This kit is aimed at a learn to solder project, with little need to learn anything about how it works, and no attempt to make it 'pretty'. This page, and the links from it can be used to expand on the basic kit soldering, to learn more about electronics.
NOTE: This page is still in the preliminary stages. It is being posted now to give people a place to start. It is known to be incomplete, and very rough. The same applies to the blinky bot wiki pages that many of the links lead to. With a github account, the issues forum of the repository can be used to ask for help, or provide feedback.
Go to the main Blinky Bot page, which includes the astable multivibrator as part of Level 2
The Soldering Safety page contains information that should be read, and understood, before starting to solder.
Information and references for:
- tip replacement, tinning
- tip cleaning
- wire wrap tool
- wire stripping
- soldering
- tinning tip with small amount of solder
- heat work area (joint) before adding solder
- heat both pieces (simultaneously) to be joined
- add solder to joint work area, «preferably» not directly to the soldering tip
- types of solder, pros and cons
If you have a source for the electronic components used in the kit, you can create your own from scratch. The base card, showing part and wire locations can be printed from this template. The 2 pages in that pdf are the front and back views of the card. If you can accurately position suitable heavy card stock, to get them to line up properly, additional cards can be created. The template, the rest of this project, and the content of the associated github repository are all under The Artistic License 2.0.
- circuit
- electronic parts
- RC time constants
- breadboarding
- changing values
- Fritzing?
- scope trace
- transistor pin ordering variations