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Releases: WWBN/AVideo

Independent Video Advertising System

16 May 00:00
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Independent Video Advertising System to Avoid Meddling by Google (Thanks for the idea Simon Christopher)
Choose the fist style, Youtube video Play or Gallery
Now MP3 files create a spectrum video, audio now will play like a video, watch an sample:

User and Videos Groups and Private Videos

05 May 13:07
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In this version YouPHPTube allows you to determine if the videos published on the page will be public or private. By default all videos are public, but you can create groups and link them to videos and users, so only users in the group can view videos from the same group. And the linked video will not be public any more.

Main Release

28 Apr 14:30
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First Release with video Upload and others sites download
Facebook and google login
and a lot more.