BC VC Pilot Credential
-Please download a digital wallet before using this service. You must also have test BC Services Mobile app data. If you need that, please contact [details TBD].
-This is a Proof of Concept service operated for the purposes of the BC VC Pilot Program. It demonstrates how an individual can receive a verifiable credential issued by an authority (the Government of BC) containing information that authority knows about you.
-When the QR code to receive your digital credential is displayed, use your digital wallet app (you have one right? If not, please download a digital wallet) to scan the code and follow the instructions in your wallet app.
+Person credential invitation
+This is to get your invitation credential. This is the first step to getting your Person credential. Use your + Person credential to prove your identity online and get access to services online.
+Before you start, you’ll need: +
- + BC Wallet app installed on your mobile device. Don’t have it? Get the BC Wallet app. + +
- + BC Service Card app set up on your mobile device, including your identity verified. Don’t have it? Get the BC + Services Card app. + +
This is a pilot program intended to demonstrate the Person credential and it is still being developed. The Person + credential is only meant to be used with collaborating services and does not replace your physical ID. The + invitation credential is intended to invite individuals to the pilot program and is not intended to be part of the + final product. The invitation credential can only be issued once. Please do not delete the invitation credential + from your wallet until the pilot program is over. If you experience any issues or would like to provide feedback, + please contact DITRUST@gov.bc.ca.