Name | Type | Description | Notes |
index | int | Voting period index, starting from zero | [optional] |
epoch | int | Voting epoch index, starting from zero | [optional] |
kind | string | Kind of the voting period `proposal` - delegates can submit protocol amendment proposals using the proposal operation `exploration` - bakers (delegates) may vote on the top-ranked proposal from the previous Proposal Period using the ballot operation `testing` - If the proposal is approved in the Exploration Period, the testing (or 'cooldown') period begins and bakers start testing the new protocol `promotion` - delegates can cast one vote to promote or not the tested proposal using the ballot operation `adoption` - after the proposal is actually accepted, the ecosystem has some time to prepare to the upgrade | [optional] |
first_level | int | The height of the block in which the period starts | [optional] |
last_level | int | The height of the block in which the period ends | [optional] |