This helps you create 2 EVMOS chains (v12.1.6) with 3 validators on each chain and run with docker compose
$ ./ 1
$ ./ 1
$ docker-compose -f network1.yml up -d
To turn it off
$ docker-compose -f network1.yml down
$ ./ 2
$ ./ 2
$ docker-compose -f network2.yml up -d
To turn it off
$ docker-compose -f network2.yml down
Now you can follow this sample to create an IBC relayer to connect them
Network | Chain ID | RPC | Json RPC | Websocket Json RPC | REST | gRPC | P2P |
1 | evmos_9000-5 | 26657 | 8545 | 8546 | 1317 | 9090 | 26656 |
2 | evmos_9000-6 | 36657 | 18545 | 18546 | 11317 | 19090 | 36656 |
- Validators (same on both chains)
- evmosvaloper1wuqvcpuunf7r5rg7xutqddhw55grfzc7ewkz9a
- 50m EVMOS
- 7k coin staked
- EVMOS wallet addr: evmos1wuqvcpuunf7r5rg7xutqddhw55grfzc75qejyq
- Mnemonic: spoil senior door access upset floor decorate shield high punch senior tape pigeon base slogan height clever buffalo cat report poem weapon labor satoshi
- ETH private key: FC3F58B007A017166DE5A340C7A2641EB37CF37081D6F9013636CEBFBAF7B1FE
- Key name: val1
- evmosvaloper1zxgt4pwzzsv02z24g80lc5rhtsp0prw046yxss
- 50m EVMOS
- 3k coin staked
- EVMOS wallet addr: evmos1zxgt4pwzzsv02z24g80lc5rhtsp0prw0c5tk3d
- Mnemonic: width produce brush hour horse retreat play flag fresh broken measure culture scare broken erupt pilot buzz embody depend topic behind rigid fan battle
- ETH private key: 0172DC491B5ACD04DD378D3FD8FD9F41A0D701E070941474FADECD72E1E085B9
- Key name: val2
- evmosvaloper1vcy9v4jp0sd4hysqqcuwleytxre3ms4cmv5ajl
- 50m EVMOS
- 3k coin staked
- EVMOS wallet addr: evmos1vcy9v4jp0sd4hysqqcuwleytxre3ms4ckzmdnz
- Mnemonic: stage grid emotion thumb safe myth chair dizzy beyond casual select polar hover retire master neglect shift zero trigger section token replace truly father
- ETH private key: E0D83C6054597638469CC91A46F14B7F62705297912524059629E4674302928F
- Key name: val3
- evmosvaloper1wuqvcpuunf7r5rg7xutqddhw55grfzc7ewkz9a
You can custom your chain just by editting keys in the file
Here are some of them:
Key | Default value | Explain |
CHAIN_1_GIT_REPO | | Git repo to be used to build chain 1 |
v12.1.6 | Git branch to be used to build chain 1 |
evmos_9000-5 | Chain id of chain 1 |
evmos | Chain type of chain 1 |
60 | HD key derivation path for chain 1's accounts |
CHAIN_2_GIT_REPO | | Git repo to be used to build chain 2 |
v12.1.6 | Git branch to be used to build chain 2 |
evmos_9000-6 | Chain id of chain 2 |
evmos | Chain type of chain 2 |
60 | HD key derivation path for chain 2's accounts |
Performance: 2 chains created by this sample can run in parallel smoothly in a 4 Core 4 Gb RAM machine
This sample is using keyring-backend is test
, you may need to change to file
( to secure your test env if needed
Network | Chain ID | Container name | Home dir within container | Mapped home dir in host machine |
1 | evmos_9000-5 | vtevmos10 (val1) | /.evmosd1 | /path/to/EVMOS-sample-scripts/blockchain-in-docker/.evmosd10 |
1 | evmos_9000-5 | vtevmos11 (val2) | /.evmosd1 | /path/to/EVMOS-sample-scripts/blockchain-in-docker/.evmosd11 |
1 | evmos_9000-5 | vtevmos12 (val3) | /.evmosd1 | /path/to/EVMOS-sample-scripts/blockchain-in-docker/.evmosd12 |
2 | evmos_9000-6 | vtevmos20 (val1) | /.evmosd2 | /path/to/EVMOS-sample-scripts/blockchain-in-docker/.evmosd20 |
2 | evmos_9000-6 | vtevmos21 (val2) | /.evmosd2 | /path/to/EVMOS-sample-scripts/blockchain-in-docker/.evmosd21 |
2 | evmos_9000-6 | vtevmos22 (val3) | /.evmosd2 | /path/to/EVMOS-sample-scripts/blockchain-in-docker/.evmosd22 |
The gov-sample-proposals also mapped to /gov-sample-proposals
vol within each container