Name | Type | Description | Notes |
type | string | Type of the operation, `autostaking` | [optional] |
id | int | Internal TzKT ID. [sortable] | [optional] |
level | int | Height of the block from the genesis | [optional] |
timestamp | \DateTime | Datetime at which the block is claimed to have been created (ISO 8601, e.g. `2020-02-20T02:40:57Z`) | [optional] |
baker | OneOfAlias | Baker for which autostaking event happened | [optional] |
action | string | Autostaking action (`stake`, `unstake`, `finalize`) | [optional] |
amount | int | Amount (micro tez) | [optional] |
staking_updates_count | int | Number of staking updates happened internally | [optional] |
quote | OneOfQuoteShort | Injected historical quote at the time of operation | [optional] |
cycle | int | [DEPRECATED] | [optional] |