- Tables
- Signage
- WCRS with Wire Support
- Blinky Bots
- "Hot"
- Suggested Donation
- QR code
- Donation Box
- Extension Cords and Power Bars
- Name Tags
- Business cards and Holder
- Duct tape
- First Aid kit
- Soldering Irons and Tins
- Glue Guns and Tins
- Wire Wrap Tools
- Scissors
- Wire Cutters
- Straight Pins
- Solder Sucker
- X-acto Knife
- Cutting board
- Needle nose pliers
- Multimeter
- White glue
- Hot Glue sticks
- Solder
- Card stock squares (for glue)
- Toothpicks
- Wet Wipes
- Crayola markers and Tin
- Scrap Card stock and Tin
- Scotch Tape
- Sandwich baggies
- Spare soldering iron tips
- Ladybug
- Black Bat
- Yellow Bat Badge
- Frog
- Elephant
- Butterfly
- Dodo Bird
- Monster (pinned)
- Monster (standup)
- Monkey
- Halloween Eyes
Spare Parts
- Coin Cell Batteries
- Battery Holders
- Paper Clips
- LEDs
- Plastic Rectangles (for paper clip switches)
- Badge (bar) Pins
- Stick-on jewels
- Brass Wire
- Red/Black wire
- Brads
- Googly Eyes
- Yarn
- Black pipe cleaners