diff --git a/spec.bs b/spec.bs
index 7eb26cbe6..b1c9d924b 100644
--- a/spec.bs
+++ b/spec.bs
@@ -1870,13 +1870,13 @@ and a [=real time reporting contributions map=] |realTimeContributionsMap|:
[=get direct from seller signals for a seller=] given |topLevelDirectFromSellerSignals|.
1. Set |topLevelDirectFromSellerSignalsRetrieved| to true.
1. If |compWinnerInfo|'s [=leading bid info/leading bid=] is not null, then run
- [=score and rank a bid=] with |auctionConfig|, |reportingContextMap|[auctionConfig],
+ [=score and rank a bid=] with |auctionConfig|, |reportingContextMap|[|auctionConfig|],
|compWinnerInfo|'s [=leading bid info/leading bid=], |leadingBidInfo|,
|decisionLogicFetcher|, |trustedScoringSignalsBatcher|, null, "top-level-auction", null,
and |topLevelOrigin|.
1. If |compWinnerInfo|'s [=leading bid info/leading non-k-anon-enforced bid=]
is not null, then run [=score and rank a bid=] with |auctionConfig|, |reportingContextMap|[
- auctionConfig], |compWinnerInfo|'s [=leading bid info/leading non-k-anon-enforced bid=],
+ |auctionConfig|], |compWinnerInfo|'s [=leading bid info/leading non-k-anon-enforced bid=],
|leadingBidInfo|, |decisionLogicFetcher|, |trustedScoringSignalsBatcher|,
|topLevelDirectFromSellerSignalsForSeller|, null, "top-level-auction", null, |topLevelOrigin|,
and |realTimeContributionsMap|.
@@ -3137,17 +3137,20 @@ a [=list=] of [=interest groups=] |bidIgs|, and a [=reporting context map=]
[=bid debug reporting info/bidder debug loss report url=] to |maybeDebugReportUrl|.
1. Set |bidDebugReportingInfo|'s [=bid debug reporting info/server filtered debugging only reports=]
to [=server auction response/server filtered debugging only reports=].
-1. Set |reportingContextMap|[|auctionConfig|]'s [=reporting context/debug reporting info=] to
+1. Let |reportingContext| be |reportingContextMap|[|auctionConfig|].
+1. Set |reportingContext|'s [=reporting context/debug reporting info=] to
1. Let |reportingId| be a [=reporting bid key=] with the following [=struct/items=]:
: [=reporting bid key/context=]
- :: |reportingContextMap|[|auctionConfig|]
+ :: |reportingContext|
: [=reporting bid key/source=]
:: [=reporting bid source/bidding-and-auction-services=]
: [=reporting bid key/bidder origin=]
:: |response|'s [=server auction response/interest group owner=]
: [=reporting bid key/bid identifier=]
:: |response|'s [=server auction response/interest group name=]
+1. [=Handle server response private aggregation fields=] given |response|, |requestContext| and
+ |reportingId|.
1. Let |winningBid| be a new [=generated bid=] with the following [=struct/items=]:
: [=generated bid/reporting id=]
:: |reportingId|
@@ -3247,6 +3250,69 @@ a [=list=] of [=interest groups=] |bidIgs|, and a [=reporting context map=]
+To handle server response private aggregation fields given a [=server auction response=]
+|response|, a [=reporting context=] |reportingContext|, and a [=reporting bid key=] |reportingId|:
+1. [=Assert=] that these steps are running [=in parallel=].
+1. [=Commit server response private aggregation contributions=] given |response|'s
+ [=server auction response/component win private aggregation contributions=], |reportingContext|,
+ |reportingId| and false.
+1. [=Commit server response private aggregation contributions=] given |response|'s
+ [=server auction response/server filtered private aggregation reserved contributions=],
+ |reportingContext|, |reportingId| and true.
+1. [=Commit server response private aggregation contributions=] given |response|'s
+ [=server auction response/server filtered private aggregation non reserved contributions=],
+ |reportingContext|, |reportingId| and true.
commit server response private aggregation contributions given a
+[=server auction response=] |contributionsMap|, a [=reporting context=] |reportingContext|, a
+[=reporting bid key=] |reportingId| and a [=boolean=] |serverFiltered|:
+1. [=map/For each=] (|reportingOrigin|, |coordinator|, |event|) → |contributions| of |contributionsMap|:
+ 1. Let |eventToContributionsMap| be a new [=Private Aggregation contributions=].
+ 1. Let |scopingDetails| be a new [=scoping details=] with the [=struct/items=]:
+ :
get batching scope steps
+ :: An algorithm that performs the following steps:
+ 1. If |coordinator| is null, set |coordinator| to the [=default aggregation coordinator=].
+ 1. Return the result of running [=get or create a batching scope=] given |reportingOrigin|,
+ |coordinator| and |reportingContext|.
+ :
get debug scope steps
+ :: An algorithm that returns a new [=debug scope=].
+ 1. Let |batchingScope| be null.
+ 1. If |event| [=string/starts with=] "`reserved.`", set |batchingScope| to the
+ result of running |scopingDetails|'
+ get batching scope steps.
+ Note: Each non-reserved |event| will have a different [=batching scope=]
+ that is created later.
+ 1. [=list/For each=] |contribution| of |contributions|:
+ 1. Let |entry| be a new [=on event contribution entry=] with the items:
+ : [=on event contribution entry/contribution=]
+ :: |contribution|
+ : [=on event contribution entry/batching scope=]
+ :: |batchingScope|
+ : [=on event contribution entry/debug scope=]
+ :: The result of running |scopingDetails|'
get debug scope steps.
+ : [=on event contribution entry/worklet function=]
+ :: "`generate-bid`" (it does not matter for server returned contributions)
+ : [=on event contribution entry/server filtered=]
+ :: |serverFiltered|
+ : [=on event contribution entry/origin=]
+ :: |reportingOrigin|
+ 1. If |eventToContributionsMap|[|event|] does not [=map/exist=], set
+ |eventToContributionsMap|[|event|] to « |entry| ».
+ 1. Otherwise, [=list/append=] |eventToContributionsMap|[|event|] with |entry|.
+1. [=Commit private aggregation contributions=] given |eventToContributionsMap|, |reportingId| and
+ |reportingContext|.
*This first introductory paragraph is non-normative.*
@@ -3478,6 +3544,20 @@ A server auction response is a [=struct=] that contains auction resul
:: Null or [=server auction reporting info=].
: component seller reporting
:: Null or [=server auction reporting info=].
+ : component win private aggregation contributions
+ :: A [=map=] whose [=map/keys=] are ([=reporting bid key=], [=string=]), and whose [=map/values=]
+ are [=lists=] of [=on event contribution entries=]. Private aggregation contributions from
+ winners of component auctions run on trusted auction servers. These need to be filtered by the
+ client based on the top level auction's outcome.
+ : server filtered private aggregation reserved contributions
+ :: A [=map=] from a tuple of ([=reporting bid key=], [=string=]) to a [=list=] of [=on event
+ contribution entries=]. Server filtered private aggregation contributions with reserved event
+ types (already set to "reserved.always"), which are not dependent on the final auction result and
+ should always be reported.
+ : server filtered private aggregation non reserved contributions
+ :: A [=map=] from a tuple of ([=reporting bid key=], [=string=]) to a [=list=] of [=on event
+ contribution entries=]. Server filtered private aggregation contributions with non reserved event
+ types, which are not dependent on the final auction result and should always be reported.
: component win debugging only reports
:: A [=map=] whose [=map/keys=] are [=server auction debug report keys=], and whose [=map/values=]
are [=lists=] of [=urls=].
@@ -3531,10 +3611,13 @@ The getInterestGroupAdAuctionData(|configIDL|) m
1. Set |config|'s [=auction data config/encryption key=] to |key|.
1. Set |config|'s [=auction data config/encryption key id=] to |keyId|.
1. Let |igMap| be a new [=map=] whose [=map/keys=] are [=origins=] and [=map/values=] are [=lists=].
+ 1. Let |igPAggCoordinatorMap| be a new [=map=] whose [=map/keys=] are tuples of ([=origins=], [=strings=])
+ and [=map/values=] are [=origins=].
1. Let |startTime| be a [=moment=] equal to the [=current coarsened wall time=].
1. [=list/For each=] |ig| of the [=user agent=]'s [=interest group set=]:
1. If |ig|'s [=interest group/ads=] is null or [=list/is empty=], [=iteration/continue=].
1. Let |owner| be |ig|'s [=interest group/owner=].
+ 1. Let |name| be |ig|'s [=interest group/name=].
1. If |config|'s [=auction data config/per buyer config=] [=map/is not empty=] and
|config|'s [=auction data config/per buyer config=][|owner|] does not
[=map/exist=], then [=iteration/continue=].
@@ -3542,7 +3625,8 @@ The getInterestGroupAdAuctionData(|configIDL|) m
1. Let |ads| be a new [=list=].
1. [=list/For each=] |ad| in |ig|'s [=interest group/ads=], [=list/append=] |ad|'s [=interest group ad/ad render ID=] to |ads|.
1. Let |components| be a new [=list=].
- 1. [=list/For each=] |component| in |ig|'s [=interest group/ad components=], [=list/append=] |component|'s [=interest group ad/ad render ID=] to |components|.
+ 1. [=list/For each=] |component| in |ig|'s [=interest group/ad components=], [=list/append=]
+ |component|'s [=interest group ad/ad render ID=] to |components|.
1. Let |prevWins| be a new [=sequence=]<[=server auction previous win=]>
1. [=list/For each=] |prevWin| of |ig|'s [=interest group/previous wins=] for all days within the
the last 30 days:
@@ -3567,7 +3651,7 @@ The getInterestGroupAdAuctionData(|configIDL|) m
:: |prevWins|
1. Let |serverIg| be a new [=server auction interest group=] with the following [=struct/items=]:
: [=server auction interest group/name=]
- :: |ig|'s [=interest group/name=]
+ :: |name|
: [=server auction interest group/bidding signals keys=]
:: |ig|'s [=interest group/trusted bidding signals keys=]
: [=server auction interest group/user bidding signals=]
@@ -3581,11 +3665,13 @@ The getInterestGroupAdAuctionData(|configIDL|) m
: [=server auction interest group/priority=]
:: |ig|'s [=interest group/priority=]
1. [=list/Append=] |serverIg| to |igMap|[|owner|].
+ 1. If |ig|'s [=interest group/Private Aggregation coordinator=] is not null, then [=map/set=]
+ |igPAggCoordinatorMap|[(|owner|, |name|)] to it.
1. Let |result| be a new {{AdAuctionData}}.
1. Let |requestId| be the [=string representation=] of a [=version 4 UUID=].
1. [=map/Set=] |result|["{{AdAuctionData/requestId}}"] to |requestId|.
- 1. Let (|requestBlob|, |context|) be the result of serializing |igMap| using
- |config|. The serialization method may follow that described in
+ 1. Let (|requestBlob|, |context|) be the result of serializing |igMap| with |config| and
+ |igPAggCoordinatorMap|. The serialization method may follow that described in
[Section 2.2.4 of Bidding and Auction Services](https://privacysandbox.github.io/draft-ietf-bidding-and-auction-services/draft-ietf-bidding-and-auction-services.html#name-generating-a-request).
1. Set |result|["{{AdAuctionData/request}}"] to |requestBlob|.
1. [=Queue a global task=] on the [=DOM manipulation task source=], given |global|, to
@@ -4206,8 +4292,7 @@ A signal base value is one of the following:
: "bid-reject-reason
:: The numeric value is an integer representing the reason a bid was rejected.
- Note: this mapping to an integer is defined in [=determine a signal's
- numeric value=].
+ Note: this mapping to an integer is defined in [=determine a signal's numeric value=].
: "average-code-fetch-time
:: The numeric value is the average time it took to fetch code resources (JavaScript or WebAssembly)
@@ -4258,6 +4343,9 @@ An on event contribution entry is a [=struct=] with the following items:
:: A [=debug details=] or null (default null)
: worklet function
:: A [=worklet function=].
+: server filtered
+:: A [=boolean=], initially false. Only set to true when the contribution is already filtered by the
+ trusted auction server before sent back to the client.
: origin
:: The [=origin=] of the script that contributed the entry.
@@ -4423,7 +4511,7 @@ runs; this method exists as an abstraction to help add that.
commit private aggregation contributions given an [=Private Aggregation
commit private aggregation contributions given a [=Private Aggregation
contributions=] |onEventMap|, a [=reporting bid key=] |bidKey|, and a [=reporting context=]
1. [=map/For each=] |event| → |contributions| of |onEventMap|:
@@ -4465,6 +4553,7 @@ To
process the Private Aggregation contributions given an [=auction c
To process the Private Aggregation contributions for an auction given
an [=auction config=] |auctionConfig| and a [=reporting context=] |reportingContext|:
1. If |auctionConfig|'s [=auction config/aborted=] is true, return.
1. Let |winnerId| be |reportingContext|'s [=reporting context/winner reporting id=]
1. Let |leadingBidInfo| be |reportingContext|'s [=reporting context/local leader info=].
@@ -4474,11 +4563,15 @@ an [=auction config=] |auctionConfig| and a [=reporting context=] |reportingCont
1. Let |sellerOnceRep| be null.
1. If |reportingContext|'s [=reporting context/seller participants=] [=set/is not empty=],
set |sellerOnceRep| to a random [=set/item=] of [=reporting context/seller participants=].
-1. [=map/For each=] (|bidId|, |event|) → |contributions| of
- |reportingContext|'s [=reporting context/private aggregation on event contributions=]:
- 1. If |event| is "`reserved.win`" or does not [=string/start with=] "`reserved.`":
- 1. If |bidId| is not |winnerId|, [=iteration/continue=].
- 1. If |event| is "`reserved.loss`" and |bidId| is |winnerId|, [=iteration/continue=].
+1. [=map/For each=] (|bidId|, |event|) → |contributions| of |reportingContext|'s
+ [=reporting context/private aggregation on event contributions=]:
+ 1. If |event| does not [=string/start with=] "`reserved.`":
+ 1. [=list/For each=] |onEventEntry| of |contributions|:
+ 1. If |onEventEntry|'s [=on event contribution entry/server filtered=] is false and |bidId| is
+ not |winnerId|, then [=list/remove=] |onEventEntry| from |contributions|.
+ 1. If |onEventEntry|'s [=on event contribution entry/server filtered=] is false:
+ 1. If |event| is "`reserved.win`" and |bidId| is not |winnerId|, then [=iteration/continue=].
+ 1. If |event| is "`reserved.loss`" and |bidId| is |winnerId|, [=iteration/continue=].
1. [=list/For each=] |onEventEntry| of |contributions|:
1. If |event| is "`reserved.once`":
1. If |onEventEntry|'s [=on event contribution entry/worklet function=] is [=worklet function/
@@ -6042,6 +6135,8 @@ event, PAExtendedHistogramContribution contribution) method steps are:
reserved event types are added later.
1. If |event| is "`reserved.once`" and |function| is [=worklet function/report-result=] or
[=worklet function/report-win=], [=exception/throw=] a {{TypeError}}.
+1. If |event| does not [=string/start with=] "`reserved.`", and |function| is "`scoreAd()`" or
+ "`report-result`", return.
1. Let |bucket| be |contribution|["{{PAExtendedHistogramContribution/bucket}}"].
1. If |bucket| is a {{PASignalValue}}:
1. If |bucket|["{{PASignalValue/baseValue}}"] is not a valid [=signal base