Name | Type | Description | Notes |
type | string | Type of the operation, `migration` - result of the context (database) migration during a protocol update (synthetic type) | [optional] |
id | int | Unique ID of the operation, stored in the TzKT indexer database | [optional] |
level | int | The height of the block from the genesis block, in which the operation was included | [optional] |
timestamp | \DateTime | Datetime of the block, in which the operation was included (ISO 8601, e.g. `2020-02-20T02:40:57Z`) | [optional] |
block | string | Hash of the block, in which the operation was included | [optional] |
kind | string | Kind of the migration `bootstrap` - balance updates, included in the first block after genesis `activate_delegate` - registering a new baker (delegator) during protocol migration `airdrop` - airdrop of 1 micro tez during Babylon protocol upgrade `proposal_invoice` - invoice for creation a proposal for protocol upgrade `code_change` - changing contract scripts during Babylon protocol upgrade `origination` - implicit (hardcoded in the protocol) origination of liquidity baking contracts `subsidy` - liquidity baking subsidy `remove_bigmap_key` - removing the key from the bigmap | [optional] |
account | OneOfAlias | Information about the account whose balance has updated as a result of the operation | [optional] |
balance_change | int | The amount for which the operation updated the balance (micro tez) | [optional] |
storage | mixed | Contract storage after the migration converted to human-readable JSON. Note: you can configure storage format by setting `micheline` query parameter. | [optional] |
diffs | \Bzzhh\Tzkt\Model\BigMapDiff[] | List of bigmap updates caused by the migration. | [optional] |
token_transfers_count | int | Number of token transfers produced by the operation, or `null` if there are no transfers | [optional] |
quote | OneOfQuoteShort | Injected historical quote at the time of operation | [optional] |