltype}}, {\mathit{val}})`.
-  #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{ga}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{\mathrm{allocglobals}}(s, {{\mathit{globaltype}'}^\ast}, {{\mathit{val}'}^\ast})`.
+   #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{ga}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{\mathrm{allocglobals}}(s, {{\mathit{globaltype}'}^\ast}, {{\mathit{val}'}^\ast})`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathit{ga}}~{{\mathit{ga}'}^\ast}`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathit{ga}}~{{\mathit{ga}'}^\ast}`.
 :math:`{\mathrm{alloctable}}(s, {}[~i~..~j~])`
@@ -2570,7 +2570,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{tt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{tabletype}}~{{\mathit{tabletype}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{tt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -2600,7 +2600,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{mt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{memtype}}~{{\mathit{memtype}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{mt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -2617,21 +2617,21 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{func}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{func}~x)` be :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{func}~x)` be :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{name}~{\mathit{name}},\; \mathsf{addr}~(\mathsf{func}~{{\mathit{fa}}^\ast}{}[x]) \}\end{array}`.
+   #. Return :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{name}~{\mathit{name}},\; \mathsf{addr}~(\mathsf{func}~{{\mathit{fa}}^\ast}{}[x]) \}\end{array}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{global}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{global}~x)` be :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{global}~x)` be :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{name}~{\mathit{name}},\; \mathsf{addr}~(\mathsf{global}~{{\mathit{ga}}^\ast}{}[x]) \}\end{array}`.
+   #. Return :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{name}~{\mathit{name}},\; \mathsf{addr}~(\mathsf{global}~{{\mathit{ga}}^\ast}{}[x]) \}\end{array}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{table}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{table}~x)` be :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{table}~x)` be :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{name}~{\mathit{name}},\; \mathsf{addr}~(\mathsf{table}~{{\mathit{ta}}^\ast}{}[x]) \}\end{array}`.
+   #. Return :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{name}~{\mathit{name}},\; \mathsf{addr}~(\mathsf{table}~{{\mathit{ta}}^\ast}{}[x]) \}\end{array}`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{mem}`.
@@ -2709,7 +2709,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{i_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon` and :math:`{{\mathit{fa}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return.
+   a. Return.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{|{{\mathit{fa}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}|} \geq 1`.
@@ -2732,7 +2732,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{i_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon` and :math:`{b_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return.
+   a. Return.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{|{b_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}|} \geq 1`.
@@ -2851,8 +2851,8 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. Return :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^{k}}`.
+the result of :ref:`evaluating <exec-expr>` :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}`
 1. Execute the instruction :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}`.
@@ -4248,7 +4248,7 @@ invoke s fa val^n
 12. Pop the values val^k from the stack.
 13. Return val^k.
-eval_expr instr*
+Eval_expr instr*
 1. Execute the instruction instr*.
 2. Pop the value val from the stack.
 3. Return [val].
@@ -4269,9 +4269,9 @@ watsup 0.4 generator
 The limits :math:`({}[~n~..~m~])` is valid with :math:`k` if:
-  * :math:`n` is less than or equal to :math:`m`.
+   * :math:`n` is less than or equal to :math:`m`.
-  * :math:`m` is less than or equal to :math:`k`.
+   * :math:`m` is less than or equal to :math:`k`.
@@ -4289,7 +4289,7 @@ The global type :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}~t)` is valid.
 The table type :math:`({\mathit{limits}}~{\mathit{reftype}})` is valid if:
-  * The limits :math:`{\mathit{limits}}` is valid with :math:`{2^{32}} - 1`.
+   * The limits :math:`{\mathit{limits}}` is valid with :math:`{2^{32}} - 1`.
@@ -4297,7 +4297,7 @@ The table type :math:`({\mathit{limits}}~{\mathit{reftype}})` is valid if:
 The memory type :math:`{\mathit{limits}}~\mathsf{page}` is valid if:
-  * The limits :math:`{\mathit{limits}}` is valid with :math:`{2^{16}}`.
+   * The limits :math:`{\mathit{limits}}` is valid with :math:`{2^{16}}`.
@@ -4305,27 +4305,27 @@ The memory type :math:`{\mathit{limits}}~\mathsf{page}` is valid if:
 The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is valid if:
-  * Either:
+   * Either:
-    * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{functype}})`.
+      * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{functype}})`.
-    * The function type :math:`{\mathit{functype}}` is valid.
+      * The function type :math:`{\mathit{functype}}` is valid.
-  * Or:
+   * Or:
-    * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{globaltype}})`.
+      * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{globaltype}})`.
-    * The global type :math:`{\mathit{globaltype}}` is valid.
-  * Or:
+      * The global type :math:`{\mathit{globaltype}}` is valid.
+   * Or:
-    * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tabletype}})`.
+      * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tabletype}})`.
-    * The table type :math:`{\mathit{tabletype}}` is valid.
-  * Or:
+      * The table type :math:`{\mathit{tabletype}}` is valid.
+   * Or:
-    * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{memtype}})`.
+      * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{memtype}})`.
-    * The memory type :math:`{\mathit{memtype}}` is valid.
+      * The memory type :math:`{\mathit{memtype}}` is valid.
@@ -4333,7 +4333,7 @@ The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`
 The external type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{functype}})` is valid if:
-  * The function type :math:`{\mathit{functype}}` is valid.
+   * The function type :math:`{\mathit{functype}}` is valid.
@@ -4341,7 +4341,7 @@ The external type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{functype}})` is valid if:
 The external type :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{globaltype}})` is valid if:
-  * The global type :math:`{\mathit{globaltype}}` is valid.
+   * The global type :math:`{\mathit{globaltype}}` is valid.
@@ -4349,7 +4349,7 @@ The external type :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{globaltype}})` is valid if:
 The external type :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tabletype}})` is valid if:
-  * The table type :math:`{\mathit{tabletype}}` is valid.
+   * The table type :math:`{\mathit{tabletype}}` is valid.
@@ -4357,7 +4357,7 @@ The external type :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tabletype}})` is valid if:
 The external type :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{memtype}})` is valid if:
-  * The memory type :math:`{\mathit{memtype}}` is valid.
+   * The memory type :math:`{\mathit{memtype}}` is valid.
@@ -4365,13 +4365,13 @@ The external type :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{memtype}})` is valid if:
 The value type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` matches the value type :math:`t` if:
-  * Either:
+   * Either:
-    * The value type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`t`.
+      * The value type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`t`.
-  * Or:
+   * Or:
-    * The value type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{bot}`.
+      * The value type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{bot}`.
@@ -4389,11 +4389,11 @@ The value type :math:`\mathsf{bot}` matches the value type :math:`t`.
 The value type sequence :math:`{t_1^\ast}` matches the value type sequence :math:`{t_2^\ast}` if:
-  * :math:`{|t_{\mathit{{\scriptstyle 2}*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|t_{\mathit{{\scriptstyle 1}*}}|}`.
+   * :math:`{|t_{\mathit{{\scriptstyle 2}*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|t_{\mathit{{\scriptstyle 1}*}}|}`.
-  * For all :math:`t_1` in :math:`{t_1^\ast}` and :math:`t_2` in :math:`{t_2^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`t_1` in :math:`{t_1^\ast}` and :math:`t_2` in :math:`{t_2^\ast}`:
-    * The value type :math:`t_1` matches the value type :math:`t_2`.
+      * The value type :math:`t_1` matches the value type :math:`t_2`.
@@ -4401,9 +4401,9 @@ The value type sequence :math:`{t_1^\ast}` matches the value type sequence :math
 The limits :math:`({}[~n_{11}~..~n_{12}~])` matches the limits :math:`({}[~n_{21}~..~n_{22}~])` if:
-  * :math:`n_{11}` is greater than or equal to :math:`n_{21}`.
+   * :math:`n_{11}` is greater than or equal to :math:`n_{21}`.
-  * :math:`n_{12}` is less than or equal to :math:`n_{22}`.
+   * :math:`n_{12}` is less than or equal to :math:`n_{22}`.
@@ -4421,7 +4421,7 @@ The global type :math:`{\mathit{gt}}` matches itself.
 The table type :math:`({\mathit{lim}}_1~{\mathit{rt}})` matches the table type :math:`({\mathit{lim}}_2~{\mathit{rt}})` if:
-  * The limits :math:`{\mathit{lim}}_1` matches the limits :math:`{\mathit{lim}}_2`.
+   * The limits :math:`{\mathit{lim}}_1` matches the limits :math:`{\mathit{lim}}_2`.
@@ -4429,7 +4429,7 @@ The table type :math:`({\mathit{lim}}_1~{\mathit{rt}})` matches the table type :
 The memory type :math:`{\mathit{lim}}_1~\mathsf{page}` matches the memory type :math:`{\mathit{lim}}_2~\mathsf{page}` if:
-  * The limits :math:`{\mathit{lim}}_1` matches the limits :math:`{\mathit{lim}}_2`.
+   * The limits :math:`{\mathit{lim}}_1` matches the limits :math:`{\mathit{lim}}_2`.
@@ -4437,35 +4437,35 @@ The memory type :math:`{\mathit{lim}}_1~\mathsf{page}` matches the memory type :
 The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` matches the external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` if:
-  * Either:
+   * Either:
-    * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{ft}}_1)`.
+      * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{ft}}_1)`.
-    * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{ft}}_2)`.
+      * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{ft}}_2)`.
-    * The function type :math:`{\mathit{ft}}_1` matches the function type :math:`{\mathit{ft}}_2`.
+      * The function type :math:`{\mathit{ft}}_1` matches the function type :math:`{\mathit{ft}}_2`.
-  * Or:
+   * Or:
-    * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{gt}}_1)`.
+      * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{gt}}_1)`.
-    * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{gt}}_2)`.
+      * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{gt}}_2)`.
-    * The global type :math:`{\mathit{gt}}_1` matches the global type :math:`{\mathit{gt}}_2`.
-  * Or:
+      * The global type :math:`{\mathit{gt}}_1` matches the global type :math:`{\mathit{gt}}_2`.
+   * Or:
-    * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tt}}_1)`.
+      * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tt}}_1)`.
-    * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tt}}_2)`.
+      * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tt}}_2)`.
-    * The table type :math:`{\mathit{tt}}_1` matches the table type :math:`{\mathit{tt}}_2`.
-  * Or:
+      * The table type :math:`{\mathit{tt}}_1` matches the table type :math:`{\mathit{tt}}_2`.
+   * Or:
-    * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{mt}}_1)`.
+      * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{mt}}_1)`.
-    * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{mt}}_2)`.
+      * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{mt}}_2)`.
-    * The memory type :math:`{\mathit{mt}}_1` matches the memory type :math:`{\mathit{mt}}_2`.
+      * The memory type :math:`{\mathit{mt}}_1` matches the memory type :math:`{\mathit{mt}}_2`.
@@ -4473,7 +4473,7 @@ The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`
 The external type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{ft}}_1)` matches the external type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{ft}}_2)` if:
-  * The function type :math:`{\mathit{ft}}_1` matches the function type :math:`{\mathit{ft}}_2`.
+   * The function type :math:`{\mathit{ft}}_1` matches the function type :math:`{\mathit{ft}}_2`.
@@ -4481,7 +4481,7 @@ The external type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{ft}}_1)` matches the external t
 The external type :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{gt}}_1)` matches the external type :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{gt}}_2)` if:
-  * The global type :math:`{\mathit{gt}}_1` matches the global type :math:`{\mathit{gt}}_2`.
+   * The global type :math:`{\mathit{gt}}_1` matches the global type :math:`{\mathit{gt}}_2`.
@@ -4489,7 +4489,7 @@ The external type :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{gt}}_1)` matches the external
 The external type :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tt}}_1)` matches the external type :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tt}}_2)` if:
-  * The table type :math:`{\mathit{tt}}_1` matches the table type :math:`{\mathit{tt}}_2`.
+   * The table type :math:`{\mathit{tt}}_1` matches the table type :math:`{\mathit{tt}}_2`.
@@ -4497,7 +4497,7 @@ The external type :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tt}}_1)` matches the external
 The external type :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{mt}}_1)` matches the external type :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{mt}}_2)` if:
-  * The memory type :math:`{\mathit{mt}}_1` matches the memory type :math:`{\mathit{mt}}_2`.
+   * The memory type :math:`{\mathit{mt}}_1` matches the memory type :math:`{\mathit{mt}}_2`.
@@ -4505,25 +4505,25 @@ The external type :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{mt}}_1)` matches the external ty
 The block type :math:`{\mathit{bt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}^\ast}` if:
-  * Either:
+   * Either:
-    * The block type :math:`{\mathit{bt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{{\mathit{valtype}}^?}`.
+      * The block type :math:`{\mathit{bt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{{\mathit{valtype}}^?}`.
-    * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`\epsilon`.
+      * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`\epsilon`.
-    * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{{\mathit{valtype}}^?}`.
+      * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{{\mathit{valtype}}^?}`.
-  * Or:
+   * Or:
-    * The block type :math:`{\mathit{bt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{typeidx}}`.
+      * The block type :math:`{\mathit{bt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{typeidx}}`.
-    * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{t_1^\ast}`.
+      * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{t_1^\ast}`.
-    * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{t_2^\ast}`.
+      * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{t_2^\ast}`.
-    * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[{\mathit{typeidx}}]` exists.
+      * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[{\mathit{typeidx}}]` exists.
-    * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[{\mathit{typeidx}}]` is equal to :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
+      * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[{\mathit{typeidx}}]` is equal to :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
@@ -4536,9 +4536,9 @@ The block type :math:`{{\mathit{valtype}}^?}` is valid with the function type :m
 The block type :math:`{\mathit{typeidx}}` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}` if:
-  * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[{\mathit{typeidx}}]` exists.
+   * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[{\mathit{typeidx}}]` exists.
-  * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[{\mathit{typeidx}}]` is equal to :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
+   * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[{\mathit{typeidx}}]` is equal to :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
@@ -4561,17 +4561,17 @@ The instruction :math:`\mathsf{drop}` is valid with the function type :math:`t~\
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{select}~{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?})` is valid with the function type :math:`t~t~\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\rightarrow~t` if:
-  * Either:
+   * Either:
-    * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is equal to :math:`t`.
+      * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is equal to :math:`t`.
-  * Or:
+   * Or:
-    * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is absent.
+      * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is absent.
-    * The value type :math:`t` matches the value type :math:`{t'}`.
+      * The value type :math:`t` matches the value type :math:`{t'}`.
-    * The value type :math:`{t'}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}` or :math:`{t'}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{vectype}}`.
+      * The value type :math:`{t'}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}` or :math:`{t'}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{vectype}}`.
@@ -4579,11 +4579,11 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{select}~{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{bt}}~{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast})` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}` if:
-  * The block type :math:`{\mathit{bt}}` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
+   * The block type :math:`{\mathit{bt}}` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
-  * Let :math:`{C'}` be the same context as :math:`C`, but with the result type sequence :math:`{t_2^\ast}` prepended to the field :math:`\mathsf{labels}`.
+   * Let :math:`{C'}` be the same context as :math:`C`, but with the result type sequence :math:`{t_2^\ast}` prepended to the field :math:`\mathsf{labels}`.
-  * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
+   * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
@@ -4591,11 +4591,11 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{bt}}~{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast})` i
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{loop}~{\mathit{bt}}~{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast})` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}` if:
-  * The block type :math:`{\mathit{bt}}` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
+   * The block type :math:`{\mathit{bt}}` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
-  * Let :math:`{C'}` be the same context as :math:`C`, but with the result type sequence :math:`{t_1^\ast}` prepended to the field :math:`\mathsf{labels}`.
+   * Let :math:`{C'}` be the same context as :math:`C`, but with the result type sequence :math:`{t_1^\ast}` prepended to the field :math:`\mathsf{labels}`.
-  * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
+   * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
@@ -4603,13 +4603,13 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{loop}~{\mathit{bt}}~{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast})` is
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{if}~{\mathit{bt}}~{{\mathit{instr}}_1^\ast}~\mathsf{else}~{{\mathit{instr}}_2^\ast})` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}` if:
-  * The block type :math:`{\mathit{bt}}` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
+   * The block type :math:`{\mathit{bt}}` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
-  * Let :math:`{C'}` be the same context as :math:`C`, but with the result type sequence :math:`{t_2^\ast}` prepended to the field :math:`\mathsf{labels}`.
+   * Let :math:`{C'}` be the same context as :math:`C`, but with the result type sequence :math:`{t_2^\ast}` prepended to the field :math:`\mathsf{labels}`.
-  * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_1^\ast}` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
+   * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_1^\ast}` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
-  * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_2^\ast}` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
+   * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_2^\ast}` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
@@ -4617,9 +4617,9 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{if}~{\mathit{bt}}~{{\mathit{instr}}_1^\ast}~\mat
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br}~l)` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~{t^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}` if:
-  * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]` exists.
+   * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]` exists.
-  * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]` is equal to :math:`{t^\ast}`.
+   * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]` is equal to :math:`{t^\ast}`.
@@ -4627,9 +4627,9 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br}~l)` is valid with the function type :math:`{
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br\_if}~l)` is valid with the function type :math:`{t^\ast}~\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\rightarrow~{t^\ast}` if:
-  * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]` exists.
+   * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]` exists.
-  * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]` is equal to :math:`{t^\ast}`.
+   * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]` is equal to :math:`{t^\ast}`.
@@ -4637,17 +4637,17 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br\_if}~l)` is valid with the function type :mat
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br\_table}~{l^\ast}~{l'})` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~{t^\ast}~\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}` if:
-  * For all :math:`l` in :math:`{l^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`l` in :math:`{l^\ast}`:
-    * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]` exists.
+      * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]` exists.
-  * For all :math:`l` in :math:`{l^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`l` in :math:`{l^\ast}`:
-    * The value type sequence :math:`{t^\ast}` matches the result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]`.
+      * The value type sequence :math:`{t^\ast}` matches the result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]`.
-  * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[{l'}]` exists.
+   * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[{l'}]` exists.
-  * The value type sequence :math:`{t^\ast}` matches the result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[{l'}]`.
+   * The value type sequence :math:`{t^\ast}` matches the result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[{l'}]`.
@@ -4655,9 +4655,9 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br\_table}~{l^\ast}~{l'})` is valid with the fun
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{call}~x)` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}` if:
-  * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
+   * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
@@ -4665,13 +4665,13 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{call}~x)` is valid with the function type :math:
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{call\_indirect}~x~y)` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}` if:
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{lim}}~\mathsf{funcref})`.
+   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{lim}}~\mathsf{funcref})`.
-  * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[y]` exists.
+   * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[y]` exists.
-  * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[y]` is equal to :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
+   * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[y]` is equal to :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
@@ -4679,7 +4679,7 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{call\_indirect}~x~y)` is valid with the function
 The instruction :math:`\mathsf{return}` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~{t^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}` if:
-  * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{return}` is equal to :math:`{t^\ast}`.
+   * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{return}` is equal to :math:`{t^\ast}`.
@@ -4712,15 +4712,15 @@ The instruction :math:`({\mathit{nt}} {.} {\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{nt}})` is va
 The instruction :math:`({\mathit{nt}}_1 {.} {{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{nt}}_2})` is valid with the function type :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_2~\rightarrow~{\mathit{nt}}_1` if:
-  * Either:
+   * Either:
-    * :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{reinterpret}`.
+      * :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{reinterpret}`.
-    * :math:`{|{\mathit{nt}}_1|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{nt}}_2|}`.
+      * :math:`{|{\mathit{nt}}_1|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{nt}}_2|}`.
-  * Or:
+   * Or:
-    * :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}`.
+      * :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}`.
@@ -4733,9 +4733,9 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}null}~{\mathit{rt}})` is valid with the fu
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}func}~x)` is valid with the function type :math:`\epsilon~\rightarrow~\mathsf{funcref}` if:
-  * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{ft}}`.
+   * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{ft}}`.
@@ -4808,9 +4808,9 @@ The instruction :math:`({\mathit{sh}}{.}\mathsf{swizzle})` is valid with the fun
 The instruction :math:`({\mathit{sh}}{.}\mathsf{shuffle}~{i^\ast})` is valid with the function type :math:`\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}~\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}~\rightarrow~\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}` if:
-  * For all :math:`i` in :math:`{i^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`i` in :math:`{i^\ast}`:
-    * The lane index :math:`i` is less than :math:`2 \cdot {\mathrm{dim}}({\mathit{sh}})`.
+      * The lane index :math:`i` is less than :math:`2 \cdot {\mathrm{dim}}({\mathit{sh}})`.
@@ -4818,7 +4818,7 @@ The instruction :math:`({\mathit{sh}}{.}\mathsf{shuffle}~{i^\ast})` is valid wit
 The instruction :math:`({\mathit{sh}}{.}\mathsf{splat})` is valid with the function type :math:`t~\rightarrow~\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}` if:
-  * Let :math:`t` be the number type :math:`{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{sh}})`.
+   * Let :math:`t` be the number type :math:`{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{sh}})`.
@@ -4826,9 +4826,9 @@ The instruction :math:`({\mathit{sh}}{.}\mathsf{splat})` is valid with the funct
 The instruction :math:`({{\mathit{sh}}{.}\mathsf{extract\_lane}}{{{\mathit{sx}}^?}}~i)` is valid with the function type :math:`\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}~\rightarrow~t` if:
-  * The lane index :math:`i` is less than :math:`{\mathrm{dim}}({\mathit{sh}})`.
+   * The lane index :math:`i` is less than :math:`{\mathrm{dim}}({\mathit{sh}})`.
-  * Let :math:`t` be the number type :math:`{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{sh}})`.
+   * Let :math:`t` be the number type :math:`{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{sh}})`.
@@ -4836,9 +4836,9 @@ The instruction :math:`({{\mathit{sh}}{.}\mathsf{extract\_lane}}{{{\mathit{sx}}^
 The instruction :math:`({\mathit{sh}}{.}\mathsf{replace\_lane}~i)` is valid with the function type :math:`\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}~t~\rightarrow~\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}` if:
-  * The lane index :math:`i` is less than :math:`{\mathrm{dim}}({\mathit{sh}})`.
+   * The lane index :math:`i` is less than :math:`{\mathrm{dim}}({\mathit{sh}})`.
-  * Let :math:`t` be the number type :math:`{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{sh}})`.
+   * Let :math:`t` be the number type :math:`{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{sh}})`.
@@ -4866,9 +4866,9 @@ The instruction :math:`({\mathit{sh}}_1 {.} {{\mathit{sh}}_2}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mat
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{local{.}get}~x)` is valid with the function type :math:`\epsilon~\rightarrow~t` if:
-  * The value type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The value type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The value type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`t`.
+   * The value type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`t`.
@@ -4876,9 +4876,9 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{local{.}get}~x)` is valid with the function type
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{local{.}set}~x)` is valid with the function type :math:`t~\rightarrow~\epsilon` if:
-  * The value type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The value type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The value type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`t`.
+   * The value type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`t`.
@@ -4886,9 +4886,9 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{local{.}set}~x)` is valid with the function type
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{local{.}tee}~x)` is valid with the function type :math:`t~\rightarrow~t` if:
-  * The value type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The value type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The value type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`t`.
+   * The value type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`t`.
@@ -4896,9 +4896,9 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{local{.}tee}~x)` is valid with the function type
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{global{.}get}~x)` is valid with the function type :math:`\epsilon~\rightarrow~t` if:
-  * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{mut}}~t)`.
+   * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{mut}}~t)`.
@@ -4906,9 +4906,9 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{global{.}get}~x)` is valid with the function typ
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{global{.}set}~x)` is valid with the function type :math:`t~\rightarrow~\epsilon` if:
-  * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{mut}~t)`.
+   * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{mut}~t)`.
@@ -4916,9 +4916,9 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{global{.}set}~x)` is valid with the function typ
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}get}~x)` is valid with the function type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\rightarrow~{\mathit{rt}}` if:
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}})`.
+   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}})`.
@@ -4926,9 +4926,9 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}get}~x)` is valid with the function type
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}set}~x)` is valid with the function type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~{\mathit{rt}}~\rightarrow~\epsilon` if:
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}})`.
+   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}})`.
@@ -4936,9 +4936,9 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}set}~x)` is valid with the function type
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}size}~x)` is valid with the function type :math:`\epsilon~\rightarrow~\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}` if:
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}})`.
+   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}})`.
@@ -4946,9 +4946,9 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}size}~x)` is valid with the function typ
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}grow}~x)` is valid with the function type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}~\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\rightarrow~\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}` if:
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}})`.
+   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}})`.
@@ -4956,9 +4956,9 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}grow}~x)` is valid with the function typ
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}fill}~x)` is valid with the function type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~{\mathit{rt}}~\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\rightarrow~\epsilon` if:
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}})`.
+   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}})`.
@@ -4966,13 +4966,13 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}fill}~x)` is valid with the function typ
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}copy}~x_1~x_2)` is valid with the function type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\rightarrow~\epsilon` if:
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x_1]` exists.
+   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x_1]` exists.
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x_1]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{lim}}_1~{\mathit{rt}})`.
+   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x_1]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{lim}}_1~{\mathit{rt}})`.
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x_2]` exists.
+   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x_2]` exists.
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x_2]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{lim}}_2~{\mathit{rt}})`.
+   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x_2]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{lim}}_2~{\mathit{rt}})`.
@@ -4980,13 +4980,13 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}copy}~x_1~x_2)` is valid with the functi
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}init}~x_1~x_2)` is valid with the function type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\rightarrow~\epsilon` if:
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x_1]` exists.
+   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x_1]` exists.
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x_1]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}})`.
+   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x_1]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}})`.
-  * The element type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[x_2]` exists.
+   * The element type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[x_2]` exists.
-  * The element type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[x_2]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{rt}}`.
+   * The element type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[x_2]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{rt}}`.
@@ -4994,9 +4994,9 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}init}~x_1~x_2)` is valid with the functi
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{elem{.}drop}~x)` is valid with the function type :math:`\epsilon~\rightarrow~\epsilon` if:
-  * The element type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The element type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The element type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{rt}}`.
+   * The element type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{rt}}`.
@@ -5004,9 +5004,9 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{elem{.}drop}~x)` is valid with the function type
 The instruction :math:`\mathsf{memory{.}size}` is valid with the function type :math:`\epsilon~\rightarrow~\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}` if:
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
@@ -5014,9 +5014,9 @@ The instruction :math:`\mathsf{memory{.}size}` is valid with the function type :
 The instruction :math:`\mathsf{memory{.}grow}` is valid with the function type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\rightarrow~\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}` if:
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
@@ -5024,9 +5024,9 @@ The instruction :math:`\mathsf{memory{.}grow}` is valid with the function type :
 The instruction :math:`\mathsf{memory{.}fill}` is valid with the function type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\rightarrow~\epsilon` if:
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
@@ -5034,9 +5034,9 @@ The instruction :math:`\mathsf{memory{.}fill}` is valid with the function type :
 The instruction :math:`\mathsf{memory{.}copy}` is valid with the function type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\rightarrow~\epsilon` if:
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
@@ -5044,13 +5044,13 @@ The instruction :math:`\mathsf{memory{.}copy}` is valid with the function type :
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{memory{.}init}~x)` is valid with the function type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\rightarrow~\epsilon` if:
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
-  * The data type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The data type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The data type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{ok}`.
+   * The data type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{ok}`.
@@ -5058,9 +5058,9 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{memory{.}init}~x)` is valid with the function ty
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{data{.}drop}~x)` is valid with the function type :math:`\epsilon~\rightarrow~\epsilon` if:
-  * The data type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The data type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The data type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{ok}`.
+   * The data type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{ok}`.
@@ -5068,29 +5068,29 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{data{.}drop}~x)` is valid with the function type
 The instruction :math:`({{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{{{\mathit{loadop\_u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}}~{\mathit{memarg}})` is valid with the function type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\rightarrow~t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` if:
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
-  * Either:
+   * Either:
-    * The number type :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{nt}}`.
+      * The number type :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{nt}}`.
-    * :math:`{{\mathit{loadop\_u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is absent.
+      * :math:`{{\mathit{loadop\_u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is absent.
-    * The value type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{nt}}`.
+      * The value type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{nt}}`.
-    * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{nt}}|} / 8`.
+      * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{nt}}|} / 8`.
-  * Or:
+   * Or:
-    * The number type :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}`.
+      * The number type :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}`.
-    * :math:`{{\mathit{loadop\_u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is equal to :math:`(M~{\mathit{sx}})`.
+      * :math:`{{\mathit{loadop\_u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is equal to :math:`(M~{\mathit{sx}})`.
-    * The value type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}`.
+      * The value type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}`.
-    * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`M / 8`.
+      * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`M / 8`.
@@ -5098,29 +5098,29 @@ The instruction :math:`({{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}{.
 The instruction :math:`({{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}{.}\mathsf{store}}{{{\mathit{sz}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}}~{\mathit{memarg}})` is valid with the function type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}~\rightarrow~\epsilon` if:
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
-  * Either:
+   * Either:
-    * The number type :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{nt}}`.
+      * The number type :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{nt}}`.
-    * The pack size :math:`{{\mathit{sz}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is absent.
+      * The pack size :math:`{{\mathit{sz}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is absent.
-    * The value type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{nt}}`.
+      * The value type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{nt}}`.
-    * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{nt}}|} / 8`.
+      * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{nt}}|} / 8`.
-  * Or:
+   * Or:
-    * The number type :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}`.
+      * The number type :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}`.
-    * The pack size :math:`{{\mathit{sz}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is equal to :math:`M`.
+      * The pack size :math:`{{\mathit{sz}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is equal to :math:`M`.
-    * The value type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}`.
+      * The value type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}`.
-    * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`M / 8`.
+      * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`M / 8`.
@@ -5128,26 +5128,26 @@ The instruction :math:`({{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}{.
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{load}~{\mathit{vloadop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}~{\mathit{memarg}})` is valid with the function type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\rightarrow~\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}` if:
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
-  * Either:
+   * Either:
-    * :math:`{\mathit{vloadop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`({M}{\mathsf{x}}{\mathsf{x}}{\mathsf{\_}}{N})`.
+      * :math:`{\mathit{vloadop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`({M}{\mathsf{x}}{\mathsf{x}}{\mathsf{\_}}{N})`.
-    * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`M / 8 \cdot N`.
+      * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`M / 8 \cdot N`.
-  * Or:
+   * Or:
-    * :math:`{\mathit{vloadop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`({n}{\mathsf{\_}}{\mathsf{splat}})`.
+      * :math:`{\mathit{vloadop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`({n}{\mathsf{\_}}{\mathsf{splat}})`.
-    * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`n / 8`.
-  * Or:
+      * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`n / 8`.
+   * Or:
-    * :math:`{\mathit{vloadop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`({n}{\mathsf{\_}}{\mathsf{zero}})`.
+      * :math:`{\mathit{vloadop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`({n}{\mathsf{\_}}{\mathsf{zero}})`.
-    * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`n / 8`.
+      * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`n / 8`.
@@ -5155,13 +5155,13 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{load}~{\mathit{vl
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{vload\_lane}~\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}~n~{\mathit{memarg}}~{\mathit{laneidx}})` is valid with the function type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}~\rightarrow~\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}` if:
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
-  * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`n / 8`.
+   * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`n / 8`.
-  * :math:`{\mathit{laneidx}}` is less than :math:`128 / n`.
+   * :math:`{\mathit{laneidx}}` is less than :math:`128 / n`.
@@ -5169,11 +5169,11 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{vload\_lane}~\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}~n~{\ma
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{vstore}~\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}~{\mathit{memarg}})` is valid with the function type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}~\rightarrow~\epsilon` if:
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
-  * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`{|\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}|} / 8`.
+   * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`{|\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}|} / 8`.
@@ -5181,13 +5181,13 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{vstore}~\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}~{\mathit{me
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{vstore\_lane}~\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}~n~{\mathit{memarg}}~{\mathit{laneidx}})` is valid with the function type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}~\rightarrow~\epsilon` if:
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
-  * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`n / 8`.
+   * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`n / 8`.
-  * :math:`{\mathit{laneidx}}` is less than :math:`128 / n`.
+   * :math:`{\mathit{laneidx}}` is less than :math:`128 / n`.
@@ -5200,9 +5200,9 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{select}~t)` is valid with the function type :mat
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{select}~\epsilon)` is valid with the function type :math:`t~t~\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\rightarrow~t` if:
-  * The value type :math:`t` matches the value type :math:`{t'}`.
+   * The value type :math:`t` matches the value type :math:`{t'}`.
-  * The value type :math:`{t'}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}` or :math:`{t'}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{vectype}}`.
+   * The value type :math:`{t'}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}` or :math:`{t'}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{vectype}}`.
@@ -5210,7 +5210,7 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{select}~\epsilon)` is valid with the function ty
 The instruction :math:`({\mathit{nt}}_1 {.} {\mathsf{reinterpret}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{nt}}_2})` is valid with the function type :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_2~\rightarrow~{\mathit{nt}}_1` if:
-  * :math:`{|{\mathit{nt}}_1|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{nt}}_2|}`.
+   * :math:`{|{\mathit{nt}}_1|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{nt}}_2|}`.
@@ -5223,11 +5223,11 @@ The instruction :math:`({\mathit{nt}}_1 {.} {{\mathit{cvtop}}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\ma
 The instruction :math:`({{\mathit{nt}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{\epsilon}~{\mathit{memarg}})` is valid with the function type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\rightarrow~{\mathit{nt}}` if:
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
-  * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{nt}}|} / 8`.
+   * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{nt}}|} / 8`.
@@ -5235,11 +5235,11 @@ The instruction :math:`({{\mathit{nt}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{\epsilon}~{\mathit{memar
 The instruction :math:`({{\mathsf{i}}{n}{.}\mathsf{load}}{M~{\mathit{sx}}}~{\mathit{memarg}})` is valid with the function type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\rightarrow~{\mathsf{i}}{n}` if:
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
-  * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`M / 8`.
+   * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`M / 8`.
@@ -5247,11 +5247,11 @@ The instruction :math:`({{\mathsf{i}}{n}{.}\mathsf{load}}{M~{\mathit{sx}}}~{\mat
 The instruction :math:`({{\mathit{nt}}{.}\mathsf{store}}{\epsilon}~{\mathit{memarg}})` is valid with the function type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~{\mathit{nt}}~\rightarrow~\epsilon` if:
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
-  * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{nt}}|} / 8`.
+   * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{nt}}|} / 8`.
@@ -5259,11 +5259,11 @@ The instruction :math:`({{\mathit{nt}}{.}\mathsf{store}}{\epsilon}~{\mathit{mema
 The instruction :math:`({{\mathsf{i}}{n}{.}\mathsf{store}}{M}~{\mathit{memarg}})` is valid with the function type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~{\mathsf{i}}{n}~\rightarrow~\epsilon` if:
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
-  * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`M / 8`.
+   * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`M / 8`.
@@ -5271,11 +5271,11 @@ The instruction :math:`({{\mathsf{i}}{n}{.}\mathsf{store}}{M}~{\mathit{memarg}})
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{load}~({M}{\mathsf{x}}{\mathsf{x}}{\mathsf{\_}}{N})~{\mathit{memarg}})` is valid with the function type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\rightarrow~\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}` if:
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
-  * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`M / 8 \cdot N`.
+   * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`M / 8 \cdot N`.
@@ -5283,11 +5283,11 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{load}~({M}{\maths
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{load}~({n}{\mathsf{\_}}{\mathsf{splat}})~{\mathit{memarg}})` is valid with the function type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\rightarrow~\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}` if:
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
-  * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`n / 8`.
+   * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`n / 8`.
@@ -5295,11 +5295,11 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{load}~({n}{\maths
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{load}~({n}{\mathsf{\_}}{\mathsf{zero}})~{\mathit{memarg}})` is valid with the function type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\rightarrow~\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}` if:
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
-  * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`n / 8`.
+   * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`n / 8`.
@@ -5307,47 +5307,47 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{load}~({n}{\maths
 The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{in}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}^\ast}` if:
-  * Either:
+   * Either:
-    * The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{in}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`\epsilon`.
+      * The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{in}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`\epsilon`.
-    * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`\epsilon`.
+      * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`\epsilon`.
-    * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`\epsilon`.
+      * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`\epsilon`.
-  * Or:
+   * Or:
-    * The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{in}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_1~{{\mathit{instr}}_2^\ast}`.
+      * The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{in}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_1~{{\mathit{instr}}_2^\ast}`.
-    * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{t_1^\ast}`.
+      * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{t_1^\ast}`.
-    * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{t_3^\ast}`.
+      * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{t_3^\ast}`.
-    * The instruction :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_1` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
+      * The instruction :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_1` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
-    * The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_2^\ast}` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_2^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_3^\ast}`.
-  * Or:
+      * The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_2^\ast}` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_2^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_3^\ast}`.
+   * Or:
-    * The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{in}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}`.
+      * The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{in}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}`.
-    * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{{t'}_1^\ast}`.
+      * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{{t'}_1^\ast}`.
-    * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{{t'}_2^\ast}`.
+      * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{{t'}_2^\ast}`.
-    * The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
+      * The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
-    * The value type sequence :math:`{{t'}_1^\ast}` matches the value type sequence :math:`{t_1^\ast}`.
+      * The value type sequence :math:`{{t'}_1^\ast}` matches the value type sequence :math:`{t_1^\ast}`.
-    * The value type sequence :math:`{t_2^\ast}` matches the value type sequence :math:`{{t'}_2^\ast}`.
-  * Or:
+      * The value type sequence :math:`{t_2^\ast}` matches the value type sequence :math:`{{t'}_2^\ast}`.
+   * Or:
-    * The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{in}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}`.
+      * The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{in}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}`.
-    * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{t^\ast}~{t_1^\ast}`.
+      * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{t^\ast}~{t_1^\ast}`.
-    * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{t^\ast}~{t_2^\ast}`.
+      * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{t^\ast}~{t_2^\ast}`.
-    * The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
+      * The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
@@ -5360,9 +5360,9 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`\epsilon` is valid with the function type :math:
 The instruction sequence :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_1~{{\mathit{instr}}_2^\ast}` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_3^\ast}` if:
-  * The instruction :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_1` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
+   * The instruction :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_1` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
-  * The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_2^\ast}` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_2^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_3^\ast}`.
+   * The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_2^\ast}` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_2^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_3^\ast}`.
@@ -5370,11 +5370,11 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_1~{{\mathit{instr}}_2^\ast}` is
 The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the function type :math:`{{t'}_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{{t'}_2^\ast}` if:
-  * The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
+   * The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
-  * The value type sequence :math:`{{t'}_1^\ast}` matches the value type sequence :math:`{t_1^\ast}`.
+   * The value type sequence :math:`{{t'}_1^\ast}` matches the value type sequence :math:`{t_1^\ast}`.
-  * The value type sequence :math:`{t_2^\ast}` matches the value type sequence :math:`{{t'}_2^\ast}`.
+   * The value type sequence :math:`{t_2^\ast}` matches the value type sequence :math:`{{t'}_2^\ast}`.
@@ -5382,7 +5382,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the funct
 The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the function type :math:`{t^\ast}~{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t^\ast}~{t_2^\ast}` if:
-  * The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
+   * The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
@@ -5390,7 +5390,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the funct
 The expression :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the result type :math:`{t^\ast}` if:
-  * The expression :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the function type :math:`\epsilon~\rightarrow~{t^\ast}`.
+   * The expression :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the function type :math:`\epsilon~\rightarrow~{t^\ast}`.
@@ -5398,26 +5398,26 @@ The expression :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the result type :ma
 :math:`{\mathit{in}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is const if:
-  * Either:
+   * Either:
-    * The instruction :math:`{\mathit{in}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{nt}}{.}\mathsf{const}~c)`.
+      * The instruction :math:`{\mathit{in}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{nt}}{.}\mathsf{const}~c)`.
-  * Or:
+   * Or:
-    * The instruction :math:`{\mathit{in}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{vt}}{.}\mathsf{const}~{\mathit{vc}})`.
-  * Or:
+      * The instruction :math:`{\mathit{in}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{vt}}{.}\mathsf{const}~{\mathit{vc}})`.
+   * Or:
-    * The instruction :math:`{\mathit{in}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}null}~{\mathit{rt}})`.
-  * Or:
+      * The instruction :math:`{\mathit{in}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}null}~{\mathit{rt}})`.
+   * Or:
-    * The instruction :math:`{\mathit{in}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}func}~x)`.
-  * Or:
+      * The instruction :math:`{\mathit{in}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}func}~x)`.
+   * Or:
-    * The instruction :math:`{\mathit{in}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{global{.}get}~x)`.
+      * The instruction :math:`{\mathit{in}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{global{.}get}~x)`.
-    * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` exists.
+      * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` exists.
-    * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`(\epsilon~t)`.
+      * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`(\epsilon~t)`.
@@ -5445,9 +5445,9 @@ The expression :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the result type :ma
 :math:`(\mathsf{global{.}get}~x)` is const if:
-  * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`(\epsilon~t)`.
+   * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`(\epsilon~t)`.
@@ -5455,9 +5455,9 @@ The expression :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the result type :ma
 :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is const if:
-  * For all :math:`{\mathit{instr}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`{\mathit{instr}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}`:
-    * :math:`{\mathit{instr}}` is const.
+      * :math:`{\mathit{instr}}` is const.
@@ -5465,7 +5465,7 @@ The expression :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the result type :ma
 The type :math:`(\mathsf{type}~{\mathit{ft}})` is valid with the function type :math:`{\mathit{ft}}` if:
-  * The function type :math:`{\mathit{ft}}` is valid.
+   * The function type :math:`{\mathit{ft}}` is valid.
@@ -5473,11 +5473,11 @@ The type :math:`(\mathsf{type}~{\mathit{ft}})` is valid with the function type :
 The function :math:`(\mathsf{func}~x~{(\mathsf{local}~t)^\ast}~{\mathit{expr}})` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}` if:
-  * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
+   * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
-  * Under the context :math:`C{}[{.}\mathsf{locals} \mathrel{{=}{\oplus}} {t_1^\ast}~{t^\ast}]{}[{.}\mathsf{labels} \mathrel{{=}{\oplus}} {t_2^\ast}]{}[{.}\mathsf{return} \mathrel{{=}{\oplus}} {t_2^\ast}]`, the expression :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is valid with the result type :math:`{t_2^\ast}`.
+   * Under the context :math:`C{}[{.}\mathsf{locals} \mathrel{{=}{\oplus}} {t_1^\ast}~{t^\ast}]{}[{.}\mathsf{labels} \mathrel{{=}{\oplus}} {t_2^\ast}]{}[{.}\mathsf{return} \mathrel{{=}{\oplus}} {t_2^\ast}]`, the expression :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is valid with the result type :math:`{t_2^\ast}`.
@@ -5485,13 +5485,13 @@ The function :math:`(\mathsf{func}~x~{(\mathsf{local}~t)^\ast}~{\mathit{expr}})`
 The global :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{gt}}~{\mathit{expr}})` is valid with the global type :math:`{\mathit{gt}}` if:
-  * The global type :math:`{\mathit{gt}}` is valid.
+   * The global type :math:`{\mathit{gt}}` is valid.
-  * The global type :math:`{\mathit{gt}}` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{mut}}~t)`.
+   * The global type :math:`{\mathit{gt}}` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{mut}}~t)`.
-  * The expression :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is valid with the value type :math:`t`.
+   * The expression :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is valid with the value type :math:`t`.
-  * :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is const.
+   * :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is const.
@@ -5499,7 +5499,7 @@ The global :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{gt}}~{\mathit{expr}})` is valid with
 The table :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tt}})` is valid with the table type :math:`{\mathit{tt}}` if:
-  * The table type :math:`{\mathit{tt}}` is valid.
+   * The table type :math:`{\mathit{tt}}` is valid.
@@ -5507,7 +5507,7 @@ The table :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tt}})` is valid with the table type :m
 The memory :math:`(\mathsf{memory}~{\mathit{mt}})` is valid with the memory type :math:`{\mathit{mt}}` if:
-  * The memory type :math:`{\mathit{mt}}` is valid.
+   * The memory type :math:`{\mathit{mt}}` is valid.
@@ -5515,24 +5515,24 @@ The memory :math:`(\mathsf{memory}~{\mathit{mt}})` is valid with the memory type
 :math:`{\mathit{elemmode}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is valid with the reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}` if:
-  * Either:
+   * Either:
-    * :math:`{\mathit{elemmode}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{active}~x~{\mathit{expr}})`.
+      * :math:`{\mathit{elemmode}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{active}~x~{\mathit{expr}})`.
-    * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
+      * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
-    * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}})`.
+      * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}})`.
-    * The expression :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is valid with the value type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}`.
+      * The expression :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is valid with the value type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}`.
-    * :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is const.
+      * :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is const.
-  * Or:
+   * Or:
-    * :math:`{\mathit{elemmode}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{passive}`.
-  * Or:
+      * :math:`{\mathit{elemmode}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{passive}`.
+   * Or:
-    * :math:`{\mathit{elemmode}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{declare}`.
+      * :math:`{\mathit{elemmode}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{declare}`.
@@ -5540,13 +5540,13 @@ The memory :math:`(\mathsf{memory}~{\mathit{mt}})` is valid with the memory type
 :math:`(\mathsf{active}~x~{\mathit{expr}})` is valid with the reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}` if:
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}})`.
+   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}})`.
-  * The expression :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is valid with the value type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}`.
+   * The expression :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is valid with the value type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}`.
-  * :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is const.
+   * :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is const.
@@ -5564,13 +5564,13 @@ The memory :math:`(\mathsf{memory}~{\mathit{mt}})` is valid with the memory type
 The table segment :math:`(\mathsf{elem}~{\mathit{rt}}~{{\mathit{expr}}^\ast}~{\mathit{elemmode}})` is valid with the reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}` if:
-  * For all :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{expr}}^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{expr}}^\ast}`:
-    * The expression :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is valid with the reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}`.
+      * The expression :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is valid with the reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}`.
-    * :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is const.
+      * :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is const.
-  * :math:`{\mathit{elemmode}}` is valid with the reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}`.
+   * :math:`{\mathit{elemmode}}` is valid with the reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}`.
@@ -5578,21 +5578,21 @@ The table segment :math:`(\mathsf{elem}~{\mathit{rt}}~{{\mathit{expr}}^\ast}~{\m
 :math:`{\mathit{datamode}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is valid if:
-  * Either:
+   * Either:
-    * :math:`{\mathit{datamode}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{active}~0~{\mathit{expr}})`.
+      * :math:`{\mathit{datamode}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{active}~0~{\mathit{expr}})`.
-    * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
+      * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
-    * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
+      * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
-    * The expression :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is valid with the value type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}`.
+      * The expression :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is valid with the value type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}`.
-    * :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is const.
+      * :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is const.
-  * Or:
+   * Or:
-    * :math:`{\mathit{datamode}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{passive}`.
+      * :math:`{\mathit{datamode}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{passive}`.
@@ -5600,13 +5600,13 @@ The table segment :math:`(\mathsf{elem}~{\mathit{rt}}~{{\mathit{expr}}^\ast}~{\m
 :math:`(\mathsf{active}~0~{\mathit{expr}})` is valid if:
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
-  * The expression :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is valid with the value type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}`.
+   * The expression :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is valid with the value type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}`.
-  * :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is const.
+   * :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is const.
@@ -5619,7 +5619,7 @@ The table segment :math:`(\mathsf{elem}~{\mathit{rt}}~{{\mathit{expr}}^\ast}~{\m
 The memory segment :math:`(\mathsf{data}~{b^\ast}~{\mathit{datamode}})` is valid if:
-  * :math:`{\mathit{datamode}}` is valid.
+   * :math:`{\mathit{datamode}}` is valid.
@@ -5627,9 +5627,9 @@ The memory segment :math:`(\mathsf{data}~{b^\ast}~{\mathit{datamode}})` is valid
 The start function :math:`(\mathsf{start}~x)` is valid if:
-  * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`\epsilon~\rightarrow~\epsilon`.
+   * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`\epsilon~\rightarrow~\epsilon`.
@@ -5637,7 +5637,7 @@ The start function :math:`(\mathsf{start}~x)` is valid if:
 The import :math:`(\mathsf{import}~{\mathit{name}}_1~{\mathit{name}}_2~{\mathit{xt}})` is valid with the external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}` if:
-  * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}` is valid.
+   * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}` is valid.
@@ -5645,43 +5645,43 @@ The import :math:`(\mathsf{import}~{\mathit{name}}_1~{\mathit{name}}_2~{\mathit{
 The external index :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is valid with the external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` if:
-  * Either:
+   * Either:
-    * The external index :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{func}~x)`.
+      * The external index :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{func}~x)`.
-    * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{ft}})`.
+      * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{ft}})`.
-    * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` exists.
+      * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` exists.
-    * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{ft}}`.
+      * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{ft}}`.
-  * Or:
+   * Or:
-    * The external index :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{global}~x)`.
+      * The external index :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{global}~x)`.
-    * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{gt}})`.
+      * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{gt}})`.
-    * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` exists.
+      * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` exists.
-    * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{gt}}`.
-  * Or:
+      * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{gt}}`.
+   * Or:
-    * The external index :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{table}~x)`.
+      * The external index :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{table}~x)`.
-    * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tt}})`.
+      * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tt}})`.
-    * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
+      * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
-    * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{tt}}`.
-  * Or:
+      * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{tt}}`.
+   * Or:
-    * The external index :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~x)`.
+      * The external index :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~x)`.
-    * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{mt}})`.
+      * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{mt}})`.
-    * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` exists.
+      * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` exists.
-    * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
+      * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
@@ -5689,9 +5689,9 @@ The external index :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyl
 The external index :math:`(\mathsf{func}~x)` is valid with the external type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{ft}})` if:
-  * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{ft}}`.
+   * The function type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{ft}}`.
@@ -5699,9 +5699,9 @@ The external index :math:`(\mathsf{func}~x)` is valid with the external type :ma
 The external index :math:`(\mathsf{global}~x)` is valid with the external type :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{gt}})` if:
-  * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{gt}}`.
+   * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{gt}}`.
@@ -5709,9 +5709,9 @@ The external index :math:`(\mathsf{global}~x)` is valid with the external type :
 The external index :math:`(\mathsf{table}~x)` is valid with the external type :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tt}})` if:
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{tt}}`.
+   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{tt}}`.
@@ -5719,9 +5719,9 @@ The external index :math:`(\mathsf{table}~x)` is valid with the external type :m
 The external index :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~x)` is valid with the external type :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{mt}})` if:
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
@@ -5729,7 +5729,7 @@ The external index :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~x)` is valid with the external type :mat
 The export :math:`(\mathsf{export}~{\mathit{name}}~{\mathit{externidx}})` is valid with the external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}` if:
-  * The external index :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}` is valid with the external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}`.
+   * The external index :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}` is valid with the external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}`.
@@ -5737,75 +5737,75 @@ The export :math:`(\mathsf{export}~{\mathit{name}}~{\mathit{externidx}})` is val
 The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{func}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{global}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{table}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{mem}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{elem}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{data}}^{n}}~{{\mathit{start}}^?}~{{\mathit{export}}^\ast})` is valid if:
-  * :math:`{|{\mathit{type*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{ft'*}}|}`.
+   * :math:`{|{\mathit{type*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{ft'*}}|}`.
-  * For all :math:`{\mathit{ft}'}` in :math:`{{\mathit{ft}'}^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{type}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`{\mathit{ft}'}` in :math:`{{\mathit{ft}'}^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{type}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}`:
-    * The type :math:`{\mathit{type}}` is valid with the function type :math:`{\mathit{ft}'}`.
+      * The type :math:`{\mathit{type}}` is valid with the function type :math:`{\mathit{ft}'}`.
-  * :math:`{|{\mathit{ixt*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{import*}}|}`.
+   * :math:`{|{\mathit{ixt*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{import*}}|}`.
-  * For all :math:`{\mathit{import}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{import}}^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{ixt}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{ixt}}^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`{\mathit{import}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{import}}^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{ixt}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{ixt}}^\ast}`:
-    * Under the context :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{types}~{{\mathit{ft}'}^\ast},\; \mathsf{funcs}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{globals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{tables}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{mems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{elems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{datas}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{labels}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{return}~\epsilon \}\end{array}`, the import :math:`{\mathit{import}}` is valid with the external type :math:`{\mathit{ixt}}`.
+      * Under the context :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{types}~{{\mathit{ft}'}^\ast},\; \mathsf{funcs}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{globals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{tables}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{mems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{elems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{datas}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{labels}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{return}~\epsilon \}\end{array}`, the import :math:`{\mathit{import}}` is valid with the external type :math:`{\mathit{ixt}}`.
-  * :math:`{|{\mathit{gt*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{global*}}|}`.
+   * :math:`{|{\mathit{gt*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{global*}}|}`.
-  * For all :math:`{\mathit{global}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{global}}^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{gt}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{gt}}^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`{\mathit{global}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{global}}^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{gt}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{gt}}^\ast}`:
-    * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the global :math:`{\mathit{global}}` is valid with the global type :math:`{\mathit{gt}}`.
+      * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the global :math:`{\mathit{global}}` is valid with the global type :math:`{\mathit{gt}}`.
-  * :math:`{|{\mathit{tt*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{table*}}|}`.
+   * :math:`{|{\mathit{tt*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{table*}}|}`.
-  * For all :math:`{\mathit{table}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{table}}^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{tt}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{tt}}^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`{\mathit{table}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{table}}^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{tt}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{tt}}^\ast}`:
-    * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the table :math:`{\mathit{table}}` is valid with the table type :math:`{\mathit{tt}}`.
+      * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the table :math:`{\mathit{table}}` is valid with the table type :math:`{\mathit{tt}}`.
-  * :math:`{|{\mathit{mt*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{mem*}}|}`.
+   * :math:`{|{\mathit{mt*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{mem*}}|}`.
-  * For all :math:`{\mathit{mem}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{mem}}^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{mt}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{mt}}^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`{\mathit{mem}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{mem}}^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{mt}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{mt}}^\ast}`:
-    * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the memory :math:`{\mathit{mem}}` is valid with the memory type :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
+      * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the memory :math:`{\mathit{mem}}` is valid with the memory type :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
-  * :math:`{|{\mathit{rt*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{elem*}}|}`.
+   * :math:`{|{\mathit{rt*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{elem*}}|}`.
-  * For all :math:`{\mathit{elem}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{elem}}^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{rt}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{rt}}^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`{\mathit{elem}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{elem}}^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{rt}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{rt}}^\ast}`:
-    * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the table segment :math:`{\mathit{elem}}` is valid with the reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}`.
+      * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the table segment :math:`{\mathit{elem}}` is valid with the reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}`.
-  * For all :math:`{\mathit{data}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{data}}^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`{\mathit{data}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{data}}^\ast}`:
-    * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the memory segment :math:`{\mathit{data}}` is valid.
+      * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the memory segment :math:`{\mathit{data}}` is valid.
-  * :math:`{|{\mathit{func*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{ft*}}|}`.
+   * :math:`{|{\mathit{func*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{ft*}}|}`.
-  * For all :math:`{\mathit{ft}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{ft}}^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{func}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{func}}^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`{\mathit{ft}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{ft}}^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{func}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{func}}^\ast}`:
-    * The function :math:`{\mathit{func}}` is valid with the function type :math:`{\mathit{ft}}`.
+      * The function :math:`{\mathit{func}}` is valid with the function type :math:`{\mathit{ft}}`.
-  * If :math:`{\mathit{start}}` is defined, then:
+   * If :math:`{\mathit{start}}` is defined, then:
-    * The start function :math:`{\mathit{start}}` is valid.
+      * The start function :math:`{\mathit{start}}` is valid.
-  * :math:`{|{\mathit{xt*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{export*}}|}`.
+   * :math:`{|{\mathit{xt*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{export*}}|}`.
-  * For all :math:`{\mathit{export}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{export}}^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{xt}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`{\mathit{export}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{export}}^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{xt}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}`:
-    * The export :math:`{\mathit{export}}` is valid with the external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}`.
+      * The export :math:`{\mathit{export}}` is valid with the external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}`.
-  * :math:`{|{{\mathit{mt}}^\ast}|}` is less than or equal to :math:`1`.
+   * :math:`{|{{\mathit{mt}}^\ast}|}` is less than or equal to :math:`1`.
-  * The context :math:`C` is equal to :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{types}~{{\mathit{ft}'}^\ast},\; \mathsf{funcs}~{{\mathit{ift}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{ft}}^\ast},\; \mathsf{globals}~{{\mathit{igt}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{gt}}^\ast},\; \mathsf{tables}~{{\mathit{itt}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{tt}}^\ast},\; \mathsf{mems}~{{\mathit{imt}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{mt}}^\ast},\; \mathsf{elems}~{{\mathit{rt}}^\ast},\; \mathsf{datas}~{\mathsf{ok}^{n}},\; \mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{labels}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{return}~\epsilon \}\end{array}`.
+   * The context :math:`C` is equal to :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{types}~{{\mathit{ft}'}^\ast},\; \mathsf{funcs}~{{\mathit{ift}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{ft}}^\ast},\; \mathsf{globals}~{{\mathit{igt}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{gt}}^\ast},\; \mathsf{tables}~{{\mathit{itt}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{tt}}^\ast},\; \mathsf{mems}~{{\mathit{imt}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{mt}}^\ast},\; \mathsf{elems}~{{\mathit{rt}}^\ast},\; \mathsf{datas}~{\mathsf{ok}^{n}},\; \mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{labels}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{return}~\epsilon \}\end{array}`.
-  * The context :math:`{C'}` is equal to :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{types}~{{\mathit{ft}'}^\ast},\; \mathsf{funcs}~{{\mathit{ift}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{ft}}^\ast},\; \mathsf{globals}~{{\mathit{igt}}^\ast},\; \mathsf{tables}~{{\mathit{itt}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{tt}}^\ast},\; \mathsf{mems}~{{\mathit{imt}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{mt}}^\ast},\; \mathsf{elems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{datas}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{labels}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{return}~\epsilon \}\end{array}`.
+   * The context :math:`{C'}` is equal to :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{types}~{{\mathit{ft}'}^\ast},\; \mathsf{funcs}~{{\mathit{ift}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{ft}}^\ast},\; \mathsf{globals}~{{\mathit{igt}}^\ast},\; \mathsf{tables}~{{\mathit{itt}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{tt}}^\ast},\; \mathsf{mems}~{{\mathit{imt}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{mt}}^\ast},\; \mathsf{elems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{datas}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{labels}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{return}~\epsilon \}\end{array}`.
-  * The function type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{ift}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{\mathrm{funcs}}({{\mathit{ixt}}^\ast})`.
+   * The function type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{ift}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{\mathrm{funcs}}({{\mathit{ixt}}^\ast})`.
-  * The global type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{igt}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{\mathrm{globals}}({{\mathit{ixt}}^\ast})`.
+   * The global type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{igt}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{\mathrm{globals}}({{\mathit{ixt}}^\ast})`.
-  * The table type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{itt}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{\mathrm{tables}}({{\mathit{ixt}}^\ast})`.
+   * The table type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{itt}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{\mathrm{tables}}({{\mathit{ixt}}^\ast})`.
-  * The memory type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{imt}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{\mathrm{mems}}({{\mathit{ixt}}^\ast})`.
+   * The memory type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{imt}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{\mathrm{mems}}({{\mathit{ixt}}^\ast})`.
@@ -5851,11 +5851,11 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. If :math:`c \neq 0`, then:
-  a. Push the value :math:`{\mathit{val}}_1` to the stack.
+   a. Push the value :math:`{\mathit{val}}_1` to the stack.
 #. Else:
-  a. Push the value :math:`{\mathit{val}}_2` to the stack.
+   a. Push the value :math:`{\mathit{val}}_2` to the stack.
@@ -5868,11 +5868,11 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. If :math:`c \neq 0`, then:
-  a. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{bt}}~{{\mathit{instr}}_1^\ast})`.
+   a. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{bt}}~{{\mathit{instr}}_1^\ast})`.
 #. Else:
-  a. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{bt}}~{{\mathit{instr}}_2^\ast})`.
+   a. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{bt}}~{{\mathit{instr}}_2^\ast})`.
@@ -5898,31 +5898,31 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. If :math:`n_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = 0`, then:
-  a. Assert: Due to validation, there are at least :math:`n` values on the top of the stack.
+   a. Assert: Due to validation, there are at least :math:`n` values on the top of the stack.
-  #. Pop the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^{n}}` from the stack.
+   #. Pop the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^{n}}` from the stack.
-  #. Pop all values :math:`{{\mathit{val}'}^\ast}` from the top of the stack.
+   #. Pop all values :math:`{{\mathit{val}'}^\ast}` from the top of the stack.
-  #. Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{label}` context from the stack.
+   #. Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{label}` context from the stack.
-  #. Push the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^{n}}` to the stack.
+   #. Push the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^{n}}` to the stack.
-  #. Execute the instruction :math:`{{\mathit{instr}'}^\ast}`.
+   #. Execute the instruction :math:`{{\mathit{instr}'}^\ast}`.
 #. Else:
-  a. Pop all values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` from the top of the stack.
+   a. Pop all values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` from the top of the stack.
-  #. If :math:`n_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} \geq 1`, then:
+   #. If :math:`n_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} \geq 1`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`l` be :math:`n_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} - 1`.
+      1) Let :math:`l` be :math:`n_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} - 1`.
-    #) Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{label}` context from the stack.
+      #) Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{label}` context from the stack.
-    #) Push the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` to the stack.
+      #) Push the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` to the stack.
-    #) Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br}~l)`.
+      #) Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br}~l)`.
@@ -5935,11 +5935,11 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. If :math:`c \neq 0`, then:
-  a. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br}~l)`.
+   a. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br}~l)`.
 #. Else:
-  a. Do nothing.
+   a. Do nothing.
@@ -5952,11 +5952,11 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. If :math:`i < {|{l^\ast}|}`, then:
-  a. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br}~{l^\ast}{}[i])`.
+   a. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br}~{l^\ast}{}[i])`.
 #. Else:
-  a. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br}~{l'})`.
+   a. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br}~{l'})`.
@@ -5984,27 +5984,27 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If the first non-value entry of the stack is a :math:`\mathsf{frame}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`({{\mathsf{frame}}_{n}}{\{}~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
+   a. Let :math:`({{\mathsf{frame}}_{n}}{\{}~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
-  #. Assert: Due to validation, there are at least :math:`n` values on the top of the stack.
+   #. Assert: Due to validation, there are at least :math:`n` values on the top of the stack.
-  #. Pop the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^{n}}` from the stack.
+   #. Pop the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^{n}}` from the stack.
-  #. Pop all values :math:`{{\mathit{val}'}^\ast}` from the top of the stack.
+   #. Pop all values :math:`{{\mathit{val}'}^\ast}` from the top of the stack.
-  #. Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context from the stack.
+   #. Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context from the stack.
-  #. Push the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^{n}}` to the stack.
+   #. Push the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^{n}}` to the stack.
 #. Else if the first non-value entry of the stack is a :math:`\mathsf{label}`, then:
-  a. Pop all values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` from the top of the stack.
+   a. Pop all values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` from the top of the stack.
-  #. Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{label}` context from the stack.
+   #. Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{label}` context from the stack.
-  #. Push the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` to the stack.
+   #. Push the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` to the stack.
-  #. Execute the instruction :math:`\mathsf{return}`.
+   #. Execute the instruction :math:`\mathsf{return}`.
 :math:`{\mathit{nt}} {.} {\mathit{unop}}`
@@ -6017,7 +6017,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. If :math:`{|{{\mathit{unop}}}{{}_{{\mathit{nt}}}}{(c_1)}|} \leq 0`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. Let :math:`c` be an element of :math:`{{\mathit{unop}}}{{}_{{\mathit{nt}}}}{(c_1)}`.
@@ -6038,7 +6038,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. If :math:`{|{{\mathit{binop}}}{{}_{{\mathit{nt}}}}{(c_1, c_2)}|} \leq 0`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. Let :math:`c` be an element of :math:`{{\mathit{binop}}}{{}_{{\mathit{nt}}}}{(c_1, c_2)}`.
@@ -6085,7 +6085,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. If :math:`{|{{\mathit{cvtop}}}{{}_{{\mathit{nt}}_1, {\mathit{nt}}_2}}{(c_1)}|} \leq 0`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. Let :math:`c` be an element of :math:`{{\mathit{cvtop}}}{{}_{{\mathit{nt}}_1, {\mathit{nt}}_2}}{(c_1)}`.
@@ -6102,11 +6102,11 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{ref}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{ref{.}null}`, then:
-  a. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~1)` to the stack.
+   a. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~1)` to the stack.
 #. Else:
-  a. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~0)` to the stack.
+   a. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~0)` to the stack.
 :math:`\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}} {.} {\mathit{vvunop}}`
@@ -6183,7 +6183,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. If :math:`{|{{\mathit{vunop}}}{{}_{{\mathit{sh}}}}{(c_1)}|} \leq 0`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. Let :math:`c` be an element of :math:`{{\mathit{vunop}}}{{}_{{\mathit{sh}}}}{(c_1)}`.
@@ -6204,7 +6204,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. If :math:`{|{{\mathit{vbinop}}}{{}_{{\mathit{sh}}}}{(c_1, c_2)}|} \leq 0`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. Let :math:`c` be an element of :math:`{{\mathit{vbinop}}}{{}_{{\mathit{sh}}}}{(c_1, c_2)}`.
@@ -6223,11 +6223,11 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. If :math:`{({\mathit{ci}}_1 \neq 0)^\ast}`, then:
-  a. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~1)` to the stack.
+   a. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~1)` to the stack.
 #. Else:
-  a. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~0)` to the stack.
+   a. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~0)` to the stack.
 :math:`{\mathit{sh}} {.} {\mathit{vrelop}}`
@@ -6354,27 +6354,27 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. If :math:`{{\mathit{sx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is not defined and the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is number type, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathit{nt}}` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{nt}}` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`i < {|{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathit{nt}}}{\mathsf{x}}{N}}(c_1)|}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`i < {|{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathit{nt}}}{\mathsf{x}}{N}}(c_1)|}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`c_2` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathit{nt}}}{\mathsf{x}}{N}}(c_1){}[i]`.
+      1) Let :math:`c_2` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathit{nt}}}{\mathsf{x}}{N}}(c_1){}[i]`.
-    #) Push the value :math:`({\mathit{nt}}{.}\mathsf{const}~c_2)` to the stack.
+      #) Push the value :math:`({\mathit{nt}}{.}\mathsf{const}~c_2)` to the stack.
 #. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is packed type, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathit{pt}}` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{pt}}` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`{{\mathit{sx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is defined, then:
+   #. If :math:`{{\mathit{sx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is defined, then:
-    1) Let :math:`{\mathit{sx}}` be :math:`{{\mathit{sx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}`.
+      1) Let :math:`{\mathit{sx}}` be :math:`{{\mathit{sx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}`.
-    #) If :math:`i < {|{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathit{pt}}}{\mathsf{x}}{N}}(c_1)|}`, then:
+      #) If :math:`i < {|{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathit{pt}}}{\mathsf{x}}{N}}(c_1)|}`, then:
-      a) Let :math:`c_2` be :math:`{{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{{|{\mathit{pt}}|}, 32}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathit{pt}}}{\mathsf{x}}{N}}(c_1){}[i])}`.
+         a) Let :math:`c_2` be :math:`{{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{{|{\mathit{pt}}|}, 32}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathit{pt}}}{\mathsf{x}}{N}}(c_1){}[i])}`.
-      #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~c_2)` to the stack.
+         #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~c_2)` to the stack.
@@ -6461,73 +6461,73 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. If :math:`{{\mathit{hf}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is not defined and :math:`{{\mathit{zero}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is not defined, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_1` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_1` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}`.
-  #. Let :math:`{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_2` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_2` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Let :math:`M` be :math:`n_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}`.
+   #. Let :math:`M` be :math:`n_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`n_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = M`, then:
+   #. If :math:`n_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = M`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`{{\mathit{ci}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_1}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}(c_1)`.
+      1) Let :math:`{{\mathit{ci}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_1}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}(c_1)`.
-    #) Let :math:`{{{\mathit{cj}}^\ast}^\ast}` be :math:`\Large\times~{{{\mathrm{vcvtop}}}_{{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_1}{\mathsf{x}}{M}, {{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_2}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{vcvtop}}, {\mathit{ci}})^\ast}`.
+      #) Let :math:`{{{\mathit{cj}}^\ast}^\ast}` be :math:`\Large\times~{{{\mathrm{vcvtop}}}_{{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_1}{\mathsf{x}}{M}, {{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_2}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{vcvtop}}, {\mathit{ci}})^\ast}`.
-    #) If :math:`{|{{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_2}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{\mathit{cj}}^\ast})^\ast}|} > 0`, then:
+      #) If :math:`{|{{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_2}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{\mathit{cj}}^\ast})^\ast}|} > 0`, then:
-      a) Let :math:`c` be an element of :math:`{{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_2}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{\mathit{cj}}^\ast})^\ast}`.
+         a) Let :math:`c` be an element of :math:`{{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_2}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{\mathit{cj}}^\ast})^\ast}`.
-      #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{const}~c)` to the stack.
+         #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{const}~c)` to the stack.
 #. If :math:`{{\mathit{zero}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is not defined, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_1` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_1` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}`.
-  #. Let :math:`{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_2` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_2` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Let :math:`M_1` be :math:`n_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}`.
+   #. Let :math:`M_1` be :math:`n_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}`.
-  #. Let :math:`M_2` be :math:`n_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   #. Let :math:`M_2` be :math:`n_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`{{\mathit{hf}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is defined, then:
+   #. If :math:`{{\mathit{hf}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is defined, then:
-    1) Let :math:`{\mathit{half}}` be :math:`{{\mathit{hf}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}`.
+      1) Let :math:`{\mathit{half}}` be :math:`{{\mathit{hf}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}`.
-    #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{ci}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_1}{\mathsf{x}}{M_1}}(c_1){}[{\mathrm{half}}({\mathit{half}}, 0, M_2) : M_2]`.
+      #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{ci}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_1}{\mathsf{x}}{M_1}}(c_1){}[{\mathrm{half}}({\mathit{half}}, 0, M_2) : M_2]`.
-    #) Let :math:`{{{\mathit{cj}}^\ast}^\ast}` be :math:`\Large\times~{{{\mathrm{vcvtop}}}_{{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_1}{\mathsf{x}}{M_1}, {{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_2}{\mathsf{x}}{M_2}}({\mathit{vcvtop}}, {\mathit{ci}})^\ast}`.
+      #) Let :math:`{{{\mathit{cj}}^\ast}^\ast}` be :math:`\Large\times~{{{\mathrm{vcvtop}}}_{{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_1}{\mathsf{x}}{M_1}, {{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_2}{\mathsf{x}}{M_2}}({\mathit{vcvtop}}, {\mathit{ci}})^\ast}`.
-    #) If :math:`{|{{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_2}{\mathsf{x}}{M_2}}({{\mathit{cj}}^\ast})^\ast}|} > 0`, then:
+      #) If :math:`{|{{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_2}{\mathsf{x}}{M_2}}({{\mathit{cj}}^\ast})^\ast}|} > 0`, then:
-      a) Let :math:`c` be an element of :math:`{{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_2}{\mathsf{x}}{M_2}}({{\mathit{cj}}^\ast})^\ast}`.
+         a) Let :math:`c` be an element of :math:`{{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_2}{\mathsf{x}}{M_2}}({{\mathit{cj}}^\ast})^\ast}`.
-      #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{const}~c)` to the stack.
+         #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{const}~c)` to the stack.
 #. If :math:`{{\mathit{hf}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is not defined, then:
-  a. Let :math:`M_1` be :math:`n_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`M_1` be :math:`n_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}`.
-  #. Let :math:`M_2` be :math:`n_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   #. Let :math:`M_2` be :math:`n_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is number type, then:
+   #. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is number type, then:
-    1) Let :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_1` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_1` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}`.
-    #) If the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is number type, then:
+      #) If the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is number type, then:
-      a) Let :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_2` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+         a) Let :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_2` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-      #) If :math:`{{\mathit{zero}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is defined, then:
+         #) If :math:`{{\mathit{zero}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is defined, then:
-        1. Let :math:`{{\mathit{ci}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathit{nt}}_1}{\mathsf{x}}{M_1}}(c_1)`.
+            1. Let :math:`{{\mathit{ci}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathit{nt}}_1}{\mathsf{x}}{M_1}}(c_1)`.
-        #. Let :math:`{{{\mathit{cj}}^\ast}^\ast}` be :math:`\Large\times~{{{\mathrm{vcvtop}}}_{{{\mathit{nt}}_1}{\mathsf{x}}{M_1}, {{\mathit{nt}}_2}{\mathsf{x}}{M_2}}({\mathit{vcvtop}}, {\mathit{ci}})^\ast}~{{\mathrm{zero}}({\mathit{nt}}_2)^{M_1}}`.
+            #. Let :math:`{{{\mathit{cj}}^\ast}^\ast}` be :math:`\Large\times~{{{\mathrm{vcvtop}}}_{{{\mathit{nt}}_1}{\mathsf{x}}{M_1}, {{\mathit{nt}}_2}{\mathsf{x}}{M_2}}({\mathit{vcvtop}}, {\mathit{ci}})^\ast}~{{\mathrm{zero}}({\mathit{nt}}_2)^{M_1}}`.
-        #. If :math:`{|{{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathit{nt}}_2}{\mathsf{x}}{M_2}}({{\mathit{cj}}^\ast})^\ast}|} > 0`, then:
+            #. If :math:`{|{{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathit{nt}}_2}{\mathsf{x}}{M_2}}({{\mathit{cj}}^\ast})^\ast}|} > 0`, then:
-          a. Let :math:`c` be an element of :math:`{{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathit{nt}}_2}{\mathsf{x}}{M_2}}({{\mathit{cj}}^\ast})^\ast}`.
+               a. Let :math:`c` be an element of :math:`{{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathit{nt}}_2}{\mathsf{x}}{M_2}}({{\mathit{cj}}^\ast})^\ast}`.
-          #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{const}~c)` to the stack.
+               #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{const}~c)` to the stack.
@@ -6598,21 +6598,21 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. If :math:`i \geq {|z{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{refs}|}`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. If :math:`z{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{refs}{}[i]` is not of the case :math:`\mathsf{ref{.}func\_addr}`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. Let :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}func\_addr}~a)` be :math:`z{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{refs}{}[i]`.
 #. If :math:`a \geq {|z{.}\mathsf{funcs}|}`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. If :math:`z{.}\mathsf{types}{}[y] \neq z{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[a]{.}\mathsf{type}`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{call}~a)`.
@@ -6687,7 +6687,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. If :math:`i \geq {|z{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{refs}|}`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. Push the value :math:`z{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{refs}{}[i]` to the stack.
@@ -6723,27 +6723,27 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. If :math:`i + n > {|z{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{refs}|}`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. If :math:`n = 0`, then:
-  a. Do nothing.
+   a. Do nothing.
 #. Else:
-  a. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i)` to the stack.
+   a. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i)` to the stack.
-  #. Push the value :math:`{\mathit{val}}` to the stack.
+   #. Push the value :math:`{\mathit{val}}` to the stack.
-  #. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}set}~x)`.
+   #. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}set}~x)`.
-  #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i + 1)` to the stack.
+   #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i + 1)` to the stack.
-  #. Push the value :math:`{\mathit{val}}` to the stack.
+   #. Push the value :math:`{\mathit{val}}` to the stack.
-  #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~n - 1)` to the stack.
+   #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~n - 1)` to the stack.
-  #. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}fill}~x)`.
+   #. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}fill}~x)`.
@@ -6766,49 +6766,49 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. If :math:`i + n > {|z{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[y]{.}\mathsf{refs}|}`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. If :math:`j + n > {|z{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{refs}|}`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. If :math:`n = 0`, then:
-  a. Do nothing.
+   a. Do nothing.
 #. Else:
-  a. If :math:`j \leq i`, then:
+   a. If :math:`j \leq i`, then:
-    1) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~j)` to the stack.
+      1) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~j)` to the stack.
-    #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i)` to the stack.
+      #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i)` to the stack.
-    #) Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}get}~y)`.
+      #) Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}get}~y)`.
-    #) Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}set}~x)`.
+      #) Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}set}~x)`.
-    #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~j + 1)` to the stack.
+      #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~j + 1)` to the stack.
-    #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i + 1)` to the stack.
+      #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i + 1)` to the stack.
-  #. Else:
+   #. Else:
-    1) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~j + n - 1)` to the stack.
+      1) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~j + n - 1)` to the stack.
-    #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i + n - 1)` to the stack.
+      #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i + n - 1)` to the stack.
-    #) Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}get}~y)`.
+      #) Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}get}~y)`.
-    #) Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}set}~x)`.
+      #) Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}set}~x)`.
-    #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~j)` to the stack.
+      #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~j)` to the stack.
-    #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i)` to the stack.
+      #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i)` to the stack.
-  #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~n - 1)` to the stack.
+   #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~n - 1)` to the stack.
-  #. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}copy}~x~y)`.
+   #. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}copy}~x~y)`.
@@ -6831,31 +6831,31 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. If :math:`i + n > {|z{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[y]{.}\mathsf{refs}|}`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. If :math:`j + n > {|z{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{refs}|}`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. If :math:`n = 0`, then:
-  a. Do nothing.
+   a. Do nothing.
 #. Else if :math:`i < {|z{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[y]{.}\mathsf{refs}|}`, then:
-  a. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~j)` to the stack.
+   a. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~j)` to the stack.
-  #. Push the value :math:`z{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[y]{.}\mathsf{refs}{}[i]` to the stack.
+   #. Push the value :math:`z{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[y]{.}\mathsf{refs}{}[i]` to the stack.
-  #. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}set}~x)`.
+   #. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}set}~x)`.
-  #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~j + 1)` to the stack.
+   #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~j + 1)` to the stack.
-  #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i + 1)` to the stack.
+   #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i + 1)` to the stack.
-  #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~n - 1)` to the stack.
+   #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~n - 1)` to the stack.
-  #. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}init}~x~y)`.
+   #. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}init}~x~y)`.
 :math:`{{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{{{\mathit{loadop\_u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}}~{\mathit{ao}}`
@@ -6870,39 +6870,39 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. If :math:`{{\mathit{loadop\_u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is not defined, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathit{nt}}` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{nt}}` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} + {|{\mathit{nt}}|} / 8 > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} + {|{\mathit{nt}}|} / 8 > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
-    1) Trap.
+      1) Trap.
-  #. Let :math:`c` be the result for which :math:`{{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{{\mathit{nt}}}(c)` :math:`=` :math:`z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} : {|{\mathit{nt}}|} / 8]`.
+   #. Let :math:`c` be the result for which :math:`{{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{{\mathit{nt}}}(c)` :math:`=` :math:`z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} : {|{\mathit{nt}}|} / 8]`.
-  #. Push the value :math:`({\mathit{nt}}{.}\mathsf{const}~c)` to the stack.
+   #. Push the value :math:`({\mathit{nt}}{.}\mathsf{const}~c)` to the stack.
 #. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Inn, then:
-  a. If :math:`{{\mathit{loadop\_u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is defined, then:
+   a. If :math:`{{\mathit{loadop\_u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is defined, then:
-    1) Let :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}` be :math:`{{\mathit{loadop\_u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}`.
+      1) Let :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}` be :math:`{{\mathit{loadop\_u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}`.
-    #) Let :math:`(n~{\mathit{sx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}`.
+      #) Let :math:`(n~{\mathit{sx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}`.
-    #) If :math:`i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} + n / 8 > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
+      #) If :math:`i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} + n / 8 > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
-      a) Trap.
+         a) Trap.
-  #. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`{{\mathit{loadop\_u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is defined, then:
+   #. If :math:`{{\mathit{loadop\_u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is defined, then:
-    1) Let :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}` be :math:`{{\mathit{loadop\_u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}`.
+      1) Let :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}` be :math:`{{\mathit{loadop\_u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}`.
-    #) Let :math:`(n~{\mathit{sx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}`.
+      #) Let :math:`(n~{\mathit{sx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}`.
-    #) Let :math:`c` be the result for which :math:`{{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}(c)` :math:`=` :math:`z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} : n / 8]`.
+      #) Let :math:`c` be the result for which :math:`{{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}(c)` :math:`=` :math:`z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} : n / 8]`.
-    #) Push the value :math:`({\mathsf{i}}{n}{.}\mathsf{const}~{{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{n, {|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{(c)})` to the stack.
+      #) Push the value :math:`({\mathsf{i}}{n}{.}\mathsf{const}~{{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{n, {|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{(c)})` to the stack.
 :math:`\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{load}~{{\mathit{vloadop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}~{\mathit{ao}}`
@@ -6917,69 +6917,69 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. If :math:`i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} + {|\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}|} / 8 > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}` and :math:`{{\mathit{vloadop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is not defined, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. If :math:`{{\mathit{vloadop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is not defined, then:
-  a. Let :math:`c` be the result for which :math:`{{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}}(c)` :math:`=` :math:`z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} : {|\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}|} / 8]`.
+   a. Let :math:`c` be the result for which :math:`{{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}}(c)` :math:`=` :math:`z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} : {|\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}|} / 8]`.
-  #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{const}~c)` to the stack.
+   #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{const}~c)` to the stack.
 #. Else:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathit{vloadop}}_0` be :math:`{{\mathit{vloadop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{vloadop}}_0` be :math:`{{\mathit{vloadop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{vloadop}}_0` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{shape}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{vloadop}}_0` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{shape}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`({M}{\mathsf{x}}{\mathsf{x}}{\mathsf{\_}}{N})` be :math:`{\mathit{vloadop}}_0`.
+      1) Let :math:`({M}{\mathsf{x}}{\mathsf{x}}{\mathsf{\_}}{N})` be :math:`{\mathit{vloadop}}_0`.
-    #) If :math:`i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} + M \cdot N / 8 > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
+      #) If :math:`i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} + M \cdot N / 8 > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
-      a) Trap.
+         a) Trap.
-    #) Let :math:`{j^{N}}` be the result for which :math:`{({{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{{\mathsf{i}}{M}}({j^{N}}) = z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} + k \cdot M / 8 : M / 8])^{k<N}}`.
+      #) Let :math:`{j^{N}}` be the result for which :math:`{({{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{{\mathsf{i}}{M}}({j^{N}}) = z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} + k \cdot M / 8 : M / 8])^{k<N}}`.
-    #) If the type of :math:`{\mathit{fresh}}` for which :math:`{|{\mathit{fresh}}|}` :math:`=` :math:`M \cdot 2` is Jnn, then:
+      #) If the type of :math:`{\mathit{fresh}}` for which :math:`{|{\mathit{fresh}}|}` :math:`=` :math:`M \cdot 2` is Jnn, then:
-      a) Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}` be the result for which :math:`{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}` :math:`=` :math:`M \cdot 2`.
+         a) Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}` be the result for which :math:`{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}` :math:`=` :math:`M \cdot 2`.
-      #) Let :math:`c` be :math:`{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{N}}({{{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{M, {|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{(j)}^{N}})`.
+         #) Let :math:`c` be :math:`{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{N}}({{{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{M, {|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{(j)}^{N}})`.
-      #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{const}~c)` to the stack.
+         #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{const}~c)` to the stack.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{vloadop}}_0` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{splat}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{vloadop}}_0` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{splat}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`({N}{\mathsf{\_}}{\mathsf{splat}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vloadop}}_0`.
+      1) Let :math:`({N}{\mathsf{\_}}{\mathsf{splat}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vloadop}}_0`.
-    #) If :math:`i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} + N / 8 > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
+      #) If :math:`i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} + N / 8 > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
-      a) Trap.
+         a) Trap.
-    #) Let :math:`M` be :math:`128 / N`.
+      #) Let :math:`M` be :math:`128 / N`.
-    #) If the type of :math:`{\mathit{fresh}}` for which :math:`{|{\mathit{fresh}}|}` :math:`=` :math:`N` is Jnn, then:
+      #) If the type of :math:`{\mathit{fresh}}` for which :math:`{|{\mathit{fresh}}|}` :math:`=` :math:`N` is Jnn, then:
-      a) Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}` be the result for which :math:`{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}` :math:`=` :math:`N`.
+         a) Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}` be the result for which :math:`{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}` :math:`=` :math:`N`.
-      #) Let :math:`j` be the result for which :math:`{{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}(j)` :math:`=` :math:`z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} : N / 8]`.
+         #) Let :math:`j` be the result for which :math:`{{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}(j)` :math:`=` :math:`z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} : N / 8]`.
-      #) Let :math:`c` be :math:`{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({j^{M}})`.
+         #) Let :math:`c` be :math:`{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({j^{M}})`.
-      #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{const}~c)` to the stack.
+         #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{const}~c)` to the stack.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{vloadop}}_0` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{zero}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{vloadop}}_0` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{zero}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`({N}{\mathsf{\_}}{\mathsf{zero}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vloadop}}_0`.
+      1) Let :math:`({N}{\mathsf{\_}}{\mathsf{zero}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vloadop}}_0`.
-    #) If :math:`i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} + N / 8 > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
+      #) If :math:`i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} + N / 8 > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
-      a) Trap.
+         a) Trap.
-    #) Let :math:`j` be the result for which :math:`{{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}(j)` :math:`=` :math:`z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} : N / 8]`.
+      #) Let :math:`j` be the result for which :math:`{{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}(j)` :math:`=` :math:`z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} : N / 8]`.
-    #) Let :math:`c` be :math:`{{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{N, 128}^{\mathsf{u}}}}{(j)}`.
+      #) Let :math:`c` be :math:`{{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{N, 128}^{\mathsf{u}}}}{(j)}`.
-    #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{const}~c)` to the stack.
+      #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{const}~c)` to the stack.
 :math:`\mathsf{vload\_lane}~\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}~N~{\mathit{ao}}~j`
@@ -6998,19 +6998,19 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. If :math:`i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} + N / 8 > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. Let :math:`M` be :math:`128 / N`.
 #. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{fresh}}` for which :math:`{|{\mathit{fresh}}|}` :math:`=` :math:`N` is Jnn, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}` be the result for which :math:`{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}` :math:`=` :math:`N`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}` be the result for which :math:`{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}` :math:`=` :math:`N`.
-  #. Let :math:`k` be the result for which :math:`{{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}(k)` :math:`=` :math:`z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} : N / 8]`.
+   #. Let :math:`k` be the result for which :math:`{{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}(k)` :math:`=` :math:`z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} : N / 8]`.
-  #. Let :math:`c` be :math:`{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}(c_1){}[{}[j] = k])`.
+   #. Let :math:`c` be :math:`{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}(c_1){}[{}[j] = k])`.
-  #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{const}~c)` to the stack.
+   #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{const}~c)` to the stack.
@@ -7044,27 +7044,27 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. If :math:`i + n > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. If :math:`n = 0`, then:
-  a. Do nothing.
+   a. Do nothing.
 #. Else:
-  a. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i)` to the stack.
+   a. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i)` to the stack.
-  #. Push the value :math:`{\mathit{val}}` to the stack.
+   #. Push the value :math:`{\mathit{val}}` to the stack.
-  #. Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{store}}{8})`.
+   #. Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{store}}{8})`.
-  #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i + 1)` to the stack.
+   #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i + 1)` to the stack.
-  #. Push the value :math:`{\mathit{val}}` to the stack.
+   #. Push the value :math:`{\mathit{val}}` to the stack.
-  #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~n - 1)` to the stack.
+   #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~n - 1)` to the stack.
-  #. Execute the instruction :math:`\mathsf{memory{.}fill}`.
+   #. Execute the instruction :math:`\mathsf{memory{.}fill}`.
@@ -7087,49 +7087,49 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. If :math:`i + n > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. If :math:`j + n > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. If :math:`n = 0`, then:
-  a. Do nothing.
+   a. Do nothing.
 #. Else:
-  a. If :math:`j \leq i`, then:
+   a. If :math:`j \leq i`, then:
-    1) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~j)` to the stack.
+      1) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~j)` to the stack.
-    #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i)` to the stack.
+      #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i)` to the stack.
-    #) Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{8~\mathsf{u}})`.
+      #) Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{8~\mathsf{u}})`.
-    #) Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{store}}{8})`.
+      #) Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{store}}{8})`.
-    #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~j + 1)` to the stack.
+      #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~j + 1)` to the stack.
-    #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i + 1)` to the stack.
+      #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i + 1)` to the stack.
-  #. Else:
+   #. Else:
-    1) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~j + n - 1)` to the stack.
+      1) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~j + n - 1)` to the stack.
-    #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i + n - 1)` to the stack.
+      #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i + n - 1)` to the stack.
-    #) Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{8~\mathsf{u}})`.
+      #) Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{8~\mathsf{u}})`.
-    #) Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{store}}{8})`.
+      #) Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{store}}{8})`.
-    #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~j)` to the stack.
+      #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~j)` to the stack.
-    #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i)` to the stack.
+      #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i)` to the stack.
-  #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~n - 1)` to the stack.
+   #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~n - 1)` to the stack.
-  #. Execute the instruction :math:`\mathsf{memory{.}copy}`.
+   #. Execute the instruction :math:`\mathsf{memory{.}copy}`.
@@ -7152,31 +7152,31 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. If :math:`i + n > {|z{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. If :math:`j + n > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. If :math:`n = 0`, then:
-  a. Do nothing.
+   a. Do nothing.
 #. Else if :math:`i < {|z{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
-  a. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~j)` to the stack.
+   a. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~j)` to the stack.
-  #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~z{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i])` to the stack.
+   #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~z{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i])` to the stack.
-  #. Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{store}}{8})`.
+   #. Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{store}}{8})`.
-  #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~j + 1)` to the stack.
+   #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~j + 1)` to the stack.
-  #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i + 1)` to the stack.
+   #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i + 1)` to the stack.
-  #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~n - 1)` to the stack.
+   #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~n - 1)` to the stack.
-  #. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{memory{.}init}~x)`.
+   #. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{memory{.}init}~x)`.
@@ -7221,7 +7221,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. If :math:`i \geq {|z{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{refs}|}`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. Perform :math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{refs}{}[i] = {\mathit{ref}}]`.
@@ -7242,15 +7242,15 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. Either:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathit{ti}}` be :math:`{\mathrm{growtable}}(z{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x], n, {\mathit{ref}})`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{ti}}` be :math:`{\mathrm{growtable}}(z{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x], n, {\mathit{ref}})`.
-  #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~{|z{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{refs}|})` to the stack.
+   #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~{|z{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{refs}|})` to the stack.
-  #. Perform :math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x] = {\mathit{ti}}]`.
+   #. Perform :math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x] = {\mathit{ti}}]`.
 #. Or:
-  a. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~{{{{\mathrm{signed}}}_{32}^{{-1}}}}{({-1})})` to the stack.
+   a. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~{{{{\mathrm{signed}}}_{32}^{{-1}}}}{({-1})})` to the stack.
@@ -7280,29 +7280,29 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. If :math:`i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} + {|{\mathit{nt}}|} / 8 > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}` and :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = {\mathit{nt}}` and :math:`{{\mathit{sz}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is not defined, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = {\mathit{nt}}` and :math:`{{\mathit{sz}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is not defined, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{b^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{{\mathit{nt}}}(c)`.
+   a. Let :math:`{b^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{{\mathit{nt}}}(c)`.
-  #. Perform :math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} : {|{\mathit{nt}}|} / 8] = {b^\ast}]`.
+   #. Perform :math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} : {|{\mathit{nt}}|} / 8] = {b^\ast}]`.
 #. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is Inn, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = {\mathsf{i}}{n}` and :math:`{{\mathit{sz}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is defined, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = {\mathsf{i}}{n}` and :math:`{{\mathit{sz}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is defined, then:
-    1) Let :math:`n` be :math:`{{\mathit{sz}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}`.
+      1) Let :math:`n` be :math:`{{\mathit{sz}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}`.
-    #) If :math:`i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} + n / 8 > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
+      #) If :math:`i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} + n / 8 > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
-      a) Trap.
+         a) Trap.
-    #) Let :math:`{b^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}({{\mathrm{wrap}}}_{{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}, n}(c))`.
+      #) Let :math:`{b^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}({{\mathrm{wrap}}}_{{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}, n}(c))`.
-    #) Perform :math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} : n / 8] = {b^\ast}]`.
+      #) Perform :math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} : n / 8] = {b^\ast}]`.
 :math:`\mathsf{vstore}~\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}~{\mathit{ao}}`
@@ -7321,7 +7321,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. If :math:`i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} + {|\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}|} / 8 > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. Let :math:`{b^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}}(c)`.
@@ -7344,19 +7344,19 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. If :math:`i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} + N > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. Let :math:`M` be :math:`128 / N`.
 #. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{fresh}}` for which :math:`{|{\mathit{fresh}}|}` :math:`=` :math:`N` is Jnn, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}` be the result for which :math:`{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}` :math:`=` :math:`N`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}` be the result for which :math:`{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}` :math:`=` :math:`N`.
-  #. If :math:`j < {|{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}(c)|}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`j < {|{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}(c)|}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`{b^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}({{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}(c){}[j])`.
+      1) Let :math:`{b^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}({{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}(c){}[j])`.
-    #) Perform :math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} : N / 8] = {b^\ast}]`.
+      #) Perform :math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} : N / 8] = {b^\ast}]`.
@@ -7371,15 +7371,15 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. Either:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathit{mi}}` be :math:`{\mathrm{growmemory}}(z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0], n)`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{mi}}` be :math:`{\mathrm{growmemory}}(z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0], n)`.
-  #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~{|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|} / (64 \, {\mathrm{Ki}}))` to the stack.
+   #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~{|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|} / (64 \, {\mathrm{Ki}}))` to the stack.
-  #. Perform :math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0] = {\mathit{mi}}]`.
+   #. Perform :math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0] = {\mathit{mi}}]`.
 #. Or:
-  a. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~{{{{\mathrm{signed}}}_{32}^{{-1}}}}{({-1})})` to the stack.
+   a. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~{{{{\mathrm{signed}}}_{32}^{{-1}}}}{({-1})})` to the stack.
@@ -7404,7 +7404,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`i \leq j`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`i`.
+   a. Return :math:`i`.
 #. Return :math:`j`.
@@ -7415,7 +7415,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{n_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`0`.
+   a. Return :math:`0`.
 #. Let :math:`n~{{n'}^\ast}` be :math:`{n_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -7428,7 +7428,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{X_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{|{X_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}|} = 1`.
@@ -7443,7 +7443,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{X_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is not defined, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`w` be :math:`{X_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}`.
@@ -7456,7 +7456,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{X_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{w^\ast}~{{{w'}^\ast}^\ast}` be :math:`{X_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -7469,7 +7469,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{X_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{{w'}^\ast}~{{w^\ast}^\ast}` be :math:`{X_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -7482,7 +7482,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{X_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`w_1~{{w'}^\ast}` be :math:`{X_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -7495,7 +7495,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{X_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{w_1^\ast}~{{w^\ast}^\ast}` be :math:`{X_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -7508,7 +7508,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`N_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = 32`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`23`.
+   a. Return :math:`23`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`N_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = 64`.
@@ -7521,7 +7521,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`N_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = 32`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`8`.
+   a. Return :math:`8`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`N_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = 64`.
@@ -7569,23 +7569,23 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`32`.
+   a. Return :math:`32`.
 #. If :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 64}}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`64`.
+   a. Return :math:`64`.
 #. If :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{f{\scriptstyle 32}}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`32`.
+   a. Return :math:`32`.
 #. If :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{f{\scriptstyle 64}}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`64`.
+   a. Return :math:`64`.
 #. If :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`128`.
+   a. Return :math:`128`.
@@ -7601,7 +7601,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{\mathit{pt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 8}}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`8`.
+   a. Return :math:`8`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{pt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 16}}`.
@@ -7614,9 +7614,9 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is number type, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{|{\mathit{numtype}}|}`.
+   #. Return :math:`{|{\mathit{numtype}}|}`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is packed type.
@@ -7680,7 +7680,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Inn, then:
-  a. Return :math:`0`.
+   a. Return :math:`0`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, the type of :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Fnn.
@@ -7709,7 +7709,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{b_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{b^\ast}~{{{b'}^\ast}^\ast}` be :math:`{b_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -7722,9 +7722,9 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is number type, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is packed type.
@@ -7744,15 +7744,15 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}_0~{{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}_0` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{func}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{ft}})` be :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}_0`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{ft}})` be :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}_0`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathit{ft}}~{\mathrm{funcs}}({{\mathit{xt}}^\ast})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathit{ft}}~{\mathrm{funcs}}({{\mathit{xt}}^\ast})`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}~{{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -7765,15 +7765,15 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}_0~{{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}_0` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{global}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{gt}})` be :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}_0`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{gt}})` be :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}_0`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathit{gt}}~{\mathrm{globals}}({{\mathit{xt}}^\ast})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathit{gt}}~{\mathrm{globals}}({{\mathit{xt}}^\ast})`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}~{{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -7786,15 +7786,15 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}_0~{{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}_0` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{table}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tt}})` be :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}_0`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tt}})` be :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}_0`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathit{tt}}~{\mathrm{tables}}({{\mathit{xt}}^\ast})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathit{tt}}~{\mathrm{tables}}({{\mathit{xt}}^\ast})`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}~{{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -7807,15 +7807,15 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}_0~{{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}_0` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{mem}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{mt}})` be :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}_0`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{mt}})` be :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}_0`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathit{mt}}~{\mathrm{mems}}({{\mathit{xt}}^\ast})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathit{mt}}~{\mathrm{mems}}({{\mathit{xt}}^\ast})`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}~{{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -7828,15 +7828,15 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{\mathit{in}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{memory{.}init}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{memory{.}init}~x)` be :math:`{\mathit{in}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{memory{.}init}~x)` be :math:`{\mathit{in}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`x`.
+   #. Return :math:`x`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{in}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{data{.}drop}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{data{.}drop}~x)` be :math:`{\mathit{in}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{data{.}drop}~x)` be :math:`{\mathit{in}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`x`.
+   #. Return :math:`x`.
 #. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
@@ -7847,7 +7847,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{in}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{instr}}~{{\mathit{instr}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{in}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -7874,7 +7874,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{func}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{func}}~{{\mathit{func}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{func}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -7894,7 +7894,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`i < {2^{N - 1}}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`i`.
+   a. Return :math:`i`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{2^{N - 1}} \leq i`.
@@ -7918,27 +7918,27 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Inn, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Let :math:`{\mathit{iN}}` be :math:`i_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{\mathit{iN}}` be :math:`i_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{unop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{clz}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{unop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{clz}`, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{iclz}}}_{N}({\mathit{iN}})`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{iclz}}}_{N}({\mathit{iN}})`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{unop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{ctz}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{unop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{ctz}`, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ictz}}}_{N}({\mathit{iN}})`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ictz}}}_{N}({\mathit{iN}})`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{unop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{popcnt}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{unop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{popcnt}`, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ipopcnt}}}_{N}({\mathit{iN}})`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ipopcnt}}}_{N}({\mathit{iN}})`.
-  #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{unop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{extend}`.
+   #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{unop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{extend}`.
-  #. Let :math:`(\mathsf{extend}~M)` be :math:`{\mathit{unop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   #. Let :math:`(\mathsf{extend}~M)` be :math:`{\mathit{unop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{M, N}^{\mathsf{s}}}}{({{\mathrm{wrap}}}_{N, M}({\mathit{iN}}))}`.
+   #. Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{M, N}^{\mathsf{s}}}}{({{\mathrm{wrap}}}_{N, M}({\mathit{iN}}))}`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, the type of :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Fnn.
@@ -7948,27 +7948,27 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{unop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{abs}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fabs}}}_{N}({\mathit{fN}})`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fabs}}}_{N}({\mathit{fN}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{unop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{neg}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fneg}}}_{N}({\mathit{fN}})`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fneg}}}_{N}({\mathit{fN}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{unop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{sqrt}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fsqrt}}}_{N}({\mathit{fN}})`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fsqrt}}}_{N}({\mathit{fN}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{unop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{ceil}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fceil}}}_{N}({\mathit{fN}})`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fceil}}}_{N}({\mathit{fN}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{unop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{floor}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ffloor}}}_{N}({\mathit{fN}})`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ffloor}}}_{N}({\mathit{fN}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{unop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{trunc}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ftrunc}}}_{N}({\mathit{fN}})`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ftrunc}}}_{N}({\mathit{fN}})`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{unop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{nearest}`.
@@ -7981,65 +7981,65 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Inn, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Let :math:`{\mathit{iN}}_1` be :math:`i_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{\mathit{iN}}_1` be :math:`i_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Let :math:`{\mathit{iN}}_2` be :math:`i_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{\mathit{iN}}_2` be :math:`i_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{add}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{add}`, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{iadd}}}_{N}({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{iadd}}}_{N}({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{sub}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{sub}`, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{isub}}}_{N}({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{isub}}}_{N}({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{mul}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{mul}`, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{imul}}}_{N}({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{imul}}}_{N}({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{div}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{div}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{div}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{div}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-    #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{idiv}}}_{N}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)}`.
+      #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{idiv}}}_{N}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)}`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{rem}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{rem}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{rem}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{rem}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-    #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{irem}}}_{N}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)}`.
+      #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{irem}}}_{N}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)}`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{and}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{and}`, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{iand}}}_{N}({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{iand}}}_{N}({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{or}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{or}`, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ior}}}_{N}({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ior}}}_{N}({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{xor}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{xor}`, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ixor}}}_{N}({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ixor}}}_{N}({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{shl}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{shl}`, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ishl}}}_{N}({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ishl}}}_{N}({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{shr}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{shr}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{shr}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{shr}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-    #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{ishr}}}_{N}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)}`.
+      #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{ishr}}}_{N}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)}`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{rotl}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{rotl}`, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{irotl}}}_{N}({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{irotl}}}_{N}({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{rotr}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{rotr}`, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{irotr}}}_{N}({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{irotr}}}_{N}({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, the type of :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Fnn.
@@ -8051,27 +8051,27 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{add}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fadd}}}_{N}({\mathit{fN}}_1, {\mathit{fN}}_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fadd}}}_{N}({\mathit{fN}}_1, {\mathit{fN}}_2)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{sub}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fsub}}}_{N}({\mathit{fN}}_1, {\mathit{fN}}_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fsub}}}_{N}({\mathit{fN}}_1, {\mathit{fN}}_2)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{mul}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fmul}}}_{N}({\mathit{fN}}_1, {\mathit{fN}}_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fmul}}}_{N}({\mathit{fN}}_1, {\mathit{fN}}_2)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{div}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fdiv}}}_{N}({\mathit{fN}}_1, {\mathit{fN}}_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fdiv}}}_{N}({\mathit{fN}}_1, {\mathit{fN}}_2)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{min}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fmin}}}_{N}({\mathit{fN}}_1, {\mathit{fN}}_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fmin}}}_{N}({\mathit{fN}}_1, {\mathit{fN}}_2)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{max}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fmax}}}_{N}({\mathit{fN}}_1, {\mathit{fN}}_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fmax}}}_{N}({\mathit{fN}}_1, {\mathit{fN}}_2)`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{copysign}`.
@@ -8091,43 +8091,43 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Inn, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Let :math:`{\mathit{iN}}_1` be :math:`i_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{\mathit{iN}}_1` be :math:`i_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Let :math:`{\mathit{iN}}_2` be :math:`i_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{\mathit{iN}}_2` be :math:`i_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{eq}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{eq}`, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ieq}}}_{N}({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ieq}}}_{N}({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{ne}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{ne}`, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ine}}}_{N}({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ine}}}_{N}({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{lt}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{lt}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{lt}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{lt}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-    #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{ilt}}}_{N}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)}`.
+      #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{ilt}}}_{N}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)}`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{gt}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{gt}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{gt}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{gt}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-    #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{igt}}}_{N}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)}`.
+      #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{igt}}}_{N}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)}`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{le}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{le}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{le}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{le}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-    #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{ile}}}_{N}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)}`.
+      #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{ile}}}_{N}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)}`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{ge}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{ge}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{ge}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{ge}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-    #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{ige}}}_{N}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)}`.
+      #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{ige}}}_{N}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{iN}}_1, {\mathit{iN}}_2)}`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, the type of :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Fnn.
@@ -8139,23 +8139,23 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{eq}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{feq}}}_{N}({\mathit{fN}}_1, {\mathit{fN}}_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{feq}}}_{N}({\mathit{fN}}_1, {\mathit{fN}}_2)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{ne}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fne}}}_{N}({\mathit{fN}}_1, {\mathit{fN}}_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fne}}}_{N}({\mathit{fN}}_1, {\mathit{fN}}_2)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{lt}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{flt}}}_{N}({\mathit{fN}}_1, {\mathit{fN}}_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{flt}}}_{N}({\mathit{fN}}_1, {\mathit{fN}}_2)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{gt}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fgt}}}_{N}({\mathit{fN}}_1, {\mathit{fN}}_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fgt}}}_{N}({\mathit{fN}}_1, {\mathit{fN}}_2)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{le}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fle}}}_{N}({\mathit{fN}}_1, {\mathit{fN}}_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fle}}}_{N}({\mathit{fN}}_1, {\mathit{fN}}_2)`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{ge}`.
@@ -8168,97 +8168,97 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Inn, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_1` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_1` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}` is Inn, then:
+   #. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}` is Inn, then:
-    1) Let :math:`{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_2` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_2` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}`.
-    #) If :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{extend}`, then:
+      #) If :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{extend}`, then:
-      a) Let :math:`(\mathsf{extend}~{\mathit{sx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+         a) Let :math:`(\mathsf{extend}~{\mathit{sx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-      #) Let :math:`{\mathit{iN}}_1` be :math:`i_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+         #) Let :math:`{\mathit{iN}}_1` be :math:`i_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-      #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{N_1, N_2}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{iN}}_1)}`.
+         #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{N_1, N_2}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{iN}}_1)}`.
-    #) Let :math:`{\mathit{iN}}_1` be :math:`i_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+      #) Let :math:`{\mathit{iN}}_1` be :math:`i_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-    #) If :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{wrap}`, then:
+      #) If :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{wrap}`, then:
-      a) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{wrap}}}_{N_1, N_2}({\mathit{iN}}_1)`.
+         a) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{wrap}}}_{N_1, N_2}({\mathit{iN}}_1)`.
 #. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Fnn, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}_1` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}_1` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}` is Inn, then:
+   #. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}` is Inn, then:
-    1) Let :math:`{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_2` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_2` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}`.
-    #) If :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{trunc}`, then:
+      #) If :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{trunc}`, then:
-      a) Let :math:`(\mathsf{trunc}~{\mathit{sx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+         a) Let :math:`(\mathsf{trunc}~{\mathit{sx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-      #) Let :math:`{\mathit{fN}}_1` be :math:`i_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+         #) Let :math:`{\mathit{fN}}_1` be :math:`i_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-      #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{trunc}}}_{N_1, N_2}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{fN}}_1)}`.
+         #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{trunc}}}_{N_1, N_2}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{fN}}_1)}`.
-    #) If :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{trunc\_sat}`, then:
+      #) If :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{trunc\_sat}`, then:
-      a) Let :math:`(\mathsf{trunc\_sat}~{\mathit{sx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+         a) Let :math:`(\mathsf{trunc\_sat}~{\mathit{sx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-      #) Let :math:`{\mathit{fN}}_1` be :math:`i_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+         #) Let :math:`{\mathit{fN}}_1` be :math:`i_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-      #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{trunc\_sat}}}_{N_1, N_2}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{fN}}_1)}`.
+         #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{trunc\_sat}}}_{N_1, N_2}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{fN}}_1)}`.
 #. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Inn, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_1` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_1` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}` is Fnn, then:
+   #. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}` is Fnn, then:
-    1) Let :math:`{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}_2` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}_2` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}`.
-    #) If :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{convert}`, then:
+      #) If :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{convert}`, then:
-      a) Let :math:`(\mathsf{convert}~{\mathit{sx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+         a) Let :math:`(\mathsf{convert}~{\mathit{sx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-      #) Let :math:`{\mathit{iN}}_1` be :math:`i_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+         #) Let :math:`{\mathit{iN}}_1` be :math:`i_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-      #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{convert}}}_{N_1, N_2}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{iN}}_1)}`.
+         #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{convert}}}_{N_1, N_2}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{iN}}_1)}`.
 #. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Fnn, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}_1` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}_1` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}` is Fnn, then:
+   #. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}` is Fnn, then:
-    1) Let :math:`{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}_2` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}_2` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}`.
-    #) Let :math:`{\mathit{fN}}_1` be :math:`i_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+      #) Let :math:`{\mathit{fN}}_1` be :math:`i_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-    #) If :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{promote}`, then:
+      #) If :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{promote}`, then:
-      a) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{promote}}}_{N_1, N_2}({\mathit{fN}}_1)`.
+         a) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{promote}}}_{N_1, N_2}({\mathit{fN}}_1)`.
-    #) If :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{demote}`, then:
+      #) If :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{demote}`, then:
-      a) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{demote}}}_{N_1, N_2}({\mathit{fN}}_1)`.
+         a) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{demote}}}_{N_1, N_2}({\mathit{fN}}_1)`.
 #. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Inn, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_1` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_1` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}` is Fnn, then:
+   #. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}` is Fnn, then:
-    1) Let :math:`{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}_2` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}_2` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}`.
-    #) Let :math:`{\mathit{iN}}_1` be :math:`i_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+      #) Let :math:`{\mathit{iN}}_1` be :math:`i_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-    #) If :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{reinterpret}` and :math:`{|{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_1|} = {|{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}_2|}`, then:
+      #) If :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{reinterpret}` and :math:`{|{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_1|} = {|{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}_2|}`, then:
-      a) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{reinterpret}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_1, {{\mathsf{f}}{n}}_2}({\mathit{iN}}_1)`.
+         a) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{reinterpret}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_1, {{\mathsf{f}}{n}}_2}({\mathit{iN}}_1)`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, the type of :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Fnn.
@@ -8301,7 +8301,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is number type, then:
-  a. Return :math:`c`.
+   a. Return :math:`c`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is packed type.
@@ -8316,7 +8316,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is number type, then:
-  a. Return :math:`c`.
+   a. Return :math:`c`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is packed type.
@@ -8340,7 +8340,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{\mathit{hf}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{low}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`i`.
+   a. Return :math:`i`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{hf}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{high}`.
@@ -8360,15 +8360,15 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{\mathit{vvbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{and}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{iand}}}_{{|\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}|}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1, {\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{iand}}}_{{|\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}|}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1, {\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{vvbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{andnot}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{iandnot}}}_{{|\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}|}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1, {\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{iandnot}}}_{{|\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}|}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1, {\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{vvbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{or}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ior}}}_{{|\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}|}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1, {\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ior}}}_{{|\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}|}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1, {\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{vvbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{xor}`.
@@ -8388,31 +8388,31 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Jnn, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{vunop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{abs}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{vunop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{abs}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
+      1) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
-    #) Let :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{{\mathrm{iabs}}}_{N}({\mathit{lane}}_1)^\ast})`.
+      #) Let :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{{\mathrm{iabs}}}_{N}({\mathit{lane}}_1)^\ast})`.
-    #) Return :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}`.
+      #) Return :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{vunop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{neg}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{vunop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{neg}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
+      1) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
-    #) Let :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{{\mathrm{ineg}}}_{N}({\mathit{lane}}_1)^\ast})`.
+      #) Let :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{{\mathrm{ineg}}}_{N}({\mathit{lane}}_1)^\ast})`.
-    #) Return :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}`.
+      #) Return :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{vunop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{popcnt}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{vunop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{popcnt}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
+      1) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
-    #) Let :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{{\mathrm{ipopcnt}}}_{N}({\mathit{lane}}_1)^\ast})`.
+      #) Let :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{{\mathrm{ipopcnt}}}_{N}({\mathit{lane}}_1)^\ast})`.
-    #) Return :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}`.
+      #) Return :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Fnn.
@@ -8420,63 +8420,63 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{vunop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{abs}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
+   a. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
-  #. Let :math:`{{{\mathit{lane}}^\ast}^\ast}` be :math:`\Large\times~{{{\mathrm{fabs}}}_{N}({\mathit{lane}}_1)^\ast}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{{{\mathit{lane}}^\ast}^\ast}` be :math:`\Large\times~{{{\mathrm{fabs}}}_{N}({\mathit{lane}}_1)^\ast}`.
-  #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{\mathit{lane}}^\ast})^\ast}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{\mathit{lane}}^\ast})^\ast}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}^\ast}`.
+   #. Return :math:`{{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}^\ast}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{vunop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{neg}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
+   a. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
-  #. Let :math:`{{{\mathit{lane}}^\ast}^\ast}` be :math:`\Large\times~{{{\mathrm{fneg}}}_{N}({\mathit{lane}}_1)^\ast}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{{{\mathit{lane}}^\ast}^\ast}` be :math:`\Large\times~{{{\mathrm{fneg}}}_{N}({\mathit{lane}}_1)^\ast}`.
-  #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{\mathit{lane}}^\ast})^\ast}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{\mathit{lane}}^\ast})^\ast}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}^\ast}`.
+   #. Return :math:`{{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}^\ast}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{vunop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{sqrt}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
+   a. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
-  #. Let :math:`{{{\mathit{lane}}^\ast}^\ast}` be :math:`\Large\times~{{{\mathrm{fsqrt}}}_{N}({\mathit{lane}}_1)^\ast}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{{{\mathit{lane}}^\ast}^\ast}` be :math:`\Large\times~{{{\mathrm{fsqrt}}}_{N}({\mathit{lane}}_1)^\ast}`.
-  #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{\mathit{lane}}^\ast})^\ast}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{\mathit{lane}}^\ast})^\ast}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}^\ast}`.
+   #. Return :math:`{{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}^\ast}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{vunop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{ceil}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
+   a. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
-  #. Let :math:`{{{\mathit{lane}}^\ast}^\ast}` be :math:`\Large\times~{{{\mathrm{fceil}}}_{N}({\mathit{lane}}_1)^\ast}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{{{\mathit{lane}}^\ast}^\ast}` be :math:`\Large\times~{{{\mathrm{fceil}}}_{N}({\mathit{lane}}_1)^\ast}`.
-  #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{\mathit{lane}}^\ast})^\ast}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{\mathit{lane}}^\ast})^\ast}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}^\ast}`.
+   #. Return :math:`{{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}^\ast}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{vunop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{floor}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
+   a. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
-  #. Let :math:`{{{\mathit{lane}}^\ast}^\ast}` be :math:`\Large\times~{{{\mathrm{ffloor}}}_{N}({\mathit{lane}}_1)^\ast}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{{{\mathit{lane}}^\ast}^\ast}` be :math:`\Large\times~{{{\mathrm{ffloor}}}_{N}({\mathit{lane}}_1)^\ast}`.
-  #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{\mathit{lane}}^\ast})^\ast}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{\mathit{lane}}^\ast})^\ast}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}^\ast}`.
+   #. Return :math:`{{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}^\ast}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{vunop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{trunc}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
+   a. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
-  #. Let :math:`{{{\mathit{lane}}^\ast}^\ast}` be :math:`\Large\times~{{{\mathrm{ftrunc}}}_{N}({\mathit{lane}}_1)^\ast}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{{{\mathit{lane}}^\ast}^\ast}` be :math:`\Large\times~{{{\mathrm{ftrunc}}}_{N}({\mathit{lane}}_1)^\ast}`.
-  #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{\mathit{lane}}^\ast})^\ast}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{\mathit{lane}}^\ast})^\ast}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}^\ast}`.
+   #. Return :math:`{{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}^\ast}`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{vunop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{nearest}`.
@@ -8495,105 +8495,105 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Jnn, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{add}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{add}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
+      1) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
-    #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_2^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
+      #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_2^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
-    #) Let :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{{\mathrm{iadd}}}_{N}({\mathit{lane}}_1, {\mathit{lane}}_2)^\ast})`.
+      #) Let :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{{\mathrm{iadd}}}_{N}({\mathit{lane}}_1, {\mathit{lane}}_2)^\ast})`.
-    #) Return :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}`.
+      #) Return :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{sub}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{sub}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
+      1) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
-    #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_2^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
+      #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_2^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
-    #) Let :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{{\mathrm{isub}}}_{N}({\mathit{lane}}_1, {\mathit{lane}}_2)^\ast})`.
+      #) Let :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{{\mathrm{isub}}}_{N}({\mathit{lane}}_1, {\mathit{lane}}_2)^\ast})`.
-    #) Return :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}`.
+      #) Return :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{min}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{min}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{min}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{min}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-    #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
+      #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
-    #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_2^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
+      #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_2^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
-    #) Let :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{{\mathrm{imin}}}_{N}({\mathit{sx}}, {\mathit{lane}}_1, {\mathit{lane}}_2)^\ast})`.
+      #) Let :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{{\mathrm{imin}}}_{N}({\mathit{sx}}, {\mathit{lane}}_1, {\mathit{lane}}_2)^\ast})`.
-    #) Return :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}`.
+      #) Return :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{max}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{max}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{max}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{max}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-    #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
+      #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
-    #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_2^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
+      #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_2^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
-    #) Let :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{{\mathrm{imax}}}_{N}({\mathit{sx}}, {\mathit{lane}}_1, {\mathit{lane}}_2)^\ast})`.
+      #) Let :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{{\mathrm{imax}}}_{N}({\mathit{sx}}, {\mathit{lane}}_1, {\mathit{lane}}_2)^\ast})`.
-    #) Return :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}`.
+      #) Return :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{add\_sat}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{add\_sat}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{add\_sat}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{add\_sat}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-    #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
+      #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
-    #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_2^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
+      #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_2^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
-    #) Let :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{{{{\mathrm{iadd\_sat}}}_{N}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{lane}}_1, {\mathit{lane}}_2)}^\ast})`.
+      #) Let :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{{{{\mathrm{iadd\_sat}}}_{N}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{lane}}_1, {\mathit{lane}}_2)}^\ast})`.
-    #) Return :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}`.
+      #) Return :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{sub\_sat}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{sub\_sat}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{sub\_sat}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{sub\_sat}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-    #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
+      #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
-    #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_2^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
+      #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_2^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
-    #) Let :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{{{{\mathrm{isub\_sat}}}_{N}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{lane}}_1, {\mathit{lane}}_2)}^\ast})`.
+      #) Let :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{{{{\mathrm{isub\_sat}}}_{N}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{lane}}_1, {\mathit{lane}}_2)}^\ast})`.
-    #) Return :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}`.
+      #) Return :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{mul}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{mul}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
+      1) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
-    #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_2^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
+      #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_2^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
-    #) Let :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{{\mathrm{imul}}}_{N}({\mathit{lane}}_1, {\mathit{lane}}_2)^\ast})`.
+      #) Let :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{{\mathrm{imul}}}_{N}({\mathit{lane}}_1, {\mathit{lane}}_2)^\ast})`.
-    #) Return :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}`.
+      #) Return :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = `, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = `, then:
-    1) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
+      1) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
-    #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_2^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
+      #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_2^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
-    #) Let :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{{{{\mathrm{iavgr}}}_{N}^{\mathsf{u}}}}{({\mathit{lane}}_1, {\mathit{lane}}_2)}^\ast})`.
+      #) Let :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{{{{\mathrm{iavgr}}}_{N}^{\mathsf{u}}}}{({\mathit{lane}}_1, {\mathit{lane}}_2)}^\ast})`.
-    #) Return :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}`.
+      #) Return :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = `, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = `, then:
-    1) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
+      1) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
-    #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_2^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
+      #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_2^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
-    #) Let :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{{{{\mathrm{iq{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 15\kern-0.1em}mulr\_sat}}}_{N}^{\mathsf{s}}}}{({\mathit{lane}}_1, {\mathit{lane}}_2)}^\ast})`.
+      #) Let :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{{{{\mathrm{iq{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 15\kern-0.1em}mulr\_sat}}}_{N}^{\mathsf{s}}}}{({\mathit{lane}}_1, {\mathit{lane}}_2)}^\ast})`.
-    #) Return :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}`.
+      #) Return :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Fnn.
@@ -8601,87 +8601,87 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{add}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
+   a. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
-  #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_2^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
+   #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_2^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
-  #. Let :math:`{{{\mathit{lane}}^\ast}^\ast}` be :math:`\Large\times~{{{\mathrm{fadd}}}_{N}({\mathit{lane}}_1, {\mathit{lane}}_2)^\ast}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{{{\mathit{lane}}^\ast}^\ast}` be :math:`\Large\times~{{{\mathrm{fadd}}}_{N}({\mathit{lane}}_1, {\mathit{lane}}_2)^\ast}`.
-  #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{\mathit{lane}}^\ast})^\ast}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{\mathit{lane}}^\ast})^\ast}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}^\ast}`.
+   #. Return :math:`{{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}^\ast}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{sub}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
+   a. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
-  #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_2^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
+   #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_2^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
-  #. Let :math:`{{{\mathit{lane}}^\ast}^\ast}` be :math:`\Large\times~{{{\mathrm{fsub}}}_{N}({\mathit{lane}}_1, {\mathit{lane}}_2)^\ast}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{{{\mathit{lane}}^\ast}^\ast}` be :math:`\Large\times~{{{\mathrm{fsub}}}_{N}({\mathit{lane}}_1, {\mathit{lane}}_2)^\ast}`.
-  #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{\mathit{lane}}^\ast})^\ast}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{\mathit{lane}}^\ast})^\ast}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}^\ast}`.
+   #. Return :math:`{{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}^\ast}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{mul}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
+   a. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
-  #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_2^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
+   #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_2^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
-  #. Let :math:`{{{\mathit{lane}}^\ast}^\ast}` be :math:`\Large\times~{{{\mathrm{fmul}}}_{N}({\mathit{lane}}_1, {\mathit{lane}}_2)^\ast}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{{{\mathit{lane}}^\ast}^\ast}` be :math:`\Large\times~{{{\mathrm{fmul}}}_{N}({\mathit{lane}}_1, {\mathit{lane}}_2)^\ast}`.
-  #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{\mathit{lane}}^\ast})^\ast}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{\mathit{lane}}^\ast})^\ast}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}^\ast}`.
+   #. Return :math:`{{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}^\ast}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{div}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
+   a. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
-  #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_2^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
+   #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_2^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
-  #. Let :math:`{{{\mathit{lane}}^\ast}^\ast}` be :math:`\Large\times~{{{\mathrm{fdiv}}}_{N}({\mathit{lane}}_1, {\mathit{lane}}_2)^\ast}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{{{\mathit{lane}}^\ast}^\ast}` be :math:`\Large\times~{{{\mathrm{fdiv}}}_{N}({\mathit{lane}}_1, {\mathit{lane}}_2)^\ast}`.
-  #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{\mathit{lane}}^\ast})^\ast}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{\mathit{lane}}^\ast})^\ast}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}^\ast}`.
+   #. Return :math:`{{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}^\ast}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{min}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
+   a. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
-  #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_2^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
+   #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_2^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
-  #. Let :math:`{{{\mathit{lane}}^\ast}^\ast}` be :math:`\Large\times~{{{\mathrm{fmin}}}_{N}({\mathit{lane}}_1, {\mathit{lane}}_2)^\ast}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{{{\mathit{lane}}^\ast}^\ast}` be :math:`\Large\times~{{{\mathrm{fmin}}}_{N}({\mathit{lane}}_1, {\mathit{lane}}_2)^\ast}`.
-  #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{\mathit{lane}}^\ast})^\ast}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{\mathit{lane}}^\ast})^\ast}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}^\ast}`.
+   #. Return :math:`{{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}^\ast}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{max}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
+   a. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
-  #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_2^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
+   #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_2^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
-  #. Let :math:`{{{\mathit{lane}}^\ast}^\ast}` be :math:`\Large\times~{{{\mathrm{fmax}}}_{N}({\mathit{lane}}_1, {\mathit{lane}}_2)^\ast}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{{{\mathit{lane}}^\ast}^\ast}` be :math:`\Large\times~{{{\mathrm{fmax}}}_{N}({\mathit{lane}}_1, {\mathit{lane}}_2)^\ast}`.
-  #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{\mathit{lane}}^\ast})^\ast}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{\mathit{lane}}^\ast})^\ast}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}^\ast}`.
+   #. Return :math:`{{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}^\ast}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{pmin}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
+   a. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
-  #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_2^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
+   #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_2^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
-  #. Let :math:`{{{\mathit{lane}}^\ast}^\ast}` be :math:`\Large\times~{{{\mathrm{fpmin}}}_{N}({\mathit{lane}}_1, {\mathit{lane}}_2)^\ast}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{{{\mathit{lane}}^\ast}^\ast}` be :math:`\Large\times~{{{\mathrm{fpmin}}}_{N}({\mathit{lane}}_1, {\mathit{lane}}_2)^\ast}`.
-  #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{\mathit{lane}}^\ast})^\ast}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{\mathit{lane}}^\ast})^\ast}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}^\ast}`.
+   #. Return :math:`{{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}^\ast}`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{pmax}`.
@@ -8702,87 +8702,87 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Jnn, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{vrelop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{eq}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{vrelop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{eq}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
+      1) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
-    #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_2^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
+      #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_2^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
-    #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_3^\ast}` be :math:`{{{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{1, N}^{\mathsf{s}}}}{({{\mathrm{ieq}}}_{N}({\mathit{lane}}_1, {\mathit{lane}}_2))}^\ast}`.
+      #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_3^\ast}` be :math:`{{{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{1, N}^{\mathsf{s}}}}{({{\mathrm{ieq}}}_{N}({\mathit{lane}}_1, {\mathit{lane}}_2))}^\ast}`.
-    #) Let :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{\mathit{lane}}_3^\ast})`.
+      #) Let :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{\mathit{lane}}_3^\ast})`.
-    #) Return :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}`.
+      #) Return :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{vrelop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{ne}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{vrelop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{ne}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
+      1) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
-    #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_2^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
+      #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_2^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
-    #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_3^\ast}` be :math:`{{{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{1, N}^{\mathsf{s}}}}{({{\mathrm{ine}}}_{N}({\mathit{lane}}_1, {\mathit{lane}}_2))}^\ast}`.
+      #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_3^\ast}` be :math:`{{{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{1, N}^{\mathsf{s}}}}{({{\mathrm{ine}}}_{N}({\mathit{lane}}_1, {\mathit{lane}}_2))}^\ast}`.
-    #) Let :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{\mathit{lane}}_3^\ast})`.
+      #) Let :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{\mathit{lane}}_3^\ast})`.
-    #) Return :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}`.
+      #) Return :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{vrelop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{lt}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{vrelop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{lt}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`(\mathsf{lt}~{\mathit{sx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vrelop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`(\mathsf{lt}~{\mathit{sx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vrelop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-    #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
+      #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
-    #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_2^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
+      #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_2^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
-    #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_3^\ast}` be :math:`{{{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{1, N}^{\mathsf{s}}}}{({{{{\mathrm{ilt}}}_{N}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{lane}}_1, {\mathit{lane}}_2)})}^\ast}`.
+      #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_3^\ast}` be :math:`{{{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{1, N}^{\mathsf{s}}}}{({{{{\mathrm{ilt}}}_{N}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{lane}}_1, {\mathit{lane}}_2)})}^\ast}`.
-    #) Let :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{\mathit{lane}}_3^\ast})`.
+      #) Let :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{\mathit{lane}}_3^\ast})`.
-    #) Return :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}`.
+      #) Return :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{vrelop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{gt}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{vrelop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{gt}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`(\mathsf{gt}~{\mathit{sx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vrelop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`(\mathsf{gt}~{\mathit{sx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vrelop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-    #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
+      #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
-    #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_2^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
+      #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_2^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
-    #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_3^\ast}` be :math:`{{{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{1, N}^{\mathsf{s}}}}{({{{{\mathrm{igt}}}_{N}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{lane}}_1, {\mathit{lane}}_2)})}^\ast}`.
+      #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_3^\ast}` be :math:`{{{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{1, N}^{\mathsf{s}}}}{({{{{\mathrm{igt}}}_{N}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{lane}}_1, {\mathit{lane}}_2)})}^\ast}`.
-    #) Let :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{\mathit{lane}}_3^\ast})`.
+      #) Let :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{\mathit{lane}}_3^\ast})`.
-    #) Return :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}`.
+      #) Return :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{vrelop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{le}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{vrelop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{le}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`(\mathsf{le}~{\mathit{sx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vrelop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`(\mathsf{le}~{\mathit{sx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vrelop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-    #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
+      #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
-    #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_2^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
+      #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_2^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
-    #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_3^\ast}` be :math:`{{{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{1, N}^{\mathsf{s}}}}{({{{{\mathrm{ile}}}_{N}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{lane}}_1, {\mathit{lane}}_2)})}^\ast}`.
+      #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_3^\ast}` be :math:`{{{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{1, N}^{\mathsf{s}}}}{({{{{\mathrm{ile}}}_{N}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{lane}}_1, {\mathit{lane}}_2)})}^\ast}`.
-    #) Let :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{\mathit{lane}}_3^\ast})`.
+      #) Let :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{\mathit{lane}}_3^\ast})`.
-    #) Return :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}`.
+      #) Return :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{vrelop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{ge}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{vrelop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{ge}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`(\mathsf{ge}~{\mathit{sx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vrelop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`(\mathsf{ge}~{\mathit{sx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vrelop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-    #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
+      #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
-    #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_2^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
+      #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_2^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
-    #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_3^\ast}` be :math:`{{{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{1, N}^{\mathsf{s}}}}{({{{{\mathrm{ige}}}_{N}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{lane}}_1, {\mathit{lane}}_2)})}^\ast}`.
+      #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_3^\ast}` be :math:`{{{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{1, N}^{\mathsf{s}}}}{({{{{\mathrm{ige}}}_{N}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{lane}}_1, {\mathit{lane}}_2)})}^\ast}`.
-    #) Let :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{\mathit{lane}}_3^\ast})`.
+      #) Let :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{\mathit{lane}}_3^\ast})`.
-    #) Return :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}`.
+      #) Return :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Fnn.
@@ -8790,73 +8790,73 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{vrelop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{eq}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
+   a. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
-  #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_2^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
+   #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_2^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
-  #. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}` be the result for which :math:`{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}` :math:`=` :math:`{|{\mathsf{f}}{n}|}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}` be the result for which :math:`{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}` :math:`=` :math:`{|{\mathsf{f}}{n}|}`.
-  #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_3^\ast}` be :math:`{{{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{1, N}^{\mathsf{s}}}}{({{\mathrm{feq}}}_{N}({\mathit{lane}}_1, {\mathit{lane}}_2))}^\ast}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_3^\ast}` be :math:`{{{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{1, N}^{\mathsf{s}}}}{({{\mathrm{feq}}}_{N}({\mathit{lane}}_1, {\mathit{lane}}_2))}^\ast}`.
-  #. Let :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{\mathit{lane}}_3^\ast})`.
+   #. Let :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{\mathit{lane}}_3^\ast})`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{vrelop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{ne}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
+   a. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
-  #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_2^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
+   #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_2^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
-  #. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}` be the result for which :math:`{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}` :math:`=` :math:`{|{\mathsf{f}}{n}|}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}` be the result for which :math:`{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}` :math:`=` :math:`{|{\mathsf{f}}{n}|}`.
-  #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_3^\ast}` be :math:`{{{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{1, N}^{\mathsf{s}}}}{({{\mathrm{fne}}}_{N}({\mathit{lane}}_1, {\mathit{lane}}_2))}^\ast}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_3^\ast}` be :math:`{{{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{1, N}^{\mathsf{s}}}}{({{\mathrm{fne}}}_{N}({\mathit{lane}}_1, {\mathit{lane}}_2))}^\ast}`.
-  #. Let :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{\mathit{lane}}_3^\ast})`.
+   #. Let :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{\mathit{lane}}_3^\ast})`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{vrelop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{lt}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
+   a. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
-  #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_2^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
+   #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_2^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
-  #. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}` be the result for which :math:`{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}` :math:`=` :math:`{|{\mathsf{f}}{n}|}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}` be the result for which :math:`{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}` :math:`=` :math:`{|{\mathsf{f}}{n}|}`.
-  #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_3^\ast}` be :math:`{{{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{1, N}^{\mathsf{s}}}}{({{\mathrm{flt}}}_{N}({\mathit{lane}}_1, {\mathit{lane}}_2))}^\ast}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_3^\ast}` be :math:`{{{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{1, N}^{\mathsf{s}}}}{({{\mathrm{flt}}}_{N}({\mathit{lane}}_1, {\mathit{lane}}_2))}^\ast}`.
-  #. Let :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{\mathit{lane}}_3^\ast})`.
+   #. Let :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{\mathit{lane}}_3^\ast})`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{vrelop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{gt}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
+   a. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
-  #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_2^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
+   #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_2^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
-  #. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}` be the result for which :math:`{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}` :math:`=` :math:`{|{\mathsf{f}}{n}|}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}` be the result for which :math:`{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}` :math:`=` :math:`{|{\mathsf{f}}{n}|}`.
-  #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_3^\ast}` be :math:`{{{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{1, N}^{\mathsf{s}}}}{({{\mathrm{fgt}}}_{N}({\mathit{lane}}_1, {\mathit{lane}}_2))}^\ast}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_3^\ast}` be :math:`{{{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{1, N}^{\mathsf{s}}}}{({{\mathrm{fgt}}}_{N}({\mathit{lane}}_1, {\mathit{lane}}_2))}^\ast}`.
-  #. Let :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{\mathit{lane}}_3^\ast})`.
+   #. Let :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{\mathit{lane}}_3^\ast})`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{vrelop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{le}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
+   a. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_1)`.
-  #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_2^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
+   #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_2^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}_2)`.
-  #. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}` be the result for which :math:`{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}` :math:`=` :math:`{|{\mathsf{f}}{n}|}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}` be the result for which :math:`{|{\mathsf{i}}{n}|}` :math:`=` :math:`{|{\mathsf{f}}{n}|}`.
-  #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_3^\ast}` be :math:`{{{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{1, N}^{\mathsf{s}}}}{({{\mathrm{fle}}}_{N}({\mathit{lane}}_1, {\mathit{lane}}_2))}^\ast}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{lane}}_3^\ast}` be :math:`{{{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{1, N}^{\mathsf{s}}}}{({{\mathrm{fle}}}_{N}({\mathit{lane}}_1, {\mathit{lane}}_2))}^\ast}`.
-  #. Let :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{\mathit{lane}}_3^\ast})`.
+   #. Let :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({{\mathit{lane}}_3^\ast})`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}}`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{vrelop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{ge}`.
@@ -8879,35 +8879,35 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is Jnn, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_1` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_1` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}`.
-  #. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Jnn, then:
+   #. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Jnn, then:
-    1) Let :math:`{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_2` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_2` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-    #) If :math:`{\mathit{vcvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{extend}`, then:
+      #) If :math:`{\mathit{vcvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{extend}`, then:
-      a) Let :math:`(\mathsf{extend}~{\mathit{sx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vcvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+         a) Let :math:`(\mathsf{extend}~{\mathit{sx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vcvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-      #) Let :math:`{\mathit{iN}}_1` be :math:`c_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+         #) Let :math:`{\mathit{iN}}_1` be :math:`c_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-      #) Let :math:`{\mathit{iN}}_2` be :math:`{{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{N_1, N_2}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{iN}}_1)}`.
+         #) Let :math:`{\mathit{iN}}_2` be :math:`{{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{N_1, N_2}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{iN}}_1)}`.
-      #) Return :math:`{\mathit{iN}}_2`.
+         #) Return :math:`{\mathit{iN}}_2`.
-  #. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Fnn, then:
+   #. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Fnn, then:
-    1) Let :math:`{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}_2` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`{{\mathsf{f}}{n}}_2` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-    #) If :math:`{\mathit{vcvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{convert}`, then:
+      #) If :math:`{\mathit{vcvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{convert}`, then:
-      a) Let :math:`(\mathsf{convert}~{\mathit{sx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vcvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+         a) Let :math:`(\mathsf{convert}~{\mathit{sx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vcvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-      #) Let :math:`{\mathit{iN}}_1` be :math:`c_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+         #) Let :math:`{\mathit{iN}}_1` be :math:`c_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-      #) Let :math:`{\mathit{fN}}_2` be :math:`{{{{\mathrm{convert}}}_{N_1, N_2}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{iN}}_1)}`.
+         #) Let :math:`{\mathit{fN}}_2` be :math:`{{{{\mathrm{convert}}}_{N_1, N_2}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{iN}}_1)}`.
-      #) Return :math:`{\mathit{fN}}_2`.
+         #) Return :math:`{\mathit{fN}}_2`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is Fnn.
@@ -8915,17 +8915,17 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Inn, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_2` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_2` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{vcvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{trunc\_sat}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{vcvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{trunc\_sat}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`(\mathsf{trunc\_sat}~{\mathit{sx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vcvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`(\mathsf{trunc\_sat}~{\mathit{sx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vcvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-    #) Let :math:`{\mathit{fN}}_1` be :math:`c_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+      #) Let :math:`{\mathit{fN}}_1` be :math:`c_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-    #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{iN}}_2^?}` be :math:`{{{{\mathrm{trunc\_sat}}}_{N_1, N_2}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{fN}}_1)}`.
+      #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{iN}}_2^?}` be :math:`{{{{\mathrm{trunc\_sat}}}_{N_1, N_2}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{fN}}_1)}`.
-    #) Return :math:`{{\mathit{iN}}_2^?}`.
+      #) Return :math:`{{\mathit{iN}}_2^?}`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Fnn.
@@ -8935,9 +8935,9 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{vcvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{demote}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{{\mathit{fN}}_2^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{demote}}}_{N_1, N_2}({\mathit{fN}}_1)`.
+   a. Let :math:`{{\mathit{fN}}_2^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{demote}}}_{N_1, N_2}({\mathit{fN}}_1)`.
-  #. Return :math:`{{\mathit{fN}}_2^\ast}`.
+   #. Return :math:`{{\mathit{fN}}_2^\ast}`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{vcvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{promote}`.
@@ -8965,15 +8965,15 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{\mathit{vextbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{extmul}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`({\mathsf{extmul}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vextbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`({\mathsf{extmul}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vextbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{ci}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_2}{\mathsf{x}}{M_2}}(c_1){}[{\mathrm{half}}({\mathit{hf}}, 0, M_1) : M_1]`.
+   #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{ci}}_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_2}{\mathsf{x}}{M_2}}(c_1){}[{\mathrm{half}}({\mathit{hf}}, 0, M_1) : M_1]`.
-  #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{ci}}_2^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_2}{\mathsf{x}}{M_2}}(c_2){}[{\mathrm{half}}({\mathit{hf}}, 0, M_1) : M_1]`.
+   #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{ci}}_2^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_2}{\mathsf{x}}{M_2}}(c_2){}[{\mathrm{half}}({\mathit{hf}}, 0, M_1) : M_1]`.
-  #. Let :math:`c` be :math:`{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_1}{\mathsf{x}}{M_1}}({{{\mathrm{imul}}}_{N_1}({{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{N_2, N_1}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{ci}}_1)}, {{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{N_2, N_1}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{ci}}_2)})^\ast})`.
+   #. Let :math:`c` be :math:`{{\mathrm{invlanes}}}_{{{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}_1}{\mathsf{x}}{M_1}}({{{\mathrm{imul}}}_{N_1}({{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{N_2, N_1}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{ci}}_1)}, {{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{N_2, N_1}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({\mathit{ci}}_2)})^\ast})`.
-  #. Return :math:`c`.
+   #. Return :math:`c`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{vextbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = `.
@@ -8994,7 +8994,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{\mathit{vshiftop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{shl}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ishl}}}_{N}({\mathit{lane}}, n)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ishl}}}_{N}({\mathit{lane}}, n)`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{vshiftop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{shr}`.
@@ -9009,27 +9009,27 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~0)`.
+   a. Return :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~0)`.
 #. If :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 64}}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 64}}{.}\mathsf{const}~0)`.
+   a. Return :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 64}}{.}\mathsf{const}~0)`.
 #. If :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{f{\scriptstyle 32}}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`(\mathsf{f{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~{+0})`.
+   a. Return :math:`(\mathsf{f{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~{+0})`.
 #. If :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{f{\scriptstyle 64}}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`(\mathsf{f{\scriptstyle 64}}{.}\mathsf{const}~{+0})`.
+   a. Return :math:`(\mathsf{f{\scriptstyle 64}}{.}\mathsf{const}~{+0})`.
 #. If :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`(\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{const}~0)`.
+   a. Return :math:`(\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{const}~0)`.
 #. If :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{funcref}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}null}~\mathsf{funcref})`.
+   a. Return :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}null}~\mathsf{funcref})`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{externref}`.
@@ -9042,15 +9042,15 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{xv}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0~{{\mathit{xv}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xv}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{func}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{fa}})` be :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{fa}})` be :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathit{fa}}~{\mathrm{funcs}}({{\mathit{xv}}^\ast})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathit{fa}}~{\mathrm{funcs}}({{\mathit{xv}}^\ast})`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}~{{\mathit{xv}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xv}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -9063,15 +9063,15 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{xv}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0~{{\mathit{xv}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xv}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{global}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{ga}})` be :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{ga}})` be :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathit{ga}}~{\mathrm{globals}}({{\mathit{xv}}^\ast})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathit{ga}}~{\mathrm{globals}}({{\mathit{xv}}^\ast})`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}~{{\mathit{xv}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xv}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -9084,15 +9084,15 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{xv}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0~{{\mathit{xv}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xv}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{table}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{ta}})` be :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{ta}})` be :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathit{ta}}~{\mathrm{tables}}({{\mathit{xv}}^\ast})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathit{ta}}~{\mathrm{tables}}({{\mathit{xv}}^\ast})`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}~{{\mathit{xv}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xv}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -9105,15 +9105,15 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{xv}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0~{{\mathit{xv}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xv}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{mem}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{ma}})` be :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{ma}})` be :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathit{ma}}~{\mathrm{mems}}({{\mathit{xv}}^\ast})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathit{ma}}~{\mathrm{mems}}({{\mathit{xv}}^\ast})`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}~{{\mathit{xv}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xv}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -9312,9 +9312,9 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. If :math:`{i'} \leq j`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathit{ti}'}` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~(({}[~{i'}~..~j~])~{\mathit{rt}}),\; \mathsf{refs}~{{r'}^\ast}~{r^{n}} \}\end{array}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{ti}'}` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~(({}[~{i'}~..~j~])~{\mathit{rt}}),\; \mathsf{refs}~{{r'}^\ast}~{r^{n}} \}\end{array}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathit{ti}'}`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathit{ti}'}`.
 :math:`{\mathrm{growmemory}}({\mathit{mi}}, n)`
@@ -9327,9 +9327,9 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. If :math:`{i'} \leq j`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathit{mi}'}` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~({}[~{i'}~..~j~])~\mathsf{page},\; \mathsf{bytes}~{b^\ast}~{\mathtt{0x00}^{n \cdot 64 \, {\mathrm{Ki}}}} \}\end{array}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{mi}'}` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~({}[~{i'}~..~j~])~\mathsf{page},\; \mathsf{bytes}~{b^\ast}~{\mathtt{0x00}^{n \cdot 64 \, {\mathrm{Ki}}}} \}\end{array}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathit{mi}'}`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathit{mi}'}`.
 :math:`{{\mathrm{blocktype}}}_{z}({\mathit{bt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}})`
@@ -9338,17 +9338,17 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{\mathit{bt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon~\rightarrow~\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon~\rightarrow~\epsilon`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{bt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case , then:
-  a. Let :math:`{{\mathit{valtype}}_0^?}` be :math:`{\mathit{bt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{{\mathit{valtype}}_0^?}` be :math:`{\mathit{bt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`{{\mathit{valtype}}_0^?}` is defined, then:
+   #. If :math:`{{\mathit{valtype}}_0^?}` is defined, then:
-    1) Let :math:`t` be :math:`{{\mathit{valtype}}_0^?}`.
+      1) Let :math:`t` be :math:`{{\mathit{valtype}}_0^?}`.
-    #) Return :math:`\epsilon~\rightarrow~t`.
+      #) Return :math:`\epsilon~\rightarrow~t`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{bt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case .
@@ -9363,15 +9363,15 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{xv}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0~{{\mathit{externaddr}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xv}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{func}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{fa}})` be :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{fa}})` be :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathit{fa}}~{\mathrm{funcs}}({{\mathit{externaddr}'}^\ast})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathit{fa}}~{\mathrm{funcs}}({{\mathit{externaddr}'}^\ast})`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}~{{\mathit{externaddr}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xv}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -9384,15 +9384,15 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{xv}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0~{{\mathit{externaddr}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xv}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{global}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{ga}})` be :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{ga}})` be :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathit{ga}}~{\mathrm{globals}}({{\mathit{externaddr}'}^\ast})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathit{ga}}~{\mathrm{globals}}({{\mathit{externaddr}'}^\ast})`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}~{{\mathit{externaddr}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xv}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -9405,15 +9405,15 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{xv}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0~{{\mathit{externaddr}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xv}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{table}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{ta}})` be :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{ta}})` be :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathit{ta}}~{\mathrm{tables}}({{\mathit{externaddr}'}^\ast})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathit{ta}}~{\mathrm{tables}}({{\mathit{externaddr}'}^\ast})`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}~{{\mathit{externaddr}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xv}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -9426,15 +9426,15 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{xv}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0~{{\mathit{externaddr}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xv}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{mem}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{ma}})` be :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{ma}})` be :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathit{ma}}~{\mathrm{mems}}({{\mathit{externaddr}'}^\ast})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathit{ma}}~{\mathrm{mems}}({{\mathit{externaddr}'}^\ast})`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}~{{\mathit{externaddr}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xv}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -9464,7 +9464,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{func}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{func}}~{{\mathit{func}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{func}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -9494,23 +9494,23 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{gt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{v_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`.
+   a. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{v_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`.
-  #. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   #. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Else:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathit{globaltype}}~{{\mathit{globaltype}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{gt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{globaltype}}~{{\mathit{globaltype}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{gt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
-  #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{|{v_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}|} \geq 1`.
+   #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{|{v_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}|} \geq 1`.
-  #. Let :math:`{\mathit{val}}~{{\mathit{val}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{v_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{\mathit{val}}~{{\mathit{val}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{v_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
-  #. Let :math:`{\mathit{ga}}` be :math:`{\mathrm{allocglobal}}(s, {\mathit{globaltype}}, {\mathit{val}})`.
+   #. Let :math:`{\mathit{ga}}` be :math:`{\mathrm{allocglobal}}(s, {\mathit{globaltype}}, {\mathit{val}})`.
-  #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{ga}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{\mathrm{allocglobals}}(s, {{\mathit{globaltype}'}^\ast}, {{\mathit{val}'}^\ast})`.
+   #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{ga}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{\mathrm{allocglobals}}(s, {{\mathit{globaltype}'}^\ast}, {{\mathit{val}'}^\ast})`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathit{ga}}~{{\mathit{ga}'}^\ast}`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathit{ga}}~{{\mathit{ga}'}^\ast}`.
 :math:`{\mathrm{alloctable}}(s, ({}[~i~..~j~])~{\mathit{rt}})`
@@ -9532,7 +9532,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{tt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{tabletype}}~{{\mathit{tabletype}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{tt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -9562,7 +9562,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{mt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{memtype}}~{{\mathit{memtype}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{mt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -9592,7 +9592,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{rt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon` and :math:`{r_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{|{r_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}|} \geq 1`.
@@ -9628,7 +9628,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{b_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{byte}}^\ast}~{{{\mathit{byte}'}^\ast}^\ast}` be :math:`{b_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -9645,21 +9645,21 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{func}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{func}~x)` be :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{func}~x)` be :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{name}~{\mathit{name}},\; \mathsf{addr}~(\mathsf{func}~{{\mathit{fa}}^\ast}{}[x]) \}\end{array}`.
+   #. Return :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{name}~{\mathit{name}},\; \mathsf{addr}~(\mathsf{func}~{{\mathit{fa}}^\ast}{}[x]) \}\end{array}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{global}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{global}~x)` be :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{global}~x)` be :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{name}~{\mathit{name}},\; \mathsf{addr}~(\mathsf{global}~{{\mathit{ga}}^\ast}{}[x]) \}\end{array}`.
+   #. Return :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{name}~{\mathit{name}},\; \mathsf{addr}~(\mathsf{global}~{{\mathit{ga}}^\ast}{}[x]) \}\end{array}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{table}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{table}~x)` be :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{table}~x)` be :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{name}~{\mathit{name}},\; \mathsf{addr}~(\mathsf{table}~{{\mathit{ta}}^\ast}{}[x]) \}\end{array}`.
+   #. Return :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{name}~{\mathit{name}},\; \mathsf{addr}~(\mathsf{table}~{{\mathit{ta}}^\ast}{}[x]) \}\end{array}`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{mem}`.
@@ -9757,11 +9757,11 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{\mathit{elemmode}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{passive}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{elemmode}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{declare}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`(\mathsf{elem{.}drop}~i)`.
+   a. Return :math:`(\mathsf{elem{.}drop}~i)`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{elemmode}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{active}`.
@@ -9778,7 +9778,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. If :math:`{\mathit{datamode}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{passive}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{datamode}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{active}`.
@@ -9821,9 +9821,9 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. Let :math:`{(\mathsf{elem}~{\mathit{reftype}}~{{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{e}}^\ast}~{\mathit{elemmode}})^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{elem}}^\ast}`.
-#. Let :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathsf{d}}^\ast}` be :math:`{\mathrm{concat}}({{\mathrm{rundata}}({{\mathit{data}}^\ast}{}[j], j)^{j<n_{\mathsf{d}}}})`.
+#. Let :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathsf{d}}^\ast}` be the concatenation of :math:`{{\mathrm{rundata}}({{\mathit{data}}^\ast}{}[j], j)^{j<n_{\mathsf{d}}}}`.
-#. Let :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathsf{e}}^\ast}` be :math:`{\mathrm{concat}}({{\mathrm{runelem}}({{\mathit{elem}}^\ast}{}[i], i)^{i<n_{\mathsf{e}}}})`.
+#. Let :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathsf{e}}^\ast}` be the concatenation of :math:`{{\mathrm{runelem}}({{\mathit{elem}}^\ast}{}[i], i)^{i<n_{\mathsf{e}}}}`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{moduleinst}}_{\mathit{init}}` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{types}~{{\mathit{functype}}^\ast},\; \mathsf{funcs}~{\mathrm{funcs}}({{\mathit{externaddr}}^\ast})~{({|s{.}\mathsf{funcs}|} + i_{\mathsf{f}})^{i_{\mathsf{f}}<n_{\mathsf{f}}}},\; \mathsf{globals}~{\mathrm{globals}}({{\mathit{externaddr}}^\ast}),\; \mathsf{tables}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{mems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{elems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{datas}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{exports}~\epsilon \}\end{array}`.
@@ -9891,8 +9891,8 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. Return :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^{k}}`.
+the result of :ref:`evaluating <exec-expr>` :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}`
 1. Execute the instruction :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}`.
@@ -12658,7 +12658,7 @@ invoke s fa val^n
 12. Pop the values val^k from the stack.
 13. Return val^k.
-eval_expr instr*
+Eval_expr instr*
 1. Execute the instruction instr*.
 2. Pop the value val from the stack.
 3. Return [val].
@@ -12691,24 +12691,24 @@ The vector type :math:`{\mathit{vectype}}` is valid.
 The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is valid if:
-  * Either:
+   * Either:
-    * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{absheaptype}}`.
+      * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{absheaptype}}`.
-  * Or:
+   * Or:
-    * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{typeidx}}`.
+      * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{typeidx}}`.
-    * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[{\mathit{typeidx}}]` exists.
+      * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[{\mathit{typeidx}}]` exists.
-    * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[{\mathit{typeidx}}]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{dt}}`.
-  * Or:
+      * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[{\mathit{typeidx}}]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{dt}}`.
+   * Or:
-    * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{rec}~i)`.
+      * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{rec}~i)`.
-    * The sub type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{recs}{}[i]` exists.
+      * The sub type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{recs}{}[i]` exists.
-    * The sub type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{recs}{}[i]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{st}}`.
+      * The sub type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{recs}{}[i]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{st}}`.
@@ -12721,9 +12721,9 @@ The heap type :math:`{\mathit{absheaptype}}` is valid.
 The heap type :math:`{\mathit{typeidx}}` is valid if:
-  * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[{\mathit{typeidx}}]` exists.
+   * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[{\mathit{typeidx}}]` exists.
-  * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[{\mathit{typeidx}}]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{dt}}`.
+   * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[{\mathit{typeidx}}]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{dt}}`.
@@ -12731,9 +12731,9 @@ The heap type :math:`{\mathit{typeidx}}` is valid if:
 The heap type :math:`(\mathsf{rec}~i)` is valid if:
-  * The sub type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{recs}{}[i]` exists.
+   * The sub type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{recs}{}[i]` exists.
-  * The sub type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{recs}{}[i]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{st}}`.
+   * The sub type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{recs}{}[i]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{st}}`.
@@ -12741,7 +12741,7 @@ The heap type :math:`(\mathsf{rec}~i)` is valid if:
 The reference type :math:`(\mathsf{ref}~{\mathsf{null}^?}~{\mathit{heaptype}})` is valid if:
-  * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}` is valid.
+   * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}` is valid.
@@ -12749,25 +12749,25 @@ The reference type :math:`(\mathsf{ref}~{\mathsf{null}^?}~{\mathit{heaptype}})`
 The value type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is valid if:
-  * Either:
+   * Either:
-    * The value type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}`.
+      * The value type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}`.
-    * The number type :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}` is valid.
+      * The number type :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}` is valid.
-  * Or:
+   * Or:
-    * The value type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{vectype}}`.
+      * The value type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{vectype}}`.
-    * The vector type :math:`{\mathit{vectype}}` is valid.
-  * Or:
+      * The vector type :math:`{\mathit{vectype}}` is valid.
+   * Or:
-    * The value type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{reftype}}`.
+      * The value type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{reftype}}`.
-    * The reference type :math:`{\mathit{reftype}}` is valid.
-  * Or:
+      * The reference type :math:`{\mathit{reftype}}` is valid.
+   * Or:
-    * The value type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{bot}`.
+      * The value type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{bot}`.
@@ -12775,7 +12775,7 @@ The value type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is valid if:
 The value type :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}` is valid if:
-  * The value type :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}` is valid.
+   * The value type :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}` is valid.
@@ -12783,7 +12783,7 @@ The value type :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}` is valid if:
 The value type :math:`{\mathit{vectype}}` is valid if:
-  * The value type :math:`{\mathit{vectype}}` is valid.
+   * The value type :math:`{\mathit{vectype}}` is valid.
@@ -12791,7 +12791,7 @@ The value type :math:`{\mathit{vectype}}` is valid if:
 The value type :math:`{\mathit{reftype}}` is valid if:
-  * The value type :math:`{\mathit{reftype}}` is valid.
+   * The value type :math:`{\mathit{reftype}}` is valid.
@@ -12804,9 +12804,9 @@ The value type :math:`\mathsf{bot}` is valid.
 The result type :math:`{t^\ast}` is valid if:
-  * For all :math:`t` in :math:`{t^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`t` in :math:`{t^\ast}`:
-    * The value type :math:`t` is valid.
+      * The value type :math:`t` is valid.
@@ -12814,19 +12814,19 @@ The result type :math:`{t^\ast}` is valid if:
 The instruction type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~{\rightarrow}_{{x^\ast}}\,{t_2^\ast}` is valid if:
-  * The result type :math:`{t_1^\ast}` is valid.
+   * The result type :math:`{t_1^\ast}` is valid.
-  * The result type :math:`{t_2^\ast}` is valid.
+   * The result type :math:`{t_2^\ast}` is valid.
-  * :math:`{|{\mathit{x*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{lct*}}|}`.
+   * :math:`{|{\mathit{x*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{lct*}}|}`.
-  * For all :math:`x` in :math:`{x^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`x` in :math:`{x^\ast}`:
-    * The local type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` exists.
+      * The local type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` exists.
-  * For all :math:`{{\mathit{lt}}}` in :math:`{{{\mathit{lt}}}^\ast}` and :math:`x` in :math:`{x^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`{{\mathit{lt}}}` in :math:`{{{\mathit{lt}}}^\ast}` and :math:`x` in :math:`{x^\ast}`:
-    * The local type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{{\mathit{lt}}}`.
+      * The local type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{{\mathit{lt}}}`.
@@ -12839,17 +12839,17 @@ The packed type :math:`{\mathit{packtype}}` is valid.
 The storage type :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is valid if:
-  * Either:
+   * Either:
-    * The storage type :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}`.
+      * The storage type :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}`.
-    * The value type :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}` is valid.
+      * The value type :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}` is valid.
-  * Or:
+   * Or:
-    * The storage type :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{packtype}}`.
+      * The storage type :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{packtype}}`.
-    * The packed type :math:`{\mathit{packtype}}` is valid.
+      * The packed type :math:`{\mathit{packtype}}` is valid.
@@ -12857,7 +12857,7 @@ The storage type :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` i
 The storage type :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}` is valid if:
-  * The storage type :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}` is valid.
+   * The storage type :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}` is valid.
@@ -12865,7 +12865,7 @@ The storage type :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}` is valid if:
 The storage type :math:`{\mathit{packtype}}` is valid if:
-  * The storage type :math:`{\mathit{packtype}}` is valid.
+   * The storage type :math:`{\mathit{packtype}}` is valid.
@@ -12873,7 +12873,7 @@ The storage type :math:`{\mathit{packtype}}` is valid if:
 The field type :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{storagetype}})` is valid if:
-  * The storage type :math:`{\mathit{storagetype}}` is valid.
+   * The storage type :math:`{\mathit{storagetype}}` is valid.
@@ -12881,9 +12881,9 @@ The field type :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{storagetype}})` is valid if:
 The function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}` is valid if:
-  * The result type :math:`{t_1^\ast}` is valid.
+   * The result type :math:`{t_1^\ast}` is valid.
-  * The result type :math:`{t_2^\ast}` is valid.
+   * The result type :math:`{t_2^\ast}` is valid.
@@ -12891,24 +12891,24 @@ The function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}` is valid if:
 The composite type :math:`{\mathit{ct}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is valid if:
-  * Either:
+   * Either:
-    * The composite type :math:`{\mathit{ct}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{struct}~{{\mathit{fieldtype}}^\ast})`.
+      * The composite type :math:`{\mathit{ct}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{struct}~{{\mathit{fieldtype}}^\ast})`.
-    * For all :math:`{\mathit{fieldtype}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{fieldtype}}^\ast}`:
+      * For all :math:`{\mathit{fieldtype}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{fieldtype}}^\ast}`:
-      * The field type :math:`{\mathit{fieldtype}}` is valid.
+         * The field type :math:`{\mathit{fieldtype}}` is valid.
-  * Or:
+   * Or:
-    * The composite type :math:`{\mathit{ct}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{array}~{\mathit{fieldtype}})`.
+      * The composite type :math:`{\mathit{ct}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{array}~{\mathit{fieldtype}})`.
-    * The field type :math:`{\mathit{fieldtype}}` is valid.
-  * Or:
+      * The field type :math:`{\mathit{fieldtype}}` is valid.
+   * Or:
-    * The composite type :math:`{\mathit{ct}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{functype}})`.
+      * The composite type :math:`{\mathit{ct}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{functype}})`.
-    * The function type :math:`{\mathit{functype}}` is valid.
+      * The function type :math:`{\mathit{functype}}` is valid.
@@ -12916,9 +12916,9 @@ The composite type :math:`{\mathit{ct}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`
 The composite type :math:`(\mathsf{struct}~{{\mathit{fieldtype}}^\ast})` is valid if:
-  * For all :math:`{\mathit{fieldtype}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{fieldtype}}^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`{\mathit{fieldtype}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{fieldtype}}^\ast}`:
-    * The field type :math:`{\mathit{fieldtype}}` is valid.
+      * The field type :math:`{\mathit{fieldtype}}` is valid.
@@ -12926,7 +12926,7 @@ The composite type :math:`(\mathsf{struct}~{{\mathit{fieldtype}}^\ast})` is vali
 The composite type :math:`(\mathsf{array}~{\mathit{fieldtype}})` is valid if:
-  * The field type :math:`{\mathit{fieldtype}}` is valid.
+   * The field type :math:`{\mathit{fieldtype}}` is valid.
@@ -12934,7 +12934,7 @@ The composite type :math:`(\mathsf{array}~{\mathit{fieldtype}})` is valid if:
 The composite type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{functype}})` is valid if:
-  * The function type :math:`{\mathit{functype}}` is valid.
+   * The function type :math:`{\mathit{functype}}` is valid.
@@ -12952,17 +12952,17 @@ The number type :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}` matches itself.
 The defined type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}_1` matches the defined type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}_2` if:
-  * Either:
+   * Either:
-    * The defined type :math:`{{\mathrm{clos}}}_{C}({\mathit{deftype}}_1)` is equal to :math:`{{\mathrm{clos}}}_{C}({\mathit{deftype}}_2)`.
+      * The defined type :math:`{{\mathrm{clos}}}_{C}({\mathit{deftype}}_1)` is equal to :math:`{{\mathrm{clos}}}_{C}({\mathit{deftype}}_2)`.
-  * Or:
+   * Or:
-    * The sub type :math:`{\mathrm{unroll}}({\mathit{deftype}}_1)` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{sub}~{\mathsf{final}^?}~{{\mathit{typeuse}}^\ast}~{\mathit{ct}})`.
+      * The sub type :math:`{\mathrm{unroll}}({\mathit{deftype}}_1)` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{sub}~{\mathsf{final}^?}~{{\mathit{typeuse}}^\ast}~{\mathit{ct}})`.
-    * :math:`{|{{\mathit{typeuse}}^\ast}|}` is greater than :math:`i`.
+      * :math:`{|{{\mathit{typeuse}}^\ast}|}` is greater than :math:`i`.
-    * The type use :math:`{{\mathit{typeuse}}^\ast}{}[i]` matches the defined type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}_2`.
+      * The type use :math:`{{\mathit{typeuse}}^\ast}{}[i]` matches the defined type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}_2`.
@@ -12970,7 +12970,7 @@ The defined type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}_1` matches the defined type :math:`{\
 The defined type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}_1` matches the defined type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}_2` if:
-  * The defined type :math:`{{\mathrm{clos}}}_{C}({\mathit{deftype}}_1)` is equal to :math:`{{\mathrm{clos}}}_{C}({\mathit{deftype}}_2)`.
+   * The defined type :math:`{{\mathrm{clos}}}_{C}({\mathit{deftype}}_1)` is equal to :math:`{{\mathrm{clos}}}_{C}({\mathit{deftype}}_2)`.
@@ -12978,11 +12978,11 @@ The defined type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}_1` matches the defined type :math:`{\
 The defined type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}_1` matches the defined type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}_2` if:
-  * The sub type :math:`{\mathrm{unroll}}({\mathit{deftype}}_1)` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{sub}~{\mathsf{final}^?}~{{\mathit{typeuse}}^\ast}~{\mathit{ct}})`.
+   * The sub type :math:`{\mathrm{unroll}}({\mathit{deftype}}_1)` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{sub}~{\mathsf{final}^?}~{{\mathit{typeuse}}^\ast}~{\mathit{ct}})`.
-  * :math:`{|{{\mathit{typeuse}}^\ast}|}` is greater than :math:`i`.
+   * :math:`{|{{\mathit{typeuse}}^\ast}|}` is greater than :math:`i`.
-  * The type use :math:`{{\mathit{typeuse}}^\ast}{}[i]` matches the defined type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}_2`.
+   * The type use :math:`{{\mathit{typeuse}}^\ast}{}[i]` matches the defined type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}_2`.
@@ -12990,126 +12990,126 @@ The defined type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}_1` matches the defined type :math:`{\
 The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` matches the heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` if:
-  * Either:
+   * Either:
-    * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}`.
+      * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}`.
-    * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}`.
+      * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}`.
-  * Or:
+   * Or:
-    * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}_1`.
+      * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}_1`.
-    * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}_2`.
+      * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}_2`.
-    * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}'}` is valid.
+      * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}'}` is valid.
-    * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}_1` matches the heap type :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}'}`.
+      * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}_1` matches the heap type :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}'}`.
-    * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}'}` matches the heap type :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}_2`.
-  * Or:
+      * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}'}` matches the heap type :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}_2`.
+   * Or:
-    * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{eq}`.
+      * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{eq}`.
-    * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{any}`.
-  * Or:
+      * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{any}`.
+   * Or:
-    * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 31}}`.
+      * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 31}}`.
-    * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{eq}`.
-  * Or:
+      * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{eq}`.
+   * Or:
-    * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{struct}`.
+      * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{struct}`.
-    * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{eq}`.
-  * Or:
+      * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{eq}`.
+   * Or:
-    * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{array}`.
+      * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{array}`.
-    * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{eq}`.
-  * Or:
+      * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{eq}`.
+   * Or:
-    * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}`.
+      * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}`.
-    * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{struct}`.
+      * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{struct}`.
-    * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{struct}~{{\mathit{fieldtype}}^\ast})`.
-  * Or:
+      * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{struct}~{{\mathit{fieldtype}}^\ast})`.
+   * Or:
-    * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}`.
+      * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}`.
-    * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{array}`.
+      * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{array}`.
-    * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{array}~{\mathit{fieldtype}})`.
-  * Or:
+      * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{array}~{\mathit{fieldtype}})`.
+   * Or:
-    * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}`.
+      * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}`.
-    * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{func}`.
+      * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{func}`.
-    * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{functype}})`.
-  * Or:
+      * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{functype}})`.
+   * Or:
-    * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}_1`.
+      * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}_1`.
-    * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}_2`.
+      * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}_2`.
-    * The defined type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}_1` matches the defined type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}_2`.
-  * Or:
+      * The defined type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}_1` matches the defined type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}_2`.
+   * Or:
-    * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{typeidx}}`.
+      * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{typeidx}}`.
-    * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}`.
+      * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}`.
-    * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[{\mathit{typeidx}}]` exists.
+      * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[{\mathit{typeidx}}]` exists.
-    * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[{\mathit{typeidx}}]` matches the heap type :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}`.
-  * Or:
+      * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[{\mathit{typeidx}}]` matches the heap type :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}`.
+   * Or:
-    * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}`.
+      * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}`.
-    * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{typeidx}}`.
+      * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{typeidx}}`.
-    * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[{\mathit{typeidx}}]` exists.
+      * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[{\mathit{typeidx}}]` exists.
-    * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}` matches the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[{\mathit{typeidx}}]`.
-  * Or:
+      * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}` matches the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[{\mathit{typeidx}}]`.
+   * Or:
-    * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{rec}~i)`.
+      * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{rec}~i)`.
-    * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`{{\mathit{typeuse}}^\ast}{}[j]`.
+      * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`{{\mathit{typeuse}}^\ast}{}[j]`.
-    * :math:`{|{{\mathit{typeuse}}^\ast}|}` is greater than :math:`j`.
+      * :math:`{|{{\mathit{typeuse}}^\ast}|}` is greater than :math:`j`.
-    * The sub type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{recs}{}[i]` exists.
+      * The sub type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{recs}{}[i]` exists.
-    * The sub type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{recs}{}[i]` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{sub}~{\mathsf{final}^?}~{{\mathit{typeuse}}^\ast}~{\mathit{ct}})`.
-  * Or:
+      * The sub type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{recs}{}[i]` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{sub}~{\mathsf{final}^?}~{{\mathit{typeuse}}^\ast}~{\mathit{ct}})`.
+   * Or:
-    * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{none}`.
+      * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{none}`.
-    * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}`.
+      * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}`.
-    * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}` matches the heap type :math:`\mathsf{any}`.
-  * Or:
+      * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}` matches the heap type :math:`\mathsf{any}`.
+   * Or:
-    * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{nofunc}`.
+      * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{nofunc}`.
-    * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}`.
+      * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}`.
-    * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}` matches the heap type :math:`\mathsf{func}`.
-  * Or:
+      * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}` matches the heap type :math:`\mathsf{func}`.
+   * Or:
-    * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{noextern}`.
+      * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{noextern}`.
-    * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}`.
+      * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}`.
-    * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}` matches the heap type :math:`\mathsf{extern}`.
-  * Or:
+      * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}` matches the heap type :math:`\mathsf{extern}`.
+   * Or:
-    * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{bot}`.
+      * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{bot}`.
-    * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}`.
+      * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}`.
@@ -13122,11 +13122,11 @@ The heap type :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}` matches itself.
 The heap type :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}_1` matches the heap type :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}_2` if:
-  * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}'}` is valid.
+   * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}'}` is valid.
-  * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}_1` matches the heap type :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}'}`.
+   * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}_1` matches the heap type :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}'}`.
-  * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}'}` matches the heap type :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}_2`.
+   * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}'}` matches the heap type :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}_2`.
@@ -13154,7 +13154,7 @@ The heap type :math:`\mathsf{array}` matches the heap type :math:`\mathsf{eq}`.
 The heap type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}` matches the heap type :math:`\mathsf{struct}` if:
-  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the heap type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{struct}~{{\mathit{fieldtype}}^\ast})`.
+   * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the heap type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{struct}~{{\mathit{fieldtype}}^\ast})`.
@@ -13162,7 +13162,7 @@ The heap type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}` matches the heap type :math:`\mathsf{st
 The heap type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}` matches the heap type :math:`\mathsf{array}` if:
-  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the heap type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{array}~{\mathit{fieldtype}})`.
+   * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the heap type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{array}~{\mathit{fieldtype}})`.
@@ -13170,7 +13170,7 @@ The heap type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}` matches the heap type :math:`\mathsf{ar
 The heap type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}` matches the heap type :math:`\mathsf{func}` if:
-  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the heap type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{functype}})`.
+   * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the heap type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{functype}})`.
@@ -13178,7 +13178,7 @@ The heap type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}` matches the heap type :math:`\mathsf{fu
 The heap type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}_1` matches the heap type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}_2` if:
-  * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}_1` matches the heap type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}_2`.
+   * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}_1` matches the heap type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}_2`.
@@ -13186,9 +13186,9 @@ The heap type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}_1` matches the heap type :math:`{\mathit
 The heap type :math:`{\mathit{typeidx}}` matches the heap type :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}` if:
-  * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[{\mathit{typeidx}}]` exists.
+   * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[{\mathit{typeidx}}]` exists.
-  * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[{\mathit{typeidx}}]` matches the heap type :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}`.
+   * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[{\mathit{typeidx}}]` matches the heap type :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}`.
@@ -13196,9 +13196,9 @@ The heap type :math:`{\mathit{typeidx}}` matches the heap type :math:`{\mathit{h
 The heap type :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}` matches the heap type :math:`{\mathit{typeidx}}` if:
-  * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[{\mathit{typeidx}}]` exists.
+   * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[{\mathit{typeidx}}]` exists.
-  * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}` matches the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[{\mathit{typeidx}}]`.
+   * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}` matches the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[{\mathit{typeidx}}]`.
@@ -13206,11 +13206,11 @@ The heap type :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}` matches the heap type :math:`{\mathit{
 The heap type :math:`(\mathsf{rec}~i)` matches the type use :math:`{{\mathit{typeuse}}^\ast}{}[j]` if:
-  * :math:`{|{{\mathit{typeuse}}^\ast}|}` is greater than :math:`j`.
+   * :math:`{|{{\mathit{typeuse}}^\ast}|}` is greater than :math:`j`.
-  * The sub type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{recs}{}[i]` exists.
+   * The sub type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{recs}{}[i]` exists.
-  * The sub type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{recs}{}[i]` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{sub}~{\mathsf{final}^?}~{{\mathit{typeuse}}^\ast}~{\mathit{ct}})`.
+   * The sub type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{recs}{}[i]` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{sub}~{\mathsf{final}^?}~{{\mathit{typeuse}}^\ast}~{\mathit{ct}})`.
@@ -13218,7 +13218,7 @@ The heap type :math:`(\mathsf{rec}~i)` matches the type use :math:`{{\mathit{typ
 The heap type :math:`\mathsf{none}` matches the heap type :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}` if:
-  * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}` matches the heap type :math:`\mathsf{any}`.
+   * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}` matches the heap type :math:`\mathsf{any}`.
@@ -13226,7 +13226,7 @@ The heap type :math:`\mathsf{none}` matches the heap type :math:`{\mathit{heapty
 The heap type :math:`\mathsf{nofunc}` matches the heap type :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}` if:
-  * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}` matches the heap type :math:`\mathsf{func}`.
+   * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}` matches the heap type :math:`\mathsf{func}`.
@@ -13234,7 +13234,7 @@ The heap type :math:`\mathsf{nofunc}` matches the heap type :math:`{\mathit{heap
 The heap type :math:`\mathsf{noextern}` matches the heap type :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}` if:
-  * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}` matches the heap type :math:`\mathsf{extern}`.
+   * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{heaptype}}` matches the heap type :math:`\mathsf{extern}`.
@@ -13247,19 +13247,19 @@ The heap type :math:`\mathsf{bot}` matches the heap type :math:`{\mathit{heaptyp
 The reference type :math:`(\mathsf{ref}~{{\mathsf{null}^?}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}~{\mathit{ht}}_1)` matches the reference type :math:`(\mathsf{ref}~{{\mathsf{null}^?}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}~{\mathit{ht}}_2)` if:
-  * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_1` matches the heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_2`.
+   * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_1` matches the heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_2`.
-  * Either:
+   * Either:
-    * :math:`{{\mathsf{null}^?}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is absent.
+      * :math:`{{\mathsf{null}^?}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is absent.
-    * :math:`{{\mathsf{null}^?}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is absent.
+      * :math:`{{\mathsf{null}^?}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is absent.
-  * Or:
+   * Or:
-    * :math:`{{\mathsf{null}^?}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathsf{null}^?}`.
+      * :math:`{{\mathsf{null}^?}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathsf{null}^?}`.
-    * :math:`{{\mathsf{null}^?}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{null}`.
+      * :math:`{{\mathsf{null}^?}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{null}`.
@@ -13267,7 +13267,7 @@ The reference type :math:`(\mathsf{ref}~{{\mathsf{null}^?}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1
 The reference type :math:`(\mathsf{ref}~\epsilon~{\mathit{ht}}_1)` matches the reference type :math:`(\mathsf{ref}~\epsilon~{\mathit{ht}}_2)` if:
-  * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_1` matches the heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_2`.
+   * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_1` matches the heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_2`.
@@ -13275,7 +13275,7 @@ The reference type :math:`(\mathsf{ref}~\epsilon~{\mathit{ht}}_1)` matches the r
 The reference type :math:`(\mathsf{ref}~{\mathsf{null}^?}~{\mathit{ht}}_1)` matches the reference type :math:`(\mathsf{ref}~\mathsf{null}~{\mathit{ht}}_2)` if:
-  * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_1` matches the heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_2`.
+   * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_1` matches the heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_2`.
@@ -13288,33 +13288,33 @@ The vector type :math:`{\mathit{vectype}}` matches itself.
 The value type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` matches the value type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` if:
-  * Either:
+   * Either:
-    * The value type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}_1`.
+      * The value type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}_1`.
-    * The value type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}_2`.
+      * The value type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}_2`.
-    * The number type :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}_1` matches the number type :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}_2`.
+      * The number type :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}_1` matches the number type :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}_2`.
-  * Or:
+   * Or:
-    * The value type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{vectype}}_1`.
+      * The value type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{vectype}}_1`.
-    * The value type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{vectype}}_2`.
+      * The value type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{vectype}}_2`.
-    * The vector type :math:`{\mathit{vectype}}_1` matches the vector type :math:`{\mathit{vectype}}_2`.
-  * Or:
+      * The vector type :math:`{\mathit{vectype}}_1` matches the vector type :math:`{\mathit{vectype}}_2`.
+   * Or:
-    * The value type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{reftype}}_1`.
+      * The value type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{reftype}}_1`.
-    * The value type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{reftype}}_2`.
+      * The value type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{reftype}}_2`.
-    * The reference type :math:`{\mathit{reftype}}_1` matches the reference type :math:`{\mathit{reftype}}_2`.
-  * Or:
+      * The reference type :math:`{\mathit{reftype}}_1` matches the reference type :math:`{\mathit{reftype}}_2`.
+   * Or:
-    * The value type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{bot}`.
+      * The value type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{bot}`.
-    * The value type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}`.
+      * The value type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}`.
@@ -13322,7 +13322,7 @@ The value type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` matches the val
 The value type :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}_1` matches the value type :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}_2` if:
-  * The value type :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}_1` matches the value type :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}_2`.
+   * The value type :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}_1` matches the value type :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}_2`.
@@ -13330,7 +13330,7 @@ The value type :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}_1` matches the value type :math:`{\math
 The value type :math:`{\mathit{vectype}}_1` matches the value type :math:`{\mathit{vectype}}_2` if:
-  * The value type :math:`{\mathit{vectype}}_1` matches the value type :math:`{\mathit{vectype}}_2`.
+   * The value type :math:`{\mathit{vectype}}_1` matches the value type :math:`{\mathit{vectype}}_2`.
@@ -13338,7 +13338,7 @@ The value type :math:`{\mathit{vectype}}_1` matches the value type :math:`{\math
 The value type :math:`{\mathit{reftype}}_1` matches the value type :math:`{\mathit{reftype}}_2` if:
-  * The value type :math:`{\mathit{reftype}}_1` matches the value type :math:`{\mathit{reftype}}_2`.
+   * The value type :math:`{\mathit{reftype}}_1` matches the value type :math:`{\mathit{reftype}}_2`.
@@ -13351,21 +13351,21 @@ The value type :math:`\mathsf{bot}` matches the value type :math:`{\mathit{valty
 The storage type :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` matches the storage type :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` if:
-  * Either:
+   * Either:
-    * The storage type :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}_1`.
+      * The storage type :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}_1`.
-    * The storage type :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}_2`.
+      * The storage type :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}_2`.
-    * The value type :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}_1` matches the value type :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}_2`.
+      * The value type :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}_1` matches the value type :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}_2`.
-  * Or:
+   * Or:
-    * The storage type :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{packtype}}_1`.
+      * The storage type :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{packtype}}_1`.
-    * The storage type :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{packtype}}_2`.
+      * The storage type :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{packtype}}_2`.
-    * The packed type :math:`{\mathit{packtype}}_1` matches the packed type :math:`{\mathit{packtype}}_2`.
+      * The packed type :math:`{\mathit{packtype}}_1` matches the packed type :math:`{\mathit{packtype}}_2`.
@@ -13373,7 +13373,7 @@ The storage type :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` m
 The storage type :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}_1` matches the storage type :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}_2` if:
-  * The storage type :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}_1` matches the storage type :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}_2`.
+   * The storage type :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}_1` matches the storage type :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}_2`.
@@ -13381,7 +13381,7 @@ The storage type :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}_1` matches the storage type :math:`{\
 The storage type :math:`{\mathit{packtype}}_1` matches the storage type :math:`{\mathit{packtype}}_2` if:
-  * The storage type :math:`{\mathit{packtype}}_1` matches the storage type :math:`{\mathit{packtype}}_2`.
+   * The storage type :math:`{\mathit{packtype}}_1` matches the storage type :math:`{\mathit{packtype}}_2`.
@@ -13389,21 +13389,21 @@ The storage type :math:`{\mathit{packtype}}_1` matches the storage type :math:`{
 The field type :math:`({{\mathsf{mut}^?}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}~{\mathit{zt}}_1)` matches the field type :math:`({{\mathsf{mut}^?}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}~{\mathit{zt}}_2)` if:
-  * The storage type :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_1` matches the storage type :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_2`.
+   * The storage type :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_1` matches the storage type :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_2`.
-  * Either:
+   * Either:
-    * :math:`{{\mathsf{mut}^?}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is absent.
+      * :math:`{{\mathsf{mut}^?}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is absent.
-    * :math:`{{\mathsf{mut}^?}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is absent.
+      * :math:`{{\mathsf{mut}^?}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is absent.
-  * Or:
+   * Or:
-    * :math:`{{\mathsf{mut}^?}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{mut}`.
+      * :math:`{{\mathsf{mut}^?}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{mut}`.
-    * :math:`{{\mathsf{mut}^?}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{mut}`.
+      * :math:`{{\mathsf{mut}^?}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{mut}`.
-    * The storage type :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_2` matches the storage type :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_1`.
+      * The storage type :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_2` matches the storage type :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_1`.
@@ -13411,7 +13411,7 @@ The field type :math:`({{\mathsf{mut}^?}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}
 The field type :math:`(\epsilon~{\mathit{zt}}_1)` matches the field type :math:`(\epsilon~{\mathit{zt}}_2)` if:
-  * The storage type :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_1` matches the storage type :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_2`.
+   * The storage type :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_1` matches the storage type :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_2`.
@@ -13419,9 +13419,9 @@ The field type :math:`(\epsilon~{\mathit{zt}}_1)` matches the field type :math:`
 The field type :math:`(\mathsf{mut}~{\mathit{zt}}_1)` matches the field type :math:`(\mathsf{mut}~{\mathit{zt}}_2)` if:
-  * The storage type :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_1` matches the storage type :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_2`.
+   * The storage type :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_1` matches the storage type :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_2`.
-  * The storage type :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_2` matches the storage type :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_1`.
+   * The storage type :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_2` matches the storage type :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_1`.
@@ -13429,11 +13429,11 @@ The field type :math:`(\mathsf{mut}~{\mathit{zt}}_1)` matches the field type :ma
 The value type sequence :math:`{t_1^\ast}` matches the value type sequence :math:`{t_2^\ast}` if:
-  * :math:`{|t_{\mathit{{\scriptstyle 2}*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|t_{\mathit{{\scriptstyle 1}*}}|}`.
+   * :math:`{|t_{\mathit{{\scriptstyle 2}*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|t_{\mathit{{\scriptstyle 1}*}}|}`.
-  * For all :math:`t_1` in :math:`{t_1^\ast}` and :math:`t_2` in :math:`{t_2^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`t_1` in :math:`{t_1^\ast}` and :math:`t_2` in :math:`{t_2^\ast}`:
-    * The value type :math:`t_1` matches the value type :math:`t_2`.
+      * The value type :math:`t_1` matches the value type :math:`t_2`.
@@ -13441,9 +13441,9 @@ The value type sequence :math:`{t_1^\ast}` matches the value type sequence :math
 The function type :math:`{t_{11}^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_{12}^\ast}` matches the function type :math:`{t_{21}^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_{22}^\ast}` if:
-  * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{21}^\ast}` matches the value type sequence :math:`{t_{11}^\ast}`.
+   * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{21}^\ast}` matches the value type sequence :math:`{t_{11}^\ast}`.
-  * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{12}^\ast}` matches the value type sequence :math:`{t_{22}^\ast}`.
+   * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{12}^\ast}` matches the value type sequence :math:`{t_{22}^\ast}`.
@@ -13451,32 +13451,32 @@ The function type :math:`{t_{11}^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_{12}^\ast}` matches the fu
 The composite type :math:`{\mathit{ct}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` matches the composite type :math:`{\mathit{ct}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` if:
-  * Either:
+   * Either:
-    * The composite type :math:`{\mathit{ct}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{struct}~{{\mathit{yt}}_1^\ast}~{\mathit{yt}'}_1)`.
+      * The composite type :math:`{\mathit{ct}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{struct}~{{\mathit{yt}}_1^\ast}~{\mathit{yt}'}_1)`.
-    * The composite type :math:`{\mathit{ct}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{struct}~{{\mathit{yt}}_2^\ast})`.
+      * The composite type :math:`{\mathit{ct}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{struct}~{{\mathit{yt}}_2^\ast})`.
-    * :math:`{|{\mathit{yt}}_{\mathit{{\scriptstyle 2}*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{yt}}_{\mathit{{\scriptstyle 1}*}}|}`.
+      * :math:`{|{\mathit{yt}}_{\mathit{{\scriptstyle 2}*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{yt}}_{\mathit{{\scriptstyle 1}*}}|}`.
-    * For all :math:`{\mathit{yt}}_1` in :math:`{{\mathit{yt}}_1^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{yt}}_2` in :math:`{{\mathit{yt}}_2^\ast}`:
+      * For all :math:`{\mathit{yt}}_1` in :math:`{{\mathit{yt}}_1^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{yt}}_2` in :math:`{{\mathit{yt}}_2^\ast}`:
-      * The field type :math:`{\mathit{yt}}_1` matches the field type :math:`{\mathit{yt}}_2`.
+         * The field type :math:`{\mathit{yt}}_1` matches the field type :math:`{\mathit{yt}}_2`.
-  * Or:
+   * Or:
-    * The composite type :math:`{\mathit{ct}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{array}~{\mathit{yt}}_1)`.
+      * The composite type :math:`{\mathit{ct}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{array}~{\mathit{yt}}_1)`.
-    * The composite type :math:`{\mathit{ct}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{array}~{\mathit{yt}}_2)`.
+      * The composite type :math:`{\mathit{ct}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{array}~{\mathit{yt}}_2)`.
-    * The field type :math:`{\mathit{yt}}_1` matches the field type :math:`{\mathit{yt}}_2`.
-  * Or:
+      * The field type :math:`{\mathit{yt}}_1` matches the field type :math:`{\mathit{yt}}_2`.
+   * Or:
-    * The composite type :math:`{\mathit{ct}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{ft}}_1)`.
+      * The composite type :math:`{\mathit{ct}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{ft}}_1)`.
-    * The composite type :math:`{\mathit{ct}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{ft}}_2)`.
+      * The composite type :math:`{\mathit{ct}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{ft}}_2)`.
-    * The function type :math:`{\mathit{ft}}_1` matches the function type :math:`{\mathit{ft}}_2`.
+      * The function type :math:`{\mathit{ft}}_1` matches the function type :math:`{\mathit{ft}}_2`.
@@ -13484,11 +13484,11 @@ The composite type :math:`{\mathit{ct}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`
 The composite type :math:`(\mathsf{struct}~{{\mathit{yt}}_1^\ast}~{\mathit{yt}'}_1)` matches the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{struct}~{{\mathit{yt}}_2^\ast})` if:
-  * :math:`{|{\mathit{yt}}_{\mathit{{\scriptstyle 2}*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{yt}}_{\mathit{{\scriptstyle 1}*}}|}`.
+   * :math:`{|{\mathit{yt}}_{\mathit{{\scriptstyle 2}*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{yt}}_{\mathit{{\scriptstyle 1}*}}|}`.
-  * For all :math:`{\mathit{yt}}_1` in :math:`{{\mathit{yt}}_1^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{yt}}_2` in :math:`{{\mathit{yt}}_2^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`{\mathit{yt}}_1` in :math:`{{\mathit{yt}}_1^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{yt}}_2` in :math:`{{\mathit{yt}}_2^\ast}`:
-    * The field type :math:`{\mathit{yt}}_1` matches the field type :math:`{\mathit{yt}}_2`.
+      * The field type :math:`{\mathit{yt}}_1` matches the field type :math:`{\mathit{yt}}_2`.
@@ -13496,7 +13496,7 @@ The composite type :math:`(\mathsf{struct}~{{\mathit{yt}}_1^\ast}~{\mathit{yt}'}
 The composite type :math:`(\mathsf{array}~{\mathit{yt}}_1)` matches the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{array}~{\mathit{yt}}_2)` if:
-  * The field type :math:`{\mathit{yt}}_1` matches the field type :math:`{\mathit{yt}}_2`.
+   * The field type :math:`{\mathit{yt}}_1` matches the field type :math:`{\mathit{yt}}_2`.
@@ -13504,7 +13504,7 @@ The composite type :math:`(\mathsf{array}~{\mathit{yt}}_1)` matches the composit
 The composite type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{ft}}_1)` matches the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{ft}}_2)` if:
-  * The function type :math:`{\mathit{ft}}_1` matches the function type :math:`{\mathit{ft}}_2`.
+   * The function type :math:`{\mathit{ft}}_1` matches the function type :math:`{\mathit{ft}}_2`.
@@ -13512,29 +13512,29 @@ The composite type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{ft}}_1)` matches the composite
 The sub type :math:`(\mathsf{sub}~{\mathsf{final}^?}~{x^\ast}~{\mathit{comptype}})` is valid with :math:`({\mathsf{ok}}{x_0})` if:
-  * :math:`{|{x^\ast}|}` is less than or equal to :math:`1`.
+   * :math:`{|{x^\ast}|}` is less than or equal to :math:`1`.
-  * For all :math:`x` in :math:`{x^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`x` in :math:`{x^\ast}`:
-    * The index :math:`x` is less than :math:`x_0`.
+      * The index :math:`x` is less than :math:`x_0`.
-  * :math:`{|{\mathit{x*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{comptype'*}}|}`.
+   * :math:`{|{\mathit{x*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{comptype'*}}|}`.
-  * :math:`{|{\mathit{x'**}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{comptype'*}}|}`.
+   * :math:`{|{\mathit{x'**}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{comptype'*}}|}`.
-  * For all :math:`x` in :math:`{x^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`x` in :math:`{x^\ast}`:
-    * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` exists.
+      * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` exists.
-  * For all :math:`{\mathit{comptype}'}` in :math:`{{\mathit{comptype}'}^\ast}` and :math:`x` in :math:`{x^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{x'*}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{x'*}}^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`{\mathit{comptype}'}` in :math:`{{\mathit{comptype}'}^\ast}` and :math:`x` in :math:`{x^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{x'*}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{x'*}}^\ast}`:
-    * The sub type :math:`{\mathrm{unroll}}(C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x])` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{sub}~\epsilon~{{x'}^\ast}~{\mathit{comptype}'})`.
+      * The sub type :math:`{\mathrm{unroll}}(C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x])` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{sub}~\epsilon~{{x'}^\ast}~{\mathit{comptype}'})`.
-  * The composite type :math:`{\mathit{comptype}}` is valid.
+   * The composite type :math:`{\mathit{comptype}}` is valid.
-  * For all :math:`{\mathit{comptype}'}` in :math:`{{\mathit{comptype}'}^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`{\mathit{comptype}'}` in :math:`{{\mathit{comptype}'}^\ast}`:
-    * The composite type :math:`{\mathit{comptype}}` matches the composite type :math:`{\mathit{comptype}'}`.
+      * The composite type :math:`{\mathit{comptype}}` matches the composite type :math:`{\mathit{comptype}'}`.
@@ -13542,25 +13542,25 @@ The sub type :math:`(\mathsf{sub}~{\mathsf{final}^?}~{x^\ast}~{\mathit{comptype}
 The sub type :math:`(\mathsf{sub}~{\mathsf{final}^?}~{{\mathit{typeuse}}^\ast}~{\mathit{compttype}})` is valid with :math:`({\mathsf{ok}}{(x, i)})` if:
-  * :math:`{|{{\mathit{typeuse}}^\ast}|}` is less than or equal to :math:`1`.
+   * :math:`{|{{\mathit{typeuse}}^\ast}|}` is less than or equal to :math:`1`.
-  * For all :math:`{\mathit{typeuse}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{typeuse}}^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`{\mathit{typeuse}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{typeuse}}^\ast}`:
-    * :math:`{\mathit{typeuse}} \prec x, i` is equal to true.
+      * :math:`{\mathit{typeuse}} \prec x, i` is equal to true.
-  * :math:`{|{\mathit{typeuse*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{comptype'*}}|}`.
+   * :math:`{|{\mathit{typeuse*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{comptype'*}}|}`.
-  * :math:`{|{\mathit{typeuse'**}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{comptype'*}}|}`.
+   * :math:`{|{\mathit{typeuse'**}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{comptype'*}}|}`.
-  * For all :math:`{\mathit{comptype}'}` in :math:`{{\mathit{comptype}'}^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{typeuse}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{typeuse}}^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{typeuse'*}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{typeuse'*}}^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`{\mathit{comptype}'}` in :math:`{{\mathit{comptype}'}^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{typeuse}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{typeuse}}^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{typeuse'*}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{typeuse'*}}^\ast}`:
-    * The sub type :math:`{{\mathrm{unroll}}}_{C}({\mathit{typeuse}})` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{sub}~\epsilon~{{\mathit{typeuse}'}^\ast}~{\mathit{comptype}'})`.
+      * The sub type :math:`{{\mathrm{unroll}}}_{C}({\mathit{typeuse}})` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{sub}~\epsilon~{{\mathit{typeuse}'}^\ast}~{\mathit{comptype}'})`.
-  * The composite type :math:`{\mathit{comptype}}` is valid.
+   * The composite type :math:`{\mathit{comptype}}` is valid.
-  * For all :math:`{\mathit{comptype}'}` in :math:`{{\mathit{comptype}'}^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`{\mathit{comptype}'}` in :math:`{{\mathit{comptype}'}^\ast}`:
-    * The composite type :math:`{\mathit{comptype}}` matches the composite type :math:`{\mathit{comptype}'}`.
+      * The composite type :math:`{\mathit{comptype}}` matches the composite type :math:`{\mathit{comptype}'}`.
@@ -13568,17 +13568,17 @@ The sub type :math:`(\mathsf{sub}~{\mathsf{final}^?}~{{\mathit{typeuse}}^\ast}~{
 The recursive type :math:`(\mathsf{rec}~{{\mathit{st}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast})` is valid with :math:`({\mathsf{ok}}{(x, i)})` if:
-  * Either:
+   * Either:
-    * The sub type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{st}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`\epsilon`.
+      * The sub type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{st}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`\epsilon`.
-  * Or:
+   * Or:
-    * The sub type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{st}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{subtype}}_1~{{\mathit{subtype}}^\ast}`.
+      * The sub type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{st}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{subtype}}_1~{{\mathit{subtype}}^\ast}`.
-    * The sub type :math:`{\mathit{subtype}}_1` is valid with :math:`({\mathsf{ok}}{(x, i)})`.
+      * The sub type :math:`{\mathit{subtype}}_1` is valid with :math:`({\mathsf{ok}}{(x, i)})`.
-    * The recursive type :math:`(\mathsf{rec}~{{\mathit{subtype}}^\ast})` is valid with :math:`({\mathsf{ok}}{(x + 1, i + 1)})`.
+      * The recursive type :math:`(\mathsf{rec}~{{\mathit{subtype}}^\ast})` is valid with :math:`({\mathsf{ok}}{(x + 1, i + 1)})`.
@@ -13591,9 +13591,9 @@ The recursive type :math:`(\mathsf{rec}~\epsilon)` is valid with :math:`({\maths
 The recursive type :math:`(\mathsf{rec}~{\mathit{subtype}}_1~{{\mathit{subtype}}^\ast})` is valid with :math:`({\mathsf{ok}}{(x, i)})` if:
-  * The sub type :math:`{\mathit{subtype}}_1` is valid with :math:`({\mathsf{ok}}{(x, i)})`.
+   * The sub type :math:`{\mathit{subtype}}_1` is valid with :math:`({\mathsf{ok}}{(x, i)})`.
-  * The recursive type :math:`(\mathsf{rec}~{{\mathit{subtype}}^\ast})` is valid with :math:`({\mathsf{ok}}{(x + 1, i + 1)})`.
+   * The recursive type :math:`(\mathsf{rec}~{{\mathit{subtype}}^\ast})` is valid with :math:`({\mathsf{ok}}{(x + 1, i + 1)})`.
@@ -13601,24 +13601,24 @@ The recursive type :math:`(\mathsf{rec}~{\mathit{subtype}}_1~{{\mathit{subtype}}
 The recursive type :math:`(\mathsf{rec}~{{\mathit{st}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast})` is valid with :math:`({\mathsf{ok}}{x})` if:
-  * Either:
+   * Either:
-    * The sub type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{st}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`\epsilon`.
+      * The sub type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{st}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`\epsilon`.
-  * Or:
+   * Or:
-    * The sub type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{st}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{subtype}}_1~{{\mathit{subtype}}^\ast}`.
+      * The sub type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{st}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{subtype}}_1~{{\mathit{subtype}}^\ast}`.
-    * The sub type :math:`{\mathit{subtype}}_1` is valid with :math:`({\mathsf{ok}}{x})`.
+      * The sub type :math:`{\mathit{subtype}}_1` is valid with :math:`({\mathsf{ok}}{x})`.
-    * The recursive type :math:`(\mathsf{rec}~{{\mathit{subtype}}^\ast})` is valid with :math:`({\mathsf{ok}}{x + 1})`.
-  * Or:
+      * The recursive type :math:`(\mathsf{rec}~{{\mathit{subtype}}^\ast})` is valid with :math:`({\mathsf{ok}}{x + 1})`.
+   * Or:
-    * The sub type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{st}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{{\mathit{subtype}}^\ast}`.
+      * The sub type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{st}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{{\mathit{subtype}}^\ast}`.
-    * Let :math:`{C'}` be the same context as :math:`C`, but with the sub type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{subtype}}^\ast}` prepended to the field :math:`\mathsf{recs}`.
+      * Let :math:`{C'}` be the same context as :math:`C`, but with the sub type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{subtype}}^\ast}` prepended to the field :math:`\mathsf{recs}`.
-    * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the recursive type :math:`(\mathsf{rec}~{{\mathit{subtype}}^\ast})` is valid with :math:`({\mathsf{ok}}{(x, 0)})`.
+      * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the recursive type :math:`(\mathsf{rec}~{{\mathit{subtype}}^\ast})` is valid with :math:`({\mathsf{ok}}{(x, 0)})`.
@@ -13631,9 +13631,9 @@ The recursive type :math:`(\mathsf{rec}~\epsilon)` is valid with :math:`({\maths
 The recursive type :math:`(\mathsf{rec}~{\mathit{subtype}}_1~{{\mathit{subtype}}^\ast})` is valid with :math:`({\mathsf{ok}}{x})` if:
-  * The sub type :math:`{\mathit{subtype}}_1` is valid with :math:`({\mathsf{ok}}{x})`.
+   * The sub type :math:`{\mathit{subtype}}_1` is valid with :math:`({\mathsf{ok}}{x})`.
-  * The recursive type :math:`(\mathsf{rec}~{{\mathit{subtype}}^\ast})` is valid with :math:`({\mathsf{ok}}{x + 1})`.
+   * The recursive type :math:`(\mathsf{rec}~{{\mathit{subtype}}^\ast})` is valid with :math:`({\mathsf{ok}}{x + 1})`.
@@ -13641,9 +13641,9 @@ The recursive type :math:`(\mathsf{rec}~{\mathit{subtype}}_1~{{\mathit{subtype}}
 The recursive type :math:`(\mathsf{rec}~{{\mathit{subtype}}^\ast})` is valid with :math:`({\mathsf{ok}}{x})` if:
-  * Let :math:`{C'}` be the same context as :math:`C`, but with the sub type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{subtype}}^\ast}` prepended to the field :math:`\mathsf{recs}`.
+   * Let :math:`{C'}` be the same context as :math:`C`, but with the sub type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{subtype}}^\ast}` prepended to the field :math:`\mathsf{recs}`.
-  * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the recursive type :math:`(\mathsf{rec}~{{\mathit{subtype}}^\ast})` is valid with :math:`({\mathsf{ok}}{(x, 0)})`.
+   * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the recursive type :math:`(\mathsf{rec}~{{\mathit{subtype}}^\ast})` is valid with :math:`({\mathsf{ok}}{(x, 0)})`.
@@ -13651,11 +13651,11 @@ The recursive type :math:`(\mathsf{rec}~{{\mathit{subtype}}^\ast})` is valid wit
 The defined type :math:`({\mathit{rectype}} {.} i)` is valid if:
-  * The recursive type :math:`{\mathit{rectype}}` is valid with :math:`({\mathsf{ok}}{x})`.
+   * The recursive type :math:`{\mathit{rectype}}` is valid with :math:`({\mathsf{ok}}{x})`.
-  * The recursive type :math:`{\mathit{rectype}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{rec}~{{\mathit{subtype}}^{n}})`.
+   * The recursive type :math:`{\mathit{rectype}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{rec}~{{\mathit{subtype}}^{n}})`.
-  * :math:`i` is less than :math:`n`.
+   * :math:`i` is less than :math:`n`.
@@ -13663,9 +13663,9 @@ The defined type :math:`({\mathit{rectype}} {.} i)` is valid if:
 The limits :math:`({}[~n~..~m~])` is valid with :math:`k` if:
-  * :math:`n` is less than or equal to :math:`m`.
+   * :math:`n` is less than or equal to :math:`m`.
-  * :math:`m` is less than or equal to :math:`k`.
+   * :math:`m` is less than or equal to :math:`k`.
@@ -13673,7 +13673,7 @@ The limits :math:`({}[~n~..~m~])` is valid with :math:`k` if:
 The global type :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}~t)` is valid if:
-  * The value type :math:`t` is valid.
+   * The value type :math:`t` is valid.
@@ -13681,9 +13681,9 @@ The global type :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}~t)` is valid if:
 The table type :math:`({\mathit{addrtype}}~{\mathit{limits}}~{\mathit{reftype}})` is valid if:
-  * The limits :math:`{\mathit{limits}}` is valid with :math:`{2^{32}} - 1`.
+   * The limits :math:`{\mathit{limits}}` is valid with :math:`{2^{32}} - 1`.
-  * The reference type :math:`{\mathit{reftype}}` is valid.
+   * The reference type :math:`{\mathit{reftype}}` is valid.
@@ -13691,7 +13691,7 @@ The table type :math:`({\mathit{addrtype}}~{\mathit{limits}}~{\mathit{reftype}})
 The memory type :math:`({\mathit{addrtype}}~{\mathit{limits}}~\mathsf{page})` is valid if:
-  * The limits :math:`{\mathit{limits}}` is valid with :math:`{2^{16}}`.
+   * The limits :math:`{\mathit{limits}}` is valid with :math:`{2^{16}}`.
@@ -13699,9 +13699,9 @@ The memory type :math:`({\mathit{addrtype}}~{\mathit{limits}}~\mathsf{page})` is
 The tag type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}` is valid if:
-  * The tag type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}` is valid.
+   * The tag type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}` is valid.
-  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the tag type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{functype}})`.
+   * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the tag type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{functype}})`.
@@ -13709,34 +13709,34 @@ The tag type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}` is valid if:
 The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is valid if:
-  * Either:
+   * Either:
-    * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{deftype}})`.
+      * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{deftype}})`.
-    * The defined type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}` is valid.
+      * The defined type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}` is valid.
-    * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{functype}})`.
+      * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{functype}})`.
-  * Or:
+   * Or:
-    * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{globaltype}})`.
+      * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{globaltype}})`.
-    * The global type :math:`{\mathit{globaltype}}` is valid.
-  * Or:
+      * The global type :math:`{\mathit{globaltype}}` is valid.
+   * Or:
-    * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tabletype}})`.
+      * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tabletype}})`.
-    * The table type :math:`{\mathit{tabletype}}` is valid.
-  * Or:
+      * The table type :math:`{\mathit{tabletype}}` is valid.
+   * Or:
-    * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{memtype}})`.
+      * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{memtype}})`.
-    * The memory type :math:`{\mathit{memtype}}` is valid.
-  * Or:
+      * The memory type :math:`{\mathit{memtype}}` is valid.
+   * Or:
-    * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{tag}~{\mathit{tagtype}})`.
+      * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{tag}~{\mathit{tagtype}})`.
-    * The tag type :math:`{\mathit{tagtype}}` is valid.
+      * The tag type :math:`{\mathit{tagtype}}` is valid.
@@ -13744,9 +13744,9 @@ The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`
 The external type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{deftype}})` is valid if:
-  * The defined type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}` is valid.
+   * The defined type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}` is valid.
-  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{functype}})`.
+   * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{functype}})`.
@@ -13754,7 +13754,7 @@ The external type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{deftype}})` is valid if:
 The external type :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{globaltype}})` is valid if:
-  * The global type :math:`{\mathit{globaltype}}` is valid.
+   * The global type :math:`{\mathit{globaltype}}` is valid.
@@ -13762,7 +13762,7 @@ The external type :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{globaltype}})` is valid if:
 The external type :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tabletype}})` is valid if:
-  * The table type :math:`{\mathit{tabletype}}` is valid.
+   * The table type :math:`{\mathit{tabletype}}` is valid.
@@ -13770,7 +13770,7 @@ The external type :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tabletype}})` is valid if:
 The external type :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{memtype}})` is valid if:
-  * The memory type :math:`{\mathit{memtype}}` is valid.
+   * The memory type :math:`{\mathit{memtype}}` is valid.
@@ -13778,7 +13778,7 @@ The external type :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{memtype}})` is valid if:
 The external type :math:`(\mathsf{tag}~{\mathit{tagtype}})` is valid if:
-  * The tag type :math:`{\mathit{tagtype}}` is valid.
+   * The tag type :math:`{\mathit{tagtype}}` is valid.
@@ -13786,21 +13786,21 @@ The external type :math:`(\mathsf{tag}~{\mathit{tagtype}})` is valid if:
 The instruction type :math:`{t_{11}^\ast}~{\rightarrow}_{{x_1^\ast}}\,{t_{12}^\ast}` matches the instruction type :math:`{t_{21}^\ast}~{\rightarrow}_{{x_2^\ast}}\,{t_{22}^\ast}` if:
-  * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{21}^\ast}` matches the value type sequence :math:`{t_{11}^\ast}`.
+   * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{21}^\ast}` matches the value type sequence :math:`{t_{11}^\ast}`.
-  * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{12}^\ast}` matches the value type sequence :math:`{t_{22}^\ast}`.
+   * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{12}^\ast}` matches the value type sequence :math:`{t_{22}^\ast}`.
-  * The local index sequence :math:`{x^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{x_2^\ast} \setminus {x_1^\ast}`.
+   * The local index sequence :math:`{x^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{x_2^\ast} \setminus {x_1^\ast}`.
-  * :math:`{|{\mathit{x*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{t*}}|}`.
+   * :math:`{|{\mathit{x*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{t*}}|}`.
-  * For all :math:`x` in :math:`{x^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`x` in :math:`{x^\ast}`:
-    * The local type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` exists.
+      * The local type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` exists.
-  * For all :math:`t` in :math:`{t^\ast}` and :math:`x` in :math:`{x^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`t` in :math:`{t^\ast}` and :math:`x` in :math:`{x^\ast}`:
-    * The local type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{set}~t)`.
+      * The local type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{set}~t)`.
@@ -13808,9 +13808,9 @@ The instruction type :math:`{t_{11}^\ast}~{\rightarrow}_{{x_1^\ast}}\,{t_{12}^\a
 The limits :math:`({}[~n_1~..~m_1~])` matches the limits :math:`({}[~n_2~..~m_2~])` if:
-  * :math:`n_1` is greater than or equal to :math:`n_2`.
+   * :math:`n_1` is greater than or equal to :math:`n_2`.
-  * :math:`m_1` is less than or equal to :math:`m_2`.
+   * :math:`m_1` is less than or equal to :math:`m_2`.
@@ -13818,21 +13818,21 @@ The limits :math:`({}[~n_1~..~m_1~])` matches the limits :math:`({}[~n_2~..~m_2~
 The global type :math:`({{\mathsf{mut}^?}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}~{\mathit{valtype}}_1)` matches the global type :math:`({{\mathsf{mut}^?}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}~{\mathit{valtype}}_2)` if:
-  * The value type :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}_1` matches the value type :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}_2`.
+   * The value type :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}_1` matches the value type :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}_2`.
-  * Either:
+   * Either:
-    * :math:`{{\mathsf{mut}^?}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is absent.
+      * :math:`{{\mathsf{mut}^?}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is absent.
-    * :math:`{{\mathsf{mut}^?}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is absent.
+      * :math:`{{\mathsf{mut}^?}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is absent.
-  * Or:
+   * Or:
-    * :math:`{{\mathsf{mut}^?}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{mut}`.
+      * :math:`{{\mathsf{mut}^?}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{mut}`.
-    * :math:`{{\mathsf{mut}^?}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{mut}`.
+      * :math:`{{\mathsf{mut}^?}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{mut}`.
-    * The value type :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}_2` matches the value type :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}_1`.
+      * The value type :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}_2` matches the value type :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}_1`.
@@ -13840,7 +13840,7 @@ The global type :math:`({{\mathsf{mut}^?}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}
 The global type :math:`(\epsilon~{\mathit{valtype}}_1)` matches the global type :math:`(\epsilon~{\mathit{valtype}}_2)` if:
-  * The value type :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}_1` matches the value type :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}_2`.
+   * The value type :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}_1` matches the value type :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}_2`.
@@ -13848,9 +13848,9 @@ The global type :math:`(\epsilon~{\mathit{valtype}}_1)` matches the global type
 The global type :math:`(\mathsf{mut}~{\mathit{valtype}}_1)` matches the global type :math:`(\mathsf{mut}~{\mathit{valtype}}_2)` if:
-  * The value type :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}_1` matches the value type :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}_2`.
+   * The value type :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}_1` matches the value type :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}_2`.
-  * The value type :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}_2` matches the value type :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}_1`.
+   * The value type :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}_2` matches the value type :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}_1`.
@@ -13858,11 +13858,11 @@ The global type :math:`(\mathsf{mut}~{\mathit{valtype}}_1)` matches the global t
 The table type :math:`({\mathit{addrtype}}~{\mathit{limits}}_1~{\mathit{reftype}}_1)` matches the table type :math:`({\mathit{addrtype}}~{\mathit{limits}}_2~{\mathit{reftype}}_2)` if:
-  * The limits :math:`{\mathit{limits}}_1` matches the limits :math:`{\mathit{limits}}_2`.
+   * The limits :math:`{\mathit{limits}}_1` matches the limits :math:`{\mathit{limits}}_2`.
-  * The reference type :math:`{\mathit{reftype}}_1` matches the reference type :math:`{\mathit{reftype}}_2`.
+   * The reference type :math:`{\mathit{reftype}}_1` matches the reference type :math:`{\mathit{reftype}}_2`.
-  * The reference type :math:`{\mathit{reftype}}_2` matches the reference type :math:`{\mathit{reftype}}_1`.
+   * The reference type :math:`{\mathit{reftype}}_2` matches the reference type :math:`{\mathit{reftype}}_1`.
@@ -13870,7 +13870,7 @@ The table type :math:`({\mathit{addrtype}}~{\mathit{limits}}_1~{\mathit{reftype}
 The memory type :math:`({\mathit{addrtype}}~{\mathit{limits}}_1~\mathsf{page})` matches the memory type :math:`({\mathit{addrtype}}~{\mathit{limits}}_2~\mathsf{page})` if:
-  * The limits :math:`{\mathit{limits}}_1` matches the limits :math:`{\mathit{limits}}_2`.
+   * The limits :math:`{\mathit{limits}}_1` matches the limits :math:`{\mathit{limits}}_2`.
@@ -13878,9 +13878,9 @@ The memory type :math:`({\mathit{addrtype}}~{\mathit{limits}}_1~\mathsf{page})`
 The tag type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}_1` matches the tag type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}_2` if:
-  * The tag type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}_1` matches the tag type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}_2`.
+   * The tag type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}_1` matches the tag type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}_2`.
-  * The tag type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}_2` matches the tag type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}_1`.
+   * The tag type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}_2` matches the tag type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}_1`.
@@ -13888,42 +13888,42 @@ The tag type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}_1` matches the tag type :math:`{\mathit{d
 The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` matches the external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` if:
-  * Either:
+   * Either:
-    * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{deftype}}_1)`.
+      * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{deftype}}_1)`.
-    * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{deftype}}_2)`.
+      * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{deftype}}_2)`.
-    * The defined type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}_1` matches the defined type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}_2`.
+      * The defined type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}_1` matches the defined type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}_2`.
-  * Or:
+   * Or:
-    * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{globaltype}}_1)`.
+      * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{globaltype}}_1)`.
-    * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{globaltype}}_2)`.
+      * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{globaltype}}_2)`.
-    * The global type :math:`{\mathit{globaltype}}_1` matches the global type :math:`{\mathit{globaltype}}_2`.
-  * Or:
+      * The global type :math:`{\mathit{globaltype}}_1` matches the global type :math:`{\mathit{globaltype}}_2`.
+   * Or:
-    * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tabletype}}_1)`.
+      * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tabletype}}_1)`.
-    * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tabletype}}_2)`.
+      * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tabletype}}_2)`.
-    * The table type :math:`{\mathit{tabletype}}_1` matches the table type :math:`{\mathit{tabletype}}_2`.
-  * Or:
+      * The table type :math:`{\mathit{tabletype}}_1` matches the table type :math:`{\mathit{tabletype}}_2`.
+   * Or:
-    * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{memtype}}_1)`.
+      * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{memtype}}_1)`.
-    * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{memtype}}_2)`.
+      * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{memtype}}_2)`.
-    * The memory type :math:`{\mathit{memtype}}_1` matches the memory type :math:`{\mathit{memtype}}_2`.
-  * Or:
+      * The memory type :math:`{\mathit{memtype}}_1` matches the memory type :math:`{\mathit{memtype}}_2`.
+   * Or:
-    * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{tag}~{\mathit{tagtype}}_1)`.
+      * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{tag}~{\mathit{tagtype}}_1)`.
-    * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{tag}~{\mathit{tagtype}}_2)`.
+      * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{tag}~{\mathit{tagtype}}_2)`.
-    * The tag type :math:`{\mathit{tagtype}}_1` matches the tag type :math:`{\mathit{tagtype}}_2`.
+      * The tag type :math:`{\mathit{tagtype}}_1` matches the tag type :math:`{\mathit{tagtype}}_2`.
@@ -13931,7 +13931,7 @@ The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`
 The external type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{deftype}}_1)` matches the external type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{deftype}}_2)` if:
-  * The defined type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}_1` matches the defined type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}_2`.
+   * The defined type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}_1` matches the defined type :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}_2`.
@@ -13939,7 +13939,7 @@ The external type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{deftype}}_1)` matches the exter
 The external type :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{globaltype}}_1)` matches the external type :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{globaltype}}_2)` if:
-  * The global type :math:`{\mathit{globaltype}}_1` matches the global type :math:`{\mathit{globaltype}}_2`.
+   * The global type :math:`{\mathit{globaltype}}_1` matches the global type :math:`{\mathit{globaltype}}_2`.
@@ -13947,7 +13947,7 @@ The external type :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{globaltype}}_1)` matches the
 The external type :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tabletype}}_1)` matches the external type :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tabletype}}_2)` if:
-  * The table type :math:`{\mathit{tabletype}}_1` matches the table type :math:`{\mathit{tabletype}}_2`.
+   * The table type :math:`{\mathit{tabletype}}_1` matches the table type :math:`{\mathit{tabletype}}_2`.
@@ -13955,7 +13955,7 @@ The external type :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tabletype}}_1)` matches the ex
 The external type :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{memtype}}_1)` matches the external type :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{memtype}}_2)` if:
-  * The memory type :math:`{\mathit{memtype}}_1` matches the memory type :math:`{\mathit{memtype}}_2`.
+   * The memory type :math:`{\mathit{memtype}}_1` matches the memory type :math:`{\mathit{memtype}}_2`.
@@ -13963,7 +13963,7 @@ The external type :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{memtype}}_1)` matches the extern
 The external type :math:`(\mathsf{tag}~{\mathit{tagtype}}_1)` matches the external type :math:`(\mathsf{tag}~{\mathit{tagtype}}_2)` if:
-  * The tag type :math:`{\mathit{tagtype}}_1` matches the tag type :math:`{\mathit{tagtype}}_2`.
+   * The tag type :math:`{\mathit{tagtype}}_1` matches the tag type :math:`{\mathit{tagtype}}_2`.
@@ -13971,29 +13971,29 @@ The external type :math:`(\mathsf{tag}~{\mathit{tagtype}}_1)` matches the extern
 The block type :math:`{\mathit{bt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}^\ast}` if:
-  * Either:
+   * Either:
-    * The block type :math:`{\mathit{bt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{{\mathit{valtype}}^?}`.
+      * The block type :math:`{\mathit{bt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{{\mathit{valtype}}^?}`.
-    * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`\epsilon`.
+      * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`\epsilon`.
-    * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{{\mathit{valtype}}^?}`.
+      * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{{\mathit{valtype}}^?}`.
-    * If :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}` is defined, then:
+      * If :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}` is defined, then:
-      * The value type :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}` is valid.
+         * The value type :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}` is valid.
-  * Or:
+   * Or:
-    * The block type :math:`{\mathit{bt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{typeidx}}`.
+      * The block type :math:`{\mathit{bt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{typeidx}}`.
-    * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{t_1^\ast}`.
+      * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{t_1^\ast}`.
-    * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{t_2^\ast}`.
+      * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{t_2^\ast}`.
-    * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[{\mathit{typeidx}}]` exists.
+      * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[{\mathit{typeidx}}]` exists.
-    * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[{\mathit{typeidx}}]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast})`.
+      * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[{\mathit{typeidx}}]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast})`.
@@ -14001,9 +14001,9 @@ The block type :math:`{\mathit{bt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is
 The block type :math:`{{\mathit{valtype}}^?}` is valid with the instruction type :math:`\epsilon~\rightarrow~{{\mathit{valtype}}^?}` if:
-  * If :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}` is defined, then:
+   * If :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}` is defined, then:
-    * The value type :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}` is valid.
+      * The value type :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}` is valid.
@@ -14011,9 +14011,9 @@ The block type :math:`{{\mathit{valtype}}^?}` is valid with the instruction type
 The block type :math:`{\mathit{typeidx}}` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}` if:
-  * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[{\mathit{typeidx}}]` exists.
+   * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[{\mathit{typeidx}}]` exists.
-  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[{\mathit{typeidx}}]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast})`.
+   * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[{\mathit{typeidx}}]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast})`.
@@ -14021,37 +14021,37 @@ The block type :math:`{\mathit{typeidx}}` is valid with the instruction type :ma
 The catch clause :math:`{\mathit{catch}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is valid if:
-  * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]` exists.
+   * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]` exists.
-  * Either:
+   * Either:
-    * The catch clause :math:`{\mathit{catch}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{catch}~x~l)`.
+      * The catch clause :math:`{\mathit{catch}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{catch}~x~l)`.
-    * The tag type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tags}{}[x]` exists.
+      * The tag type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tags}{}[x]` exists.
-    * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the tag type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tags}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{t^\ast}~\rightarrow~\epsilon)`.
+      * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the tag type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tags}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{t^\ast}~\rightarrow~\epsilon)`.
-    * The value type sequence :math:`{t^\ast}` matches the result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]`.
+      * The value type sequence :math:`{t^\ast}` matches the result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]`.
-  * Or:
+   * Or:
-    * The catch clause :math:`{\mathit{catch}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{catch\_ref}~x~l)`.
+      * The catch clause :math:`{\mathit{catch}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{catch\_ref}~x~l)`.
-    * The tag type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tags}{}[x]` exists.
+      * The tag type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tags}{}[x]` exists.
-    * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the tag type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tags}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{t^\ast}~\rightarrow~\epsilon)`.
+      * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the tag type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tags}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{t^\ast}~\rightarrow~\epsilon)`.
-    * The value type sequence :math:`{t^\ast}~(\mathsf{ref}~\epsilon~\mathsf{exn})` matches the result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]`.
-  * Or:
+      * The value type sequence :math:`{t^\ast}~(\mathsf{ref}~\epsilon~\mathsf{exn})` matches the result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]`.
+   * Or:
-    * The catch clause :math:`{\mathit{catch}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{catch\_all}~l)`.
+      * The catch clause :math:`{\mathit{catch}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{catch\_all}~l)`.
-    * The value type sequence :math:`\epsilon` matches the result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]`.
-  * Or:
+      * The value type sequence :math:`\epsilon` matches the result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]`.
+   * Or:
-    * The catch clause :math:`{\mathit{catch}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{catch\_all\_ref}~l)`.
+      * The catch clause :math:`{\mathit{catch}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{catch\_all\_ref}~l)`.
-    * The value type sequence :math:`(\mathsf{ref}~\epsilon~\mathsf{exn})` matches the result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]`.
+      * The value type sequence :math:`(\mathsf{ref}~\epsilon~\mathsf{exn})` matches the result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]`.
@@ -14059,13 +14059,13 @@ The catch clause :math:`{\mathit{catch}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}
 The catch clause :math:`(\mathsf{catch}~x~l)` is valid if:
-  * The tag type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tags}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The tag type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tags}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the tag type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tags}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{t^\ast}~\rightarrow~\epsilon)`.
+   * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the tag type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tags}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{t^\ast}~\rightarrow~\epsilon)`.
-  * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]` exists.
+   * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]` exists.
-  * The value type sequence :math:`{t^\ast}` matches the result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]`.
+   * The value type sequence :math:`{t^\ast}` matches the result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]`.
@@ -14073,13 +14073,13 @@ The catch clause :math:`(\mathsf{catch}~x~l)` is valid if:
 The catch clause :math:`(\mathsf{catch\_ref}~x~l)` is valid if:
-  * The tag type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tags}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The tag type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tags}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the tag type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tags}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{t^\ast}~\rightarrow~\epsilon)`.
+   * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the tag type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tags}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{t^\ast}~\rightarrow~\epsilon)`.
-  * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]` exists.
+   * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]` exists.
-  * The value type sequence :math:`{t^\ast}~(\mathsf{ref}~\epsilon~\mathsf{exn})` matches the result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]`.
+   * The value type sequence :math:`{t^\ast}~(\mathsf{ref}~\epsilon~\mathsf{exn})` matches the result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]`.
@@ -14087,9 +14087,9 @@ The catch clause :math:`(\mathsf{catch\_ref}~x~l)` is valid if:
 The catch clause :math:`(\mathsf{catch\_all}~l)` is valid if:
-  * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]` exists.
+   * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]` exists.
-  * The value type sequence :math:`\epsilon` matches the result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]`.
+   * The value type sequence :math:`\epsilon` matches the result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]`.
@@ -14097,9 +14097,9 @@ The catch clause :math:`(\mathsf{catch\_all}~l)` is valid if:
 The catch clause :math:`(\mathsf{catch\_all\_ref}~l)` is valid if:
-  * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]` exists.
+   * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]` exists.
-  * The value type sequence :math:`(\mathsf{ref}~\epsilon~\mathsf{exn})` matches the result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]`.
+   * The value type sequence :math:`(\mathsf{ref}~\epsilon~\mathsf{exn})` matches the result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]`.
@@ -14107,7 +14107,7 @@ The catch clause :math:`(\mathsf{catch\_all\_ref}~l)` is valid if:
 The value type :math:`t` is defaultable if:
-  * The value :math:`{{\mathrm{default}}}_{t}` is not absent.
+   * The value :math:`{{\mathrm{default}}}_{t}` is not absent.
@@ -14120,7 +14120,7 @@ The instruction :math:`\mathsf{nop}` is valid with the instruction type :math:`\
 The instruction :math:`\mathsf{unreachable}` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}` if:
-  * The instruction type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}` is valid.
+   * The instruction type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}` is valid.
@@ -14128,7 +14128,7 @@ The instruction :math:`\mathsf{unreachable}` is valid with the instruction type
 The instruction :math:`\mathsf{drop}` is valid with the instruction type :math:`t~\rightarrow~\epsilon` if:
-  * The value type :math:`t` is valid.
+   * The value type :math:`t` is valid.
@@ -14136,19 +14136,19 @@ The instruction :math:`\mathsf{drop}` is valid with the instruction type :math:`
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{select}~{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?})` is valid with the instruction type :math:`t~t~\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\rightarrow~t` if:
-  * The value type :math:`t` is valid.
+   * The value type :math:`t` is valid.
-  * Either:
+   * Either:
-    * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is equal to :math:`t`.
+      * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is equal to :math:`t`.
-  * Or:
+   * Or:
-    * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is absent.
+      * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is absent.
-    * The value type :math:`t` matches the value type :math:`{t'}`.
+      * The value type :math:`t` matches the value type :math:`{t'}`.
-    * The value type :math:`{t'}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}` or :math:`{t'}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{vectype}}`.
+      * The value type :math:`{t'}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}` or :math:`{t'}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{vectype}}`.
@@ -14156,11 +14156,11 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{select}~{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{bt}}~{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast})` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}` if:
-  * The block type :math:`{\mathit{bt}}` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
+   * The block type :math:`{\mathit{bt}}` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
-  * Let :math:`{C'}` be the same context as :math:`C`, but with the result type sequence :math:`{t_2^\ast}` prepended to the field :math:`\mathsf{labels}`.
+   * Let :math:`{C'}` be the same context as :math:`C`, but with the result type sequence :math:`{t_2^\ast}` prepended to the field :math:`\mathsf{labels}`.
-  * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~{\rightarrow}_{{x^\ast}}\,{t_2^\ast}`.
+   * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~{\rightarrow}_{{x^\ast}}\,{t_2^\ast}`.
@@ -14168,11 +14168,11 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{bt}}~{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast})` i
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{loop}~{\mathit{bt}}~{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast})` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}` if:
-  * The block type :math:`{\mathit{bt}}` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
+   * The block type :math:`{\mathit{bt}}` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
-  * Let :math:`{C'}` be the same context as :math:`C`, but with the result type sequence :math:`{t_1^\ast}` prepended to the field :math:`\mathsf{labels}`.
+   * Let :math:`{C'}` be the same context as :math:`C`, but with the result type sequence :math:`{t_1^\ast}` prepended to the field :math:`\mathsf{labels}`.
-  * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~{\rightarrow}_{{x^\ast}}\,{t_2^\ast}`.
+   * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~{\rightarrow}_{{x^\ast}}\,{t_2^\ast}`.
@@ -14180,13 +14180,13 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{loop}~{\mathit{bt}}~{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast})` is
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{if}~{\mathit{bt}}~{{\mathit{instr}}_1^\ast}~\mathsf{else}~{{\mathit{instr}}_2^\ast})` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}` if:
-  * The block type :math:`{\mathit{bt}}` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
+   * The block type :math:`{\mathit{bt}}` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
-  * Let :math:`{C'}` be the same context as :math:`C`, but with the result type sequence :math:`{t_2^\ast}` prepended to the field :math:`\mathsf{labels}`.
+   * Let :math:`{C'}` be the same context as :math:`C`, but with the result type sequence :math:`{t_2^\ast}` prepended to the field :math:`\mathsf{labels}`.
-  * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_1^\ast}` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~{\rightarrow}_{{x_1^\ast}}\,{t_2^\ast}`.
+   * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_1^\ast}` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~{\rightarrow}_{{x_1^\ast}}\,{t_2^\ast}`.
-  * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_2^\ast}` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~{\rightarrow}_{{x_2^\ast}}\,{t_2^\ast}`.
+   * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_2^\ast}` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~{\rightarrow}_{{x_2^\ast}}\,{t_2^\ast}`.
@@ -14194,11 +14194,11 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{if}~{\mathit{bt}}~{{\mathit{instr}}_1^\ast}~\mat
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br}~l)` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~{t^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}` if:
-  * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]` exists.
+   * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]` exists.
-  * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]` is equal to :math:`{t^\ast}`.
+   * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]` is equal to :math:`{t^\ast}`.
-  * The instruction type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}` is valid.
+   * The instruction type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}` is valid.
@@ -14206,9 +14206,9 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br}~l)` is valid with the instruction type :math
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br\_if}~l)` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t^\ast}~\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\rightarrow~{t^\ast}` if:
-  * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]` exists.
+   * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]` exists.
-  * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]` is equal to :math:`{t^\ast}`.
+   * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]` is equal to :math:`{t^\ast}`.
@@ -14216,19 +14216,19 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br\_if}~l)` is valid with the instruction type :
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br\_table}~{l^\ast}~{l'})` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~{t^\ast}~\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}` if:
-  * For all :math:`l` in :math:`{l^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`l` in :math:`{l^\ast}`:
-    * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]` exists.
+      * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]` exists.
-  * For all :math:`l` in :math:`{l^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`l` in :math:`{l^\ast}`:
-    * The value type sequence :math:`{t^\ast}` matches the result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]`.
+      * The value type sequence :math:`{t^\ast}` matches the result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]`.
-  * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[{l'}]` exists.
+   * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[{l'}]` exists.
-  * The value type sequence :math:`{t^\ast}` matches the result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[{l'}]`.
+   * The value type sequence :math:`{t^\ast}` matches the result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[{l'}]`.
-  * The instruction type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}` is valid.
+   * The instruction type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}` is valid.
@@ -14236,11 +14236,11 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br\_table}~{l^\ast}~{l'})` is valid with the ins
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br\_on\_null}~l)` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t^\ast}~(\mathsf{ref}~\mathsf{null}~{\mathit{ht}})~\rightarrow~{t^\ast}~(\mathsf{ref}~\epsilon~{\mathit{ht}})` if:
-  * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]` exists.
+   * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]` exists.
-  * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]` is equal to :math:`{t^\ast}`.
+   * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]` is equal to :math:`{t^\ast}`.
-  * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}` is valid.
+   * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}` is valid.
@@ -14248,9 +14248,9 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br\_on\_null}~l)` is valid with the instruction
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br\_on\_non\_null}~l)` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t^\ast}~(\mathsf{ref}~\mathsf{null}~{\mathit{ht}})~\rightarrow~{t^\ast}` if:
-  * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]` exists.
+   * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]` exists.
-  * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]` is equal to :math:`{t^\ast}~(\mathsf{ref}~\epsilon~{\mathit{ht}})`.
+   * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]` is equal to :math:`{t^\ast}~(\mathsf{ref}~\epsilon~{\mathit{ht}})`.
@@ -14258,19 +14258,19 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br\_on\_non\_null}~l)` is valid with the instruc
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br\_on\_cast}~l~{\mathit{rt}}_1~{\mathit{rt}}_2)` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t^\ast}~{\mathit{rt}}_1~\rightarrow~{t^\ast}~{t'}` if:
-  * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]` exists.
+   * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]` exists.
-  * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]` is equal to :math:`{t^\ast}~{\mathit{rt}}`.
+   * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]` is equal to :math:`{t^\ast}~{\mathit{rt}}`.
-  * The reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}_1` is valid.
+   * The reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}_1` is valid.
-  * The reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}_2` is valid.
+   * The reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}_2` is valid.
-  * The reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}_2` matches the reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}_1`.
+   * The reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}_2` matches the reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}_1`.
-  * The reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}_2` matches the reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}`.
+   * The reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}_2` matches the reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}`.
-  * Let :math:`{t'}` be the reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}_1 \setminus {\mathit{rt}}_2`.
+   * Let :math:`{t'}` be the reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}_1 \setminus {\mathit{rt}}_2`.
@@ -14278,17 +14278,17 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br\_on\_cast}~l~{\mathit{rt}}_1~{\mathit{rt}}_2)
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br\_on\_cast\_fail}~l~{\mathit{rt}}_1~{\mathit{rt}}_2)` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t^\ast}~{\mathit{rt}}_1~\rightarrow~{t^\ast}~{\mathit{rt}}_2` if:
-  * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]` exists.
+   * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]` exists.
-  * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]` is equal to :math:`{t^\ast}~{\mathit{rt}}`.
+   * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{labels}{}[l]` is equal to :math:`{t^\ast}~{\mathit{rt}}`.
-  * The reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}_1` is valid.
+   * The reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}_1` is valid.
-  * The reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}_2` is valid.
+   * The reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}_2` is valid.
-  * The reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}_2` matches the reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}_1`.
+   * The reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}_2` matches the reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}_1`.
-  * The reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}_1 \setminus {\mathit{rt}}_2` matches the reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}`.
+   * The reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}_1 \setminus {\mathit{rt}}_2` matches the reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}`.
@@ -14296,9 +14296,9 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br\_on\_cast\_fail}~l~{\mathit{rt}}_1~{\mathit{r
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{call}~x)` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}` if:
-  * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast})`.
+   * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast})`.
@@ -14306,9 +14306,9 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{call}~x)` is valid with the instruction type :ma
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{call\_ref}~x)` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~(\mathsf{ref}~\mathsf{null}~x)~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}` if:
-  * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast})`.
+   * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast})`.
@@ -14316,15 +14316,15 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{call\_ref}~x)` is valid with the instruction typ
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{call\_indirect}~x~y)` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~{\mathit{at}}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}` if:
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}})`.
+   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}})`.
-  * The reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}` matches the reference type :math:`(\mathsf{ref}~\mathsf{null}~\mathsf{func})`.
+   * The reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}` matches the reference type :math:`(\mathsf{ref}~\mathsf{null}~\mathsf{func})`.
-  * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[y]` exists.
+   * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[y]` exists.
-  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[y]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast})`.
+   * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[y]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast})`.
@@ -14332,9 +14332,9 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{call\_indirect}~x~y)` is valid with the instruct
 The instruction :math:`\mathsf{return}` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~{t^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}` if:
-  * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{return}` is equal to :math:`{t^\ast}`.
+   * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{return}` is equal to :math:`{t^\ast}`.
-  * The instruction type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}` is valid.
+   * The instruction type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}` is valid.
@@ -14342,15 +14342,15 @@ The instruction :math:`\mathsf{return}` is valid with the instruction type :math
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{return\_call}~x)` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t_3^\ast}~{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_4^\ast}` if:
-  * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast})`.
+   * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast})`.
-  * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{return}` is equal to :math:`{{t'}_2^\ast}`.
+   * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{return}` is equal to :math:`{{t'}_2^\ast}`.
-  * The value type sequence :math:`{t_2^\ast}` matches the value type sequence :math:`{{t'}_2^\ast}`.
+   * The value type sequence :math:`{t_2^\ast}` matches the value type sequence :math:`{{t'}_2^\ast}`.
-  * The instruction type :math:`{t_3^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_4^\ast}` is valid.
+   * The instruction type :math:`{t_3^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_4^\ast}` is valid.
@@ -14358,15 +14358,15 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{return\_call}~x)` is valid with the instruction
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{return\_call\_ref}~x)` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t_3^\ast}~{t_1^\ast}~(\mathsf{ref}~\mathsf{null}~x)~\rightarrow~{t_4^\ast}` if:
-  * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast})`.
+   * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast})`.
-  * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{return}` is equal to :math:`{{t'}_2^\ast}`.
+   * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{return}` is equal to :math:`{{t'}_2^\ast}`.
-  * The value type sequence :math:`{t_2^\ast}` matches the value type sequence :math:`{{t'}_2^\ast}`.
+   * The value type sequence :math:`{t_2^\ast}` matches the value type sequence :math:`{{t'}_2^\ast}`.
-  * The instruction type :math:`{t_3^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_4^\ast}` is valid.
+   * The instruction type :math:`{t_3^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_4^\ast}` is valid.
@@ -14374,21 +14374,21 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{return\_call\_ref}~x)` is valid with the instruc
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{return\_call\_indirect}~x~y)` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t_3^\ast}~{t_1^\ast}~{\mathit{at}}~\rightarrow~{t_4^\ast}` if:
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}})`.
+   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}})`.
-  * The reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}` matches the reference type :math:`(\mathsf{ref}~\mathsf{null}~\mathsf{func})`.
+   * The reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}` matches the reference type :math:`(\mathsf{ref}~\mathsf{null}~\mathsf{func})`.
-  * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[y]` exists.
+   * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[y]` exists.
-  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[y]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast})`.
+   * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[y]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast})`.
-  * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{return}` is equal to :math:`{{t'}_2^\ast}`.
+   * The result type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{return}` is equal to :math:`{{t'}_2^\ast}`.
-  * The value type sequence :math:`{t_2^\ast}` matches the value type sequence :math:`{{t'}_2^\ast}`.
+   * The value type sequence :math:`{t_2^\ast}` matches the value type sequence :math:`{{t'}_2^\ast}`.
-  * The instruction type :math:`{t_3^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_4^\ast}` is valid.
+   * The instruction type :math:`{t_3^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_4^\ast}` is valid.
@@ -14396,11 +14396,11 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{return\_call\_indirect}~x~y)` is valid with the
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{throw}~x)` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~{t^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}` if:
-  * The tag type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tags}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The tag type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tags}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the tag type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tags}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{t^\ast}~\rightarrow~\epsilon)`.
+   * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the tag type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tags}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{t^\ast}~\rightarrow~\epsilon)`.
-  * The instruction type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}` is valid.
+   * The instruction type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}` is valid.
@@ -14408,7 +14408,7 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{throw}~x)` is valid with the instruction type :m
 The instruction :math:`\mathsf{throw\_ref}` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~(\mathsf{ref}~\mathsf{null}~\mathsf{exn})~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}` if:
-  * The instruction type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}` is valid.
+   * The instruction type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}` is valid.
@@ -14416,15 +14416,15 @@ The instruction :math:`\mathsf{throw\_ref}` is valid with the instruction type :
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{try\_table}~{\mathit{bt}}~{{\mathit{catch}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast})` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}` if:
-  * The block type :math:`{\mathit{bt}}` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
+   * The block type :math:`{\mathit{bt}}` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
-  * Let :math:`{C'}` be the same context as :math:`C`, but with the result type sequence :math:`{t_2^\ast}` prepended to the field :math:`\mathsf{labels}`.
+   * Let :math:`{C'}` be the same context as :math:`C`, but with the result type sequence :math:`{t_2^\ast}` prepended to the field :math:`\mathsf{labels}`.
-  * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~{\rightarrow}_{{x^\ast}}\,{t_2^\ast}`.
+   * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~{\rightarrow}_{{x^\ast}}\,{t_2^\ast}`.
-  * For all :math:`{\mathit{catch}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{catch}}^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`{\mathit{catch}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{catch}}^\ast}`:
-    * The catch clause :math:`{\mathit{catch}}` is valid.
+      * The catch clause :math:`{\mathit{catch}}` is valid.
@@ -14462,7 +14462,7 @@ The instruction :math:`({\mathit{nt}}_1 {.} {{\mathit{cvtop}}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\ma
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}null}~{\mathit{ht}})` is valid with the instruction type :math:`\epsilon~\rightarrow~(\mathsf{ref}~\mathsf{null}~{\mathit{ht}})` if:
-  * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}` is valid.
+   * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}` is valid.
@@ -14470,13 +14470,13 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}null}~{\mathit{ht}})` is valid with the in
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}func}~x)` is valid with the instruction type :math:`\epsilon~\rightarrow~(\mathsf{ref}~\epsilon~{\mathit{dt}})` if:
-  * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{dt}}`.
+   * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{dt}}`.
-  * The index :math:`C{.}\mathsf{refs}{}[0]` exists.
+   * The index :math:`C{.}\mathsf{refs}{}[0]` exists.
-  * :math:`x` is contained in :math:`C{.}\mathsf{refs}`.
+   * :math:`x` is contained in :math:`C{.}\mathsf{refs}`.
@@ -14489,7 +14489,7 @@ The instruction :math:`\mathsf{ref{.}i{\scriptstyle 31}}` is valid with the inst
 The instruction :math:`\mathsf{ref{.}is\_null}` is valid with the instruction type :math:`(\mathsf{ref}~\mathsf{null}~{\mathit{ht}})~\rightarrow~\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}` if:
-  * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}` is valid.
+   * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}` is valid.
@@ -14497,7 +14497,7 @@ The instruction :math:`\mathsf{ref{.}is\_null}` is valid with the instruction ty
 The instruction :math:`\mathsf{ref{.}as\_non\_null}` is valid with the instruction type :math:`(\mathsf{ref}~\mathsf{null}~{\mathit{ht}})~\rightarrow~(\mathsf{ref}~\epsilon~{\mathit{ht}})` if:
-  * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}` is valid.
+   * The heap type :math:`{\mathit{ht}}` is valid.
@@ -14510,11 +14510,11 @@ The instruction :math:`\mathsf{ref{.}eq}` is valid with the instruction type :ma
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}test}~{\mathit{rt}})` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{\mathit{rt}'}~\rightarrow~\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}` if:
-  * The reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}` is valid.
+   * The reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}` is valid.
-  * The reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}'}` is valid.
+   * The reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}'}` is valid.
-  * The reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}` matches the reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}'}`.
+   * The reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}` matches the reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}'}`.
@@ -14522,11 +14522,11 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}test}~{\mathit{rt}})` is valid with the in
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}cast}~{\mathit{rt}})` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{\mathit{rt}'}~\rightarrow~{\mathit{rt}}` if:
-  * The reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}` is valid.
+   * The reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}` is valid.
-  * The reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}'}` is valid.
+   * The reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}'}` is valid.
-  * The reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}` matches the reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}'}`.
+   * The reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}` matches the reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}'}`.
@@ -14539,11 +14539,11 @@ The instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 31}{.}get}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathi
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{struct{.}new}~x)` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t^\ast}~\rightarrow~(\mathsf{ref}~\epsilon~x)` if:
-  * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{struct}~{({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{zt}})^\ast})`.
+   * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{struct}~{({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{zt}})^\ast})`.
-  * Let :math:`{t^\ast}` be the value type sequence :math:`{{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{zt}})^\ast}`.
+   * Let :math:`{t^\ast}` be the value type sequence :math:`{{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{zt}})^\ast}`.
@@ -14551,13 +14551,13 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{struct{.}new}~x)` is valid with the instruction
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{struct{.}new\_default}~x)` is valid with the instruction type :math:`\epsilon~\rightarrow~(\mathsf{ref}~\epsilon~x)` if:
-  * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{struct}~{({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{zt}})^\ast})`.
+   * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{struct}~{({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{zt}})^\ast})`.
-  * For all :math:`{\mathit{zt}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{zt}}^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`{\mathit{zt}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{zt}}^\ast}`:
-    * A :ref:`default value <default-val>` for value type the value type :math:`{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{zt}})` is defined.
+      * A :ref:`default value <default-val>` for value type the value type :math:`{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{zt}})` is defined.
@@ -14565,17 +14565,17 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{struct{.}new\_default}~x)` is valid with the ins
 The instruction :math:`({\mathsf{struct{.}get}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{{\mathit{sx}}^?}}~x~i)` is valid with the instruction type :math:`(\mathsf{ref}~\mathsf{null}~x)~\rightarrow~t` if:
-  * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{struct}~{{\mathit{yt}}^\ast})`.
+   * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{struct}~{{\mathit{yt}}^\ast})`.
-  * :math:`{|{{\mathit{yt}}^\ast}|}` is greater than :math:`i`.
+   * :math:`{|{{\mathit{yt}}^\ast}|}` is greater than :math:`i`.
-  * The field type :math:`{{\mathit{yt}}^\ast}{}[i]` is equal to :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{zt}})`.
+   * The field type :math:`{{\mathit{yt}}^\ast}{}[i]` is equal to :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{zt}})`.
-  * The signedness :math:`{{\mathit{sx}}^?}` is absent if and only if the storage type :math:`{\mathit{zt}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{zt}})`.
+   * The signedness :math:`{{\mathit{sx}}^?}` is absent if and only if the storage type :math:`{\mathit{zt}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{zt}})`.
-  * Let :math:`t` be the value type :math:`{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{zt}})`.
+   * Let :math:`t` be the value type :math:`{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{zt}})`.
@@ -14583,15 +14583,15 @@ The instruction :math:`({\mathsf{struct{.}get}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{{\mathit{sx}}^?}}~
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{struct{.}set}~x~i)` is valid with the instruction type :math:`(\mathsf{ref}~\mathsf{null}~x)~t~\rightarrow~\epsilon` if:
-  * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{struct}~{{\mathit{yt}}^\ast})`.
+   * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{struct}~{{\mathit{yt}}^\ast})`.
-  * :math:`{|{{\mathit{yt}}^\ast}|}` is greater than :math:`i`.
+   * :math:`{|{{\mathit{yt}}^\ast}|}` is greater than :math:`i`.
-  * The field type :math:`{{\mathit{yt}}^\ast}{}[i]` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{mut}~{\mathit{zt}})`.
+   * The field type :math:`{{\mathit{yt}}^\ast}{}[i]` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{mut}~{\mathit{zt}})`.
-  * Let :math:`t` be the value type :math:`{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{zt}})`.
+   * Let :math:`t` be the value type :math:`{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{zt}})`.
@@ -14599,11 +14599,11 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{struct{.}set}~x~i)` is valid with the instructio
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}new}~x)` is valid with the instruction type :math:`t~\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\rightarrow~(\mathsf{ref}~\epsilon~x)` if:
-  * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{array}~({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{zt}}))`.
+   * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{array}~({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{zt}}))`.
-  * Let :math:`t` be the value type :math:`{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{zt}})`.
+   * Let :math:`t` be the value type :math:`{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{zt}})`.
@@ -14611,11 +14611,11 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}new}~x)` is valid with the instruction t
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}new\_default}~x)` is valid with the instruction type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\rightarrow~(\mathsf{ref}~\epsilon~x)` if:
-  * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{array}~({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{zt}}))`.
+   * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{array}~({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{zt}}))`.
-  * A :ref:`default value <default-val>` for value type the value type :math:`{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{zt}})` is defined.
+   * A :ref:`default value <default-val>` for value type the value type :math:`{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{zt}})` is defined.
@@ -14623,11 +14623,11 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}new\_default}~x)` is valid with the inst
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}new\_fixed}~x~n)` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t^{n}}~\rightarrow~(\mathsf{ref}~\epsilon~x)` if:
-  * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{array}~({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{zt}}))`.
+   * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{array}~({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{zt}}))`.
-  * Let :math:`t` be the value type :math:`{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{zt}})`.
+   * Let :math:`t` be the value type :math:`{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{zt}})`.
@@ -14635,13 +14635,13 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}new\_fixed}~x~n)` is valid with the inst
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}new\_elem}~x~y)` is valid with the instruction type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\rightarrow~(\mathsf{ref}~\epsilon~x)` if:
-  * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{array}~({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{rt}}))`.
+   * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{array}~({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{rt}}))`.
-  * The element type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[y]` exists.
+   * The element type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[y]` exists.
-  * The element type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[y]` matches the reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}`.
+   * The element type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[y]` matches the reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}`.
@@ -14649,15 +14649,15 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}new\_elem}~x~y)` is valid with the instr
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}new\_data}~x~y)` is valid with the instruction type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\rightarrow~(\mathsf{ref}~\epsilon~x)` if:
-  * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{array}~({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{zt}}))`.
+   * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{array}~({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{zt}}))`.
-  * The value type :math:`{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{zt}})` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}` or :math:`{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{zt}})` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{vectype}}`.
+   * The value type :math:`{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{zt}})` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}` or :math:`{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{zt}})` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{vectype}}`.
-  * The data type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[y]` exists.
+   * The data type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[y]` exists.
-  * The data type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[y]` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{ok}`.
+   * The data type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[y]` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{ok}`.
@@ -14665,13 +14665,13 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}new\_data}~x~y)` is valid with the instr
 The instruction :math:`({\mathsf{array{.}get}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{{\mathit{sx}}^?}}~x)` is valid with the instruction type :math:`(\mathsf{ref}~\mathsf{null}~x)~\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\rightarrow~t` if:
-  * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{array}~({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{zt}}))`.
+   * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{array}~({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{zt}}))`.
-  * The signedness :math:`{{\mathit{sx}}^?}` is absent if and only if the storage type :math:`{\mathit{zt}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{zt}})`.
+   * The signedness :math:`{{\mathit{sx}}^?}` is absent if and only if the storage type :math:`{\mathit{zt}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{zt}})`.
-  * Let :math:`t` be the value type :math:`{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{zt}})`.
+   * Let :math:`t` be the value type :math:`{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{zt}})`.
@@ -14679,11 +14679,11 @@ The instruction :math:`({\mathsf{array{.}get}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{{\mathit{sx}}^?}}~x
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}set}~x)` is valid with the instruction type :math:`(\mathsf{ref}~\mathsf{null}~x)~\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~t~\rightarrow~\epsilon` if:
-  * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{array}~(\mathsf{mut}~{\mathit{zt}}))`.
+   * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{array}~(\mathsf{mut}~{\mathit{zt}}))`.
-  * Let :math:`t` be the value type :math:`{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{zt}})`.
+   * Let :math:`t` be the value type :math:`{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{zt}})`.
@@ -14696,11 +14696,11 @@ The instruction :math:`\mathsf{array{.}len}` is valid with the instruction type
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}fill}~x)` is valid with the instruction type :math:`(\mathsf{ref}~\mathsf{null}~x)~\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~t~\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\rightarrow~\epsilon` if:
-  * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{array}~(\mathsf{mut}~{\mathit{zt}}))`.
+   * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{array}~(\mathsf{mut}~{\mathit{zt}}))`.
-  * Let :math:`t` be the value type :math:`{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{zt}})`.
+   * Let :math:`t` be the value type :math:`{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{zt}})`.
@@ -14708,15 +14708,15 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}fill}~x)` is valid with the instruction
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}copy}~x_1~x_2)` is valid with the instruction type :math:`(\mathsf{ref}~\mathsf{null}~x_1)~\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~(\mathsf{ref}~\mathsf{null}~x_2)~\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\rightarrow~\epsilon` if:
-  * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x_1]` exists.
+   * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x_1]` exists.
-  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x_1]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{array}~(\mathsf{mut}~{\mathit{zt}}_1))`.
+   * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x_1]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{array}~(\mathsf{mut}~{\mathit{zt}}_1))`.
-  * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x_2]` exists.
+   * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x_2]` exists.
-  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x_2]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{array}~({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{zt}}_2))`.
+   * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x_2]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{array}~({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{zt}}_2))`.
-  * The storage type :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_2` matches the storage type :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_1`.
+   * The storage type :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_2` matches the storage type :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_1`.
@@ -14724,13 +14724,13 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}copy}~x_1~x_2)` is valid with the instru
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}init\_elem}~x~y)` is valid with the instruction type :math:`(\mathsf{ref}~\mathsf{null}~x)~\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\rightarrow~\epsilon` if:
-  * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{array}~(\mathsf{mut}~{\mathit{zt}}))`.
+   * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{array}~(\mathsf{mut}~{\mathit{zt}}))`.
-  * The element type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[y]` exists.
+   * The element type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[y]` exists.
-  * The element type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[y]` matches the storage type :math:`{\mathit{zt}}`.
+   * The element type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[y]` matches the storage type :math:`{\mathit{zt}}`.
@@ -14738,15 +14738,15 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}init\_elem}~x~y)` is valid with the inst
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}init\_data}~x~y)` is valid with the instruction type :math:`(\mathsf{ref}~\mathsf{null}~x)~\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\rightarrow~\epsilon` if:
-  * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{array}~(\mathsf{mut}~{\mathit{zt}}))`.
+   * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{array}~(\mathsf{mut}~{\mathit{zt}}))`.
-  * The value type :math:`{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{zt}})` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}` or :math:`{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{zt}})` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{vectype}}`.
+   * The value type :math:`{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{zt}})` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}` or :math:`{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{zt}})` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{vectype}}`.
-  * The data type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[y]` exists.
+   * The data type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[y]` exists.
-  * The data type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[y]` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{ok}`.
+   * The data type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[y]` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{ok}`.
@@ -14754,7 +14754,7 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}init\_data}~x~y)` is valid with the inst
 The instruction :math:`\mathsf{extern{.}convert\_any}` is valid with the instruction type :math:`(\mathsf{ref}~{\mathsf{null}}{{{}_{1}^?}}~\mathsf{any})~\rightarrow~(\mathsf{ref}~{\mathsf{null}}{{{}_{2}^?}}~\mathsf{extern})` if:
-  * :math:`{\mathsf{null}}{{{}_{1}^?}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathsf{null}}{{{}_{2}^?}}`.
+   * :math:`{\mathsf{null}}{{{}_{1}^?}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathsf{null}}{{{}_{2}^?}}`.
@@ -14762,7 +14762,7 @@ The instruction :math:`\mathsf{extern{.}convert\_any}` is valid with the instruc
 The instruction :math:`\mathsf{any{.}convert\_extern}` is valid with the instruction type :math:`(\mathsf{ref}~{\mathsf{null}}{{{}_{1}^?}}~\mathsf{extern})~\rightarrow~(\mathsf{ref}~{\mathsf{null}}{{{}_{2}^?}}~\mathsf{any})` if:
-  * :math:`{\mathsf{null}}{{{}_{1}^?}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathsf{null}}{{{}_{2}^?}}`.
+   * :math:`{\mathsf{null}}{{{}_{1}^?}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathsf{null}}{{{}_{2}^?}}`.
@@ -14835,9 +14835,9 @@ The instruction :math:`({\mathit{sh}} {.} {\mathit{vswizzlop}})` is valid with t
 The instruction :math:`({\mathit{sh}}{.}\mathsf{shuffle}~{i^\ast})` is valid with the instruction type :math:`\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}~\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}~\rightarrow~\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}` if:
-  * For all :math:`i` in :math:`{i^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`i` in :math:`{i^\ast}`:
-    * The lane index :math:`i` is less than :math:`2 \cdot {\mathrm{dim}}({\mathit{sh}})`.
+      * The lane index :math:`i` is less than :math:`2 \cdot {\mathrm{dim}}({\mathit{sh}})`.
@@ -14845,7 +14845,7 @@ The instruction :math:`({\mathit{sh}}{.}\mathsf{shuffle}~{i^\ast})` is valid wit
 The instruction :math:`({\mathit{sh}}{.}\mathsf{splat})` is valid with the instruction type :math:`t~\rightarrow~\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}` if:
-  * Let :math:`t` be the number type :math:`{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{sh}})`.
+   * Let :math:`t` be the number type :math:`{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{sh}})`.
@@ -14853,9 +14853,9 @@ The instruction :math:`({\mathit{sh}}{.}\mathsf{splat})` is valid with the instr
 The instruction :math:`({{\mathit{sh}}{.}\mathsf{extract\_lane}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{{\mathit{sx}}^?}}~i)` is valid with the instruction type :math:`\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}~\rightarrow~t` if:
-  * The lane index :math:`i` is less than :math:`{\mathrm{dim}}({\mathit{sh}})`.
+   * The lane index :math:`i` is less than :math:`{\mathrm{dim}}({\mathit{sh}})`.
-  * Let :math:`t` be the number type :math:`{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{sh}})`.
+   * Let :math:`t` be the number type :math:`{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{sh}})`.
@@ -14863,9 +14863,9 @@ The instruction :math:`({{\mathit{sh}}{.}\mathsf{extract\_lane}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{{
 The instruction :math:`({\mathit{sh}}{.}\mathsf{replace\_lane}~i)` is valid with the instruction type :math:`\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}~t~\rightarrow~\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}` if:
-  * The lane index :math:`i` is less than :math:`{\mathrm{dim}}({\mathit{sh}})`.
+   * The lane index :math:`i` is less than :math:`{\mathrm{dim}}({\mathit{sh}})`.
-  * Let :math:`t` be the number type :math:`{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{sh}})`.
+   * Let :math:`t` be the number type :math:`{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{sh}})`.
@@ -14898,9 +14898,9 @@ The instruction :math:`({\mathit{sh}}_1 {.} {{\mathit{vcvtop}}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{{\
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{local{.}get}~x)` is valid with the instruction type :math:`\epsilon~\rightarrow~t` if:
-  * The local type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The local type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The local type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{set}~t)`.
+   * The local type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{set}~t)`.
@@ -14908,9 +14908,9 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{local{.}get}~x)` is valid with the instruction t
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{local{.}set}~x)` is valid with the instruction type :math:`t~{\rightarrow}_{x}\,\epsilon` if:
-  * The local type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The local type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The local type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{init}}~t)`.
+   * The local type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{init}}~t)`.
@@ -14918,9 +14918,9 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{local{.}set}~x)` is valid with the instruction t
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{local{.}tee}~x)` is valid with the instruction type :math:`t~{\rightarrow}_{x}\,t` if:
-  * The local type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The local type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The local type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{init}}~t)`.
+   * The local type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{init}}~t)`.
@@ -14928,9 +14928,9 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{local{.}tee}~x)` is valid with the instruction t
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{global{.}get}~x)` is valid with the instruction type :math:`\epsilon~\rightarrow~t` if:
-  * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}~t)`.
+   * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}~t)`.
@@ -14938,9 +14938,9 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{global{.}get}~x)` is valid with the instruction
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{global{.}set}~x)` is valid with the instruction type :math:`t~\rightarrow~\epsilon` if:
-  * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{mut}~t)`.
+   * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{mut}~t)`.
@@ -14948,9 +14948,9 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{global{.}set}~x)` is valid with the instruction
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}get}~x)` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{\mathit{at}}~\rightarrow~{\mathit{rt}}` if:
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}})`.
+   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}})`.
@@ -14958,9 +14958,9 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}get}~x)` is valid with the instruction t
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}set}~x)` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{rt}}~\rightarrow~\epsilon` if:
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}})`.
+   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}})`.
@@ -14968,9 +14968,9 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}set}~x)` is valid with the instruction t
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}size}~x)` is valid with the instruction type :math:`\epsilon~\rightarrow~{\mathit{at}}` if:
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}})`.
+   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}})`.
@@ -14978,9 +14978,9 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}size}~x)` is valid with the instruction
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}grow}~x)` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}~{\mathit{at}}~\rightarrow~{\mathit{at}}` if:
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}})`.
+   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}})`.
@@ -14988,9 +14988,9 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}grow}~x)` is valid with the instruction
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}fill}~x)` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{rt}}~{\mathit{at}}~\rightarrow~\epsilon` if:
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}})`.
+   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}})`.
@@ -14998,17 +14998,17 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}fill}~x)` is valid with the instruction
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}copy}~x_1~x_2)` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{\mathit{at}}_1~{\mathit{at}}_2~t~\rightarrow~\epsilon` if:
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x_1]` exists.
+   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x_1]` exists.
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x_1]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}_1~{\mathit{lim}}_1~{\mathit{rt}}_1)`.
+   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x_1]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}_1~{\mathit{lim}}_1~{\mathit{rt}}_1)`.
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x_2]` exists.
+   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x_2]` exists.
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x_2]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}_2~{\mathit{lim}}_2~{\mathit{rt}}_2)`.
+   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x_2]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}_2~{\mathit{lim}}_2~{\mathit{rt}}_2)`.
-  * The reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}_2` matches the reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}_1`.
+   * The reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}_2` matches the reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}_1`.
-  * Let :math:`t` be the address type :math:`{\mathrm{min}}({\mathit{at}}_1, {\mathit{at}}_2)`.
+   * Let :math:`t` be the address type :math:`{\mathrm{min}}({\mathit{at}}_1, {\mathit{at}}_2)`.
@@ -15016,15 +15016,15 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}copy}~x_1~x_2)` is valid with the instru
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}init}~x~y)` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{\mathit{at}}~\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\rightarrow~\epsilon` if:
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}}_1)`.
+   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}}_1)`.
-  * The element type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[y]` exists.
+   * The element type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[y]` exists.
-  * The element type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[y]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{rt}}_2`.
+   * The element type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[y]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{rt}}_2`.
-  * The reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}_2` matches the reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}_1`.
+   * The reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}_2` matches the reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}_1`.
@@ -15032,9 +15032,9 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}init}~x~y)` is valid with the instructio
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{elem{.}drop}~x)` is valid with the instruction type :math:`\epsilon~\rightarrow~\epsilon` if:
-  * The element type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The element type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The element type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{rt}}`.
+   * The element type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{rt}}`.
@@ -15042,9 +15042,9 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{elem{.}drop}~x)` is valid with the instruction t
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{memory{.}size}~x)` is valid with the instruction type :math:`\epsilon~\rightarrow~{\mathit{at}}` if:
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~\mathsf{page})`.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~\mathsf{page})`.
@@ -15052,9 +15052,9 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{memory{.}size}~x)` is valid with the instruction
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{memory{.}grow}~x)` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{\mathit{at}}~\rightarrow~{\mathit{at}}` if:
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~\mathsf{page})`.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~\mathsf{page})`.
@@ -15062,9 +15062,9 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{memory{.}grow}~x)` is valid with the instruction
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{memory{.}fill}~x)` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{\mathit{at}}~\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~{\mathit{at}}~\rightarrow~\epsilon` if:
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~\mathsf{page})`.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~\mathsf{page})`.
@@ -15072,15 +15072,15 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{memory{.}fill}~x)` is valid with the instruction
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{memory{.}copy}~x_1~x_2)` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{\mathit{at}}_1~{\mathit{at}}_2~t~\rightarrow~\epsilon` if:
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x_1]` exists.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x_1]` exists.
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x_1]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}_1~{\mathit{lim}}_1~\mathsf{page})`.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x_1]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}_1~{\mathit{lim}}_1~\mathsf{page})`.
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x_2]` exists.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x_2]` exists.
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x_2]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}_2~{\mathit{lim}}_2~\mathsf{page})`.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x_2]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}_2~{\mathit{lim}}_2~\mathsf{page})`.
-  * Let :math:`t` be the address type :math:`{\mathrm{min}}({\mathit{at}}_1, {\mathit{at}}_2)`.
+   * Let :math:`t` be the address type :math:`{\mathrm{min}}({\mathit{at}}_1, {\mathit{at}}_2)`.
@@ -15088,13 +15088,13 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{memory{.}copy}~x_1~x_2)` is valid with the instr
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{memory{.}init}~x~y)` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{\mathit{at}}~\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\rightarrow~\epsilon` if:
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~\mathsf{page})`.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~\mathsf{page})`.
-  * The data type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[y]` exists.
+   * The data type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[y]` exists.
-  * The data type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[y]` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{ok}`.
+   * The data type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[y]` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{ok}`.
@@ -15102,9 +15102,9 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{memory{.}init}~x~y)` is valid with the instructi
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{data{.}drop}~x)` is valid with the instruction type :math:`\epsilon~\rightarrow~\epsilon` if:
-  * The data type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The data type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The data type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{ok}`.
+   * The data type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{ok}`.
@@ -15112,29 +15112,29 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{data{.}drop}~x)` is valid with the instruction t
 The instruction :math:`({{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{{{\mathit{loadop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}}~x~{\mathit{memarg}})` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{\mathit{at}}~\rightarrow~t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` if:
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~\mathsf{page})`.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~\mathsf{page})`.
-  * Either:
+   * Either:
-    * The number type :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{nt}}`.
+      * The number type :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{nt}}`.
-    * :math:`{{\mathit{loadop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is absent.
+      * :math:`{{\mathit{loadop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is absent.
-    * The value type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{nt}}`.
+      * The value type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{nt}}`.
-    * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{nt}}|} / 8`.
+      * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{nt}}|} / 8`.
-  * Or:
+   * Or:
-    * The number type :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{N}`.
+      * The number type :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{N}`.
-    * :math:`{{\mathit{loadop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is equal to :math:`(M~{\mathit{sx}})`.
+      * :math:`{{\mathit{loadop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is equal to :math:`(M~{\mathit{sx}})`.
-    * The value type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{N}`.
+      * The value type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{N}`.
-    * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`M / 8`.
+      * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`M / 8`.
@@ -15142,29 +15142,29 @@ The instruction :math:`({{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}{.
 The instruction :math:`({{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}{.}\mathsf{store}}{{{\mathit{storeop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}}~x~{\mathit{memarg}})` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{\mathit{at}}~t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}~\rightarrow~\epsilon` if:
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~\mathsf{page})`.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~\mathsf{page})`.
-  * Either:
+   * Either:
-    * The number type :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{nt}}`.
+      * The number type :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{nt}}`.
-    * :math:`{{\mathit{storeop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is absent.
+      * :math:`{{\mathit{storeop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is absent.
-    * The value type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{nt}}`.
+      * The value type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{nt}}`.
-    * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{nt}}|} / 8`.
+      * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{nt}}|} / 8`.
-  * Or:
+   * Or:
-    * The number type :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{N}`.
+      * The number type :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{N}`.
-    * :math:`{{\mathit{storeop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is equal to :math:`M`.
+      * :math:`{{\mathit{storeop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is equal to :math:`M`.
-    * The value type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{N}`.
+      * The value type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{N}`.
-    * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`M / 8`.
+      * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`M / 8`.
@@ -15172,31 +15172,31 @@ The instruction :math:`({{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}{.
 The instruction :math:`({\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{{{\mathit{vloadop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}}~x~{\mathit{memarg}})` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{\mathit{at}}~\rightarrow~\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}` if:
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~\mathsf{page})`.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~\mathsf{page})`.
-  * Either:
+   * Either:
-    * :math:`{{\mathit{vloadop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is absent.
+      * :math:`{{\mathit{vloadop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is absent.
-    * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`{|\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}|} / 8`.
+      * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`{|\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}|} / 8`.
-  * Or:
+   * Or:
-    * :math:`{{\mathit{vloadop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is equal to :math:`({M}{\mathsf{x}}{N}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})`.
+      * :math:`{{\mathit{vloadop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is equal to :math:`({M}{\mathsf{x}}{N}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})`.
-    * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`M / 8 \cdot N`.
-  * Or:
+      * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`M / 8 \cdot N`.
+   * Or:
-    * :math:`{{\mathit{vloadop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is equal to :math:`({N}{\mathsf{\_}}{\mathsf{splat}})`.
+      * :math:`{{\mathit{vloadop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is equal to :math:`({N}{\mathsf{\_}}{\mathsf{splat}})`.
-    * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`N / 8`.
-  * Or:
+      * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`N / 8`.
+   * Or:
-    * :math:`{{\mathit{vloadop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is equal to :math:`({N}{\mathsf{\_}}{\mathsf{zero}})`.
+      * :math:`{{\mathit{vloadop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is equal to :math:`({N}{\mathsf{\_}}{\mathsf{zero}})`.
-    * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`N / 8`.
+      * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`N / 8`.
@@ -15204,13 +15204,13 @@ The instruction :math:`({\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{{{\mathit
 The instruction :math:`({\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{N}{\mathsf{\_}}{\mathsf{lane}}~x~{\mathit{memarg}}~i)` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{\mathit{at}}~\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}~\rightarrow~\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}` if:
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~\mathsf{page})`.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~\mathsf{page})`.
-  * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`N / 8`.
+   * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`N / 8`.
-  * :math:`i` is less than :math:`128 / N`.
+   * :math:`i` is less than :math:`128 / N`.
@@ -15218,11 +15218,11 @@ The instruction :math:`({\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{N}{\maths
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{store}~x~{\mathit{memarg}})` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{\mathit{at}}~\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}~\rightarrow~\epsilon` if:
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~\mathsf{page})`.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~\mathsf{page})`.
-  * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`{|\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}|} / 8`.
+   * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`{|\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}|} / 8`.
@@ -15230,13 +15230,13 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{store}~x~{\mathit
 The instruction :math:`({\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{store}}{N}{\mathsf{\_}}{\mathsf{lane}}~x~{\mathit{memarg}}~i)` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{\mathit{at}}~\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}~\rightarrow~\epsilon` if:
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~\mathsf{page})`.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~\mathsf{page})`.
-  * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`N / 8`.
+   * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`N / 8`.
-  * :math:`i` is less than :math:`128 / N`.
+   * :math:`i` is less than :math:`128 / N`.
@@ -15244,7 +15244,7 @@ The instruction :math:`({\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{store}}{N}{\math
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{select}~t)` is valid with the instruction type :math:`t~t~\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\rightarrow~t` if:
-  * The value type :math:`t` is valid.
+   * The value type :math:`t` is valid.
@@ -15252,11 +15252,11 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{select}~t)` is valid with the instruction type :
 The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{select}~\epsilon)` is valid with the instruction type :math:`t~t~\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\rightarrow~t` if:
-  * The value type :math:`t` is valid.
+   * The value type :math:`t` is valid.
-  * The value type :math:`t` matches the value type :math:`{t'}`.
+   * The value type :math:`t` matches the value type :math:`{t'}`.
-  * The value type :math:`{t'}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}` or :math:`{t'}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{vectype}}`.
+   * The value type :math:`{t'}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}` or :math:`{t'}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{vectype}}`.
@@ -15264,11 +15264,11 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{select}~\epsilon)` is valid with the instruction
 The instruction :math:`({{\mathit{nt}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{\epsilon}~x~{\mathit{memarg}})` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{\mathit{at}}~\rightarrow~{\mathit{nt}}` if:
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~\mathsf{page})`.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~\mathsf{page})`.
-  * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{nt}}|} / 8`.
+   * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{nt}}|} / 8`.
@@ -15276,11 +15276,11 @@ The instruction :math:`({{\mathit{nt}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{\epsilon}~x~{\mathit{mem
 The instruction :math:`({{\mathsf{i}}{N}{.}\mathsf{load}}{M~{\mathit{sx}}}~x~{\mathit{memarg}})` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{\mathit{at}}~\rightarrow~{\mathsf{i}}{N}` if:
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~\mathsf{page})`.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~\mathsf{page})`.
-  * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`M / 8`.
+   * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`M / 8`.
@@ -15288,11 +15288,11 @@ The instruction :math:`({{\mathsf{i}}{N}{.}\mathsf{load}}{M~{\mathit{sx}}}~x~{\m
 The instruction :math:`({{\mathit{nt}}{.}\mathsf{store}}{\epsilon}~x~{\mathit{memarg}})` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{nt}}~\rightarrow~\epsilon` if:
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~\mathsf{page})`.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~\mathsf{page})`.
-  * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{nt}}|} / 8`.
+   * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{nt}}|} / 8`.
@@ -15300,11 +15300,11 @@ The instruction :math:`({{\mathit{nt}}{.}\mathsf{store}}{\epsilon}~x~{\mathit{me
 The instruction :math:`({{\mathsf{i}}{N}{.}\mathsf{store}}{M}~x~{\mathit{memarg}})` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{\mathit{at}}~{\mathsf{i}}{N}~\rightarrow~\epsilon` if:
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~\mathsf{page})`.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~\mathsf{page})`.
-  * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`M / 8`.
+   * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`M / 8`.
@@ -15312,11 +15312,11 @@ The instruction :math:`({{\mathsf{i}}{N}{.}\mathsf{store}}{M}~x~{\mathit{memarg}
 The instruction :math:`({\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{\epsilon}~x~{\mathit{memarg}})` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{\mathit{at}}~\rightarrow~\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}` if:
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~\mathsf{page})`.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~\mathsf{page})`.
-  * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`{|\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}|} / 8`.
+   * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`{|\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}|} / 8`.
@@ -15324,11 +15324,11 @@ The instruction :math:`({\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{\epsilon}
 The instruction :math:`({\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{{M}{\mathsf{x}}{N}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}}}~x~{\mathit{memarg}})` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{\mathit{at}}~\rightarrow~\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}` if:
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~\mathsf{page})`.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~\mathsf{page})`.
-  * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`M / 8 \cdot N`.
+   * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`M / 8 \cdot N`.
@@ -15336,11 +15336,11 @@ The instruction :math:`({\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{{M}{\math
 The instruction :math:`({\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{{N}{\mathsf{\_}}{\mathsf{splat}}}~x~{\mathit{memarg}})` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{\mathit{at}}~\rightarrow~\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}` if:
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~\mathsf{page})`.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~\mathsf{page})`.
-  * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`N / 8`.
+   * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`N / 8`.
@@ -15348,11 +15348,11 @@ The instruction :math:`({\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{{N}{\math
 The instruction :math:`({\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{{N}{\mathsf{\_}}{\mathsf{zero}}}~x~{\mathit{memarg}})` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{\mathit{at}}~\rightarrow~\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}` if:
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~\mathsf{page})`.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~\mathsf{page})`.
-  * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`N / 8`.
+   * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`N / 8`.
@@ -15360,53 +15360,53 @@ The instruction :math:`({\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{{N}{\math
 The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{\mathit{instrtype}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` if:
-  * Either:
+   * Either:
-    * The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`\epsilon`.
+      * The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`\epsilon`.
-    * The instruction type :math:`{\mathit{instrtype}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`\epsilon~\rightarrow~\epsilon`.
+      * The instruction type :math:`{\mathit{instrtype}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`\epsilon~\rightarrow~\epsilon`.
-  * Or:
+   * Or:
-    * The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_1~{{\mathit{instr}}_2^\ast}`.
+      * The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_1~{{\mathit{instr}}_2^\ast}`.
-    * The instruction type :math:`{\mathit{instrtype}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{t_1^\ast}~{\rightarrow}_{{x_1^\ast}~{x_2^\ast}}\,{t_3^\ast}`.
+      * The instruction type :math:`{\mathit{instrtype}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{t_1^\ast}~{\rightarrow}_{{x_1^\ast}~{x_2^\ast}}\,{t_3^\ast}`.
-    * The instruction :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_1` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~{\rightarrow}_{{x_1^\ast}}\,{t_2^\ast}`.
+      * The instruction :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_1` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~{\rightarrow}_{{x_1^\ast}}\,{t_2^\ast}`.
-    * :math:`{|{\mathit{t*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{init*}}|}`.
+      * :math:`{|{\mathit{t*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{init*}}|}`.
-    * :math:`{|x_{\mathit{{\scriptstyle 1}*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{init*}}|}`.
+      * :math:`{|x_{\mathit{{\scriptstyle 1}*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{init*}}|}`.
-    * For all :math:`x_1` in :math:`{x_1^\ast}`:
+      * For all :math:`x_1` in :math:`{x_1^\ast}`:
-      * The local type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x_1]` exists.
+         * The local type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x_1]` exists.
-    * For all :math:`{\mathit{init}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{init}}^\ast}` and :math:`t` in :math:`{t^\ast}` and :math:`x_1` in :math:`{x_1^\ast}`:
+      * For all :math:`{\mathit{init}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{init}}^\ast}` and :math:`t` in :math:`{t^\ast}` and :math:`x_1` in :math:`{x_1^\ast}`:
-      * The local type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x_1]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{init}}~t)`.
+         * The local type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x_1]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{init}}~t)`.
-    * Under the context :math:`C{}[{.}\mathsf{local}{}[{x_1^\ast}] = {(\mathsf{set}~t)^\ast}]`, the instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_2^\ast}` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t_2^\ast}~{\rightarrow}_{{x_2^\ast}}\,{t_3^\ast}`.
-  * Or:
+      * Under the context :math:`C{}[{.}\mathsf{local}{}[{x_1^\ast}] = {(\mathsf{set}~t)^\ast}]`, the instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_2^\ast}` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t_2^\ast}~{\rightarrow}_{{x_2^\ast}}\,{t_3^\ast}`.
+   * Or:
-    * The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}`.
+      * The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}`.
-    * The instruction type :math:`{\mathit{instrtype}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{it}'}`.
+      * The instruction type :math:`{\mathit{instrtype}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{it}'}`.
-    * The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{\mathit{it}}`.
+      * The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{\mathit{it}}`.
-    * The instruction type :math:`{\mathit{it}}` matches the instruction type :math:`{\mathit{it}'}`.
+      * The instruction type :math:`{\mathit{it}}` matches the instruction type :math:`{\mathit{it}'}`.
-    * The instruction type :math:`{\mathit{it}'}` is valid.
-  * Or:
+      * The instruction type :math:`{\mathit{it}'}` is valid.
+   * Or:
-    * The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}`.
+      * The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}`.
-    * The instruction type :math:`{\mathit{instrtype}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{t^\ast}~{t_1^\ast}~{\rightarrow}_{{x^\ast}}\,{t^\ast}~{t_2^\ast}`.
+      * The instruction type :math:`{\mathit{instrtype}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{t^\ast}~{t_1^\ast}~{\rightarrow}_{{x^\ast}}\,{t^\ast}~{t_2^\ast}`.
-    * The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~{\rightarrow}_{{x^\ast}}\,{t_2^\ast}`.
+      * The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~{\rightarrow}_{{x^\ast}}\,{t_2^\ast}`.
-    * The result type :math:`{t^\ast}` is valid.
+      * The result type :math:`{t^\ast}` is valid.
@@ -15419,21 +15419,21 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`\epsilon` is valid with the instruction type :ma
 The instruction sequence :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_1~{{\mathit{instr}}_2^\ast}` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~{\rightarrow}_{{x_1^\ast}~{x_2^\ast}}\,{t_3^\ast}` if:
-  * The instruction :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_1` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~{\rightarrow}_{{x_1^\ast}}\,{t_2^\ast}`.
+   * The instruction :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_1` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~{\rightarrow}_{{x_1^\ast}}\,{t_2^\ast}`.
-  * :math:`{|{\mathit{t*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{init*}}|}`.
+   * :math:`{|{\mathit{t*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{init*}}|}`.
-  * :math:`{|x_{\mathit{{\scriptstyle 1}*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{init*}}|}`.
+   * :math:`{|x_{\mathit{{\scriptstyle 1}*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{init*}}|}`.
-  * For all :math:`x_1` in :math:`{x_1^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`x_1` in :math:`{x_1^\ast}`:
-    * The local type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x_1]` exists.
+      * The local type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x_1]` exists.
-  * For all :math:`{\mathit{init}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{init}}^\ast}` and :math:`t` in :math:`{t^\ast}` and :math:`x_1` in :math:`{x_1^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`{\mathit{init}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{init}}^\ast}` and :math:`t` in :math:`{t^\ast}` and :math:`x_1` in :math:`{x_1^\ast}`:
-    * The local type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x_1]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{init}}~t)`.
+      * The local type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{locals}{}[x_1]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{init}}~t)`.
-  * Under the context :math:`C{}[{.}\mathsf{local}{}[{x_1^\ast}] = {(\mathsf{set}~t)^\ast}]`, the instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_2^\ast}` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t_2^\ast}~{\rightarrow}_{{x_2^\ast}}\,{t_3^\ast}`.
+   * Under the context :math:`C{}[{.}\mathsf{local}{}[{x_1^\ast}] = {(\mathsf{set}~t)^\ast}]`, the instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_2^\ast}` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t_2^\ast}~{\rightarrow}_{{x_2^\ast}}\,{t_3^\ast}`.
@@ -15441,11 +15441,11 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_1~{{\mathit{instr}}_2^\ast}` is
 The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{\mathit{it}'}` if:
-  * The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{\mathit{it}}`.
+   * The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{\mathit{it}}`.
-  * The instruction type :math:`{\mathit{it}}` matches the instruction type :math:`{\mathit{it}'}`.
+   * The instruction type :math:`{\mathit{it}}` matches the instruction type :math:`{\mathit{it}'}`.
-  * The instruction type :math:`{\mathit{it}'}` is valid.
+   * The instruction type :math:`{\mathit{it}'}` is valid.
@@ -15453,9 +15453,9 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the instr
 The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t^\ast}~{t_1^\ast}~{\rightarrow}_{{x^\ast}}\,{t^\ast}~{t_2^\ast}` if:
-  * The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~{\rightarrow}_{{x^\ast}}\,{t_2^\ast}`.
+   * The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~{\rightarrow}_{{x^\ast}}\,{t_2^\ast}`.
-  * The result type :math:`{t^\ast}` is valid.
+   * The result type :math:`{t^\ast}` is valid.
@@ -15463,7 +15463,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the instr
 The expression :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the result type :math:`{t^\ast}` if:
-  * The expression :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the instruction type :math:`\epsilon~\rightarrow~{t^\ast}`.
+   * The expression :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the instruction type :math:`\epsilon~\rightarrow~{t^\ast}`.
@@ -15471,57 +15471,57 @@ The expression :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the result type :ma
 :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is const if:
-  * Either:
+   * Either:
-    * The instruction :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{nt}}{.}\mathsf{const}~c_{\mathit{nt}})`.
+      * The instruction :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{nt}}{.}\mathsf{const}~c_{\mathit{nt}})`.
-  * Or:
+   * Or:
-    * The instruction :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{vt}}{.}\mathsf{const}~c_{\mathit{vt}})`.
-  * Or:
+      * The instruction :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{vt}}{.}\mathsf{const}~c_{\mathit{vt}})`.
+   * Or:
-    * The instruction :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}null}~{\mathit{ht}})`.
-  * Or:
+      * The instruction :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}null}~{\mathit{ht}})`.
+   * Or:
-    * The instruction :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{ref{.}i{\scriptstyle 31}}`.
-  * Or:
+      * The instruction :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{ref{.}i{\scriptstyle 31}}`.
+   * Or:
-    * The instruction :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}func}~x)`.
-  * Or:
+      * The instruction :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}func}~x)`.
+   * Or:
-    * The instruction :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{struct{.}new}~x)`.
-  * Or:
+      * The instruction :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{struct{.}new}~x)`.
+   * Or:
-    * The instruction :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{struct{.}new\_default}~x)`.
-  * Or:
+      * The instruction :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{struct{.}new\_default}~x)`.
+   * Or:
-    * The instruction :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}new}~x)`.
-  * Or:
+      * The instruction :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}new}~x)`.
+   * Or:
-    * The instruction :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}new\_default}~x)`.
-  * Or:
+      * The instruction :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}new\_default}~x)`.
+   * Or:
-    * The instruction :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}new\_fixed}~x~n)`.
-  * Or:
+      * The instruction :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}new\_fixed}~x~n)`.
+   * Or:
-    * The instruction :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{any{.}convert\_extern}`.
-  * Or:
+      * The instruction :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{any{.}convert\_extern}`.
+   * Or:
-    * The instruction :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{extern{.}convert\_any}`.
-  * Or:
+      * The instruction :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{extern{.}convert\_any}`.
+   * Or:
-    * The instruction :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{global{.}get}~x)`.
+      * The instruction :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{global{.}get}~x)`.
-    * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` exists.
+      * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` exists.
-    * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`(\epsilon~t)`.
-  * Or:
+      * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`(\epsilon~t)`.
+   * Or:
-    * The instruction :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`({\mathsf{i}}{N} {.} {\mathit{binop}})`.
+      * The instruction :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`({\mathsf{i}}{N} {.} {\mathit{binop}})`.
-    * :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{N}` is contained in [:math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}`; :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 64}}`].
+      * :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{N}` is contained in [:math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}`; :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 64}}`].
-    * :math:`{\mathit{binop}}` is contained in [:math:`\mathsf{add}`; :math:`\mathsf{sub}`; :math:`\mathsf{mul}`].
+      * :math:`{\mathit{binop}}` is contained in [:math:`\mathsf{add}`; :math:`\mathsf{sub}`; :math:`\mathsf{mul}`].
@@ -15589,9 +15589,9 @@ The expression :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the result type :ma
 :math:`(\mathsf{global{.}get}~x)` is const if:
-  * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`(\epsilon~t)`.
+   * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`(\epsilon~t)`.
@@ -15599,9 +15599,9 @@ The expression :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the result type :ma
 :math:`({\mathsf{i}}{N} {.} {\mathit{binop}})` is const if:
-  * :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{N}` is contained in [:math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}`; :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 64}}`].
+   * :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{N}` is contained in [:math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}`; :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 64}}`].
-  * :math:`{\mathit{binop}}` is contained in [:math:`\mathsf{add}`; :math:`\mathsf{sub}`; :math:`\mathsf{mul}`].
+   * :math:`{\mathit{binop}}` is contained in [:math:`\mathsf{add}`; :math:`\mathsf{sub}`; :math:`\mathsf{mul}`].
@@ -15609,9 +15609,9 @@ The expression :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the result type :ma
 :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is const if:
-  * For all :math:`{\mathit{instr}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`{\mathit{instr}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}`:
-    * :math:`{\mathit{instr}}` is const.
+      * :math:`{\mathit{instr}}` is const.
@@ -15619,13 +15619,13 @@ The expression :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the result type :ma
 The type definition :math:`(\mathsf{type}~{\mathit{rectype}})` is valid with the defined type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{dt}}^\ast}` if:
-  * :math:`{|C{.}\mathsf{types}|}` is equal to :math:`x`.
+   * :math:`{|C{.}\mathsf{types}|}` is equal to :math:`x`.
-  * The defined type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{dt}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{{{{\mathrm{roll}}}_{x}^\ast}}{({\mathit{rectype}})}`.
+   * The defined type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{dt}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{{{{\mathrm{roll}}}_{x}^\ast}}{({\mathit{rectype}})}`.
-  * Let :math:`{C'}` be the same context as :math:`C`, but with the defined type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{dt}}^\ast}` appended to the field :math:`\mathsf{types}`.
+   * Let :math:`{C'}` be the same context as :math:`C`, but with the defined type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{dt}}^\ast}` appended to the field :math:`\mathsf{types}`.
-  * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the recursive type :math:`{\mathit{rectype}}` is valid with :math:`({\mathsf{ok}}{x})`.
+   * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the recursive type :math:`{\mathit{rectype}}` is valid with :math:`({\mathsf{ok}}{x})`.
@@ -15633,17 +15633,17 @@ The type definition :math:`(\mathsf{type}~{\mathit{rectype}})` is valid with the
 The local :math:`(\mathsf{local}~t)` is valid with the local type :math:`({\mathit{init}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}~t)` if:
-  * Either:
+   * Either:
-    * The initialization status :math:`{\mathit{init}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{set}`.
+      * The initialization status :math:`{\mathit{init}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{set}`.
-    * A :ref:`default value <default-val>` for value type the value type :math:`t` is defined.
+      * A :ref:`default value <default-val>` for value type the value type :math:`t` is defined.
-  * Or:
+   * Or:
-    * The initialization status :math:`{\mathit{init}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{unset}`.
+      * The initialization status :math:`{\mathit{init}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{unset}`.
-    * A :ref:`default value <default-val>` for value type the value type :math:`t` is not defined.
+      * A :ref:`default value <default-val>` for value type the value type :math:`t` is not defined.
@@ -15651,7 +15651,7 @@ The local :math:`(\mathsf{local}~t)` is valid with the local type :math:`({\math
 The local :math:`(\mathsf{local}~t)` is valid with the local type :math:`(\mathsf{set}~t)` if:
-  * A :ref:`default value <default-val>` for value type the value type :math:`t` is defined.
+   * A :ref:`default value <default-val>` for value type the value type :math:`t` is defined.
@@ -15659,7 +15659,7 @@ The local :math:`(\mathsf{local}~t)` is valid with the local type :math:`(\maths
 The local :math:`(\mathsf{local}~t)` is valid with the local type :math:`(\mathsf{unset}~t)` if:
-  * A :ref:`default value <default-val>` for value type the value type :math:`t` is not defined.
+   * A :ref:`default value <default-val>` for value type the value type :math:`t` is not defined.
@@ -15667,17 +15667,17 @@ The local :math:`(\mathsf{local}~t)` is valid with the local type :math:`(\maths
 The function :math:`(\mathsf{func}~x~{{\mathit{local}}^\ast}~{\mathit{expr}})` is valid with the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` if:
-  * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast})`.
+   * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast})`.
-  * :math:`{|{\mathit{local*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{lct*}}|}`.
+   * :math:`{|{\mathit{local*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{lct*}}|}`.
-  * For all :math:`{{\mathit{lt}}}` in :math:`{{{\mathit{lt}}}^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{local}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{local}}^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`{{\mathit{lt}}}` in :math:`{{{\mathit{lt}}}^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{local}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{local}}^\ast}`:
-    * The local :math:`{\mathit{local}}` is valid with the local type :math:`{{\mathit{lt}}}`.
+      * The local :math:`{\mathit{local}}` is valid with the local type :math:`{{\mathit{lt}}}`.
-  * Under the context :math:`C{}[{.}\mathsf{locals} \mathrel{{=}{\oplus}} {(\mathsf{set}~t_1)^\ast}~{{{\mathit{lt}}}^\ast}]{}[{.}\mathsf{labels} \mathrel{{=}{\oplus}} {t_2^\ast}]{}[{.}\mathsf{return} \mathrel{{=}{\oplus}} {t_2^\ast}]`, the expression :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is valid with the result type :math:`{t_2^\ast}`.
+   * Under the context :math:`C{}[{.}\mathsf{locals} \mathrel{{=}{\oplus}} {(\mathsf{set}~t_1)^\ast}~{{{\mathit{lt}}}^\ast}]{}[{.}\mathsf{labels} \mathrel{{=}{\oplus}} {t_2^\ast}]{}[{.}\mathsf{return} \mathrel{{=}{\oplus}} {t_2^\ast}]`, the expression :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is valid with the result type :math:`{t_2^\ast}`.
@@ -15685,13 +15685,13 @@ The function :math:`(\mathsf{func}~x~{{\mathit{local}}^\ast}~{\mathit{expr}})` i
 The global :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{globaltype}}~{\mathit{expr}})` is valid with the global type :math:`{\mathit{globaltype}}` if:
-  * The global type :math:`{\mathit{gt}}` is valid.
+   * The global type :math:`{\mathit{gt}}` is valid.
-  * The global type :math:`{\mathit{globaltype}}` is equal to :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}~t)`.
+   * The global type :math:`{\mathit{globaltype}}` is equal to :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}~t)`.
-  * The expression :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is valid with the value type :math:`t`.
+   * The expression :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is valid with the value type :math:`t`.
-  * :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is const.
+   * :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is const.
@@ -15699,13 +15699,13 @@ The global :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{globaltype}}~{\mathit{expr}})` is va
 The table :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tabletype}}~{\mathit{expr}})` is valid with the table type :math:`{\mathit{tabletype}}` if:
-  * The table type :math:`{\mathit{tt}}` is valid.
+   * The table type :math:`{\mathit{tt}}` is valid.
-  * The table type :math:`{\mathit{tabletype}}` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}})`.
+   * The table type :math:`{\mathit{tabletype}}` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}})`.
-  * The expression :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is valid with the value type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}`.
+   * The expression :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is valid with the value type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}`.
-  * :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is const.
+   * :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is const.
@@ -15713,7 +15713,7 @@ The table :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tabletype}}~{\mathit{expr}})` is valid
 The memory :math:`(\mathsf{memory}~{\mathit{memtype}})` is valid with the memory type :math:`{\mathit{memtype}}` if:
-  * The memory type :math:`{\mathit{memtype}}` is valid.
+   * The memory type :math:`{\mathit{memtype}}` is valid.
@@ -15721,9 +15721,9 @@ The memory :math:`(\mathsf{memory}~{\mathit{memtype}})` is valid with the memory
 The tag :math:`(\mathsf{tag}~x)` is valid with the tag type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` if:
-  * The tag type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The tag type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the tag type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{functype}})`.
+   * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the tag type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{functype}})`.
@@ -15731,26 +15731,26 @@ The tag :math:`(\mathsf{tag}~x)` is valid with the tag type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{t
 The element mode :math:`{\mathit{elemmode}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is valid with the element type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}` if:
-  * Either:
+   * Either:
-    * The element mode :math:`{\mathit{elemmode}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{active}~x~{\mathit{expr}})`.
+      * The element mode :math:`{\mathit{elemmode}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{active}~x~{\mathit{expr}})`.
-    * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
+      * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
-    * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}'})`.
+      * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}'})`.
-    * The element type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}` matches the reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}'}`.
+      * The element type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}` matches the reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}'}`.
-    * The expression :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is valid with the value type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}`.
+      * The expression :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is valid with the value type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}`.
-    * :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is const.
+      * :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is const.
-  * Or:
+   * Or:
-    * The element mode :math:`{\mathit{elemmode}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{passive}`.
-  * Or:
+      * The element mode :math:`{\mathit{elemmode}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{passive}`.
+   * Or:
-    * The element mode :math:`{\mathit{elemmode}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{declare}`.
+      * The element mode :math:`{\mathit{elemmode}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{declare}`.
@@ -15758,15 +15758,15 @@ The element mode :math:`{\mathit{elemmode}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1
 The element mode :math:`(\mathsf{active}~x~{\mathit{expr}})` is valid with the element type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}` if:
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}'})`.
+   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~{\mathit{rt}'})`.
-  * The element type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}` matches the reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}'}`.
+   * The element type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}` matches the reference type :math:`{\mathit{rt}'}`.
-  * The expression :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is valid with the value type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}`.
+   * The expression :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is valid with the value type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}`.
-  * :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is const.
+   * :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is const.
@@ -15784,15 +15784,15 @@ The element mode :math:`\mathsf{declare}` is valid with the element type :math:`
 The table segment :math:`(\mathsf{elem}~{\mathit{elemtype}}~{{\mathit{expr}}^\ast}~{\mathit{elemmode}})` is valid with the element type :math:`{\mathit{elemtype}}` if:
-  * The element type :math:`{\mathit{elemtype}}` is valid.
+   * The element type :math:`{\mathit{elemtype}}` is valid.
-  * For all :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{expr}}^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{expr}}^\ast}`:
-    * The expression :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is valid with the element type :math:`{\mathit{elemtype}}`.
+      * The expression :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is valid with the element type :math:`{\mathit{elemtype}}`.
-    * :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is const.
+      * :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is const.
-  * The element mode :math:`{\mathit{elemmode}}` is valid with the element type :math:`{\mathit{elemtype}}`.
+   * The element mode :math:`{\mathit{elemmode}}` is valid with the element type :math:`{\mathit{elemtype}}`.
@@ -15800,21 +15800,21 @@ The table segment :math:`(\mathsf{elem}~{\mathit{elemtype}}~{{\mathit{expr}}^\as
 The data mode :math:`{\mathit{datamode}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is valid with the data type :math:`\mathsf{ok}` if:
-  * Either:
+   * Either:
-    * The data mode :math:`{\mathit{datamode}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{active}~x~{\mathit{expr}})`.
+      * The data mode :math:`{\mathit{datamode}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{active}~x~{\mathit{expr}})`.
-    * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` exists.
+      * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` exists.
-    * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
+      * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
-    * The expression :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is valid with the value type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}`.
+      * The expression :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is valid with the value type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}`.
-    * :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is const.
+      * :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is const.
-  * Or:
+   * Or:
-    * The data mode :math:`{\mathit{datamode}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{passive}`.
+      * The data mode :math:`{\mathit{datamode}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{passive}`.
@@ -15822,13 +15822,13 @@ The data mode :math:`{\mathit{datamode}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}
 The data mode :math:`(\mathsf{active}~x~{\mathit{expr}})` is valid with the data type :math:`\mathsf{ok}` if:
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
-  * The expression :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is valid with the value type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}`.
+   * The expression :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is valid with the value type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}`.
-  * :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is const.
+   * :math:`{\mathit{expr}}` is const.
@@ -15841,7 +15841,7 @@ The data mode :math:`\mathsf{passive}` is valid with the data type :math:`\maths
 The memory segment :math:`(\mathsf{data}~{b^\ast}~{\mathit{datamode}})` is valid with the data type :math:`\mathsf{ok}` if:
-  * The data mode :math:`{\mathit{datamode}}` is valid with the data type :math:`\mathsf{ok}`.
+   * The data mode :math:`{\mathit{datamode}}` is valid with the data type :math:`\mathsf{ok}`.
@@ -15849,9 +15849,9 @@ The memory segment :math:`(\mathsf{data}~{b^\ast}~{\mathit{datamode}})` is valid
 The start function :math:`(\mathsf{start}~x)` is valid if:
-  * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~\epsilon~\rightarrow~\epsilon)`.
+   * The :ref:`expansion <aux-expand-deftype>` of the defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` is the composite type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~\epsilon~\rightarrow~\epsilon)`.
@@ -15859,7 +15859,7 @@ The start function :math:`(\mathsf{start}~x)` is valid if:
 The import :math:`(\mathsf{import}~{\mathit{name}}_1~{\mathit{name}}_2~{\mathit{xt}})` is valid with the external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}` if:
-  * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}` is valid.
+   * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}` is valid.
@@ -15867,52 +15867,52 @@ The import :math:`(\mathsf{import}~{\mathit{name}}_1~{\mathit{name}}_2~{\mathit{
 The external index :math:`{\mathit{xx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is valid with the external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` if:
-  * Either:
+   * Either:
-    * The external index :math:`{\mathit{xx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{func}~x)`.
+      * The external index :math:`{\mathit{xx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{func}~x)`.
-    * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{dt}})`.
+      * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{dt}})`.
-    * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` exists.
+      * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` exists.
-    * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{dt}}`.
+      * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{dt}}`.
-  * Or:
+   * Or:
-    * The external index :math:`{\mathit{xx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{global}~x)`.
+      * The external index :math:`{\mathit{xx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{global}~x)`.
-    * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{gt}})`.
+      * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{gt}})`.
-    * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` exists.
+      * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` exists.
-    * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{gt}}`.
-  * Or:
+      * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{gt}}`.
+   * Or:
-    * The external index :math:`{\mathit{xx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{table}~x)`.
+      * The external index :math:`{\mathit{xx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{table}~x)`.
-    * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tt}})`.
+      * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tt}})`.
-    * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
+      * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
-    * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{tt}}`.
-  * Or:
+      * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{tt}}`.
+   * Or:
-    * The external index :math:`{\mathit{xx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~x)`.
+      * The external index :math:`{\mathit{xx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~x)`.
-    * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{mt}})`.
+      * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{mt}})`.
-    * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` exists.
+      * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` exists.
-    * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
-  * Or:
+      * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
+   * Or:
-    * The external index :math:`{\mathit{xx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{tag}~x)`.
+      * The external index :math:`{\mathit{xx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{tag}~x)`.
-    * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{tag}~{\mathit{jt}})`.
+      * The external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{tag}~{\mathit{jt}})`.
-    * The tag type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tags}{}[x]` exists.
+      * The tag type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tags}{}[x]` exists.
-    * The tag type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tags}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{jt}}`.
+      * The tag type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tags}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{jt}}`.
@@ -15920,9 +15920,9 @@ The external index :math:`{\mathit{xx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`
 The external index :math:`(\mathsf{func}~x)` is valid with the external type :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{dt}})` if:
-  * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{dt}}`.
+   * The defined type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{dt}}`.
@@ -15930,9 +15930,9 @@ The external index :math:`(\mathsf{func}~x)` is valid with the external type :ma
 The external index :math:`(\mathsf{global}~x)` is valid with the external type :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{gt}})` if:
-  * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{gt}}`.
+   * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{gt}}`.
@@ -15940,9 +15940,9 @@ The external index :math:`(\mathsf{global}~x)` is valid with the external type :
 The external index :math:`(\mathsf{table}~x)` is valid with the external type :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tt}})` if:
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{tt}}`.
+   * The table type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{tt}}`.
@@ -15950,9 +15950,9 @@ The external index :math:`(\mathsf{table}~x)` is valid with the external type :m
 The external index :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~x)` is valid with the external type :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{mt}})` if:
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
+   * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
@@ -15960,9 +15960,9 @@ The external index :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~x)` is valid with the external type :mat
 The external index :math:`(\mathsf{tag}~x)` is valid with the external type :math:`(\mathsf{tag}~{\mathit{jt}})` if:
-  * The tag type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tags}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The tag type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tags}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The tag type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tags}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{jt}}`.
+   * The tag type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{tags}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{jt}}`.
@@ -15970,7 +15970,7 @@ The external index :math:`(\mathsf{tag}~x)` is valid with the external type :mat
 The export :math:`(\mathsf{export}~{\mathit{name}}~{\mathit{externidx}})` is valid with the name :math:`{\mathit{name}}` and the external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}` if:
-  * The external index :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}` is valid with the external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}`.
+   * The external index :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}` is valid with the external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}`.
@@ -15978,23 +15978,23 @@ The export :math:`(\mathsf{export}~{\mathit{name}}~{\mathit{externidx}})` is val
 The global sequence :math:`{{\mathit{global}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is valid with the global type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{gt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` if:
-  * Either:
+   * Either:
-    * The global sequence :math:`{{\mathit{global}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`\epsilon`.
+      * The global sequence :math:`{{\mathit{global}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`\epsilon`.
-    * The global type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{gt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`\epsilon`.
+      * The global type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{gt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`\epsilon`.
-  * Or:
+   * Or:
-    * The global sequence :math:`{{\mathit{global}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{global}}_1~{{\mathit{global}}^\ast}`.
+      * The global sequence :math:`{{\mathit{global}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{global}}_1~{{\mathit{global}}^\ast}`.
-    * The global type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{gt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{gt}}_1~{{\mathit{gt}}^\ast}`.
+      * The global type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{gt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{gt}}_1~{{\mathit{gt}}^\ast}`.
-    * The global :math:`{\mathit{global}}_1` is valid with the global type :math:`{\mathit{gt}}_1`.
+      * The global :math:`{\mathit{global}}_1` is valid with the global type :math:`{\mathit{gt}}_1`.
-    * Let :math:`{C'}` be the same context as :math:`C`, but with the global type :math:`{\mathit{gt}}_1` appended to the field :math:`\mathsf{globals}`.
+      * Let :math:`{C'}` be the same context as :math:`C`, but with the global type :math:`{\mathit{gt}}_1` appended to the field :math:`\mathsf{globals}`.
-    * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the global sequence :math:`{{\mathit{global}}^\ast}` is valid with the global type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{gt}}^\ast}`.
+      * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the global sequence :math:`{{\mathit{global}}^\ast}` is valid with the global type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{gt}}^\ast}`.
@@ -16007,11 +16007,11 @@ The global type sequence :math:`\epsilon` is valid with the global type sequence
 The global sequence :math:`{\mathit{global}}_1~{{\mathit{global}}^\ast}` is valid with the global type sequence :math:`{\mathit{gt}}_1~{{\mathit{gt}}^\ast}` if:
-  * The global :math:`{\mathit{global}}_1` is valid with the global type :math:`{\mathit{gt}}_1`.
+   * The global :math:`{\mathit{global}}_1` is valid with the global type :math:`{\mathit{gt}}_1`.
-  * Let :math:`{C'}` be the same context as :math:`C`, but with the global type :math:`{\mathit{gt}}_1` appended to the field :math:`\mathsf{globals}`.
+   * Let :math:`{C'}` be the same context as :math:`C`, but with the global type :math:`{\mathit{gt}}_1` appended to the field :math:`\mathsf{globals}`.
-  * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the global sequence :math:`{{\mathit{global}}^\ast}` is valid with the global type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{gt}}^\ast}`.
+   * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the global sequence :math:`{{\mathit{global}}^\ast}` is valid with the global type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{gt}}^\ast}`.
@@ -16019,23 +16019,23 @@ The global sequence :math:`{\mathit{global}}_1~{{\mathit{global}}^\ast}` is vali
 The type definition sequence :math:`{{\mathit{type}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is valid with the defined type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{dt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` if:
-  * Either:
+   * Either:
-    * The type definition sequence :math:`{{\mathit{type}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`\epsilon`.
+      * The type definition sequence :math:`{{\mathit{type}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`\epsilon`.
-    * The defined type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{dt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`\epsilon`.
+      * The defined type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{dt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`\epsilon`.
-  * Or:
+   * Or:
-    * The type definition sequence :math:`{{\mathit{type}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{type}}_1~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}`.
+      * The type definition sequence :math:`{{\mathit{type}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{\mathit{type}}_1~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}`.
-    * The defined type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{dt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{{\mathit{dt}}_1^\ast}~{{\mathit{dt}}^\ast}`.
+      * The defined type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{dt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{{\mathit{dt}}_1^\ast}~{{\mathit{dt}}^\ast}`.
-    * The type definition :math:`{\mathit{type}}_1` is valid with the defined type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{dt}}_1^\ast}`.
+      * The type definition :math:`{\mathit{type}}_1` is valid with the defined type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{dt}}_1^\ast}`.
-    * Let :math:`{C'}` be the same context as :math:`C`, but with the defined type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{dt}}_1^\ast}` appended to the field :math:`\mathsf{types}`.
+      * Let :math:`{C'}` be the same context as :math:`C`, but with the defined type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{dt}}_1^\ast}` appended to the field :math:`\mathsf{types}`.
-    * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the type definition sequence :math:`{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}` is valid with the defined type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{dt}}^\ast}`.
+      * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the type definition sequence :math:`{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}` is valid with the defined type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{dt}}^\ast}`.
@@ -16048,11 +16048,11 @@ The defined type sequence :math:`\epsilon` is valid with the defined type sequen
 The type definition sequence :math:`{\mathit{type}}_1~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}` is valid with the defined type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{dt}}_1^\ast}~{{\mathit{dt}}^\ast}` if:
-  * The type definition :math:`{\mathit{type}}_1` is valid with the defined type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{dt}}_1^\ast}`.
+   * The type definition :math:`{\mathit{type}}_1` is valid with the defined type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{dt}}_1^\ast}`.
-  * Let :math:`{C'}` be the same context as :math:`C`, but with the defined type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{dt}}_1^\ast}` appended to the field :math:`\mathsf{types}`.
+   * Let :math:`{C'}` be the same context as :math:`C`, but with the defined type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{dt}}_1^\ast}` appended to the field :math:`\mathsf{types}`.
-  * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the type definition sequence :math:`{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}` is valid with the defined type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{dt}}^\ast}`.
+   * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the type definition sequence :math:`{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}` is valid with the defined type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{dt}}^\ast}`.
@@ -16060,83 +16060,83 @@ The type definition sequence :math:`{\mathit{type}}_1~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}` is
 The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{func}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{global}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{table}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{mem}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{tag}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{elem}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{data}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{start}}^?}~{{\mathit{export}}^\ast})` is valid with the module type :math:`t` if:
-  * Under the context :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{types}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{recs}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{funcs}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{globals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{tables}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{mems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{tags}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{elems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{datas}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{labels}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{return}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{refs}~\epsilon \}\end{array}`, the type definition sequence :math:`{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}` is valid with the defined type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{dt}'}^\ast}`.
+   * Under the context :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{types}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{recs}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{funcs}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{globals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{tables}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{mems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{tags}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{elems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{datas}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{labels}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{return}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{refs}~\epsilon \}\end{array}`, the type definition sequence :math:`{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}` is valid with the defined type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{dt}'}^\ast}`.
-  * :math:`{|{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathsf{i*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{import*}}|}`.
+   * :math:`{|{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathsf{i*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{import*}}|}`.
-  * For all :math:`{\mathit{import}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{import}}^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathsf{i}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathsf{i}}^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`{\mathit{import}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{import}}^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathsf{i}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathsf{i}}^\ast}`:
-    * Under the context :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{types}~{{\mathit{dt}'}^\ast},\; \mathsf{recs}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{funcs}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{globals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{tables}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{mems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{tags}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{elems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{datas}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{labels}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{return}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{refs}~\epsilon \}\end{array}`, the import :math:`{\mathit{import}}` is valid with the external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathsf{i}}`.
+      * Under the context :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{types}~{{\mathit{dt}'}^\ast},\; \mathsf{recs}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{funcs}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{globals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{tables}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{mems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{tags}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{elems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{datas}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{labels}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{return}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{refs}~\epsilon \}\end{array}`, the import :math:`{\mathit{import}}` is valid with the external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathsf{i}}`.
-  * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the global sequence :math:`{{\mathit{global}}^\ast}` is valid with the global type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{gt}}^\ast}`.
+   * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the global sequence :math:`{{\mathit{global}}^\ast}` is valid with the global type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{gt}}^\ast}`.
-  * :math:`{|{\mathit{tt*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{table*}}|}`.
+   * :math:`{|{\mathit{tt*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{table*}}|}`.
-  * For all :math:`{\mathit{table}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{table}}^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{tt}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{tt}}^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`{\mathit{table}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{table}}^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{tt}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{tt}}^\ast}`:
-    * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the table :math:`{\mathit{table}}` is valid with the table type :math:`{\mathit{tt}}`.
+      * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the table :math:`{\mathit{table}}` is valid with the table type :math:`{\mathit{tt}}`.
-  * :math:`{|{\mathit{mt*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{mem*}}|}`.
+   * :math:`{|{\mathit{mt*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{mem*}}|}`.
-  * For all :math:`{\mathit{mem}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{mem}}^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{mt}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{mt}}^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`{\mathit{mem}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{mem}}^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{mt}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{mt}}^\ast}`:
-    * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the memory :math:`{\mathit{mem}}` is valid with the memory type :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
+      * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the memory :math:`{\mathit{mem}}` is valid with the memory type :math:`{\mathit{mt}}`.
-  * :math:`{|{\mathit{tag*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{jt*}}|}`.
+   * :math:`{|{\mathit{tag*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{jt*}}|}`.
-  * For all :math:`{\mathit{jt}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{jt}}^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{tag}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{tag}}^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`{\mathit{jt}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{jt}}^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{tag}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{tag}}^\ast}`:
-    * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the tag :math:`{\mathit{tag}}` is valid with the tag type :math:`{\mathit{jt}}`.
+      * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the tag :math:`{\mathit{tag}}` is valid with the tag type :math:`{\mathit{jt}}`.
-  * :math:`{|{\mathit{func*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{dt*}}|}`.
+   * :math:`{|{\mathit{func*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{dt*}}|}`.
-  * For all :math:`{\mathit{dt}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{dt}}^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{func}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{func}}^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`{\mathit{dt}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{dt}}^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{func}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{func}}^\ast}`:
-    * The function :math:`{\mathit{func}}` is valid with the defined type :math:`{\mathit{dt}}`.
+      * The function :math:`{\mathit{func}}` is valid with the defined type :math:`{\mathit{dt}}`.
-  * :math:`{|{\mathit{rt*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{elem*}}|}`.
+   * :math:`{|{\mathit{rt*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{elem*}}|}`.
-  * For all :math:`{\mathit{elem}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{elem}}^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{rt}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{rt}}^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`{\mathit{elem}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{elem}}^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{rt}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{rt}}^\ast}`:
-    * The table segment :math:`{\mathit{elem}}` is valid with the element type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}`.
+      * The table segment :math:`{\mathit{elem}}` is valid with the element type :math:`{\mathit{rt}}`.
-  * :math:`{|{\mathit{ok*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{data*}}|}`.
+   * :math:`{|{\mathit{ok*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{data*}}|}`.
-  * For all :math:`{\mathit{data}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{data}}^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{ok}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{ok}}^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`{\mathit{data}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{data}}^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{ok}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{ok}}^\ast}`:
-    * The memory segment :math:`{\mathit{data}}` is valid with the data type :math:`{\mathit{ok}}`.
+      * The memory segment :math:`{\mathit{data}}` is valid with the data type :math:`{\mathit{ok}}`.
-  * If :math:`{\mathit{start}}` is defined, then:
+   * If :math:`{\mathit{start}}` is defined, then:
-    * The start function :math:`{\mathit{start}}` is valid.
+      * The start function :math:`{\mathit{start}}` is valid.
-  * :math:`{|{\mathit{nm*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{export*}}|}`.
+   * :math:`{|{\mathit{nm*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{export*}}|}`.
-  * :math:`{|{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathsf{e*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{export*}}|}`.
+   * :math:`{|{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathsf{e*}}|}` is equal to :math:`{|{\mathit{export*}}|}`.
-  * For all :math:`{\mathit{export}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{export}}^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{nm}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{nm}}^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathsf{e}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathsf{e}}^\ast}`:
+   * For all :math:`{\mathit{export}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{export}}^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{nm}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{nm}}^\ast}` and :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathsf{e}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathsf{e}}^\ast}`:
-    * The export :math:`{\mathit{export}}` is valid with the name :math:`{\mathit{nm}}` and the external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathsf{e}}`.
+      * The export :math:`{\mathit{export}}` is valid with the name :math:`{\mathit{nm}}` and the external type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathsf{e}}`.
-  * :math:`{{\mathit{nm}}^\ast}~{\mathrm{disjoint}}` is equal to true.
+   * :math:`{{\mathit{nm}}^\ast}~{\mathrm{disjoint}}` is equal to true.
-  * The context :math:`C` is equal to :math:`{C'}{}[{.}\mathsf{globals} \mathrel{{=}{\oplus}} {{\mathit{gt}}^\ast}]{}[{.}\mathsf{tables} \mathrel{{=}{\oplus}} {{\mathit{tt}}_{\mathsf{i}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{tt}}^\ast}]{}[{.}\mathsf{mems} \mathrel{{=}{\oplus}} {{\mathit{mt}}_{\mathsf{i}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{mt}}^\ast}]{}[{.}\mathsf{tags} \mathrel{{=}{\oplus}} {{\mathit{jt}}_{\mathsf{i}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{jt}}^\ast}]{}[{.}\mathsf{elems} \mathrel{{=}{\oplus}} {{\mathit{rt}}^\ast}]{}[{.}\mathsf{datas} \mathrel{{=}{\oplus}} {{\mathit{ok}}^\ast}]`.
+   * The context :math:`C` is equal to :math:`{C'}{}[{.}\mathsf{globals} \mathrel{{=}{\oplus}} {{\mathit{gt}}^\ast}]{}[{.}\mathsf{tables} \mathrel{{=}{\oplus}} {{\mathit{tt}}_{\mathsf{i}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{tt}}^\ast}]{}[{.}\mathsf{mems} \mathrel{{=}{\oplus}} {{\mathit{mt}}_{\mathsf{i}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{mt}}^\ast}]{}[{.}\mathsf{tags} \mathrel{{=}{\oplus}} {{\mathit{jt}}_{\mathsf{i}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{jt}}^\ast}]{}[{.}\mathsf{elems} \mathrel{{=}{\oplus}} {{\mathit{rt}}^\ast}]{}[{.}\mathsf{datas} \mathrel{{=}{\oplus}} {{\mathit{ok}}^\ast}]`.
-  * The context :math:`{C'}` is equal to :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{types}~{{\mathit{dt}'}^\ast},\; \mathsf{recs}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{funcs}~{{\mathit{dt}}_{\mathsf{i}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{dt}}^\ast},\; \mathsf{globals}~{{\mathit{gt}}_{\mathsf{i}}^\ast},\; \mathsf{tables}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{mems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{tags}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{elems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{datas}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{labels}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{return}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{refs}~{x^\ast} \}\end{array}`.
+   * The context :math:`{C'}` is equal to :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{types}~{{\mathit{dt}'}^\ast},\; \mathsf{recs}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{funcs}~{{\mathit{dt}}_{\mathsf{i}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{dt}}^\ast},\; \mathsf{globals}~{{\mathit{gt}}_{\mathsf{i}}^\ast},\; \mathsf{tables}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{mems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{tags}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{elems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{datas}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{labels}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{return}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{refs}~{x^\ast} \}\end{array}`.
-  * The function index sequence :math:`{x^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{\mathrm{funcidx}}({{\mathit{global}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{table}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{mem}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{elem}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{data}}^\ast})`.
+   * The function index sequence :math:`{x^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{\mathrm{funcidx}}({{\mathit{global}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{table}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{mem}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{elem}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{data}}^\ast})`.
-  * The defined type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{dt}}_{\mathsf{i}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{\mathrm{funcs}}({{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathsf{i}}^\ast})`.
+   * The defined type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{dt}}_{\mathsf{i}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{\mathrm{funcs}}({{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathsf{i}}^\ast})`.
-  * The global type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{gt}}_{\mathsf{i}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{\mathrm{globals}}({{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathsf{i}}^\ast})`.
+   * The global type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{gt}}_{\mathsf{i}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{\mathrm{globals}}({{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathsf{i}}^\ast})`.
-  * The table type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{tt}}_{\mathsf{i}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{\mathrm{tables}}({{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathsf{i}}^\ast})`.
+   * The table type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{tt}}_{\mathsf{i}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{\mathrm{tables}}({{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathsf{i}}^\ast})`.
-  * The memory type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{mt}}_{\mathsf{i}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{\mathrm{mems}}({{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathsf{i}}^\ast})`.
+   * The memory type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{mt}}_{\mathsf{i}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{\mathrm{mems}}({{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathsf{i}}^\ast})`.
-  * The tag type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{jt}}_{\mathsf{i}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{\mathrm{tags}}({{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathsf{i}}^\ast})`.
+   * The tag type sequence :math:`{{\mathit{jt}}_{\mathsf{i}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{\mathrm{tags}}({{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathsf{i}}^\ast})`.
-  * Let :math:`t` be the module type :math:`{{\mathrm{clos}}}_{C}({{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathsf{i}}^\ast}~\rightarrow~{{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathsf{e}}^\ast})`.
+   * Let :math:`t` be the module type :math:`{{\mathrm{clos}}}_{C}({{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathsf{i}}^\ast}~\rightarrow~{{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathsf{e}}^\ast})`.
@@ -16144,38 +16144,38 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 The instruction sequence :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}^\ast}` if:
-  * Either:
+   * Either:
-    * The instruction sequence :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}} {.} \mathsf{add})`.
+      * The instruction sequence :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}} {.} \mathsf{add})`.
-    * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}`.
+      * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}`.
-    * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}`.
+      * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}`.
-  * Or:
+   * Or:
-    * The instruction sequence :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{global{.}get}~x)`.
+      * The instruction sequence :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{global{.}get}~x)`.
-    * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`\epsilon`.
+      * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`\epsilon`.
-    * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`t`.
+      * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`t`.
-    * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` exists.
+      * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` exists.
-    * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}~t)`.
-  * Or:
+      * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}~t)`.
+   * Or:
-    * The instruction sequence :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast})`.
+      * The instruction sequence :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast})`.
-    * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{t_1^\ast}`.
+      * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{t_1^\ast}`.
-    * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{t_2^\ast}`.
+      * The value type sequence :math:`{t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}^\ast}` is equal to :math:`{t_2^\ast}`.
-    * The block type :math:`{\mathit{blocktype}}` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
+      * The block type :math:`{\mathit{blocktype}}` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
-    * Let :math:`{C'}` be the same context as :math:`C`, but with the result type sequence :math:`{t_2^\ast}` prepended to the field :math:`\mathsf{labels}`.
+      * Let :math:`{C'}` be the same context as :math:`C`, but with the result type sequence :math:`{t_2^\ast}` prepended to the field :math:`\mathsf{labels}`.
-    * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
+      * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
@@ -16188,9 +16188,9 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}} {.} \mathsf{add})`
 The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{global{.}get}~x)` is valid with the function type :math:`\epsilon~\rightarrow~t` if:
-  * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` exists.
+   * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` exists.
-  * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}~t)`.
+   * The global type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]` is equal to :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}~t)`.
@@ -16198,11 +16198,11 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{global{.}get}~x)` is valid with the fun
 The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast})` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}` if:
-  * The block type :math:`{\mathit{blocktype}}` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
+   * The block type :math:`{\mathit{blocktype}}` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
-  * Let :math:`{C'}` be the same context as :math:`C`, but with the result type sequence :math:`{t_2^\ast}` prepended to the field :math:`\mathsf{labels}`.
+   * Let :math:`{C'}` be the same context as :math:`C`, but with the result type sequence :math:`{t_2^\ast}` prepended to the field :math:`\mathsf{labels}`.
-  * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
+   * Under the context :math:`{C'}`, the instruction sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` is valid with the function type :math:`{t_1^\ast}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}`.
@@ -16248,11 +16248,11 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`c \neq 0`, then:
-  a. Push the value :math:`{\mathit{val}}_1` to the stack.
+   a. Push the value :math:`{\mathit{val}}_1` to the stack.
 #. Else:
-  a. Push the value :math:`{\mathit{val}}_2` to the stack.
+   a. Push the value :math:`{\mathit{val}}_2` to the stack.
@@ -16265,11 +16265,11 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`c \neq 0`, then:
-  a. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{bt}}~{{\mathit{instr}}_1^\ast})`.
+   a. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{bt}}~{{\mathit{instr}}_1^\ast})`.
 #. Else:
-  a. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{bt}}~{{\mathit{instr}}_2^\ast})`.
+   a. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{bt}}~{{\mathit{instr}}_2^\ast})`.
@@ -16291,43 +16291,43 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If the first non-value entry of the stack is a :math:`\mathsf{label}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`({{\mathsf{label}}_{n}}{\{}~{{\mathit{instr}'}^\ast}~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{label}` context.
+   a. Let :math:`({{\mathsf{label}}_{n}}{\{}~{{\mathit{instr}'}^\ast}~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{label}` context.
-  #. If :math:`l = 0`, then:
+   #. If :math:`l = 0`, then:
-    1) Assert: Due to validation, there are at least :math:`n` values on the top of the stack.
+      1) Assert: Due to validation, there are at least :math:`n` values on the top of the stack.
-    #) Pop the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^{n}}` from the stack.
+      #) Pop the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^{n}}` from the stack.
-    #) Pop all values :math:`{{\mathit{val}'}^\ast}` from the top of the stack.
+      #) Pop all values :math:`{{\mathit{val}'}^\ast}` from the top of the stack.
-    #) Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{label}` context from the stack.
+      #) Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{label}` context from the stack.
-    #) Push the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^{n}}` to the stack.
+      #) Push the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^{n}}` to the stack.
-    #) Execute the instruction :math:`{{\mathit{instr}'}^\ast}`.
+      #) Execute the instruction :math:`{{\mathit{instr}'}^\ast}`.
-  #. Else:
+   #. Else:
-    1) Pop all values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` from the top of the stack.
+      1) Pop all values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` from the top of the stack.
-    #) If :math:`l > 0`, then:
+      #) If :math:`l > 0`, then:
-      a) Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{label}` context from the stack.
+         a) Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{label}` context from the stack.
-      #) Push the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` to the stack.
+         #) Push the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` to the stack.
-      #) Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br}~l - 1)`.
+         #) Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br}~l - 1)`.
 #. Else if the first non-value entry of the stack is a :math:`\mathsf{handler}`, then:
-  a. Pop all values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` from the top of the stack.
+   a. Pop all values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` from the top of the stack.
-  #. Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{handler}` context from the stack.
+   #. Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{handler}` context from the stack.
-  #. Push the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` to the stack.
+   #. Push the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` to the stack.
-  #. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br}~l)`.
+   #. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br}~l)`.
@@ -16340,11 +16340,11 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`c \neq 0`, then:
-  a. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br}~l)`.
+   a. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br}~l)`.
 #. Else:
-  a. Do nothing.
+   a. Do nothing.
@@ -16357,11 +16357,11 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`i < {|{l^\ast}|}`, then:
-  a. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br}~{l^\ast}{}[i])`.
+   a. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br}~{l^\ast}{}[i])`.
 #. Else:
-  a. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br}~{l'})`.
+   a. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br}~{l'})`.
@@ -16374,11 +16374,11 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{val}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{ref{.}null}`, then:
-  a. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br}~l)`.
+   a. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br}~l)`.
 #. Else:
-  a. Push the value :math:`{\mathit{val}}` to the stack.
+   a. Push the value :math:`{\mathit{val}}` to the stack.
@@ -16391,13 +16391,13 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{val}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{ref{.}null}`, then:
-  a. Do nothing.
+   a. Do nothing.
 #. Else:
-  a. Push the value :math:`{\mathit{val}}` to the stack.
+   a. Push the value :math:`{\mathit{val}}` to the stack.
-  #. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br}~l)`.
+   #. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br}~l)`.
@@ -16447,39 +16447,39 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If the first non-value entry of the stack is a :math:`\mathsf{frame}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`({{\mathsf{frame}}_{n}}{\{}~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
+   a. Let :math:`({{\mathsf{frame}}_{n}}{\{}~f~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context.
-  #. Assert: Due to validation, there are at least :math:`n` values on the top of the stack.
+   #. Assert: Due to validation, there are at least :math:`n` values on the top of the stack.
-  #. Pop the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^{n}}` from the stack.
+   #. Pop the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^{n}}` from the stack.
-  #. Pop all values :math:`{{\mathit{val}'}^\ast}` from the top of the stack.
+   #. Pop all values :math:`{{\mathit{val}'}^\ast}` from the top of the stack.
-  #. Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context from the stack.
+   #. Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context from the stack.
-  #. Push the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^{n}}` to the stack.
+   #. Push the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^{n}}` to the stack.
 #. Else if the first non-value entry of the stack is a :math:`\mathsf{label}`, then:
-  a. Pop all values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` from the top of the stack.
+   a. Pop all values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` from the top of the stack.
-  #. Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{label}` context from the stack.
+   #. Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{label}` context from the stack.
-  #. Push the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` to the stack.
+   #. Push the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` to the stack.
-  #. Execute the instruction :math:`\mathsf{return}`.
+   #. Execute the instruction :math:`\mathsf{return}`.
 #. Else:
-  a. If the first non-value entry of the stack is a :math:`\mathsf{handler}`, then:
+   a. If the first non-value entry of the stack is a :math:`\mathsf{handler}`, then:
-    1) Pop all values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` from the top of the stack.
+      1) Pop all values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` from the top of the stack.
-    #) Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{handler}` context from the stack.
+      #) Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{handler}` context from the stack.
-    #) Push the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` to the stack.
+      #) Push the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` to the stack.
-    #) Execute the instruction :math:`\mathsf{return}`.
+      #) Execute the instruction :math:`\mathsf{return}`.
@@ -16505,7 +16505,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`{|{{\mathit{unop}}}{{}_{{\mathit{nt}}}(c_1)}|} \leq 0`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. Let :math:`c` be an element of :math:`{{\mathit{unop}}}{{}_{{\mathit{nt}}}(c_1)}`.
@@ -16526,7 +16526,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`{|{{\mathit{binop}}}{{}_{{\mathit{nt}}}(c_1, c_2)}|} \leq 0`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. Let :math:`c` be an element of :math:`{{\mathit{binop}}}{{}_{{\mathit{nt}}}(c_1, c_2)}`.
@@ -16573,7 +16573,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`{|{{\mathit{cvtop}}}{{}_{{\mathit{nt}}_1, {\mathit{nt}}_2}(c_1)}|} \leq 0`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. Let :math:`c` be an element of :math:`{{\mathit{cvtop}}}{{}_{{\mathit{nt}}_1, {\mathit{nt}}_2}(c_1)}`.
@@ -16601,11 +16601,11 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{ref}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{ref{.}null}`, then:
-  a. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~1)` to the stack.
+   a. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~1)` to the stack.
 #. Else:
-  a. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~0)` to the stack.
+   a. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~0)` to the stack.
@@ -16618,7 +16618,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{ref}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{ref{.}null}`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. Push the value :math:`{\mathit{ref}}` to the stack.
@@ -16637,25 +16637,25 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{ref}}_1` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{ref{.}null}`, then:
-  a. If :math:`{\mathit{ref}}_2` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{ref{.}null}`, then:
+   a. If :math:`{\mathit{ref}}_2` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{ref{.}null}`, then:
-    1) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~1)` to the stack.
+      1) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~1)` to the stack.
-  #. Else if :math:`{\mathit{ref}}_1 = {\mathit{ref}}_2`, then:
+   #. Else if :math:`{\mathit{ref}}_1 = {\mathit{ref}}_2`, then:
-    1) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~1)` to the stack.
+      1) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~1)` to the stack.
-  #. Else:
+   #. Else:
-    1) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~0)` to the stack.
+      1) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~0)` to the stack.
 #. Else if :math:`{\mathit{ref}}_1 = {\mathit{ref}}_2`, then:
-  a. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~1)` to the stack.
+   a. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~1)` to the stack.
 #. Else:
-  a. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~0)` to the stack.
+   a. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~0)` to the stack.
 :math:`{\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 31}{.}get}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}}`
@@ -16668,13 +16668,13 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{ref{.}null}`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{ref{.}i{\scriptstyle 31}}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}i{\scriptstyle 31}}~i)` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}i{\scriptstyle 31}}~i)` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~{{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{31, 32}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{(i)})` to the stack.
+   #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~{{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{31, 32}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{(i)})` to the stack.
@@ -16704,13 +16704,13 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{ref{.}null}`, then:
-  a. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}null}~\mathsf{extern})` to the stack.
+   a. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}null}~\mathsf{extern})` to the stack.
 #. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is address value, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathit{addrref}}` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{addrref}}` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}extern}~{\mathit{addrref}})` to the stack.
+   #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}extern}~{\mathit{addrref}})` to the stack.
@@ -16723,13 +16723,13 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{ref{.}null}`, then:
-  a. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}null}~\mathsf{any})` to the stack.
+   a. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}null}~\mathsf{any})` to the stack.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{ref{.}extern}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}extern}~{\mathit{addrref}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}extern}~{\mathit{addrref}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Push the value :math:`{\mathit{addrref}}` to the stack.
+   #. Push the value :math:`{\mathit{addrref}}` to the stack.
 :math:`\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}} {.} {\mathit{vvunop}}`
@@ -16812,7 +16812,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`{|{{\mathit{vunop}}}{{}_{{\mathit{sh}}}(c_1)}|} \leq 0`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. Let :math:`c` be an element of :math:`{{\mathit{vunop}}}{{}_{{\mathit{sh}}}(c_1)}`.
@@ -16833,7 +16833,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`{|{{\mathit{vbinop}}}{{}_{{\mathit{sh}}}(c_1, c_2)}|} \leq 0`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. Let :math:`c` be an element of :math:`{{\mathit{vbinop}}}{{}_{{\mathit{sh}}}(c_1, c_2)}`.
@@ -16858,7 +16858,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`{|{{\mathit{vternop}}}{{}_{{\mathit{sh}}}(c_1, c_2, c_3)}|} \leq 0`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. Let :math:`c` be an element of :math:`{{\mathit{vternop}}}{{}_{{\mathit{sh}}}(c_1, c_2, c_3)}`.
@@ -16984,27 +16984,27 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`{{\mathit{sx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is not defined and the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is number type, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathit{nt}}` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{nt}}` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`i < {|{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathit{nt}}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}(c_1)|}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`i < {|{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathit{nt}}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}(c_1)|}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`c_2` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathit{nt}}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}(c_1){}[i]`.
+      1) Let :math:`c_2` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathit{nt}}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}(c_1){}[i]`.
-    #) Push the value :math:`({\mathit{nt}}{.}\mathsf{const}~c_2)` to the stack.
+      #) Push the value :math:`({\mathit{nt}}{.}\mathsf{const}~c_2)` to the stack.
 #. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is packed type, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathit{pt}}` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{pt}}` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`{{\mathit{sx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is defined, then:
+   #. If :math:`{{\mathit{sx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is defined, then:
-    1) Let :math:`{\mathit{sx}}` be :math:`{{\mathit{sx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}`.
+      1) Let :math:`{\mathit{sx}}` be :math:`{{\mathit{sx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}`.
-    #) If :math:`i < {|{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathit{pt}}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}(c_1)|}`, then:
+      #) If :math:`i < {|{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathit{pt}}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}(c_1)|}`, then:
-      a) Let :math:`c_2` be :math:`{{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{{|{\mathit{pt}}|}, 32}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathit{pt}}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}(c_1){}[i])}`.
+         a) Let :math:`c_2` be :math:`{{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{{|{\mathit{pt}}|}, 32}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{({{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathit{pt}}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}(c_1){}[i])}`.
-      #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~c_2)` to the stack.
+         #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~c_2)` to the stack.
@@ -17164,7 +17164,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{ref}}` is not :ref:`valid <valid-val>`, then:
-  a. Fail.
+   a. Fail.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{rt}}` be the type of :math:`{\mathit{ref}}`.
@@ -17172,11 +17172,11 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{rt}}` does not match :math:`{{\mathrm{inst}}}_{f{.}\mathsf{module}}({\mathit{rt}}_2)`, then:
-  a. Do nothing.
+   a. Do nothing.
 #. Else:
-  a. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br}~l)`.
+   a. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br}~l)`.
@@ -17191,7 +17191,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{ref}}` is not :ref:`valid <valid-val>`, then:
-  a. Fail.
+   a. Fail.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{rt}}` be the type of :math:`{\mathit{ref}}`.
@@ -17199,11 +17199,11 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{rt}}` matches :math:`{{\mathrm{inst}}}_{f{.}\mathsf{module}}({\mathit{rt}}_2)`, then:
-  a. Do nothing.
+   a. Do nothing.
 #. Else:
-  a. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br}~l)`.
+   a. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br}~l)`.
@@ -17235,39 +17235,39 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{ref{.}null}`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{ref{.}func}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}func}~a)` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}func}~a)` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`a < {|z{.}\mathsf{funcs}|}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`a < {|z{.}\mathsf{funcs}|}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`{\mathit{fi}}` be :math:`z{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[a]`.
+      1) Let :math:`{\mathit{fi}}` be :math:`z{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[a]`.
-    #) Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{fi}}{.}\mathsf{code}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{func}`.
+      #) Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{fi}}{.}\mathsf{code}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{func}`.
-    #) Let :math:`(\mathsf{func}~x~{{\mathit{local}}_0^\ast}~{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast})` be :math:`{\mathit{fi}}{.}\mathsf{code}`.
+      #) Let :math:`(\mathsf{func}~x~{{\mathit{local}}_0^\ast}~{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast})` be :math:`{\mathit{fi}}{.}\mathsf{code}`.
-    #) If for all :math:`{\mathit{local}}_0` in :math:`{{\mathit{local}}_0^\ast}`, :math:`{\mathit{local}}_0` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{local}`, then:
+      #) If for all :math:`{\mathit{local}}_0` in :math:`{{\mathit{local}}_0^\ast}`, :math:`{\mathit{local}}_0` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{local}`, then:
-      a) Let :math:`{(\mathsf{local}~t)^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{local}}_0^\ast}`.
+         a) Let :math:`{(\mathsf{local}~t)^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{local}}_0^\ast}`.
-      #) Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathrm{expand}}({\mathit{fi}}{.}\mathsf{type})` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{func}`.
+         #) Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathrm{expand}}({\mathit{fi}}{.}\mathsf{type})` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{func}`.
-      #) Let :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{functype}}_0)` be :math:`{\mathrm{expand}}({\mathit{fi}}{.}\mathsf{type})`.
+         #) Let :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{functype}}_0)` be :math:`{\mathrm{expand}}({\mathit{fi}}{.}\mathsf{type})`.
-      #) Let :math:`{t_1^{n}}~\rightarrow~{t_2^{m}}` be :math:`{\mathit{functype}}_0`.
+         #) Let :math:`{t_1^{n}}~\rightarrow~{t_2^{m}}` be :math:`{\mathit{functype}}_0`.
-      #) Assert: Due to validation, there are at least :math:`n` values on the top of the stack.
+         #) Assert: Due to validation, there are at least :math:`n` values on the top of the stack.
-      #) Pop the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^{n}}` from the stack.
+         #) Pop the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^{n}}` from the stack.
-      #) Let :math:`f` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{locals}~{{\mathit{val}}^{n}}~{{{\mathrm{default}}}_{t}^\ast},\; \mathsf{module}~{\mathit{fi}}{.}\mathsf{module} \}\end{array}`.
+         #) Let :math:`f` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{locals}~{{\mathit{val}}^{n}}~{{{\mathrm{default}}}_{t}^\ast},\; \mathsf{module}~{\mathit{fi}}{.}\mathsf{module} \}\end{array}`.
-      #) Push the frame :math:`({{\mathsf{frame}}_{m}}{\{}~f~\})` to the stack.
+         #) Push the frame :math:`({{\mathsf{frame}}_{m}}{\{}~f~\})` to the stack.
-      #) Enter :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` with label :math:`({{\mathsf{label}}_{m}}{\{}~\epsilon~\})`.
+         #) Enter :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` with label :math:`({{\mathsf{label}}_{m}}{\{}~\epsilon~\})`.
@@ -17295,65 +17295,65 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If the first non-value entry of the stack is a :math:`\mathsf{label}`, then:
-  a. Pop all values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` from the top of the stack.
+   a. Pop all values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` from the top of the stack.
-  #. Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{label}` context from the stack.
+   #. Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{label}` context from the stack.
-  #. Push the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` to the stack.
+   #. Push the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` to the stack.
-  #. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{return\_call\_ref}~y)`.
+   #. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{return\_call\_ref}~y)`.
 #. Else if the first non-value entry of the stack is a :math:`\mathsf{handler}`, then:
-  a. Pop all values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` from the top of the stack.
+   a. Pop all values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` from the top of the stack.
-  #. Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{handler}` context from the stack.
+   #. Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{handler}` context from the stack.
-  #. Push the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` to the stack.
+   #. Push the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` to the stack.
-  #. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{return\_call\_ref}~y)`.
+   #. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{return\_call\_ref}~y)`.
 #. Else:
-  a. If the first non-value entry of the stack is a :math:`\mathsf{frame}`, then:
+   a. If the first non-value entry of the stack is a :math:`\mathsf{frame}`, then:
-    1) Assert: Due to validation, an :ref:`instruction <syntax-instr>` is on the top of the stack.
+      1) Assert: Due to validation, an :ref:`instruction <syntax-instr>` is on the top of the stack.
-    #) Pop the value :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` from the stack.
+      #) Pop the value :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` from the stack.
-    #) If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{ref{.}null}`, then:
+      #) If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{ref{.}null}`, then:
-      a) Pop all values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` from the top of the stack.
+         a) Pop all values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` from the top of the stack.
-      #) Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context from the stack.
+         #) Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context from the stack.
-      #) Trap.
+         #) Trap.
-    #) If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{ref{.}func}`, then:
+      #) If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{ref{.}func}`, then:
-      a) Let :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}func}~a)` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+         a) Let :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}func}~a)` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-      #) If :math:`a < {|z{.}\mathsf{funcs}|}`, then:
+         #) If :math:`a < {|z{.}\mathsf{funcs}|}`, then:
-        1. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathrm{expand}}(z{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[a]{.}\mathsf{type})` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{func}`.
+            1. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathrm{expand}}(z{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[a]{.}\mathsf{type})` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{func}`.
-        #. Let :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{functype}}_0)` be :math:`{\mathrm{expand}}(z{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[a]{.}\mathsf{type})`.
+            #. Let :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{functype}}_0)` be :math:`{\mathrm{expand}}(z{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[a]{.}\mathsf{type})`.
-        #. Let :math:`{t_1^{n}}~\rightarrow~{t_2^{m}}` be :math:`{\mathit{functype}}_0`.
+            #. Let :math:`{t_1^{n}}~\rightarrow~{t_2^{m}}` be :math:`{\mathit{functype}}_0`.
-        #. Assert: Due to validation, there are at least :math:`n` values on the top of the stack.
+            #. Assert: Due to validation, there are at least :math:`n` values on the top of the stack.
-        #. Pop the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^{n}}` from the stack.
+            #. Pop the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^{n}}` from the stack.
-        #. Pop all values :math:`{{\mathit{val}'}^\ast}` from the top of the stack.
+            #. Pop all values :math:`{{\mathit{val}'}^\ast}` from the top of the stack.
-        #. Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context from the stack.
+            #. Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context from the stack.
-        #. Push the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^{n}}` to the stack.
+            #. Push the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^{n}}` to the stack.
-        #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}func}~a)` to the stack.
+            #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}func}~a)` to the stack.
-        #. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{call\_ref}~y)`.
+            #. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{call\_ref}~y)`.
@@ -17368,191 +17368,191 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{ref{.}null}`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{ref{.}exn}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}exn}~a)` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}exn}~a)` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Pop all values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` from the top of the stack.
+   #. Pop all values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` from the top of the stack.
-  #. If :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast} \neq \epsilon`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast} \neq \epsilon`, then:
-    1) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}exn}~a)` to the stack.
+      1) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}exn}~a)` to the stack.
-    #) Execute the instruction :math:`\mathsf{throw\_ref}`.
+      #) Execute the instruction :math:`\mathsf{throw\_ref}`.
-  #. Else if the first non-value entry of the stack is a :math:`\mathsf{label}`, then:
+   #. Else if the first non-value entry of the stack is a :math:`\mathsf{label}`, then:
-    1) Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{label}` context from the stack.
+      1) Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{label}` context from the stack.
-    #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}exn}~a)` to the stack.
+      #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}exn}~a)` to the stack.
-    #) Execute the instruction :math:`\mathsf{throw\_ref}`.
+      #) Execute the instruction :math:`\mathsf{throw\_ref}`.
-  #. Else:
+   #. Else:
-    1) If the first non-value entry of the stack is a :math:`\mathsf{frame}`, then:
+      1) If the first non-value entry of the stack is a :math:`\mathsf{frame}`, then:
-      a) Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context from the stack.
+         a) Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{frame}` context from the stack.
-      #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}exn}~a)` to the stack.
+         #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}exn}~a)` to the stack.
-      #) Execute the instruction :math:`\mathsf{throw\_ref}`.
+         #) Execute the instruction :math:`\mathsf{throw\_ref}`.
-    #) Else if not the first non-value entry of the stack is a :math:`\mathsf{handler}`, then:
+      #) Else if not the first non-value entry of the stack is a :math:`\mathsf{handler}`, then:
-      a) Throw the exception :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` as a result.
+         a) Throw the exception :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` as a result.
-    #) Else:
+      #) Else:
-      a) Let :math:`({{\mathsf{handler}}_{n}}{\{}~{{\mathit{catch}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{handler}` context.
+         a) Let :math:`({{\mathsf{handler}}_{n}}{\{}~{{\mathit{catch}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}~\})` be the current :math:`\mathsf{handler}` context.
-      #) If :math:`{{\mathit{catch}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
+         #) If :math:`{{\mathit{catch}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-        1. Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{handler}` context from the stack.
+            1. Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{handler}` context from the stack.
-        #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}exn}~a)` to the stack.
+            #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}exn}~a)` to the stack.
-        #. Execute the instruction :math:`\mathsf{throw\_ref}`.
+            #. Execute the instruction :math:`\mathsf{throw\_ref}`.
-      #) Else if :math:`a \geq {|z{.}\mathsf{exns}|}`, then:
+         #) Else if :math:`a \geq {|z{.}\mathsf{exns}|}`, then:
-        1. Let :math:`{\mathit{catch}}_0~{{\mathit{catch}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{catch}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
+            1. Let :math:`{\mathit{catch}}_0~{{\mathit{catch}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{catch}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
-        #. If :math:`{\mathit{catch}}_0` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{catch\_all}`, then:
+            #. If :math:`{\mathit{catch}}_0` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{catch\_all}`, then:
-          a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{catch\_all}~l)` be :math:`{\mathit{catch}}_0`.
+               a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{catch\_all}~l)` be :math:`{\mathit{catch}}_0`.
-          #. Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{handler}` context from the stack.
+               #. Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{handler}` context from the stack.
-          #. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br}~l)`.
+               #. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br}~l)`.
-        #. Else if :math:`{\mathit{catch}}_0` is not of the case :math:`\mathsf{catch\_all\_ref}`, then:
+            #. Else if :math:`{\mathit{catch}}_0` is not of the case :math:`\mathsf{catch\_all\_ref}`, then:
-          a. Let :math:`{\mathit{catch}}~{{\mathit{catch}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{catch}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
+               a. Let :math:`{\mathit{catch}}~{{\mathit{catch}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{catch}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
-          #. Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{handler}` context from the stack.
+               #. Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{handler}` context from the stack.
-          #. Push the handler :math:`({{\mathsf{handler}}_{n}}{\{}~{{\mathit{catch}'}^\ast}~\})` to the stack.
+               #. Push the handler :math:`({{\mathsf{handler}}_{n}}{\{}~{{\mathit{catch}'}^\ast}~\})` to the stack.
-          #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}exn}~a)` to the stack.
+               #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}exn}~a)` to the stack.
-          #. Execute the instruction :math:`\mathsf{throw\_ref}`.
+               #. Execute the instruction :math:`\mathsf{throw\_ref}`.
-        #. Else:
+            #. Else:
-          a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{catch\_all\_ref}~l)` be :math:`{\mathit{catch}}_0`.
+               a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{catch\_all\_ref}~l)` be :math:`{\mathit{catch}}_0`.
-          #. Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{handler}` context from the stack.
+               #. Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{handler}` context from the stack.
-          #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}exn}~a)` to the stack.
+               #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}exn}~a)` to the stack.
-          #. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br}~l)`.
+               #. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br}~l)`.
-      #) Else:
+         #) Else:
-        1. Let :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` be :math:`z{.}\mathsf{exns}{}[a]{.}\mathsf{fields}`.
+            1. Let :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` be :math:`z{.}\mathsf{exns}{}[a]{.}\mathsf{fields}`.
-        #. Let :math:`{\mathit{catch}}_0~{{\mathit{catch}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{catch}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
+            #. Let :math:`{\mathit{catch}}_0~{{\mathit{catch}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{catch}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
-        #. If :math:`{\mathit{catch}}_0` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{catch}`, then:
+            #. If :math:`{\mathit{catch}}_0` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{catch}`, then:
-          a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{catch}~x~l)` be :math:`{\mathit{catch}}_0`.
+               a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{catch}~x~l)` be :math:`{\mathit{catch}}_0`.
-          #. If :math:`x < {|z{.}\mathsf{tags}|}` and :math:`z{.}\mathsf{exns}{}[a]{.}\mathsf{tag} = z{.}\mathsf{tags}{}[x]`, then:
+               #. If :math:`x < {|z{.}\mathsf{tags}|}` and :math:`z{.}\mathsf{exns}{}[a]{.}\mathsf{tag} = z{.}\mathsf{tags}{}[x]`, then:
-            1) Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{handler}` context from the stack.
+                  1) Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{handler}` context from the stack.
-            #) Push the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` to the stack.
+                  #) Push the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` to the stack.
-            #) Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br}~l)`.
+                  #) Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br}~l)`.
-          #. Else:
+               #. Else:
-            1) Let :math:`{\mathit{catch}}~{{\mathit{catch}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{catch}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
+                  1) Let :math:`{\mathit{catch}}~{{\mathit{catch}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{catch}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
-            #) Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{handler}` context from the stack.
+                  #) Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{handler}` context from the stack.
-            #) Push the handler :math:`({{\mathsf{handler}}_{n}}{\{}~{{\mathit{catch}'}^\ast}~\})` to the stack.
+                  #) Push the handler :math:`({{\mathsf{handler}}_{n}}{\{}~{{\mathit{catch}'}^\ast}~\})` to the stack.
-            #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}exn}~a)` to the stack.
+                  #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}exn}~a)` to the stack.
-            #) Execute the instruction :math:`\mathsf{throw\_ref}`.
+                  #) Execute the instruction :math:`\mathsf{throw\_ref}`.
-        #. Else if :math:`{\mathit{catch}}_0` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{catch\_ref}`, then:
+            #. Else if :math:`{\mathit{catch}}_0` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{catch\_ref}`, then:
-          a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{catch\_ref}~x~l)` be :math:`{\mathit{catch}}_0`.
+               a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{catch\_ref}~x~l)` be :math:`{\mathit{catch}}_0`.
-          #. If :math:`x \geq {|z{.}\mathsf{tags}|}`, then:
+               #. If :math:`x \geq {|z{.}\mathsf{tags}|}`, then:
-            1) Let :math:`{\mathit{catch}}~{{\mathit{catch}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{catch}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
+                  1) Let :math:`{\mathit{catch}}~{{\mathit{catch}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{catch}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
-            #) Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{handler}` context from the stack.
+                  #) Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{handler}` context from the stack.
-            #) Push the handler :math:`({{\mathsf{handler}}_{n}}{\{}~{{\mathit{catch}'}^\ast}~\})` to the stack.
+                  #) Push the handler :math:`({{\mathsf{handler}}_{n}}{\{}~{{\mathit{catch}'}^\ast}~\})` to the stack.
-            #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}exn}~a)` to the stack.
+                  #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}exn}~a)` to the stack.
-            #) Execute the instruction :math:`\mathsf{throw\_ref}`.
+                  #) Execute the instruction :math:`\mathsf{throw\_ref}`.
-          #. Else if :math:`z{.}\mathsf{exns}{}[a]{.}\mathsf{tag} \neq z{.}\mathsf{tags}{}[x]`, then:
+               #. Else if :math:`z{.}\mathsf{exns}{}[a]{.}\mathsf{tag} \neq z{.}\mathsf{tags}{}[x]`, then:
-            1) Let :math:`{\mathit{catch}}~{{\mathit{catch}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{catch}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
+                  1) Let :math:`{\mathit{catch}}~{{\mathit{catch}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{catch}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
-            #) Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{handler}` context from the stack.
+                  #) Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{handler}` context from the stack.
-            #) Push the handler :math:`({{\mathsf{handler}}_{n}}{\{}~{{\mathit{catch}'}^\ast}~\})` to the stack.
+                  #) Push the handler :math:`({{\mathsf{handler}}_{n}}{\{}~{{\mathit{catch}'}^\ast}~\})` to the stack.
-            #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}exn}~a)` to the stack.
+                  #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}exn}~a)` to the stack.
-            #) Execute the instruction :math:`\mathsf{throw\_ref}`.
+                  #) Execute the instruction :math:`\mathsf{throw\_ref}`.
-          #. Else:
+               #. Else:
-            1) Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{handler}` context from the stack.
+                  1) Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{handler}` context from the stack.
-            #) Push the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` to the stack.
+                  #) Push the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` to the stack.
-            #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}exn}~a)` to the stack.
+                  #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}exn}~a)` to the stack.
-            #) Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br}~l)`.
+                  #) Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br}~l)`.
-        #. Else:
+            #. Else:
-          a. If :math:`{\mathit{catch}}_0` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{catch\_all}`, then:
+               a. If :math:`{\mathit{catch}}_0` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{catch\_all}`, then:
-            1) Let :math:`(\mathsf{catch\_all}~l)` be :math:`{\mathit{catch}}_0`.
+                  1) Let :math:`(\mathsf{catch\_all}~l)` be :math:`{\mathit{catch}}_0`.
-            #) Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{handler}` context from the stack.
+                  #) Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{handler}` context from the stack.
-            #) Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br}~l)`.
+                  #) Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br}~l)`.
-          #. Else if :math:`{\mathit{catch}}_0` is not of the case :math:`\mathsf{catch\_all\_ref}`, then:
+               #. Else if :math:`{\mathit{catch}}_0` is not of the case :math:`\mathsf{catch\_all\_ref}`, then:
-            1) Let :math:`{\mathit{catch}}~{{\mathit{catch}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{catch}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
+                  1) Let :math:`{\mathit{catch}}~{{\mathit{catch}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{catch}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
-            #) Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{handler}` context from the stack.
+                  #) Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{handler}` context from the stack.
-            #) Push the handler :math:`({{\mathsf{handler}}_{n}}{\{}~{{\mathit{catch}'}^\ast}~\})` to the stack.
+                  #) Push the handler :math:`({{\mathsf{handler}}_{n}}{\{}~{{\mathit{catch}'}^\ast}~\})` to the stack.
-            #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}exn}~a)` to the stack.
+                  #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}exn}~a)` to the stack.
-            #) Execute the instruction :math:`\mathsf{throw\_ref}`.
+                  #) Execute the instruction :math:`\mathsf{throw\_ref}`.
-          #. Else:
+               #. Else:
-            1) Let :math:`(\mathsf{catch\_all\_ref}~l)` be :math:`{\mathit{catch}}_0`.
+                  1) Let :math:`(\mathsf{catch\_all\_ref}~l)` be :math:`{\mathit{catch}}_0`.
-            #) Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{handler}` context from the stack.
+                  #) Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{handler}` context from the stack.
-            #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}exn}~a)` to the stack.
+                  #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}exn}~a)` to the stack.
-            #) Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br}~l)`.
+                  #) Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{br}~l)`.
 #. Else if not the first non-value entry of the stack is a :math:`\mathsf{label}` and not the first non-value entry of the stack is a :math:`\mathsf{frame}` and not the first non-value entry of the stack is a :math:`\mathsf{handler}`, then:
-  a. Throw the exception :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` as a result.
+   a. Throw the exception :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` as a result.
@@ -17604,17 +17604,17 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{ref}}` is not :ref:`valid <valid-val>`, then:
-  a. Fail.
+   a. Fail.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{rt}'}` be the type of :math:`{\mathit{ref}}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{rt}'}` matches :math:`{{\mathrm{inst}}}_{f{.}\mathsf{module}}({\mathit{rt}})`, then:
-  a. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~1)` to the stack.
+   a. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~1)` to the stack.
 #. Else:
-  a. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~0)` to the stack.
+   a. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~0)` to the stack.
@@ -17629,13 +17629,13 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{ref}}` is not :ref:`valid <valid-val>`, then:
-  a. Fail.
+   a. Fail.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{rt}'}` be the type of :math:`{\mathit{ref}}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{rt}'}` does not match :math:`{{\mathrm{inst}}}_{f{.}\mathsf{module}}({\mathit{rt}})`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. Push the value :math:`{\mathit{ref}}` to the stack.
@@ -17675,23 +17675,23 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{ref{.}null}`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{ref{.}struct}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}struct}~a)` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}struct}~a)` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`i < {|z{.}\mathsf{structs}{}[a]{.}\mathsf{fields}|}` and :math:`a < {|z{.}\mathsf{structs}|}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`i < {|z{.}\mathsf{structs}{}[a]{.}\mathsf{fields}|}` and :math:`a < {|z{.}\mathsf{structs}|}`, then:
-    1) Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathrm{expand}}(z{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x])` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{struct}`.
+      1) Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathrm{expand}}(z{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x])` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{struct}`.
-    #) Let :math:`(\mathsf{struct}~{\mathit{structtype}}_0)` be :math:`{\mathrm{expand}}(z{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x])`.
+      #) Let :math:`(\mathsf{struct}~{\mathit{structtype}}_0)` be :math:`{\mathrm{expand}}(z{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x])`.
-    #) Let :math:`{({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{zt}})^\ast}` be :math:`{\mathit{structtype}}_0`.
+      #) Let :math:`{({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{zt}})^\ast}` be :math:`{\mathit{structtype}}_0`.
-    #) If :math:`i < {|{{\mathit{zt}}^\ast}|}`, then:
+      #) If :math:`i < {|{{\mathit{zt}}^\ast}|}`, then:
-      a) Push the value :math:`{{{{\mathrm{unpack}}}_{{{\mathit{zt}}^\ast}{}[i]}^{{{\mathit{sx}}^?}}}}{(z{.}\mathsf{structs}{}[a]{.}\mathsf{fields}{}[i])}` to the stack.
+         a) Push the value :math:`{{{{\mathrm{unpack}}}_{{{\mathit{zt}}^\ast}{}[i]}^{{{\mathit{sx}}^?}}}}{(z{.}\mathsf{structs}{}[a]{.}\mathsf{fields}{}[i])}` to the stack.
@@ -17735,7 +17735,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`i + n > {|z{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[y]{.}\mathsf{refs}|}`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{|z{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[y]{.}\mathsf{refs}{}[i : n]|} = n`.
@@ -17768,7 +17768,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`i + n \cdot {|{\mathit{zt}}|} / 8 > {|z{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[y]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, the length of :math:`({\mathit{fresh}}_1)` for which :math:`{\bigoplus}\, {\mathit{fresh}}_1` :math:`=` :math:`z{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[y]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i : n \cdot {|{\mathit{zt}}|} / 8]` is :math:`n`.
@@ -17797,25 +17797,25 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{ref{.}null}`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{ref{.}array}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}array}~a)` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}array}~a)` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`a < {|z{.}\mathsf{arrays}|}` and :math:`i \geq {|z{.}\mathsf{arrays}{}[a]{.}\mathsf{fields}|}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`a < {|z{.}\mathsf{arrays}|}` and :math:`i \geq {|z{.}\mathsf{arrays}{}[a]{.}\mathsf{fields}|}`, then:
-    1) Trap.
+      1) Trap.
-  #. If :math:`i < {|z{.}\mathsf{arrays}{}[a]{.}\mathsf{fields}|}` and :math:`a < {|z{.}\mathsf{arrays}|}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`i < {|z{.}\mathsf{arrays}{}[a]{.}\mathsf{fields}|}` and :math:`a < {|z{.}\mathsf{arrays}|}`, then:
-    1) Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathrm{expand}}(z{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x])` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{array}`.
+      1) Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathrm{expand}}(z{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x])` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{array}`.
-    #) Let :math:`(\mathsf{array}~{\mathit{arraytype}}_0)` be :math:`{\mathrm{expand}}(z{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x])`.
+      #) Let :math:`(\mathsf{array}~{\mathit{arraytype}}_0)` be :math:`{\mathrm{expand}}(z{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x])`.
-    #) Let :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{zt}})` be :math:`{\mathit{arraytype}}_0`.
+      #) Let :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{zt}})` be :math:`{\mathit{arraytype}}_0`.
-    #) Push the value :math:`{{{{\mathrm{unpack}}}_{{\mathit{zt}}}^{{{\mathit{sx}}^?}}}}{(z{.}\mathsf{arrays}{}[a]{.}\mathsf{fields}{}[i])}` to the stack.
+      #) Push the value :math:`{{{{\mathrm{unpack}}}_{{\mathit{zt}}}^{{{\mathit{sx}}^?}}}}{(z{.}\mathsf{arrays}{}[a]{.}\mathsf{fields}{}[i])}` to the stack.
@@ -17830,15 +17830,15 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{ref{.}null}`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{ref{.}array}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}array}~a)` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}array}~a)` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`a < {|z{.}\mathsf{arrays}|}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`a < {|z{.}\mathsf{arrays}|}`, then:
-    1) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~{|z{.}\mathsf{arrays}{}[a]{.}\mathsf{fields}|})` to the stack.
+      1) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~{|z{.}\mathsf{arrays}{}[a]{.}\mathsf{fields}|})` to the stack.
@@ -17865,43 +17865,43 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{ref{.}null}`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{ref{.}array}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}array}~a)` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}array}~a)` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`a \geq {|z{.}\mathsf{arrays}|}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`a \geq {|z{.}\mathsf{arrays}|}`, then:
-    1) Do nothing.
+      1) Do nothing.
-  #. Else if :math:`i + n > {|z{.}\mathsf{arrays}{}[a]{.}\mathsf{fields}|}`, then:
+   #. Else if :math:`i + n > {|z{.}\mathsf{arrays}{}[a]{.}\mathsf{fields}|}`, then:
-    1) Trap.
+      1) Trap.
-  #. If :math:`n = 0`, then:
+   #. If :math:`n = 0`, then:
-    1) Do nothing.
+      1) Do nothing.
-  #. Else:
+   #. Else:
-    1) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}array}~a)` to the stack.
+      1) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}array}~a)` to the stack.
-    #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i)` to the stack.
+      #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i)` to the stack.
-    #) Push the value :math:`{\mathit{val}}` to the stack.
+      #) Push the value :math:`{\mathit{val}}` to the stack.
-    #) Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}set}~x)`.
+      #) Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}set}~x)`.
-    #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}array}~a)` to the stack.
+      #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}array}~a)` to the stack.
-    #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i + 1)` to the stack.
+      #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i + 1)` to the stack.
-    #) Push the value :math:`{\mathit{val}}` to the stack.
+      #) Push the value :math:`{\mathit{val}}` to the stack.
-    #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~n - 1)` to the stack.
+      #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~n - 1)` to the stack.
-    #) Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}fill}~x)`.
+      #) Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}fill}~x)`.
@@ -17932,105 +17932,105 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{ref{.}null}` and the type of :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is reference value, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{ref{.}null}` and the type of :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is reference value, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{ref{.}array}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}array}~a_1)` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}array}~a_1)` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{ref{.}array}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{ref{.}array}`, then:
-    1) If :math:`a_1 < {|z{.}\mathsf{arrays}|}` and :math:`i_1 + n > {|z{.}\mathsf{arrays}{}[a_1]{.}\mathsf{fields}|}`, then:
+      1) If :math:`a_1 < {|z{.}\mathsf{arrays}|}` and :math:`i_1 + n > {|z{.}\mathsf{arrays}{}[a_1]{.}\mathsf{fields}|}`, then:
-      a) Trap.
+         a) Trap.
-    #) Let :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}array}~a_2)` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+      #) Let :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}array}~a_2)` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-    #) If :math:`a_2 \geq {|z{.}\mathsf{arrays}|}`, then:
+      #) If :math:`a_2 \geq {|z{.}\mathsf{arrays}|}`, then:
-      a) Do nothing.
+         a) Do nothing.
-    #) Else if :math:`i_2 + n > {|z{.}\mathsf{arrays}{}[a_2]{.}\mathsf{fields}|}`, then:
+      #) Else if :math:`i_2 + n > {|z{.}\mathsf{arrays}{}[a_2]{.}\mathsf{fields}|}`, then:
-      a) Trap.
+         a) Trap.
-    #) If :math:`n = 0`, then:
+      #) If :math:`n = 0`, then:
-      a) Do nothing.
+         a) Do nothing.
-    #) Else if :math:`i_1 \leq i_2` and :math:`{\mathrm{expand}}(z{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x_2])` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{array}`, then:
+      #) Else if :math:`i_1 \leq i_2` and :math:`{\mathrm{expand}}(z{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x_2])` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{array}`, then:
-      a) Let :math:`(\mathsf{array}~{\mathit{arraytype}}_0)` be :math:`{\mathrm{expand}}(z{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x_2])`.
+         a) Let :math:`(\mathsf{array}~{\mathit{arraytype}}_0)` be :math:`{\mathrm{expand}}(z{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x_2])`.
-      #) Let :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{zt}}_2)` be :math:`{\mathit{arraytype}}_0`.
+         #) Let :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{zt}}_2)` be :math:`{\mathit{arraytype}}_0`.
-      #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{sx}}^?}` be :math:`{\mathrm{sx}}({\mathit{zt}}_2)`.
+         #) Let :math:`{{\mathit{sx}}^?}` be :math:`{\mathrm{sx}}({\mathit{zt}}_2)`.
-      #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}array}~a_1)` to the stack.
+         #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}array}~a_1)` to the stack.
-      #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i_1)` to the stack.
+         #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i_1)` to the stack.
-      #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}array}~a_2)` to the stack.
+         #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}array}~a_2)` to the stack.
-      #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i_2)` to the stack.
+         #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i_2)` to the stack.
-      #) Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{array{.}get}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{{\mathit{sx}}^?}}~x_2)`.
+         #) Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{array{.}get}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{{\mathit{sx}}^?}}~x_2)`.
-      #) Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}set}~x_1)`.
+         #) Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}set}~x_1)`.
-      #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}array}~a_1)` to the stack.
+         #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}array}~a_1)` to the stack.
-      #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i_1 + 1)` to the stack.
+         #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i_1 + 1)` to the stack.
-      #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}array}~a_2)` to the stack.
+         #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}array}~a_2)` to the stack.
-      #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i_2 + 1)` to the stack.
+         #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i_2 + 1)` to the stack.
-      #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~n - 1)` to the stack.
+         #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~n - 1)` to the stack.
-      #) Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}copy}~x_1~x_2)`.
+         #) Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}copy}~x_1~x_2)`.
-    #) Else:
+      #) Else:
-      a) If :math:`{\mathrm{expand}}(z{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x_2])` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{array}`, then:
+         a) If :math:`{\mathrm{expand}}(z{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x_2])` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{array}`, then:
-        1. Let :math:`(\mathsf{array}~{\mathit{arraytype}}_0)` be :math:`{\mathrm{expand}}(z{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x_2])`.
+            1. Let :math:`(\mathsf{array}~{\mathit{arraytype}}_0)` be :math:`{\mathrm{expand}}(z{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x_2])`.
-        #. Let :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{zt}}_2)` be :math:`{\mathit{arraytype}}_0`.
+            #. Let :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{zt}}_2)` be :math:`{\mathit{arraytype}}_0`.
-        #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{sx}}^?}` be :math:`{\mathrm{sx}}({\mathit{zt}}_2)`.
+            #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{sx}}^?}` be :math:`{\mathrm{sx}}({\mathit{zt}}_2)`.
-        #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}array}~a_1)` to the stack.
+            #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}array}~a_1)` to the stack.
-        #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i_1 + n - 1)` to the stack.
+            #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i_1 + n - 1)` to the stack.
-        #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}array}~a_2)` to the stack.
+            #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}array}~a_2)` to the stack.
-        #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i_2 + n - 1)` to the stack.
+            #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i_2 + n - 1)` to the stack.
-        #. Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{array{.}get}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{{\mathit{sx}}^?}}~x_2)`.
+            #. Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{array{.}get}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{{\mathit{sx}}^?}}~x_2)`.
-        #. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}set}~x_1)`.
+            #. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}set}~x_1)`.
-        #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}array}~a_1)` to the stack.
+            #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}array}~a_1)` to the stack.
-        #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i_1)` to the stack.
+            #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i_1)` to the stack.
-        #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}array}~a_2)` to the stack.
+            #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}array}~a_2)` to the stack.
-        #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i_2)` to the stack.
+            #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i_2)` to the stack.
-        #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~n - 1)` to the stack.
+            #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~n - 1)` to the stack.
-        #. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}copy}~x_1~x_2)`.
+            #. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}copy}~x_1~x_2)`.
-  #. Else if :math:`n \neq 0`, then:
+   #. Else if :math:`n \neq 0`, then:
-    1) Do nothing.
+      1) Do nothing.
@@ -18057,45 +18057,45 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{ref{.}null}`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{ref{.}array}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}array}~a)` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}array}~a)` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`a < {|z{.}\mathsf{arrays}|}` and :math:`i + n > {|z{.}\mathsf{arrays}{}[a]{.}\mathsf{fields}|}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`a < {|z{.}\mathsf{arrays}|}` and :math:`i + n > {|z{.}\mathsf{arrays}{}[a]{.}\mathsf{fields}|}`, then:
-    1) Trap.
+      1) Trap.
-  #. If :math:`j + n > {|z{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[y]{.}\mathsf{refs}|}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`j + n > {|z{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[y]{.}\mathsf{refs}|}`, then:
-    1) Trap.
+      1) Trap.
-  #. If :math:`n = 0`, then:
+   #. If :math:`n = 0`, then:
-    1) Do nothing.
+      1) Do nothing.
-  #. Else if :math:`j < {|z{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[y]{.}\mathsf{refs}|}`, then:
+   #. Else if :math:`j < {|z{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[y]{.}\mathsf{refs}|}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`{\mathit{ref}}` be :math:`z{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[y]{.}\mathsf{refs}{}[j]`.
+      1) Let :math:`{\mathit{ref}}` be :math:`z{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[y]{.}\mathsf{refs}{}[j]`.
-    #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}array}~a)` to the stack.
+      #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}array}~a)` to the stack.
-    #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i)` to the stack.
+      #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i)` to the stack.
-    #) Push the value :math:`{\mathit{ref}}` to the stack.
+      #) Push the value :math:`{\mathit{ref}}` to the stack.
-    #) Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}set}~x)`.
+      #) Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}set}~x)`.
-    #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}array}~a)` to the stack.
+      #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}array}~a)` to the stack.
-    #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i + 1)` to the stack.
+      #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i + 1)` to the stack.
-    #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~j + 1)` to the stack.
+      #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~j + 1)` to the stack.
-    #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~n - 1)` to the stack.
+      #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~n - 1)` to the stack.
-    #) Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}init\_elem}~x~y)`.
+      #) Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}init\_elem}~x~y)`.
@@ -18122,55 +18122,55 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{ref{.}null}`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{ref{.}array}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}array}~a)` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}array}~a)` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`a < {|z{.}\mathsf{arrays}|}` and :math:`i + n > {|z{.}\mathsf{arrays}{}[a]{.}\mathsf{fields}|}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`a < {|z{.}\mathsf{arrays}|}` and :math:`i + n > {|z{.}\mathsf{arrays}{}[a]{.}\mathsf{fields}|}`, then:
-    1) Trap.
+      1) Trap.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathrm{expand}}(z{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x])` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{array}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathrm{expand}}(z{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x])` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{array}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`(\mathsf{array}~{\mathit{arraytype}}_0)` be :math:`{\mathrm{expand}}(z{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x])`.
+      1) Let :math:`(\mathsf{array}~{\mathit{arraytype}}_0)` be :math:`{\mathrm{expand}}(z{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x])`.
-    #) Let :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{zt}})` be :math:`{\mathit{arraytype}}_0`.
+      #) Let :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{zt}})` be :math:`{\mathit{arraytype}}_0`.
-    #) If :math:`j + n \cdot {|{\mathit{zt}}|} / 8 > {|z{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[y]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
+      #) If :math:`j + n \cdot {|{\mathit{zt}}|} / 8 > {|z{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[y]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
-      a) Trap.
+         a) Trap.
-    #) If :math:`n = 0`, then:
+      #) If :math:`n = 0`, then:
-      a) Do nothing.
+         a) Do nothing.
-    #) Else:
+      #) Else:
-      a) Let :math:`c` be the result for which :math:`{{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{{\mathit{zt}}}(c)` :math:`=` :math:`z{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[y]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[j : {|{\mathit{zt}}|} / 8]`.
+         a) Let :math:`c` be the result for which :math:`{{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{{\mathit{zt}}}(c)` :math:`=` :math:`z{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[y]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[j : {|{\mathit{zt}}|} / 8]`.
-      #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}array}~a)` to the stack.
+         #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}array}~a)` to the stack.
-      #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i)` to the stack.
+         #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i)` to the stack.
-      #) Push the value :math:`{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{zt}}){.}\mathsf{const}~{{\mathrm{unpack}}}_{{\mathit{zt}}}(c)` to the stack.
+         #) Push the value :math:`{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{zt}}){.}\mathsf{const}~{{\mathrm{unpack}}}_{{\mathit{zt}}}(c)` to the stack.
-      #) Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}set}~x)`.
+         #) Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}set}~x)`.
-      #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}array}~a)` to the stack.
+         #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}array}~a)` to the stack.
-      #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i + 1)` to the stack.
+         #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i + 1)` to the stack.
-      #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~j + {|{\mathit{zt}}|} / 8)` to the stack.
+         #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~j + {|{\mathit{zt}}|} / 8)` to the stack.
-      #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~n - 1)` to the stack.
+         #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~n - 1)` to the stack.
-      #) Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}init\_data}~x~y)`.
+         #) Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}init\_data}~x~y)`.
-  #. Else if :math:`n = 0`, then:
+   #. Else if :math:`n = 0`, then:
-    1) Do nothing.
+      1) Do nothing.
@@ -18209,7 +18209,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`i \geq {|z{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{refs}|}`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. Push the value :math:`z{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{refs}{}[i]` to the stack.
@@ -18247,27 +18247,27 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`i + n > {|z{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{refs}|}`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. If :math:`n = 0`, then:
-  a. Do nothing.
+   a. Do nothing.
 #. Else:
-  a. Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i)` to the stack.
+   a. Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i)` to the stack.
-  #. Push the value :math:`{\mathit{val}}` to the stack.
+   #. Push the value :math:`{\mathit{val}}` to the stack.
-  #. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}set}~x)`.
+   #. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}set}~x)`.
-  #. Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i + 1)` to the stack.
+   #. Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i + 1)` to the stack.
-  #. Push the value :math:`{\mathit{val}}` to the stack.
+   #. Push the value :math:`{\mathit{val}}` to the stack.
-  #. Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}{.}\mathsf{const}~n - 1)` to the stack.
+   #. Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}{.}\mathsf{const}~n - 1)` to the stack.
-  #. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}fill}~x)`.
+   #. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}fill}~x)`.
@@ -18290,49 +18290,49 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`i_1 + n > {|z{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x_1]{.}\mathsf{refs}|}`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. If :math:`i_2 + n > {|z{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x_2]{.}\mathsf{refs}|}`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. If :math:`n = 0`, then:
-  a. Do nothing.
+   a. Do nothing.
 #. Else:
-  a. If :math:`i_1 \leq i_2`, then:
+   a. If :math:`i_1 \leq i_2`, then:
-    1) Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}_1{.}\mathsf{const}~i_1)` to the stack.
+      1) Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}_1{.}\mathsf{const}~i_1)` to the stack.
-    #) Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}_2{.}\mathsf{const}~i_2)` to the stack.
+      #) Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}_2{.}\mathsf{const}~i_2)` to the stack.
-    #) Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}get}~x_2)`.
+      #) Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}get}~x_2)`.
-    #) Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}set}~x_1)`.
+      #) Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}set}~x_1)`.
-    #) Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}_1{.}\mathsf{const}~i_1 + 1)` to the stack.
+      #) Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}_1{.}\mathsf{const}~i_1 + 1)` to the stack.
-    #) Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}_2{.}\mathsf{const}~i_2 + 1)` to the stack.
+      #) Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}_2{.}\mathsf{const}~i_2 + 1)` to the stack.
-  #. Else:
+   #. Else:
-    1) Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}_1{.}\mathsf{const}~i_1 + n - 1)` to the stack.
+      1) Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}_1{.}\mathsf{const}~i_1 + n - 1)` to the stack.
-    #) Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}_2{.}\mathsf{const}~i_2 + n - 1)` to the stack.
+      #) Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}_2{.}\mathsf{const}~i_2 + n - 1)` to the stack.
-    #) Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}get}~x_2)`.
+      #) Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}get}~x_2)`.
-    #) Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}set}~x_1)`.
+      #) Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}set}~x_1)`.
-    #) Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}_1{.}\mathsf{const}~i_1)` to the stack.
+      #) Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}_1{.}\mathsf{const}~i_1)` to the stack.
-    #) Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}_2{.}\mathsf{const}~i_2)` to the stack.
+      #) Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}_2{.}\mathsf{const}~i_2)` to the stack.
-  #. Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}'}{.}\mathsf{const}~n - 1)` to the stack.
+   #. Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}'}{.}\mathsf{const}~n - 1)` to the stack.
-  #. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}copy}~x_1~x_2)`.
+   #. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}copy}~x_1~x_2)`.
@@ -18355,31 +18355,31 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`i + n > {|z{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{refs}|}`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. If :math:`j + n > {|z{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[y]{.}\mathsf{refs}|}`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. If :math:`n = 0`, then:
-  a. Do nothing.
+   a. Do nothing.
 #. Else if :math:`j < {|z{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[y]{.}\mathsf{refs}|}`, then:
-  a. Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i)` to the stack.
+   a. Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i)` to the stack.
-  #. Push the value :math:`z{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[y]{.}\mathsf{refs}{}[j]` to the stack.
+   #. Push the value :math:`z{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[y]{.}\mathsf{refs}{}[j]` to the stack.
-  #. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}set}~x)`.
+   #. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}set}~x)`.
-  #. Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i + 1)` to the stack.
+   #. Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i + 1)` to the stack.
-  #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~j + 1)` to the stack.
+   #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~j + 1)` to the stack.
-  #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~n - 1)` to the stack.
+   #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~n - 1)` to the stack.
-  #. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}init}~x~y)`.
+   #. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}init}~x~y)`.
 :math:`{{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{{{\mathit{loadop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}}~x~{\mathit{ao}}`
@@ -18394,39 +18394,39 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`{{\mathit{loadop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is not defined, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathit{nt}}` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{nt}}` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} + {|{\mathit{nt}}|} / 8 > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} + {|{\mathit{nt}}|} / 8 > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
-    1) Trap.
+      1) Trap.
-  #. Let :math:`c` be the result for which :math:`{{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{{\mathit{nt}}}(c)` :math:`=` :math:`z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} : {|{\mathit{nt}}|} / 8]`.
+   #. Let :math:`c` be the result for which :math:`{{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{{\mathit{nt}}}(c)` :math:`=` :math:`z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} : {|{\mathit{nt}}|} / 8]`.
-  #. Push the value :math:`({\mathit{nt}}{.}\mathsf{const}~c)` to the stack.
+   #. Push the value :math:`({\mathit{nt}}{.}\mathsf{const}~c)` to the stack.
 #. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Inn, then:
-  a. If :math:`{{\mathit{loadop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is defined, then:
+   a. If :math:`{{\mathit{loadop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is defined, then:
-    1) Let :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}` be :math:`{{\mathit{loadop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}`.
+      1) Let :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}` be :math:`{{\mathit{loadop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}`.
-    #) Let :math:`(n~{\mathit{sx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}`.
+      #) Let :math:`(n~{\mathit{sx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}`.
-    #) If :math:`i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} + n / 8 > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
+      #) If :math:`i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} + n / 8 > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
-      a) Trap.
+         a) Trap.
-  #. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{N}` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{N}` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`{{\mathit{loadop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is defined, then:
+   #. If :math:`{{\mathit{loadop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is defined, then:
-    1) Let :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}` be :math:`{{\mathit{loadop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}`.
+      1) Let :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}` be :math:`{{\mathit{loadop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}`.
-    #) Let :math:`(n~{\mathit{sx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}`.
+      #) Let :math:`(n~{\mathit{sx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}`.
-    #) Let :math:`c` be the result for which :math:`{{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}(c)` :math:`=` :math:`z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} : n / 8]`.
+      #) Let :math:`c` be the result for which :math:`{{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}(c)` :math:`=` :math:`z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} : n / 8]`.
-    #) Push the value :math:`({\mathsf{i}}{N}{.}\mathsf{const}~{{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{n, {|{\mathsf{i}}{N}|}}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{(c)})` to the stack.
+      #) Push the value :math:`({\mathsf{i}}{N}{.}\mathsf{const}~{{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{n, {|{\mathsf{i}}{N}|}}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{(c)})` to the stack.
 :math:`{\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{{{\mathit{vloadop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}}~x~{\mathit{ao}}`
@@ -18441,69 +18441,69 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} + {|\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}|} / 8 > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}` and :math:`{{\mathit{vloadop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is not defined, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. If :math:`{{\mathit{vloadop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is not defined, then:
-  a. Let :math:`c` be the result for which :math:`{{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}}(c)` :math:`=` :math:`z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} : {|\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}|} / 8]`.
+   a. Let :math:`c` be the result for which :math:`{{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}}(c)` :math:`=` :math:`z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} : {|\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}|} / 8]`.
-  #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{const}~c)` to the stack.
+   #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{const}~c)` to the stack.
 #. Else:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathit{vloadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}` be :math:`{{\mathit{vloadop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{vloadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}` be :math:`{{\mathit{vloadop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{vloadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{shape}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{vloadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{shape}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`({M}{\mathsf{x}}{K}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vloadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`({M}{\mathsf{x}}{K}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vloadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}`.
-    #) If :math:`i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} + M \cdot K / 8 > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
+      #) If :math:`i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} + M \cdot K / 8 > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
-      a) Trap.
+         a) Trap.
-    #) Let :math:`{j^{K}}` be the result for which :math:`{({{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{{\mathsf{i}}{M}}({j^{K}}) = z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} + k \cdot M / 8 : M / 8])^{k<K}}`.
+      #) Let :math:`{j^{K}}` be the result for which :math:`{({{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{{\mathsf{i}}{M}}({j^{K}}) = z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} + k \cdot M / 8 : M / 8])^{k<K}}`.
-    #) If the type of :math:`N` for which :math:`N` :math:`=` :math:`M \cdot 2` is Jnn, then:
+      #) If the type of :math:`N` for which :math:`N` :math:`=` :math:`M \cdot 2` is Jnn, then:
-      a) Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{N}` be the result for which :math:`N` :math:`=` :math:`M \cdot 2`.
+         a) Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{N}` be the result for which :math:`N` :math:`=` :math:`M \cdot 2`.
-      #) Let :math:`c` be :math:`{{{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{K}}^{{-1}}}}{({{{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{M, N}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{(j)}^{K}})}`.
+         #) Let :math:`c` be :math:`{{{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{K}}^{{-1}}}}{({{{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{M, N}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{(j)}^{K}})}`.
-      #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{const}~c)` to the stack.
+         #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{const}~c)` to the stack.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{vloadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{splat}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{vloadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{splat}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`({N}{\mathsf{\_}}{\mathsf{splat}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vloadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`({N}{\mathsf{\_}}{\mathsf{splat}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vloadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}`.
-    #) If :math:`i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} + N / 8 > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
+      #) If :math:`i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} + N / 8 > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
-      a) Trap.
+         a) Trap.
-    #) Let :math:`M` be :math:`128 / N`.
+      #) Let :math:`M` be :math:`128 / N`.
-    #) If the type of :math:`{\mathit{fresh}}` for which :math:`{|{\mathit{fresh}}|}` :math:`=` :math:`N` is Jnn, then:
+      #) If the type of :math:`{\mathit{fresh}}` for which :math:`{|{\mathit{fresh}}|}` :math:`=` :math:`N` is Jnn, then:
-      a) Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{N}` be the result for which :math:`{|{\mathsf{i}}{N}|}` :math:`=` :math:`N`.
+         a) Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{N}` be the result for which :math:`{|{\mathsf{i}}{N}|}` :math:`=` :math:`N`.
-      #) Let :math:`j` be the result for which :math:`{{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}(j)` :math:`=` :math:`z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} : N / 8]`.
+         #) Let :math:`j` be the result for which :math:`{{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}(j)` :math:`=` :math:`z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} : N / 8]`.
-      #) Let :math:`c` be :math:`{{{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}^{{-1}}}}{({j^{M}})}`.
+         #) Let :math:`c` be :math:`{{{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}^{{-1}}}}{({j^{M}})}`.
-      #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{const}~c)` to the stack.
+         #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{const}~c)` to the stack.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{vloadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{zero}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{vloadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{zero}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`({N}{\mathsf{\_}}{\mathsf{zero}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vloadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`({N}{\mathsf{\_}}{\mathsf{zero}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vloadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}`.
-    #) If :math:`i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} + N / 8 > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
+      #) If :math:`i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} + N / 8 > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
-      a) Trap.
+         a) Trap.
-    #) Let :math:`j` be the result for which :math:`{{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}(j)` :math:`=` :math:`z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} : N / 8]`.
+      #) Let :math:`j` be the result for which :math:`{{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}(j)` :math:`=` :math:`z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} : N / 8]`.
-    #) Let :math:`c` be :math:`{{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{N, 128}^{\mathsf{u}}}}{(j)}`.
+      #) Let :math:`c` be :math:`{{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{N, 128}^{\mathsf{u}}}}{(j)}`.
-    #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{const}~c)` to the stack.
+      #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{const}~c)` to the stack.
 :math:`{\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{N}{\mathsf{\_}}{\mathsf{lane}}~x~{\mathit{ao}}~j`
@@ -18522,19 +18522,19 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} + N / 8 > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. Let :math:`M` be :math:`{|\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}|} / N`.
 #. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{fresh}}` for which :math:`{|{\mathit{fresh}}|}` :math:`=` :math:`N` is Jnn, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{N}` be the result for which :math:`{|{\mathsf{i}}{N}|}` :math:`=` :math:`N`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{N}` be the result for which :math:`{|{\mathsf{i}}{N}|}` :math:`=` :math:`N`.
-  #. Let :math:`k` be the result for which :math:`{{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}(k)` :math:`=` :math:`z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} : N / 8]`.
+   #. Let :math:`k` be the result for which :math:`{{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}(k)` :math:`=` :math:`z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} : N / 8]`.
-  #. Let :math:`c` be :math:`{{{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}^{{-1}}}}{({{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}(c_1){}[{}[j] = k])}`.
+   #. Let :math:`c` be :math:`{{{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}^{{-1}}}}{({{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}(c_1){}[{}[j] = k])}`.
-  #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{const}~c)` to the stack.
+   #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{const}~c)` to the stack.
@@ -18572,27 +18572,27 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`i + n > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. If :math:`n = 0`, then:
-  a. Do nothing.
+   a. Do nothing.
 #. Else:
-  a. Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i)` to the stack.
+   a. Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i)` to the stack.
-  #. Push the value :math:`{\mathit{val}}` to the stack.
+   #. Push the value :math:`{\mathit{val}}` to the stack.
-  #. Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{store}}{8}~x)`.
+   #. Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{store}}{8}~x)`.
-  #. Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i + 1)` to the stack.
+   #. Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i + 1)` to the stack.
-  #. Push the value :math:`{\mathit{val}}` to the stack.
+   #. Push the value :math:`{\mathit{val}}` to the stack.
-  #. Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}{.}\mathsf{const}~n - 1)` to the stack.
+   #. Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}{.}\mathsf{const}~n - 1)` to the stack.
-  #. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{memory{.}fill}~x)`.
+   #. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{memory{.}fill}~x)`.
@@ -18615,49 +18615,49 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`i_1 + n > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x_1]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. If :math:`i_2 + n > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x_2]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. If :math:`n = 0`, then:
-  a. Do nothing.
+   a. Do nothing.
 #. Else:
-  a. If :math:`i_1 \leq i_2`, then:
+   a. If :math:`i_1 \leq i_2`, then:
-    1) Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}_1{.}\mathsf{const}~i_1)` to the stack.
+      1) Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}_1{.}\mathsf{const}~i_1)` to the stack.
-    #) Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}_2{.}\mathsf{const}~i_2)` to the stack.
+      #) Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}_2{.}\mathsf{const}~i_2)` to the stack.
-    #) Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{8~\mathsf{u}}~x_2)`.
+      #) Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{8~\mathsf{u}}~x_2)`.
-    #) Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{store}}{8}~x_1)`.
+      #) Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{store}}{8}~x_1)`.
-    #) Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}_1{.}\mathsf{const}~i_1 + 1)` to the stack.
+      #) Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}_1{.}\mathsf{const}~i_1 + 1)` to the stack.
-    #) Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}_2{.}\mathsf{const}~i_2 + 1)` to the stack.
+      #) Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}_2{.}\mathsf{const}~i_2 + 1)` to the stack.
-  #. Else:
+   #. Else:
-    1) Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}_1{.}\mathsf{const}~i_1 + n - 1)` to the stack.
+      1) Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}_1{.}\mathsf{const}~i_1 + n - 1)` to the stack.
-    #) Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}_2{.}\mathsf{const}~i_2 + n - 1)` to the stack.
+      #) Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}_2{.}\mathsf{const}~i_2 + n - 1)` to the stack.
-    #) Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{8~\mathsf{u}}~x_2)`.
+      #) Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{8~\mathsf{u}}~x_2)`.
-    #) Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{store}}{8}~x_1)`.
+      #) Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{store}}{8}~x_1)`.
-    #) Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}_1{.}\mathsf{const}~i_1)` to the stack.
+      #) Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}_1{.}\mathsf{const}~i_1)` to the stack.
-    #) Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}_2{.}\mathsf{const}~i_2)` to the stack.
+      #) Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}_2{.}\mathsf{const}~i_2)` to the stack.
-  #. Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}'}{.}\mathsf{const}~n - 1)` to the stack.
+   #. Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}'}{.}\mathsf{const}~n - 1)` to the stack.
-  #. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{memory{.}copy}~x_1~x_2)`.
+   #. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{memory{.}copy}~x_1~x_2)`.
@@ -18680,31 +18680,31 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`i + n > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. If :math:`j + n > {|z{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[y]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. If :math:`n = 0`, then:
-  a. Do nothing.
+   a. Do nothing.
 #. Else if :math:`j < {|z{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[y]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
-  a. Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i)` to the stack.
+   a. Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i)` to the stack.
-  #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~z{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[y]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[j])` to the stack.
+   #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~z{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[y]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[j])` to the stack.
-  #. Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{store}}{8}~x)`.
+   #. Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{store}}{8}~x)`.
-  #. Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i + 1)` to the stack.
+   #. Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i + 1)` to the stack.
-  #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~j + 1)` to the stack.
+   #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~j + 1)` to the stack.
-  #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~n - 1)` to the stack.
+   #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~n - 1)` to the stack.
-  #. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{memory{.}init}~x~y)`.
+   #. Execute the instruction :math:`(\mathsf{memory{.}init}~x~y)`.
@@ -18779,21 +18779,21 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{ref{.}null}`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{ref{.}struct}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}struct}~a)` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}struct}~a)` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathrm{expand}}(z{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x])` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{struct}`.
+   #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathrm{expand}}(z{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x])` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{struct}`.
-  #. Let :math:`(\mathsf{struct}~{\mathit{structtype}}_0)` be :math:`{\mathrm{expand}}(z{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x])`.
+   #. Let :math:`(\mathsf{struct}~{\mathit{structtype}}_0)` be :math:`{\mathrm{expand}}(z{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x])`.
-  #. Let :math:`{({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{zt}})^\ast}` be :math:`{\mathit{structtype}}_0`.
+   #. Let :math:`{({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{zt}})^\ast}` be :math:`{\mathit{structtype}}_0`.
-  #. If :math:`i < {|{{\mathit{zt}}^\ast}|}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`i < {|{{\mathit{zt}}^\ast}|}`, then:
-    1) Perform :math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{structs}{}[a]{.}\mathsf{fields}{}[i] = {{\mathrm{pack}}}_{{{\mathit{zt}}^\ast}{}[i]}({\mathit{val}})]`.
+      1) Perform :math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{structs}{}[a]{.}\mathsf{fields}{}[i] = {{\mathrm{pack}}}_{{{\mathit{zt}}^\ast}{}[i]}({\mathit{val}})]`.
@@ -18841,23 +18841,23 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{ref{.}null}`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{ref{.}array}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}array}~a)` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}array}~a)` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`a < {|z{.}\mathsf{arrays}|}` and :math:`i \geq {|z{.}\mathsf{arrays}{}[a]{.}\mathsf{fields}|}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`a < {|z{.}\mathsf{arrays}|}` and :math:`i \geq {|z{.}\mathsf{arrays}{}[a]{.}\mathsf{fields}|}`, then:
-    1) Trap.
+      1) Trap.
-  #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathrm{expand}}(z{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x])` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{array}`.
+   #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathrm{expand}}(z{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x])` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{array}`.
-  #. Let :math:`(\mathsf{array}~{\mathit{arraytype}}_0)` be :math:`{\mathrm{expand}}(z{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x])`.
+   #. Let :math:`(\mathsf{array}~{\mathit{arraytype}}_0)` be :math:`{\mathrm{expand}}(z{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x])`.
-  #. Let :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{zt}})` be :math:`{\mathit{arraytype}}_0`.
+   #. Let :math:`({\mathsf{mut}^?}~{\mathit{zt}})` be :math:`{\mathit{arraytype}}_0`.
-  #. Perform :math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{arrays}{}[a]{.}\mathsf{fields}{}[i] = {{\mathrm{pack}}}_{{\mathit{zt}}}({\mathit{val}})]`.
+   #. Perform :math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{arrays}{}[a]{.}\mathsf{fields}{}[i] = {{\mathrm{pack}}}_{{\mathit{zt}}}({\mathit{val}})]`.
@@ -18902,7 +18902,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`i \geq {|z{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{refs}|}`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. Perform :math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{refs}{}[i] = {\mathit{ref}}]`.
@@ -18923,15 +18923,15 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. Either:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathit{ti}}` be :math:`{\mathrm{growtable}}(z{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x], n, {\mathit{ref}})`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{ti}}` be :math:`{\mathrm{growtable}}(z{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x], n, {\mathit{ref}})`.
-  #. Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}{.}\mathsf{const}~{|z{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{refs}|})` to the stack.
+   #. Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}{.}\mathsf{const}~{|z{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{refs}|})` to the stack.
-  #. Perform :math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x] = {\mathit{ti}}]`.
+   #. Perform :math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x] = {\mathit{ti}}]`.
 #. Or:
-  a. Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}{.}\mathsf{const}~{{{{\mathrm{signed}}}_{{|{\mathit{at}}|}}^{{-1}}}}{({-1})})` to the stack.
+   a. Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}{.}\mathsf{const}~{{{{\mathrm{signed}}}_{{|{\mathit{at}}|}}^{{-1}}}}{({-1})})` to the stack.
@@ -18961,29 +18961,29 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} + {|{\mathit{nt}}|} / 8 > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}` and :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = {\mathit{nt}}` and :math:`{{\mathit{storeop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is not defined, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = {\mathit{nt}}` and :math:`{{\mathit{storeop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is not defined, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{b^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{{\mathit{nt}}}(c)`.
+   a. Let :math:`{b^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{{\mathit{nt}}}(c)`.
-  #. Perform :math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} : {|{\mathit{nt}}|} / 8] = {b^\ast}]`.
+   #. Perform :math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} : {|{\mathit{nt}}|} / 8] = {b^\ast}]`.
 #. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}` is Inn, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{N}` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{N}` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = {\mathsf{i}}{N}` and :math:`{{\mathit{storeop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is defined, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = {\mathsf{i}}{N}` and :math:`{{\mathit{storeop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is defined, then:
-    1) Let :math:`n` be :math:`{{\mathit{storeop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}`.
+      1) Let :math:`n` be :math:`{{\mathit{storeop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}`.
-    #) If :math:`i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} + n / 8 > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
+      #) If :math:`i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} + n / 8 > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
-      a) Trap.
+         a) Trap.
-    #) Let :math:`{b^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}({{\mathrm{wrap}}}_{{|{\mathsf{i}}{N}|}, n}(c))`.
+      #) Let :math:`{b^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}({{\mathrm{wrap}}}_{{|{\mathsf{i}}{N}|}, n}(c))`.
-    #) Perform :math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} : n / 8] = {b^\ast}]`.
+      #) Perform :math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} : n / 8] = {b^\ast}]`.
 :math:`\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{store}~x~{\mathit{ao}}`
@@ -19002,7 +19002,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} + {|\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}|} / 8 > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. Let :math:`{b^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}}(c)`.
@@ -19025,19 +19025,19 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} + N > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
-  a. Trap.
+   a. Trap.
 #. Let :math:`M` be :math:`128 / N`.
 #. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{fresh}}` for which :math:`{|{\mathit{fresh}}|}` :math:`=` :math:`N` is Jnn, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{N}` be the result for which :math:`{|{\mathsf{i}}{N}|}` :math:`=` :math:`N`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{N}` be the result for which :math:`{|{\mathsf{i}}{N}|}` :math:`=` :math:`N`.
-  #. If :math:`j < {|{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}(c)|}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`j < {|{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}(c)|}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`{b^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}({{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}(c){}[j])`.
+      1) Let :math:`{b^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}({{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}(c){}[j])`.
-    #) Perform :math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} : N / 8] = {b^\ast}]`.
+      #) Perform :math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} : N / 8] = {b^\ast}]`.
@@ -19052,15 +19052,15 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. Either:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathit{mi}}` be :math:`{\mathrm{growmem}}(z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x], n)`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{mi}}` be :math:`{\mathrm{growmem}}(z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x], n)`.
-  #. Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}{.}\mathsf{const}~{|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|} / (64 \, {\mathrm{Ki}}))` to the stack.
+   #. Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}{.}\mathsf{const}~{|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|} / (64 \, {\mathrm{Ki}}))` to the stack.
-  #. Perform :math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x] = {\mathit{mi}}]`.
+   #. Perform :math:`z{}[{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x] = {\mathit{mi}}]`.
 #. Or:
-  a. Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}{.}\mathsf{const}~{{{{\mathrm{signed}}}_{{|{\mathit{at}}|}}^{{-1}}}}{({-1})})` to the stack.
+   a. Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}{.}\mathsf{const}~{{{{\mathrm{signed}}}_{{|{\mathit{at}}|}}^{{-1}}}}{({-1})})` to the stack.
@@ -19078,7 +19078,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`i \leq j`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`i`.
+   a. Return :math:`i`.
 #. Return :math:`j`.
@@ -19089,7 +19089,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{n_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`0`.
+   a. Return :math:`0`.
 #. Let :math:`n~{{n'}^\ast}` be :math:`{n_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -19102,7 +19102,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{n_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`1`.
+   a. Return :math:`1`.
 #. Let :math:`n~{{n'}^\ast}` be :math:`{n_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -19115,7 +19115,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{X_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{|{X_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}|} = 1`.
@@ -19130,7 +19130,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{X_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{w^\ast}~{{{w'}^\ast}^\ast}` be :math:`{X_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -19143,7 +19143,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{X_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{w^{n}}~{({{w'}^{n}})^\ast}` be :math:`{X_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -19156,7 +19156,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{X_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return true.
+   a. Return true.
 #. Let :math:`w~{{w'}^\ast}` be :math:`{X_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -19169,13 +19169,13 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{X_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`w`.
+   a. Return :math:`w`.
 #. Let :math:`w_1~{{w'}^\ast}` be :math:`{X_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
 #. If :math:`w = w_1`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{setminus{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}}_{{\mathit{TODO}}}(w, {{w'}^\ast})`.
@@ -19186,7 +19186,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{X_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`w_1~{{w'}^\ast}` be :math:`{X_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -19199,7 +19199,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{X_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{{w'}^\ast}~{{w^\ast}^\ast}` be :math:`{X_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -19212,7 +19212,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{X_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`w_1~{{w'}^\ast}` be :math:`{X_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -19225,7 +19225,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{X_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{w_1^\ast}~{{w^\ast}^\ast}` be :math:`{X_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -19238,7 +19238,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`N_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = 32`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`23`.
+   a. Return :math:`23`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`N_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = 64`.
@@ -19251,7 +19251,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`N_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = 32`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`8`.
+   a. Return :math:`8`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`N_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = 64`.
@@ -19380,15 +19380,15 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`32`.
+   a. Return :math:`32`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 64}}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`64`.
+   a. Return :math:`64`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{f{\scriptstyle 32}}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`32`.
+   a. Return :math:`32`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{f{\scriptstyle 64}}`.
@@ -19408,7 +19408,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{\mathit{pt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 8}}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`8`.
+   a. Return :math:`8`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{pt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 16}}`.
@@ -19421,9 +19421,9 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is number type, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{|{\mathit{numtype}}|}`.
+   #. Return :math:`{|{\mathit{numtype}}|}`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is packed type.
@@ -19438,15 +19438,15 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is number type, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}` be :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}` be :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{|{\mathit{numtype}}|}`.
+   #. Return :math:`{|{\mathit{numtype}}|}`.
 #. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is vector type, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathit{vectype}}` be :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{vectype}}` be :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{|{\mathit{vectype}}|}`.
+   #. Return :math:`{|{\mathit{vectype}}|}`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, the type of :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is packed type.
@@ -19517,9 +19517,9 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is number type, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is packed type.
@@ -19532,9 +19532,9 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is value type, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}` be :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}` be :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, the type of :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is packed type.
@@ -19547,13 +19547,13 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is number type, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}` be :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}` be :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}`.
 #. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is packed type, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}`.
+   a. Return :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}`.
@@ -19569,19 +19569,19 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is literal type, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathit{consttype}}` be :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{consttype}}` be :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathit{consttype}}`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathit{consttype}}`.
 #. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is packed type, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}`.
+   a. Return :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}`.
 #. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is lane type, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathit{lanetype}}` be :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{lanetype}}` be :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{lanetype}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{unpack}}({\mathit{lanetype}})`.
@@ -19611,15 +19611,15 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{xx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_0~{{\mathit{xx}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_0` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{func}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{func}~x)` be :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_0`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{func}~x)` be :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_0`.
-  #. Return :math:`x~{\mathrm{funcs}}({{\mathit{xx}}^\ast})`.
+   #. Return :math:`x~{\mathrm{funcs}}({{\mathit{xx}}^\ast})`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}~{{\mathit{xx}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -19632,15 +19632,15 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{xx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_0~{{\mathit{xx}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_0` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{global}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{global}~x)` be :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_0`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{global}~x)` be :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_0`.
-  #. Return :math:`x~{\mathrm{globals}}({{\mathit{xx}}^\ast})`.
+   #. Return :math:`x~{\mathrm{globals}}({{\mathit{xx}}^\ast})`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}~{{\mathit{xx}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -19653,15 +19653,15 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{xx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_0~{{\mathit{xx}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_0` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{table}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{table}~x)` be :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_0`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{table}~x)` be :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_0`.
-  #. Return :math:`x~{\mathrm{tables}}({{\mathit{xx}}^\ast})`.
+   #. Return :math:`x~{\mathrm{tables}}({{\mathit{xx}}^\ast})`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}~{{\mathit{xx}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -19674,15 +19674,15 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{xx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_0~{{\mathit{xx}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_0` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{mem}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~x)` be :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_0`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~x)` be :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_0`.
-  #. Return :math:`x~{\mathrm{mems}}({{\mathit{xx}}^\ast})`.
+   #. Return :math:`x~{\mathrm{mems}}({{\mathit{xx}}^\ast})`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}~{{\mathit{xx}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -19695,15 +19695,15 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{xx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_0~{{\mathit{xx}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_0` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{tag}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{tag}~x)` be :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_0`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{tag}~x)` be :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}_0`.
-  #. Return :math:`x~{\mathrm{tags}}({{\mathit{xx}}^\ast})`.
+   #. Return :math:`x~{\mathrm{tags}}({{\mathit{xx}}^\ast})`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externidx}}~{{\mathit{xx}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -19716,7 +19716,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`N_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = 32`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}`.
+   a. Return :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`N_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = 64`.
@@ -19729,7 +19729,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`N_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = 32`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\mathsf{f{\scriptstyle 32}}`.
+   a. Return :math:`\mathsf{f{\scriptstyle 32}}`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`N_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = 64`.
@@ -19742,15 +19742,15 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`N_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = 8`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 8}}`.
+   a. Return :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 8}}`.
 #. If :math:`N_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = 16`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 16}}`.
+   a. Return :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 16}}`.
 #. If :math:`N_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = 32`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}`.
+   a. Return :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`N_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = 64`.
@@ -19763,7 +19763,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{|{\mathit{at}}_1|} \leq {|{\mathit{at}}_2|}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{\mathit{at}}_1`.
+   a. Return :math:`{\mathit{at}}_1`.
 #. Return :math:`{\mathit{at}}_2`.
@@ -19774,7 +19774,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{{\mathsf{null}^?}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{null}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`(\mathsf{ref}~\epsilon~{\mathit{ht}}_1)`.
+   a. Return :math:`(\mathsf{ref}~\epsilon~{\mathit{ht}}_1)`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{{\mathsf{null}^?}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is not defined.
@@ -19787,15 +19787,15 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}_0~{{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}_0` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{func}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{dt}})` be :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}_0`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{dt}})` be :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}_0`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathit{dt}}~{\mathrm{funcs}}({{\mathit{xt}}^\ast})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathit{dt}}~{\mathrm{funcs}}({{\mathit{xt}}^\ast})`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}~{{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -19808,15 +19808,15 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}_0~{{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}_0` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{global}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{gt}})` be :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}_0`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{gt}})` be :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}_0`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathit{gt}}~{\mathrm{globals}}({{\mathit{xt}}^\ast})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathit{gt}}~{\mathrm{globals}}({{\mathit{xt}}^\ast})`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}~{{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -19829,15 +19829,15 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}_0~{{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}_0` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{table}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tt}})` be :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}_0`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tt}})` be :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}_0`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathit{tt}}~{\mathrm{tables}}({{\mathit{xt}}^\ast})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathit{tt}}~{\mathrm{tables}}({{\mathit{xt}}^\ast})`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}~{{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -19850,15 +19850,15 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}_0~{{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}_0` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{mem}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{mt}})` be :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}_0`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{mt}})` be :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}_0`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathit{mt}}~{\mathrm{mems}}({{\mathit{xt}}^\ast})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathit{mt}}~{\mathrm{mems}}({{\mathit{xt}}^\ast})`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}~{{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -19871,15 +19871,15 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}_0~{{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}_0` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{tag}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{tag}~{\mathit{jt}})` be :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}_0`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{tag}~{\mathit{jt}})` be :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}_0`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathit{jt}}~{\mathrm{tags}}({{\mathit{xt}}^\ast})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathit{jt}}~{\mathrm{tags}}({{\mathit{xt}}^\ast})`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externtype}}~{{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -19892,7 +19892,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{tv}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon` and :math:`{y_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{\mathit{tv}}`.
+   a. Return :math:`{\mathit{tv}}`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{|{y_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}|} \geq 1`.
@@ -19904,7 +19904,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{tv}} = {\mathit{tv}}_1`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{\mathit{tu}}_1`.
+   a. Return :math:`{\mathit{tu}}_1`.
 #. Return :math:`{{\mathit{tv}}}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}'}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}'}^\ast} ]}`.
@@ -19936,9 +19936,9 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If the type of :math:`y_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is type variable, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathit{tv}'}` be :math:`y_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{tv}'}` be :math:`y_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{{\mathit{tv}'}}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]}`.
+   #. Return :math:`{{\mathit{tv}'}}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]}`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, the type of :math:`y_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is defined type.
@@ -19953,15 +19953,15 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is type variable, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathit{tv}'}` be :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{tv}'}` be :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{{\mathit{tv}'}}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]}`.
+   #. Return :math:`{{\mathit{tv}'}}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]}`.
 #. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is defined type, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathit{dt}}` be :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{dt}}` be :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{{\mathit{dt}}}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]}`.
+   #. Return :math:`{{\mathit{dt}}}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]}`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{ht}}` be :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
@@ -19981,21 +19981,21 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If the type of :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is number type, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathit{nt}}` be :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{nt}}` be :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{{\mathit{nt}}}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]}`.
+   #. Return :math:`{{\mathit{nt}}}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]}`.
 #. If the type of :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is vector type, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathit{vt}}` be :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{vt}}` be :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{{\mathit{vt}}}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]}`.
+   #. Return :math:`{{\mathit{vt}}}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]}`.
 #. If the type of :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is reference type, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathit{rt}}` be :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{rt}}` be :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{{\mathit{rt}}}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]}`.
+   #. Return :math:`{{\mathit{rt}}}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]}`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{bot}`.
@@ -20008,9 +20008,9 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is value type, then:
-  a. Let :math:`t` be :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`t` be :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{t}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]}`.
+   #. Return :math:`{t}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]}`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, the type of :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is packed type.
@@ -20032,15 +20032,15 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{\mathit{ct}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{struct}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{struct}~{{\mathit{yt}}^\ast})` be :math:`{\mathit{ct}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{struct}~{{\mathit{yt}}^\ast})` be :math:`{\mathit{ct}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`(\mathsf{struct}~{{{\mathit{yt}}}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]}^\ast})`.
+   #. Return :math:`(\mathsf{struct}~{{{\mathit{yt}}}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]}^\ast})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{ct}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{array}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{array}~{\mathit{yt}})` be :math:`{\mathit{ct}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{array}~{\mathit{yt}})` be :math:`{\mathit{ct}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`(\mathsf{array}~{{\mathit{yt}}}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]})`.
+   #. Return :math:`(\mathsf{array}~{{\mathit{yt}}}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]})`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{ct}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{func}`.
@@ -20118,27 +20118,27 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{func}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{dt}})` be :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{dt}})` be :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{{\mathit{dt}}}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]})`.
+   #. Return :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{{\mathit{dt}}}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{global}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{gt}})` be :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{gt}})` be :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{{\mathit{gt}}}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]})`.
+   #. Return :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{{\mathit{gt}}}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{table}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tt}})` be :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tt}})` be :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{{\mathit{tt}}}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]})`.
+   #. Return :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{{\mathit{tt}}}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{mem}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{mt}})` be :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{mt}})` be :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{{\mathit{mt}}}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]})`.
+   #. Return :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{{\mathit{mt}}}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]})`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{tag}`.
@@ -20209,7 +20209,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{dt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{dt}}_1~{{\mathit{dt}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{dt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -20284,9 +20284,9 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{consttype}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is number type, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}` be :math:`{\mathit{consttype}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}` be :math:`{\mathit{consttype}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`({\mathit{numtype}}{.}\mathsf{const}~c)`.
+   #. Return :math:`({\mathit{numtype}}{.}\mathsf{const}~c)`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, the type of :math:`{\mathit{consttype}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is vector type.
@@ -20301,7 +20301,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{free}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is not defined, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{types}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{funcs}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{globals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{tables}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{mems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{elems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{datas}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{labels}~\epsilon \}\end{array}`.
+   a. Return :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{types}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{funcs}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{globals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{tables}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{mems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{elems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{datas}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{labels}~\epsilon \}\end{array}`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{free}}` be :math:`{{\mathit{free}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}`.
@@ -20314,7 +20314,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{free}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{types}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{funcs}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{globals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{tables}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{mems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{elems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{datas}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{labels}~\epsilon \}\end{array}`.
+   a. Return :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{types}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{funcs}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{globals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{tables}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{mems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{elems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{datas}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{labels}~\epsilon \}\end{array}`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{free}}~{{\mathit{free}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{free}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -20390,21 +20390,21 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{\mathit{xx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{func}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{funcidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{xx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{funcidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{xx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{funcidx}}({\mathit{funcidx}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{funcidx}}({\mathit{funcidx}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{xx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{global}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{globalidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{xx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{globalidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{xx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{globalidx}}({\mathit{globalidx}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{globalidx}}({\mathit{globalidx}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{xx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{table}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tableidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{xx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tableidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{xx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{tableidx}}({\mathit{tableidx}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{tableidx}}({\mathit{tableidx}})`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{xx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{mem}`.
@@ -20440,9 +20440,9 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is number type, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{numtype}}({\mathit{numtype}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{numtype}}({\mathit{numtype}})`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is packed type.
@@ -20464,9 +20464,9 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{consttype}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is number type, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}` be :math:`{\mathit{consttype}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}` be :math:`{\mathit{consttype}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{numtype}}({\mathit{numtype}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{numtype}}({\mathit{numtype}})`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, the type of :math:`{\mathit{consttype}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is vector type.
@@ -20488,9 +20488,9 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{\mathit{tv}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case , then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathit{typeidx}}` be :math:`{\mathit{tv}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{typeidx}}` be :math:`{\mathit{tv}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{typeidx}}({\mathit{typeidx}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{typeidx}}({\mathit{typeidx}})`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{tv}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{rec}`.
@@ -20503,9 +20503,9 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is abstract heap type, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathit{absheaptype}}` be :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{absheaptype}}` be :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{absheaptype}}({\mathit{absheaptype}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{absheaptype}}({\mathit{absheaptype}})`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, the type of :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is type use.
@@ -20527,9 +20527,9 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If the type of :math:`y_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is type variable, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathit{typevar}}` be :math:`y_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{typevar}}` be :math:`y_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{typevar}}({\mathit{typevar}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{typevar}}({\mathit{typevar}})`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, the type of :math:`y_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is defined type.
@@ -20544,21 +20544,21 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If the type of :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is number type, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}` be :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{numtype}}` be :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{numtype}}({\mathit{numtype}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{numtype}}({\mathit{numtype}})`.
 #. If the type of :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is vector type, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathit{vectype}}` be :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{vectype}}` be :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{vectype}}({\mathit{vectype}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{vectype}}({\mathit{vectype}})`.
 #. If the type of :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is reference type, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathit{reftype}}` be :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{reftype}}` be :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{reftype}}({\mathit{reftype}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{reftype}}({\mathit{reftype}})`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{bot}`.
@@ -20578,9 +20578,9 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is value type, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}` be :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{valtype}}` be :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{valtype}}({\mathit{valtype}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{valtype}}({\mathit{valtype}})`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, the type of :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is packed type.
@@ -20623,15 +20623,15 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{\mathit{ct}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{struct}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{struct}~{\mathit{structtype}})` be :math:`{\mathit{ct}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{struct}~{\mathit{structtype}})` be :math:`{\mathit{ct}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{structtype}}({\mathit{structtype}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{structtype}}({\mathit{structtype}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{ct}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{array}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{array}~{\mathit{arraytype}})` be :math:`{\mathit{ct}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{array}~{\mathit{arraytype}})` be :math:`{\mathit{ct}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{arraytype}}({\mathit{arraytype}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{arraytype}}({\mathit{arraytype}})`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{ct}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{func}`.
@@ -20709,27 +20709,27 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{func}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{typeuse}})` be :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{typeuse}})` be :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{typeuse}}({\mathit{typeuse}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{typeuse}}({\mathit{typeuse}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{global}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{globaltype}})` be :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{globaltype}})` be :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{globaltype}}({\mathit{globaltype}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{globaltype}}({\mathit{globaltype}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{table}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tabletype}})` be :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tabletype}})` be :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{tabletype}}({\mathit{tabletype}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{tabletype}}({\mathit{tabletype}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{mem}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{memtype}})` be :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{memtype}})` be :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{memtype}}({\mathit{memtype}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{memtype}}({\mathit{memtype}})`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{tag}`.
@@ -20758,9 +20758,9 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{\mathit{bt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case , then:
-  a. Let :math:`{{\mathit{valtype}}^?}` be :math:`{\mathit{bt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{{\mathit{valtype}}^?}` be :math:`{\mathit{bt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{opt}}({{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{valtype}}({\mathit{valtype}})^?})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{opt}}({{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{valtype}}({\mathit{valtype}})^?})`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{bt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case .
@@ -20775,13 +20775,13 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{l_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{labelidx}}_0~{{\mathit{labelidx}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{l_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{labelidx}}_0 = 0`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{\mathrm{shift}}_{\mathit{labelidxs}}({{\mathit{labelidx}'}^\ast})`.
+   a. Return :math:`{\mathrm{shift}}_{\mathit{labelidxs}}({{\mathit{labelidx}'}^\ast})`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{labelidx}}~{{\mathit{labelidx}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{l_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -20794,571 +20794,571 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{nop}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{types}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{funcs}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{globals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{tables}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{mems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{elems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{datas}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{labels}~\epsilon \}\end{array}`.
+   a. Return :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{types}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{funcs}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{globals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{tables}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{mems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{elems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{datas}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{labels}~\epsilon \}\end{array}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{unreachable}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{types}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{funcs}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{globals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{tables}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{mems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{elems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{datas}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{labels}~\epsilon \}\end{array}`.
+   a. Return :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{types}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{funcs}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{globals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{tables}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{mems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{elems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{datas}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{labels}~\epsilon \}\end{array}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{drop}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{types}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{funcs}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{globals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{tables}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{mems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{elems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{datas}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{labels}~\epsilon \}\end{array}`.
+   a. Return :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{types}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{funcs}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{globals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{tables}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{mems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{elems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{datas}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{labels}~\epsilon \}\end{array}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{select}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{select}~{({{\mathit{valtype}}^\ast})^?})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{select}~{({{\mathit{valtype}}^\ast})^?})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{opt}}({{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{list}}({{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{valtype}}({\mathit{valtype}})^\ast})^?})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{opt}}({{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{list}}({{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{valtype}}({\mathit{valtype}})^\ast})^?})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{block}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return `$free_blocktype(blocktype) ++ $free_block(instr*{instr <- instr*})`.
+   #. Return `$free_blocktype(blocktype) ++ $free_block(instr*{instr <- instr*})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{loop}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{loop}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{loop}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return `$free_blocktype(blocktype) ++ $free_block(instr*{instr <- instr*})`.
+   #. Return `$free_blocktype(blocktype) ++ $free_block(instr*{instr <- instr*})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{if}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{if}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{instr}}_1^\ast}~\mathsf{else}~{{\mathit{instr}}_2^\ast})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{if}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{instr}}_1^\ast}~\mathsf{else}~{{\mathit{instr}}_2^\ast})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return `$free_blocktype(blocktype) ++ $free_block(instr_1*{instr_1 <- instr_1*}) ++ $free_block(instr_2*{instr_2 <- instr_2*})`.
+   #. Return `$free_blocktype(blocktype) ++ $free_block(instr_1*{instr_1 <- instr_1*}) ++ $free_block(instr_2*{instr_2 <- instr_2*})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{br}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{br}~{\mathit{labelidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{br}~{\mathit{labelidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{labelidx}}({\mathit{labelidx}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{labelidx}}({\mathit{labelidx}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{br\_if}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{br\_if}~{\mathit{labelidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{br\_if}~{\mathit{labelidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{labelidx}}({\mathit{labelidx}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{labelidx}}({\mathit{labelidx}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{br\_table}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{br\_table}~{{\mathit{labelidx}}^\ast}~{\mathit{labelidx}'})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{br\_table}~{{\mathit{labelidx}}^\ast}~{\mathit{labelidx}'})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return `$free_list($free_labelidx(labelidx)*{}) ++ $free_labelidx(labelidx)`.
+   #. Return `$free_list($free_labelidx(labelidx)*{}) ++ $free_labelidx(labelidx)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{br\_on\_null}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{br\_on\_null}~{\mathit{labelidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{br\_on\_null}~{\mathit{labelidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{labelidx}}({\mathit{labelidx}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{labelidx}}({\mathit{labelidx}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{br\_on\_non\_null}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{br\_on\_non\_null}~{\mathit{labelidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{br\_on\_non\_null}~{\mathit{labelidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{labelidx}}({\mathit{labelidx}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{labelidx}}({\mathit{labelidx}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{br\_on\_cast}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{br\_on\_cast}~{\mathit{labelidx}}~{\mathit{reftype}}_1~{\mathit{reftype}}_2)` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{br\_on\_cast}~{\mathit{labelidx}}~{\mathit{reftype}}_1~{\mathit{reftype}}_2)` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return `$free_labelidx(labelidx) ++ $free_reftype(reftype_1) ++ $free_reftype(reftype_2)`.
+   #. Return `$free_labelidx(labelidx) ++ $free_reftype(reftype_1) ++ $free_reftype(reftype_2)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{br\_on\_cast\_fail}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{br\_on\_cast\_fail}~{\mathit{labelidx}}~{\mathit{reftype}}_1~{\mathit{reftype}}_2)` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{br\_on\_cast\_fail}~{\mathit{labelidx}}~{\mathit{reftype}}_1~{\mathit{reftype}}_2)` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return `$free_labelidx(labelidx) ++ $free_reftype(reftype_1) ++ $free_reftype(reftype_2)`.
+   #. Return `$free_labelidx(labelidx) ++ $free_reftype(reftype_1) ++ $free_reftype(reftype_2)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{call}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{call}~{\mathit{funcidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{call}~{\mathit{funcidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{funcidx}}({\mathit{funcidx}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{funcidx}}({\mathit{funcidx}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{call\_ref}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{call\_ref}~{\mathit{typeuse}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{call\_ref}~{\mathit{typeuse}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{typeuse}}({\mathit{typeuse}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{typeuse}}({\mathit{typeuse}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{call\_indirect}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{call\_indirect}~{\mathit{tableidx}}~{\mathit{typeuse}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{call\_indirect}~{\mathit{tableidx}}~{\mathit{typeuse}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return `$free_tableidx(tableidx) ++ $free_typeuse(typeuse)`.
+   #. Return `$free_tableidx(tableidx) ++ $free_typeuse(typeuse)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{return}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{types}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{funcs}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{globals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{tables}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{mems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{elems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{datas}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{labels}~\epsilon \}\end{array}`.
+   a. Return :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{types}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{funcs}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{globals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{tables}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{mems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{elems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{datas}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{labels}~\epsilon \}\end{array}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{return\_call}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{return\_call}~{\mathit{funcidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{return\_call}~{\mathit{funcidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{funcidx}}({\mathit{funcidx}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{funcidx}}({\mathit{funcidx}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{return\_call\_ref}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{return\_call\_ref}~{\mathit{typeuse}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{return\_call\_ref}~{\mathit{typeuse}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{typeuse}}({\mathit{typeuse}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{typeuse}}({\mathit{typeuse}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{return\_call\_indirect}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{return\_call\_indirect}~{\mathit{tableidx}}~{\mathit{typeuse}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{return\_call\_indirect}~{\mathit{tableidx}}~{\mathit{typeuse}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return `$free_tableidx(tableidx) ++ $free_typeuse(typeuse)`.
+   #. Return `$free_tableidx(tableidx) ++ $free_typeuse(typeuse)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{const}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`({\mathit{numtype}}{.}\mathsf{const}~{\mathit{numlit}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`({\mathit{numtype}}{.}\mathsf{const}~{\mathit{numlit}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{numtype}}({\mathit{numtype}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{numtype}}({\mathit{numtype}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{unop}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`({\mathit{numtype}} {.} {\mathit{unop}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`({\mathit{numtype}} {.} {\mathit{unop}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{numtype}}({\mathit{numtype}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{numtype}}({\mathit{numtype}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{binop}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`({\mathit{numtype}} {.} {\mathit{binop}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`({\mathit{numtype}} {.} {\mathit{binop}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{numtype}}({\mathit{numtype}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{numtype}}({\mathit{numtype}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{testop}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`({\mathit{numtype}} {.} {\mathit{testop}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`({\mathit{numtype}} {.} {\mathit{testop}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{numtype}}({\mathit{numtype}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{numtype}}({\mathit{numtype}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{relop}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`({\mathit{numtype}} {.} {\mathit{relop}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`({\mathit{numtype}} {.} {\mathit{relop}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{numtype}}({\mathit{numtype}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{numtype}}({\mathit{numtype}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{cvtop}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`({\mathit{numtype}}_1 {.} {{\mathit{cvtop}}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{numtype}}_2})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`({\mathit{numtype}}_1 {.} {{\mathit{cvtop}}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{numtype}}_2})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return `$free_numtype(numtype_1) ++ $free_numtype(numtype_2)`.
+   #. Return `$free_numtype(numtype_1) ++ $free_numtype(numtype_2)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{vconst}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`({\mathit{vectype}}{.}\mathsf{const}~{\mathit{veclit}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`({\mathit{vectype}}{.}\mathsf{const}~{\mathit{veclit}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{vectype}}({\mathit{vectype}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{vectype}}({\mathit{vectype}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{vvunop}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`({\mathit{vectype}} {.} {\mathit{vvunop}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`({\mathit{vectype}} {.} {\mathit{vvunop}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{vectype}}({\mathit{vectype}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{vectype}}({\mathit{vectype}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{vvbinop}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`({\mathit{vectype}} {.} {\mathit{vvbinop}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`({\mathit{vectype}} {.} {\mathit{vvbinop}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{vectype}}({\mathit{vectype}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{vectype}}({\mathit{vectype}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{vvternop}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`({\mathit{vectype}} {.} {\mathit{vvternop}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`({\mathit{vectype}} {.} {\mathit{vvternop}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{vectype}}({\mathit{vectype}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{vectype}}({\mathit{vectype}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{vvtestop}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`({\mathit{vectype}} {.} {\mathit{vvtestop}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`({\mathit{vectype}} {.} {\mathit{vvtestop}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{vectype}}({\mathit{vectype}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{vectype}}({\mathit{vectype}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{vunop}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`({\mathit{shape}} {.} {\mathit{vunop}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`({\mathit{shape}} {.} {\mathit{vunop}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{shape}}({\mathit{shape}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{shape}}({\mathit{shape}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{vbinop}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`({\mathit{shape}} {.} {\mathit{vbinop}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`({\mathit{shape}} {.} {\mathit{vbinop}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{shape}}({\mathit{shape}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{shape}}({\mathit{shape}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{vternop}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`({\mathit{shape}} {.} {\mathit{vternop}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`({\mathit{shape}} {.} {\mathit{vternop}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{shape}}({\mathit{shape}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{shape}}({\mathit{shape}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{vtestop}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`({\mathit{shape}} {.} {\mathit{vtestop}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`({\mathit{shape}} {.} {\mathit{vtestop}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{shape}}({\mathit{shape}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{shape}}({\mathit{shape}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{vrelop}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`({\mathit{shape}} {.} {\mathit{vrelop}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`({\mathit{shape}} {.} {\mathit{vrelop}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{shape}}({\mathit{shape}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{shape}}({\mathit{shape}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{vshiftop}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`({\mathit{ishape}} {.} {\mathit{vshiftop}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`({\mathit{ishape}} {.} {\mathit{vshiftop}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{shape}}({\mathit{ishape}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{shape}}({\mathit{ishape}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{vbitmask}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`({\mathit{ishape}}{.}\mathsf{bitmask})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`({\mathit{ishape}}{.}\mathsf{bitmask})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{shape}}({\mathit{ishape}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{shape}}({\mathit{ishape}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{vswizzlop}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`({\mathit{bshape}} {.} {\mathit{vswizzlop}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`({\mathit{bshape}} {.} {\mathit{vswizzlop}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{shape}}({\mathit{bshape}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{shape}}({\mathit{bshape}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{vshuffle}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`({\mathit{bshape}}{.}\mathsf{shuffle}~{{\mathit{laneidx}}^\ast})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`({\mathit{bshape}}{.}\mathsf{shuffle}~{{\mathit{laneidx}}^\ast})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{shape}}({\mathit{bshape}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{shape}}({\mathit{bshape}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{vextunop}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`({\mathit{ishape}}_1 {.} {{\mathit{vextunop}}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{ishape}}_2})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`({\mathit{ishape}}_1 {.} {{\mathit{vextunop}}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{ishape}}_2})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return `$free_shape(ishape_1) ++ $free_shape(ishape_2)`.
+   #. Return `$free_shape(ishape_1) ++ $free_shape(ishape_2)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{vextbinop}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`({\mathit{ishape}}_1 {.} {{\mathit{vextbinop}}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{ishape}}_2})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`({\mathit{ishape}}_1 {.} {{\mathit{vextbinop}}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{ishape}}_2})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return `$free_shape(ishape_1) ++ $free_shape(ishape_2)`.
+   #. Return `$free_shape(ishape_1) ++ $free_shape(ishape_2)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{vnarrow}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`({{\mathit{ishape}}_1{.}\mathsf{narrow}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{ishape}}_2}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`({{\mathit{ishape}}_1{.}\mathsf{narrow}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{ishape}}_2}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return `$free_shape(ishape_1) ++ $free_shape(ishape_2)`.
+   #. Return `$free_shape(ishape_1) ++ $free_shape(ishape_2)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{vcvtop}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`({\mathit{shape}}_1 {.} {{\mathit{vcvtop}}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{{\mathit{zero}}^?}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{shape}}_2}{\mathsf{\_}}{{{\mathit{half}}^?}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`({\mathit{shape}}_1 {.} {{\mathit{vcvtop}}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{{\mathit{zero}}^?}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{shape}}_2}{\mathsf{\_}}{{{\mathit{half}}^?}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return `$free_shape(shape_1) ++ $free_shape(shape_2)`.
+   #. Return `$free_shape(shape_1) ++ $free_shape(shape_2)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{vsplat}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`({\mathit{shape}}{.}\mathsf{splat})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`({\mathit{shape}}{.}\mathsf{splat})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{shape}}({\mathit{shape}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{shape}}({\mathit{shape}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{vextract\_lane}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`({{\mathit{shape}}{.}\mathsf{extract\_lane}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{{\mathit{sx}}^?}}~{\mathit{laneidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`({{\mathit{shape}}{.}\mathsf{extract\_lane}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{{\mathit{sx}}^?}}~{\mathit{laneidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{shape}}({\mathit{shape}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{shape}}({\mathit{shape}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{vreplace\_lane}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`({\mathit{shape}}{.}\mathsf{replace\_lane}~{\mathit{laneidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`({\mathit{shape}}{.}\mathsf{replace\_lane}~{\mathit{laneidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{shape}}({\mathit{shape}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{shape}}({\mathit{shape}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{ref{.}null}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}null}~{\mathit{heaptype}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}null}~{\mathit{heaptype}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{heaptype}}({\mathit{heaptype}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{heaptype}}({\mathit{heaptype}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{ref{.}is\_null}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{types}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{funcs}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{globals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{tables}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{mems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{elems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{datas}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{labels}~\epsilon \}\end{array}`.
+   a. Return :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{types}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{funcs}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{globals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{tables}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{mems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{elems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{datas}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{labels}~\epsilon \}\end{array}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{ref{.}as\_non\_null}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{types}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{funcs}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{globals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{tables}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{mems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{elems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{datas}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{labels}~\epsilon \}\end{array}`.
+   a. Return :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{types}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{funcs}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{globals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{tables}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{mems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{elems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{datas}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{labels}~\epsilon \}\end{array}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{ref{.}eq}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{types}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{funcs}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{globals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{tables}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{mems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{elems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{datas}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{labels}~\epsilon \}\end{array}`.
+   a. Return :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{types}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{funcs}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{globals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{tables}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{mems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{elems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{datas}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{labels}~\epsilon \}\end{array}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{ref{.}test}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}test}~{\mathit{reftype}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}test}~{\mathit{reftype}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{reftype}}({\mathit{reftype}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{reftype}}({\mathit{reftype}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{ref{.}cast}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}cast}~{\mathit{reftype}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}cast}~{\mathit{reftype}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{reftype}}({\mathit{reftype}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{reftype}}({\mathit{reftype}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{ref{.}func}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}func}~{\mathit{funcidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}func}~{\mathit{funcidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{funcidx}}({\mathit{funcidx}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{funcidx}}({\mathit{funcidx}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{ref{.}i{\scriptstyle 31}}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{types}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{funcs}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{globals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{tables}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{mems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{elems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{datas}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{labels}~\epsilon \}\end{array}`.
+   a. Return :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{types}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{funcs}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{globals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{tables}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{mems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{elems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{datas}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{labels}~\epsilon \}\end{array}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 31}{.}get}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{types}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{funcs}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{globals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{tables}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{mems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{elems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{datas}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{labels}~\epsilon \}\end{array}`.
+   a. Return :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{types}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{funcs}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{globals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{tables}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{mems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{elems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{datas}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{labels}~\epsilon \}\end{array}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{struct{.}new}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{types}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{funcs}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{globals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{tables}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{mems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{elems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{datas}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{labels}~\epsilon \}\end{array}`.
+   a. Return :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{types}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{funcs}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{globals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{tables}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{mems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{elems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{datas}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{labels}~\epsilon \}\end{array}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{struct{.}new\_default}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{struct{.}new\_default}~{\mathit{typeidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{struct{.}new\_default}~{\mathit{typeidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{typeidx}}({\mathit{typeidx}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{typeidx}}({\mathit{typeidx}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{struct{.}get}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`({\mathsf{struct{.}get}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{{\mathit{sx}}^?}}~{\mathit{typeidx}}~{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 32}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`({\mathsf{struct{.}get}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{{\mathit{sx}}^?}}~{\mathit{typeidx}}~{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 32}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{typeidx}}({\mathit{typeidx}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{typeidx}}({\mathit{typeidx}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{struct{.}set}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{struct{.}set}~{\mathit{typeidx}}~{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 32}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{struct{.}set}~{\mathit{typeidx}}~{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 32}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{typeidx}}({\mathit{typeidx}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{typeidx}}({\mathit{typeidx}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{array{.}new}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}new}~{\mathit{typeidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}new}~{\mathit{typeidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{typeidx}}({\mathit{typeidx}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{typeidx}}({\mathit{typeidx}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{array{.}new\_default}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}new\_default}~{\mathit{typeidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}new\_default}~{\mathit{typeidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{typeidx}}({\mathit{typeidx}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{typeidx}}({\mathit{typeidx}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{array{.}new\_fixed}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}new\_fixed}~{\mathit{typeidx}}~{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 32}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}new\_fixed}~{\mathit{typeidx}}~{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 32}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{typeidx}}({\mathit{typeidx}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{typeidx}}({\mathit{typeidx}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{array{.}new\_data}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}new\_data}~{\mathit{typeidx}}~{\mathit{dataidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}new\_data}~{\mathit{typeidx}}~{\mathit{dataidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return `$free_typeidx(typeidx) ++ $free_dataidx(dataidx)`.
+   #. Return `$free_typeidx(typeidx) ++ $free_dataidx(dataidx)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{array{.}new\_elem}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}new\_elem}~{\mathit{typeidx}}~{\mathit{elemidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}new\_elem}~{\mathit{typeidx}}~{\mathit{elemidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return `$free_typeidx(typeidx) ++ $free_elemidx(elemidx)`.
+   #. Return `$free_typeidx(typeidx) ++ $free_elemidx(elemidx)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{array{.}get}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`({\mathsf{array{.}get}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{{\mathit{sx}}^?}}~{\mathit{typeidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`({\mathsf{array{.}get}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{{\mathit{sx}}^?}}~{\mathit{typeidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{typeidx}}({\mathit{typeidx}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{typeidx}}({\mathit{typeidx}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{array{.}set}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}set}~{\mathit{typeidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}set}~{\mathit{typeidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{typeidx}}({\mathit{typeidx}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{typeidx}}({\mathit{typeidx}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{array{.}len}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{types}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{funcs}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{globals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{tables}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{mems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{elems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{datas}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{labels}~\epsilon \}\end{array}`.
+   a. Return :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{types}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{funcs}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{globals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{tables}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{mems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{elems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{datas}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{labels}~\epsilon \}\end{array}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{array{.}fill}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}fill}~{\mathit{typeidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}fill}~{\mathit{typeidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{typeidx}}({\mathit{typeidx}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{typeidx}}({\mathit{typeidx}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{array{.}copy}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}copy}~{\mathit{typeidx}}_1~{\mathit{typeidx}}_2)` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}copy}~{\mathit{typeidx}}_1~{\mathit{typeidx}}_2)` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return `$free_typeidx(typeidx_1) ++ $free_typeidx(typeidx_2)`.
+   #. Return `$free_typeidx(typeidx_1) ++ $free_typeidx(typeidx_2)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{array{.}init\_data}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}init\_data}~{\mathit{typeidx}}~{\mathit{dataidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}init\_data}~{\mathit{typeidx}}~{\mathit{dataidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return `$free_typeidx(typeidx) ++ $free_dataidx(dataidx)`.
+   #. Return `$free_typeidx(typeidx) ++ $free_dataidx(dataidx)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{array{.}init\_elem}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}init\_elem}~{\mathit{typeidx}}~{\mathit{elemidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{array{.}init\_elem}~{\mathit{typeidx}}~{\mathit{elemidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return `$free_typeidx(typeidx) ++ $free_elemidx(elemidx)`.
+   #. Return `$free_typeidx(typeidx) ++ $free_elemidx(elemidx)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{extern{.}convert\_any}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{types}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{funcs}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{globals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{tables}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{mems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{elems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{datas}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{labels}~\epsilon \}\end{array}`.
+   a. Return :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{types}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{funcs}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{globals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{tables}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{mems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{elems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{datas}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{labels}~\epsilon \}\end{array}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{any{.}convert\_extern}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{types}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{funcs}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{globals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{tables}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{mems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{elems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{datas}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{labels}~\epsilon \}\end{array}`.
+   a. Return :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{types}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{funcs}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{globals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{tables}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{mems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{elems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{datas}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{labels}~\epsilon \}\end{array}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{local{.}get}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{local{.}get}~{\mathit{localidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{local{.}get}~{\mathit{localidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{localidx}}({\mathit{localidx}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{localidx}}({\mathit{localidx}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{local{.}set}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{local{.}set}~{\mathit{localidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{local{.}set}~{\mathit{localidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{localidx}}({\mathit{localidx}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{localidx}}({\mathit{localidx}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{local{.}tee}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{local{.}tee}~{\mathit{localidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{local{.}tee}~{\mathit{localidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{localidx}}({\mathit{localidx}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{localidx}}({\mathit{localidx}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{global{.}get}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{global{.}get}~{\mathit{globalidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{global{.}get}~{\mathit{globalidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{globalidx}}({\mathit{globalidx}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{globalidx}}({\mathit{globalidx}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{global{.}set}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{global{.}set}~{\mathit{globalidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{global{.}set}~{\mathit{globalidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{globalidx}}({\mathit{globalidx}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{globalidx}}({\mathit{globalidx}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{table{.}get}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}get}~{\mathit{tableidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}get}~{\mathit{tableidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{tableidx}}({\mathit{tableidx}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{tableidx}}({\mathit{tableidx}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{table{.}set}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}set}~{\mathit{tableidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}set}~{\mathit{tableidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{tableidx}}({\mathit{tableidx}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{tableidx}}({\mathit{tableidx}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{table{.}size}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}size}~{\mathit{tableidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}size}~{\mathit{tableidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{tableidx}}({\mathit{tableidx}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{tableidx}}({\mathit{tableidx}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{table{.}grow}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}grow}~{\mathit{tableidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}grow}~{\mathit{tableidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{tableidx}}({\mathit{tableidx}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{tableidx}}({\mathit{tableidx}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{table{.}fill}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}fill}~{\mathit{tableidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}fill}~{\mathit{tableidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{tableidx}}({\mathit{tableidx}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{tableidx}}({\mathit{tableidx}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{table{.}copy}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}copy}~{\mathit{tableidx}}_1~{\mathit{tableidx}}_2)` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}copy}~{\mathit{tableidx}}_1~{\mathit{tableidx}}_2)` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return `$free_tableidx(tableidx_1) ++ $free_tableidx(tableidx_2)`.
+   #. Return `$free_tableidx(tableidx_1) ++ $free_tableidx(tableidx_2)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{table{.}init}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}init}~{\mathit{tableidx}}~{\mathit{elemidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{table{.}init}~{\mathit{tableidx}}~{\mathit{elemidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return `$free_tableidx(tableidx) ++ $free_elemidx(elemidx)`.
+   #. Return `$free_tableidx(tableidx) ++ $free_elemidx(elemidx)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{elem{.}drop}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{elem{.}drop}~{\mathit{elemidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{elem{.}drop}~{\mathit{elemidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{elemidx}}({\mathit{elemidx}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{elemidx}}({\mathit{elemidx}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{load}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`({{\mathit{numtype}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{{{\mathit{loadop}}^?}}~{\mathit{memidx}}~{\mathit{memarg}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`({{\mathit{numtype}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{{{\mathit{loadop}}^?}}~{\mathit{memidx}}~{\mathit{memarg}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return `$free_numtype(numtype) ++ $free_memidx(memidx)`.
+   #. Return `$free_numtype(numtype) ++ $free_memidx(memidx)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{store}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`({{\mathit{numtype}}{.}\mathsf{store}}{{{\mathit{storeop}}^?}}~{\mathit{memidx}}~{\mathit{memarg}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`({{\mathit{numtype}}{.}\mathsf{store}}{{{\mathit{storeop}}^?}}~{\mathit{memidx}}~{\mathit{memarg}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return `$free_numtype(numtype) ++ $free_memidx(memidx)`.
+   #. Return `$free_numtype(numtype) ++ $free_memidx(memidx)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{vload}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`({{\mathit{vectype}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{{{\mathit{vloadop}}^?}}~{\mathit{memidx}}~{\mathit{memarg}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`({{\mathit{vectype}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{{{\mathit{vloadop}}^?}}~{\mathit{memidx}}~{\mathit{memarg}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return `$free_vectype(vectype) ++ $free_memidx(memidx)`.
+   #. Return `$free_vectype(vectype) ++ $free_memidx(memidx)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{vload\_lane}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`({{\mathit{vectype}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{{\mathit{sz}}}{\mathsf{\_}}{\mathsf{lane}}~{\mathit{memidx}}~{\mathit{memarg}}~{\mathit{laneidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`({{\mathit{vectype}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{{\mathit{sz}}}{\mathsf{\_}}{\mathsf{lane}}~{\mathit{memidx}}~{\mathit{memarg}}~{\mathit{laneidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return `$free_vectype(vectype) ++ $free_memidx(memidx)`.
+   #. Return `$free_vectype(vectype) ++ $free_memidx(memidx)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{vstore}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`({\mathit{vectype}}{.}\mathsf{store}~{\mathit{memidx}}~{\mathit{memarg}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`({\mathit{vectype}}{.}\mathsf{store}~{\mathit{memidx}}~{\mathit{memarg}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return `$free_vectype(vectype) ++ $free_memidx(memidx)`.
+   #. Return `$free_vectype(vectype) ++ $free_memidx(memidx)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{vstore\_lane}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`({{\mathit{vectype}}{.}\mathsf{store}}{{\mathit{sz}}}{\mathsf{\_}}{\mathsf{lane}}~{\mathit{memidx}}~{\mathit{memarg}}~{\mathit{laneidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`({{\mathit{vectype}}{.}\mathsf{store}}{{\mathit{sz}}}{\mathsf{\_}}{\mathsf{lane}}~{\mathit{memidx}}~{\mathit{memarg}}~{\mathit{laneidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return `$free_vectype(vectype) ++ $free_memidx(memidx)`.
+   #. Return `$free_vectype(vectype) ++ $free_memidx(memidx)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{memory{.}size}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{memory{.}size}~{\mathit{memidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{memory{.}size}~{\mathit{memidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{memidx}}({\mathit{memidx}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{memidx}}({\mathit{memidx}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{memory{.}grow}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{memory{.}grow}~{\mathit{memidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{memory{.}grow}~{\mathit{memidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{memidx}}({\mathit{memidx}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{memidx}}({\mathit{memidx}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{memory{.}fill}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{memory{.}fill}~{\mathit{memidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{memory{.}fill}~{\mathit{memidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{memidx}}({\mathit{memidx}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{free}}_{\mathit{memidx}}({\mathit{memidx}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{memory{.}copy}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{memory{.}copy}~{\mathit{memidx}}_1~{\mathit{memidx}}_2)` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{memory{.}copy}~{\mathit{memidx}}_1~{\mathit{memidx}}_2)` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return `$free_memidx(memidx_1) ++ $free_memidx(memidx_2)`.
+   #. Return `$free_memidx(memidx_1) ++ $free_memidx(memidx_2)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{memory{.}init}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{memory{.}init}~{\mathit{memidx}}~{\mathit{dataidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{memory{.}init}~{\mathit{memidx}}~{\mathit{dataidx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return `$free_memidx(memidx) ++ $free_dataidx(dataidx)`.
+   #. Return `$free_memidx(memidx) ++ $free_dataidx(dataidx)`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{data{.}drop}`.
@@ -21438,13 +21438,13 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{\mathit{elemmode}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{active}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{active}~{\mathit{tableidx}}~{\mathit{expr}})` be :math:`{\mathit{elemmode}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{active}~{\mathit{tableidx}}~{\mathit{expr}})` be :math:`{\mathit{elemmode}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return `$free_tableidx(tableidx) ++ $free_expr(expr)`.
+   #. Return `$free_tableidx(tableidx) ++ $free_expr(expr)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{elemmode}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{passive}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{types}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{funcs}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{globals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{tables}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{mems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{elems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{datas}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{labels}~\epsilon \}\end{array}`.
+   a. Return :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{types}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{funcs}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{globals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{tables}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{mems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{elems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{datas}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{labels}~\epsilon \}\end{array}`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{elemmode}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{declare}`.
@@ -21464,9 +21464,9 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{\mathit{datamode}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{active}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{active}~{\mathit{memidx}}~{\mathit{expr}})` be :math:`{\mathit{datamode}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{active}~{\mathit{memidx}}~{\mathit{expr}})` be :math:`{\mathit{datamode}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return `$free_memidx(memidx) ++ $free_expr(expr)`.
+   #. Return `$free_memidx(memidx) ++ $free_expr(expr)`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{datamode}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{passive}`.
@@ -21528,7 +21528,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{localidx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon` and :math:`{{{\mathit{lt}}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`C`.
+   a. Return :math:`C`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{|{{{\mathit{lt}}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}|} \geq 1`.
@@ -21547,7 +21547,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{dt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{dt}}^\ast}~{\mathit{dt}}_n` be :math:`{{\mathit{dt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -21589,13 +21589,13 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If the type of :math:`y_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is defined type, then:
-  a. Return true.
+   a. Return true.
 #. If :math:`y_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case , then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathit{typeidx}}` be :math:`y_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{typeidx}}` be :math:`y_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathit{typeidx}} < x`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathit{typeidx}} < x`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`y_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{rec}`.
@@ -21610,15 +21610,15 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is defined type, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}` be :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{deftype}}` be :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{unroll}}({\mathit{deftype}})`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{unroll}}({\mathit{deftype}})`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case , then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathit{typeidx}}` be :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{typeidx}}` be :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{unroll}}(C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[{\mathit{typeidx}}])`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathrm{unroll}}(C{.}\mathsf{types}{}[{\mathit{typeidx}}])`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{ht}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{rec}`.
@@ -21633,21 +21633,21 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If the type of :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Inn, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{N}` be :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{N}` be :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`({\mathsf{i}}{N}{.}\mathsf{const}~0)`.
+   #. Return :math:`({\mathsf{i}}{N}{.}\mathsf{const}~0)`.
 #. If the type of :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Fnn, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathsf{f}}{N}` be :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathsf{f}}{N}` be :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`({\mathsf{f}}{N}{.}\mathsf{const}~{+0})`.
+   #. Return :math:`({\mathsf{f}}{N}{.}\mathsf{const}~{+0})`.
 #. If the type of :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Vnn, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathsf{v}}{N}` be :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathsf{v}}{N}` be :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`({\mathsf{v}}{N}{.}\mathsf{const}~0)`.
+   #. Return :math:`({\mathsf{v}}{N}{.}\mathsf{const}~0)`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{ref}`.
@@ -21655,7 +21655,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{NULL}}_{{\mathit{opt}}_0} = \mathsf{null}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}null}~{\mathit{ht}})`.
+   a. Return :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}null}~{\mathit{ht}})`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{NULL}}_{{\mathit{opt}}_0}` is not defined.
@@ -21675,7 +21675,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{\mathrm{ND}}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`X_1~X_2{}[i]`.
+   a. Return :math:`X_1~X_2{}[i]`.
 #. Return :math:`X_1~X_2{}[0]`.
@@ -21686,7 +21686,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{\mathrm{ND}}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`X_1~X_2~X_3~X_4{}[i]`.
+   a. Return :math:`X_1~X_2~X_3~X_4{}[i]`.
 #. Return :math:`X_1~X_2~X_3~X_4{}[0]`.
@@ -21715,7 +21715,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`i < {2^{N - 1}}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`i`.
+   a. Return :math:`i`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{2^{N - 1}} \leq i`.
@@ -21739,7 +21739,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is literal type, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, the type of :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is packed type.
@@ -21752,7 +21752,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Jnn, then:
-  a. Return :math:`0`.
+   a. Return :math:`0`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Fnn.
@@ -21767,7 +21767,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`b_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is false, then:
-  a. Return :math:`0`.
+   a. Return :math:`0`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`b_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is true.
@@ -21780,11 +21780,11 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`i < 0`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`0`.
+   a. Return :math:`0`.
 #. If :math:`i > {2^{N}} - 1`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{2^{N}} - 1`.
+   a. Return :math:`{2^{N}} - 1`.
 #. Return :math:`i`.
@@ -21795,11 +21795,11 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`i < {-{2^{N - 1}}}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{-{2^{N - 1}}}`.
+   a. Return :math:`{-{2^{N - 1}}}`.
 #. If :math:`i > {2^{N - 1}} - 1`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{2^{N - 1}} - 1`.
+   a. Return :math:`{2^{N - 1}} - 1`.
 #. Return :math:`i`.
@@ -21817,7 +21817,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{{\mathrm{signed}}}_{N}(i_1) \geq 0`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`i_1`.
+   a. Return :math:`i_1`.
 #. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ineg}}}_{N}(i_1)`.
@@ -21828,7 +21828,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{\mathit{sx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{u}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`i \mathbin{\mathrm{mod}} ({2^{M}})`.
+   a. Return :math:`i \mathbin{\mathrm{mod}} ({2^{M}})`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{sx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{s}`.
@@ -21862,7 +21862,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{\mathit{sx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{u}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{sat\_u}}}_{N}(i_1 + i_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{sat\_u}}}_{N}(i_1 + i_2)`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{sx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{s}`.
@@ -21875,7 +21875,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{\mathit{sx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{u}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{sat\_u}}}_{N}(i_1 - i_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{sat\_u}}}_{N}(i_1 - i_2)`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{sx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{s}`.
@@ -21916,7 +21916,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{\mathit{sx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{u}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\mathbb{B}(i_1 < i_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`\mathbb{B}(i_1 < i_2)`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{sx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{s}`.
@@ -21929,7 +21929,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{\mathit{sx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{u}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\mathbb{B}(i_1 > i_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`\mathbb{B}(i_1 > i_2)`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{sx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{s}`.
@@ -21942,7 +21942,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{\mathit{sx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{u}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\mathbb{B}(i_1 \leq i_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`\mathbb{B}(i_1 \leq i_2)`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{sx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{s}`.
@@ -21955,7 +21955,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{\mathit{sx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{u}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\mathbb{B}(i_1 \geq i_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`\mathbb{B}(i_1 \geq i_2)`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{sx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{s}`.
@@ -21968,7 +21968,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is number type, then:
-  a. Return :math:`c`.
+   a. Return :math:`c`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is packed type.
@@ -21983,7 +21983,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is number type, then:
-  a. Return :math:`c`.
+   a. Return :math:`c`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is packed type.
@@ -21998,7 +21998,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is literal type, then:
-  a. Return :math:`c`.
+   a. Return :math:`c`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, the type of :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is packed type.
@@ -22013,7 +22013,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is literal type, then:
-  a. Return :math:`c`.
+   a. Return :math:`c`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, the type of :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is packed type.
@@ -22028,27 +22028,27 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Inn, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{N}` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{N}` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Let :math:`i` be :math:`i_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   #. Let :math:`i` be :math:`i_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{unop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{clz}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{unop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{clz}`, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{iclz}}}_{N}(i)`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{iclz}}}_{N}(i)`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{unop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{ctz}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{unop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{ctz}`, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ictz}}}_{N}(i)`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ictz}}}_{N}(i)`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{unop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{popcnt}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{unop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{popcnt}`, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ipopcnt}}}_{N}(i)`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ipopcnt}}}_{N}(i)`.
-  #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{unop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{extend}`.
+   #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{unop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{extend}`.
-  #. Let :math:`({\mathsf{extend}}{M}{\mathsf{\_}}{\mathsf{s}})` be :math:`{\mathit{unop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   #. Let :math:`({\mathsf{extend}}{M}{\mathsf{\_}}{\mathsf{s}})` be :math:`{\mathit{unop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{iextend}}}_{N, M}^{\mathsf{s}}}}{(i)}`.
+   #. Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{iextend}}}_{N, M}^{\mathsf{s}}}}{(i)}`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, the type of :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Fnn.
@@ -22058,27 +22058,27 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{unop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{abs}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fabs}}}_{N}(f)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fabs}}}_{N}(f)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{unop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{neg}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fneg}}}_{N}(f)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fneg}}}_{N}(f)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{unop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{sqrt}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fsqrt}}}_{N}(f)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fsqrt}}}_{N}(f)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{unop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{ceil}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fceil}}}_{N}(f)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fceil}}}_{N}(f)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{unop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{floor}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ffloor}}}_{N}(f)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ffloor}}}_{N}(f)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{unop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{trunc}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ftrunc}}}_{N}(f)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ftrunc}}}_{N}(f)`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{unop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{nearest}`.
@@ -22091,65 +22091,65 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Inn, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{N}` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{N}` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Let :math:`i_1` be :math:`i_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   #. Let :math:`i_1` be :math:`i_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Let :math:`i_2` be :math:`i_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}`.
+   #. Let :math:`i_2` be :math:`i_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{add}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{add}`, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{iadd}}}_{N}(i_1, i_2)`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{iadd}}}_{N}(i_1, i_2)`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{sub}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{sub}`, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{isub}}}_{N}(i_1, i_2)`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{isub}}}_{N}(i_1, i_2)`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{mul}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{mul}`, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{imul}}}_{N}(i_1, i_2)`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{imul}}}_{N}(i_1, i_2)`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{div}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{div}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{div}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{div}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-    #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{idiv}}}_{N}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{(i_1, i_2)}`.
+      #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{idiv}}}_{N}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{(i_1, i_2)}`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{rem}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{rem}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{rem}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{rem}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-    #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{irem}}}_{N}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{(i_1, i_2)}`.
+      #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{irem}}}_{N}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{(i_1, i_2)}`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{and}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{and}`, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{iand}}}_{N}(i_1, i_2)`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{iand}}}_{N}(i_1, i_2)`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{or}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{or}`, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ior}}}_{N}(i_1, i_2)`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ior}}}_{N}(i_1, i_2)`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{xor}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{xor}`, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ixor}}}_{N}(i_1, i_2)`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ixor}}}_{N}(i_1, i_2)`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{shl}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{shl}`, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ishl}}}_{N}(i_1, i_2)`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ishl}}}_{N}(i_1, i_2)`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{shr}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{shr}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{shr}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{shr}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-    #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{ishr}}}_{N}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{(i_1, i_2)}`.
+      #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{ishr}}}_{N}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{(i_1, i_2)}`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{rotl}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{rotl}`, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{irotl}}}_{N}(i_1, i_2)`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{irotl}}}_{N}(i_1, i_2)`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{rotr}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{rotr}`, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{irotr}}}_{N}(i_1, i_2)`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{irotr}}}_{N}(i_1, i_2)`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, the type of :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Fnn.
@@ -22161,27 +22161,27 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{add}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fadd}}}_{N}(f_1, f_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fadd}}}_{N}(f_1, f_2)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{sub}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fsub}}}_{N}(f_1, f_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fsub}}}_{N}(f_1, f_2)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{mul}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fmul}}}_{N}(f_1, f_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fmul}}}_{N}(f_1, f_2)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{div}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fdiv}}}_{N}(f_1, f_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fdiv}}}_{N}(f_1, f_2)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{min}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fmin}}}_{N}(f_1, f_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fmin}}}_{N}(f_1, f_2)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{max}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fmax}}}_{N}(f_1, f_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fmax}}}_{N}(f_1, f_2)`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{binop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{copysign}`.
@@ -22201,43 +22201,43 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Inn, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{N}` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{N}` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Let :math:`i_1` be :math:`i_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   #. Let :math:`i_1` be :math:`i_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Let :math:`i_2` be :math:`i_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}`.
+   #. Let :math:`i_2` be :math:`i_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{eq}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{eq}`, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ieq}}}_{N}(i_1, i_2)`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ieq}}}_{N}(i_1, i_2)`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{ne}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{ne}`, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ine}}}_{N}(i_1, i_2)`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ine}}}_{N}(i_1, i_2)`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{lt}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{lt}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{lt}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{lt}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-    #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{ilt}}}_{N}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{(i_1, i_2)}`.
+      #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{ilt}}}_{N}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{(i_1, i_2)}`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{gt}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{gt}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{gt}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{gt}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-    #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{igt}}}_{N}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{(i_1, i_2)}`.
+      #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{igt}}}_{N}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{(i_1, i_2)}`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{le}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{le}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{le}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{le}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-    #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{ile}}}_{N}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{(i_1, i_2)}`.
+      #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{ile}}}_{N}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{(i_1, i_2)}`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{ge}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{ge}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{ge}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{ge}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-    #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{ige}}}_{N}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{(i_1, i_2)}`.
+      #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{ige}}}_{N}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{(i_1, i_2)}`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, the type of :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Fnn.
@@ -22249,23 +22249,23 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{eq}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{feq}}}_{N}(f_1, f_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{feq}}}_{N}(f_1, f_2)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{ne}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fne}}}_{N}(f_1, f_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fne}}}_{N}(f_1, f_2)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{lt}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{flt}}}_{N}(f_1, f_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{flt}}}_{N}(f_1, f_2)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{gt}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fgt}}}_{N}(f_1, f_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fgt}}}_{N}(f_1, f_2)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{le}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fle}}}_{N}(f_1, f_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fle}}}_{N}(f_1, f_2)`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{relop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{ge}`.
@@ -22278,97 +22278,97 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Inn, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_1` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_1` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}` is Inn, then:
+   #. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}` is Inn, then:
-    1) Let :math:`{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_2` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_2` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}`.
-    #) If :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{extend}`, then:
+      #) If :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{extend}`, then:
-      a) Let :math:`({\mathsf{extend}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+         a) Let :math:`({\mathsf{extend}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-      #) Let :math:`i_1` be :math:`i_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+         #) Let :math:`i_1` be :math:`i_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-      #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{N_1, N_2}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{(i_1)}`.
+         #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{N_1, N_2}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{(i_1)}`.
-    #) Let :math:`i_1` be :math:`i_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+      #) Let :math:`i_1` be :math:`i_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-    #) If :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{wrap}`, then:
+      #) If :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{wrap}`, then:
-      a) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{wrap}}}_{N_1, N_2}(i_1)`.
+         a) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{wrap}}}_{N_1, N_2}(i_1)`.
 #. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Fnn, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}_1` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}_1` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}` is Inn, then:
+   #. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}` is Inn, then:
-    1) Let :math:`{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_2` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_2` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}`.
-    #) If :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{trunc}`, then:
+      #) If :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{trunc}`, then:
-      a) Let :math:`({\mathsf{trunc}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+         a) Let :math:`({\mathsf{trunc}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-      #) Let :math:`f_1` be :math:`i_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+         #) Let :math:`f_1` be :math:`i_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-      #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{trunc}}}_{N_1, N_2}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{(f_1)}`.
+         #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{trunc}}}_{N_1, N_2}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{(f_1)}`.
-    #) If :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{trunc\_sat}`, then:
+      #) If :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{trunc\_sat}`, then:
-      a) Let :math:`({\mathsf{trunc\_sat}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+         a) Let :math:`({\mathsf{trunc\_sat}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-      #) Let :math:`f_1` be :math:`i_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+         #) Let :math:`f_1` be :math:`i_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-      #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{trunc\_sat}}}_{N_1, N_2}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{(f_1)}`.
+         #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{trunc\_sat}}}_{N_1, N_2}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{(f_1)}`.
 #. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Inn, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_1` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_1` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}` is Fnn, then:
+   #. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}` is Fnn, then:
-    1) Let :math:`{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}_2` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}_2` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}`.
-    #) If :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{convert}`, then:
+      #) If :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{convert}`, then:
-      a) Let :math:`({\mathsf{convert}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+         a) Let :math:`({\mathsf{convert}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-      #) Let :math:`i_1` be :math:`i_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+         #) Let :math:`i_1` be :math:`i_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-      #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{convert}}}_{N_1, N_2}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{(i_1)}`.
+         #) Return :math:`{{{{\mathrm{convert}}}_{N_1, N_2}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{(i_1)}`.
 #. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Fnn, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}_1` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}_1` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}` is Fnn, then:
+   #. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}` is Fnn, then:
-    1) Let :math:`{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}_2` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}_2` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}`.
-    #) Let :math:`f_1` be :math:`i_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+      #) Let :math:`f_1` be :math:`i_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-    #) If :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{promote}`, then:
+      #) If :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{promote}`, then:
-      a) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{promote}}}_{N_1, N_2}(f_1)`.
+         a) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{promote}}}_{N_1, N_2}(f_1)`.
-    #) If :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{demote}`, then:
+      #) If :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{demote}`, then:
-      a) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{demote}}}_{N_1, N_2}(f_1)`.
+         a) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{demote}}}_{N_1, N_2}(f_1)`.
 #. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Inn, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_1` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_1` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}` is Fnn, then:
+   #. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}` is Fnn, then:
-    1) Let :math:`{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}_2` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}_2` be :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}`.
-    #) Let :math:`i_1` be :math:`i_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+      #) Let :math:`i_1` be :math:`i_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-    #) If :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{reinterpret}` and :math:`{|{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_1|} = {|{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}_2|}`, then:
+      #) If :math:`{\mathit{cvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{reinterpret}` and :math:`{|{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_1|} = {|{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}_2|}`, then:
-      a) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{reinterpret}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_1, {{\mathsf{f}}{N}}_2}(i_1)`.
+         a) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{reinterpret}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_1, {{\mathsf{f}}{N}}_2}(i_1)`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, the type of :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Fnn.
@@ -22402,13 +22402,13 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Jnn and the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is Jnn, then:
-  a. If :math:`{\mathit{half}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{low}`, then:
+   a. If :math:`{\mathit{half}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{low}`, then:
-    1) Return :math:`i`.
+      1) Return :math:`i`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{half}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{high}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{half}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{high}`, then:
-    1) Return :math:`j`.
+      1) Return :math:`j`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 2}}}` is Fnn.
@@ -22423,7 +22423,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`i < {|{c^\ast}|}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{c^\ast}{}[i]`.
+   a. Return :math:`{c^\ast}{}[i]`.
 #. Return :math:`0`.
@@ -22434,11 +22434,11 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`i < {|{c^\ast}|}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{c^\ast}{}[i]`.
+   a. Return :math:`{c^\ast}{}[i]`.
 #. If :math:`{{\mathrm{signed}}}_{N}(i) < 0`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`0`.
+   a. Return :math:`0`.
 #. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{relaxed}}({\mathrm{R}}_{\mathit{swizzle}})}{{}[ 0, {c^\ast}{}[i \mathbin{\mathrm{mod}} {|{c^\ast}|}] ]}`.
@@ -22684,15 +22684,15 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{\mathit{vvbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{and}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{iand}}}_{N}(v_1, v_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{iand}}}_{N}(v_1, v_2)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{vvbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{andnot}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{iandnot}}}_{N}(v_1, v_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{iandnot}}}_{N}(v_1, v_2)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{vvbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{or}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ior}}}_{N}(v_1, v_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ior}}}_{N}(v_1, v_2)`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{vvbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{xor}`.
@@ -22712,35 +22712,35 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Fnn, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathsf{f}}{N}` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathsf{f}}{N}` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{vunop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{abs}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{vunop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{abs}`, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fvunop}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{fabs}}, v)`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fvunop}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{fabs}}, v)`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{vunop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{neg}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{vunop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{neg}`, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fvunop}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{fneg}}, v)`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fvunop}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{fneg}}, v)`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{vunop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{sqrt}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{vunop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{sqrt}`, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fvunop}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{fsqrt}}, v)`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fvunop}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{fsqrt}}, v)`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{vunop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{ceil}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{vunop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{ceil}`, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fvunop}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{fceil}}, v)`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fvunop}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{fceil}}, v)`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{vunop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{floor}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{vunop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{floor}`, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fvunop}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{ffloor}}, v)`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fvunop}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{ffloor}}, v)`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{vunop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{trunc}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{vunop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{trunc}`, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fvunop}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{ftrunc}}, v)`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fvunop}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{ftrunc}}, v)`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{vunop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{nearest}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{vunop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{nearest}`, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fvunop}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{fnearest}}, v)`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fvunop}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{fnearest}}, v)`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Jnn.
@@ -22748,11 +22748,11 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{vunop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{abs}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ivunop}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{iabs}}, v)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ivunop}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{iabs}}, v)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{vunop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{neg}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ivunop}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{ineg}}, v)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ivunop}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{ineg}}, v)`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{vunop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{popcnt}`.
@@ -22765,55 +22765,55 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Jnn, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{N}` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{N}` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{add}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{add}`, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ivbinop}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{iadd}}, v_1, v_2)`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ivbinop}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{iadd}}, v_1, v_2)`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{sub}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{sub}`, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ivbinop}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{isub}}, v_1, v_2)`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ivbinop}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{isub}}, v_1, v_2)`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{mul}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{mul}`, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ivbinop}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{imul}}, v_1, v_2)`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ivbinop}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{imul}}, v_1, v_2)`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{add\_sat}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{add\_sat}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{add\_sat}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{add\_sat}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-    #) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ivbinopsx}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{iadd}}_{{\mathit{sat}}}, {\mathit{sx}}, v_1, v_2)`.
+      #) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ivbinopsx}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{iadd}}_{{\mathit{sat}}}, {\mathit{sx}}, v_1, v_2)`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{sub\_sat}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{sub\_sat}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{sub\_sat}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{sub\_sat}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-    #) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ivbinopsx}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{isub}}_{{\mathit{sat}}}, {\mathit{sx}}, v_1, v_2)`.
+      #) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ivbinopsx}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{isub}}_{{\mathit{sat}}}, {\mathit{sx}}, v_1, v_2)`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{min}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{min}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{min}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{min}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-    #) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ivbinopsx}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{imin}}, {\mathit{sx}}, v_1, v_2)`.
+      #) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ivbinopsx}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{imin}}, {\mathit{sx}}, v_1, v_2)`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{max}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{max}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{max}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{max}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-    #) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ivbinopsx}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{imax}}, {\mathit{sx}}, v_1, v_2)`.
+      #) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ivbinopsx}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{imax}}, {\mathit{sx}}, v_1, v_2)`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = `, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = `, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ivbinopsx}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{iavgr}}, \mathsf{u}, v_1, v_2)`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ivbinopsx}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{iavgr}}, \mathsf{u}, v_1, v_2)`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = `, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = `, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ivbinopsx}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{iq{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 15\kern-0.1em}mulr}}_{{\mathit{sat}}}, \mathsf{s}, v_1, v_2)`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ivbinopsx}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{iq{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 15\kern-0.1em}mulr}}_{{\mathit{sat}}}, \mathsf{s}, v_1, v_2)`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = `, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = `, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ivbinopsxnd}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{irelaxed}}_{{\mathit{q{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 15\kern-0.1em}mulr}}}, \mathsf{s}, v_1, v_2)`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ivbinopsxnd}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{irelaxed}}_{{\mathit{q{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 15\kern-0.1em}mulr}}}, \mathsf{s}, v_1, v_2)`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Fnn.
@@ -22821,39 +22821,39 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{add}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fvbinop}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{fadd}}, v_1, v_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fvbinop}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{fadd}}, v_1, v_2)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{sub}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fvbinop}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{fsub}}, v_1, v_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fvbinop}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{fsub}}, v_1, v_2)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{mul}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fvbinop}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{fmul}}, v_1, v_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fvbinop}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{fmul}}, v_1, v_2)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{div}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fvbinop}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{fdiv}}, v_1, v_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fvbinop}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{fdiv}}, v_1, v_2)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{min}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fvbinop}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{fmin}}, v_1, v_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fvbinop}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{fmin}}, v_1, v_2)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{max}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fvbinop}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{fmax}}, v_1, v_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fvbinop}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{fmax}}, v_1, v_2)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{pmin}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fvbinop}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{fpmin}}, v_1, v_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fvbinop}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{fpmin}}, v_1, v_2)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{pmax}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fvbinop}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{fpmax}}, v_1, v_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fvbinop}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{fpmax}}, v_1, v_2)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{relaxed\_min}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fvbinop}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{frelaxed}}_{{\mathit{min}}}, v_1, v_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fvbinop}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{frelaxed}}_{{\mathit{min}}}, v_1, v_2)`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{vbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{relaxed\_max}`.
@@ -22866,11 +22866,11 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Jnn, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{N}` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{N}` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{vternop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{relaxed\_laneselect}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{vternop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{relaxed\_laneselect}`, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ivternopnd}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{irelaxed}}_{{\mathit{laneselect}}}, v_1, v_2, v_3)`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ivternopnd}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{irelaxed}}_{{\mathit{laneselect}}}, v_1, v_2, v_3)`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Fnn.
@@ -22878,7 +22878,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{vternop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{relaxed\_madd}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fvternop}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{frelaxed}}_{{\mathit{madd}}}, v_1, v_2, v_3)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fvternop}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{frelaxed}}_{{\mathit{madd}}}, v_1, v_2, v_3)`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{vternop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{relaxed\_nmadd}`.
@@ -22898,39 +22898,39 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Jnn, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{N}` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{N}` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{vrelop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{eq}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{vrelop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{eq}`, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ivrelop}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{ieq}}, v_1, v_2)`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ivrelop}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{ieq}}, v_1, v_2)`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{vrelop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{ne}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{vrelop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{ne}`, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ivrelop}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{ine}}, v_1, v_2)`.
+      1) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ivrelop}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{ine}}, v_1, v_2)`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{vrelop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{lt}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{vrelop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{lt}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{lt}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vrelop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{lt}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vrelop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-    #) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ivrelopsx}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{ilt}}, {\mathit{sx}}, v_1, v_2)`.
+      #) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ivrelopsx}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{ilt}}, {\mathit{sx}}, v_1, v_2)`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{vrelop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{gt}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{vrelop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{gt}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{gt}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vrelop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{gt}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vrelop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-    #) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ivrelopsx}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{igt}}, {\mathit{sx}}, v_1, v_2)`.
+      #) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ivrelopsx}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{igt}}, {\mathit{sx}}, v_1, v_2)`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{vrelop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{le}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{vrelop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{le}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{le}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vrelop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{le}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vrelop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-    #) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ivrelopsx}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{ile}}, {\mathit{sx}}, v_1, v_2)`.
+      #) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ivrelopsx}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{ile}}, {\mathit{sx}}, v_1, v_2)`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{vrelop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{ge}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{vrelop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{ge}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{ge}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vrelop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{ge}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vrelop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-    #) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ivrelopsx}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{ige}}, {\mathit{sx}}, v_1, v_2)`.
+      #) Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ivrelopsx}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{ige}}, {\mathit{sx}}, v_1, v_2)`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Fnn.
@@ -22938,23 +22938,23 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{vrelop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{eq}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fvrelop}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{feq}}, v_1, v_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fvrelop}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{feq}}, v_1, v_2)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{vrelop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{ne}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fvrelop}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{fne}}, v_1, v_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fvrelop}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{fne}}, v_1, v_2)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{vrelop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{lt}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fvrelop}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{flt}}, v_1, v_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fvrelop}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{flt}}, v_1, v_2)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{vrelop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{gt}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fvrelop}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{fgt}}, v_1, v_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fvrelop}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{fgt}}, v_1, v_2)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{vrelop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{le}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fvrelop}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{fle}}, v_1, v_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{fvrelop}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{fle}}, v_1, v_2)`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{vrelop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{ge}`.
@@ -22967,31 +22967,31 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}` is Jnn, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_1` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_1` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}`.
-  #. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Jnn, then:
+   #. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Jnn, then:
-    1) Let :math:`{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_2` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_2` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-    #) If :math:`{\mathit{vcvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{extend}`, then:
+      #) If :math:`{\mathit{vcvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{extend}`, then:
-      a) Let :math:`({\mathsf{extend}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vcvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+         a) Let :math:`({\mathsf{extend}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vcvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-      #) Let :math:`c` be :math:`{{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{N_1, N_2}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{(c_1)}`.
+         #) Let :math:`c` be :math:`{{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{N_1, N_2}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{(c_1)}`.
-      #) Return :math:`c`.
+         #) Return :math:`c`.
-  #. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Fnn, then:
+   #. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Fnn, then:
-    1) Let :math:`{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}_2` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}_2` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-    #) If :math:`{\mathit{vcvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{convert}`, then:
+      #) If :math:`{\mathit{vcvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{convert}`, then:
-      a) Let :math:`({\mathsf{convert}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vcvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+         a) Let :math:`({\mathsf{convert}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vcvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-      #) Let :math:`c` be :math:`{{{{\mathrm{convert}}}_{N_1, N_2}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{(c_1)}`.
+         #) Let :math:`c` be :math:`{{{{\mathrm{convert}}}_{N_1, N_2}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{(c_1)}`.
-      #) Return :math:`c`.
+         #) Return :math:`c`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}` is Fnn.
@@ -22999,23 +22999,23 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Inn, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_2` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_2` be :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{vcvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{trunc\_sat}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{vcvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{trunc\_sat}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{trunc\_sat}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vcvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{trunc\_sat}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vcvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-    #) Let :math:`{c^?}` be :math:`{{{{\mathrm{trunc\_sat}}}_{N_1, N_2}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{(c_1)}`.
+      #) Let :math:`{c^?}` be :math:`{{{{\mathrm{trunc\_sat}}}_{N_1, N_2}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{(c_1)}`.
-    #) Return :math:`{c^?}`.
+      #) Return :math:`{c^?}`.
-  #. If :math:`{\mathit{vcvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{relaxed\_trunc}`, then:
+   #. If :math:`{\mathit{vcvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{relaxed\_trunc}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{relaxed\_trunc}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vcvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+      1) Let :math:`({\mathsf{relaxed\_trunc}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vcvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-    #) Let :math:`{c^?}` be :math:`{{{{\mathrm{relaxed\_trunc}}}_{N_1, N_2}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{(c_1)}`.
+      #) Let :math:`{c^?}` be :math:`{{{{\mathrm{relaxed\_trunc}}}_{N_1, N_2}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{(c_1)}`.
-    #) Return :math:`{c^?}`.
+      #) Return :math:`{c^?}`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, the type of :math:`{\mathit{lt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is Fnn.
@@ -23023,9 +23023,9 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{vcvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{demote}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{c^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{demote}}}_{N_1, N_2}(c_1)`.
+   a. Let :math:`{c^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{demote}}}_{N_1, N_2}(c_1)`.
-  #. Return :math:`{c^\ast}`.
+   #. Return :math:`{c^\ast}`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{vcvtop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{promote}`.
@@ -23042,13 +23042,13 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`{{\mathit{half}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is not defined and :math:`{{\mathit{zero}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is not defined and :math:`n_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = M`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{c_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_1}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}(v_1)`.
+   a. Let :math:`{c_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_1}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}(v_1)`.
-  #. Let :math:`{{c^\ast}^\ast}` be :math:`\Large\times~{{{\mathrm{lcvtop}}}_{{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_1}{\mathsf{x}}{M}, {{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_2}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{vcvtop}}, c_1)^\ast}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{{c^\ast}^\ast}` be :math:`\Large\times~{{{\mathrm{lcvtop}}}_{{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_1}{\mathsf{x}}{M}, {{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_2}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathit{vcvtop}}, c_1)^\ast}`.
-  #. Let :math:`v` be an element of :math:`{{{{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_2}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}^{{-1}}}}{({c^\ast})}^\ast}`.
+   #. Let :math:`v` be an element of :math:`{{{{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_2}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}^{{-1}}}}{({c^\ast})}^\ast}`.
-  #. Return :math:`v`.
+   #. Return :math:`v`.
 #. Let :math:`M_1` be :math:`n_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
@@ -23056,15 +23056,15 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`{{\mathit{zero}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is not defined and :math:`{{\mathit{half}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is defined, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathit{half}}` be :math:`{{\mathit{half}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{half}}` be :math:`{{\mathit{half}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}`.
-  #. Let :math:`{c_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_1}{\mathsf{x}}{M_1}}(v_1){}[{\mathrm{half}}({\mathit{half}}, 0, M_2) : M_2]`.
+   #. Let :math:`{c_1^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_1}{\mathsf{x}}{M_1}}(v_1){}[{\mathrm{half}}({\mathit{half}}, 0, M_2) : M_2]`.
-  #. Let :math:`{{c^\ast}^\ast}` be :math:`\Large\times~{{{\mathrm{lcvtop}}}_{{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_1}{\mathsf{x}}{M_1}, {{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_2}{\mathsf{x}}{M_2}}({\mathit{vcvtop}}, c_1)^\ast}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{{c^\ast}^\ast}` be :math:`\Large\times~{{{\mathrm{lcvtop}}}_{{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_1}{\mathsf{x}}{M_1}, {{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_2}{\mathsf{x}}{M_2}}({\mathit{vcvtop}}, c_1)^\ast}`.
-  #. Let :math:`v` be an element of :math:`{{{{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_2}{\mathsf{x}}{M_2}}^{{-1}}}}{({c^\ast})}^\ast}`.
+   #. Let :math:`v` be an element of :math:`{{{{{\mathrm{lanes}}}_{{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_2}{\mathsf{x}}{M_2}}^{{-1}}}}{({c^\ast})}^\ast}`.
-  #. Return :math:`v`.
+   #. Return :math:`v`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{{\mathit{half}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is not defined.
@@ -23085,7 +23085,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{\mathit{vshiftop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{shl}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ivshiftop}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{ishl}}, v, i)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ivshiftop}}}_{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{ishl}}, v, i)`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{vshiftop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{shr}`.
@@ -23107,7 +23107,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{\mathit{swizzlop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{swizzle}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ivswizzlop}}}_{{\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 8}}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{iswizzle}}_{{\mathit{lane}}}, v_1, v_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ivswizzlop}}}_{{\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 8}}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}}({\mathrm{iswizzle}}_{{\mathit{lane}}}, v_1, v_2)`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{swizzlop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{relaxed\_swizzle}`.
@@ -23215,15 +23215,15 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{\mathit{vextbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{extmul}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`({\mathsf{extmul}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{half}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vextbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`({\mathsf{extmul}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{half}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vextbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Let :math:`i` be :math:`{\mathrm{half}}({\mathit{half}}, 0, M_2)`.
+   #. Let :math:`i` be :math:`{\mathrm{half}}({\mathit{half}}, 0, M_2)`.
-  #. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ivextbinop}}}_{{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_1}{\mathsf{x}}{M_1}, {{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_2}{\mathsf{x}}{M_2}}({\mathrm{ivmul}}, {\mathit{sx}}, {\mathit{sx}}, i, M_2, v_1, v_2)`.
+   #. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ivextbinop}}}_{{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_1}{\mathsf{x}}{M_1}, {{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_2}{\mathsf{x}}{M_2}}({\mathrm{ivmul}}, {\mathit{sx}}, {\mathit{sx}}, i, M_2, v_1, v_2)`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{vextbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = `, then:
-  a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ivextbinop}}}_{{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_1}{\mathsf{x}}{M_1}, {{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_2}{\mathsf{x}}{M_2}}({\mathrm{ivdot}}, \mathsf{s}, \mathsf{s}, 0, M_1, v_1, v_2)`.
+   a. Return :math:`{{\mathrm{ivextbinop}}}_{{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_1}{\mathsf{x}}{M_1}, {{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_2}{\mathsf{x}}{M_2}}({\mathrm{ivdot}}, \mathsf{s}, \mathsf{s}, 0, M_1, v_1, v_2)`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{vextbinop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = `.
@@ -23307,9 +23307,9 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is value type, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathit{val}}` be :math:`v_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{val}}` be :math:`v_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathit{val}}`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathit{val}}`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, the type of :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is packed type.
@@ -23330,11 +23330,11 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If the type of :math:`{\mathit{zt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is value type and the type of :math:`{\mathit{fv}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is value, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathit{val}}` be :math:`{\mathit{fv}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{val}}` be :math:`{\mathit{fv}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. If :math:`{{\mathit{sx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is not defined, then:
+   #. If :math:`{{\mathit{sx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is not defined, then:
-    1) Return :math:`{\mathit{val}}`.
+      1) Return :math:`{\mathit{val}}`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{fv}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{pack}`.
@@ -23355,15 +23355,15 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{xa}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0~{{\mathit{xa}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xa}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{func}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{func}~a)` be :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{func}~a)` be :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0`.
-  #. Return :math:`a~{\mathrm{funcs}}({{\mathit{xa}}^\ast})`.
+   #. Return :math:`a~{\mathrm{funcs}}({{\mathit{xa}}^\ast})`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}~{{\mathit{xa}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xa}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -23376,15 +23376,15 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{xa}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0~{{\mathit{xa}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xa}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{global}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{global}~a)` be :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{global}~a)` be :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0`.
-  #. Return :math:`a~{\mathrm{globals}}({{\mathit{xa}}^\ast})`.
+   #. Return :math:`a~{\mathrm{globals}}({{\mathit{xa}}^\ast})`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}~{{\mathit{xa}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xa}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -23397,15 +23397,15 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{xa}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0~{{\mathit{xa}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xa}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{table}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{table}~a)` be :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{table}~a)` be :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0`.
-  #. Return :math:`a~{\mathrm{tables}}({{\mathit{xa}}^\ast})`.
+   #. Return :math:`a~{\mathrm{tables}}({{\mathit{xa}}^\ast})`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}~{{\mathit{xa}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xa}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -23418,15 +23418,15 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{xa}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0~{{\mathit{xa}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xa}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{mem}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~a)` be :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~a)` be :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0`.
-  #. Return :math:`a~{\mathrm{mems}}({{\mathit{xa}}^\ast})`.
+   #. Return :math:`a~{\mathrm{mems}}({{\mathit{xa}}^\ast})`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}~{{\mathit{xa}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xa}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -23439,15 +23439,15 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{xa}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0~{{\mathit{xa}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xa}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{tag}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{tag}~a)` be :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{tag}~a)` be :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}_0`.
-  #. Return :math:`a~{\mathrm{tags}}({{\mathit{xa}}^\ast})`.
+   #. Return :math:`a~{\mathrm{tags}}({{\mathit{xa}}^\ast})`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}~{{\mathit{xa}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{xa}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -23714,11 +23714,11 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`{|{{r'}^\ast}|} + n \leq j`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{i'}` be :math:`{|{{r'}^\ast}|} + n`.
+   a. Let :math:`{i'}` be :math:`{|{{r'}^\ast}|} + n`.
-  #. Let :math:`{\mathit{tableinst}'}` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~({\mathit{at}}~({}[~{i'}~..~j~])~{\mathit{rt}}),\; \mathsf{refs}~{{r'}^\ast}~{r^{n}} \}\end{array}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{\mathit{tableinst}'}` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~({\mathit{at}}~({}[~{i'}~..~j~])~{\mathit{rt}}),\; \mathsf{refs}~{{r'}^\ast}~{r^{n}} \}\end{array}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathit{tableinst}'}`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathit{tableinst}'}`.
 :math:`{\mathrm{growmem}}({\mathit{meminst}}, n)`
@@ -23729,11 +23729,11 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`{|{b^\ast}|} / (64 \, {\mathrm{Ki}}) + n \leq j`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`{i'}` be :math:`{|{b^\ast}|} / (64 \, {\mathrm{Ki}}) + n`.
+   a. Let :math:`{i'}` be :math:`{|{b^\ast}|} / (64 \, {\mathrm{Ki}}) + n`.
-  #. Let :math:`{\mathit{meminst}'}` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~({\mathit{at}}~({}[~{i'}~..~j~])~\mathsf{page}),\; \mathsf{bytes}~{b^\ast}~{\mathtt{0x00}^{n \cdot 64 \, {\mathrm{Ki}}}} \}\end{array}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{\mathit{meminst}'}` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~({\mathit{at}}~({}[~{i'}~..~j~])~\mathsf{page}),\; \mathsf{bytes}~{b^\ast}~{\mathtt{0x00}^{n \cdot 64 \, {\mathrm{Ki}}}} \}\end{array}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathit{meminst}'}`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathit{meminst}'}`.
 :math:`{{\mathrm{blocktype}}}_{z}({\mathit{bt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}})`
@@ -23742,13 +23742,13 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{\mathit{bt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case , then:
-  a. Let :math:`x` be :math:`{\mathit{bt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`x` be :math:`{\mathit{bt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathrm{expand}}(z{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x])` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{func}`.
+   #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathrm{expand}}(z{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x])` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{func}`.
-  #. Let :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{ft}})` be :math:`{\mathrm{expand}}(z{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x])`.
+   #. Let :math:`(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{ft}})` be :math:`{\mathrm{expand}}(z{.}\mathsf{types}{}[x])`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathit{ft}}`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathit{ft}}`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{bt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case .
@@ -23763,7 +23763,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{type}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{type}'}^\ast}~{\mathit{type}}` be :math:`{{\mathit{type}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -23799,29 +23799,29 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{dt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{{{\mathit{code}}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`.
+   a. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{{{\mathit{code}}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`.
-  #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{{\mathit{moduleinst}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`.
+   #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{{\mathit{moduleinst}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`.
-  #. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   #. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Else:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathit{dt}}~{{\mathit{dt}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{dt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{dt}}~{{\mathit{dt}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{dt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
-  #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{|{{{\mathit{code}}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}|} \geq 1`.
+   #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{|{{{\mathit{code}}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}|} \geq 1`.
-  #. Let :math:`{\mathit{code}}~{{{\mathit{code}}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{{\mathit{code}}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{\mathit{code}}~{{{\mathit{code}}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{{\mathit{code}}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
-  #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{|{{\mathit{moduleinst}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}|} \geq 1`.
+   #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{|{{\mathit{moduleinst}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}|} \geq 1`.
-  #. Let :math:`{\mathit{moduleinst}}~{{\mathit{moduleinst}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{moduleinst}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{\mathit{moduleinst}}~{{\mathit{moduleinst}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{moduleinst}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
-  #. Let :math:`{\mathit{fa}}` be :math:`{\mathrm{allocfunc}}(s, {\mathit{dt}}, {\mathit{code}}, {\mathit{moduleinst}})`.
+   #. Let :math:`{\mathit{fa}}` be :math:`{\mathrm{allocfunc}}(s, {\mathit{dt}}, {\mathit{code}}, {\mathit{moduleinst}})`.
-  #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{fa}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{{\mathrm{allocfunc}}^\ast}}{(s, {{\mathit{dt}'}^\ast}, {{{\mathit{code}}'}^\ast}, {{\mathit{moduleinst}'}^\ast})}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{fa}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{{\mathrm{allocfunc}}^\ast}}{(s, {{\mathit{dt}'}^\ast}, {{{\mathit{code}}'}^\ast}, {{\mathit{moduleinst}'}^\ast})}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathit{fa}}~{{\mathit{fa}'}^\ast}`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathit{fa}}~{{\mathit{fa}'}^\ast}`.
 :math:`{\mathrm{allocglobal}}(s, {\mathit{globaltype}}, {\mathit{val}})`
@@ -23843,23 +23843,23 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{gt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{v_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`.
+   a. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{v_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`.
-  #. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   #. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Else:
-  a. Let :math:`{\mathit{globaltype}}~{{\mathit{globaltype}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{gt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{globaltype}}~{{\mathit{globaltype}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{gt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
-  #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{|{v_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}|} \geq 1`.
+   #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{|{v_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}|} \geq 1`.
-  #. Let :math:`{\mathit{val}}~{{\mathit{val}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{v_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{\mathit{val}}~{{\mathit{val}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{v_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
-  #. Let :math:`{\mathit{ga}}` be :math:`{\mathrm{allocglobal}}(s, {\mathit{globaltype}}, {\mathit{val}})`.
+   #. Let :math:`{\mathit{ga}}` be :math:`{\mathrm{allocglobal}}(s, {\mathit{globaltype}}, {\mathit{val}})`.
-  #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{ga}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{{\mathrm{allocglobal}}^\ast}}{(s, {{\mathit{globaltype}'}^\ast}, {{\mathit{val}'}^\ast})}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{ga}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{{\mathrm{allocglobal}}^\ast}}{(s, {{\mathit{globaltype}'}^\ast}, {{\mathit{val}'}^\ast})}`.
-  #. Return :math:`{\mathit{ga}}~{{\mathit{ga}'}^\ast}`.
+   #. Return :math:`{\mathit{ga}}~{{\mathit{ga}'}^\ast}`.
 :math:`{\mathrm{alloctable}}(s, {\mathit{at}}~({}[~i~..~j~])~{\mathit{rt}}, {\mathit{ref}})`
@@ -23881,7 +23881,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{tt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon` and :math:`{r_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{|{r_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}|} \geq 1`.
@@ -23917,7 +23917,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{mt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{memtype}}~{{\mathit{memtype}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{mt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -23947,7 +23947,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{jt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{jt}}~{{\mathit{jt}'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{\mathit{jt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
@@ -23977,7 +23977,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{elemtype}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon` and :math:`{r_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{|{r_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}|} \geq 1`.
@@ -24013,7 +24013,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{ok}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon` and :math:`{b_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{|{b_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}|} \geq 1`.
@@ -24036,27 +24036,27 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{\mathit{xx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{func}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{func}~x)` be :math:`{\mathit{xx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{func}~x)` be :math:`{\mathit{xx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{name}~{\mathit{name}},\; \mathsf{addr}~(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{moduleinst}}{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]) \}\end{array}`.
+   #. Return :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{name}~{\mathit{name}},\; \mathsf{addr}~(\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{moduleinst}}{.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[x]) \}\end{array}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{xx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{global}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{global}~x)` be :math:`{\mathit{xx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{global}~x)` be :math:`{\mathit{xx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{name}~{\mathit{name}},\; \mathsf{addr}~(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{moduleinst}}{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]) \}\end{array}`.
+   #. Return :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{name}~{\mathit{name}},\; \mathsf{addr}~(\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{moduleinst}}{.}\mathsf{globals}{}[x]) \}\end{array}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{xx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{table}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{table}~x)` be :math:`{\mathit{xx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{table}~x)` be :math:`{\mathit{xx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{name}~{\mathit{name}},\; \mathsf{addr}~(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{moduleinst}}{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]) \}\end{array}`.
+   #. Return :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{name}~{\mathit{name}},\; \mathsf{addr}~(\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{moduleinst}}{.}\mathsf{tables}{}[x]) \}\end{array}`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{xx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{mem}`, then:
-  a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~x)` be :math:`{\mathit{xx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
+   a. Let :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~x)` be :math:`{\mathit{xx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}`.
-  #. Return :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{name}~{\mathit{name}},\; \mathsf{addr}~(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{moduleinst}}{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]) \}\end{array}`.
+   #. Return :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{name}~{\mathit{name}},\; \mathsf{addr}~(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{moduleinst}}{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]) \}\end{array}`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{xx}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{tag}`.
@@ -24175,11 +24175,11 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{\mathit{elemmode}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{passive}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. If :math:`{\mathit{elemmode}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{declare}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`(\mathsf{elem{.}drop}~x)`.
+   a. Return :math:`(\mathsf{elem{.}drop}~x)`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{elemmode}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{active}`.
@@ -24194,7 +24194,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{\mathit{datamode}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}} = \mathsf{passive}`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{datamode}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{active}`.
@@ -24209,7 +24209,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{{\mathit{gt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon` and :math:`{e_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   a. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{|{e_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}|} \geq 1`.
@@ -24238,7 +24238,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{\mathit{module}}` is not :ref:`valid <valid-val>`, then:
-  a. Fail.
+   a. Fail.
 #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathsf{i}}^\ast}~\rightarrow~{{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathsf{e}}^\ast}` be the type of :math:`{\mathit{module}}`.
@@ -24248,17 +24248,17 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`{|{{\mathit{externaddr}}^\ast}|} \neq {|{{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathsf{i}}^\ast}|}`, then:
-  a. Fail.
+   a. Fail.
 #. For all :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}`, and :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathsf{i}}` in :math:`{({\mathit{externaddr}}, {\mathit{xt}}_{\mathsf{i}})^\ast}`:
-  a. If :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}` is not :ref:`valid <valid-val>` with type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathsf{i}}`, then:
+   a. If :math:`{\mathit{externaddr}}` is not :ref:`valid <valid-val>` with type :math:`{\mathit{xt}}_{\mathsf{i}}`, then:
-    1) Fail.
+      1) Fail.
-#. Let :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathsf{d}}^\ast}` be :math:`{\bigoplus}\, {{{\mathrm{rundata}}}_{i_{\mathsf{d}}}({{\mathit{data}}^\ast}{}[i_{\mathsf{d}}])^{i_{\mathsf{d}}<{|{{\mathit{data}}^\ast}|}}}`.
+#. Let :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathsf{d}}^\ast}` be the concatenation of :math:`{{{\mathrm{rundata}}}_{i_{\mathsf{d}}}({{\mathit{data}}^\ast}{}[i_{\mathsf{d}}])^{i_{\mathsf{d}}<{|{{\mathit{data}}^\ast}|}}}`.
-#. Let :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathsf{e}}^\ast}` be :math:`{\bigoplus}\, {{{\mathrm{runelem}}}_{i_{\mathsf{e}}}({{\mathit{elem}}^\ast}{}[i_{\mathsf{e}}])^{i_{\mathsf{e}}<{|{{\mathit{elem}}^\ast}|}}}`.
+#. Let :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathsf{e}}^\ast}` be the concatenation of :math:`{{{\mathrm{runelem}}}_{i_{\mathsf{e}}}({{\mathit{elem}}^\ast}{}[i_{\mathsf{e}}])^{i_{\mathsf{e}}<{|{{\mathit{elem}}^\ast}|}}}`.
 #. Assert: Due to validation, for all :math:`{\mathit{start}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{start}}^?}`, :math:`{\mathit{start}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{start}`.
@@ -24333,13 +24333,13 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. If :math:`{|{t_1^\ast}|} \neq {|{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}|}`, then:
-  a. Fail.
+   a. Fail.
 #. For all :math:`t_1`, and :math:`{\mathit{val}}` in :math:`{(t_1, {\mathit{val}})^\ast}`:
-  a. If :math:`{\mathit{val}}` is not :ref:`valid <valid-val>` with type :math:`t_1`, then:
+   a. If :math:`{\mathit{val}}` is not :ref:`valid <valid-val>` with type :math:`t_1`, then:
-    1) Fail.
+      1) Fail.
 #. Let :math:`k` be :math:`{|{t_2^\ast}|}`.
@@ -24368,23 +24368,23 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. If :math:`{X_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`, then:
-  a. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{Y_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`.
+   a. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{Y_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast} = \epsilon`.
-  #. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
+   #. Return :math:`\epsilon`.
 #. Else:
-  a. Let :math:`X~{{X'}^\ast}` be :math:`{X_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
+   a. Let :math:`X~{{X'}^\ast}` be :math:`{X_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
-  #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{|{Y_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}|} \geq 1`.
+   #. Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{|{Y_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}|} \geq 1`.
-  #. Let :math:`Y~{{Y'}^\ast}` be :math:`{Y_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
+   #. Let :math:`Y~{{Y'}^\ast}` be :math:`{Y_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^\ast}`.
-  #. Let :math:`a` be :math:`{\mathrm{allocX}}({\mathit{TODO}}, {\mathit{TODO}}, s, X, Y)`.
+   #. Let :math:`a` be :math:`{\mathrm{allocX}}({\mathit{TODO}}, {\mathit{TODO}}, s, X, Y)`.
-  #. Let :math:`{{a'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{{\mathrm{allocX}}^\ast}}{(s, {{X'}^\ast}, {{Y'}^\ast})}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{{a'}^\ast}` be :math:`{{{\mathrm{allocX}}^\ast}}{(s, {{X'}^\ast}, {{Y'}^\ast})}`.
-  #. Return :math:`a~{{a'}^\ast}`.
+   #. Return :math:`a~{{a'}^\ast}`.
@@ -24394,8 +24394,8 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. Return :math:`0`.
+the result of :ref:`evaluating <exec-expr>` :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}`
 1. Execute the instruction :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}`.
@@ -30092,7 +30092,7 @@ allocXs X Y s X_u1* Y_u1*
 var X
 1. Return 0.
-eval_expr instr*
+Eval_expr instr*
 1. Execute the instruction instr*.
 2. Pop the value val from the stack.
 3. Return [val].

From 17f1ba4c2aa103223b726beaad4ddf5993ad500c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: 702fbtngus <>
Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2025 15:16:03 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 07/12] Cross reference for frame, handler

 spectec/src/backend-prose/ |   4 +-
 spectec/test-prose/              | 164 ++++++++++++------------
 2 files changed, 84 insertions(+), 84 deletions(-)

diff --git a/spectec/src/backend-prose/ b/spectec/src/backend-prose/
index d5c3e27933..91d7ffddaa 100644
--- a/spectec/src/backend-prose/
+++ b/spectec/src/backend-prose/
@@ -69,11 +69,11 @@ let string_of_stack_prefix expr =
   match with
   | GetCurContextE _
   | VarE ("F" | "L") -> ""
-  | _ when Il.Eq.eq_typ expr.note Al.Al_util.frameT -> "the frame "
+  | _ when Il.Eq.eq_typ expr.note Al.Al_util.frameT -> "the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` "
   | CaseE (mixop, _) when Il.Eq.eq_typ expr.note Al.Al_util.evalctxT ->
     let evalctx_name = (List.nth mixop 0)
     |> fun s -> String.sub s 0 (String.length s - 1)
     |> String.lowercase_ascii in
-    Printf.sprintf "the %s " evalctx_name
+    Printf.sprintf "the :ref:`%s <syntax-%s>` " evalctx_name evalctx_name
   | IterE _ -> "the values "
   | _ -> "the value "
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/spectec/test-prose/ b/spectec/test-prose/
index 0646f2f5bf..40a71647a3 100644
--- a/spectec/test-prose/
+++ b/spectec/test-prose/
@@ -1337,7 +1337,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. Let :math:`f` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{locals}~{{\mathit{val}}^{k}}~{{{\mathrm{default}}}_{t}^\ast},\; \mathsf{module}~{\mathit{mm}} \}\end{array}`.
-#. Push the frame :math:`({{\mathsf{frame}}_{n}}{\{}~f~\})` to the stack.
+#. Push the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({{\mathsf{frame}}_{n}}{\{}~f~\})` to the stack.
 #. Enter :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` with label :math:`({{\mathsf{label}}_{n}}{\{}~\epsilon~\})`.
@@ -2785,23 +2785,23 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. Let :math:`z` be :math:`(s, f_{\mathit{init}})`.
-#. Push the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z{.}\mathsf{frame}~\})` to the stack.
+#. Push the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z{.}\mathsf{frame}~\})` to the stack.
 #. Let :math:`{(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i_{\mathsf{d}})^\ast}` be for all :math:`{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{d}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{d}}^\ast}`, the result of :ref:`evaluating <exec-expr>` :math:`{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{d}}` with state :math:`z`.
-#. Pop the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z{.}\mathsf{frame}~\})` from the stack.
+#. Pop the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z{.}\mathsf{frame}~\})` from the stack.
-#. Push the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z{.}\mathsf{frame}~\})` to the stack.
+#. Push the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z{.}\mathsf{frame}~\})` to the stack.
 #. Let :math:`{(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i_{\mathsf{e}})^\ast}` be for all :math:`{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{e}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{e}}^\ast}`, the result of :ref:`evaluating <exec-expr>` :math:`{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{e}}` with state :math:`z`.
-#. Pop the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z{.}\mathsf{frame}~\})` from the stack.
+#. Pop the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z{.}\mathsf{frame}~\})` from the stack.
-#. Push the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z{.}\mathsf{frame}~\})` to the stack.
+#. Push the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z{.}\mathsf{frame}~\})` to the stack.
 #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` be for all :math:`{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{g}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{g}}^\ast}`, the result of :ref:`evaluating <exec-expr>` :math:`{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{g}}` with state :math:`z`.
-#. Pop the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z{.}\mathsf{frame}~\})` from the stack.
+#. Pop the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z{.}\mathsf{frame}~\})` from the stack.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{moduleinst}}` be :math:`{\mathrm{allocmodule}}(s, {\mathit{module}}, {{\mathit{externaddr}}^\ast}, {{\mathit{val}}^\ast})`.
@@ -2811,11 +2811,11 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. Perform :math:`{\mathrm{initdata}}(s, {\mathit{moduleinst}}, {i_{\mathsf{d}}^\ast}, {{b^\ast}^\ast})`.
-#. Push the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~f~\})` to the stack.
+#. Push the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~f~\})` to the stack.
 #. Execute the sequence :math:`{(\mathsf{call}~{x'})^?}`.
-#. Pop the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~f~\})` from the stack.
+#. Pop the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~f~\})` from the stack.
 #. Return :math:`f{.}\mathsf{module}`.
@@ -2826,15 +2826,15 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. Let :math:`f` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{module}~\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{types}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{funcs}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{globals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{tables}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{mems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{exports}~\epsilon \}\end{array} \}\end{array}`.
-#. Push the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~(s, f)~\})` to the stack.
+#. Push the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~(s, f)~\})` to the stack.
 #. Let :math:`{t_1^{n}}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}` be :math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[{\mathit{fa}}]{.}\mathsf{type}`.
-#. Pop the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~f~\})` from the stack.
+#. Pop the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~f~\})` from the stack.
 #. Let :math:`k` be :math:`{|{t_2^\ast}|}`.
-#. Push the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{k}\,\{~f~\})` to the stack.
+#. Push the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{k}\,\{~f~\})` to the stack.
 #. Push the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^{n}}` to the stack.
@@ -2842,7 +2842,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. Pop all values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` from the top of the stack.
-#. Pop the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{k}\,\{~f~\})` from the stack.
+#. Pop the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{k}\,\{~f~\})` from the stack.
 #. Push the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` to the stack.
@@ -3531,7 +3531,7 @@ Step_read/call_addr a
 8. Assert: Due to validation, there are at least k values on the top of the stack.
 9. Pop the values val^k from the stack.
 10. Let f be { LOCALS: val^k :: $default_(t)*; MODULE: mm; }.
-11. Push the frame (FRAME_ n { f }) to the stack.
+11. Push the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` (FRAME_ n { f }) to the stack.
 12. Enter instr* with label (LABEL_ n { [] }).
 Step_read/local.get x
@@ -4215,35 +4215,35 @@ instantiate s module externaddr*
 14. Let moduleinst_init be { TYPES: functype*; FUNCS: $funcs(externaddr*) :: (|s.FUNCS| + i_F)^(i_F<n_F); GLOBALS: $globals(externaddr*); TABLES: []; MEMS: []; EXPORTS: []; }.
 15. Let f_init be { LOCALS: []; MODULE: moduleinst_init; }.
 16. Let z be (s, f_init).
-17. Push the frame (FRAME_ 0 { $frame(z) }) to the stack.
+17. Push the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` (FRAME_ 0 { $frame(z) }) to the stack.
 18. Let [(I32.CONST i_D)]* be $Eval_expr(z, expr_D)*.
-19. Pop the frame (FRAME_ 0 { $frame(z) }) from the stack.
-20. Push the frame (FRAME_ 0 { $frame(z) }) to the stack.
+19. Pop the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` (FRAME_ 0 { $frame(z) }) from the stack.
+20. Push the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` (FRAME_ 0 { $frame(z) }) to the stack.
 21. Let [(I32.CONST i_E)]* be $Eval_expr(z, expr_E)*.
-22. Pop the frame (FRAME_ 0 { $frame(z) }) from the stack.
-23. Push the frame (FRAME_ 0 { $frame(z) }) to the stack.
+22. Pop the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` (FRAME_ 0 { $frame(z) }) from the stack.
+23. Push the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` (FRAME_ 0 { $frame(z) }) to the stack.
 24. Let [val]* be $Eval_expr(z, expr_G)*.
-25. Pop the frame (FRAME_ 0 { $frame(z) }) from the stack.
+25. Pop the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` (FRAME_ 0 { $frame(z) }) from the stack.
 26. Let moduleinst be $allocmodule(s, module, externaddr*, val*).
 27. Let f be { LOCALS: []; MODULE: moduleinst; }.
 28. Perform $initelem(s, moduleinst, i_E*, moduleinst.FUNCS[x]**).
 29. Perform $initdata(s, moduleinst, i_D*, b**).
-30. Push the frame (FRAME_ 0 { f }) to the stack.
+30. Push the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` (FRAME_ 0 { f }) to the stack.
 31. Execute the sequence ((CALL x')?).
-32. Pop the frame (FRAME_ 0 { f }) from the stack.
+32. Pop the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` (FRAME_ 0 { f }) from the stack.
 33. Return f.MODULE.
 invoke s fa val^n
 1. Let f be { LOCALS: []; MODULE: { TYPES: []; FUNCS: []; GLOBALS: []; TABLES: []; MEMS: []; EXPORTS: []; }; }.
-2. Push the frame (FRAME_ 0 { (s, f) }) to the stack.
+2. Push the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` (FRAME_ 0 { (s, f) }) to the stack.
 3. Let t_1^n -> t_2* be $funcinst((s, f))[fa].TYPE.
-4. Pop the frame (FRAME_ 0 { _f }) from the stack.
+4. Pop the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` (FRAME_ 0 { _f }) from the stack.
 5. Let k be |t_2*|.
-6. Push the frame (FRAME_ k { f }) to the stack.
+6. Push the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` (FRAME_ k { f }) to the stack.
 7. Push the values val^n to the stack.
 8. Execute the instruction (CALL_ADDR fa).
 9. Pop all values val* from the top of the stack.
-10. Pop the frame (FRAME_ k { f }) from the stack.
+10. Pop the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` (FRAME_ k { f }) from the stack.
 11. Push the values val* to the stack.
 12. Pop the values val^k from the stack.
 13. Return val^k.
@@ -6641,7 +6641,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. Let :math:`f` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{locals}~{{\mathit{val}}^{k}}~{{{\mathrm{default}}}_{t}^\ast},\; \mathsf{module}~{\mathit{mm}} \}\end{array}`.
-#. Push the frame :math:`({{\mathsf{frame}}_{n}}{\{}~f~\})` to the stack.
+#. Push the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({{\mathsf{frame}}_{n}}{\{}~f~\})` to the stack.
 #. Enter :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` with label :math:`({{\mathsf{label}}_{n}}{\{}~\epsilon~\})`.
@@ -9831,23 +9831,23 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. Let :math:`z` be :math:`(s, f_{\mathit{init}})`.
-#. Push the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z{.}\mathsf{frame}~\})` to the stack.
+#. Push the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z{.}\mathsf{frame}~\})` to the stack.
 #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` be for all :math:`{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{g}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{g}}^\ast}`, the result of :ref:`evaluating <exec-expr>` :math:`{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{g}}` with state :math:`z`.
-#. Pop the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z{.}\mathsf{frame}~\})` from the stack.
+#. Pop the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z{.}\mathsf{frame}~\})` from the stack.
-#. Push the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z{.}\mathsf{frame}~\})` to the stack.
+#. Push the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z{.}\mathsf{frame}~\})` to the stack.
 #. Let :math:`{{{\mathit{ref}}^\ast}^\ast}` be for all :math:`{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{e*}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{e*}}^\ast}`, for all :math:`{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{e}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{e}}^\ast}`, the result of :ref:`evaluating <exec-expr>` :math:`{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{e}}` with state :math:`z`.
-#. Pop the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z{.}\mathsf{frame}~\})` from the stack.
+#. Pop the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z{.}\mathsf{frame}~\})` from the stack.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{moduleinst}}` be :math:`{\mathrm{allocmodule}}(s, {\mathit{module}}, {{\mathit{externaddr}}^\ast}, {{\mathit{val}}^\ast}, {{{\mathit{ref}}^\ast}^\ast})`.
 #. Let :math:`f` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{module}~{\mathit{moduleinst}} \}\end{array}`.
-#. Push the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~f~\})` to the stack.
+#. Push the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~f~\})` to the stack.
 #. Execute the sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathsf{e}}^\ast}`.
@@ -9855,7 +9855,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. Execute the sequence :math:`{(\mathsf{call}~x)^?}`.
-#. Pop the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~f~\})` from the stack.
+#. Pop the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~f~\})` from the stack.
 #. Return :math:`f{.}\mathsf{module}`.
@@ -9866,15 +9866,15 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 1. Let :math:`f` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{module}~\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{types}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{funcs}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{globals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{tables}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{mems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{elems}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{datas}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{exports}~\epsilon \}\end{array} \}\end{array}`.
-#. Push the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~(s, f)~\})` to the stack.
+#. Push the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~(s, f)~\})` to the stack.
 #. Let :math:`{t_1^{n}}~\rightarrow~{t_2^\ast}` be :math:`(s, f){.}\mathsf{funcs}{}[{\mathit{fa}}]{.}\mathsf{type}`.
-#. Pop the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~f~\})` from the stack.
+#. Pop the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~f~\})` from the stack.
 #. Let :math:`k` be :math:`{|{t_2^\ast}|}`.
-#. Push the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{k}\,\{~f~\})` to the stack.
+#. Push the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{k}\,\{~f~\})` to the stack.
 #. Push the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^{n}}` to the stack.
@@ -9882,7 +9882,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. Pop all values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` from the top of the stack.
-#. Pop the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{k}\,\{~f~\})` from the stack.
+#. Pop the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{k}\,\{~f~\})` from the stack.
 #. Push the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` to the stack.
@@ -11106,7 +11106,7 @@ Step_read/call_addr a
 8. Assert: Due to validation, there are at least k values on the top of the stack.
 9. Pop the values val^k from the stack.
 10. Let f be { LOCALS: val^k :: $default_(t)*; MODULE: mm; }.
-11. Push the frame (FRAME_ n { f }) to the stack.
+11. Push the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` (FRAME_ n { f }) to the stack.
 12. Enter instr* with label (LABEL_ n { [] }).
 Step_read/ref.func x
@@ -12628,32 +12628,32 @@ instantiate s module externaddr*
 16. Let moduleinst_init be { TYPES: functype*; FUNCS: $funcs(externaddr*) :: (|s.FUNCS| + i_F)^(i_F<n_F); GLOBALS: $globals(externaddr*); TABLES: []; MEMS: []; ELEMS: []; DATAS: []; EXPORTS: []; }.
 17. Let f_init be { LOCALS: []; MODULE: moduleinst_init; }.
 18. Let z be (s, f_init).
-19. Push the frame (FRAME_ 0 { $frame(z) }) to the stack.
+19. Push the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` (FRAME_ 0 { $frame(z) }) to the stack.
 20. Let [val]* be $Eval_expr(z, expr_G)*.
-21. Pop the frame (FRAME_ 0 { $frame(z) }) from the stack.
-22. Push the frame (FRAME_ 0 { $frame(z) }) to the stack.
+21. Pop the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` (FRAME_ 0 { $frame(z) }) from the stack.
+22. Push the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` (FRAME_ 0 { $frame(z) }) to the stack.
 23. Let [ref]** be $Eval_expr(z, expr_E)**.
-24. Pop the frame (FRAME_ 0 { $frame(z) }) from the stack.
+24. Pop the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` (FRAME_ 0 { $frame(z) }) from the stack.
 25. Let moduleinst be $allocmodule(s, module, externaddr*, val*, ref**).
 26. Let f be { LOCALS: []; MODULE: moduleinst; }.
-27. Push the frame (FRAME_ 0 { f }) to the stack.
+27. Push the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` (FRAME_ 0 { f }) to the stack.
 28. Execute the sequence (instr_E*).
 29. Execute the sequence (instr_D*).
 30. Execute the sequence ((CALL x)?).
-31. Pop the frame (FRAME_ 0 { f }) from the stack.
+31. Pop the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` (FRAME_ 0 { f }) from the stack.
 32. Return f.MODULE.
 invoke s fa val^n
 1. Let f be { LOCALS: []; MODULE: { TYPES: []; FUNCS: []; GLOBALS: []; TABLES: []; MEMS: []; ELEMS: []; DATAS: []; EXPORTS: []; }; }.
-2. Push the frame (FRAME_ 0 { (s, f) }) to the stack.
+2. Push the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` (FRAME_ 0 { (s, f) }) to the stack.
 3. Let t_1^n -> t_2* be $funcinst((s, f))[fa].TYPE.
-4. Pop the frame (FRAME_ 0 { _f }) from the stack.
+4. Pop the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` (FRAME_ 0 { _f }) from the stack.
 5. Let k be |t_2*|.
-6. Push the frame (FRAME_ k { f }) to the stack.
+6. Push the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` (FRAME_ k { f }) to the stack.
 7. Push the values val^n to the stack.
 8. Execute the instruction (CALL_ADDR fa).
 9. Pop all values val* from the top of the stack.
-10. Pop the frame (FRAME_ k { f }) from the stack.
+10. Pop the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` (FRAME_ k { f }) from the stack.
 11. Push the values val* to the stack.
 12. Pop the values val^k from the stack.
 13. Return val^k.
@@ -17265,7 +17265,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
          #) Let :math:`f` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{locals}~{{\mathit{val}}^{n}}~{{{\mathrm{default}}}_{t}^\ast},\; \mathsf{module}~{\mathit{fi}}{.}\mathsf{module} \}\end{array}`.
-         #) Push the frame :math:`({{\mathsf{frame}}_{m}}{\{}~f~\})` to the stack.
+         #) Push the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({{\mathsf{frame}}_{m}}{\{}~f~\})` to the stack.
          #) Enter :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` with label :math:`({{\mathsf{label}}_{m}}{\{}~\epsilon~\})`.
@@ -17434,7 +17434,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
                #. Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{handler}` context from the stack.
-               #. Push the handler :math:`({{\mathsf{handler}}_{n}}{\{}~{{\mathit{catch}'}^\ast}~\})` to the stack.
+               #. Push the :ref:`handler <syntax-handler>` :math:`({{\mathsf{handler}}_{n}}{\{}~{{\mathit{catch}'}^\ast}~\})` to the stack.
                #. Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}exn}~a)` to the stack.
@@ -17474,7 +17474,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
                   #) Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{handler}` context from the stack.
-                  #) Push the handler :math:`({{\mathsf{handler}}_{n}}{\{}~{{\mathit{catch}'}^\ast}~\})` to the stack.
+                  #) Push the :ref:`handler <syntax-handler>` :math:`({{\mathsf{handler}}_{n}}{\{}~{{\mathit{catch}'}^\ast}~\})` to the stack.
                   #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}exn}~a)` to the stack.
@@ -17490,7 +17490,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
                   #) Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{handler}` context from the stack.
-                  #) Push the handler :math:`({{\mathsf{handler}}_{n}}{\{}~{{\mathit{catch}'}^\ast}~\})` to the stack.
+                  #) Push the :ref:`handler <syntax-handler>` :math:`({{\mathsf{handler}}_{n}}{\{}~{{\mathit{catch}'}^\ast}~\})` to the stack.
                   #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}exn}~a)` to the stack.
@@ -17502,7 +17502,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
                   #) Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{handler}` context from the stack.
-                  #) Push the handler :math:`({{\mathsf{handler}}_{n}}{\{}~{{\mathit{catch}'}^\ast}~\})` to the stack.
+                  #) Push the :ref:`handler <syntax-handler>` :math:`({{\mathsf{handler}}_{n}}{\{}~{{\mathit{catch}'}^\ast}~\})` to the stack.
                   #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}exn}~a)` to the stack.
@@ -17534,7 +17534,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
                   #) Pop the current :math:`\mathsf{handler}` context from the stack.
-                  #) Push the handler :math:`({{\mathsf{handler}}_{n}}{\{}~{{\mathit{catch}'}^\ast}~\})` to the stack.
+                  #) Push the :ref:`handler <syntax-handler>` :math:`({{\mathsf{handler}}_{n}}{\{}~{{\mathit{catch}'}^\ast}~\})` to the stack.
                   #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{ref{.}exn}~a)` to the stack.
@@ -17567,7 +17567,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. Pop the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^{m}}` from the stack.
-#. Push the handler :math:`({{\mathsf{handler}}_{n}}{\{}~{{\mathit{catch}}^\ast}~\})` to the stack.
+#. Push the :ref:`handler <syntax-handler>` :math:`({{\mathsf{handler}}_{n}}{\{}~{{\mathit{catch}}^\ast}~\})` to the stack.
 #. Enter :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^{m}}~{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}` with label :math:`({{\mathsf{label}}_{n}}{\{}~\epsilon~\})`.
@@ -24284,29 +24284,29 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. Let :math:`z` be :math:`(s, \{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{module}~{\mathit{moduleinst}}_0 \}\end{array})`.
-#. Push the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z{.}\mathsf{frame}~\})` to the stack.
+#. Push the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z{.}\mathsf{frame}~\})` to the stack.
 #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{val}}_{\mathsf{g}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{{\mathrm{evalglobal}}^\ast}}{(z, {{\mathit{globaltype}}^\ast}, {{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{g}}^\ast})}`.
-#. Pop the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~{f'}~\})` from the stack.
+#. Pop the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~{f'}~\})` from the stack.
-#. Push the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~{f'}~\})` to the stack.
+#. Push the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~{f'}~\})` to the stack.
 #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{ref}}_{\mathsf{t}}^\ast}` be for all :math:`{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{t}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{t}}^\ast}`, the result of :ref:`evaluating <exec-expr>` :math:`{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{t}}` with state :math:`z`.
-#. Pop the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~{f'}~\})` from the stack.
+#. Pop the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~{f'}~\})` from the stack.
-#. Push the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~{f'}~\})` to the stack.
+#. Push the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~{f'}~\})` to the stack.
 #. Let :math:`{{{\mathit{ref}}_{\mathsf{e}}^\ast}^\ast}` be for all :math:`{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{e*}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{e*}}^\ast}`, for all :math:`{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{e}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{e}}^\ast}`, the result of :ref:`evaluating <exec-expr>` :math:`{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{e}}` with state :math:`z`.
-#. Pop the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~{f'}~\})` from the stack.
+#. Pop the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~{f'}~\})` from the stack.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{moduleinst}}` be :math:`{\mathrm{allocmodule}}(s, {\mathit{module}}, {{\mathit{externaddr}}^\ast}, {{\mathit{val}}_{\mathsf{g}}^\ast}, {{\mathit{ref}}_{\mathsf{t}}^\ast}, {{{\mathit{ref}}_{\mathsf{e}}^\ast}^\ast})`.
 #. Let :math:`f` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{locals}~\epsilon,\; \mathsf{module}~{\mathit{moduleinst}} \}\end{array}`.
-#. Push the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~f~\})` to the stack.
+#. Push the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~f~\})` to the stack.
 #. Execute the sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathsf{e}}^\ast}`.
@@ -24314,7 +24314,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. Execute the sequence :math:`{{\mathit{instr}}_{\mathsf{s}}^?}`.
-#. Pop the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~f~\})` from the stack.
+#. Pop the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~f~\})` from the stack.
 #. Return :math:`f{.}\mathsf{module}`.
@@ -24343,7 +24343,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. Let :math:`k` be :math:`{|{t_2^\ast}|}`.
-#. Push the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{k}\,\{~f~\})` to the stack.
+#. Push the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{k}\,\{~f~\})` to the stack.
 #. Push the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` to the stack.
@@ -24353,7 +24353,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. Pop all values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` from the top of the stack.
-#. Pop the frame :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{k}\,\{~f~\})` from the stack.
+#. Pop the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{k}\,\{~f~\})` from the stack.
 #. Push the values :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` to the stack.
@@ -26735,7 +26735,7 @@ Step_read/call_ref yy
       e) Assert: Due to validation, there are at least n values on the top of the stack.
       f) Pop the values val^n from the stack.
       g) Let f be { LOCALS: ?(val)^n :: $default_(t)*; MODULE: fi.MODULE; }.
-      h) Push the frame (FRAME_ m { f }) to the stack.
+      h) Push the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` (FRAME_ m { f }) to the stack.
       i) Enter instr* with label (LABEL_ m { [] }).
 Step_read/return_call x
@@ -26816,7 +26816,7 @@ Step_read/throw_ref
       c) Else if catch_0 is not of the case CATCH_ALL_REF, then:
         1. Let [catch] :: catch'* be catch_u1*.
         2. Pop the current HANDLER_ context from the stack.
-        3. Push the handler (HANDLER_ n { catch'* }) to the stack.
+        3. Push the :ref:`handler <syntax-handler>` (HANDLER_ n { catch'* }) to the stack.
         4. Push the value (REF.EXN_ADDR a) to the stack.
         5. Execute the instruction THROW_REF.
       d) Else:
@@ -26836,7 +26836,7 @@ Step_read/throw_ref
         3. Else:
           a. Let [catch] :: catch'* be catch_u1*.
           b. Pop the current HANDLER_ context from the stack.
-          c. Push the handler (HANDLER_ n { catch'* }) to the stack.
+          c. Push the :ref:`handler <syntax-handler>` (HANDLER_ n { catch'* }) to the stack.
           d. Push the value (REF.EXN_ADDR a) to the stack.
           e. Execute the instruction THROW_REF.
       d) Else if catch_0 is of the case CATCH_REF, then:
@@ -26844,13 +26844,13 @@ Step_read/throw_ref
         2. If (x >= |$tagaddr(z)|), then:
           a. Let [catch] :: catch'* be catch_u1*.
           b. Pop the current HANDLER_ context from the stack.
-          c. Push the handler (HANDLER_ n { catch'* }) to the stack.
+          c. Push the :ref:`handler <syntax-handler>` (HANDLER_ n { catch'* }) to the stack.
           d. Push the value (REF.EXN_ADDR a) to the stack.
           e. Execute the instruction THROW_REF.
         3. Else if ($exninst(z)[a].TAG =/= $tagaddr(z)[x]), then:
           a. Let [catch] :: catch'* be catch_u1*.
           b. Pop the current HANDLER_ context from the stack.
-          c. Push the handler (HANDLER_ n { catch'* }) to the stack.
+          c. Push the :ref:`handler <syntax-handler>` (HANDLER_ n { catch'* }) to the stack.
           d. Push the value (REF.EXN_ADDR a) to the stack.
           e. Execute the instruction THROW_REF.
         4. Else:
@@ -26865,7 +26865,7 @@ Step_read/throw_ref
       f) Else if catch_0 is not of the case CATCH_ALL_REF, then:
         1. Let [catch] :: catch'* be catch_u1*.
         2. Pop the current HANDLER_ context from the stack.
-        3. Push the handler (HANDLER_ n { catch'* }) to the stack.
+        3. Push the :ref:`handler <syntax-handler>` (HANDLER_ n { catch'* }) to the stack.
         4. Push the value (REF.EXN_ADDR a) to the stack.
         5. Execute the instruction THROW_REF.
       g) Else:
@@ -26881,7 +26881,7 @@ Step_read/try_table bt catch* instr*
 2. Let t_1^m -> t_2^n be $blocktype_(z, bt).
 3. Assert: Due to validation, there are at least m values on the top of the stack.
 4. Pop the values val^m from the stack.
-5. Push the handler (HANDLER_ n { catch* }) to the stack.
+5. Push the :ref:`handler <syntax-handler>` (HANDLER_ n { catch* }) to the stack.
 6. Enter val^m :: instr* with label (LABEL_ n { [] }).
 Step_read/ref.null (_IDX x)
@@ -30041,22 +30041,22 @@ instantiate s module externaddr*
 16. Let (ELEM reftype expr_E* elemmode)* be elem*.
 17. Let instr_S? be (CALL x)?.
 18. Let z be (s, { LOCALS: []; MODULE: moduleinst_0; }).
-19. Push the frame (FRAME_ 0 { $frame(z) }) to the stack.
+19. Push the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` (FRAME_ 0 { $frame(z) }) to the stack.
 20. Let val_G* be $evalglobals(z, globaltype*, expr_G*).
-21. Pop the frame (FRAME_ 0 { f' }) from the stack.
-22. Push the frame (FRAME_ 0 { f' }) to the stack.
+21. Pop the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` (FRAME_ 0 { f' }) from the stack.
+22. Push the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` (FRAME_ 0 { f' }) to the stack.
 23. Let [ref_T]* be $Eval_expr(z, expr_T)*.
-24. Pop the frame (FRAME_ 0 { f' }) from the stack.
-25. Push the frame (FRAME_ 0 { f' }) to the stack.
+24. Pop the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` (FRAME_ 0 { f' }) from the stack.
+25. Push the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` (FRAME_ 0 { f' }) to the stack.
 26. Let [ref_E]** be $Eval_expr(z, expr_E)**.
-27. Pop the frame (FRAME_ 0 { f' }) from the stack.
+27. Pop the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` (FRAME_ 0 { f' }) from the stack.
 28. Let moduleinst be $allocmodule(s, module, externaddr*, val_G*, ref_T*, ref_E**).
 29. Let f be { LOCALS: []; MODULE: moduleinst; }.
-30. Push the frame (FRAME_ 0 { f }) to the stack.
+30. Push the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` (FRAME_ 0 { f }) to the stack.
 31. Execute the sequence (instr_E*).
 32. Execute the sequence (instr_D*).
 33. Execute the sequence (instr_S?).
-34. Pop the frame (FRAME_ 0 { f }) from the stack.
+34. Pop the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` (FRAME_ 0 { f }) from the stack.
 35. Return f.MODULE.
 invoke s funcaddr val*
@@ -30067,12 +30067,12 @@ invoke s funcaddr val*
 5. If not $Val_type(val, t_1)*, then:
   a. Fail.
 6. Let k be |t_2*|.
-7. Push the frame (FRAME_ k { f }) to the stack.
+7. Push the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` (FRAME_ k { f }) to the stack.
 8. Push the values val* to the stack.
 9. Push the value (REF.FUNC_ADDR funcaddr) to the stack.
 10. Execute the instruction (CALL_REF s.FUNCS[funcaddr].TYPE).
 11. Pop all values val* from the top of the stack.
-12. Pop the frame (FRAME_ k { f }) from the stack.
+12. Pop the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` (FRAME_ k { f }) from the stack.
 13. Push the values val* to the stack.
 14. Pop the values val^k from the stack.
 15. Return val^k.

From 1b5b636ccdc0c0473063d19906f56b2512a8bada Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: 702fbtngus <>
Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2025 16:21:14 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 08/12] z hardcoding fix

 spectec/src/il2al/ |  5 +++--
 spectec/test-prose/     | 20 ++++++++++----------
 2 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/spectec/src/il2al/ b/spectec/src/il2al/
index d21d22cd44..698cdcf05e 100644
--- a/spectec/src/il2al/
+++ b/spectec/src/il2al/
@@ -637,7 +637,7 @@ let hide_state_expr expr =
       | TupE [ s; e ] when is_store s && not (is_frame e) ->
       | TupE [ z; e ] when is_state z ->
       | VarE _ when is_store expr -> VarE "s"
-      | VarE "z'" when is_state expr -> VarE "z"
+      | VarE id when is_state expr && String.starts_with ~prefix:"z" id -> VarE "z"
       | e -> e
     { expr with it = expr' }
@@ -911,7 +911,8 @@ let handle_unframed_algo instrs =
   let postprocess_frame f = if !for_interp then f else match with
     | VarE "z" -> { f with it = CallE ("frame", [ExpA f $]) }
-    | VarE "z'" -> { f with it = VarE "f'" }
+    | VarE id when String.starts_with ~prefix:"z" id ->
+      { f with it = VarE "f" }
     | _ -> f
diff --git a/spectec/test-prose/ b/spectec/test-prose/
index 40a71647a3..37ecec5891 100644
--- a/spectec/test-prose/
+++ b/spectec/test-prose/
@@ -24288,19 +24288,19 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{val}}_{\mathsf{g}}^\ast}` be :math:`{{{\mathrm{evalglobal}}^\ast}}{(z, {{\mathit{globaltype}}^\ast}, {{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{g}}^\ast})}`.
-#. Pop the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~{f'}~\})` from the stack.
+#. Pop the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~f~\})` from the stack.
-#. Push the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~{f'}~\})` to the stack.
+#. Push the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~f~\})` to the stack.
 #. Let :math:`{{\mathit{ref}}_{\mathsf{t}}^\ast}` be for all :math:`{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{t}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{t}}^\ast}`, the result of :ref:`evaluating <exec-expr>` :math:`{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{t}}` with state :math:`z`.
-#. Pop the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~{f'}~\})` from the stack.
+#. Pop the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~f~\})` from the stack.
-#. Push the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~{f'}~\})` to the stack.
+#. Push the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~f~\})` to the stack.
 #. Let :math:`{{{\mathit{ref}}_{\mathsf{e}}^\ast}^\ast}` be for all :math:`{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{e*}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{e*}}^\ast}`, for all :math:`{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{e}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{e}}^\ast}`, the result of :ref:`evaluating <exec-expr>` :math:`{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{e}}` with state :math:`z`.
-#. Pop the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~{f'}~\})` from the stack.
+#. Pop the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~f~\})` from the stack.
 #. Let :math:`{\mathit{moduleinst}}` be :math:`{\mathrm{allocmodule}}(s, {\mathit{module}}, {{\mathit{externaddr}}^\ast}, {{\mathit{val}}_{\mathsf{g}}^\ast}, {{\mathit{ref}}_{\mathsf{t}}^\ast}, {{{\mathit{ref}}_{\mathsf{e}}^\ast}^\ast})`.
@@ -30043,13 +30043,13 @@ instantiate s module externaddr*
 18. Let z be (s, { LOCALS: []; MODULE: moduleinst_0; }).
 19. Push the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` (FRAME_ 0 { $frame(z) }) to the stack.
 20. Let val_G* be $evalglobals(z, globaltype*, expr_G*).
-21. Pop the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` (FRAME_ 0 { f' }) from the stack.
-22. Push the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` (FRAME_ 0 { f' }) to the stack.
+21. Pop the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` (FRAME_ 0 { f }) from the stack.
+22. Push the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` (FRAME_ 0 { f }) to the stack.
 23. Let [ref_T]* be $Eval_expr(z, expr_T)*.
-24. Pop the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` (FRAME_ 0 { f' }) from the stack.
-25. Push the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` (FRAME_ 0 { f' }) to the stack.
+24. Pop the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` (FRAME_ 0 { f }) from the stack.
+25. Push the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` (FRAME_ 0 { f }) to the stack.
 26. Let [ref_E]** be $Eval_expr(z, expr_E)**.
-27. Pop the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` (FRAME_ 0 { f' }) from the stack.
+27. Pop the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` (FRAME_ 0 { f }) from the stack.
 28. Let moduleinst be $allocmodule(s, module, externaddr*, val_G*, ref_T*, ref_E**).
 29. Let f be { LOCALS: []; MODULE: moduleinst; }.
 30. Push the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` (FRAME_ 0 { f }) to the stack.

From af7fbf5e251236aeafd934722fab57a1fadc5c77 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: 702fbtngus <>
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2025 16:13:11 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 09/12] Fix: paren around brackets

 spectec/src/backend-prose/ | 14 ++++++-
 spectec/test-prose/          | 64 ++++++++++++++---------------
 2 files changed, 45 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)

diff --git a/spectec/src/backend-prose/ b/spectec/src/backend-prose/
index 875eafd7a2..5df65869c2 100644
--- a/spectec/src/backend-prose/
+++ b/spectec/src/backend-prose/
@@ -293,13 +293,25 @@ and al_to_el_expr expr =
       (* Current rules for omitting parenthesis around a CaseE:
         1) Has no argument
         2) Is infix notation
-        3) Is argument of CallE -> add first, omit later at CallE *)
+        3) Is bracketed
+        4) Is argument of CallE -> add first, omit later at CallE *)
+      let is_bracked mixop =
+        let s = Mixop.to_string mixop in
+        let first = String.get s 1 in
+        let last = String.get s (String.length s - 2) in
+        match first, last with
+        | '(', ')'
+        | '[', ']'
+        | '{', '}' -> true
+        | _ -> false
+      in
       let elal = mixop_to_el_exprs op in
       let* elel = al_to_el_exprs el in
       let ele = El.Ast.SeqE (case_to_el_exprs elal elel) in
       (match elal, elel with
       | _, [] -> Some ele
       | None :: Some _ :: _, _ -> Some ele
+      | _ when is_bracked op -> Some ele
       | _ -> Some (El.Ast.ParenE (ele $ no_region))
     | Al.Ast.OptE (Some e) ->
diff --git a/spectec/test-prose/ b/spectec/test-prose/
index 37ecec5891..3a68085259 100644
--- a/spectec/test-prose/
+++ b/spectec/test-prose/
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ watsup 0.4 generator
-The limits :math:`({}[~n~..~m~])` is valid with :math:`k` if:
+The limits :math:`{}[~n~..~m~]` is valid with :math:`k` if:
    * :math:`n` is less than or equal to :math:`m`.
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ The external type :math:`(\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{memtype}})` is valid if:
-The limits :math:`({}[~n_{11}~..~n_{12}~])` matches the limits :math:`({}[~n_{21}~..~n_{22}~])` if:
+The limits :math:`{}[~n_{11}~..~n_{12}~]` matches the limits :math:`{}[~n_{21}~..~n_{22}~]` if:
    * :math:`n_{11}` is greater than or equal to :math:`n_{21}`.
@@ -2369,13 +2369,13 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
-1. Let :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~({}[~i~..~j~]),\; \mathsf{refs}~{a^\ast} \}\end{array}` be :math:`{\mathit{ti}}`.
+1. Let :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~{}[~i~..~j~],\; \mathsf{refs}~{a^\ast} \}\end{array}` be :math:`{\mathit{ti}}`.
 #. Let :math:`{i'}` be :math:`{|{a^\ast}|} + n`.
 #. If :math:`{i'} \leq j`, then:
-   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{ti}'}` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~({}[~{i'}~..~j~]),\; \mathsf{refs}~{a^\ast}~{\epsilon^{n}} \}\end{array}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{ti}'}` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~{}[~{i'}~..~j~],\; \mathsf{refs}~{a^\ast}~{\epsilon^{n}} \}\end{array}`.
    #. Return :math:`{\mathit{ti}'}`.
@@ -2384,13 +2384,13 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
-1. Let :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~({}[~i~..~j~]),\; \mathsf{bytes}~{b^\ast} \}\end{array}` be :math:`{\mathit{mi}}`.
+1. Let :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~{}[~i~..~j~],\; \mathsf{bytes}~{b^\ast} \}\end{array}` be :math:`{\mathit{mi}}`.
 #. Let :math:`{i'}` be :math:`{|{b^\ast}|} / (64 \, {\mathrm{Ki}}) + n`.
 #. If :math:`{i'} \leq j`, then:
-   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{mi}'}` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~({}[~{i'}~..~j~]),\; \mathsf{bytes}~{b^\ast}~{\mathtt{0x00}^{n \cdot 64 \, {\mathrm{Ki}}}} \}\end{array}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{mi}'}` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~{}[~{i'}~..~j~],\; \mathsf{bytes}~{b^\ast}~{\mathtt{0x00}^{n \cdot 64 \, {\mathrm{Ki}}}} \}\end{array}`.
    #. Return :math:`{\mathit{mi}'}`.
@@ -2555,7 +2555,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
-1. Let :math:`{\mathit{ti}}` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~({}[~i~..~j~]),\; \mathsf{refs}~{\epsilon^{i}} \}\end{array}`.
+1. Let :math:`{\mathit{ti}}` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~{}[~i~..~j~],\; \mathsf{refs}~{\epsilon^{i}} \}\end{array}`.
 #. Let :math:`a` be :math:`{|s{.}\mathsf{tables}|}`.
@@ -2585,7 +2585,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
-1. Let :math:`{\mathit{mi}}` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~({}[~i~..~j~]),\; \mathsf{bytes}~{\mathtt{0x00}^{i \cdot 64 \, {\mathrm{Ki}}}} \}\end{array}`.
+1. Let :math:`{\mathit{mi}}` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~{}[~i~..~j~],\; \mathsf{bytes}~{\mathtt{0x00}^{i \cdot 64 \, {\mathrm{Ki}}}} \}\end{array}`.
 #. Let :math:`a` be :math:`{|s{.}\mathsf{mems}|}`.
@@ -4266,7 +4266,7 @@ watsup 0.4 generator
-The limits :math:`({}[~n~..~m~])` is valid with :math:`k` if:
+The limits :math:`{}[~n~..~m~]` is valid with :math:`k` if:
    * :math:`n` is less than or equal to :math:`m`.
@@ -4398,7 +4398,7 @@ The value type sequence :math:`{t_1^\ast}` matches the value type sequence :math
-The limits :math:`({}[~n_{11}~..~n_{12}~])` matches the limits :math:`({}[~n_{21}~..~n_{22}~])` if:
+The limits :math:`{}[~n_{11}~..~n_{12}~]` matches the limits :math:`{}[~n_{21}~..~n_{22}~]` if:
    * :math:`n_{11}` is greater than or equal to :math:`n_{21}`.
@@ -9306,13 +9306,13 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
-1. Let :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~(({}[~i~..~j~])~{\mathit{rt}}),\; \mathsf{refs}~{{r'}^\ast} \}\end{array}` be :math:`{\mathit{ti}}`.
+1. Let :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~({}[~i~..~j~]~{\mathit{rt}}),\; \mathsf{refs}~{{r'}^\ast} \}\end{array}` be :math:`{\mathit{ti}}`.
 #. Let :math:`{i'}` be :math:`{|{{r'}^\ast}|} + n`.
 #. If :math:`{i'} \leq j`, then:
-   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{ti}'}` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~(({}[~{i'}~..~j~])~{\mathit{rt}}),\; \mathsf{refs}~{{r'}^\ast}~{r^{n}} \}\end{array}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{ti}'}` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~({}[~{i'}~..~j~]~{\mathit{rt}}),\; \mathsf{refs}~{{r'}^\ast}~{r^{n}} \}\end{array}`.
    #. Return :math:`{\mathit{ti}'}`.
@@ -9321,13 +9321,13 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
-1. Let :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~({}[~i~..~j~])~\mathsf{page},\; \mathsf{bytes}~{b^\ast} \}\end{array}` be :math:`{\mathit{mi}}`.
+1. Let :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~{}[~i~..~j~]~\mathsf{page},\; \mathsf{bytes}~{b^\ast} \}\end{array}` be :math:`{\mathit{mi}}`.
 #. Let :math:`{i'}` be :math:`{|{b^\ast}|} / (64 \, {\mathrm{Ki}}) + n`.
 #. If :math:`{i'} \leq j`, then:
-   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{mi}'}` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~({}[~{i'}~..~j~])~\mathsf{page},\; \mathsf{bytes}~{b^\ast}~{\mathtt{0x00}^{n \cdot 64 \, {\mathrm{Ki}}}} \}\end{array}`.
+   a. Let :math:`{\mathit{mi}'}` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~{}[~{i'}~..~j~]~\mathsf{page},\; \mathsf{bytes}~{b^\ast}~{\mathtt{0x00}^{n \cdot 64 \, {\mathrm{Ki}}}} \}\end{array}`.
    #. Return :math:`{\mathit{mi}'}`.
@@ -9513,11 +9513,11 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
    #. Return :math:`{\mathit{ga}}~{{\mathit{ga}'}^\ast}`.
-:math:`{\mathrm{alloctable}}(s, ({}[~i~..~j~])~{\mathit{rt}})`
+:math:`{\mathrm{alloctable}}(s, {}[~i~..~j~]~{\mathit{rt}})`
-1. Let :math:`{\mathit{ti}}` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~(({}[~i~..~j~])~{\mathit{rt}}),\; \mathsf{refs}~{(\mathsf{ref{.}null}~{\mathit{rt}})^{i}} \}\end{array}`.
+1. Let :math:`{\mathit{ti}}` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~({}[~i~..~j~]~{\mathit{rt}}),\; \mathsf{refs}~{(\mathsf{ref{.}null}~{\mathit{rt}})^{i}} \}\end{array}`.
 #. Let :math:`a` be :math:`{|s{.}\mathsf{tables}|}`.
@@ -9543,11 +9543,11 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. Return :math:`{\mathit{ta}}~{{\mathit{ta}'}^\ast}`.
-:math:`{\mathrm{allocmem}}(s, ({}[~i~..~j~])~\mathsf{page})`
+:math:`{\mathrm{allocmem}}(s, {}[~i~..~j~]~\mathsf{page})`
-1. Let :math:`{\mathit{mi}}` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~({}[~i~..~j~])~\mathsf{page},\; \mathsf{bytes}~{\mathtt{0x00}^{i \cdot 64 \, {\mathrm{Ki}}}} \}\end{array}`.
+1. Let :math:`{\mathit{mi}}` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~{}[~i~..~j~]~\mathsf{page},\; \mathsf{bytes}~{\mathtt{0x00}^{i \cdot 64 \, {\mathrm{Ki}}}} \}\end{array}`.
 #. Let :math:`a` be :math:`{|s{.}\mathsf{mems}|}`.
@@ -13660,7 +13660,7 @@ The defined type :math:`({\mathit{rectype}} {.} i)` is valid if:
-The limits :math:`({}[~n~..~m~])` is valid with :math:`k` if:
+The limits :math:`{}[~n~..~m~]` is valid with :math:`k` if:
    * :math:`n` is less than or equal to :math:`m`.
@@ -13805,7 +13805,7 @@ The instruction type :math:`{t_{11}^\ast}~{\rightarrow}_{{x_1^\ast}}\,{t_{12}^\a
-The limits :math:`({}[~n_1~..~m_1~])` matches the limits :math:`({}[~n_2~..~m_2~])` if:
+The limits :math:`{}[~n_1~..~m_1~]` matches the limits :math:`{}[~n_2~..~m_2~]` if:
    * :math:`n_1` is greater than or equal to :math:`n_2`.
@@ -23710,13 +23710,13 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
-1. Let :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~({\mathit{at}}~({}[~i~..~j~])~{\mathit{rt}}),\; \mathsf{refs}~{{r'}^\ast} \}\end{array}` be :math:`{\mathit{tableinst}}`.
+1. Let :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~({\mathit{at}}~{}[~i~..~j~]~{\mathit{rt}}),\; \mathsf{refs}~{{r'}^\ast} \}\end{array}` be :math:`{\mathit{tableinst}}`.
 #. If :math:`{|{{r'}^\ast}|} + n \leq j`, then:
    a. Let :math:`{i'}` be :math:`{|{{r'}^\ast}|} + n`.
-   #. Let :math:`{\mathit{tableinst}'}` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~({\mathit{at}}~({}[~{i'}~..~j~])~{\mathit{rt}}),\; \mathsf{refs}~{{r'}^\ast}~{r^{n}} \}\end{array}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{\mathit{tableinst}'}` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~({\mathit{at}}~{}[~{i'}~..~j~]~{\mathit{rt}}),\; \mathsf{refs}~{{r'}^\ast}~{r^{n}} \}\end{array}`.
    #. Return :math:`{\mathit{tableinst}'}`.
@@ -23725,13 +23725,13 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
-1. Let :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~({\mathit{at}}~({}[~i~..~j~])~\mathsf{page}),\; \mathsf{bytes}~{b^\ast} \}\end{array}` be :math:`{\mathit{meminst}}`.
+1. Let :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~({\mathit{at}}~{}[~i~..~j~]~\mathsf{page}),\; \mathsf{bytes}~{b^\ast} \}\end{array}` be :math:`{\mathit{meminst}}`.
 #. If :math:`{|{b^\ast}|} / (64 \, {\mathrm{Ki}}) + n \leq j`, then:
    a. Let :math:`{i'}` be :math:`{|{b^\ast}|} / (64 \, {\mathrm{Ki}}) + n`.
-   #. Let :math:`{\mathit{meminst}'}` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~({\mathit{at}}~({}[~{i'}~..~j~])~\mathsf{page}),\; \mathsf{bytes}~{b^\ast}~{\mathtt{0x00}^{n \cdot 64 \, {\mathrm{Ki}}}} \}\end{array}`.
+   #. Let :math:`{\mathit{meminst}'}` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~({\mathit{at}}~{}[~{i'}~..~j~]~\mathsf{page}),\; \mathsf{bytes}~{b^\ast}~{\mathtt{0x00}^{n \cdot 64 \, {\mathrm{Ki}}}} \}\end{array}`.
    #. Return :math:`{\mathit{meminst}'}`.
@@ -23862,11 +23862,11 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
    #. Return :math:`{\mathit{ga}}~{{\mathit{ga}'}^\ast}`.
-:math:`{\mathrm{alloctable}}(s, {\mathit{at}}~({}[~i~..~j~])~{\mathit{rt}}, {\mathit{ref}})`
+:math:`{\mathrm{alloctable}}(s, {\mathit{at}}~{}[~i~..~j~]~{\mathit{rt}}, {\mathit{ref}})`
-1. Let :math:`{\mathit{tableinst}}` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~({\mathit{at}}~({}[~i~..~j~])~{\mathit{rt}}),\; \mathsf{refs}~{{\mathit{ref}}^{i}} \}\end{array}`.
+1. Let :math:`{\mathit{tableinst}}` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~({\mathit{at}}~{}[~i~..~j~]~{\mathit{rt}}),\; \mathsf{refs}~{{\mathit{ref}}^{i}} \}\end{array}`.
 #. Let :math:`a` be :math:`{|s{.}\mathsf{tables}|}`.
@@ -23898,11 +23898,11 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. Return :math:`{\mathit{ta}}~{{\mathit{ta}'}^\ast}`.
-:math:`{\mathrm{allocmem}}(s, {\mathit{at}}~({}[~i~..~j~])~\mathsf{page})`
+:math:`{\mathrm{allocmem}}(s, {\mathit{at}}~{}[~i~..~j~]~\mathsf{page})`
-1. Let :math:`{\mathit{meminst}}` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~({\mathit{at}}~({}[~i~..~j~])~\mathsf{page}),\; \mathsf{bytes}~{\mathtt{0x00}^{i \cdot 64 \, {\mathrm{Ki}}}} \}\end{array}`.
+1. Let :math:`{\mathit{meminst}}` be :math:`\{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}\mathsf{type}~({\mathit{at}}~{}[~i~..~j~]~\mathsf{page}),\; \mathsf{bytes}~{\mathtt{0x00}^{i \cdot 64 \, {\mathrm{Ki}}}} \}\end{array}`.
 #. Let :math:`a` be :math:`{|s{.}\mathsf{mems}|}`.

From c433696b01f495abfe5ab226877d4a2ef08589b2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: 702fbtngus <>
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2025 16:41:17 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 10/12] Eval_expr prose fix

 spectec/src/backend-prose/ | 29 +++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 spectec/test-prose/          | 14 +++++++-------
 2 files changed, 32 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/spectec/src/backend-prose/ b/spectec/src/backend-prose/
index 5df65869c2..21b736055c 100644
--- a/spectec/src/backend-prose/
+++ b/spectec/src/backend-prose/
@@ -496,8 +496,6 @@ and render_expr' env expr =
     let args = (render_arg env) al in
     if id = "Eval_expr" then
       (match args with
-      | [z; expr] ->
-        "the result of :ref:`evaluating <exec-expr>` " ^ expr ^ " with state " ^ z
       | [instrs] ->
         "the result of :ref:`evaluating <exec-expr>` " ^ instrs
       | _ -> error (Printf.sprintf "Invalid arity for relation call: %d ([ %s ])" (List.length args) (String.concat " " args));
@@ -1004,8 +1002,31 @@ let rec render_instr env algoname index depth instr =
     ) in
     sprintf "%s Let %s be %s." (render_order index depth) (render_expr env n) ce
   | Al.Ast.LetI (n, e) ->
-    sprintf "%s Let %s be %s." (render_order index depth) (render_expr env n)
-      (render_expr env e)
+    let rec find_eval_expr e = match with
+      | Al.Ast.CallE ("Eval_expr", [z; arg]) ->
+        Some (z, arg)
+      | Al.Ast.IterE (expr, ie) ->
+        let* z, arg = find_eval_expr expr in
+        let* arg = match with
+        | Al.Ast.ExpA e' ->
+          Some { arg with it = Al.Ast.ExpA { e' with it = Al.Ast.IterE (e', ie) } }
+        | _-> None
+        in
+        Some (z, arg)
+      | _ -> None
+    in
+    (match find_eval_expr e with
+    | Some (z, al) ->
+      let sz = render_arg env z in
+      let sal = render_arg env al in
+      let eval =
+        "the result of :ref:`evaluating <exec-expr>` " ^ sal ^ " with state " ^ sz
+      in
+      sprintf "%s Let %s be %s." (render_order index depth) (render_expr env n) eval
+    | _ ->
+      sprintf "%s Let %s be %s." (render_order index depth) (render_expr env n)
+        (render_expr env e)
+    )
   | Al.Ast.TrapI -> sprintf "%s Trap." (render_order index depth)
   | Al.Ast.FailI -> sprintf "%s Fail." (render_order index depth)
   | Al.Ast.ThrowI e ->
diff --git a/spectec/test-prose/ b/spectec/test-prose/
index 3a68085259..7296a91d8c 100644
--- a/spectec/test-prose/
+++ b/spectec/test-prose/
@@ -2787,19 +2787,19 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. Push the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z{.}\mathsf{frame}~\})` to the stack.
-#. Let :math:`{(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i_{\mathsf{d}})^\ast}` be for all :math:`{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{d}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{d}}^\ast}`, the result of :ref:`evaluating <exec-expr>` :math:`{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{d}}` with state :math:`z`.
+#. Let :math:`{(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i_{\mathsf{d}})^\ast}` be the result of :ref:`evaluating <exec-expr>` :math:`{{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{d}}^\ast}` with state :math:`z`.
 #. Pop the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z{.}\mathsf{frame}~\})` from the stack.
 #. Push the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z{.}\mathsf{frame}~\})` to the stack.
-#. Let :math:`{(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i_{\mathsf{e}})^\ast}` be for all :math:`{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{e}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{e}}^\ast}`, the result of :ref:`evaluating <exec-expr>` :math:`{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{e}}` with state :math:`z`.
+#. Let :math:`{(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i_{\mathsf{e}})^\ast}` be the result of :ref:`evaluating <exec-expr>` :math:`{{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{e}}^\ast}` with state :math:`z`.
 #. Pop the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z{.}\mathsf{frame}~\})` from the stack.
 #. Push the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z{.}\mathsf{frame}~\})` to the stack.
-#. Let :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` be for all :math:`{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{g}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{g}}^\ast}`, the result of :ref:`evaluating <exec-expr>` :math:`{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{g}}` with state :math:`z`.
+#. Let :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` be the result of :ref:`evaluating <exec-expr>` :math:`{{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{g}}^\ast}` with state :math:`z`.
 #. Pop the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z{.}\mathsf{frame}~\})` from the stack.
@@ -9833,13 +9833,13 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
 #. Push the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z{.}\mathsf{frame}~\})` to the stack.
-#. Let :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` be for all :math:`{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{g}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{g}}^\ast}`, the result of :ref:`evaluating <exec-expr>` :math:`{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{g}}` with state :math:`z`.
+#. Let :math:`{{\mathit{val}}^\ast}` be the result of :ref:`evaluating <exec-expr>` :math:`{{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{g}}^\ast}` with state :math:`z`.
 #. Pop the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z{.}\mathsf{frame}~\})` from the stack.
 #. Push the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z{.}\mathsf{frame}~\})` to the stack.
-#. Let :math:`{{{\mathit{ref}}^\ast}^\ast}` be for all :math:`{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{e*}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{e*}}^\ast}`, for all :math:`{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{e}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{e}}^\ast}`, the result of :ref:`evaluating <exec-expr>` :math:`{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{e}}` with state :math:`z`.
+#. Let :math:`{{{\mathit{ref}}^\ast}^\ast}` be the result of :ref:`evaluating <exec-expr>` :math:`{{{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{e}}^\ast}^\ast}` with state :math:`z`.
 #. Pop the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~z{.}\mathsf{frame}~\})` from the stack.
@@ -24292,13 +24292,13 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 #. Push the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~f~\})` to the stack.
-#. Let :math:`{{\mathit{ref}}_{\mathsf{t}}^\ast}` be for all :math:`{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{t}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{t}}^\ast}`, the result of :ref:`evaluating <exec-expr>` :math:`{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{t}}` with state :math:`z`.
+#. Let :math:`{{\mathit{ref}}_{\mathsf{t}}^\ast}` be the result of :ref:`evaluating <exec-expr>` :math:`{{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{t}}^\ast}` with state :math:`z`.
 #. Pop the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~f~\})` from the stack.
 #. Push the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~f~\})` to the stack.
-#. Let :math:`{{{\mathit{ref}}_{\mathsf{e}}^\ast}^\ast}` be for all :math:`{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{e*}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{e*}}^\ast}`, for all :math:`{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{e}}` in :math:`{{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{e}}^\ast}`, the result of :ref:`evaluating <exec-expr>` :math:`{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{e}}` with state :math:`z`.
+#. Let :math:`{{{\mathit{ref}}_{\mathsf{e}}^\ast}^\ast}` be the result of :ref:`evaluating <exec-expr>` :math:`{{{\mathit{expr}}_{\mathsf{e}}^\ast}^\ast}` with state :math:`z`.
 #. Pop the :ref:`frame <syntax-frame>` :math:`({\mathsf{frame}}_{0}\,\{~f~\})` from the stack.

From 6960aca8a6bd37e2f22b56ce130e8a29bb6c9941 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: 702fbtngus <>
Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2025 17:04:47 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 11/12] Merge branch 'main' into splice-modulesem

 document/core/binary/instructions.rst        |   2 +-
 document/core/                        |   2 +-
 document/core/index.rst                      |   2 +-
 document/core/syntax/conventions.rst         |  10 +-
 document/core/syntax/instructions.rst        |  19 +-
 document/core/syntax/types.rst               |  16 +-
 document/core/syntax/values.rst              |   6 +-
 document/core/text/instructions.rst          |  12 +-
 document/core/util/macros.def                |   7 +
 document/core/valid/conventions.rst          |   1 +
 spectec/Makefile                             |   3 +
 spectec/spec/wasm-1.0/1-syntax.watsup        |   2 +-
 spectec/spec/wasm-1.0/6-typing.watsup        |   4 +-
 spectec/spec/wasm-1.0/8-reduction.watsup     |   4 +-
 spectec/spec/wasm-1.0/A-binary.watsup        |  20 +-
 spectec/spec/wasm-2.0/1-syntax.watsup        |   8 +-
 spectec/spec/wasm-2.0/6-typing.watsup        |   6 +-
 spectec/spec/wasm-2.0/8-reduction.watsup     |  12 +-
 spectec/spec/wasm-2.0/A-binary.watsup        |  32 +-
 spectec/spec/wasm-3.0/1-syntax.watsup        |  39 +-
 spectec/spec/wasm-3.0/3-typing.watsup        |   6 +-
 spectec/spec/wasm-3.0/8-reduction.watsup     |  12 +-
 spectec/spec/wasm-3.0/A-binary.watsup        |  32 +-
 spectec/src/al/                    |   2 +-
 spectec/src/backend-interpreter/ |   5 +-
 spectec/src/backend-latex/          |   5 +-
 spectec/src/il2al/               |   4 +-
 spectec/test-frontend/                | 118 ++++---
 spectec/test-latex/                   | 167 +++++----
 spectec/test-middlend/                | 354 ++++++++++---------
 spectec/test-prose/                   | 138 +++++---
 spectec/test-splice/                  |   6 +-
 32 files changed, 586 insertions(+), 470 deletions(-)

diff --git a/document/core/binary/instructions.rst b/document/core/binary/instructions.rst
index 0b62cc6e65..a54a47cc69 100644
--- a/document/core/binary/instructions.rst
+++ b/document/core/binary/instructions.rst
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ Vector loads and stores are followed by the encoding of their ${:memarg} immedia
 $${grammar: Blaneidx Binstr/vec-memory}
-The ${:CONST} instruction for vectors is followed by 16 immediate bytes, which are converted into an ${:i128} in |littleendian| byte order:
+The ${:CONST} instruction for vectors is followed by 16 immediate bytes, which are converted into an ${:u128} in |littleendian| byte order:
 $${grammar: Binstr/vec-const}
diff --git a/document/core/ b/document/core/
index 06a9e1889e..f1fc09b9bb 100644
--- a/document/core/
+++ b/document/core/
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
 name = 'WebAssembly'
 project = u'WebAssembly'
 title = u'WebAssembly Specification'
-copyright = u'2017-2024, WebAssembly Community Group'
+copyright = u'2017-2025, WebAssembly Community Group'
 author = u'WebAssembly Community Group'
 editor = u'Andreas Rossberg (editor)'
 logo = 'static/webassembly.png'
diff --git a/document/core/index.rst b/document/core/index.rst
index 7f39215f22..0179df7be6 100644
--- a/document/core/index.rst
+++ b/document/core/index.rst
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ WebAssembly Specification
 .. only:: html
-   | Release |release| (Draft, |today|)
+   | Release |release|
    | Editor: Andreas Rossberg
diff --git a/document/core/syntax/conventions.rst b/document/core/syntax/conventions.rst
index 09ee8cd353..2bd7ec7d79 100644
--- a/document/core/syntax/conventions.rst
+++ b/document/core/syntax/conventions.rst
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ The following conventions are adopted in defining grammar rules for abstract syn
 * Large productions may be split into multiple definitions, indicated by ending the first one with explicit ellipses, ${syntax: symsplit/1}, and starting continuations with ellipses, ${syntax: symsplit/2}.
-* Some productions are augmented with side conditions, ":math:`(\iff \X{condition})`", that provide a shorthand for a combinatorial expansion of the production into many separate cases.
+* Some productions are augmented with side conditions, ":math:`\iff \X{condition}`", that provide a shorthand for a combinatorial expansion of the production into many separate cases.
 * If the same meta variable or non-terminal symbol appears multiple times in a production, then all those occurrences must have the same instantiation.
   (This is a shorthand for a side condition requiring multiple different variables to be equal.)
@@ -79,19 +79,21 @@ When dealing with syntactic constructs the following notation is also used:
 * ${:s_1++s_2} denotes the sequence ${:s_1} concatenated with ${:s_2};
   this is equivalent to ${:s_1 s_2}, but used for clarity.
-* ${:(++) s*} denotes the flat sequence formed by concatenating all sequences ${:s_i} in ${:s*}.
+* ${:(++) s*} denotes the flattened sequence, formed by concatenating all sequences ${:s_i} in ${:s*}.
-* ${:A <- s} denotes that ${:A} is contained in the sequence ${:s}, that is, ${:s} is of the form ${:s_1 A s_2} for some sequences ${:s_1}, ${:s_2}.
+* ${:A <- s} denotes that ${:A} is a member of the sequence ${:s}, that is, ${:s} is of the form ${:s_1 A s_2} for some sequences ${:s_1}, ${:s_2}.
 Moreover, the following conventions are employed:
 * The notation ${:x^n}, where ${:x} is a non-terminal symbol, is treated as a meta variable ranging over respective sequences of ${:x} (similarly for ${:x*}, ${:x+}, ${:x?}).
 * When given a sequence ${:x^n},
-  then the occurrences of ${:x} in an iterated sequence ${:(!%...x...!%)^n} are assumed to be in point-wise correspondence with ${:x^n}
+  then the occurrences of ${:x} in an iterated sequence ${:(!%...x...!%)^n} are assumed to denote the individual elements of ${:x^n}, respectively
   (similarly for ${:x*}, ${:x+}, ${:x?}).
   This implicitly expresses a form of mapping syntactic constructions over a sequence.
+.. note::
+   For example, if ${:x*} is the sequence ${:1 2 3}, then ${:($($f(x) + 1))*} denotes the sequence ${:($($f(1) + 1)) ($($f(2) + 1)) ($($f(3) + 1))}.
 Productions of the following form are interpreted as *records* that map a fixed set of fields ${:FIELD_ i} to "values" ${:A_i}, respectively:
diff --git a/document/core/syntax/instructions.rst b/document/core/syntax/instructions.rst
index 7c6ccec841..f9c1ba3ff7 100644
--- a/document/core/syntax/instructions.rst
+++ b/document/core/syntax/instructions.rst
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ The ${:UNREACHABLE} instruction causes an unconditional :ref:`trap <trap>`.
 The ${:DROP} instruction simply throws away a single operand.
 The ${:SELECT} instruction selects one of its first two operands based on whether its third operand is zero or not.
-It may include a :ref:`value type <syntax-valtype>` determining the type of these operands. If missing, the operands must be of :ref:`numeric type <syntax-numtype>`.
+It may include a :ref:`value type <syntax-valtype>` determining the type of these operands. If the type immediate is absent, the operands must be of :ref:`numeric type <syntax-numtype>`.
 .. note::
    In future versions of WebAssembly, the type annotation on ${:SELECT} may allow for more than a single value being selected at the same time.
@@ -119,22 +119,22 @@ Vector instructions (also known as *SIMD* instructions, *single instruction mult
 $${syntax: {lanetype dim shape ishape bshape} half__ zero__ laneidx instr/vec}
-  vvunop vvbinop vvternop vvtestop
-  vunop_ vbinop_ vternop_ vtestop_ vrelop_ vswizzlop_ vshiftop_ vextunop__ vextbinop__ vextternop__ vcvtop__
 Vector instructions have a naming convention involving a *shape* prefix that
 determines how their operands will be interpreted,
 written ${:t#X#N}, and consisting of a *lane type* ${:t}, a possibly *packed* :ref:`numeric type <syntax-numtype>`, and the number of *lanes* ${:N} of that type.
 Operations are performed point-wise on the values of each lane.
+Instructions prefixed with ${:V128} do not involve a specific interpretation, and treat the ${:V128} as either an ${:i128} value or a vector of ${:128} individual bits.
 .. note::
    For example, the shape ${shape: I32 X `4} interprets the operand
    as four ${:i32} values, packed into an ${:i128}.
    The bit width of the lane type ${:t} times ${:N} always is ${:128}.
-Instructions prefixed with ${:V128} do not involve a specific interpretation, and treat the ${:V128} as either an ${:i128} value or a vector of ${:128} individual bits.
+  vvunop vvbinop vvternop vvtestop
+  vunop_ vbinop_ vternop_ vtestop_ vrelop_ vswizzlop_ vshiftop_ vextunop__ vextbinop__ vextternop__ vcvtop__
 Vector instructions can be grouped into several subcategories:
@@ -352,11 +352,6 @@ The ${:MEMORY.INIT} instruction copies data from a :ref:`passive data segment <s
 The ${:DATA.DROP} instruction prevents further use of a passive data segment. This instruction is intended to be used as an optimization hint. After a data segment is dropped its data can no longer be retrieved, so the memory used by this segment may be freed.
-.. note::
-   In the current version of WebAssembly,
-   all memory instructions implicitly operate on :ref:`memory <syntax-mem>` :ref:`index <syntax-memidx>` ${:0}.
-   This restriction may be lifted in future versions.
 .. index:: ! control instruction, ! structured control, ! exception, ! label, ! block, ! block type, ! branch, ! unwinding, stack type, label index, function index, type index, list, trap, function, table, tag, function type, value type, tag type, try block, type index
    pair: abstract syntax; instruction
diff --git a/document/core/syntax/types.rst b/document/core/syntax/types.rst
index a83f7dcb2a..2f31c22fe8 100644
--- a/document/core/syntax/types.rst
+++ b/document/core/syntax/types.rst
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ The type ${:ANY} denotes the common supertype of all aggregate types, as well as
 Dually, the type ${:NONE} denotes the common subtype of all forms of aggregate types.
 This type has no values.
-The type ${:EQT} is a subtype of ${:ANY} that includes all types for which references can be compared, i.e., aggregate values and ${:I31}.
+The type ${:EQ} is a subtype of ${:ANY} that includes all types for which references can be compared, i.e., aggregate values and ${:I31}.
 The types ${:STRUCT} and ${:ARRAY} denote the common supertypes of all :ref:`structure <syntax-structtype>` and :ref:`array <syntax-arraytype>` aggregates, respectively.
@@ -125,10 +125,12 @@ The type ${:I31} denotes *unboxed scalars*, that is, integers injected into refe
 Their observable value range is limited to 31 bits.
 .. note::
-   An ${:I31} value is not actually allocated in the store,
+   Values of type ${:I31} are not actually allocated in the store,
    but represented in a way that allows them to be mixed with actual references into the store without ambiguity.
    Engines need to perform some form of *pointer tagging* to achieve this,
    which is why one bit is reserved.
+   Since this type is to be reliably unboxed on all hardware platforms supported by WebAssembly,
+   it cannot be wider than 32 bits minus the tag bit.
    Although the types ${:NONE}, ${:NOFUNC}, ${:NOEXN}, and ${:NOEXTERN} are not inhabited by any values,
    they can be used to form the types of all null :ref:`references <syntax-reftype>` in their respective hierarchy.
@@ -156,7 +158,7 @@ In addition, a reference type of the form ${:REF NULL ht} is *nullable*, meaning
 Other references are *non-null*.
 Reference types are *opaque*, meaning that neither their size nor their bit pattern can be observed.
-Values of reference type can be stored in :ref:`tables <syntax-table>`.
+Values of reference type can be stored in :ref:`tables <syntax-table>` but not in :ref:`memories <syntax-mem>`.
@@ -255,7 +257,7 @@ Aggregate Types
 *Aggregate types* describe compound objects consisting of multiple values.
 These are either *structures* or *arrays*,
-which both consist of a list of possibly mutable and possibly packed *fields*.
+which both consist of a list of possibly mutable, possibly packed *fields*.
 Structures are heterogeneous, but require static indexing, while arrays need to be homogeneous, but allow dynamic indexing.
 $${syntax: {structtype arraytype fieldtype storagetype packtype}}
@@ -304,10 +306,12 @@ Recursive Types
 *Recursive types* denote a group of mutually recursive :ref:`composite types <syntax-comptype>`, each of which can optionally declare a list of :ref:`type indices <syntax-typeidx>` of supertypes that it :ref:`matches <match-comptype>`.
 Each type can also be declared *final*, preventing further subtyping.
-$${syntax: {rectype subtype}}
+$${syntax: {rectype subtype typeuse/syn}}
 In a :ref:`module <syntax-module>`, each member of a recursive type is assigned a separate :ref:`type index <syntax-typeidx>`.
+The syntax of *type uses* representing these type indices is later :ref:`extended <syntax-typeuse-ext>` with additional forms for the purpose of specifying :ref:`validation <valid>` and :ref:`execution <exec>`.
 .. _index:: ! address type, number type, bit width
    pair: abstract syntax; address type
@@ -443,7 +447,7 @@ Tag Types
    \production{tag type} &\tagtype &::=& \functype \\
-Currently tags are only used for categorizing exceptions.
+Tags are used for categorizing exceptions.
 The parameters of |functype| define the list of values associated with the exception thrown with this tag.
 Furthermore, it is an invariant of the semantics that every |functype| in a :ref:`valid <valid-tagtype>` tag type for an exception has an empty result type.
diff --git a/document/core/syntax/values.rst b/document/core/syntax/values.rst
index 802864ee6f..4bf64221e3 100644
--- a/document/core/syntax/values.rst
+++ b/document/core/syntax/values.rst
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ In the abstract syntax, they are represented as unsigned values.
 However, some operations :ref:`convert <aux-signed>` them to signed based on a two's complement interpretation.
 .. note::
-   The main integer types occurring in this specification are ${:u32}, ${:u64}, ${:s32}, ${:s64}, ${:i8}, ${:i16}, ${:i32}, ${:i64}.
+   The main integer types occurring in this specification are ${:u8}, ${:u32}, ${:u64}, and ${:u128}.
    However, other sizes occur as auxiliary constructions, e.g., in the definition of :ref:`floating-point <syntax-float>` numbers.
 ${syntax-ignore: u8 u16 u31 u32 u64 u128 s33}
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ Floating-Point
 Every value has a *sign* and a *magnitude*.
 Magnitudes can either be expressed as *normal* numbers of the form ${:m_0`. m_1 m_2`... $(m_M *2^e)}, where ${:e} is the exponent and ${:m} is the *significand* whose most significant bit ${:m_0} is ${:1}`,
 or as a *subnormal* number where the exponent is fixed to the smallest possible value and ${:m_0} is ${:0}; among the subnormals are positive and negative zero values.
-Since the significands are binary values, normals are represented in the form ${:$((1 + m*2^(-M)) * 2^e)}, where ${:M} is the bit width of ${:m}; similarly for subnormals.
+Since the significands are binary values, normals are represented in the form ${:$((1 + m*2^(-M)) * 2^e)} in the abstract syntax, where ${:M} is the bit width of ${:m}; similarly for subnormals.
 Possible magnitudes also include the special values ${:infinity}` (infinity) and ${:NAN} (*NaN*, not a number).
 NaN values have a *payload* that describes the mantissa bits in the underlying :ref:`binary representation <aux-fbits>`.
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ Vectors
 *Numeric vectors* are 128-bit values that are processed by vector instructions (also known as *SIMD* instructions, single instruction multiple data).
-They are represented in the abstract syntax using ${:i128}. The interpretation of lane types (:ref:`integer <syntax-int>` or :ref:`floating-point <syntax-float>` numbers) and lane sizes are determined by the specific instruction operating on them.
+They are represented in the abstract syntax using ${:u128}. The interpretation of lane types (:ref:`integer <syntax-int>` or :ref:`floating-point <syntax-float>` numbers) and lane sizes are determined by the specific instruction operating on them.
 .. index:: ! name, byte, Unicode, UTF-8, character, binary format
diff --git a/document/core/text/instructions.rst b/document/core/text/instructions.rst
index cc104c282c..511066ab75 100644
--- a/document/core/text/instructions.rst
+++ b/document/core/text/instructions.rst
@@ -729,12 +729,12 @@ Vector constant instructions have a mandatory :ref:`shape <syntax-shape>` descri
 .. math::
    \phantom{\production{instruction}} & \phantom{\Tplaininstr_I} &\phantom{::=}& \phantom{averylonginstructionnameforvectext} && \phantom{vechasreallylonginstructionnames} \\[-2ex] &&|&
-     \text{v128.const}~~\text{i8x16}~~(n{:}\Ti8)^{16} &\Rightarrow& \V128.\VCONST~\bytes_{i128}^{-1}(\bytes_{i8}(n)^{16}) \\ &&|&
-     \text{v128.const}~~\text{i16x8}~~(n{:}\Ti16)^{8} &\Rightarrow& \V128.\VCONST~\bytes_{i128}^{-1}(\bytes_{i16}(n)^8) \\ &&|&
-     \text{v128.const}~~\text{i32x4}~~(n{:}\Ti32)^{4} &\Rightarrow& \V128.\VCONST~\bytes_{i128}^{-1}(\bytes_{i32}(n)^4) \\ &&|&
-     \text{v128.const}~~\text{i64x2}~~(n{:}\Ti64)^{2} &\Rightarrow& \V128.\VCONST~\bytes_{i128}^{-1}(\bytes_{i64}(n)^2) \\ &&|&
-     \text{v128.const}~~\text{f32x4}~~(z{:}\Tf32)^{4} &\Rightarrow& \V128.\VCONST~\bytes_{i128}^{-1}(\bytes_{f32}(z)^4) \\ &&|&
-     \text{v128.const}~~\text{f64x2}~~(z{:}\Tf64)^{2} &\Rightarrow& \V128.\VCONST~\bytes_{i128}^{-1}(\bytes_{f64}(z)^2)
+     \text{v128.const}~~\text{i8x16}~~(n{:}\Ti8)^{16} &\Rightarrow& \V128.\VCONST~\bytes_{\I128}^{-1}(\bytes_{i8}(n)^{16}) \\ &&|&
+     \text{v128.const}~~\text{i16x8}~~(n{:}\Ti16)^{8} &\Rightarrow& \V128.\VCONST~\bytes_{\I128}^{-1}(\bytes_{i16}(n)^8) \\ &&|&
+     \text{v128.const}~~\text{i32x4}~~(n{:}\Ti32)^{4} &\Rightarrow& \V128.\VCONST~\bytes_{\I128}^{-1}(\bytes_{i32}(n)^4) \\ &&|&
+     \text{v128.const}~~\text{i64x2}~~(n{:}\Ti64)^{2} &\Rightarrow& \V128.\VCONST~\bytes_{\I128}^{-1}(\bytes_{i64}(n)^2) \\ &&|&
+     \text{v128.const}~~\text{f32x4}~~(z{:}\Tf32)^{4} &\Rightarrow& \V128.\VCONST~\bytes_{\I128}^{-1}(\bytes_{f32}(z)^4) \\ &&|&
+     \text{v128.const}~~\text{f64x2}~~(z{:}\Tf64)^{2} &\Rightarrow& \V128.\VCONST~\bytes_{\I128}^{-1}(\bytes_{f64}(z)^2)
 .. math::
diff --git a/document/core/util/macros.def b/document/core/util/macros.def
index dbb585deaa..9e2a02e7ea 100644
--- a/document/core/util/macros.def
+++ b/document/core/util/macros.def
@@ -158,6 +158,7 @@
 .. |u31| mathdef:: \xref{syntax/values}{syntax-int}{\X{u\scriptstyle\kern-0.1em31}}
 .. |u32| mathdef:: \xref{syntax/values}{syntax-int}{\X{u\scriptstyle\kern-0.1em32}}
 .. |u64| mathdef:: \xref{syntax/values}{syntax-int}{\X{u\scriptstyle\kern-0.1em64}}
+.. |u128| mathdef:: \xref{syntax/values}{syntax-int}{\X{u\scriptstyle\kern-0.1em128}}
 .. |sNX| mathdef:: \xref{syntax/values}{syntax-int}{\X{s}\kern-0.1em}
 .. |sN| mathdef:: \xref{syntax/values}{syntax-int}{\X{s}\scriptstyle\kern-0.1emN}
@@ -209,6 +210,7 @@
 .. |I64| mathdef:: \xref{syntax/types}{syntax-numtype}{\K{i\scriptstyle64}}
 .. |F32| mathdef:: \xref{syntax/types}{syntax-numtype}{\K{f\scriptstyle32}}
 .. |F64| mathdef:: \xref{syntax/types}{syntax-numtype}{\K{f\scriptstyle64}}
+.. |I128| mathdef:: \xref{syntax/types}{syntax-vectype}{\K{i\scriptstyle128}}
 .. |V128| mathdef:: \xref{syntax/types}{syntax-vectype}{\K{v\scriptstyle128}}
 .. |INX| mathdef:: \xref{syntax/types}{syntax-numtype}{\K{i}}
 .. |IN| mathdef:: \xref{syntax/types}{syntax-numtype}{\K{i}\scriptstyle\kern-0.1emN}
@@ -217,6 +219,11 @@
 .. |VNX| mathdef:: \xref{syntax/types}{syntax-vectype}{\K{v}}
 .. |VN| mathdef:: \xref{syntax/types}{syntax-vectype}{\K{v}\scriptstyle\kern-0.1emN}
+.. |ntI| mathdef:: \xref{syntax/types}{syntax-numtype}{\K{i}}
+.. |ntF| mathdef:: \xref{syntax/types}{syntax-numtype}{\K{f}}
+.. |ntV| mathdef:: \xref{syntax/types}{syntax-numtype}{\K{v}}
+.. |ntN| mathdef:: \xref{syntax/types}{syntax-numtype}{\scriptstyle\kern-0.1emN}
 .. |ANYREF| mathdef:: \xref{syntax/types}{syntax-reftype}{\K{anyref}}
 .. |EQREF| mathdef:: \xref{syntax/types}{syntax-reftype}{\K{eqref}}
 .. |I31REF| mathdef:: \xref{syntax/types}{syntax-reftype}{\K{i{\scriptstyle31}ref}}
diff --git a/document/core/valid/conventions.rst b/document/core/valid/conventions.rst
index bb7f92687a..74e6e16c43 100644
--- a/document/core/valid/conventions.rst
+++ b/document/core/valid/conventions.rst
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ The skeleton of a sound and complete algorithm for type-checking instruction seq
 .. _syntax-valtype-ext:
 .. _syntax-heaptype-ext:
 .. _syntax-subtype-ext:
+.. _syntax-typeuse-ext:
 .. _type-ext:
 .. _type-closed:
diff --git a/spectec/Makefile b/spectec/Makefile
index 3985e8f805..beab2e1ec9 100644
--- a/spectec/Makefile
+++ b/spectec/Makefile
@@ -92,3 +92,6 @@ distclean: clean
 	rm -f ./$(NAME)
 	rm -rf $(CLONEDIR)
 	for dir in $(TESTDIRS); do (cd $$dir && make distclean); done
+	(cd ../document/core && make clean)
diff --git a/spectec/spec/wasm-1.0/1-syntax.watsup b/spectec/spec/wasm-1.0/1-syntax.watsup
index a52288d09b..f9bfe43ee7 100644
--- a/spectec/spec/wasm-1.0/1-syntax.watsup
+++ b/spectec/spec/wasm-1.0/1-syntax.watsup
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ syntax memarg hint(desc "memory argument") = {ALIGN u32, OFFSET u32}
 var ao : memarg
 syntax loadop_(valtype)
-syntax loadop_(Inn) = sz sx hint(show %0#_#%1) -- if sz < $size(Inn)
+syntax loadop_(Inn) = sz _ sx hint(show %0#_#%2) -- if sz < $size(Inn)
 ;; Instructions
diff --git a/spectec/spec/wasm-1.0/6-typing.watsup b/spectec/spec/wasm-1.0/6-typing.watsup
index 190b8142a8..2eec420acc 100644
--- a/spectec/spec/wasm-1.0/6-typing.watsup
+++ b/spectec/spec/wasm-1.0/6-typing.watsup
@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ rule Instr_ok/memory.grow:
 rule Instr_ok/load:
-  C |- LOAD t (n sx)? memarg : I32 -> t
+  C |- LOAD t (n _ sx)? memarg : I32 -> t
   -- if C.MEMS[0] = mt
   -- if $(2^(memarg.ALIGN) <= $size(t)/8)
   -- if $(2^(memarg.ALIGN) <= n/8 < $size(t)/8)?
@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ rule Instr_ok/load-val:
   -- if $(2^(memarg.ALIGN) <= $size(t)/8)
 rule Instr_ok/load-pack:
-  C |- LOAD Inn (M sx) memarg : I32 -> Inn
+  C |- LOAD Inn (M _ sx) memarg : I32 -> Inn
   -- if C.MEMS[0] = mt
   -- if $(2^(memarg.ALIGN) <= M/8)
diff --git a/spectec/spec/wasm-1.0/8-reduction.watsup b/spectec/spec/wasm-1.0/8-reduction.watsup
index 407810159a..3bd8f5e7a1 100644
--- a/spectec/spec/wasm-1.0/8-reduction.watsup
+++ b/spectec/spec/wasm-1.0/8-reduction.watsup
@@ -233,11 +233,11 @@ rule Step_read/load-num-val:
   -- if $bytes_(t, c) = $mem(z, 0).BYTES[i + ao.OFFSET : $size(t)/8]
 rule Step_read/load-pack-trap:
-  z; (CONST I32 i) (LOAD Inn (n sx) ao)  ~>  TRAP
+  z; (CONST I32 i) (LOAD Inn (n _ sx) ao)  ~>  TRAP
   -- if $(i + ao.OFFSET + n/8 > |$mem(z, 0).BYTES|)
 rule Step_read/load-pack-val:
-  z; (CONST I32 i) (LOAD Inn (n sx) ao)  ~>  (CONST Inn $extend__(n, $size(Inn), sx, c))
+  z; (CONST I32 i) (LOAD Inn (n _ sx) ao)  ~>  (CONST Inn $extend__(n, $size(Inn), sx, c))
   -- if $ibytes_(n, c) = $mem(z, 0).BYTES[i + ao.OFFSET : n/8]
diff --git a/spectec/spec/wasm-1.0/A-binary.watsup b/spectec/spec/wasm-1.0/A-binary.watsup
index 803f46c6c5..0bfee6ab36 100644
--- a/spectec/spec/wasm-1.0/A-binary.watsup
+++ b/spectec/spec/wasm-1.0/A-binary.watsup
@@ -181,16 +181,16 @@ grammar Binstr/memory : instr = ...
   | 0x29 ao:Bmemarg => LOAD I64 ao
   | 0x2A ao:Bmemarg => LOAD F32 ao
   | 0x2B ao:Bmemarg => LOAD F64 ao
-  | 0x2C ao:Bmemarg => LOAD I32 (8 S) ao
-  | 0x2D ao:Bmemarg => LOAD I32 (8 U) ao
-  | 0x2E ao:Bmemarg => LOAD I32 (16 S) ao
-  | 0x2F ao:Bmemarg => LOAD I32 (16 U) ao
-  | 0x30 ao:Bmemarg => LOAD I64 (8 S) ao
-  | 0x31 ao:Bmemarg => LOAD I64 (8 U) ao
-  | 0x32 ao:Bmemarg => LOAD I64 (16 S) ao
-  | 0x33 ao:Bmemarg => LOAD I64 (16 U) ao
-  | 0x34 ao:Bmemarg => LOAD I64 (32 S) ao
-  | 0x35 ao:Bmemarg => LOAD I64 (32 U) ao
+  | 0x2C ao:Bmemarg => LOAD I32 (8 _ S) ao
+  | 0x2D ao:Bmemarg => LOAD I32 (8 _ U) ao
+  | 0x2E ao:Bmemarg => LOAD I32 (16 _ S) ao
+  | 0x2F ao:Bmemarg => LOAD I32 (16 _ U) ao
+  | 0x30 ao:Bmemarg => LOAD I64 (8 _ S) ao
+  | 0x31 ao:Bmemarg => LOAD I64 (8 _ U) ao
+  | 0x32 ao:Bmemarg => LOAD I64 (16 _ S) ao
+  | 0x33 ao:Bmemarg => LOAD I64 (16 _ U) ao
+  | 0x34 ao:Bmemarg => LOAD I64 (32 _ S) ao
+  | 0x35 ao:Bmemarg => LOAD I64 (32 _ U) ao
   | 0x36 ao:Bmemarg => STORE I32 ao
   | 0x37 ao:Bmemarg => STORE I64 ao
   | 0x38 ao:Bmemarg => STORE F32 ao
diff --git a/spectec/spec/wasm-2.0/1-syntax.watsup b/spectec/spec/wasm-2.0/1-syntax.watsup
index 6907f63143..ab4ec216bf 100644
--- a/spectec/spec/wasm-2.0/1-syntax.watsup
+++ b/spectec/spec/wasm-2.0/1-syntax.watsup
@@ -345,12 +345,12 @@ syntax memarg hint(desc "memory argument") = {ALIGN u32, OFFSET u32}
 var ao : memarg
 syntax loadop_(numtype)
-syntax loadop_(Inn) = sz sx hint(show %0#_#%1) -- if sz < $sizenn(Inn)
+syntax loadop_(Inn) = sz _ sx hint(show %0#_#%2) -- if sz < $sizenn(Inn)
 syntax vloadop =
-  | SHAPE nat X nat sx  hint(show %#X#%#_#%)
-  | SPLAT nat           hint(show %#_#SPLAT)
-  | ZERO nat            hint(show %#_#ZERO)
+  | SHAPE nat X nat _ sx  hint(show %1#X#%3#_#%5)
+  | SPLAT nat             hint(show %#_#SPLAT)
+  | ZERO nat              hint(show %#_#ZERO)
diff --git a/spectec/spec/wasm-2.0/6-typing.watsup b/spectec/spec/wasm-2.0/6-typing.watsup
index b7a9fa6455..7806dd5a03 100644
--- a/spectec/spec/wasm-2.0/6-typing.watsup
+++ b/spectec/spec/wasm-2.0/6-typing.watsup
@@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ rule Instr_ok/data.drop:
 rule Instr_ok/load:
-  C |- LOAD nt (n sx)? memarg : I32 -> nt
+  C |- LOAD nt (n _ sx)? memarg : I32 -> nt
   -- if C.MEMS[0] = mt
   -- if $(2^(memarg.ALIGN) <= $size(nt)/8)
   -- if $(2^(memarg.ALIGN) <= n/8 < $size(nt)/8)?
@@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ rule Instr_ok/load-val:
   -- if $(2^(memarg.ALIGN) <= $size(nt)/8)
 rule Instr_ok/load-pack:
-  C |- LOAD Inn (M sx) memarg : I32 -> Inn
+  C |- LOAD Inn (M _ sx) memarg : I32 -> Inn
   -- if C.MEMS[0] = mt
   -- if $(2^(memarg.ALIGN) <= M/8)
@@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ rule Instr_ok/store-pack:
   -- if $(2^(memarg.ALIGN) <= M/8)
 rule Instr_ok/vload:
-  C |- VLOAD V128 (SHAPE M X N sx) memarg : I32 -> V128
+  C |- VLOAD V128 (SHAPE M X N _ sx) memarg : I32 -> V128
   -- if C.MEMS[0] = mt
   -- if $(2^(memarg.ALIGN) <= M/8 * N)
diff --git a/spectec/spec/wasm-2.0/8-reduction.watsup b/spectec/spec/wasm-2.0/8-reduction.watsup
index 01cfb44ea7..4e3b4d70d1 100644
--- a/spectec/spec/wasm-2.0/8-reduction.watsup
+++ b/spectec/spec/wasm-2.0/8-reduction.watsup
@@ -492,11 +492,11 @@ rule Step_read/load-num-val:
   -- if $nbytes_(nt, c) = $mem(z, 0).BYTES[i + ao.OFFSET : $size(nt)/8]
 rule Step_read/load-pack-trap:
-  z; (CONST I32 i) (LOAD Inn (n sx) ao)  ~>  TRAP
+  z; (CONST I32 i) (LOAD Inn (n _ sx) ao)  ~>  TRAP
   -- if $(i + ao.OFFSET + n/8 > |$mem(z, 0).BYTES|)
 rule Step_read/load-pack-val:
-  z; (CONST I32 i) (LOAD Inn (n sx) ao)  ~>  (CONST Inn $extend__(n, $size(Inn), sx, c))
+  z; (CONST I32 i) (LOAD Inn (n _ sx) ao)  ~>  (CONST Inn $extend__(n, $size(Inn), sx, c))
   -- if $ibytes_(n, c) = $mem(z, 0).BYTES[i + ao.OFFSET : n/8]
 rule Step_read/vload-oob:
@@ -509,11 +509,11 @@ rule Step_read/vload-val:
 rule Step_read/vload-shape-oob:
-  z; (CONST I32 i) (VLOAD V128 (SHAPE M X N sx) ao)  ~>  TRAP
+  z; (CONST I32 i) (VLOAD V128 (SHAPE M X N _ sx) ao)  ~>  TRAP
   -- if $(i + ao.OFFSET + M * N/8) > |$mem(z, 0).BYTES|
 rule Step_read/vload-shape-val:
-  z; (CONST I32 i) (VLOAD V128 (SHAPE M X N sx) ao)  ~>  (VCONST V128 c)
+  z; (CONST I32 i) (VLOAD V128 (SHAPE M X N _ sx) ao)  ~>  (VCONST V128 c)
   -- (if $ibytes_(M, j) = $mem(z, 0).BYTES[i + ao.OFFSET + k * M/8 : M/8])^(k<N)
   -- if $lsize(Jnn) = $(M * 2)  ;; TODO: relate implicitly
   -- if c = $invlanes_(Jnn X N, $extend__(M, $lsize(Jnn), sx, j)^N)
@@ -629,14 +629,14 @@ rule Step_read/memory.copy-zero:
 rule Step_read/memory.copy-le:
   z; (CONST I32 j) (CONST I32 i) (CONST I32 n) (MEMORY.COPY)  ~>
-    (CONST I32 j) (CONST I32 i) (LOAD I32 (8 U) $memarg0) (STORE I32 8 $memarg0)
+    (CONST I32 j) (CONST I32 i) (LOAD I32 (8 _ U) $memarg0) (STORE I32 8 $memarg0)
     (CONST I32 $(j+1)) (CONST I32 $(i+1)) (CONST I32 $(n-1)) (MEMORY.COPY)
   -- otherwise
   -- if j <= i
 rule Step_read/memory.copy-gt:
   z; (CONST I32 j) (CONST I32 i) (CONST I32 n) (MEMORY.COPY)  ~>
-    (CONST I32 $(j+n-1)) (CONST I32 $(i+n-1)) (LOAD I32 (8 U) $memarg0) (STORE I32 8 $memarg0)
+    (CONST I32 $(j+n-1)) (CONST I32 $(i+n-1)) (LOAD I32 (8 _ U) $memarg0) (STORE I32 8 $memarg0)
     (CONST I32 j) (CONST I32 i) (CONST I32 $(n-1)) (MEMORY.COPY)
   -- otherwise
diff --git a/spectec/spec/wasm-2.0/A-binary.watsup b/spectec/spec/wasm-2.0/A-binary.watsup
index d3686843c2..012178babe 100644
--- a/spectec/spec/wasm-2.0/A-binary.watsup
+++ b/spectec/spec/wasm-2.0/A-binary.watsup
@@ -221,16 +221,16 @@ grammar Binstr/memory : instr = ...
   | 0x29 ao:Bmemarg => LOAD I64 ao
   | 0x2A ao:Bmemarg => LOAD F32 ao
   | 0x2B ao:Bmemarg => LOAD F64 ao
-  | 0x2C ao:Bmemarg => LOAD I32 (8 S) ao
-  | 0x2D ao:Bmemarg => LOAD I32 (8 U) ao
-  | 0x2E ao:Bmemarg => LOAD I32 (16 S) ao
-  | 0x2F ao:Bmemarg => LOAD I32 (16 U) ao
-  | 0x30 ao:Bmemarg => LOAD I64 (8 S) ao
-  | 0x31 ao:Bmemarg => LOAD I64 (8 U) ao
-  | 0x32 ao:Bmemarg => LOAD I64 (16 S) ao
-  | 0x33 ao:Bmemarg => LOAD I64 (16 U) ao
-  | 0x34 ao:Bmemarg => LOAD I64 (32 S) ao
-  | 0x35 ao:Bmemarg => LOAD I64 (32 U) ao
+  | 0x2C ao:Bmemarg => LOAD I32 (8 _ S) ao
+  | 0x2D ao:Bmemarg => LOAD I32 (8 _ U) ao
+  | 0x2E ao:Bmemarg => LOAD I32 (16 _ S) ao
+  | 0x2F ao:Bmemarg => LOAD I32 (16 _ U) ao
+  | 0x30 ao:Bmemarg => LOAD I64 (8 _ S) ao
+  | 0x31 ao:Bmemarg => LOAD I64 (8 _ U) ao
+  | 0x32 ao:Bmemarg => LOAD I64 (16 _ S) ao
+  | 0x33 ao:Bmemarg => LOAD I64 (16 _ U) ao
+  | 0x34 ao:Bmemarg => LOAD I64 (32 _ S) ao
+  | 0x35 ao:Bmemarg => LOAD I64 (32 _ U) ao
   | 0x36 ao:Bmemarg => STORE I32 ao
   | 0x37 ao:Bmemarg => STORE I64 ao
   | 0x38 ao:Bmemarg => STORE F32 ao
@@ -454,12 +454,12 @@ grammar Blaneidx : laneidx =
 grammar Binstr/vector-memory : instr = ...
   | 0xFD 0:Bu32 ao:Bmemarg => VLOAD V128 ao
-  | 0xFD 1:Bu32 ao:Bmemarg => VLOAD V128 (SHAPE 8 X 8 S) ao
-  | 0xFD 2:Bu32 ao:Bmemarg => VLOAD V128 (SHAPE 8 X 8 U) ao
-  | 0xFD 3:Bu32 ao:Bmemarg => VLOAD V128 (SHAPE 16 X 4 S) ao
-  | 0xFD 4:Bu32 ao:Bmemarg => VLOAD V128 (SHAPE 16 X 4 U) ao
-  | 0xFD 5:Bu32 ao:Bmemarg => VLOAD V128 (SHAPE 32 X 2 S) ao
-  | 0xFD 6:Bu32 ao:Bmemarg => VLOAD V128 (SHAPE 32 X 2 U) ao
+  | 0xFD 1:Bu32 ao:Bmemarg => VLOAD V128 (SHAPE 8 X 8 _ S) ao
+  | 0xFD 2:Bu32 ao:Bmemarg => VLOAD V128 (SHAPE 8 X 8 _ U) ao
+  | 0xFD 3:Bu32 ao:Bmemarg => VLOAD V128 (SHAPE 16 X 4 _ S) ao
+  | 0xFD 4:Bu32 ao:Bmemarg => VLOAD V128 (SHAPE 16 X 4 _ U) ao
+  | 0xFD 5:Bu32 ao:Bmemarg => VLOAD V128 (SHAPE 32 X 2 _ S) ao
+  | 0xFD 6:Bu32 ao:Bmemarg => VLOAD V128 (SHAPE 32 X 2 _ U) ao
   | 0xFD 7:Bu32 ao:Bmemarg => VLOAD V128 (SPLAT 8) ao
   | 0xFD 8:Bu32 ao:Bmemarg => VLOAD V128 (SPLAT 16) ao
   | 0xFD 9:Bu32 ao:Bmemarg => VLOAD V128 (SPLAT 32) ao
diff --git a/spectec/spec/wasm-3.0/1-syntax.watsup b/spectec/spec/wasm-3.0/1-syntax.watsup
index dae038b961..9f1dc8d325 100644
--- a/spectec/spec/wasm-3.0/1-syntax.watsup
+++ b/spectec/spec/wasm-3.0/1-syntax.watsup
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ def $canon_(N) = $(2^($signif(N)-1))
 ;; Vectors
 syntax vN(N) hint(desc "vector") hint(show v#%) hint(macro "vNX") =
-  iN(N)
+  uN(N)
 syntax v128 = vN(128)
@@ -185,9 +185,9 @@ syntax valtype/syn hint(desc "value type") =
 syntax valtype/sem =
   | ... | BOT
-syntax Inn hint(show I#N) hint(macro none) = I32 | I64
-syntax Fnn hint(show F#N) hint(macro none) = F32 | F64
-syntax Vnn hint(show V#N) hint(macro none) = V128
+syntax Inn hint(show I#N) hint(macro "nt%") = I32 | I64
+syntax Fnn hint(show F#N) hint(macro "nt%") = F32 | F64
+syntax Vnn hint(show V#N) hint(macro "nt%") = V128
 syntax Cnn hint(show t) = Inn | Fnn | Vnn
@@ -197,9 +197,11 @@ def $I31REF    : reftype hint(show I31REF)
 def $STRUCTREF : reftype hint(show STRUCTREF)
 def $ARRAYREF  : reftype hint(show ARRAYREF)
 def $FUNCREF   : reftype hint(show FUNCREF)
+def $EXNREF    : reftype hint(show EXNREF)
 def $EXTERNREF : reftype hint(show EXTERNREF)
 def $NULLREF   : reftype hint(show NULLREF)
 def $NULLFUNCREF : reftype hint(show NULLFUNCREF)
+def $NULLEXNREF  : reftype hint(show NULLEXNREF)
 def $NULLEXTERNREF : reftype hint(show NULLEXTERNREF)
 def $ANYREF    = (REF NULL ANY)
@@ -208,9 +210,11 @@ def $I31REF    = (REF NULL I31)
@@ -220,9 +224,9 @@ syntax packtype hint(desc "packed type") = I8 | I16
 syntax lanetype hint(desc "lane type") = numtype | packtype
 syntax storagetype hint(desc "storage type") = valtype | packtype
-syntax Pnn hint(show I#N) hint(macro none) = I8 | I16
-syntax Jnn hint(show I#N) hint(macro none) = Inn | Pnn
-syntax Lnn hint(show I#N) hint(macro none) = Inn | Fnn | Pnn
+syntax Pnn hint(show I#N) hint(macro "nt%") = I8 | I16
+syntax Jnn hint(show I#N) hint(macro "nt%") = Inn | Pnn
+syntax Lnn hint(show I#N) hint(macro "nt%") = Inn | Fnn | Pnn
 ;; Result types
@@ -435,6 +439,7 @@ syntax relop_(Inn) =
 syntax relop_(Fnn) =
   | EQ | NE | LT | GT | LE | GE
+;; TODO(3, rossberg): change order of parameters?
 syntax cvtop__(numtype_1, numtype_2)
 syntax cvtop__(Inn_1, Inn_2) =
   | EXTEND sx hint(show %0#_#%1)  -- if $sizenn1(Inn_1) < $sizenn2(Inn_2)
@@ -475,11 +480,11 @@ syntax bshape hint(desc "byte shape") = shape    -- if $lanetype(shape) = I8
 ;; Vector operators
 syntax half__(shape_1, shape_2)
-syntax half__(Jnn_1 X M_1, Jnn_2 X M_2) = LOW | HIGH  -- if $(2 * $lsizenn1(Jnn_1)) = $lsizenn1(Jnn_2)
-syntax half__(Lnn_1 X M_1, Fnn_2 X M_2) = LOW         -- if $(2 * $lsizenn1(Lnn_1)) = $sizenn1(Fnn_2) = `64
+syntax half__(Jnn_1 X M_1, Jnn_2 X M_2) = LOW | HIGH  -- if $(2 * $lsizenn1(Jnn_1)) = $lsizenn2(Jnn_2)
+syntax half__(Lnn_1 X M_1, Fnn_2 X M_2) = LOW         -- if $(2 * $lsizenn1(Lnn_1)) = $sizenn2(Fnn_2) = 64
 syntax zero__(shape_1, shape_2)
-syntax zero__(Fnn_1 X M_1, Lnn_2 X M_2) = ZERO -- if $(2 * $lsizenn2(Lnn_2)) = $sizenn1(Fnn_1) = `64
+syntax zero__(Fnn_1 X M_1, Lnn_2 X M_2) = ZERO -- if $(2 * $lsizenn2(Lnn_2)) = $sizenn1(Fnn_1) = 64
 syntax vvunop hint(macro "%" "V%") = NOT
 syntax vvbinop hint(macro "%" "V%") = AND | ANDNOT | OR | XOR
@@ -503,7 +508,8 @@ syntax vbinop_(Jnn X M) =
   | RELAXED_Q15MULR S hint(show RELAXED_Q15MULR#_#%) -- if $lsizenn(Jnn) = `16
   | MIN sx hint(show MIN#_#%)                -- if $lsizenn(Jnn) <= `32
   | MAX sx hint(show MAX#_#%)                -- if $lsizenn(Jnn) <= `32
-syntax vbinop_(Fnn X M) = ADD | SUB | MUL | DIV | MIN | MAX | PMIN | PMAX | RELAXED_MIN | RELAXED_MAX
+syntax vbinop_(Fnn X M) = ADD | SUB | MUL | DIV | MIN | MAX | PMIN | PMAX
 syntax vternop_(shape) hint(macro "%" "V%")
 syntax vternop_(Jnn X M) = RELAXED_LANESELECT
@@ -571,15 +577,15 @@ syntax memarg hint(desc "memory argument") = {ALIGN u32, OFFSET u32}
 var ao : memarg
 syntax loadop_(numtype)
-syntax loadop_(Inn) = sz sx hint(show %0#_#%1) -- if sz < $sizenn(Inn)
+syntax loadop_(Inn) = sz _ sx hint(show %0#_#%2) -- if sz < $sizenn(Inn)
 syntax storeop_(numtype)
-syntax storeop_(Inn) = sz                      -- if sz < $sizenn(Inn)
+syntax storeop_(Inn) = sz                        -- if sz < $sizenn(Inn)
 syntax vloadop_(vectype) hint(macro "%" "L%") =
-  | SHAPE sz X M sx  hint(show %1#X#%3#_#%4) hint(macro "%shape") -- if $(sz * M = $vsize(vectype)/2)
-  | SPLAT sz         hint(show %#_#SPLAT)
-  | ZERO sz          hint(show %#_#ZERO) -- if sz >= `32
+  | SHAPE sz X M _ sx  hint(show %1#X#%3#_#%5) hint(macro "%shape") -- if $(sz * M = $vsize(vectype)/2)
+  | SPLAT sz           hint(show %#_#SPLAT)
+  | ZERO sz            hint(show %#_#ZERO) -- if sz >= `32
 ;; Block types
@@ -677,6 +683,7 @@ syntax instr/vec hint(desc "vector instruction") = ...
   | VNARROW ishape_1 ishape_2 sx        hint(show ##%.NARROW#_# ##%#_#%) hint(macro "VNARROW")
     -- if $($lsize($lanetype(ishape_2)) = 2*$lsize($lanetype(ishape_1)) <= `32)
   | VCVTOP shape_1 shape_2 vcvtop__(shape_2, shape_1) half__(shape_2, shape_1)? zero__(shape_2, shape_1)?
+    ;; TODO(1, rossberg): fix overlong line
     hint(show ##%1.%3#_# ##%2)
     hint(show ##%1.%3#_# ##%2#_#%4)        ;; TODO(2, rossberg): this is wrong when half is absent
     hint(show ##%1.%3#_#%5#_# ##%2#_#%4)   ;; TODO(2, rossberg): this is wrong when half is present
diff --git a/spectec/spec/wasm-3.0/3-typing.watsup b/spectec/spec/wasm-3.0/3-typing.watsup
index 3170c421cc..87f34c261a 100644
--- a/spectec/spec/wasm-3.0/3-typing.watsup
+++ b/spectec/spec/wasm-3.0/3-typing.watsup
@@ -1074,7 +1074,7 @@ rule Instr_ok/data.drop:
 rule Instr_ok/load:
-  C |- LOAD nt (N sx)? x memarg : at -> nt
+  C |- LOAD nt (N _ sx)? x memarg : at -> nt
   -- if C.MEMS[x] = at lim PAGE
   -- if $(2^(memarg.ALIGN) <= $size(nt)/8)
   -- if $(2^(memarg.ALIGN) <= N/8 < $size(nt)/8)?
@@ -1087,7 +1087,7 @@ rule Instr_ok/load-val:
   -- if $(2^(memarg.ALIGN) <= $size(nt)/8)
 rule Instr_ok/load-pack:
-  C |- LOAD Inn (M sx) x memarg : at -> Inn
+  C |- LOAD Inn (M _ sx) x memarg : at -> Inn
   -- if C.MEMS[x] = at lim PAGE
   -- if $(2^(memarg.ALIGN) <= M/8)
@@ -1116,7 +1116,7 @@ rule Instr_ok/vload-val:
   -- if $(2^(memarg.ALIGN) <= $vsize(V128)/8)
 rule Instr_ok/vload-pack:
-  C |- VLOAD V128 (SHAPE M X N sx) x memarg : at -> V128
+  C |- VLOAD V128 (SHAPE M X N _ sx) x memarg : at -> V128
   -- if C.MEMS[x] = at lim PAGE
   -- if $(2^(memarg.ALIGN) <= M/8 * N)
diff --git a/spectec/spec/wasm-3.0/8-reduction.watsup b/spectec/spec/wasm-3.0/8-reduction.watsup
index dfc06ae7b7..2114d5223c 100644
--- a/spectec/spec/wasm-3.0/8-reduction.watsup
+++ b/spectec/spec/wasm-3.0/8-reduction.watsup
@@ -900,12 +900,12 @@ rule Step_read/load-num-val:
   -- if $nbytes_(nt, c) = $mem(z, x).BYTES[i + ao.OFFSET : $size(nt)/8]
 rule Step_read/load-pack-oob:
-  z; (CONST at i) (LOAD Inn (n sx) x ao)  ~>  TRAP
+  z; (CONST at i) (LOAD Inn (n _ sx) x ao)  ~>  TRAP
   -- if $(i + ao.OFFSET + n/8 > |$mem(z, x).BYTES|)
 rule Step_read/load-pack-val:
-  z; (CONST at i) (LOAD Inn (n sx) x ao)  ~>  (CONST Inn $extend__(n, $size(Inn), sx, c))
+  z; (CONST at i) (LOAD Inn (n _ sx) x ao)  ~>  (CONST Inn $extend__(n, $size(Inn), sx, c))
   -- if $ibytes_(n, c) = $mem(z, x).BYTES[i + ao.OFFSET : n/8]
@@ -919,11 +919,11 @@ rule Step_read/vload-val:
 rule Step_read/vload-pack-oob:
-  z; (CONST at i) (VLOAD V128 (SHAPE M X K sx) x ao)  ~>  TRAP
+  z; (CONST at i) (VLOAD V128 (SHAPE M X K _ sx) x ao)  ~>  TRAP
   -- if $(i + ao.OFFSET + M * K/8) > |$mem(z, x).BYTES|
 rule Step_read/vload-pack-val:
-  z; (CONST at i) (VLOAD V128 (SHAPE M X K sx) x ao)  ~>  (VCONST V128 c)
+  z; (CONST at i) (VLOAD V128 (SHAPE M X K _ sx) x ao)  ~>  (VCONST V128 c)
   ---- ----
   -- (if $ibytes_(M, j) = $mem(z, x).BYTES[i + ao.OFFSET + k * M/8 : M/8])^(k<K)
   -- if c = $invlanes_(Jnn X K, $extend__(M, $lsizenn(Jnn), sx, j)^K)
@@ -1052,14 +1052,14 @@ rule Step_read/memory.copy-zero:
 rule Step_read/memory.copy-le:
   z; (CONST at_1 i_1) (CONST at_2 i_2) (CONST at' n) (MEMORY.COPY x_1 x_2)  ~>
-    (CONST at_1 i_1) (CONST at_2 i_2) (LOAD I32 (8 U) x_2 $memarg0) (STORE I32 8 x_1 $memarg0)
+    (CONST at_1 i_1) (CONST at_2 i_2) (LOAD I32 (8 _ U) x_2 $memarg0) (STORE I32 8 x_1 $memarg0)
     (CONST at_1 $(i_1 + 1)) (CONST at_2 $(i_2 + 1)) (CONST at' $(n - 1)) (MEMORY.COPY x_1 x_2)
   -- otherwise
   -- if i_1 <= i_2
 rule Step_read/memory.copy-gt:
   z; (CONST at_1 i_1) (CONST at_2 i_2) (CONST at' n) (MEMORY.COPY x_1 x_2)  ~>
-    (CONST at_1 $(i_1+n-1)) (CONST at_2 $(i_2+n-1)) (LOAD I32 (8 U) x_2 $memarg0) (STORE I32 8 x_1 $memarg0)
+    (CONST at_1 $(i_1+n-1)) (CONST at_2 $(i_2+n-1)) (LOAD I32 (8 _ U) x_2 $memarg0) (STORE I32 8 x_1 $memarg0)
     (CONST at_1 i_1) (CONST at_2 i_2) (CONST at' $(n-1)) (MEMORY.COPY x_1 x_2)
   -- otherwise
diff --git a/spectec/spec/wasm-3.0/A-binary.watsup b/spectec/spec/wasm-3.0/A-binary.watsup
index 527de36102..19f2183e65 100644
--- a/spectec/spec/wasm-3.0/A-binary.watsup
+++ b/spectec/spec/wasm-3.0/A-binary.watsup
@@ -359,16 +359,16 @@ grammar Binstr/memory : instr = ...
   | 0x29 (x,ao):Bmemarg => LOAD I64 x ao
   | 0x2A (x,ao):Bmemarg => LOAD F32 x ao
   | 0x2B (x,ao):Bmemarg => LOAD F64 x ao
-  | 0x2C (x,ao):Bmemarg => LOAD I32 (`8 S) x ao
-  | 0x2D (x,ao):Bmemarg => LOAD I32 (`8 U) x ao
-  | 0x2E (x,ao):Bmemarg => LOAD I32 (`16 S) x ao
-  | 0x2F (x,ao):Bmemarg => LOAD I32 (`16 U) x ao
-  | 0x30 (x,ao):Bmemarg => LOAD I64 (`8 S) x ao
-  | 0x31 (x,ao):Bmemarg => LOAD I64 (`8 U) x ao
-  | 0x32 (x,ao):Bmemarg => LOAD I64 (`16 S) x ao
-  | 0x33 (x,ao):Bmemarg => LOAD I64 (`16 U) x ao
-  | 0x34 (x,ao):Bmemarg => LOAD I64 (`32 S) x ao
-  | 0x35 (x,ao):Bmemarg => LOAD I64 (`32 U) x ao
+  | 0x2C (x,ao):Bmemarg => LOAD I32 (`8 _ S) x ao
+  | 0x2D (x,ao):Bmemarg => LOAD I32 (`8 _ U) x ao
+  | 0x2E (x,ao):Bmemarg => LOAD I32 (`16 _ S) x ao
+  | 0x2F (x,ao):Bmemarg => LOAD I32 (`16 _ U) x ao
+  | 0x30 (x,ao):Bmemarg => LOAD I64 (`8 _ S) x ao
+  | 0x31 (x,ao):Bmemarg => LOAD I64 (`8 _ U) x ao
+  | 0x32 (x,ao):Bmemarg => LOAD I64 (`16 _ S) x ao
+  | 0x33 (x,ao):Bmemarg => LOAD I64 (`16 _ U) x ao
+  | 0x34 (x,ao):Bmemarg => LOAD I64 (`32 _ S) x ao
+  | 0x35 (x,ao):Bmemarg => LOAD I64 (`32 _ U) x ao
   | 0x36 (x,ao):Bmemarg => STORE I32 x ao
   | 0x37 (x,ao):Bmemarg => STORE I64 x ao
   | 0x38 (x,ao):Bmemarg => STORE F32 x ao
@@ -596,12 +596,12 @@ grammar Blaneidx : laneidx =
 grammar Binstr/vec-memory : instr = ...
   | 0xFD 0:Bu32 (x,ao):Bmemarg => VLOAD V128 x ao
-  | 0xFD 1:Bu32 (x,ao):Bmemarg => VLOAD V128 (SHAPE `8 X `8 S) x ao
-  | 0xFD 2:Bu32 (x,ao):Bmemarg => VLOAD V128 (SHAPE `8 X `8 U) x ao
-  | 0xFD 3:Bu32 (x,ao):Bmemarg => VLOAD V128 (SHAPE `16 X `4 S) x ao
-  | 0xFD 4:Bu32 (x,ao):Bmemarg => VLOAD V128 (SHAPE `16 X `4 U) x ao
-  | 0xFD 5:Bu32 (x,ao):Bmemarg => VLOAD V128 (SHAPE `32 X `2 S) x ao
-  | 0xFD 6:Bu32 (x,ao):Bmemarg => VLOAD V128 (SHAPE `32 X `2 U) x ao
+  | 0xFD 1:Bu32 (x,ao):Bmemarg => VLOAD V128 (SHAPE `8 X `8 _ S) x ao
+  | 0xFD 2:Bu32 (x,ao):Bmemarg => VLOAD V128 (SHAPE `8 X `8 _ U) x ao
+  | 0xFD 3:Bu32 (x,ao):Bmemarg => VLOAD V128 (SHAPE `16 X `4 _ S) x ao
+  | 0xFD 4:Bu32 (x,ao):Bmemarg => VLOAD V128 (SHAPE `16 X `4 _ U) x ao
+  | 0xFD 5:Bu32 (x,ao):Bmemarg => VLOAD V128 (SHAPE `32 X `2 _ S) x ao
+  | 0xFD 6:Bu32 (x,ao):Bmemarg => VLOAD V128 (SHAPE `32 X `2 _ U) x ao
   | 0xFD 7:Bu32 (x,ao):Bmemarg => VLOAD V128 (SPLAT `8) x ao
   | 0xFD 8:Bu32 (x,ao):Bmemarg => VLOAD V128 (SPLAT `16) x ao
   | 0xFD 9:Bu32 (x,ao):Bmemarg => VLOAD V128 (SPLAT `32) x ao
diff --git a/spectec/src/al/ b/spectec/src/al/
index 6401016632..fb24f581f4 100644
--- a/spectec/src/al/
+++ b/spectec/src/al/
@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ let frameE ?(at = no) ~note (arity, e) =
 let get_atom op =
-  match List.find_opt (fun al -> List.length al <> 0) op with
+  match List.find_opt (fun al -> al <> []) op with
   | Some al -> Some (List.hd al)
   | None -> None
diff --git a/spectec/src/backend-interpreter/ b/spectec/src/backend-interpreter/
index 103f9db187..cba6e06862 100644
--- a/spectec/src/backend-interpreter/
+++ b/spectec/src/backend-interpreter/
@@ -694,7 +694,7 @@ let al_to_memop (f: value -> 'p) : value list -> idx * (num_type, 'p) memop = fu
   | v -> error_values "memop" v
 let al_to_pack_size_extension: value -> Pack.pack_size * Pack.extension = function
-  | CaseV (_, [ p; ext ]) -> al_to_pack_size p, al_to_extension ext
+  | CaseV ("_", [ p; ext ]) -> al_to_pack_size p, al_to_extension ext
   | v -> error_value "pack size, extension" v
 let al_to_loadop: value list -> idx * loadop = al_to_opt al_to_pack_size_extension |> al_to_memop
@@ -1876,7 +1876,8 @@ let al_of_memop f idx memop =
   [ al_of_num_type memop.ty; f memop.pack ] @ al_of_memidx idx @ [ StrV str ]
-let al_of_pack_size_extension (p, s) = CaseV ("", [ al_of_pack_size p; al_of_extension s ])
+let al_of_pack_size_extension (p, s) =
+  CaseV ("_", [ al_of_pack_size p; al_of_extension s ])
 let al_of_loadop = al_of_opt al_of_pack_size_extension |> al_of_memop
diff --git a/spectec/src/backend-latex/ b/spectec/src/backend-latex/
index a79bd95d1a..d0b3c87369 100644
--- a/spectec/src/backend-latex/
+++ b/spectec/src/backend-latex/
@@ -427,6 +427,7 @@ let rec string_of_row sep br = function
 let rec string_of_table vsep vbr hsep hbr = function
   | [] -> ""
+  | (Row cols)::[] -> string_of_row hsep hbr cols
   | (Row cols)::Sep::rows -> string_of_row hsep hbr cols ^ vbr ^ string_of_table vsep vbr hsep hbr rows
   | (Row cols)::rows -> string_of_row hsep hbr cols ^ vsep ^ string_of_table vsep vbr hsep hbr rows
   | Sep::rows -> vbr ^ string_of_table vsep vbr hsep hbr rows
@@ -1127,7 +1128,7 @@ and render_nottyp env t : table =
     [Row [Col (
       "\\{ " ^
       render_table env "@{}" ["l"; "l"] 0 0
-        (concat_table "" (render_nl_list env (`H, " ") render_typfield tfs) [Row [Col " \\}"]])
+        (concat_table "" (render_nl_list env (`H, ", ") render_typfield tfs) [Row [Col " \\}"]])
   | CaseT (dots1, ts, tcs, dots2) ->
     let render env = function
@@ -1418,7 +1419,7 @@ and render_conditions env prems : row list =
   prefix_row br (
     match prems''' with
-    | [] -> [Row [Col pre]]
+    | [] -> [Row [Col ("\\quad " ^ pre)]]
     | [Elem prem] -> [Row [Col ("\\quad " ^ pre ^ "~ " ^ render_prem env prem)]]
     | _ ->
       [Row [Col
diff --git a/spectec/src/il2al/ b/spectec/src/il2al/
index 18ccd4c63d..07cd89b37b 100644
--- a/spectec/src/il2al/
+++ b/spectec/src/il2al/
@@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ let get_lhs_var_expr e =
   let lhs_id = !lhs_id_ref in
   lhs_id_ref := (lhs_id + 1);
   let exp = Il2al_util.typ_to_var_exp e.note ~post_fix:("_" ^ string_of_int lhs_id) in
-  { (translate_exp exp) with note = e.note}
+  { (translate_exp exp) with at =; note = e.note}
 (* Helper functions *)
@@ -779,7 +779,7 @@ and handle_special_lhs lhs rhs free_ids =
     (match tag_opt with
     | Some ({ it = Atom.Atom _; _} as tag) ->
       [ ifI (
-        inject_isCaseOf tag  rhs,
+        inject_isCaseOf tag rhs,
         letI (caseE (op, es') ~note:lhs.note, rhs) ~at:at
         :: translate_bindings free_ids bindings,
diff --git a/spectec/test-frontend/ b/spectec/test-frontend/
index 0b0a778fe7..4c01f83384 100644
--- a/spectec/test-frontend/
+++ b/spectec/test-frontend/
@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ def $canon_(N : N) : nat
   def $canon_{N : N}(N) = (2 ^ ((($signif(N) : nat <:> int) - (1 : nat <:> int)) : int <:> nat))
 ;; 1-syntax.watsup
-syntax vN{N : N}(N) = iN(N)
+syntax vN{N : N}(N) = uN(N)
 ;; 1-syntax.watsup
 syntax v128 = vN(128)
@@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ syntax valtype =
   | REF{nul : nul, heaptype : heaptype}(nul : nul, heaptype : heaptype)
   | BOT
-;; 1-syntax.watsup:221.1-221.66
+;; 1-syntax.watsup:225.1-225.66
 syntax storagetype =
   | BOT
   | I32
@@ -486,34 +486,34 @@ syntax storagetype =
   | I8
   | I16
-;; 1-syntax.watsup:230.1-231.16
+;; 1-syntax.watsup:234.1-235.16
 syntax resulttype = list(syntax valtype)
-;; 1-syntax.watsup:243.1-243.60
+;; 1-syntax.watsup:247.1-247.60
 syntax fieldtype =
   | `%%`{mut : mut, storagetype : storagetype}(mut : mut, storagetype : storagetype)
-;; 1-syntax.watsup:245.1-245.90
+;; 1-syntax.watsup:249.1-249.90
 syntax functype =
   | `%->%`{resulttype : resulttype}(resulttype : resulttype, resulttype)
-;; 1-syntax.watsup:246.1-246.64
+;; 1-syntax.watsup:250.1-250.64
 syntax structtype = list(syntax fieldtype)
-;; 1-syntax.watsup:247.1-247.54
+;; 1-syntax.watsup:251.1-251.54
 syntax arraytype = fieldtype
-;; 1-syntax.watsup:249.1-252.18
+;; 1-syntax.watsup:253.1-256.18
 syntax comptype =
   | STRUCT{structtype : structtype}(structtype : structtype)
   | ARRAY{arraytype : arraytype}(arraytype : arraytype)
   | FUNC{functype : functype}(functype : functype)
-;; 1-syntax.watsup:254.1-255.30
+;; 1-syntax.watsup:258.1-259.30
 syntax subtype =
   | SUB{fin : fin, `typeuse*` : typeuse*, comptype : comptype}(fin : fin, typeuse*{typeuse <- `typeuse*`} : typeuse*, comptype : comptype)
-;; 1-syntax.watsup:257.1-258.22
+;; 1-syntax.watsup:261.1-262.22
 syntax rectype =
   | REC{list : list(syntax subtype)}(list : list(syntax subtype))
@@ -583,6 +583,11 @@ def $FUNCREF : reftype
   ;; 1-syntax.watsup
   def $FUNCREF = REF_reftype(?(NULL_NULL), FUNC_heaptype)
+;; 1-syntax.watsup
+def $EXNREF : reftype
+  ;; 1-syntax.watsup
+  def $EXNREF = REF_reftype(?(NULL_NULL), EXTERN_heaptype)
 ;; 1-syntax.watsup
 def $EXTERNREF : reftype
   ;; 1-syntax.watsup
@@ -598,6 +603,11 @@ def $NULLFUNCREF : reftype
   ;; 1-syntax.watsup
   def $NULLFUNCREF = REF_reftype(?(NULL_NULL), NOFUNC_heaptype)
+;; 1-syntax.watsup
+def $NULLEXNREF : reftype
+  ;; 1-syntax.watsup
+  def $NULLEXNREF = REF_reftype(?(NULL_NULL), NOEXN_heaptype)
 ;; 1-syntax.watsup
 def $NULLEXTERNREF : reftype
   ;; 1-syntax.watsup
@@ -1001,13 +1011,13 @@ syntax half__(shape_1 : shape, shape_2 : shape)
   syntax half__{Jnn_1 : Jnn, M_1 : M, Jnn_2 : Jnn, M_2 : M}(`%X%`_shape((Jnn_1 : Jnn <: lanetype), `%`_dim(M_1)), `%X%`_shape((Jnn_2 : Jnn <: lanetype), `%`_dim(M_2))) =
   | LOW
   | HIGH
-    -- if ((2 * $lsizenn1((Jnn_1 : Jnn <: lanetype))) = $lsizenn1((Jnn_2 : Jnn <: lanetype)))
+    -- if ((2 * $lsizenn1((Jnn_1 : Jnn <: lanetype))) = $lsizenn2((Jnn_2 : Jnn <: lanetype)))
   ;; 1-syntax.watsup
   syntax half__{Lnn_1 : Lnn, M_1 : M, Fnn_2 : Fnn, M_2 : M}(`%X%`_shape(Lnn_1, `%`_dim(M_1)), `%X%`_shape((Fnn_2 : Fnn <: lanetype), `%`_dim(M_2))) =
   | LOW
-    -- if (((2 * $lsizenn1(Lnn_1)) = $sizenn1((Fnn_2 : Fnn <: numtype))) /\ ($sizenn1((Fnn_2 : Fnn <: numtype)) = 64))
+    -- if (((2 * $lsizenn1(Lnn_1)) = $sizenn2((Fnn_2 : Fnn <: numtype))) /\ ($sizenn2((Fnn_2 : Fnn <: numtype)) = 64))
 ;; 1-syntax.watsup
@@ -1204,7 +1214,7 @@ syntax memarg =
 ;; 1-syntax.watsup
 syntax loadop_{Inn : Inn}((Inn : Inn <: numtype)) =
-  | `%%`{sz : sz, sx : sx}(sz : sz, sx : sx)
+  | `%_%`{sz : sz, sx : sx}(sz : sz, sx : sx)
     -- if (sz!`%`_sz.0 < $sizenn((Inn : Inn <: numtype)))
 ;; 1-syntax.watsup
@@ -1214,7 +1224,7 @@ syntax storeop_{Inn : Inn}((Inn : Inn <: numtype)) =
 ;; 1-syntax.watsup
 syntax vloadop_{vectype : vectype}(vectype) =
-  | `SHAPE%X%%`{sz : sz, M : M, sx : sx}(sz : sz, M : M, sx : sx)
+  | `SHAPE%X%_%`{sz : sz, M : M, sx : sx}(sz : sz, M : M, sx : sx)
     -- if (((sz!`%`_sz.0 * M) : nat <:> rat) = (($vsize(vectype) : nat <:> rat) / (2 : nat <:> rat)))
   | SPLAT{sz : sz}(sz : sz)
   | ZERO{sz : sz}(sz : sz)
@@ -3792,7 +3802,7 @@ relation Instr_ok: `%|-%:%`(context, instr, instrtype)
   ;; 3-typing.watsup:1089.1-1092.35
   rule `load-pack`{C : context, Inn : Inn, M : M, sx : sx, x : idx, memarg : memarg, at : addrtype, lim : limits}:
-    `%|-%:%`(C, LOAD_instr((Inn : Inn <: numtype), ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(M), sx)), x, memarg), `%->_%%`_instrtype(`%`_resulttype([(at : addrtype <: valtype)]), [], `%`_resulttype([(Inn : Inn <: valtype)])))
+    `%|-%:%`(C, LOAD_instr((Inn : Inn <: numtype), ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(M), sx)), x, memarg), `%->_%%`_instrtype(`%`_resulttype([(at : addrtype <: valtype)]), [], `%`_resulttype([(Inn : Inn <: valtype)])))
     -- if (C.MEMS_context[x!`%`_idx.0] = `%%PAGE`_memtype(at, lim))
     -- if (((2 ^ memarg.ALIGN_memarg!`%`_u32.0) : nat <:> rat) <= ((M : nat <:> rat) / (8 : nat <:> rat)))
@@ -3816,7 +3826,7 @@ relation Instr_ok: `%|-%:%`(context, instr, instrtype)
   ;; 3-typing.watsup:1118.1-1121.39
   rule `vload-pack`{C : context, M : M, N : N, sx : sx, x : idx, memarg : memarg, at : addrtype, lim : limits}:
-    `%|-%:%`(C, VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(M), N, sx)), x, memarg), `%->_%%`_instrtype(`%`_resulttype([(at : addrtype <: valtype)]), [], `%`_resulttype([V128_valtype])))
+    `%|-%:%`(C, VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%_%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(M), N, sx)), x, memarg), `%->_%%`_instrtype(`%`_resulttype([(at : addrtype <: valtype)]), [], `%`_resulttype([V128_valtype])))
     -- if (C.MEMS_context[x!`%`_idx.0] = `%%PAGE`_memtype(at, lim))
     -- if (((2 ^ memarg.ALIGN_memarg!`%`_u32.0) : nat <:> rat) <= (((M : nat <:> rat) / (8 : nat <:> rat)) * (N : nat <:> rat)))
@@ -6585,12 +6595,12 @@ relation Step_read: `%~>%`(config, instr*)
   ;; 8-reduction.watsup
   rule `load-pack-oob`{z : state, at : addrtype, i : num_((at : addrtype <: numtype)), Inn : Inn, n : n, sx : sx, x : idx, ao : memarg}:
-    `%~>%`(`%;%`_config(z, [CONST_instr((at : addrtype <: numtype), i) LOAD_instr((Inn : Inn <: numtype), ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(n), sx)), x, ao)]), [TRAP_instr])
+    `%~>%`(`%;%`_config(z, [CONST_instr((at : addrtype <: numtype), i) LOAD_instr((Inn : Inn <: numtype), ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(n), sx)), x, ao)]), [TRAP_instr])
     -- if (((i!`%`_num_.0 + ao.OFFSET_memarg!`%`_u32.0) + (((n : nat <:> rat) / (8 : nat <:> rat)) : rat <:> nat)) > |$mem(z, x).BYTES_meminst|)
   ;; 8-reduction.watsup
   rule `load-pack-val`{z : state, at : addrtype, i : num_((at : addrtype <: numtype)), Inn : Inn, n : n, sx : sx, x : idx, ao : memarg, c : iN(n)}:
-    `%~>%`(`%;%`_config(z, [CONST_instr((at : addrtype <: numtype), i) LOAD_instr((Inn : Inn <: numtype), ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(n), sx)), x, ao)]), [CONST_instr((Inn : Inn <: numtype), $extend__(n, $size((Inn : Inn <: numtype)), sx, c))])
+    `%~>%`(`%;%`_config(z, [CONST_instr((at : addrtype <: numtype), i) LOAD_instr((Inn : Inn <: numtype), ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(n), sx)), x, ao)]), [CONST_instr((Inn : Inn <: numtype), $extend__(n, $size((Inn : Inn <: numtype)), sx, c))])
     -- if ($ibytes_(n, c) = $mem(z, x).BYTES_meminst[(i!`%`_num_.0 + ao.OFFSET_memarg!`%`_u32.0) : (((n : nat <:> rat) / (8 : nat <:> rat)) : rat <:> nat)])
   ;; 8-reduction.watsup
@@ -6605,12 +6615,12 @@ relation Step_read: `%~>%`(config, instr*)
   ;; 8-reduction.watsup
   rule `vload-pack-oob`{z : state, at : addrtype, i : num_((at : addrtype <: numtype)), M : M, K : K, sx : sx, x : idx, ao : memarg}:
-    `%~>%`(`%;%`_config(z, [CONST_instr((at : addrtype <: numtype), i) VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(M), K, sx)), x, ao)]), [TRAP_instr])
+    `%~>%`(`%;%`_config(z, [CONST_instr((at : addrtype <: numtype), i) VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%_%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(M), K, sx)), x, ao)]), [TRAP_instr])
     -- if (((i!`%`_num_.0 + ao.OFFSET_memarg!`%`_u32.0) + ((((M * K) : nat <:> rat) / (8 : nat <:> rat)) : rat <:> nat)) > |$mem(z, x).BYTES_meminst|)
   ;; 8-reduction.watsup
   rule `vload-pack-val`{z : state, at : addrtype, i : num_((at : addrtype <: numtype)), M : M, K : K, sx : sx, x : idx, ao : memarg, c : vec_(V128_Vnn), `j*` : iN(M)*, `k*` : nat*, Jnn : Jnn}:
-    `%~>%`(`%;%`_config(z, [CONST_instr((at : addrtype <: numtype), i) VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(M), K, sx)), x, ao)]), [VCONST_instr(V128_vectype, c)])
+    `%~>%`(`%;%`_config(z, [CONST_instr((at : addrtype <: numtype), i) VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%_%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(M), K, sx)), x, ao)]), [VCONST_instr(V128_vectype, c)])
     -- (if ($ibytes_(M, j) = $mem(z, x).BYTES_meminst[((i!`%`_num_.0 + ao.OFFSET_memarg!`%`_u32.0) + ((((k * M) : nat <:> rat) / (8 : nat <:> rat)) : rat <:> nat)) : (((M : nat <:> rat) / (8 : nat <:> rat)) : rat <:> nat)]))^(k<K){j <- `j*`, k <- `k*`}
     -- if ((c = $invlanes_(`%X%`_shape((Jnn : Jnn <: lanetype), `%`_dim(K)), $extend__(M, $lsizenn((Jnn : Jnn <: lanetype)), sx, j)^K{j <- `j*`})) /\ ($lsizenn((Jnn : Jnn <: lanetype)) = (M * 2)))
@@ -6686,13 +6696,13 @@ relation Step_read: `%~>%`(config, instr*)
   ;; 8-reduction.watsup
   rule `memory.copy-le`{z : state, at_1 : addrtype, i_1 : num_((at_1 : addrtype <: numtype)), at_2 : addrtype, i_2 : num_((at_2 : addrtype <: numtype)), at' : addrtype, n : n, x_1 : idx, x_2 : idx}:
-    `%~>%`(`%;%`_config(z, [CONST_instr((at_1 : addrtype <: numtype), i_1) CONST_instr((at_2 : addrtype <: numtype), i_2) CONST_instr((at' : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_(n)) MEMORY.COPY_instr(x_1, x_2)]), [CONST_instr((at_1 : addrtype <: numtype), i_1) CONST_instr((at_2 : addrtype <: numtype), i_2) LOAD_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(8), U_sx)), x_2, $memarg0) STORE_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%`_storeop_(`%`_sz(8))), x_1, $memarg0) CONST_instr((at_1 : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_((i_1!`%`_num_.0 + 1))) CONST_instr((at_2 : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_((i_2!`%`_num_.0 + 1))) CONST_instr((at' : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_((((n : nat <:> int) - (1 : nat <:> int)) : int <:> nat))) MEMORY.COPY_instr(x_1, x_2)])
+    `%~>%`(`%;%`_config(z, [CONST_instr((at_1 : addrtype <: numtype), i_1) CONST_instr((at_2 : addrtype <: numtype), i_2) CONST_instr((at' : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_(n)) MEMORY.COPY_instr(x_1, x_2)]), [CONST_instr((at_1 : addrtype <: numtype), i_1) CONST_instr((at_2 : addrtype <: numtype), i_2) LOAD_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(8), U_sx)), x_2, $memarg0) STORE_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%`_storeop_(`%`_sz(8))), x_1, $memarg0) CONST_instr((at_1 : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_((i_1!`%`_num_.0 + 1))) CONST_instr((at_2 : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_((i_2!`%`_num_.0 + 1))) CONST_instr((at' : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_((((n : nat <:> int) - (1 : nat <:> int)) : int <:> nat))) MEMORY.COPY_instr(x_1, x_2)])
     -- otherwise
     -- if (i_1!`%`_num_.0 <= i_2!`%`_num_.0)
   ;; 8-reduction.watsup
   rule `memory.copy-gt`{z : state, at_1 : addrtype, i_1 : num_((at_1 : addrtype <: numtype)), at_2 : addrtype, i_2 : num_((at_2 : addrtype <: numtype)), at' : addrtype, n : n, x_1 : idx, x_2 : idx}:
-    `%~>%`(`%;%`_config(z, [CONST_instr((at_1 : addrtype <: numtype), i_1) CONST_instr((at_2 : addrtype <: numtype), i_2) CONST_instr((at' : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_(n)) MEMORY.COPY_instr(x_1, x_2)]), [CONST_instr((at_1 : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_(((((i_1!`%`_num_.0 + n) : nat <:> int) - (1 : nat <:> int)) : int <:> nat))) CONST_instr((at_2 : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_(((((i_2!`%`_num_.0 + n) : nat <:> int) - (1 : nat <:> int)) : int <:> nat))) LOAD_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(8), U_sx)), x_2, $memarg0) STORE_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%`_storeop_(`%`_sz(8))), x_1, $memarg0) CONST_instr((at_1 : addrtype <: numtype), i_1) CONST_instr((at_2 : addrtype <: numtype), i_2) CONST_instr((at' : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_((((n : nat <:> int) - (1 : nat <:> int)) : int <:> nat))) MEMORY.COPY_instr(x_1, x_2)])
+    `%~>%`(`%;%`_config(z, [CONST_instr((at_1 : addrtype <: numtype), i_1) CONST_instr((at_2 : addrtype <: numtype), i_2) CONST_instr((at' : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_(n)) MEMORY.COPY_instr(x_1, x_2)]), [CONST_instr((at_1 : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_(((((i_1!`%`_num_.0 + n) : nat <:> int) - (1 : nat <:> int)) : int <:> nat))) CONST_instr((at_2 : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_(((((i_2!`%`_num_.0 + n) : nat <:> int) - (1 : nat <:> int)) : int <:> nat))) LOAD_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(8), U_sx)), x_2, $memarg0) STORE_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%`_storeop_(`%`_sz(8))), x_1, $memarg0) CONST_instr((at_1 : addrtype <: numtype), i_1) CONST_instr((at_2 : addrtype <: numtype), i_2) CONST_instr((at' : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_((((n : nat <:> int) - (1 : nat <:> int)) : int <:> nat))) MEMORY.COPY_instr(x_1, x_2)])
     -- otherwise
   ;; 8-reduction.watsup
@@ -7673,26 +7683,26 @@ grammar Binstr : instr
   prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x2A (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(F32_numtype, ?(), x, ao)
   ;; A-binary.watsup:361.5-361.41
   prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x2B (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(F64_numtype, ?(), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:362.5-362.48
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x2C (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(8), S_sx)), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:363.5-363.48
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x2D (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(8), U_sx)), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:364.5-364.49
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x2E (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(16), S_sx)), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:365.5-365.49
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x2F (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(16), U_sx)), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:366.5-366.48
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x30 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I64_numtype, ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(8), S_sx)), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:367.5-367.48
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x31 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I64_numtype, ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(8), U_sx)), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:368.5-368.49
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I64_numtype, ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(16), S_sx)), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:369.5-369.49
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x33 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I64_numtype, ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(16), U_sx)), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:370.5-370.49
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x34 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I64_numtype, ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(32), S_sx)), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:371.5-371.49
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x35 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I64_numtype, ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(32), U_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:362.5-362.50
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x2C (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(8), S_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:363.5-363.50
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x2D (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(8), U_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:364.5-364.51
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x2E (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(16), S_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:365.5-365.51
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x2F (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(16), U_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:366.5-366.50
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x30 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I64_numtype, ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(8), S_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:367.5-367.50
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x31 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I64_numtype, ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(8), U_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:368.5-368.51
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I64_numtype, ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(16), S_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:369.5-369.51
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x33 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I64_numtype, ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(16), U_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:370.5-370.51
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x34 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I64_numtype, ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(32), S_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:371.5-371.51
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x35 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I64_numtype, ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(32), U_sx)), x, ao)
   ;; A-binary.watsup:372.5-372.42
   prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x36 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => STORE_instr(I32_numtype, ?(), x, ao)
   ;; A-binary.watsup:373.5-373.42
@@ -8005,18 +8015,18 @@ grammar Binstr : instr
   prod {0xFC `%`_u32(7):Bu32} => CVTOP_instr(I64_numtype, F64_numtype, TRUNC_SAT_cvtop__(U_sx))
   ;; A-binary.watsup:598.5-598.50
   prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0xFD `%`_u32(0):Bu32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:599.5-599.68
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0xFD `%`_u32(1):Bu32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(8), 8, S_sx)), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:600.5-600.68
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0xFD `%`_u32(2):Bu32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(8), 8, U_sx)), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:601.5-601.69
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0xFD `%`_u32(3):Bu32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(16), 4, S_sx)), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:602.5-602.69
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0xFD `%`_u32(4):Bu32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(16), 4, U_sx)), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:603.5-603.69
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0xFD `%`_u32(5):Bu32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(32), 2, S_sx)), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:604.5-604.69
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0xFD `%`_u32(6):Bu32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(32), 2, U_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:599.5-599.70
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0xFD `%`_u32(1):Bu32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%_%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(8), 8, S_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:600.5-600.70
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0xFD `%`_u32(2):Bu32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%_%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(8), 8, U_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:601.5-601.71
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0xFD `%`_u32(3):Bu32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%_%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(16), 4, S_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:602.5-602.71
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0xFD `%`_u32(4):Bu32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%_%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(16), 4, U_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:603.5-603.71
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0xFD `%`_u32(5):Bu32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%_%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(32), 2, S_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:604.5-604.71
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0xFD `%`_u32(6):Bu32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%_%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(32), 2, U_sx)), x, ao)
   ;; A-binary.watsup:605.5-605.61
   prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0xFD `%`_u32(7):Bu32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(SPLAT_vloadop_(`%`_sz(8))), x, ao)
   ;; A-binary.watsup:606.5-606.62
diff --git a/spectec/test-latex/ b/spectec/test-latex/
index 6e9fd4a390..9859a21a10 100644
--- a/spectec/test-latex/
+++ b/spectec/test-latex/
@@ -2392,7 +2392,7 @@ $$
 {\mathrm{min}}(i, j) & = & i & \quad \mbox{if}~ i \leq j \\
-{\mathrm{min}}(i, j) & = & j & \mbox{otherwise} \\
+{\mathrm{min}}(i, j) & = & j & \quad \mbox{otherwise} \\
@@ -2453,7 +2453,7 @@ $$
 {{\mathrm{setminus{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}}_{X}(w, \epsilon) & = & w \\
 {{\mathrm{setminus{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}}_{X}(w, w_1~{{w'}^\ast}) & = & \epsilon & \quad \mbox{if}~ w = w_1 \\
-{{\mathrm{setminus{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}}_{X}(w, w_1~{{w'}^\ast}) & = & {{\mathrm{setminus{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}}_{X}(w, {{w'}^\ast}) & \mbox{otherwise} \\
+{{\mathrm{setminus{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}}_{X}(w, w_1~{{w'}^\ast}) & = & {{\mathrm{setminus{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}}_{X}(w, {{w'}^\ast}) & \quad \mbox{otherwise} \\
@@ -2562,7 +2562,7 @@ $$
-\mbox{(vector)} & {v}{N} & ::= & {i}{N} \\
+\mbox{(vector)} & {v}{N} & ::= & {u}{N} \\
 & {\mathit{v{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 128}}} & ::= & {v}{128} \\
@@ -2684,6 +2684,12 @@ $$
+\mathsf{exnref} & = & (\mathsf{ref}~\mathsf{null}~\mathsf{extern}) \\
 \mathsf{externref} & = & (\mathsf{ref}~\mathsf{null}~\mathsf{extern}) \\
@@ -2702,6 +2708,12 @@ $$
+\mathsf{nullexnref} & = & (\mathsf{ref}~\mathsf{null}~\mathsf{noexn}) \\
 \mathsf{nullexternref} & = & (\mathsf{ref}~\mathsf{null}~\mathsf{noextern}) \\
@@ -3015,14 +3027,14 @@ $$
-& {{\mathit{half}}}_{{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_1}{\mathsf{x}}{M_1}, {{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_2}{\mathsf{x}}{M_2}} & ::= & \mathsf{low} ~|~ \mathsf{high} & \quad \mbox{if}~ 2 \cdot N_1 = N_1 \\
-& {{\mathit{half}}}_{{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_1}{\mathsf{x}}{M_1}, {{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}_2}{\mathsf{x}}{M_2}} & ::= & \mathsf{low} & \quad \mbox{if}~ 2 \cdot N_1 = N_1 = \mathsf{{\scriptstyle 64}} \\
+& {{\mathit{half}}}_{{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_1}{\mathsf{x}}{M_1}, {{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_2}{\mathsf{x}}{M_2}} & ::= & \mathsf{low} ~|~ \mathsf{high} & \quad \mbox{if}~ 2 \cdot N_1 = N_2 \\
+& {{\mathit{half}}}_{{{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_1}{\mathsf{x}}{M_1}, {{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}_2}{\mathsf{x}}{M_2}} & ::= & \mathsf{low} & \quad \mbox{if}~ 2 \cdot N_1 = N_2 = 64 \\
-& {{\mathit{zero}}}_{{{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}_1}{\mathsf{x}}{M_1}, {{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_2}{\mathsf{x}}{M_2}} & ::= & \mathsf{zero} & \quad \mbox{if}~ 2 \cdot N_2 = N_1 = \mathsf{{\scriptstyle 64}} \\
+& {{\mathit{zero}}}_{{{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}_1}{\mathsf{x}}{M_1}, {{{\mathsf{i}}{N}}_2}{\mathsf{x}}{M_2}} & ::= & \mathsf{zero} & \quad \mbox{if}~ 2 \cdot N_2 = N_1 = 64 \\
 & {\mathit{vvunop}} & ::= & \mathsf{not} \\
 & {\mathit{vvbinop}} & ::= & \mathsf{and} ~|~ \mathsf{andnot} ~|~ \mathsf{or} ~|~ \mathsf{xor} \\
 & {\mathit{vvternop}} & ::= & \mathsf{bitselect} \\
@@ -3050,7 +3062,8 @@ $$
 & & | & {\mathsf{relaxed\_q{\scriptstyle 15}mulr}}{\mathsf{\_}}{\mathsf{s}} & \quad \mbox{if}~ N = \mathsf{{\scriptstyle 16}} \\
 & & | & {\mathsf{min}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}} & \quad \mbox{if}~ N \leq \mathsf{{\scriptstyle 32}} \\
 & & | & {\mathsf{max}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}} & \quad \mbox{if}~ N \leq \mathsf{{\scriptstyle 32}} \\
-& {{\mathit{vbinop}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}} & ::= & \mathsf{add} ~|~ \mathsf{sub} ~|~ \mathsf{mul} ~|~ \mathsf{div} ~|~ \mathsf{min} ~|~ \mathsf{max} ~|~ \mathsf{pmin} ~|~ \mathsf{pmax} ~|~ \mathsf{relaxed\_min} ~|~ \mathsf{relaxed\_max} \\
+& {{\mathit{vbinop}}}_{{{\mathsf{f}}{N}}{\mathsf{x}}{M}} & ::= & \mathsf{add} ~|~ \mathsf{sub} ~|~ \mathsf{mul} ~|~ \mathsf{div} ~|~ \mathsf{min} ~|~ \mathsf{max} ~|~ \mathsf{pmin} ~|~ \mathsf{pmax} \\
+& & | & \mathsf{relaxed\_min} ~|~ \mathsf{relaxed\_max} \\
@@ -3126,14 +3139,14 @@ $$
 \mbox{(memory argument)} & {\mathit{memarg}} & ::= & \{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}l@{}}
-\mathsf{align}~{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 32}}}   \mathsf{offset}~{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 32}}} \} \\
+\mathsf{align}~{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 32}}} ,  \mathsf{offset}~{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 32}}} \} \\
 \end{array} \\
-& {{\mathit{loadop}}}_{{\mathsf{i}}{N}} & ::= & {\mathit{sz}}~{\mathit{sx}} & \quad \mbox{if}~ {\mathit{sz}} < N \\
+& {{\mathit{loadop}}}_{{\mathsf{i}}{N}} & ::= & {{\mathit{sz}}}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}} & \quad \mbox{if}~ {\mathit{sz}} < N \\
@@ -3318,7 +3331,7 @@ $$
 {\mathrm{funcs}}(\epsilon) & = & \epsilon \\
 {\mathrm{funcs}}((\mathsf{func}~x)~{{\mathit{xx}}^\ast}) & = & x~{\mathrm{funcs}}({{\mathit{xx}}^\ast}) \\
-{\mathrm{funcs}}({\mathit{externidx}}~{{\mathit{xx}}^\ast}) & = & {\mathrm{funcs}}({{\mathit{xx}}^\ast}) & \mbox{otherwise} \\
+{\mathrm{funcs}}({\mathit{externidx}}~{{\mathit{xx}}^\ast}) & = & {\mathrm{funcs}}({{\mathit{xx}}^\ast}) & \quad \mbox{otherwise} \\
@@ -3326,7 +3339,7 @@ $$
 {\mathrm{globals}}(\epsilon) & = & \epsilon \\
 {\mathrm{globals}}((\mathsf{global}~x)~{{\mathit{xx}}^\ast}) & = & x~{\mathrm{globals}}({{\mathit{xx}}^\ast}) \\
-{\mathrm{globals}}({\mathit{externidx}}~{{\mathit{xx}}^\ast}) & = & {\mathrm{globals}}({{\mathit{xx}}^\ast}) & \mbox{otherwise} \\
+{\mathrm{globals}}({\mathit{externidx}}~{{\mathit{xx}}^\ast}) & = & {\mathrm{globals}}({{\mathit{xx}}^\ast}) & \quad \mbox{otherwise} \\
@@ -3334,7 +3347,7 @@ $$
 {\mathrm{tables}}(\epsilon) & = & \epsilon \\
 {\mathrm{tables}}((\mathsf{table}~x)~{{\mathit{xx}}^\ast}) & = & x~{\mathrm{tables}}({{\mathit{xx}}^\ast}) \\
-{\mathrm{tables}}({\mathit{externidx}}~{{\mathit{xx}}^\ast}) & = & {\mathrm{tables}}({{\mathit{xx}}^\ast}) & \mbox{otherwise} \\
+{\mathrm{tables}}({\mathit{externidx}}~{{\mathit{xx}}^\ast}) & = & {\mathrm{tables}}({{\mathit{xx}}^\ast}) & \quad \mbox{otherwise} \\
@@ -3342,7 +3355,7 @@ $$
 {\mathrm{mems}}(\epsilon) & = & \epsilon \\
 {\mathrm{mems}}((\mathsf{mem}~x)~{{\mathit{xx}}^\ast}) & = & x~{\mathrm{mems}}({{\mathit{xx}}^\ast}) \\
-{\mathrm{mems}}({\mathit{externidx}}~{{\mathit{xx}}^\ast}) & = & {\mathrm{mems}}({{\mathit{xx}}^\ast}) & \mbox{otherwise} \\
+{\mathrm{mems}}({\mathit{externidx}}~{{\mathit{xx}}^\ast}) & = & {\mathrm{mems}}({{\mathit{xx}}^\ast}) & \quad \mbox{otherwise} \\
@@ -3350,7 +3363,7 @@ $$
 {\mathrm{tags}}(\epsilon) & = & \epsilon \\
 {\mathrm{tags}}((\mathsf{tag}~x)~{{\mathit{xx}}^\ast}) & = & x~{\mathrm{tags}}({{\mathit{xx}}^\ast}) \\
-{\mathrm{tags}}({\mathit{externidx}}~{{\mathit{xx}}^\ast}) & = & {\mathrm{tags}}({{\mathit{xx}}^\ast}) & \mbox{otherwise} \\
+{\mathrm{tags}}({\mathit{externidx}}~{{\mathit{xx}}^\ast}) & = & {\mathrm{tags}}({{\mathit{xx}}^\ast}) & \quad \mbox{otherwise} \\
@@ -3386,7 +3399,7 @@ $$
 {\mathrm{min}}({\mathit{at}}_1, {\mathit{at}}_2) & = & {\mathit{at}}_1 & \quad \mbox{if}~ {|{\mathit{at}}_1|} \leq {|{\mathit{at}}_2|} \\
-{\mathrm{min}}({\mathit{at}}_1, {\mathit{at}}_2) & = & {\mathit{at}}_2 & \mbox{otherwise} \\
+{\mathrm{min}}({\mathit{at}}_1, {\mathit{at}}_2) & = & {\mathit{at}}_2 & \quad \mbox{otherwise} \\
@@ -3407,7 +3420,7 @@ $$
 {\mathrm{funcs}}(\epsilon) & = & \epsilon \\
 {\mathrm{funcs}}((\mathsf{func}~{\mathit{dt}})~{{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}) & = & {\mathit{dt}}~{\mathrm{funcs}}({{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}) \\
-{\mathrm{funcs}}({\mathit{externtype}}~{{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}) & = & {\mathrm{funcs}}({{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}) & \mbox{otherwise} \\
+{\mathrm{funcs}}({\mathit{externtype}}~{{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}) & = & {\mathrm{funcs}}({{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}) & \quad \mbox{otherwise} \\
@@ -3415,7 +3428,7 @@ $$
 {\mathrm{globals}}(\epsilon) & = & \epsilon \\
 {\mathrm{globals}}((\mathsf{global}~{\mathit{gt}})~{{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}) & = & {\mathit{gt}}~{\mathrm{globals}}({{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}) \\
-{\mathrm{globals}}({\mathit{externtype}}~{{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}) & = & {\mathrm{globals}}({{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}) & \mbox{otherwise} \\
+{\mathrm{globals}}({\mathit{externtype}}~{{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}) & = & {\mathrm{globals}}({{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}) & \quad \mbox{otherwise} \\
@@ -3423,7 +3436,7 @@ $$
 {\mathrm{tables}}(\epsilon) & = & \epsilon \\
 {\mathrm{tables}}((\mathsf{table}~{\mathit{tt}})~{{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}) & = & {\mathit{tt}}~{\mathrm{tables}}({{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}) \\
-{\mathrm{tables}}({\mathit{externtype}}~{{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}) & = & {\mathrm{tables}}({{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}) & \mbox{otherwise} \\
+{\mathrm{tables}}({\mathit{externtype}}~{{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}) & = & {\mathrm{tables}}({{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}) & \quad \mbox{otherwise} \\
@@ -3431,7 +3444,7 @@ $$
 {\mathrm{mems}}(\epsilon) & = & \epsilon \\
 {\mathrm{mems}}((\mathsf{mem}~{\mathit{mt}})~{{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}) & = & {\mathit{mt}}~{\mathrm{mems}}({{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}) \\
-{\mathrm{mems}}({\mathit{externtype}}~{{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}) & = & {\mathrm{mems}}({{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}) & \mbox{otherwise} \\
+{\mathrm{mems}}({\mathit{externtype}}~{{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}) & = & {\mathrm{mems}}({{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}) & \quad \mbox{otherwise} \\
@@ -3439,7 +3452,7 @@ $$
 {\mathrm{tags}}(\epsilon) & = & \epsilon \\
 {\mathrm{tags}}((\mathsf{tag}~{\mathit{jt}})~{{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}) & = & {\mathit{jt}}~{\mathrm{tags}}({{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}) \\
-{\mathrm{tags}}({\mathit{externtype}}~{{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}) & = & {\mathrm{tags}}({{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}) & \mbox{otherwise} \\
+{\mathrm{tags}}({\mathit{externtype}}~{{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}) & = & {\mathrm{tags}}({{\mathit{xt}}^\ast}) & \quad \mbox{otherwise} \\
@@ -3451,7 +3464,7 @@ $$
 {{\mathit{tv}}}{{}[ \epsilon := \epsilon ]} & = & {\mathit{tv}} \\
 {{\mathit{tv}}}{{}[ {\mathit{tv}}_1~{{\mathit{tv}'}^\ast} := {\mathit{tu}}_1~{{\mathit{tu}'}^\ast} ]} & = & {\mathit{tu}}_1 & \quad \mbox{if}~ {\mathit{tv}} = {\mathit{tv}}_1 \\
-{{\mathit{tv}}}{{}[ {\mathit{tv}}_1~{{\mathit{tv}'}^\ast} := {\mathit{tu}}_1~{{\mathit{tu}'}^\ast} ]} & = & {{\mathit{tv}}}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}'}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}'}^\ast} ]} & \mbox{otherwise} \\
+{{\mathit{tv}}}{{}[ {\mathit{tv}}_1~{{\mathit{tv}'}^\ast} := {\mathit{tu}}_1~{{\mathit{tu}'}^\ast} ]} & = & {{\mathit{tv}}}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}'}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}'}^\ast} ]} & \quad \mbox{otherwise} \\
@@ -3484,7 +3497,7 @@ $$
 {{\mathit{tv}'}}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]} & = & {{\mathit{tv}'}}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]} \\
 {{\mathit{dt}}}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]} & = & {{\mathit{dt}}}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]} \\
-{{\mathit{ht}}}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]} & = & {\mathit{ht}} & \mbox{otherwise} \\
+{{\mathit{ht}}}{{}[ {{\mathit{tv}}^\ast} := {{\mathit{tu}}^\ast} ]} & = & {\mathit{ht}} & \quad \mbox{otherwise} \\
@@ -7040,7 +7053,7 @@ C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x] = {\mathit{at}}~{\mathit{lim}}~\mathsf{page}
 {2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}} \leq M / 8
-C \vdash {{\mathsf{i}}{N}{.}\mathsf{load}}{M~{\mathit{sx}}}~x~{\mathit{memarg}} : {\mathit{at}} \rightarrow {\mathsf{i}}{N}
+C \vdash {{\mathsf{i}}{N}{.}\mathsf{load}}{{M}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}}}~x~{\mathit{memarg}} : {\mathit{at}} \rightarrow {\mathsf{i}}{N}
 } \, {[\textsc{\scriptsize T{-}load{-}pack}]}
@@ -7866,14 +7879,14 @@ $$
 {{\mathrm{relaxed}}(i)}{{}[ X_1, X_2 ]} & = & (X_1~X_2){}[i] & \quad \mbox{if}~ {\mathrm{ND}} \\
-{{\mathrm{relaxed}}(i)}{{}[ X_1, X_2 ]} & = & (X_1~X_2){}[0] & \mbox{otherwise} \\
+{{\mathrm{relaxed}}(i)}{{}[ X_1, X_2 ]} & = & (X_1~X_2){}[0] & \quad \mbox{otherwise} \\
 {{\mathrm{relaxed}}(i)}{{}[ X_1, X_2, X_3, X_4 ]} & = & (X_1~X_2~X_3~X_4){}[i] & \quad \mbox{if}~ {\mathrm{ND}} \\
-{{\mathrm{relaxed}}(i)}{{}[ X_1, X_2, X_3, X_4 ]} & = & (X_1~X_2~X_3~X_4){}[0] & \mbox{otherwise} \\
+{{\mathrm{relaxed}}(i)}{{}[ X_1, X_2, X_3, X_4 ]} & = & (X_1~X_2~X_3~X_4){}[0] & \quad \mbox{otherwise} \\
@@ -7943,7 +7956,7 @@ $$
 {{\mathrm{sat\_u}}}_{N}(i) & = & 0 & \quad \mbox{if}~ i < 0 \\
 {{\mathrm{sat\_u}}}_{N}(i) & = & {2^{N}} - 1 & \quad \mbox{if}~ i > {2^{N}} - 1 \\
-{{\mathrm{sat\_u}}}_{N}(i) & = & i & \mbox{otherwise} \\
+{{\mathrm{sat\_u}}}_{N}(i) & = & i & \quad \mbox{otherwise} \\
@@ -7951,7 +7964,7 @@ $$
 {{\mathrm{sat\_s}}}_{N}(i) & = & {-{2^{N - 1}}} & \quad \mbox{if}~ i < {-{2^{N - 1}}} \\
 {{\mathrm{sat\_s}}}_{N}(i) & = & {2^{N - 1}} - 1 & \quad \mbox{if}~ i > {2^{N - 1}} - 1 \\
-{{\mathrm{sat\_s}}}_{N}(i) & = & i & \mbox{otherwise} \\
+{{\mathrm{sat\_s}}}_{N}(i) & = & i & \quad \mbox{otherwise} \\
@@ -7968,7 +7981,7 @@ $$
 {{\mathrm{iabs}}}_{N}(i_1) & = & i_1 & \quad \mbox{if}~ {{\mathrm{signed}}}_{N}(i_1) \geq 0 \\
-{{\mathrm{iabs}}}_{N}(i_1) & = & {{\mathrm{ineg}}}_{N}(i_1) & \mbox{otherwise} \\
+{{\mathrm{iabs}}}_{N}(i_1) & = & {{\mathrm{ineg}}}_{N}(i_1) & \quad \mbox{otherwise} \\
@@ -8262,7 +8275,7 @@ $$
 {{\mathrm{iswizzle}}_{{\mathit{lane}}}}_{N}({c^\ast}, i) & = & {c^\ast}{}[i] & \quad \mbox{if}~ i < {|{c^\ast}|} \\
-{{\mathrm{iswizzle}}_{{\mathit{lane}}}}_{N}({c^\ast}, i) & = & 0 & \mbox{otherwise} \\
+{{\mathrm{iswizzle}}_{{\mathit{lane}}}}_{N}({c^\ast}, i) & = & 0 & \quad \mbox{otherwise} \\
@@ -8270,7 +8283,7 @@ $$
 {{\mathrm{irelaxed}}_{{\mathit{swizzle}}_{{\mathit{lane}}}}}_{N}({c^\ast}, i) & = & {c^\ast}{}[i] & \quad \mbox{if}~ i < {|{c^\ast}|} \\
 {{\mathrm{irelaxed}}_{{\mathit{swizzle}}_{{\mathit{lane}}}}}_{N}({c^\ast}, i) & = & 0 & \quad \mbox{if}~ {{\mathrm{signed}}}_{N}(i) < 0 \\
-{{\mathrm{irelaxed}}_{{\mathit{swizzle}}_{{\mathit{lane}}}}}_{N}({c^\ast}, i) & = & {{\mathrm{relaxed}}({\mathrm{R}}_{\mathit{swizzle}})}{{}[ 0, {c^\ast}{}[i \mathbin{\mathrm{mod}} {|{c^\ast}|}] ]} & \mbox{otherwise} \\
+{{\mathrm{irelaxed}}_{{\mathit{swizzle}}_{{\mathit{lane}}}}}_{N}({c^\ast}, i) & = & {{\mathrm{relaxed}}({\mathrm{R}}_{\mathit{swizzle}})}{{}[ 0, {c^\ast}{}[i \mathbin{\mathrm{mod}} {|{c^\ast}|}] ]} & \quad \mbox{otherwise} \\
@@ -8803,28 +8816,28 @@ $$
 \mbox{(host function)} & {\mathit{hostfunc}} & ::= & \ldots \\
 & {\mathit{code}} & ::= & {\mathit{func}} ~|~ {\mathit{hostfunc}} \\
 \mbox{(function instance)} & {\mathit{funcinst}} & ::= & \{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}l@{}}
-\mathsf{type}~{\mathit{deftype}}   \mathsf{module}~{\mathit{moduleinst}}   \mathsf{code}~{\mathit{code}} \} \\
+\mathsf{type}~{\mathit{deftype}} ,  \mathsf{module}~{\mathit{moduleinst}} ,  \mathsf{code}~{\mathit{code}} \} \\
 \end{array} \\
 \mbox{(global instance)} & {\mathit{globalinst}} & ::= & \{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}l@{}}
-\mathsf{type}~{\mathit{globaltype}}   \mathsf{value}~{\mathit{val}} \} \\
+\mathsf{type}~{\mathit{globaltype}} ,  \mathsf{value}~{\mathit{val}} \} \\
 \end{array} \\
 \mbox{(table instance)} & {\mathit{tableinst}} & ::= & \{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}l@{}}
-\mathsf{type}~{\mathit{tabletype}}   \mathsf{refs}~{{\mathit{ref}}^\ast} \} \\
+\mathsf{type}~{\mathit{tabletype}} ,  \mathsf{refs}~{{\mathit{ref}}^\ast} \} \\
 \end{array} \\
 \mbox{(memory instance)} & {\mathit{meminst}} & ::= & \{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}l@{}}
-\mathsf{type}~{\mathit{memtype}}   \mathsf{bytes}~{{\mathit{byte}}^\ast} \} \\
+\mathsf{type}~{\mathit{memtype}} ,  \mathsf{bytes}~{{\mathit{byte}}^\ast} \} \\
 \end{array} \\
 \mbox{(tag instance)} & {\mathit{taginst}} & ::= & \{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}l@{}}
 \mathsf{type}~{\mathit{tagtype}} \} \\
 \end{array} \\
 \mbox{(element instance)} & {\mathit{eleminst}} & ::= & \{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}l@{}}
-\mathsf{type}~{\mathit{elemtype}}   \mathsf{refs}~{{\mathit{ref}}^\ast} \} \\
+\mathsf{type}~{\mathit{elemtype}} ,  \mathsf{refs}~{{\mathit{ref}}^\ast} \} \\
 \end{array} \\
 \mbox{(data instance)} & {\mathit{datainst}} & ::= & \{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}l@{}}
 \mathsf{bytes}~{{\mathit{byte}}^\ast} \} \\
 \end{array} \\
 \mbox{(export instance)} & {\mathit{exportinst}} & ::= & \{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}l@{}}
-\mathsf{name}~{\mathit{name}}   \mathsf{addr}~{\mathit{externaddr}} \} \\
+\mathsf{name}~{\mathit{name}} ,  \mathsf{addr}~{\mathit{externaddr}} \} \\
 \end{array} \\
@@ -8836,13 +8849,13 @@ $$
 \mbox{(packed value)} & {\mathit{packval}} & ::= & {\mathit{packtype}}{.}\mathsf{pack}~{i}{N} \\
 \mbox{(field value)} & {\mathit{fieldval}} & ::= & {\mathit{val}} ~|~ {\mathit{packval}} \\
 \mbox{(structure instance)} & {\mathit{structinst}} & ::= & \{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}l@{}}
-\mathsf{type}~{\mathit{deftype}}   \mathsf{fields}~{{\mathit{fieldval}}^\ast} \} \\
+\mathsf{type}~{\mathit{deftype}} ,  \mathsf{fields}~{{\mathit{fieldval}}^\ast} \} \\
 \end{array} \\
 \mbox{(array instance)} & {\mathit{arrayinst}} & ::= & \{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}l@{}}
-\mathsf{type}~{\mathit{deftype}}   \mathsf{fields}~{{\mathit{fieldval}}^\ast} \} \\
+\mathsf{type}~{\mathit{deftype}} ,  \mathsf{fields}~{{\mathit{fieldval}}^\ast} \} \\
 \end{array} \\
 \mbox{(exception instance)} & {\mathit{exninst}} & ::= & \{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}l@{}}
-\mathsf{tag}~{\mathit{tagaddr}}   \mathsf{fields}~{{\mathit{val}}^\ast} \} \\
+\mathsf{tag}~{\mathit{tagaddr}} ,  \mathsf{fields}~{{\mathit{val}}^\ast} \} \\
 \end{array} \\
@@ -8882,7 +8895,7 @@ $$
 \mathsf{exns}~{{\mathit{exninst}}^\ast} \} \\
 \end{array} \\
 \mbox{(frame)} & {\mathit{frame}} & ::= & \{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}l@{}}
-\mathsf{locals}~{({{\mathit{val}}^?})^\ast}   \mathsf{module}~{\mathit{moduleinst}} \} \\
+\mathsf{locals}~{({{\mathit{val}}^?})^\ast} ,  \mathsf{module}~{\mathit{moduleinst}} \} \\
 \end{array} \\
@@ -9009,7 +9022,7 @@ $$
 {\mathrm{funcs}}(\epsilon) & = & \epsilon \\
 {\mathrm{funcs}}((\mathsf{func}~a)~{{\mathit{xa}}^\ast}) & = & a~{\mathrm{funcs}}({{\mathit{xa}}^\ast}) \\
-{\mathrm{funcs}}({\mathit{externaddr}}~{{\mathit{xa}}^\ast}) & = & {\mathrm{funcs}}({{\mathit{xa}}^\ast}) & \mbox{otherwise} \\
+{\mathrm{funcs}}({\mathit{externaddr}}~{{\mathit{xa}}^\ast}) & = & {\mathrm{funcs}}({{\mathit{xa}}^\ast}) & \quad \mbox{otherwise} \\
@@ -9017,7 +9030,7 @@ $$
 {\mathrm{globals}}(\epsilon) & = & \epsilon \\
 {\mathrm{globals}}((\mathsf{global}~a)~{{\mathit{xa}}^\ast}) & = & a~{\mathrm{globals}}({{\mathit{xa}}^\ast}) \\
-{\mathrm{globals}}({\mathit{externaddr}}~{{\mathit{xa}}^\ast}) & = & {\mathrm{globals}}({{\mathit{xa}}^\ast}) & \mbox{otherwise} \\
+{\mathrm{globals}}({\mathit{externaddr}}~{{\mathit{xa}}^\ast}) & = & {\mathrm{globals}}({{\mathit{xa}}^\ast}) & \quad \mbox{otherwise} \\
@@ -9025,7 +9038,7 @@ $$
 {\mathrm{tables}}(\epsilon) & = & \epsilon \\
 {\mathrm{tables}}((\mathsf{table}~a)~{{\mathit{xa}}^\ast}) & = & a~{\mathrm{tables}}({{\mathit{xa}}^\ast}) \\
-{\mathrm{tables}}({\mathit{externaddr}}~{{\mathit{xa}}^\ast}) & = & {\mathrm{tables}}({{\mathit{xa}}^\ast}) & \mbox{otherwise} \\
+{\mathrm{tables}}({\mathit{externaddr}}~{{\mathit{xa}}^\ast}) & = & {\mathrm{tables}}({{\mathit{xa}}^\ast}) & \quad \mbox{otherwise} \\
@@ -9033,7 +9046,7 @@ $$
 {\mathrm{mems}}(\epsilon) & = & \epsilon \\
 {\mathrm{mems}}((\mathsf{mem}~a)~{{\mathit{xa}}^\ast}) & = & a~{\mathrm{mems}}({{\mathit{xa}}^\ast}) \\
-{\mathrm{mems}}({\mathit{externaddr}}~{{\mathit{xa}}^\ast}) & = & {\mathrm{mems}}({{\mathit{xa}}^\ast}) & \mbox{otherwise} \\
+{\mathrm{mems}}({\mathit{externaddr}}~{{\mathit{xa}}^\ast}) & = & {\mathrm{mems}}({{\mathit{xa}}^\ast}) & \quad \mbox{otherwise} \\
@@ -9041,7 +9054,7 @@ $$
 {\mathrm{tags}}(\epsilon) & = & \epsilon \\
 {\mathrm{tags}}((\mathsf{tag}~a)~{{\mathit{xa}}^\ast}) & = & a~{\mathrm{tags}}({{\mathit{xa}}^\ast}) \\
-{\mathrm{tags}}({\mathit{externaddr}}~{{\mathit{xa}}^\ast}) & = & {\mathrm{tags}}({{\mathit{xa}}^\ast}) & \mbox{otherwise} \\
+{\mathrm{tags}}({\mathit{externaddr}}~{{\mathit{xa}}^\ast}) & = & {\mathrm{tags}}({{\mathit{xa}}^\ast}) & \quad \mbox{otherwise} \\
@@ -9655,7 +9668,7 @@ $$
 {[\textsc{\scriptsize E{-}br\_on\_null{-}null}]} \quad & {\mathit{val}}~(\mathsf{br\_on\_null}~l) & \hookrightarrow & (\mathsf{br}~l) & \quad \mbox{if}~ {\mathit{val}} = \mathsf{ref{.}null}~{\mathit{ht}} \\
-{[\textsc{\scriptsize E{-}br\_on\_null{-}addr}]} \quad & {\mathit{val}}~(\mathsf{br\_on\_null}~l) & \hookrightarrow & {\mathit{val}} & \mbox{otherwise} \\
+{[\textsc{\scriptsize E{-}br\_on\_null{-}addr}]} \quad & {\mathit{val}}~(\mathsf{br\_on\_null}~l) & \hookrightarrow & {\mathit{val}} & \quad \mbox{otherwise} \\
@@ -9664,7 +9677,7 @@ $$
 {[\textsc{\scriptsize E{-}br\_on\_non\_null{-}null}]} \quad & {\mathit{val}}~(\mathsf{br\_on\_non\_null}~l) & \hookrightarrow & \epsilon & \quad \mbox{if}~ {\mathit{val}} = \mathsf{ref{.}null}~{\mathit{ht}} \\
-{[\textsc{\scriptsize E{-}br\_on\_non\_null{-}addr}]} \quad & {\mathit{val}}~(\mathsf{br\_on\_non\_null}~l) & \hookrightarrow & {\mathit{val}}~(\mathsf{br}~l) & \mbox{otherwise} \\
+{[\textsc{\scriptsize E{-}br\_on\_non\_null{-}addr}]} \quad & {\mathit{val}}~(\mathsf{br\_on\_non\_null}~l) & \hookrightarrow & {\mathit{val}}~(\mathsf{br}~l) & \quad \mbox{otherwise} \\
@@ -9678,7 +9691,7 @@ $$
 {\land}~ \{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}
  \}\end{array} \vdash {\mathit{rt}} \leq {{\mathrm{inst}}}_{f{.}\mathsf{module}}({\mathit{rt}}_2) \\
 \end{array} \\
-{[\textsc{\scriptsize E{-}br\_on\_cast{-}fail}]} \quad & s ; f ; {\mathit{ref}}~(\mathsf{br\_on\_cast}~l~{\mathit{rt}}_1~{\mathit{rt}}_2) & \hookrightarrow & {\mathit{ref}} & \mbox{otherwise} \\
+{[\textsc{\scriptsize E{-}br\_on\_cast{-}fail}]} \quad & s ; f ; {\mathit{ref}}~(\mathsf{br\_on\_cast}~l~{\mathit{rt}}_1~{\mathit{rt}}_2) & \hookrightarrow & {\mathit{ref}} & \quad \mbox{otherwise} \\
@@ -9692,7 +9705,7 @@ $$
 {\land}~ \{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}
  \}\end{array} \vdash {\mathit{rt}} \leq {{\mathrm{inst}}}_{f{.}\mathsf{module}}({\mathit{rt}}_2) \\
 \end{array} \\
-{[\textsc{\scriptsize E{-}br\_on\_cast\_fail{-}fail}]} \quad & s ; f ; {\mathit{ref}}~(\mathsf{br\_on\_cast\_fail}~l~{\mathit{rt}}_1~{\mathit{rt}}_2) & \hookrightarrow & {\mathit{ref}}~(\mathsf{br}~l) & \mbox{otherwise} \\
+{[\textsc{\scriptsize E{-}br\_on\_cast\_fail{-}fail}]} \quad & s ; f ; {\mathit{ref}}~(\mathsf{br\_on\_cast\_fail}~l~{\mathit{rt}}_1~{\mathit{rt}}_2) & \hookrightarrow & {\mathit{ref}}~(\mathsf{br}~l) & \quad \mbox{otherwise} \\
@@ -9791,7 +9804,7 @@ $$
 \end{array} \\
 {[\textsc{\scriptsize E{-}throw\_ref{-}handler{-}catch\_all}]} \quad & z ; ({{\mathsf{handler}}_{n}}{\{ (\mathsf{catch\_all}~l)~{{\mathit{catch}'}^\ast} \}}~(\mathsf{ref{.}exn}~a)~\mathsf{throw\_ref}) & \hookrightarrow & (\mathsf{br}~l) \\
 {[\textsc{\scriptsize E{-}throw\_ref{-}handler{-}catch\_all\_ref}]} \quad & z ; ({{\mathsf{handler}}_{n}}{\{ (\mathsf{catch\_all\_ref}~l)~{{\mathit{catch}'}^\ast} \}}~(\mathsf{ref{.}exn}~a)~\mathsf{throw\_ref}) & \hookrightarrow & (\mathsf{ref{.}exn}~a)~(\mathsf{br}~l) \\
-{[\textsc{\scriptsize E{-}throw\_ref{-}handler{-}next}]} \quad & z ; ({{\mathsf{handler}}_{n}}{\{ {\mathit{catch}}~{{\mathit{catch}'}^\ast} \}}~(\mathsf{ref{.}exn}~a)~\mathsf{throw\_ref}) & \hookrightarrow & ({{\mathsf{handler}}_{n}}{\{ {{\mathit{catch}'}^\ast} \}}~(\mathsf{ref{.}exn}~a)~\mathsf{throw\_ref}) & \mbox{otherwise} \\
+{[\textsc{\scriptsize E{-}throw\_ref{-}handler{-}next}]} \quad & z ; ({{\mathsf{handler}}_{n}}{\{ {\mathit{catch}}~{{\mathit{catch}'}^\ast} \}}~(\mathsf{ref{.}exn}~a)~\mathsf{throw\_ref}) & \hookrightarrow & ({{\mathsf{handler}}_{n}}{\{ {{\mathit{catch}'}^\ast} \}}~(\mathsf{ref{.}exn}~a)~\mathsf{throw\_ref}) & \quad \mbox{otherwise} \\
 {[\textsc{\scriptsize E{-}try\_table}]} \quad & z ; {{\mathit{val}}^{m}}~(\mathsf{try\_table}~{\mathit{bt}}~{{\mathit{catch}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast}) & \hookrightarrow & ({{\mathsf{handler}}_{n}}{\{ {{\mathit{catch}}^\ast} \}}~({{\mathsf{label}}_{n}}{\{ \epsilon \}}~{{\mathit{val}}^{m}}~{{\mathit{instr}}^\ast})) & \quad \mbox{if}~ {{\mathrm{blocktype}}}_{z}({\mathit{bt}}) = {t_1^{m}} \rightarrow {t_2^{n}} \\
@@ -9870,7 +9883,7 @@ $$
 {[\textsc{\scriptsize E{-}\_null{-}true}]} \quad & {\mathit{ref}}~\mathsf{ref{.}is\_null} & \hookrightarrow & (\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~1) & \quad \mbox{if}~ {\mathit{ref}} = (\mathsf{ref{.}null}~{\mathit{ht}}) \\
-{[\textsc{\scriptsize E{-}\_null{-}false}]} \quad & {\mathit{ref}}~\mathsf{ref{.}is\_null} & \hookrightarrow & (\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~0) & \mbox{otherwise} \\
+{[\textsc{\scriptsize E{-}\_null{-}false}]} \quad & {\mathit{ref}}~\mathsf{ref{.}is\_null} & \hookrightarrow & (\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~0) & \quad \mbox{otherwise} \\
@@ -9879,7 +9892,7 @@ $$
 {[\textsc{\scriptsize E{-}\_non\_null{-}null}]} \quad & {\mathit{ref}}~\mathsf{ref{.}as\_non\_null} & \hookrightarrow & \mathsf{trap} & \quad \mbox{if}~ {\mathit{ref}} = (\mathsf{ref{.}null}~{\mathit{ht}}) \\
-{[\textsc{\scriptsize E{-}\_non\_null{-}addr}]} \quad & {\mathit{ref}}~\mathsf{ref{.}as\_non\_null} & \hookrightarrow & {\mathit{ref}} & \mbox{otherwise} \\
+{[\textsc{\scriptsize E{-}\_non\_null{-}addr}]} \quad & {\mathit{ref}}~\mathsf{ref{.}as\_non\_null} & \hookrightarrow & {\mathit{ref}} & \quad \mbox{otherwise} \\
@@ -9889,7 +9902,7 @@ $$
 {[\textsc{\scriptsize E{-}ref.eq{-}null}]} \quad & {\mathit{ref}}_1~{\mathit{ref}}_2~\mathsf{ref{.}eq} & \hookrightarrow & (\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~1) & \quad \mbox{if}~ {\mathit{ref}}_1 = (\mathsf{ref{.}null}~{\mathit{ht}}_1) \land {\mathit{ref}}_2 = (\mathsf{ref{.}null}~{\mathit{ht}}_2) \\
 {[\textsc{\scriptsize E{-}ref.eq{-}true}]} \quad & {\mathit{ref}}_1~{\mathit{ref}}_2~\mathsf{ref{.}eq} & \hookrightarrow & (\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~1) & \quad \mbox{otherwise, if}~ {\mathit{ref}}_1 = {\mathit{ref}}_2 \\
-{[\textsc{\scriptsize E{-}ref.eq{-}false}]} \quad & {\mathit{ref}}_1~{\mathit{ref}}_2~\mathsf{ref{.}eq} & \hookrightarrow & (\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~0) & \mbox{otherwise} \\
+{[\textsc{\scriptsize E{-}ref.eq{-}false}]} \quad & {\mathit{ref}}_1~{\mathit{ref}}_2~\mathsf{ref{.}eq} & \hookrightarrow & (\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~0) & \quad \mbox{otherwise} \\
@@ -9903,7 +9916,7 @@ $$
 {\land}~ \{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}
  \}\end{array} \vdash {\mathit{rt}'} \leq {{\mathrm{inst}}}_{f{.}\mathsf{module}}({\mathit{rt}}) \\
 \end{array} \\
-{[\textsc{\scriptsize E{-}ref.test{-}false}]} \quad & s ; f ; {\mathit{ref}}~(\mathsf{ref{.}test}~{\mathit{rt}}) & \hookrightarrow & (\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~0) & \mbox{otherwise} \\
+{[\textsc{\scriptsize E{-}ref.test{-}false}]} \quad & s ; f ; {\mathit{ref}}~(\mathsf{ref{.}test}~{\mathit{rt}}) & \hookrightarrow & (\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~0) & \quad \mbox{otherwise} \\
@@ -9917,7 +9930,7 @@ $$
 {\land}~ \{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}}
  \}\end{array} \vdash {\mathit{rt}'} \leq {{\mathrm{inst}}}_{f{.}\mathsf{module}}({\mathit{rt}}) \\
 \end{array} \\
-{[\textsc{\scriptsize E{-}ref.cast{-}fail}]} \quad & s ; f ; {\mathit{ref}}~(\mathsf{ref{.}cast}~{\mathit{rt}}) & \hookrightarrow & \mathsf{trap} & \mbox{otherwise} \\
+{[\textsc{\scriptsize E{-}ref.cast{-}fail}]} \quad & s ; f ; {\mathit{ref}}~(\mathsf{ref{.}cast}~{\mathit{rt}}) & \hookrightarrow & \mathsf{trap} & \quad \mbox{otherwise} \\
@@ -10085,7 +10098,7 @@ $$
 & \multicolumn{4}{@{}l@{}}{\quad
 \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}} (\mathsf{ref{.}array}~a)~(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i)~{\mathit{val}}~(\mathsf{array{.}set}~x) \\
-  (\mathsf{ref{.}array}~a)~(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i + 1)~{\mathit{val}}~(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~n - 1)~(\mathsf{array{.}fill}~x) \end{array} & \mbox{otherwise} \\
+  (\mathsf{ref{.}array}~a)~(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i + 1)~{\mathit{val}}~(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~n - 1)~(\mathsf{array{.}fill}~x) \end{array} & \quad \mbox{otherwise} \\
 } \\
 {[\textsc{\scriptsize E{-}array.copy{-}null1}]} \quad & z ; (\mathsf{ref{.}null}~{\mathit{ht}}_1)~(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i_1)~{\mathit{ref}}~(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i_2)~(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~n)~(\mathsf{array{.}copy}~x_1~x_2) & \hookrightarrow & \mathsf{trap} \\
@@ -10490,7 +10503,7 @@ $$
 & \multicolumn{4}{@{}l@{}}{\quad
 \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}} ({\mathit{at}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i)~{\mathit{val}}~(\mathsf{table{.}set}~x) \\
-  ({\mathit{at}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i + 1)~{\mathit{val}}~({\mathit{at}}{.}\mathsf{const}~n - 1)~(\mathsf{table{.}fill}~x) \end{array} & \mbox{otherwise} \\
+  ({\mathit{at}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i + 1)~{\mathit{val}}~({\mathit{at}}{.}\mathsf{const}~n - 1)~(\mathsf{table{.}fill}~x) \end{array} & \quad \mbox{otherwise} \\
 } \\
@@ -10516,7 +10529,7 @@ $$
 & \multicolumn{4}{@{}l@{}}{\quad
 \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}} ({\mathit{at}}_1{.}\mathsf{const}~i_1 + n - 1)~({\mathit{at}}_2{.}\mathsf{const}~i_2 + n - 1)~(\mathsf{table{.}get}~x_2)~(\mathsf{table{.}set}~x_1) \\
-  ({\mathit{at}}_1{.}\mathsf{const}~i_1)~({\mathit{at}}_2{.}\mathsf{const}~i_2)~({\mathit{at}'}{.}\mathsf{const}~n - 1)~(\mathsf{table{.}copy}~x_1~x_2) \end{array} & \mbox{otherwise} \\
+  ({\mathit{at}}_1{.}\mathsf{const}~i_1)~({\mathit{at}}_2{.}\mathsf{const}~i_2)~({\mathit{at}'}{.}\mathsf{const}~n - 1)~(\mathsf{table{.}copy}~x_1~x_2) \end{array} & \quad \mbox{otherwise} \\
 } \\
@@ -10535,7 +10548,7 @@ $$
 & \multicolumn{4}{@{}l@{}}{\quad
 \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}} ({\mathit{at}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i)~z{.}\mathsf{elems}{}[y]{.}\mathsf{refs}{}[j]~(\mathsf{table{.}set}~x) \\
-  ({\mathit{at}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i + 1)~(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~j + 1)~(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~n - 1)~(\mathsf{table{.}init}~x~y) \end{array} & \mbox{otherwise} \\
+  ({\mathit{at}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i + 1)~(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~j + 1)~(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~n - 1)~(\mathsf{table{.}init}~x~y) \end{array} & \quad \mbox{otherwise} \\
 } \\
@@ -10561,11 +10574,11 @@ $$
 &&& \multicolumn{2}{@{}l@{}}{\quad
 \quad \mbox{if}~ {{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{{\mathit{nt}}}(c) = z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} : {|{\mathit{nt}}|} / 8]
 } \\
-{[\textsc{\scriptsize E{-}load{-}pack{-}oob}]} \quad & z ; ({\mathit{at}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i)~({{\mathsf{i}}{N}{.}\mathsf{load}}{n~{\mathit{sx}}}~x~{\mathit{ao}}) & \hookrightarrow & \mathsf{trap} &  \\
+{[\textsc{\scriptsize E{-}load{-}pack{-}oob}]} \quad & z ; ({\mathit{at}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i)~({{\mathsf{i}}{N}{.}\mathsf{load}}{{n}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}}}~x~{\mathit{ao}}) & \hookrightarrow & \mathsf{trap} &  \\
 &&& \multicolumn{2}{@{}l@{}}{\quad
 \quad \mbox{if}~ i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} + n / 8 > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}
 } \\
-{[\textsc{\scriptsize E{-}load{-}pack{-}val}]} \quad & z ; ({\mathit{at}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i)~({{\mathsf{i}}{N}{.}\mathsf{load}}{n~{\mathit{sx}}}~x~{\mathit{ao}}) & \hookrightarrow & ({\mathsf{i}}{N}{.}\mathsf{const}~{{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{n, {|{\mathsf{i}}{N}|}}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{(c)}) &  \\
+{[\textsc{\scriptsize E{-}load{-}pack{-}val}]} \quad & z ; ({\mathit{at}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i)~({{\mathsf{i}}{N}{.}\mathsf{load}}{{n}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}}}~x~{\mathit{ao}}) & \hookrightarrow & ({\mathsf{i}}{N}{.}\mathsf{const}~{{{{\mathrm{extend}}}_{n, {|{\mathsf{i}}{N}|}}^{{\mathit{sx}}}}}{(c)}) &  \\
 &&& \multicolumn{2}{@{}l@{}}{\quad
 \quad \mbox{if}~ {{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}(c) = z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} : n / 8]
 } \\
@@ -10715,7 +10728,7 @@ $$
 & \multicolumn{4}{@{}l@{}}{\quad
 \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}} ({\mathit{at}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i)~{\mathit{val}}~({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{store}}{8}~x) \\
-  ({\mathit{at}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i + 1)~{\mathit{val}}~({\mathit{at}}{.}\mathsf{const}~n - 1)~(\mathsf{memory{.}fill}~x) \end{array} & \mbox{otherwise} \\
+  ({\mathit{at}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i + 1)~{\mathit{val}}~({\mathit{at}}{.}\mathsf{const}~n - 1)~(\mathsf{memory{.}fill}~x) \end{array} & \quad \mbox{otherwise} \\
 } \\
@@ -10733,15 +10746,15 @@ $$
 {[\textsc{\scriptsize E{-}memory.copy{-}le}]} \quad & z ; ({\mathit{at}}_1{.}\mathsf{const}~i_1)~({\mathit{at}}_2{.}\mathsf{const}~i_2)~({\mathit{at}'}{.}\mathsf{const}~n)~(\mathsf{memory{.}copy}~x_1~x_2) & \hookrightarrow & & \\
 & \multicolumn{4}{@{}l@{}}{\quad
-\begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}} ({\mathit{at}}_1{.}\mathsf{const}~i_1)~({\mathit{at}}_2{.}\mathsf{const}~i_2)~({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{8~\mathsf{u}}~x_2)~({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{store}}{8}~x_1) \\
+\begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}} ({\mathit{at}}_1{.}\mathsf{const}~i_1)~({\mathit{at}}_2{.}\mathsf{const}~i_2)~({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{{8}{\mathsf{\_}}{\mathsf{u}}}~x_2)~({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{store}}{8}~x_1) \\
   ({\mathit{at}}_1{.}\mathsf{const}~i_1 + 1)~({\mathit{at}}_2{.}\mathsf{const}~i_2 + 1)~({\mathit{at}'}{.}\mathsf{const}~n - 1)~(\mathsf{memory{.}copy}~x_1~x_2) \end{array} & \quad \mbox{otherwise, if}~ i_1 \leq i_2 \\
 } \\
 {[\textsc{\scriptsize E{-}memory.copy{-}gt}]} \quad & z ; ({\mathit{at}}_1{.}\mathsf{const}~i_1)~({\mathit{at}}_2{.}\mathsf{const}~i_2)~({\mathit{at}'}{.}\mathsf{const}~n)~(\mathsf{memory{.}copy}~x_1~x_2) & \hookrightarrow & & \\
 & \multicolumn{4}{@{}l@{}}{\quad
-\begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}} ({\mathit{at}}_1{.}\mathsf{const}~i_1 + n - 1)~({\mathit{at}}_2{.}\mathsf{const}~i_2 + n - 1)~({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{8~\mathsf{u}}~x_2)~({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{store}}{8}~x_1) \\
-  ({\mathit{at}}_1{.}\mathsf{const}~i_1)~({\mathit{at}}_2{.}\mathsf{const}~i_2)~({\mathit{at}'}{.}\mathsf{const}~n - 1)~(\mathsf{memory{.}copy}~x_1~x_2) \end{array} & \mbox{otherwise} \\
+\begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}} ({\mathit{at}}_1{.}\mathsf{const}~i_1 + n - 1)~({\mathit{at}}_2{.}\mathsf{const}~i_2 + n - 1)~({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{{8}{\mathsf{\_}}{\mathsf{u}}}~x_2)~({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{store}}{8}~x_1) \\
+  ({\mathit{at}}_1{.}\mathsf{const}~i_1)~({\mathit{at}}_2{.}\mathsf{const}~i_2)~({\mathit{at}'}{.}\mathsf{const}~n - 1)~(\mathsf{memory{.}copy}~x_1~x_2) \end{array} & \quad \mbox{otherwise} \\
 } \\
@@ -10760,7 +10773,7 @@ $$
 & \multicolumn{4}{@{}l@{}}{\quad
 \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}} ({\mathit{at}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i)~(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~z{.}\mathsf{datas}{}[y]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[j])~({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{store}}{8}~x) \\
-  ({\mathit{at}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i + 1)~(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~j + 1)~(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~n - 1)~(\mathsf{memory{.}init}~x~y) \end{array} & \mbox{otherwise} \\
+  ({\mathit{at}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i + 1)~(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~j + 1)~(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~n - 1)~(\mathsf{memory{.}init}~x~y) \end{array} & \quad \mbox{otherwise} \\
 } \\
@@ -11479,16 +11492,16 @@ $$
 & & | & \mathtt{0x29}~~(x, {\mathit{ao}}){:}{\mathtt{memarg}} & \quad\Rightarrow\quad{} & \mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 64}}{.}\mathsf{load}~x~{\mathit{ao}} \\
 & & | & \mathtt{0x2A}~~(x, {\mathit{ao}}){:}{\mathtt{memarg}} & \quad\Rightarrow\quad{} & \mathsf{f{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{load}~x~{\mathit{ao}} \\
 & & | & \mathtt{0x2B}~~(x, {\mathit{ao}}){:}{\mathtt{memarg}} & \quad\Rightarrow\quad{} & \mathsf{f{\scriptstyle 64}}{.}\mathsf{load}~x~{\mathit{ao}} \\
-& & | & \mathtt{0x2C}~~(x, {\mathit{ao}}){:}{\mathtt{memarg}} & \quad\Rightarrow\quad{} & {\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{\mathsf{{\scriptstyle 8}}~\mathsf{s}}~x~{\mathit{ao}} \\
-& & | & \mathtt{0x2D}~~(x, {\mathit{ao}}){:}{\mathtt{memarg}} & \quad\Rightarrow\quad{} & {\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{\mathsf{{\scriptstyle 8}}~\mathsf{u}}~x~{\mathit{ao}} \\
-& & | & \mathtt{0x2E}~~(x, {\mathit{ao}}){:}{\mathtt{memarg}} & \quad\Rightarrow\quad{} & {\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{\mathsf{{\scriptstyle 16}}~\mathsf{s}}~x~{\mathit{ao}} \\
-& & | & \mathtt{0x2F}~~(x, {\mathit{ao}}){:}{\mathtt{memarg}} & \quad\Rightarrow\quad{} & {\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{\mathsf{{\scriptstyle 16}}~\mathsf{u}}~x~{\mathit{ao}} \\
-& & | & \mathtt{0x30}~~(x, {\mathit{ao}}){:}{\mathtt{memarg}} & \quad\Rightarrow\quad{} & {\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 64}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{\mathsf{{\scriptstyle 8}}~\mathsf{s}}~x~{\mathit{ao}} \\
-& & | & \mathtt{0x31}~~(x, {\mathit{ao}}){:}{\mathtt{memarg}} & \quad\Rightarrow\quad{} & {\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 64}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{\mathsf{{\scriptstyle 8}}~\mathsf{u}}~x~{\mathit{ao}} \\
-& & | & \mathtt{0x32}~~(x, {\mathit{ao}}){:}{\mathtt{memarg}} & \quad\Rightarrow\quad{} & {\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 64}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{\mathsf{{\scriptstyle 16}}~\mathsf{s}}~x~{\mathit{ao}} \\
-& & | & \mathtt{0x33}~~(x, {\mathit{ao}}){:}{\mathtt{memarg}} & \quad\Rightarrow\quad{} & {\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 64}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{\mathsf{{\scriptstyle 16}}~\mathsf{u}}~x~{\mathit{ao}} \\
-& & | & \mathtt{0x34}~~(x, {\mathit{ao}}){:}{\mathtt{memarg}} & \quad\Rightarrow\quad{} & {\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 64}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{\mathsf{{\scriptstyle 32}}~\mathsf{s}}~x~{\mathit{ao}} \\
-& & | & \mathtt{0x35}~~(x, {\mathit{ao}}){:}{\mathtt{memarg}} & \quad\Rightarrow\quad{} & {\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 64}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{\mathsf{{\scriptstyle 32}}~\mathsf{u}}~x~{\mathit{ao}} \\
+& & | & \mathtt{0x2C}~~(x, {\mathit{ao}}){:}{\mathtt{memarg}} & \quad\Rightarrow\quad{} & {\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{{\mathsf{{\scriptstyle 8}}}{\mathsf{\_}}{\mathsf{s}}}~x~{\mathit{ao}} \\
+& & | & \mathtt{0x2D}~~(x, {\mathit{ao}}){:}{\mathtt{memarg}} & \quad\Rightarrow\quad{} & {\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{{\mathsf{{\scriptstyle 8}}}{\mathsf{\_}}{\mathsf{u}}}~x~{\mathit{ao}} \\
+& & | & \mathtt{0x2E}~~(x, {\mathit{ao}}){:}{\mathtt{memarg}} & \quad\Rightarrow\quad{} & {\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{{\mathsf{{\scriptstyle 16}}}{\mathsf{\_}}{\mathsf{s}}}~x~{\mathit{ao}} \\
+& & | & \mathtt{0x2F}~~(x, {\mathit{ao}}){:}{\mathtt{memarg}} & \quad\Rightarrow\quad{} & {\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{{\mathsf{{\scriptstyle 16}}}{\mathsf{\_}}{\mathsf{u}}}~x~{\mathit{ao}} \\
+& & | & \mathtt{0x30}~~(x, {\mathit{ao}}){:}{\mathtt{memarg}} & \quad\Rightarrow\quad{} & {\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 64}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{{\mathsf{{\scriptstyle 8}}}{\mathsf{\_}}{\mathsf{s}}}~x~{\mathit{ao}} \\
+& & | & \mathtt{0x31}~~(x, {\mathit{ao}}){:}{\mathtt{memarg}} & \quad\Rightarrow\quad{} & {\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 64}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{{\mathsf{{\scriptstyle 8}}}{\mathsf{\_}}{\mathsf{u}}}~x~{\mathit{ao}} \\
+& & | & \mathtt{0x32}~~(x, {\mathit{ao}}){:}{\mathtt{memarg}} & \quad\Rightarrow\quad{} & {\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 64}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{{\mathsf{{\scriptstyle 16}}}{\mathsf{\_}}{\mathsf{s}}}~x~{\mathit{ao}} \\
+& & | & \mathtt{0x33}~~(x, {\mathit{ao}}){:}{\mathtt{memarg}} & \quad\Rightarrow\quad{} & {\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 64}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{{\mathsf{{\scriptstyle 16}}}{\mathsf{\_}}{\mathsf{u}}}~x~{\mathit{ao}} \\
+& & | & \mathtt{0x34}~~(x, {\mathit{ao}}){:}{\mathtt{memarg}} & \quad\Rightarrow\quad{} & {\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 64}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{{\mathsf{{\scriptstyle 32}}}{\mathsf{\_}}{\mathsf{s}}}~x~{\mathit{ao}} \\
+& & | & \mathtt{0x35}~~(x, {\mathit{ao}}){:}{\mathtt{memarg}} & \quad\Rightarrow\quad{} & {\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 64}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{{\mathsf{{\scriptstyle 32}}}{\mathsf{\_}}{\mathsf{u}}}~x~{\mathit{ao}} \\
 & & | & \mathtt{0x36}~~(x, {\mathit{ao}}){:}{\mathtt{memarg}} & \quad\Rightarrow\quad{} & \mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{store}~x~{\mathit{ao}} \\
 & & | & \mathtt{0x37}~~(x, {\mathit{ao}}){:}{\mathtt{memarg}} & \quad\Rightarrow\quad{} & \mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 64}}{.}\mathsf{store}~x~{\mathit{ao}} \\
 & & | & \mathtt{0x38}~~(x, {\mathit{ao}}){:}{\mathtt{memarg}} & \quad\Rightarrow\quad{} & \mathsf{f{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{store}~x~{\mathit{ao}} \\
@@ -12201,7 +12214,7 @@ $$
 & {\mathit{sym}} & ::= & A_1 ~|~ A_2 \\
 & & ::= & () \\
 & r & ::= & \{ \begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}l@{}}
-{\mathsf{field}}_{1}~A_1   {\mathsf{field}}_{2}~A_2   \ldots~ \} \\
+{\mathsf{field}}_{1}~A_1 ,  {\mathsf{field}}_{2}~A_2 ,  \ldots~ \} \\
 \end{array} \\
 & {\mathit{pth}} & ::= & {({}[ i ]~\mid~{.}\mathsf{field})^{+}} \\
diff --git a/spectec/test-middlend/ b/spectec/test-middlend/
index a37c19b3d6..3ad497e229 100644
--- a/spectec/test-middlend/
+++ b/spectec/test-middlend/
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ def $canon_(N : N) : nat
   def $canon_{N : N}(N) = (2 ^ ((($signif(N) : nat <:> int) - (1 : nat <:> int)) : int <:> nat))
 ;; 1-syntax.watsup
-syntax vN{N : N}(N) = iN(N)
+syntax vN{N : N}(N) = uN(N)
 ;; 1-syntax.watsup
 syntax v128 = vN(128)
@@ -464,7 +464,7 @@ syntax valtype =
   | REF{nul : nul, heaptype : heaptype}(nul : nul, heaptype : heaptype)
   | BOT
-;; 1-syntax.watsup:221.1-221.66
+;; 1-syntax.watsup:225.1-225.66
 syntax storagetype =
   | BOT
   | I32
@@ -476,34 +476,34 @@ syntax storagetype =
   | I8
   | I16
-;; 1-syntax.watsup:230.1-231.16
+;; 1-syntax.watsup:234.1-235.16
 syntax resulttype = list(syntax valtype)
-;; 1-syntax.watsup:243.1-243.60
+;; 1-syntax.watsup:247.1-247.60
 syntax fieldtype =
   | `%%`{mut : mut, storagetype : storagetype}(mut : mut, storagetype : storagetype)
-;; 1-syntax.watsup:245.1-245.90
+;; 1-syntax.watsup:249.1-249.90
 syntax functype =
   | `%->%`{resulttype : resulttype}(resulttype : resulttype, resulttype)
-;; 1-syntax.watsup:246.1-246.64
+;; 1-syntax.watsup:250.1-250.64
 syntax structtype = list(syntax fieldtype)
-;; 1-syntax.watsup:247.1-247.54
+;; 1-syntax.watsup:251.1-251.54
 syntax arraytype = fieldtype
-;; 1-syntax.watsup:249.1-252.18
+;; 1-syntax.watsup:253.1-256.18
 syntax comptype =
   | STRUCT{structtype : structtype}(structtype : structtype)
   | ARRAY{arraytype : arraytype}(arraytype : arraytype)
   | FUNC{functype : functype}(functype : functype)
-;; 1-syntax.watsup:254.1-255.30
+;; 1-syntax.watsup:258.1-259.30
 syntax subtype =
   | SUB{fin : fin, `typeuse*` : typeuse*, comptype : comptype}(fin : fin, typeuse*{typeuse <- `typeuse*`} : typeuse*, comptype : comptype)
-;; 1-syntax.watsup:257.1-258.22
+;; 1-syntax.watsup:261.1-262.22
 syntax rectype =
   | REC{list : list(syntax subtype)}(list : list(syntax subtype))
@@ -573,6 +573,11 @@ def $FUNCREF : reftype
   ;; 1-syntax.watsup
   def $FUNCREF = REF_reftype(?(NULL_NULL), FUNC_heaptype)
+;; 1-syntax.watsup
+def $EXNREF : reftype
+  ;; 1-syntax.watsup
+  def $EXNREF = REF_reftype(?(NULL_NULL), EXTERN_heaptype)
 ;; 1-syntax.watsup
 def $EXTERNREF : reftype
   ;; 1-syntax.watsup
@@ -588,6 +593,11 @@ def $NULLFUNCREF : reftype
   ;; 1-syntax.watsup
   def $NULLFUNCREF = REF_reftype(?(NULL_NULL), NOFUNC_heaptype)
+;; 1-syntax.watsup
+def $NULLEXNREF : reftype
+  ;; 1-syntax.watsup
+  def $NULLEXNREF = REF_reftype(?(NULL_NULL), NOEXN_heaptype)
 ;; 1-syntax.watsup
 def $NULLEXTERNREF : reftype
   ;; 1-syntax.watsup
@@ -991,13 +1001,13 @@ syntax half__(shape_1 : shape, shape_2 : shape)
   syntax half__{Jnn_1 : Jnn, M_1 : M, Jnn_2 : Jnn, M_2 : M}(`%X%`_shape((Jnn_1 : Jnn <: lanetype), `%`_dim(M_1)), `%X%`_shape((Jnn_2 : Jnn <: lanetype), `%`_dim(M_2))) =
   | LOW
   | HIGH
-    -- if ((2 * $lsizenn1((Jnn_1 : Jnn <: lanetype))) = $lsizenn1((Jnn_2 : Jnn <: lanetype)))
+    -- if ((2 * $lsizenn1((Jnn_1 : Jnn <: lanetype))) = $lsizenn2((Jnn_2 : Jnn <: lanetype)))
   ;; 1-syntax.watsup
   syntax half__{Lnn_1 : Lnn, M_1 : M, Fnn_2 : Fnn, M_2 : M}(`%X%`_shape(Lnn_1, `%`_dim(M_1)), `%X%`_shape((Fnn_2 : Fnn <: lanetype), `%`_dim(M_2))) =
   | LOW
-    -- if (((2 * $lsizenn1(Lnn_1)) = $sizenn1((Fnn_2 : Fnn <: numtype))) /\ ($sizenn1((Fnn_2 : Fnn <: numtype)) = 64))
+    -- if (((2 * $lsizenn1(Lnn_1)) = $sizenn2((Fnn_2 : Fnn <: numtype))) /\ ($sizenn2((Fnn_2 : Fnn <: numtype)) = 64))
 ;; 1-syntax.watsup
@@ -1194,7 +1204,7 @@ syntax memarg =
 ;; 1-syntax.watsup
 syntax loadop_{Inn : Inn}((Inn : Inn <: numtype)) =
-  | `%%`{sz : sz, sx : sx}(sz : sz, sx : sx)
+  | `%_%`{sz : sz, sx : sx}(sz : sz, sx : sx)
     -- if (sz!`%`_sz.0 < $sizenn((Inn : Inn <: numtype)))
 ;; 1-syntax.watsup
@@ -1204,7 +1214,7 @@ syntax storeop_{Inn : Inn}((Inn : Inn <: numtype)) =
 ;; 1-syntax.watsup
 syntax vloadop_{vectype : vectype}(vectype) =
-  | `SHAPE%X%%`{sz : sz, M : M, sx : sx}(sz : sz, M : M, sx : sx)
+  | `SHAPE%X%_%`{sz : sz, M : M, sx : sx}(sz : sz, M : M, sx : sx)
     -- if (((sz!`%`_sz.0 * M) : nat <:> rat) = (($vsize(vectype) : nat <:> rat) / (2 : nat <:> rat)))
   | SPLAT{sz : sz}(sz : sz)
   | ZERO{sz : sz}(sz : sz)
@@ -3782,7 +3792,7 @@ relation Instr_ok: `%|-%:%`(context, instr, instrtype)
   ;; 3-typing.watsup:1089.1-1092.35
   rule `load-pack`{C : context, Inn : Inn, M : M, sx : sx, x : idx, memarg : memarg, at : addrtype, lim : limits}:
-    `%|-%:%`(C, LOAD_instr((Inn : Inn <: numtype), ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(M), sx)), x, memarg), `%->_%%`_instrtype(`%`_resulttype([(at : addrtype <: valtype)]), [], `%`_resulttype([(Inn : Inn <: valtype)])))
+    `%|-%:%`(C, LOAD_instr((Inn : Inn <: numtype), ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(M), sx)), x, memarg), `%->_%%`_instrtype(`%`_resulttype([(at : addrtype <: valtype)]), [], `%`_resulttype([(Inn : Inn <: valtype)])))
     -- if (C.MEMS_context[x!`%`_idx.0] = `%%PAGE`_memtype(at, lim))
     -- if (((2 ^ memarg.ALIGN_memarg!`%`_u32.0) : nat <:> rat) <= ((M : nat <:> rat) / (8 : nat <:> rat)))
@@ -3806,7 +3816,7 @@ relation Instr_ok: `%|-%:%`(context, instr, instrtype)
   ;; 3-typing.watsup:1118.1-1121.39
   rule `vload-pack`{C : context, M : M, N : N, sx : sx, x : idx, memarg : memarg, at : addrtype, lim : limits}:
-    `%|-%:%`(C, VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(M), N, sx)), x, memarg), `%->_%%`_instrtype(`%`_resulttype([(at : addrtype <: valtype)]), [], `%`_resulttype([V128_valtype])))
+    `%|-%:%`(C, VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%_%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(M), N, sx)), x, memarg), `%->_%%`_instrtype(`%`_resulttype([(at : addrtype <: valtype)]), [], `%`_resulttype([V128_valtype])))
     -- if (C.MEMS_context[x!`%`_idx.0] = `%%PAGE`_memtype(at, lim))
     -- if (((2 ^ memarg.ALIGN_memarg!`%`_u32.0) : nat <:> rat) <= (((M : nat <:> rat) / (8 : nat <:> rat)) * (N : nat <:> rat)))
@@ -6575,12 +6585,12 @@ relation Step_read: `%~>%`(config, instr*)
   ;; 8-reduction.watsup
   rule `load-pack-oob`{z : state, at : addrtype, i : num_((at : addrtype <: numtype)), Inn : Inn, n : n, sx : sx, x : idx, ao : memarg}:
-    `%~>%`(`%;%`_config(z, [CONST_instr((at : addrtype <: numtype), i) LOAD_instr((Inn : Inn <: numtype), ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(n), sx)), x, ao)]), [TRAP_instr])
+    `%~>%`(`%;%`_config(z, [CONST_instr((at : addrtype <: numtype), i) LOAD_instr((Inn : Inn <: numtype), ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(n), sx)), x, ao)]), [TRAP_instr])
     -- if (((i!`%`_num_.0 + ao.OFFSET_memarg!`%`_u32.0) + (((n : nat <:> rat) / (8 : nat <:> rat)) : rat <:> nat)) > |$mem(z, x).BYTES_meminst|)
   ;; 8-reduction.watsup
   rule `load-pack-val`{z : state, at : addrtype, i : num_((at : addrtype <: numtype)), Inn : Inn, n : n, sx : sx, x : idx, ao : memarg, c : iN(n)}:
-    `%~>%`(`%;%`_config(z, [CONST_instr((at : addrtype <: numtype), i) LOAD_instr((Inn : Inn <: numtype), ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(n), sx)), x, ao)]), [CONST_instr((Inn : Inn <: numtype), $extend__(n, $size((Inn : Inn <: numtype)), sx, c))])
+    `%~>%`(`%;%`_config(z, [CONST_instr((at : addrtype <: numtype), i) LOAD_instr((Inn : Inn <: numtype), ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(n), sx)), x, ao)]), [CONST_instr((Inn : Inn <: numtype), $extend__(n, $size((Inn : Inn <: numtype)), sx, c))])
     -- if ($ibytes_(n, c) = $mem(z, x).BYTES_meminst[(i!`%`_num_.0 + ao.OFFSET_memarg!`%`_u32.0) : (((n : nat <:> rat) / (8 : nat <:> rat)) : rat <:> nat)])
   ;; 8-reduction.watsup
@@ -6595,12 +6605,12 @@ relation Step_read: `%~>%`(config, instr*)
   ;; 8-reduction.watsup
   rule `vload-pack-oob`{z : state, at : addrtype, i : num_((at : addrtype <: numtype)), M : M, K : K, sx : sx, x : idx, ao : memarg}:
-    `%~>%`(`%;%`_config(z, [CONST_instr((at : addrtype <: numtype), i) VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(M), K, sx)), x, ao)]), [TRAP_instr])
+    `%~>%`(`%;%`_config(z, [CONST_instr((at : addrtype <: numtype), i) VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%_%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(M), K, sx)), x, ao)]), [TRAP_instr])
     -- if (((i!`%`_num_.0 + ao.OFFSET_memarg!`%`_u32.0) + ((((M * K) : nat <:> rat) / (8 : nat <:> rat)) : rat <:> nat)) > |$mem(z, x).BYTES_meminst|)
   ;; 8-reduction.watsup
   rule `vload-pack-val`{z : state, at : addrtype, i : num_((at : addrtype <: numtype)), M : M, K : K, sx : sx, x : idx, ao : memarg, c : vec_(V128_Vnn), `j*` : iN(M)*, `k*` : nat*, Jnn : Jnn}:
-    `%~>%`(`%;%`_config(z, [CONST_instr((at : addrtype <: numtype), i) VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(M), K, sx)), x, ao)]), [VCONST_instr(V128_vectype, c)])
+    `%~>%`(`%;%`_config(z, [CONST_instr((at : addrtype <: numtype), i) VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%_%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(M), K, sx)), x, ao)]), [VCONST_instr(V128_vectype, c)])
     -- (if ($ibytes_(M, j) = $mem(z, x).BYTES_meminst[((i!`%`_num_.0 + ao.OFFSET_memarg!`%`_u32.0) + ((((k * M) : nat <:> rat) / (8 : nat <:> rat)) : rat <:> nat)) : (((M : nat <:> rat) / (8 : nat <:> rat)) : rat <:> nat)]))^(k<K){j <- `j*`, k <- `k*`}
     -- if ((c = $invlanes_(`%X%`_shape((Jnn : Jnn <: lanetype), `%`_dim(K)), $extend__(M, $lsizenn((Jnn : Jnn <: lanetype)), sx, j)^K{j <- `j*`})) /\ ($lsizenn((Jnn : Jnn <: lanetype)) = (M * 2)))
@@ -6676,13 +6686,13 @@ relation Step_read: `%~>%`(config, instr*)
   ;; 8-reduction.watsup
   rule `memory.copy-le`{z : state, at_1 : addrtype, i_1 : num_((at_1 : addrtype <: numtype)), at_2 : addrtype, i_2 : num_((at_2 : addrtype <: numtype)), at' : addrtype, n : n, x_1 : idx, x_2 : idx}:
-    `%~>%`(`%;%`_config(z, [CONST_instr((at_1 : addrtype <: numtype), i_1) CONST_instr((at_2 : addrtype <: numtype), i_2) CONST_instr((at' : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_(n)) MEMORY.COPY_instr(x_1, x_2)]), [CONST_instr((at_1 : addrtype <: numtype), i_1) CONST_instr((at_2 : addrtype <: numtype), i_2) LOAD_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(8), U_sx)), x_2, $memarg0) STORE_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%`_storeop_(`%`_sz(8))), x_1, $memarg0) CONST_instr((at_1 : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_((i_1!`%`_num_.0 + 1))) CONST_instr((at_2 : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_((i_2!`%`_num_.0 + 1))) CONST_instr((at' : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_((((n : nat <:> int) - (1 : nat <:> int)) : int <:> nat))) MEMORY.COPY_instr(x_1, x_2)])
+    `%~>%`(`%;%`_config(z, [CONST_instr((at_1 : addrtype <: numtype), i_1) CONST_instr((at_2 : addrtype <: numtype), i_2) CONST_instr((at' : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_(n)) MEMORY.COPY_instr(x_1, x_2)]), [CONST_instr((at_1 : addrtype <: numtype), i_1) CONST_instr((at_2 : addrtype <: numtype), i_2) LOAD_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(8), U_sx)), x_2, $memarg0) STORE_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%`_storeop_(`%`_sz(8))), x_1, $memarg0) CONST_instr((at_1 : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_((i_1!`%`_num_.0 + 1))) CONST_instr((at_2 : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_((i_2!`%`_num_.0 + 1))) CONST_instr((at' : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_((((n : nat <:> int) - (1 : nat <:> int)) : int <:> nat))) MEMORY.COPY_instr(x_1, x_2)])
     -- otherwise
     -- if (i_1!`%`_num_.0 <= i_2!`%`_num_.0)
   ;; 8-reduction.watsup
   rule `memory.copy-gt`{z : state, at_1 : addrtype, i_1 : num_((at_1 : addrtype <: numtype)), at_2 : addrtype, i_2 : num_((at_2 : addrtype <: numtype)), at' : addrtype, n : n, x_1 : idx, x_2 : idx}:
-    `%~>%`(`%;%`_config(z, [CONST_instr((at_1 : addrtype <: numtype), i_1) CONST_instr((at_2 : addrtype <: numtype), i_2) CONST_instr((at' : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_(n)) MEMORY.COPY_instr(x_1, x_2)]), [CONST_instr((at_1 : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_(((((i_1!`%`_num_.0 + n) : nat <:> int) - (1 : nat <:> int)) : int <:> nat))) CONST_instr((at_2 : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_(((((i_2!`%`_num_.0 + n) : nat <:> int) - (1 : nat <:> int)) : int <:> nat))) LOAD_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(8), U_sx)), x_2, $memarg0) STORE_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%`_storeop_(`%`_sz(8))), x_1, $memarg0) CONST_instr((at_1 : addrtype <: numtype), i_1) CONST_instr((at_2 : addrtype <: numtype), i_2) CONST_instr((at' : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_((((n : nat <:> int) - (1 : nat <:> int)) : int <:> nat))) MEMORY.COPY_instr(x_1, x_2)])
+    `%~>%`(`%;%`_config(z, [CONST_instr((at_1 : addrtype <: numtype), i_1) CONST_instr((at_2 : addrtype <: numtype), i_2) CONST_instr((at' : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_(n)) MEMORY.COPY_instr(x_1, x_2)]), [CONST_instr((at_1 : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_(((((i_1!`%`_num_.0 + n) : nat <:> int) - (1 : nat <:> int)) : int <:> nat))) CONST_instr((at_2 : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_(((((i_2!`%`_num_.0 + n) : nat <:> int) - (1 : nat <:> int)) : int <:> nat))) LOAD_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(8), U_sx)), x_2, $memarg0) STORE_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%`_storeop_(`%`_sz(8))), x_1, $memarg0) CONST_instr((at_1 : addrtype <: numtype), i_1) CONST_instr((at_2 : addrtype <: numtype), i_2) CONST_instr((at' : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_((((n : nat <:> int) - (1 : nat <:> int)) : int <:> nat))) MEMORY.COPY_instr(x_1, x_2)])
     -- otherwise
   ;; 8-reduction.watsup
@@ -7663,26 +7673,26 @@ grammar Binstr : instr
   prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x2A (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(F32_numtype, ?(), x, ao)
   ;; A-binary.watsup:361.5-361.41
   prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x2B (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(F64_numtype, ?(), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:362.5-362.48
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x2C (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(8), S_sx)), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:363.5-363.48
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x2D (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(8), U_sx)), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:364.5-364.49
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x2E (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(16), S_sx)), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:365.5-365.49
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x2F (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(16), U_sx)), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:366.5-366.48
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x30 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I64_numtype, ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(8), S_sx)), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:367.5-367.48
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x31 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I64_numtype, ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(8), U_sx)), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:368.5-368.49
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I64_numtype, ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(16), S_sx)), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:369.5-369.49
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x33 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I64_numtype, ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(16), U_sx)), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:370.5-370.49
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x34 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I64_numtype, ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(32), S_sx)), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:371.5-371.49
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x35 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I64_numtype, ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(32), U_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:362.5-362.50
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x2C (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(8), S_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:363.5-363.50
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x2D (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(8), U_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:364.5-364.51
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x2E (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(16), S_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:365.5-365.51
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x2F (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(16), U_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:366.5-366.50
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x30 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I64_numtype, ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(8), S_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:367.5-367.50
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x31 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I64_numtype, ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(8), U_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:368.5-368.51
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I64_numtype, ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(16), S_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:369.5-369.51
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x33 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I64_numtype, ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(16), U_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:370.5-370.51
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x34 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I64_numtype, ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(32), S_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:371.5-371.51
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x35 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I64_numtype, ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(32), U_sx)), x, ao)
   ;; A-binary.watsup:372.5-372.42
   prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x36 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => STORE_instr(I32_numtype, ?(), x, ao)
   ;; A-binary.watsup:373.5-373.42
@@ -7995,18 +8005,18 @@ grammar Binstr : instr
   prod {0xFC `%`_u32(7):Bu32} => CVTOP_instr(I64_numtype, F64_numtype, TRUNC_SAT_cvtop__(U_sx))
   ;; A-binary.watsup:598.5-598.50
   prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0xFD `%`_u32(0):Bu32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:599.5-599.68
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0xFD `%`_u32(1):Bu32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(8), 8, S_sx)), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:600.5-600.68
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0xFD `%`_u32(2):Bu32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(8), 8, U_sx)), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:601.5-601.69
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0xFD `%`_u32(3):Bu32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(16), 4, S_sx)), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:602.5-602.69
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0xFD `%`_u32(4):Bu32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(16), 4, U_sx)), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:603.5-603.69
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0xFD `%`_u32(5):Bu32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(32), 2, S_sx)), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:604.5-604.69
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0xFD `%`_u32(6):Bu32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(32), 2, U_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:599.5-599.70
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0xFD `%`_u32(1):Bu32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%_%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(8), 8, S_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:600.5-600.70
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0xFD `%`_u32(2):Bu32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%_%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(8), 8, U_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:601.5-601.71
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0xFD `%`_u32(3):Bu32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%_%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(16), 4, S_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:602.5-602.71
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0xFD `%`_u32(4):Bu32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%_%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(16), 4, U_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:603.5-603.71
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0xFD `%`_u32(5):Bu32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%_%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(32), 2, S_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:604.5-604.71
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0xFD `%`_u32(6):Bu32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%_%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(32), 2, U_sx)), x, ao)
   ;; A-binary.watsup:605.5-605.61
   prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0xFD `%`_u32(7):Bu32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(SPLAT_vloadop_(`%`_sz(8))), x, ao)
   ;; A-binary.watsup:606.5-606.62
@@ -9123,7 +9133,7 @@ def $canon_(N : N) : nat
   def $canon_{N : N}(N) = (2 ^ ((($signif(N) : nat <:> int) - (1 : nat <:> int)) : int <:> nat))
 ;; 1-syntax.watsup
-syntax vN{N : N}(N) = iN(N)
+syntax vN{N : N}(N) = uN(N)
 ;; 1-syntax.watsup
 syntax v128 = vN(128)
@@ -9314,7 +9324,7 @@ syntax valtype =
   | REF{nul : nul, heaptype : heaptype}(nul : nul, heaptype : heaptype)
   | BOT
-;; 1-syntax.watsup:221.1-221.66
+;; 1-syntax.watsup:225.1-225.66
 syntax storagetype =
   | BOT
   | I32
@@ -9326,34 +9336,34 @@ syntax storagetype =
   | I8
   | I16
-;; 1-syntax.watsup:230.1-231.16
+;; 1-syntax.watsup:234.1-235.16
 syntax resulttype = list(syntax valtype)
-;; 1-syntax.watsup:243.1-243.60
+;; 1-syntax.watsup:247.1-247.60
 syntax fieldtype =
   | `%%`{mut : mut, storagetype : storagetype}(mut : mut, storagetype : storagetype)
-;; 1-syntax.watsup:245.1-245.90
+;; 1-syntax.watsup:249.1-249.90
 syntax functype =
   | `%->%`{resulttype : resulttype}(resulttype : resulttype, resulttype)
-;; 1-syntax.watsup:246.1-246.64
+;; 1-syntax.watsup:250.1-250.64
 syntax structtype = list(syntax fieldtype)
-;; 1-syntax.watsup:247.1-247.54
+;; 1-syntax.watsup:251.1-251.54
 syntax arraytype = fieldtype
-;; 1-syntax.watsup:249.1-252.18
+;; 1-syntax.watsup:253.1-256.18
 syntax comptype =
   | STRUCT{structtype : structtype}(structtype : structtype)
   | ARRAY{arraytype : arraytype}(arraytype : arraytype)
   | FUNC{functype : functype}(functype : functype)
-;; 1-syntax.watsup:254.1-255.30
+;; 1-syntax.watsup:258.1-259.30
 syntax subtype =
   | SUB{fin : fin, `typeuse*` : typeuse*, comptype : comptype}(fin : fin, typeuse*{typeuse <- `typeuse*`} : typeuse*, comptype : comptype)
-;; 1-syntax.watsup:257.1-258.22
+;; 1-syntax.watsup:261.1-262.22
 syntax rectype =
   | REC{list : list(syntax subtype)}(list : list(syntax subtype))
@@ -9423,6 +9433,11 @@ def $FUNCREF : reftype
   ;; 1-syntax.watsup
   def $FUNCREF = REF_reftype(?(NULL_NULL), FUNC_heaptype)
+;; 1-syntax.watsup
+def $EXNREF : reftype
+  ;; 1-syntax.watsup
+  def $EXNREF = REF_reftype(?(NULL_NULL), EXTERN_heaptype)
 ;; 1-syntax.watsup
 def $EXTERNREF : reftype
   ;; 1-syntax.watsup
@@ -9438,6 +9453,11 @@ def $NULLFUNCREF : reftype
   ;; 1-syntax.watsup
   def $NULLFUNCREF = REF_reftype(?(NULL_NULL), NOFUNC_heaptype)
+;; 1-syntax.watsup
+def $NULLEXNREF : reftype
+  ;; 1-syntax.watsup
+  def $NULLEXNREF = REF_reftype(?(NULL_NULL), NOEXN_heaptype)
 ;; 1-syntax.watsup
 def $NULLEXTERNREF : reftype
   ;; 1-syntax.watsup
@@ -9844,13 +9864,13 @@ syntax half__(shape_1 : shape, shape_2 : shape)
   syntax half__{Jnn_1 : Jnn, M_1 : M, Jnn_2 : Jnn, M_2 : M}(`%X%`_shape((Jnn_1 : Jnn <: lanetype), `%`_dim(M_1)), `%X%`_shape((Jnn_2 : Jnn <: lanetype), `%`_dim(M_2))) =
   | LOW
   | HIGH
-    -- if ((2 * $lsizenn1((Jnn_1 : Jnn <: lanetype))) = $lsizenn1((Jnn_2 : Jnn <: lanetype)))
+    -- if ((2 * $lsizenn1((Jnn_1 : Jnn <: lanetype))) = $lsizenn2((Jnn_2 : Jnn <: lanetype)))
   ;; 1-syntax.watsup
   syntax half__{Lnn_1 : Lnn, M_1 : M, Fnn_2 : Fnn, M_2 : M}(`%X%`_shape(Lnn_1, `%`_dim(M_1)), `%X%`_shape((Fnn_2 : Fnn <: lanetype), `%`_dim(M_2))) =
   | LOW
-    -- if (((2 * $lsizenn1(Lnn_1)) = $sizenn1((Fnn_2 : Fnn <: numtype))) /\ ($sizenn1((Fnn_2 : Fnn <: numtype)) = 64))
+    -- if (((2 * $lsizenn1(Lnn_1)) = $sizenn2((Fnn_2 : Fnn <: numtype))) /\ ($sizenn2((Fnn_2 : Fnn <: numtype)) = 64))
 ;; 1-syntax.watsup
@@ -10047,7 +10067,7 @@ syntax memarg =
 ;; 1-syntax.watsup
 syntax loadop_{Inn : Inn}((Inn : Inn <: numtype)) =
-  | `%%`{sz : sz, sx : sx}(sz : sz, sx : sx)
+  | `%_%`{sz : sz, sx : sx}(sz : sz, sx : sx)
     -- if (sz!`%`_sz.0 < $sizenn((Inn : Inn <: numtype)))
 ;; 1-syntax.watsup
@@ -10057,7 +10077,7 @@ syntax storeop_{Inn : Inn}((Inn : Inn <: numtype)) =
 ;; 1-syntax.watsup
 syntax vloadop_{vectype : vectype}(vectype) =
-  | `SHAPE%X%%`{sz : sz, M : M, sx : sx}(sz : sz, M : M, sx : sx)
+  | `SHAPE%X%_%`{sz : sz, M : M, sx : sx}(sz : sz, M : M, sx : sx)
     -- if (((sz!`%`_sz.0 * M) : nat <:> rat) = (($vsize(vectype) : nat <:> rat) / (2 : nat <:> rat)))
   | SPLAT{sz : sz}(sz : sz)
   | ZERO{sz : sz}(sz : sz)
@@ -12635,7 +12655,7 @@ relation Instr_ok: `%|-%:%`(context, instr, instrtype)
   ;; 3-typing.watsup:1089.1-1092.35
   rule `load-pack`{C : context, Inn : Inn, M : M, sx : sx, x : idx, memarg : memarg, at : addrtype, lim : limits}:
-    `%|-%:%`(C, LOAD_instr((Inn : Inn <: numtype), ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(M), sx)), x, memarg), `%->_%%`_instrtype(`%`_resulttype([(at : addrtype <: valtype)]), [], `%`_resulttype([(Inn : Inn <: valtype)])))
+    `%|-%:%`(C, LOAD_instr((Inn : Inn <: numtype), ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(M), sx)), x, memarg), `%->_%%`_instrtype(`%`_resulttype([(at : addrtype <: valtype)]), [], `%`_resulttype([(Inn : Inn <: valtype)])))
     -- if (C.MEMS_context[x!`%`_idx.0] = `%%PAGE`_memtype(at, lim))
     -- if (((2 ^ memarg.ALIGN_memarg!`%`_u32.0) : nat <:> rat) <= ((M : nat <:> rat) / (8 : nat <:> rat)))
@@ -12659,7 +12679,7 @@ relation Instr_ok: `%|-%:%`(context, instr, instrtype)
   ;; 3-typing.watsup:1118.1-1121.39
   rule `vload-pack`{C : context, M : M, N : N, sx : sx, x : idx, memarg : memarg, at : addrtype, lim : limits}:
-    `%|-%:%`(C, VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(M), N, sx)), x, memarg), `%->_%%`_instrtype(`%`_resulttype([(at : addrtype <: valtype)]), [], `%`_resulttype([V128_valtype])))
+    `%|-%:%`(C, VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%_%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(M), N, sx)), x, memarg), `%->_%%`_instrtype(`%`_resulttype([(at : addrtype <: valtype)]), [], `%`_resulttype([V128_valtype])))
     -- if (C.MEMS_context[x!`%`_idx.0] = `%%PAGE`_memtype(at, lim))
     -- if (((2 ^ memarg.ALIGN_memarg!`%`_u32.0) : nat <:> rat) <= (((M : nat <:> rat) / (8 : nat <:> rat)) * (N : nat <:> rat)))
@@ -15430,12 +15450,12 @@ relation Step_read: `%~>%`(config, instr*)
   ;; 8-reduction.watsup
   rule `load-pack-oob`{z : state, at : addrtype, i : num_((at : addrtype <: numtype)), Inn : Inn, n : n, sx : sx, x : idx, ao : memarg}:
-    `%~>%`(`%;%`_config(z, [CONST_instr((at : addrtype <: numtype), i) LOAD_instr((Inn : Inn <: numtype), ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(n), sx)), x, ao)]), [TRAP_instr])
+    `%~>%`(`%;%`_config(z, [CONST_instr((at : addrtype <: numtype), i) LOAD_instr((Inn : Inn <: numtype), ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(n), sx)), x, ao)]), [TRAP_instr])
     -- if (((i!`%`_num_.0 + ao.OFFSET_memarg!`%`_u32.0) + (((n : nat <:> rat) / (8 : nat <:> rat)) : rat <:> nat)) > |$mem(z, x).BYTES_meminst|)
   ;; 8-reduction.watsup
   rule `load-pack-val`{z : state, at : addrtype, i : num_((at : addrtype <: numtype)), Inn : Inn, n : n, sx : sx, x : idx, ao : memarg, c : iN(n)}:
-    `%~>%`(`%;%`_config(z, [CONST_instr((at : addrtype <: numtype), i) LOAD_instr((Inn : Inn <: numtype), ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(n), sx)), x, ao)]), [CONST_instr((Inn : Inn <: numtype), $extend__(n, $size((Inn : Inn <: numtype)), sx, c))])
+    `%~>%`(`%;%`_config(z, [CONST_instr((at : addrtype <: numtype), i) LOAD_instr((Inn : Inn <: numtype), ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(n), sx)), x, ao)]), [CONST_instr((Inn : Inn <: numtype), $extend__(n, $size((Inn : Inn <: numtype)), sx, c))])
     -- if ($ibytes_(n, c) = $mem(z, x).BYTES_meminst[(i!`%`_num_.0 + ao.OFFSET_memarg!`%`_u32.0) : (((n : nat <:> rat) / (8 : nat <:> rat)) : rat <:> nat)])
   ;; 8-reduction.watsup
@@ -15450,12 +15470,12 @@ relation Step_read: `%~>%`(config, instr*)
   ;; 8-reduction.watsup
   rule `vload-pack-oob`{z : state, at : addrtype, i : num_((at : addrtype <: numtype)), M : M, K : K, sx : sx, x : idx, ao : memarg}:
-    `%~>%`(`%;%`_config(z, [CONST_instr((at : addrtype <: numtype), i) VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(M), K, sx)), x, ao)]), [TRAP_instr])
+    `%~>%`(`%;%`_config(z, [CONST_instr((at : addrtype <: numtype), i) VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%_%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(M), K, sx)), x, ao)]), [TRAP_instr])
     -- if (((i!`%`_num_.0 + ao.OFFSET_memarg!`%`_u32.0) + ((((M * K) : nat <:> rat) / (8 : nat <:> rat)) : rat <:> nat)) > |$mem(z, x).BYTES_meminst|)
   ;; 8-reduction.watsup
   rule `vload-pack-val`{z : state, at : addrtype, i : num_((at : addrtype <: numtype)), M : M, K : K, sx : sx, x : idx, ao : memarg, c : vec_(V128_Vnn), `j*` : iN(M)*, `k*` : nat*, Jnn : Jnn}:
-    `%~>%`(`%;%`_config(z, [CONST_instr((at : addrtype <: numtype), i) VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(M), K, sx)), x, ao)]), [VCONST_instr(V128_vectype, c)])
+    `%~>%`(`%;%`_config(z, [CONST_instr((at : addrtype <: numtype), i) VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%_%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(M), K, sx)), x, ao)]), [VCONST_instr(V128_vectype, c)])
     -- (if ($ibytes_(M, j) = $mem(z, x).BYTES_meminst[((i!`%`_num_.0 + ao.OFFSET_memarg!`%`_u32.0) + ((((k * M) : nat <:> rat) / (8 : nat <:> rat)) : rat <:> nat)) : (((M : nat <:> rat) / (8 : nat <:> rat)) : rat <:> nat)]))^(k<K){j <- `j*`, k <- `k*`}
     -- if ((c = $invlanes_(`%X%`_shape((Jnn : Jnn <: lanetype), `%`_dim(K)), $extend__(M, $lsizenn((Jnn : Jnn <: lanetype)), sx, j)^K{j <- `j*`})) /\ ($lsizenn((Jnn : Jnn <: lanetype)) = (M * 2)))
@@ -15531,13 +15551,13 @@ relation Step_read: `%~>%`(config, instr*)
   ;; 8-reduction.watsup
   rule `memory.copy-le`{z : state, at_1 : addrtype, i_1 : num_((at_1 : addrtype <: numtype)), at_2 : addrtype, i_2 : num_((at_2 : addrtype <: numtype)), at' : addrtype, n : n, x_1 : idx, x_2 : idx}:
-    `%~>%`(`%;%`_config(z, [CONST_instr((at_1 : addrtype <: numtype), i_1) CONST_instr((at_2 : addrtype <: numtype), i_2) CONST_instr((at' : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_(n)) MEMORY.COPY_instr(x_1, x_2)]), [CONST_instr((at_1 : addrtype <: numtype), i_1) CONST_instr((at_2 : addrtype <: numtype), i_2) LOAD_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(8), U_sx)), x_2, $memarg0) STORE_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%`_storeop_(`%`_sz(8))), x_1, $memarg0) CONST_instr((at_1 : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_((i_1!`%`_num_.0 + 1))) CONST_instr((at_2 : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_((i_2!`%`_num_.0 + 1))) CONST_instr((at' : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_((((n : nat <:> int) - (1 : nat <:> int)) : int <:> nat))) MEMORY.COPY_instr(x_1, x_2)])
+    `%~>%`(`%;%`_config(z, [CONST_instr((at_1 : addrtype <: numtype), i_1) CONST_instr((at_2 : addrtype <: numtype), i_2) CONST_instr((at' : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_(n)) MEMORY.COPY_instr(x_1, x_2)]), [CONST_instr((at_1 : addrtype <: numtype), i_1) CONST_instr((at_2 : addrtype <: numtype), i_2) LOAD_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(8), U_sx)), x_2, $memarg0) STORE_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%`_storeop_(`%`_sz(8))), x_1, $memarg0) CONST_instr((at_1 : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_((i_1!`%`_num_.0 + 1))) CONST_instr((at_2 : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_((i_2!`%`_num_.0 + 1))) CONST_instr((at' : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_((((n : nat <:> int) - (1 : nat <:> int)) : int <:> nat))) MEMORY.COPY_instr(x_1, x_2)])
     -- otherwise
     -- if (i_1!`%`_num_.0 <= i_2!`%`_num_.0)
   ;; 8-reduction.watsup
   rule `memory.copy-gt`{z : state, at_1 : addrtype, i_1 : num_((at_1 : addrtype <: numtype)), at_2 : addrtype, i_2 : num_((at_2 : addrtype <: numtype)), at' : addrtype, n : n, x_1 : idx, x_2 : idx}:
-    `%~>%`(`%;%`_config(z, [CONST_instr((at_1 : addrtype <: numtype), i_1) CONST_instr((at_2 : addrtype <: numtype), i_2) CONST_instr((at' : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_(n)) MEMORY.COPY_instr(x_1, x_2)]), [CONST_instr((at_1 : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_(((((i_1!`%`_num_.0 + n) : nat <:> int) - (1 : nat <:> int)) : int <:> nat))) CONST_instr((at_2 : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_(((((i_2!`%`_num_.0 + n) : nat <:> int) - (1 : nat <:> int)) : int <:> nat))) LOAD_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(8), U_sx)), x_2, $memarg0) STORE_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%`_storeop_(`%`_sz(8))), x_1, $memarg0) CONST_instr((at_1 : addrtype <: numtype), i_1) CONST_instr((at_2 : addrtype <: numtype), i_2) CONST_instr((at' : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_((((n : nat <:> int) - (1 : nat <:> int)) : int <:> nat))) MEMORY.COPY_instr(x_1, x_2)])
+    `%~>%`(`%;%`_config(z, [CONST_instr((at_1 : addrtype <: numtype), i_1) CONST_instr((at_2 : addrtype <: numtype), i_2) CONST_instr((at' : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_(n)) MEMORY.COPY_instr(x_1, x_2)]), [CONST_instr((at_1 : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_(((((i_1!`%`_num_.0 + n) : nat <:> int) - (1 : nat <:> int)) : int <:> nat))) CONST_instr((at_2 : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_(((((i_2!`%`_num_.0 + n) : nat <:> int) - (1 : nat <:> int)) : int <:> nat))) LOAD_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(8), U_sx)), x_2, $memarg0) STORE_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%`_storeop_(`%`_sz(8))), x_1, $memarg0) CONST_instr((at_1 : addrtype <: numtype), i_1) CONST_instr((at_2 : addrtype <: numtype), i_2) CONST_instr((at' : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_((((n : nat <:> int) - (1 : nat <:> int)) : int <:> nat))) MEMORY.COPY_instr(x_1, x_2)])
     -- otherwise
   ;; 8-reduction.watsup
@@ -16518,26 +16538,26 @@ grammar Binstr : instr
   prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x2A (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(F32_numtype, ?(), x, ao)
   ;; A-binary.watsup:361.5-361.41
   prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x2B (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(F64_numtype, ?(), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:362.5-362.48
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x2C (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(8), S_sx)), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:363.5-363.48
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x2D (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(8), U_sx)), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:364.5-364.49
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x2E (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(16), S_sx)), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:365.5-365.49
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x2F (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(16), U_sx)), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:366.5-366.48
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x30 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I64_numtype, ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(8), S_sx)), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:367.5-367.48
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x31 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I64_numtype, ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(8), U_sx)), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:368.5-368.49
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I64_numtype, ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(16), S_sx)), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:369.5-369.49
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x33 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I64_numtype, ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(16), U_sx)), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:370.5-370.49
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x34 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I64_numtype, ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(32), S_sx)), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:371.5-371.49
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x35 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I64_numtype, ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(32), U_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:362.5-362.50
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x2C (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(8), S_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:363.5-363.50
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x2D (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(8), U_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:364.5-364.51
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x2E (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(16), S_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:365.5-365.51
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x2F (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(16), U_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:366.5-366.50
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x30 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I64_numtype, ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(8), S_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:367.5-367.50
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x31 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I64_numtype, ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(8), U_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:368.5-368.51
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I64_numtype, ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(16), S_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:369.5-369.51
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x33 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I64_numtype, ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(16), U_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:370.5-370.51
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x34 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I64_numtype, ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(32), S_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:371.5-371.51
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x35 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I64_numtype, ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(32), U_sx)), x, ao)
   ;; A-binary.watsup:372.5-372.42
   prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x36 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => STORE_instr(I32_numtype, ?(), x, ao)
   ;; A-binary.watsup:373.5-373.42
@@ -16850,18 +16870,18 @@ grammar Binstr : instr
   prod {0xFC `%`_u32(7):Bu32} => CVTOP_instr(I64_numtype, F64_numtype, TRUNC_SAT_cvtop__(U_sx))
   ;; A-binary.watsup:598.5-598.50
   prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0xFD `%`_u32(0):Bu32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:599.5-599.68
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0xFD `%`_u32(1):Bu32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(8), 8, S_sx)), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:600.5-600.68
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0xFD `%`_u32(2):Bu32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(8), 8, U_sx)), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:601.5-601.69
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0xFD `%`_u32(3):Bu32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(16), 4, S_sx)), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:602.5-602.69
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0xFD `%`_u32(4):Bu32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(16), 4, U_sx)), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:603.5-603.69
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0xFD `%`_u32(5):Bu32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(32), 2, S_sx)), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:604.5-604.69
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0xFD `%`_u32(6):Bu32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(32), 2, U_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:599.5-599.70
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0xFD `%`_u32(1):Bu32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%_%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(8), 8, S_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:600.5-600.70
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0xFD `%`_u32(2):Bu32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%_%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(8), 8, U_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:601.5-601.71
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0xFD `%`_u32(3):Bu32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%_%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(16), 4, S_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:602.5-602.71
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0xFD `%`_u32(4):Bu32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%_%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(16), 4, U_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:603.5-603.71
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0xFD `%`_u32(5):Bu32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%_%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(32), 2, S_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:604.5-604.71
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0xFD `%`_u32(6):Bu32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%_%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(32), 2, U_sx)), x, ao)
   ;; A-binary.watsup:605.5-605.61
   prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0xFD `%`_u32(7):Bu32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(SPLAT_vloadop_(`%`_sz(8))), x, ao)
   ;; A-binary.watsup:606.5-606.62
@@ -17978,7 +17998,7 @@ def $canon_(N : N) : nat
   def $canon_{N : N}(N) = (2 ^ ((($signif(N) : nat <:> int) - (1 : nat <:> int)) : int <:> nat))
 ;; 1-syntax.watsup
-syntax vN{N : N}(N) = iN(N)
+syntax vN{N : N}(N) = uN(N)
 ;; 1-syntax.watsup
 syntax v128 = vN(128)
@@ -18169,7 +18189,7 @@ syntax valtype =
   | REF{nul : nul, heaptype : heaptype}(nul : nul, heaptype : heaptype)
   | BOT
-;; 1-syntax.watsup:221.1-221.66
+;; 1-syntax.watsup:225.1-225.66
 syntax storagetype =
   | BOT
   | I32
@@ -18181,34 +18201,34 @@ syntax storagetype =
   | I8
   | I16
-;; 1-syntax.watsup:230.1-231.16
+;; 1-syntax.watsup:234.1-235.16
 syntax resulttype = list(syntax valtype)
-;; 1-syntax.watsup:243.1-243.60
+;; 1-syntax.watsup:247.1-247.60
 syntax fieldtype =
   | `%%`{mut : mut, storagetype : storagetype}(mut : mut, storagetype : storagetype)
-;; 1-syntax.watsup:245.1-245.90
+;; 1-syntax.watsup:249.1-249.90
 syntax functype =
   | `%->%`{resulttype : resulttype}(resulttype : resulttype, resulttype)
-;; 1-syntax.watsup:246.1-246.64
+;; 1-syntax.watsup:250.1-250.64
 syntax structtype = list(syntax fieldtype)
-;; 1-syntax.watsup:247.1-247.54
+;; 1-syntax.watsup:251.1-251.54
 syntax arraytype = fieldtype
-;; 1-syntax.watsup:249.1-252.18
+;; 1-syntax.watsup:253.1-256.18
 syntax comptype =
   | STRUCT{structtype : structtype}(structtype : structtype)
   | ARRAY{arraytype : arraytype}(arraytype : arraytype)
   | FUNC{functype : functype}(functype : functype)
-;; 1-syntax.watsup:254.1-255.30
+;; 1-syntax.watsup:258.1-259.30
 syntax subtype =
   | SUB{fin : fin, `typeuse*` : typeuse*, comptype : comptype}(fin : fin, typeuse*{typeuse <- `typeuse*`} : typeuse*, comptype : comptype)
-;; 1-syntax.watsup:257.1-258.22
+;; 1-syntax.watsup:261.1-262.22
 syntax rectype =
   | REC{list : list(syntax subtype)}(list : list(syntax subtype))
@@ -18278,6 +18298,11 @@ def $FUNCREF : reftype
   ;; 1-syntax.watsup
   def $FUNCREF = REF_reftype(?(NULL_NULL), FUNC_heaptype)
+;; 1-syntax.watsup
+def $EXNREF : reftype
+  ;; 1-syntax.watsup
+  def $EXNREF = REF_reftype(?(NULL_NULL), EXTERN_heaptype)
 ;; 1-syntax.watsup
 def $EXTERNREF : reftype
   ;; 1-syntax.watsup
@@ -18293,6 +18318,11 @@ def $NULLFUNCREF : reftype
   ;; 1-syntax.watsup
   def $NULLFUNCREF = REF_reftype(?(NULL_NULL), NOFUNC_heaptype)
+;; 1-syntax.watsup
+def $NULLEXNREF : reftype
+  ;; 1-syntax.watsup
+  def $NULLEXNREF = REF_reftype(?(NULL_NULL), NOEXN_heaptype)
 ;; 1-syntax.watsup
 def $NULLEXTERNREF : reftype
   ;; 1-syntax.watsup
@@ -18699,13 +18729,13 @@ syntax half__(shape_1 : shape, shape_2 : shape)
   syntax half__{Jnn_1 : Jnn, M_1 : M, Jnn_2 : Jnn, M_2 : M}(`%X%`_shape((Jnn_1 : Jnn <: lanetype), `%`_dim(M_1)), `%X%`_shape((Jnn_2 : Jnn <: lanetype), `%`_dim(M_2))) =
   | LOW
   | HIGH
-    -- if ((2 * $lsizenn1((Jnn_1 : Jnn <: lanetype))) = $lsizenn1((Jnn_2 : Jnn <: lanetype)))
+    -- if ((2 * $lsizenn1((Jnn_1 : Jnn <: lanetype))) = $lsizenn2((Jnn_2 : Jnn <: lanetype)))
   ;; 1-syntax.watsup
   syntax half__{Lnn_1 : Lnn, M_1 : M, Fnn_2 : Fnn, M_2 : M}(`%X%`_shape(Lnn_1, `%`_dim(M_1)), `%X%`_shape((Fnn_2 : Fnn <: lanetype), `%`_dim(M_2))) =
   | LOW
-    -- if (((2 * $lsizenn1(Lnn_1)) = $sizenn1((Fnn_2 : Fnn <: numtype))) /\ ($sizenn1((Fnn_2 : Fnn <: numtype)) = 64))
+    -- if (((2 * $lsizenn1(Lnn_1)) = $sizenn2((Fnn_2 : Fnn <: numtype))) /\ ($sizenn2((Fnn_2 : Fnn <: numtype)) = 64))
 ;; 1-syntax.watsup
@@ -18902,7 +18932,7 @@ syntax memarg =
 ;; 1-syntax.watsup
 syntax loadop_{Inn : Inn}((Inn : Inn <: numtype)) =
-  | `%%`{sz : sz, sx : sx}(sz : sz, sx : sx)
+  | `%_%`{sz : sz, sx : sx}(sz : sz, sx : sx)
     -- if (sz!`%`_sz.0 < $sizenn((Inn : Inn <: numtype)))
 ;; 1-syntax.watsup
@@ -18912,7 +18942,7 @@ syntax storeop_{Inn : Inn}((Inn : Inn <: numtype)) =
 ;; 1-syntax.watsup
 syntax vloadop_{vectype : vectype}(vectype) =
-  | `SHAPE%X%%`{sz : sz, M : M, sx : sx}(sz : sz, M : M, sx : sx)
+  | `SHAPE%X%_%`{sz : sz, M : M, sx : sx}(sz : sz, M : M, sx : sx)
     -- if (((sz!`%`_sz.0 * M) : nat <:> rat) = (($vsize(vectype) : nat <:> rat) / (2 : nat <:> rat)))
   | SPLAT{sz : sz}(sz : sz)
   | ZERO{sz : sz}(sz : sz)
@@ -21580,7 +21610,7 @@ relation Instr_ok: `%|-%:%`(context, instr, instrtype)
   ;; 3-typing.watsup:1089.1-1092.35
   rule `load-pack`{C : context, Inn : Inn, M : M, sx : sx, x : idx, memarg : memarg, at : addrtype, lim : limits}:
-    `%|-%:%`(C, LOAD_instr((Inn : Inn <: numtype), ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(M), sx)), x, memarg), `%->_%%`_instrtype(`%`_resulttype([(at : addrtype <: valtype)]), [], `%`_resulttype([(Inn : Inn <: valtype)])))
+    `%|-%:%`(C, LOAD_instr((Inn : Inn <: numtype), ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(M), sx)), x, memarg), `%->_%%`_instrtype(`%`_resulttype([(at : addrtype <: valtype)]), [], `%`_resulttype([(Inn : Inn <: valtype)])))
     -- if (x!`%`_idx.0 < |C.MEMS_context|)
     -- if (C.MEMS_context[x!`%`_idx.0] = `%%PAGE`_memtype(at, lim))
     -- if (((2 ^ memarg.ALIGN_memarg!`%`_u32.0) : nat <:> rat) <= ((M : nat <:> rat) / (8 : nat <:> rat)))
@@ -21608,7 +21638,7 @@ relation Instr_ok: `%|-%:%`(context, instr, instrtype)
   ;; 3-typing.watsup:1118.1-1121.39
   rule `vload-pack`{C : context, M : M, N : N, sx : sx, x : idx, memarg : memarg, at : addrtype, lim : limits}:
-    `%|-%:%`(C, VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(M), N, sx)), x, memarg), `%->_%%`_instrtype(`%`_resulttype([(at : addrtype <: valtype)]), [], `%`_resulttype([V128_valtype])))
+    `%|-%:%`(C, VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%_%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(M), N, sx)), x, memarg), `%->_%%`_instrtype(`%`_resulttype([(at : addrtype <: valtype)]), [], `%`_resulttype([V128_valtype])))
     -- if (x!`%`_idx.0 < |C.MEMS_context|)
     -- if (C.MEMS_context[x!`%`_idx.0] = `%%PAGE`_memtype(at, lim))
     -- if (((2 ^ memarg.ALIGN_memarg!`%`_u32.0) : nat <:> rat) <= (((M : nat <:> rat) / (8 : nat <:> rat)) * (N : nat <:> rat)))
@@ -24456,12 +24486,12 @@ relation Step_read: `%~>%`(config, instr*)
   ;; 8-reduction.watsup
   rule `load-pack-oob`{z : state, at : addrtype, i : num_((at : addrtype <: numtype)), Inn : Inn, n : n, sx : sx, x : idx, ao : memarg}:
-    `%~>%`(`%;%`_config(z, [CONST_instr((at : addrtype <: numtype), i) LOAD_instr((Inn : Inn <: numtype), ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(n), sx)), x, ao)]), [TRAP_instr])
+    `%~>%`(`%;%`_config(z, [CONST_instr((at : addrtype <: numtype), i) LOAD_instr((Inn : Inn <: numtype), ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(n), sx)), x, ao)]), [TRAP_instr])
     -- if (((i!`%`_num_.0 + ao.OFFSET_memarg!`%`_u32.0) + (((n : nat <:> rat) / (8 : nat <:> rat)) : rat <:> nat)) > |$mem(z, x).BYTES_meminst|)
   ;; 8-reduction.watsup
   rule `load-pack-val`{z : state, at : addrtype, i : num_((at : addrtype <: numtype)), Inn : Inn, n : n, sx : sx, x : idx, ao : memarg, c : iN(n)}:
-    `%~>%`(`%;%`_config(z, [CONST_instr((at : addrtype <: numtype), i) LOAD_instr((Inn : Inn <: numtype), ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(n), sx)), x, ao)]), [CONST_instr((Inn : Inn <: numtype), $extend__(n, $size((Inn : Inn <: numtype)), sx, c))])
+    `%~>%`(`%;%`_config(z, [CONST_instr((at : addrtype <: numtype), i) LOAD_instr((Inn : Inn <: numtype), ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(n), sx)), x, ao)]), [CONST_instr((Inn : Inn <: numtype), $extend__(n, $size((Inn : Inn <: numtype)), sx, c))])
     -- if ($ibytes_(n, c) = $mem(z, x).BYTES_meminst[(i!`%`_num_.0 + ao.OFFSET_memarg!`%`_u32.0) : (((n : nat <:> rat) / (8 : nat <:> rat)) : rat <:> nat)])
   ;; 8-reduction.watsup
@@ -24476,12 +24506,12 @@ relation Step_read: `%~>%`(config, instr*)
   ;; 8-reduction.watsup
   rule `vload-pack-oob`{z : state, at : addrtype, i : num_((at : addrtype <: numtype)), M : M, K : K, sx : sx, x : idx, ao : memarg}:
-    `%~>%`(`%;%`_config(z, [CONST_instr((at : addrtype <: numtype), i) VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(M), K, sx)), x, ao)]), [TRAP_instr])
+    `%~>%`(`%;%`_config(z, [CONST_instr((at : addrtype <: numtype), i) VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%_%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(M), K, sx)), x, ao)]), [TRAP_instr])
     -- if (((i!`%`_num_.0 + ao.OFFSET_memarg!`%`_u32.0) + ((((M * K) : nat <:> rat) / (8 : nat <:> rat)) : rat <:> nat)) > |$mem(z, x).BYTES_meminst|)
   ;; 8-reduction.watsup
   rule `vload-pack-val`{z : state, at : addrtype, i : num_((at : addrtype <: numtype)), M : M, K : K, sx : sx, x : idx, ao : memarg, c : vec_(V128_Vnn), `j*` : iN(M)*, `k*` : nat*, Jnn : Jnn}:
-    `%~>%`(`%;%`_config(z, [CONST_instr((at : addrtype <: numtype), i) VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(M), K, sx)), x, ao)]), [VCONST_instr(V128_vectype, c)])
+    `%~>%`(`%;%`_config(z, [CONST_instr((at : addrtype <: numtype), i) VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%_%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(M), K, sx)), x, ao)]), [VCONST_instr(V128_vectype, c)])
     -- (if ($ibytes_(M, j) = $mem(z, x).BYTES_meminst[((i!`%`_num_.0 + ao.OFFSET_memarg!`%`_u32.0) + ((((k * M) : nat <:> rat) / (8 : nat <:> rat)) : rat <:> nat)) : (((M : nat <:> rat) / (8 : nat <:> rat)) : rat <:> nat)]))^(k<K){j <- `j*`, k <- `k*`}
     -- if ((c = $invlanes_(`%X%`_shape((Jnn : Jnn <: lanetype), `%`_dim(K)), $extend__(M, $lsizenn((Jnn : Jnn <: lanetype)), sx, j)^K{j <- `j*`})) /\ ($lsizenn((Jnn : Jnn <: lanetype)) = (M * 2)))
@@ -24557,13 +24587,13 @@ relation Step_read: `%~>%`(config, instr*)
   ;; 8-reduction.watsup
   rule `memory.copy-le`{z : state, at_1 : addrtype, i_1 : num_((at_1 : addrtype <: numtype)), at_2 : addrtype, i_2 : num_((at_2 : addrtype <: numtype)), at' : addrtype, n : n, x_1 : idx, x_2 : idx}:
-    `%~>%`(`%;%`_config(z, [CONST_instr((at_1 : addrtype <: numtype), i_1) CONST_instr((at_2 : addrtype <: numtype), i_2) CONST_instr((at' : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_(n)) MEMORY.COPY_instr(x_1, x_2)]), [CONST_instr((at_1 : addrtype <: numtype), i_1) CONST_instr((at_2 : addrtype <: numtype), i_2) LOAD_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(8), U_sx)), x_2, $memarg0) STORE_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%`_storeop_(`%`_sz(8))), x_1, $memarg0) CONST_instr((at_1 : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_((i_1!`%`_num_.0 + 1))) CONST_instr((at_2 : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_((i_2!`%`_num_.0 + 1))) CONST_instr((at' : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_((((n : nat <:> int) - (1 : nat <:> int)) : int <:> nat))) MEMORY.COPY_instr(x_1, x_2)])
+    `%~>%`(`%;%`_config(z, [CONST_instr((at_1 : addrtype <: numtype), i_1) CONST_instr((at_2 : addrtype <: numtype), i_2) CONST_instr((at' : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_(n)) MEMORY.COPY_instr(x_1, x_2)]), [CONST_instr((at_1 : addrtype <: numtype), i_1) CONST_instr((at_2 : addrtype <: numtype), i_2) LOAD_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(8), U_sx)), x_2, $memarg0) STORE_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%`_storeop_(`%`_sz(8))), x_1, $memarg0) CONST_instr((at_1 : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_((i_1!`%`_num_.0 + 1))) CONST_instr((at_2 : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_((i_2!`%`_num_.0 + 1))) CONST_instr((at' : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_((((n : nat <:> int) - (1 : nat <:> int)) : int <:> nat))) MEMORY.COPY_instr(x_1, x_2)])
     -- otherwise
     -- if (i_1!`%`_num_.0 <= i_2!`%`_num_.0)
   ;; 8-reduction.watsup
   rule `memory.copy-gt`{z : state, at_1 : addrtype, i_1 : num_((at_1 : addrtype <: numtype)), at_2 : addrtype, i_2 : num_((at_2 : addrtype <: numtype)), at' : addrtype, n : n, x_1 : idx, x_2 : idx}:
-    `%~>%`(`%;%`_config(z, [CONST_instr((at_1 : addrtype <: numtype), i_1) CONST_instr((at_2 : addrtype <: numtype), i_2) CONST_instr((at' : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_(n)) MEMORY.COPY_instr(x_1, x_2)]), [CONST_instr((at_1 : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_(((((i_1!`%`_num_.0 + n) : nat <:> int) - (1 : nat <:> int)) : int <:> nat))) CONST_instr((at_2 : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_(((((i_2!`%`_num_.0 + n) : nat <:> int) - (1 : nat <:> int)) : int <:> nat))) LOAD_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(8), U_sx)), x_2, $memarg0) STORE_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%`_storeop_(`%`_sz(8))), x_1, $memarg0) CONST_instr((at_1 : addrtype <: numtype), i_1) CONST_instr((at_2 : addrtype <: numtype), i_2) CONST_instr((at' : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_((((n : nat <:> int) - (1 : nat <:> int)) : int <:> nat))) MEMORY.COPY_instr(x_1, x_2)])
+    `%~>%`(`%;%`_config(z, [CONST_instr((at_1 : addrtype <: numtype), i_1) CONST_instr((at_2 : addrtype <: numtype), i_2) CONST_instr((at' : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_(n)) MEMORY.COPY_instr(x_1, x_2)]), [CONST_instr((at_1 : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_(((((i_1!`%`_num_.0 + n) : nat <:> int) - (1 : nat <:> int)) : int <:> nat))) CONST_instr((at_2 : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_(((((i_2!`%`_num_.0 + n) : nat <:> int) - (1 : nat <:> int)) : int <:> nat))) LOAD_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(8), U_sx)), x_2, $memarg0) STORE_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%`_storeop_(`%`_sz(8))), x_1, $memarg0) CONST_instr((at_1 : addrtype <: numtype), i_1) CONST_instr((at_2 : addrtype <: numtype), i_2) CONST_instr((at' : addrtype <: numtype), `%`_num_((((n : nat <:> int) - (1 : nat <:> int)) : int <:> nat))) MEMORY.COPY_instr(x_1, x_2)])
     -- otherwise
   ;; 8-reduction.watsup
@@ -25551,26 +25581,26 @@ grammar Binstr : instr
   prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x2A (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(F32_numtype, ?(), x, ao)
   ;; A-binary.watsup:361.5-361.41
   prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x2B (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(F64_numtype, ?(), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:362.5-362.48
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x2C (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(8), S_sx)), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:363.5-363.48
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x2D (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(8), U_sx)), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:364.5-364.49
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x2E (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(16), S_sx)), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:365.5-365.49
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x2F (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(16), U_sx)), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:366.5-366.48
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x30 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I64_numtype, ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(8), S_sx)), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:367.5-367.48
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x31 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I64_numtype, ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(8), U_sx)), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:368.5-368.49
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I64_numtype, ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(16), S_sx)), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:369.5-369.49
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x33 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I64_numtype, ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(16), U_sx)), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:370.5-370.49
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x34 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I64_numtype, ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(32), S_sx)), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:371.5-371.49
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x35 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I64_numtype, ?(`%%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(32), U_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:362.5-362.50
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x2C (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(8), S_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:363.5-363.50
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x2D (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(8), U_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:364.5-364.51
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x2E (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(16), S_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:365.5-365.51
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x2F (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I32_numtype, ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(16), U_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:366.5-366.50
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x30 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I64_numtype, ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(8), S_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:367.5-367.50
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x31 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I64_numtype, ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(8), U_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:368.5-368.51
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I64_numtype, ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(16), S_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:369.5-369.51
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x33 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I64_numtype, ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(16), U_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:370.5-370.51
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x34 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I64_numtype, ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(32), S_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:371.5-371.51
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x35 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => LOAD_instr(I64_numtype, ?(`%_%`_loadop_(`%`_sz(32), U_sx)), x, ao)
   ;; A-binary.watsup:372.5-372.42
   prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0x36 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => STORE_instr(I32_numtype, ?(), x, ao)
   ;; A-binary.watsup:373.5-373.42
@@ -25883,18 +25913,18 @@ grammar Binstr : instr
   prod {0xFC `%`_u32(7):Bu32} => CVTOP_instr(I64_numtype, F64_numtype, TRUNC_SAT_cvtop__(U_sx))
   ;; A-binary.watsup:598.5-598.50
   prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0xFD `%`_u32(0):Bu32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:599.5-599.68
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0xFD `%`_u32(1):Bu32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(8), 8, S_sx)), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:600.5-600.68
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0xFD `%`_u32(2):Bu32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(8), 8, U_sx)), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:601.5-601.69
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0xFD `%`_u32(3):Bu32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(16), 4, S_sx)), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:602.5-602.69
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0xFD `%`_u32(4):Bu32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(16), 4, U_sx)), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:603.5-603.69
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0xFD `%`_u32(5):Bu32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(32), 2, S_sx)), x, ao)
-  ;; A-binary.watsup:604.5-604.69
-  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0xFD `%`_u32(6):Bu32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(32), 2, U_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:599.5-599.70
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0xFD `%`_u32(1):Bu32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%_%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(8), 8, S_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:600.5-600.70
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0xFD `%`_u32(2):Bu32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%_%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(8), 8, U_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:601.5-601.71
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0xFD `%`_u32(3):Bu32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%_%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(16), 4, S_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:602.5-602.71
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0xFD `%`_u32(4):Bu32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%_%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(16), 4, U_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:603.5-603.71
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0xFD `%`_u32(5):Bu32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%_%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(32), 2, S_sx)), x, ao)
+  ;; A-binary.watsup:604.5-604.71
+  prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0xFD `%`_u32(6):Bu32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(`SHAPE%X%_%`_vloadop_(`%`_sz(32), 2, U_sx)), x, ao)
   ;; A-binary.watsup:605.5-605.61
   prod{x : idx, ao : memarg} {0xFD `%`_u32(7):Bu32 (x, ao):Bmemarg} => VLOAD_instr(V128_vectype, ?(SPLAT_vloadop_(`%`_sz(8))), x, ao)
   ;; A-binary.watsup:606.5-606.62
diff --git a/spectec/test-prose/ b/spectec/test-prose/
index 7296a91d8c..5282351456 100644
--- a/spectec/test-prose/
+++ b/spectec/test-prose/
@@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ The instruction :math:`({t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}{.}\mathsf{loa
       * The number type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}`.
-      * :math:`{{\mathit{loadop\_u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is equal to :math:`(M~{\mathit{sx}})`.
+      * :math:`{{\mathit{loadop\_u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is equal to :math:`{M}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}}`.
       * The number type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}`.
@@ -531,7 +531,7 @@ The instruction :math:`({t{.}\mathsf{load}}{\epsilon}~{\mathit{memarg}})` is val
-The instruction :math:`({{\mathsf{i}}{n}{.}\mathsf{load}}{M~{\mathit{sx}}}~{\mathit{memarg}})` is valid with the function type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\rightarrow~{\mathsf{i}}{n}` if:
+The instruction :math:`({{\mathsf{i}}{n}{.}\mathsf{load}}{{M}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}}}~{\mathit{memarg}})` is valid with the function type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\rightarrow~{\mathsf{i}}{n}` if:
    * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
@@ -1388,7 +1388,9 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
       1) Let :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}` be :math:`{{\mathit{loadop\_u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}`.
-      #) Let :math:`(n~{\mathit{sx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}`.
+      #) Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{\_}`.
+      #) Let :math:`{n}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}}` be :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}`.
       #) If :math:`i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} + n / 8 > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
@@ -1400,7 +1402,9 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
       1) Let :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}` be :math:`{{\mathit{loadop\_u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}`.
-      #) Let :math:`(n~{\mathit{sx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}`.
+      #) Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{\_}`.
+      #) Let :math:`{n}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}}` be :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}`.
       #) Let :math:`c` be the result for which :math:`{{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}(c)` :math:`=` :math:`z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} : n / 8]`.
@@ -3104,7 +3108,7 @@ Instr_ok/load
     - (2 ^ memarg.ALIGN) is less than or equal to ($size(t) / 8).
   - Or:
     - t_u1 is Inn.
-    - loadop__u1? is ?((M sx)).
+    - loadop__u1? is ?(M _ sx).
     - t_u3 is Inn.
     - (2 ^ memarg.ALIGN) is less than or equal to (M / 8).
@@ -3137,7 +3141,7 @@ Instr_ok/load-val
   - (2 ^ memarg.ALIGN) is less than or equal to ($size(t) / 8).
-- the instruction (LOAD Inn ?((M sx)) memarg) is valid with the function type [I32] -> [Inn] if:
+- the instruction (LOAD Inn ?(M _ sx) memarg) is valid with the function type [I32] -> [Inn] if:
   - the memory type C.MEMS[0] exists.
   - C.MEMS[0] is mt.
   - (2 ^ memarg.ALIGN) is less than or equal to (M / 8).
@@ -3555,15 +3559,17 @@ Step_read/load t_u1 loadop__u1? ao
 5. If the type of t_u1 is Inn, then:
   a. If loadop__u1? is defined, then:
     1) Let ?(loadop__0) be loadop__u1?.
-    2) Let (n sx) be loadop__0.
-    3) If (((i + ao.OFFSET) + (n / 8)) > |$mem(z, 0).BYTES|), then:
+    2) Assert: Due to validation, loadop__0 is of the case _.
+    3) Let n _ sx be loadop__0.
+    4) If (((i + ao.OFFSET) + (n / 8)) > |$mem(z, 0).BYTES|), then:
       a) Trap.
   b. Let Inn be t_u1.
   c. If loadop__u1? is defined, then:
     1) Let ?(loadop__0) be loadop__u1?.
-    2) Let (n sx) be loadop__0.
-    3) Let c be $ibytes__1^-1(n, $mem(z, 0).BYTES[(i + ao.OFFSET) : (n / 8)]).
-    4) Push the value (Inn.CONST $extend__(n, $size(Inn), sx, c)) to the stack.
+    2) Assert: Due to validation, loadop__0 is of the case _.
+    3) Let n _ sx be loadop__0.
+    4) Let c be $ibytes__1^-1(n, $mem(z, 0).BYTES[(i + ao.OFFSET) : (n / 8)]).
+    5) Push the value (Inn.CONST $extend__(n, $size(Inn), sx, c)) to the stack.
 1. Let z be the current state.
@@ -5086,7 +5092,7 @@ The instruction :math:`({{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}{.
       * The number type :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}`.
-      * :math:`{{\mathit{loadop\_u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is equal to :math:`(M~{\mathit{sx}})`.
+      * :math:`{{\mathit{loadop\_u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is equal to :math:`{M}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}}`.
       * The value type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}`.
@@ -5134,7 +5140,7 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{load}~{\mathit{vl
    * Either:
-      * :math:`{\mathit{vloadop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`({M}{\mathsf{x}}{\mathsf{x}}{\mathsf{\_}}{N})`.
+      * :math:`{\mathit{vloadop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`({M}{\mathsf{x}}{N}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})`.
       * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`M / 8 \cdot N`.
@@ -5232,7 +5238,7 @@ The instruction :math:`({{\mathit{nt}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{\epsilon}~{\mathit{memar
-The instruction :math:`({{\mathsf{i}}{n}{.}\mathsf{load}}{M~{\mathit{sx}}}~{\mathit{memarg}})` is valid with the function type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\rightarrow~{\mathsf{i}}{n}` if:
+The instruction :math:`({{\mathsf{i}}{n}{.}\mathsf{load}}{{M}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}}}~{\mathit{memarg}})` is valid with the function type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\rightarrow~{\mathsf{i}}{n}` if:
    * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
@@ -5268,7 +5274,7 @@ The instruction :math:`({{\mathsf{i}}{n}{.}\mathsf{store}}{M}~{\mathit{memarg}})
-The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{load}~({M}{\mathsf{x}}{\mathsf{x}}{\mathsf{\_}}{N})~{\mathit{memarg}})` is valid with the function type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\rightarrow~\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}` if:
+The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{load}~({M}{\mathsf{x}}{N}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})~{\mathit{memarg}})` is valid with the function type :math:`\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}~\rightarrow~\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}` if:
    * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]` exists.
@@ -6886,7 +6892,9 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
       1) Let :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}` be :math:`{{\mathit{loadop\_u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}`.
-      #) Let :math:`(n~{\mathit{sx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}`.
+      #) Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{\_}`.
+      #) Let :math:`{n}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}}` be :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}`.
       #) If :math:`i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} + n / 8 > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
@@ -6898,7 +6906,9 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
       1) Let :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}` be :math:`{{\mathit{loadop\_u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}`.
-      #) Let :math:`(n~{\mathit{sx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}`.
+      #) Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{\_}`.
+      #) Let :math:`{n}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}}` be :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}`.
       #) Let :math:`c` be the result for which :math:`{{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}(c)` :math:`=` :math:`z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} : n / 8]`.
@@ -6931,7 +6941,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
    #. If :math:`{\mathit{vloadop}}_0` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{shape}`, then:
-      1) Let :math:`({M}{\mathsf{x}}{\mathsf{x}}{\mathsf{\_}}{N})` be :math:`{\mathit{vloadop}}_0`.
+      1) Let :math:`({M}{\mathsf{x}}{N}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vloadop}}_0`.
       #) If :math:`i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} + M \cdot N / 8 > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
@@ -7105,7 +7115,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
       #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i)` to the stack.
-      #) Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{8~\mathsf{u}})`.
+      #) Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{{8}{\mathsf{\_}}{\mathsf{u}}})`.
       #) Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{store}}{8})`.
@@ -7119,7 +7129,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
       #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i + n - 1)` to the stack.
-      #) Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{8~\mathsf{u}})`.
+      #) Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{{8}{\mathsf{\_}}{\mathsf{u}}})`.
       #) Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{store}}{8})`.
@@ -10340,7 +10350,7 @@ Instr_ok/load
     - (2 ^ memarg.ALIGN) is less than or equal to ($size(nt) / 8).
   - Or:
     - nt_u1 is Inn.
-    - loadop__u1? is ?((M sx)).
+    - loadop__u1? is ?(M _ sx).
     - t_u1 is Inn.
     - (2 ^ memarg.ALIGN) is less than or equal to (M / 8).
@@ -10364,7 +10374,7 @@ Instr_ok/vload
   - the memory type C.MEMS[0] exists.
   - C.MEMS[0] is mt.
   - Either:
-    - vloadop_u1 is (SHAPE M X N sx).
+    - vloadop_u1 is (SHAPE M X N _ sx).
     - (2 ^ memarg.ALIGN) is less than or equal to ((M / 8) * N).
   - Or:
     - vloadop_u1 is (SPLAT n).
@@ -10415,7 +10425,7 @@ Instr_ok/load-val
   - (2 ^ memarg.ALIGN) is less than or equal to ($size(nt) / 8).
-- the instruction (LOAD Inn ?((M sx)) memarg) is valid with the function type [I32] -> [Inn] if:
+- the instruction (LOAD Inn ?(M _ sx) memarg) is valid with the function type [I32] -> [Inn] if:
   - the memory type C.MEMS[0] exists.
   - C.MEMS[0] is mt.
   - (2 ^ memarg.ALIGN) is less than or equal to (M / 8).
@@ -10433,7 +10443,7 @@ Instr_ok/store-pack
   - (2 ^ memarg.ALIGN) is less than or equal to (M / 8).
-- the instruction (VLOAD V128 ?((SHAPE M X N sx)) memarg) is valid with the function type [I32] -> [V128] if:
+- the instruction (VLOAD V128 ?((SHAPE M X N _ sx)) memarg) is valid with the function type [I32] -> [V128] if:
   - the memory type C.MEMS[0] exists.
   - C.MEMS[0] is mt.
   - (2 ^ memarg.ALIGN) is less than or equal to ((M / 8) * N).
@@ -11224,15 +11234,17 @@ Step_read/load nt_u1 loadop__u1? ao
 5. If the type of nt_u1 is Inn, then:
   a. If loadop__u1? is defined, then:
     1) Let ?(loadop__0) be loadop__u1?.
-    2) Let (n sx) be loadop__0.
-    3) If (((i + ao.OFFSET) + (n / 8)) > |$mem(z, 0).BYTES|), then:
+    2) Assert: Due to validation, loadop__0 is of the case _.
+    3) Let n _ sx be loadop__0.
+    4) If (((i + ao.OFFSET) + (n / 8)) > |$mem(z, 0).BYTES|), then:
       a) Trap.
   b. Let Inn be nt_u1.
   c. If loadop__u1? is defined, then:
     1) Let ?(loadop__0) be loadop__u1?.
-    2) Let (n sx) be loadop__0.
-    3) Let c be $ibytes__1^-1(n, $mem(z, 0).BYTES[(i + ao.OFFSET) : (n / 8)]).
-    4) Push the value (Inn.CONST $extend__(n, $size(Inn), sx, c)) to the stack.
+    2) Assert: Due to validation, loadop__0 is of the case _.
+    3) Let n _ sx be loadop__0.
+    4) Let c be $ibytes__1^-1(n, $mem(z, 0).BYTES[(i + ao.OFFSET) : (n / 8)]).
+    5) Push the value (Inn.CONST $extend__(n, $size(Inn), sx, c)) to the stack.
 Step_read/vload V128 vloadop_u1? ao
 1. Let z be the current state.
@@ -11246,7 +11258,7 @@ Step_read/vload V128 vloadop_u1? ao
 6. Else:
   a. Let ?(vloadop_0) be vloadop_u1?.
   b. If vloadop_0 is of the case SHAPE, then:
-    1) Let (SHAPE M X N sx) be vloadop_0.
+    1) Let (SHAPE M X N _ sx) be vloadop_0.
     2) If (((i + ao.OFFSET) + ((M * N) / 8)) > |$mem(z, 0).BYTES|), then:
       a) Trap.
     3) Let j^N be $ibytes__1^-1(M, $mem(z, 0).BYTES[((i + ao.OFFSET) + ((k * M) / 8)) : (M / 8)])^(k<N).
@@ -11331,14 +11343,14 @@ Step_read/memory.copy
   a. If (j <= i), then:
     1) Push the value (I32.CONST j) to the stack.
     2) Push the value (I32.CONST i) to the stack.
-    3) Execute the instruction (LOAD I32 ?((8 U)) $memarg0()).
+    3) Execute the instruction (LOAD I32 ?(8 _ U) $memarg0()).
     4) Execute the instruction (STORE I32 ?(8) $memarg0()).
     5) Push the value (I32.CONST (j + 1)) to the stack.
     6) Push the value (I32.CONST (i + 1)) to the stack.
   b. Else:
     1) Push the value (I32.CONST ((j + n) - 1)) to the stack.
     2) Push the value (I32.CONST ((i + n) - 1)) to the stack.
-    3) Execute the instruction (LOAD I32 ?((8 U)) $memarg0()).
+    3) Execute the instruction (LOAD I32 ?(8 _ U) $memarg0()).
     4) Execute the instruction (STORE I32 ?(8) $memarg0()).
     5) Push the value (I32.CONST j) to the stack.
     6) Push the value (I32.CONST i) to the stack.
@@ -15130,7 +15142,7 @@ The instruction :math:`({{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}{.
       * The number type :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{N}`.
-      * :math:`{{\mathit{loadop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is equal to :math:`(M~{\mathit{sx}})`.
+      * :math:`{{\mathit{loadop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is equal to :math:`{M}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}}`.
       * The value type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{N}`.
@@ -15273,7 +15285,7 @@ The instruction :math:`({{\mathit{nt}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{\epsilon}~x~{\mathit{mem
-The instruction :math:`({{\mathsf{i}}{N}{.}\mathsf{load}}{M~{\mathit{sx}}}~x~{\mathit{memarg}})` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{\mathit{at}}~\rightarrow~{\mathsf{i}}{N}` if:
+The instruction :math:`({{\mathsf{i}}{N}{.}\mathsf{load}}{{M}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}}}~x~{\mathit{memarg}})` is valid with the instruction type :math:`{\mathit{at}}~\rightarrow~{\mathsf{i}}{N}` if:
    * The memory type :math:`C{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]` exists.
@@ -18410,7 +18422,9 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
       1) Let :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}` be :math:`{{\mathit{loadop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}`.
-      #) Let :math:`(n~{\mathit{sx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}`.
+      #) Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{\_}`.
+      #) Let :math:`{n}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}}` be :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}`.
       #) If :math:`i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} + n / 8 > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
@@ -18422,7 +18436,9 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
       1) Let :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}` be :math:`{{\mathit{loadop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}`.
-      #) Let :math:`(n~{\mathit{sx}})` be :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}`.
+      #) Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{\_}`.
+      #) Let :math:`{n}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}}` be :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}`.
       #) Let :math:`c` be the result for which :math:`{{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}(c)` :math:`=` :math:`z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} : n / 8]`.
@@ -18633,7 +18649,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
       #) Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}_2{.}\mathsf{const}~i_2)` to the stack.
-      #) Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{8~\mathsf{u}}~x_2)`.
+      #) Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{{8}{\mathsf{\_}}{\mathsf{u}}}~x_2)`.
       #) Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{store}}{8}~x_1)`.
@@ -18647,7 +18663,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
       #) Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}_2{.}\mathsf{const}~i_2 + n - 1)` to the stack.
-      #) Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{8~\mathsf{u}}~x_2)`.
+      #) Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{{8}{\mathsf{\_}}{\mathsf{u}}}~x_2)`.
       #) Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{store}}{8}~x_1)`.
@@ -19346,6 +19362,13 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. Return :math:`(\mathsf{ref}~\mathsf{null}~\mathsf{func})`.
+1. Return :math:`(\mathsf{ref}~\mathsf{null}~\mathsf{extern})`.
@@ -19367,6 +19390,13 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
 1. Return :math:`(\mathsf{ref}~\mathsf{null}~\mathsf{nofunc})`.
+1. Return :math:`(\mathsf{ref}~\mathsf{null}~\mathsf{noexn})`.
@@ -25681,7 +25711,7 @@ Instr_ok/load
     - (2 ^ memarg.ALIGN) is less than or equal to ($size(nt) / 8).
   - Or:
     - nt_u1 is Inn.
-    - loadop_u1? is ?((M sx)).
+    - loadop_u1? is ?(M _ sx).
     - t_u1 is Inn.
     - (2 ^ memarg.ALIGN) is less than or equal to (M / 8).
@@ -25708,7 +25738,7 @@ Instr_ok/vload
     - vloadop_u1? is ?().
     - (2 ^ memarg.ALIGN) is less than or equal to ($vsize(V128) / 8).
   - Or:
-    - vloadop_u1? is ?((SHAPE M X N sx)).
+    - vloadop_u1? is ?((SHAPE M X N _ sx)).
     - (2 ^ memarg.ALIGN) is less than or equal to ((M / 8) * N).
   - Or:
     - vloadop_u1? is ?((SPLAT N)).
@@ -25754,7 +25784,7 @@ Instr_ok/load-val
   - (2 ^ memarg.ALIGN) is less than or equal to ($size(nt) / 8).
-- the instruction (LOAD Inn ?((M sx)) x memarg) is valid with the instruction type [at] -> [Inn] if:
+- the instruction (LOAD Inn ?(M _ sx) x memarg) is valid with the instruction type [at] -> [Inn] if:
   - the memory type C.MEMS[x] exists.
   - C.MEMS[x] is at lim PAGE.
   - (2 ^ memarg.ALIGN) is less than or equal to (M / 8).
@@ -25778,7 +25808,7 @@ Instr_ok/vload-val
   - (2 ^ memarg.ALIGN) is less than or equal to ($vsize(V128) / 8).
-- the instruction (VLOAD V128 ?((SHAPE M X N sx)) x memarg) is valid with the instruction type [at] -> [V128] if:
+- the instruction (VLOAD V128 ?((SHAPE M X N _ sx)) x memarg) is valid with the instruction type [at] -> [V128] if:
   - the memory type C.MEMS[x] exists.
   - C.MEMS[x] is at lim PAGE.
   - (2 ^ memarg.ALIGN) is less than or equal to ((M / 8) * N).
@@ -27286,15 +27316,17 @@ Step_read/load nt_u1 loadop_u1? x ao
 5. If the type of nt_u1 is Inn, then:
   a. If loadop_u1? is defined, then:
     1) Let ?(loadop__0) be loadop_u1?.
-    2) Let (n sx) be loadop__0.
-    3) If (((i + ao.OFFSET) + (n / 8)) > |$mem(z, x).BYTES|), then:
+    2) Assert: Due to validation, loadop__0 is of the case _.
+    3) Let n _ sx be loadop__0.
+    4) If (((i + ao.OFFSET) + (n / 8)) > |$mem(z, x).BYTES|), then:
       a) Trap.
   b. Let Inn be nt_u1.
   c. If loadop_u1? is defined, then:
     1) Let ?(loadop__0) be loadop_u1?.
-    2) Let (n sx) be loadop__0.
-    3) Let c be $ibytes__1^-1(n, $mem(z, x).BYTES[(i + ao.OFFSET) : (n / 8)]).
-    4) Push the value (Inn.CONST $extend__(n, $size(Inn), sx, c)) to the stack.
+    2) Assert: Due to validation, loadop__0 is of the case _.
+    3) Let n _ sx be loadop__0.
+    4) Let c be $ibytes__1^-1(n, $mem(z, x).BYTES[(i + ao.OFFSET) : (n / 8)]).
+    5) Push the value (Inn.CONST $extend__(n, $size(Inn), sx, c)) to the stack.
 Step_read/vload V128 vloadop_u1? x ao
 1. Let z be the current state.
@@ -27308,7 +27340,7 @@ Step_read/vload V128 vloadop_u1? x ao
 6. Else:
   a. Let ?(vloadop__0) be vloadop_u1?.
   b. If vloadop__0 is of the case SHAPE, then:
-    1) Let (SHAPE M X K sx) be vloadop__0.
+    1) Let (SHAPE M X K _ sx) be vloadop__0.
     2) If (((i + ao.OFFSET) + ((M * K) / 8)) > |$mem(z, x).BYTES|), then:
       a) Trap.
     3) Let j^K be $ibytes__1^-1(M, $mem(z, x).BYTES[((i + ao.OFFSET) + ((k * M) / 8)) : (M / 8)])^(k<K).
@@ -27395,14 +27427,14 @@ Step_read/memory.copy x_1 x_2
   a. If (i_1 <= i_2), then:
     1) Push the value (at_1.CONST i_1) to the stack.
     2) Push the value (at_2.CONST i_2) to the stack.
-    3) Execute the instruction (LOAD I32 ?((8 U)) x_2 $memarg0()).
+    3) Execute the instruction (LOAD I32 ?(8 _ U) x_2 $memarg0()).
     4) Execute the instruction (STORE I32 ?(8) x_1 $memarg0()).
     5) Push the value (at_1.CONST (i_1 + 1)) to the stack.
     6) Push the value (at_2.CONST (i_2 + 1)) to the stack.
   b. Else:
     1) Push the value (at_1.CONST ((i_1 + n) - 1)) to the stack.
     2) Push the value (at_2.CONST ((i_2 + n) - 1)) to the stack.
-    3) Execute the instruction (LOAD I32 ?((8 U)) x_2 $memarg0()).
+    3) Execute the instruction (LOAD I32 ?(8 _ U) x_2 $memarg0()).
     4) Execute the instruction (STORE I32 ?(8) x_1 $memarg0()).
     5) Push the value (at_1.CONST i_1) to the stack.
     6) Push the value (at_2.CONST i_2) to the stack.
@@ -27731,6 +27763,9 @@ ARRAYREF
 1. Return (REF ?(NULL) FUNC).
+1. Return (REF ?(NULL) EXTERN).
 1. Return (REF ?(NULL) EXTERN).
@@ -27740,6 +27775,9 @@ NULLREF
 1. Return (REF ?(NULL) NOFUNC).
+1. Return (REF ?(NULL) NOEXN).
 1. Return (REF ?(NULL) NOEXTERN).
diff --git a/spectec/test-splice/ b/spectec/test-splice/
index bc67e855ea..8320d2f4f4 100644
--- a/spectec/test-splice/
+++ b/spectec/test-splice/
@@ -1180,6 +1180,7 @@ warning: definition `ANYREF` was never spliced
 warning: definition `ARRAYREF` was never spliced
 warning: definition `E` was never spliced
 warning: definition `EQREF` was never spliced
+warning: definition `EXNREF` was never spliced
 warning: definition `EXTERNREF` was never spliced
 warning: definition `FN` was never spliced
 warning: definition `FUNCREF` was never spliced
@@ -1189,6 +1190,7 @@ warning: definition `JN` was never spliced
 warning: definition `Ki` was never spliced
 warning: definition `M` was never spliced
 warning: definition `ND` was never spliced
+warning: definition `NULLEXNREF` was never spliced
 warning: definition `NULLEXTERNREF` was never spliced
 warning: definition `NULLFUNCREF` was never spliced
 warning: definition `NULLREF` was never spliced
@@ -1980,7 +1982,9 @@ warning: definition prose `ANYREF` was never spliced
 warning: definition prose `ARRAYREF` was never spliced
 warning: definition prose `E` was never spliced
 warning: definition prose `EQREF` was never spliced
+warning: definition prose `EXNREF` was never spliced
 warning: definition prose `EXTERNREF` was never spliced
+warning: definition prose `Eval_expr` was never spliced
 warning: definition prose `FN` was never spliced
 warning: definition prose `FUNCREF` was never spliced
 warning: definition prose `I31REF` was never spliced
@@ -1988,6 +1992,7 @@ warning: definition prose `IN` was never spliced
 warning: definition prose `JN` was never spliced
 warning: definition prose `Ki` was never spliced
 warning: definition prose `M` was never spliced
+warning: definition prose `NULLEXNREF` was never spliced
 warning: definition prose `NULLEXTERNREF` was never spliced
 warning: definition prose `NULLFUNCREF` was never spliced
 warning: definition prose `NULLREF` was never spliced
@@ -2041,7 +2046,6 @@ warning: definition prose `dim` was never spliced
 warning: definition prose `disjoint_` was never spliced
 warning: definition prose `elem` was never spliced
 warning: definition prose `eleminst` was never spliced
-warning: definition prose `eval_expr` was never spliced
 warning: definition prose `evalglobals` was never spliced
 warning: definition prose `exninst` was never spliced
 warning: definition prose `expanddt` was never spliced

From db4f6fb5db5b9c53a42addccfb50ccce6a7bad48 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: 702fbtngus <>
Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2025 17:39:50 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 12/12] Update

 spectec/test-prose/ | 42 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 1 file changed, 21 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)

diff --git a/spectec/test-prose/ b/spectec/test-prose/
index f3462f39e5..5282351456 100644
--- a/spectec/test-prose/
+++ b/spectec/test-prose/
@@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ The instruction :math:`({t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}{.}\mathsf{loa
       * The number type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}`.
-    * :math:`{{\mathit{loadop\_u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is equal to :math:`{M}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}}`.
+      * :math:`{{\mathit{loadop\_u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is equal to :math:`{M}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}}`.
       * The number type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 3}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}`.
@@ -1388,9 +1388,9 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
       1) Let :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}` be :math:`{{\mathit{loadop\_u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}`.
-    #) Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{\_}`.
+      #) Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{\_}`.
-    #) Let :math:`{n}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}}` be :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}`.
+      #) Let :math:`{n}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}}` be :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}`.
       #) If :math:`i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} + n / 8 > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
@@ -1402,9 +1402,9 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
       1) Let :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}` be :math:`{{\mathit{loadop\_u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}`.
-    #) Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{\_}`.
+      #) Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{\_}`.
-    #) Let :math:`{n}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}}` be :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}`.
+      #) Let :math:`{n}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}}` be :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}`.
       #) Let :math:`c` be the result for which :math:`{{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}(c)` :math:`=` :math:`z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} : n / 8]`.
@@ -5092,7 +5092,7 @@ The instruction :math:`({{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}{.
       * The number type :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}`.
-    * :math:`{{\mathit{loadop\_u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is equal to :math:`{M}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}}`.
+      * :math:`{{\mathit{loadop\_u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is equal to :math:`{M}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}}`.
       * The value type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{n}`.
@@ -5140,7 +5140,7 @@ The instruction :math:`(\mathsf{v{\scriptstyle 128}}{.}\mathsf{load}~{\mathit{vl
    * Either:
-    * :math:`{\mathit{vloadop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`({M}{\mathsf{x}}{N}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})`.
+      * :math:`{\mathit{vloadop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`({M}{\mathsf{x}}{N}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})`.
       * :math:`{2^{{\mathit{memarg}}{.}\mathsf{align}}}` is less than or equal to :math:`M / 8 \cdot N`.
@@ -6892,9 +6892,9 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
       1) Let :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}` be :math:`{{\mathit{loadop\_u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}`.
-    #) Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{\_}`.
+      #) Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{\_}`.
-    #) Let :math:`{n}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}}` be :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}`.
+      #) Let :math:`{n}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}}` be :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}`.
       #) If :math:`i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} + n / 8 > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
@@ -6906,9 +6906,9 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
       1) Let :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}` be :math:`{{\mathit{loadop\_u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}`.
-    #) Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{\_}`.
+      #) Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{\_}`.
-    #) Let :math:`{n}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}}` be :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}`.
+      #) Let :math:`{n}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}}` be :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}`.
       #) Let :math:`c` be the result for which :math:`{{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}(c)` :math:`=` :math:`z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} : n / 8]`.
@@ -6941,7 +6941,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
    #. If :math:`{\mathit{vloadop}}_0` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{shape}`, then:
-    1) Let :math:`({M}{\mathsf{x}}{N}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vloadop}}_0`.
+      1) Let :math:`({M}{\mathsf{x}}{N}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}})` be :math:`{\mathit{vloadop}}_0`.
       #) If :math:`i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} + M \cdot N / 8 > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[0]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
@@ -7115,7 +7115,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
       #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i)` to the stack.
-    #) Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{{8}{\mathsf{\_}}{\mathsf{u}}})`.
+      #) Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{{8}{\mathsf{\_}}{\mathsf{u}}})`.
       #) Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{store}}{8})`.
@@ -7129,7 +7129,7 @@ The module :math:`(\mathsf{module}~{{\mathit{type}}^\ast}~{{\mathit{import}}^\as
       #) Push the value :math:`(\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{const}~i + n - 1)` to the stack.
-    #) Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{{8}{\mathsf{\_}}{\mathsf{u}}})`.
+      #) Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{{8}{\mathsf{\_}}{\mathsf{u}}})`.
       #) Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{store}}{8})`.
@@ -15142,7 +15142,7 @@ The instruction :math:`({{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}{.
       * The number type :math:`{\mathit{nt}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{N}`.
-    * :math:`{{\mathit{loadop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is equal to :math:`{M}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}}`.
+      * :math:`{{\mathit{loadop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}` is equal to :math:`{M}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}}`.
       * The value type :math:`t_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}` is equal to :math:`{\mathsf{i}}{N}`.
@@ -18422,9 +18422,9 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
       1) Let :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}` be :math:`{{\mathit{loadop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}`.
-    #) Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{\_}`.
+      #) Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{\_}`.
-    #) Let :math:`{n}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}}` be :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}`.
+      #) Let :math:`{n}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}}` be :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}`.
       #) If :math:`i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} + n / 8 > {|z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}|}`, then:
@@ -18436,9 +18436,9 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
       1) Let :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}` be :math:`{{\mathit{loadop}}_{\mathit{u{\kern-0.1em\scriptstyle 1}}}^?}`.
-    #) Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{\_}`.
+      #) Assert: Due to validation, :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}` is of the case :math:`\mathsf{\_}`.
-    #) Let :math:`{n}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}}` be :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}`.
+      #) Let :math:`{n}{\mathsf{\_}}{{\mathit{sx}}}` be :math:`{\mathit{loadop\_{\scriptstyle 0}}}`.
       #) Let :math:`c` be the result for which :math:`{{\mathrm{bytes}}}_{{\mathsf{i}}{n}}(c)` :math:`=` :math:`z{.}\mathsf{mems}{}[x]{.}\mathsf{bytes}{}[i + {\mathit{ao}}{.}\mathsf{offset} : n / 8]`.
@@ -18649,7 +18649,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
       #) Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}_2{.}\mathsf{const}~i_2)` to the stack.
-    #) Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{{8}{\mathsf{\_}}{\mathsf{u}}}~x_2)`.
+      #) Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{{8}{\mathsf{\_}}{\mathsf{u}}}~x_2)`.
       #) Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{store}}{8}~x_1)`.
@@ -18663,7 +18663,7 @@ The instruction sequence :math:`(\mathsf{block}~{\mathit{blocktype}}~{{\mathit{i
       #) Push the value :math:`({\mathit{at}}_2{.}\mathsf{const}~i_2 + n - 1)` to the stack.
-    #) Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{{8}{\mathsf{\_}}{\mathsf{u}}}~x_2)`.
+      #) Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{load}}{{8}{\mathsf{\_}}{\mathsf{u}}}~x_2)`.
       #) Execute the instruction :math:`({\mathsf{i{\scriptstyle 32}}{.}\mathsf{store}}{8}~x_1)`.