Name | Type | Description | Notes |
type | string | Type of the right: - `baking` - right to bake (produce) a block; - `endorsing` - right to endorse (validate) a block. | [optional] |
cycle | int | Cycle on which the right can be realized. | [optional] |
level | int | Level at which a block must be baked or an endorsement must be sent. | [optional] |
timestamp | \DateTime | Time (estimated, in case of future rights) when a block must be baked or an endorsement must be sent. | [optional] |
round | int | Round (0 - ∞) at which the baker can propose/produce a block. If a baker at round `0` doesn't produce a block within the given time interval, then the right goes to a baker at round` 1`, etc. For `endorsing` rights this field is always `null`. | [optional] |
slots | int | Number of slots (1 - 32) to be endorsed. For `baking` rights this field is always `null`. | [optional] |
baker | \Bzzhh\Tzkt\Model\BakingRightBaker | [optional] | |
status | string | Status of the baking or endorsing right: - `future` - the right is not realized yet; - `realized` - the right was successfully realized; - `missed` - the right was not realized. | [optional] |
priority | int | [DEPRECATED] | [optional] |