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This helps you create 2 EVMOS chains (v12.1.6) with 3 validators on each chain and run with docker compose

I. Create first chain

$ ./ 1

$ ./ 1

$ docker-compose -f network1.yml up -d

To turn it off

$ docker-compose -f network1.yml down

II. Create second chain

$ ./ 2

$ ./ 2

$ docker-compose -f network2.yml up -d

To turn it off

$ docker-compose -f network2.yml down

Now you can follow this sample to create an IBC relayer to connect them

III. Network stats

Network Chain ID RPC Json RPC Websocket Json RPC REST gRPC P2P
1 evmos_9000-5 26657 8545 8546 1317 9090 26656
2 evmos_9000-6 36657 18545 18546 11317 19090 36656
  • Validators (same on both chains)
    • evmosvaloper1wuqvcpuunf7r5rg7xutqddhw55grfzc7ewkz9a
      • 50m EVMOS
      • 7k coin staked
      • EVMOS wallet addr: evmos1wuqvcpuunf7r5rg7xutqddhw55grfzc75qejyq
      • Mnemonic: spoil senior door access upset floor decorate shield high punch senior tape pigeon base slogan height clever buffalo cat report poem weapon labor satoshi
      • ETH private key: FC3F58B007A017166DE5A340C7A2641EB37CF37081D6F9013636CEBFBAF7B1FE
      • Key name: val1
    • evmosvaloper1zxgt4pwzzsv02z24g80lc5rhtsp0prw046yxss
      • 50m EVMOS
      • 3k coin staked
      • EVMOS wallet addr: evmos1zxgt4pwzzsv02z24g80lc5rhtsp0prw0c5tk3d
      • Mnemonic: width produce brush hour horse retreat play flag fresh broken measure culture scare broken erupt pilot buzz embody depend topic behind rigid fan battle
      • ETH private key: 0172DC491B5ACD04DD378D3FD8FD9F41A0D701E070941474FADECD72E1E085B9
      • Key name: val2
    • evmosvaloper1vcy9v4jp0sd4hysqqcuwleytxre3ms4cmv5ajl
      • 50m EVMOS
      • 3k coin staked
      • EVMOS wallet addr: evmos1vcy9v4jp0sd4hysqqcuwleytxre3ms4ckzmdnz
      • Mnemonic: stage grid emotion thumb safe myth chair dizzy beyond casual select polar hover retire master neglect shift zero trigger section token replace truly father
      • ETH private key: E0D83C6054597638469CC91A46F14B7F62705297912524059629E4674302928F
      • Key name: val3

IV. Customization

You can custom your chain just by editting keys in the file

Here are some of them:

Key Default value Explain
CHAIN_1_GIT_REPO Git repo to be used to build chain 1
CHAIN_1_GIT_REPO_BRANCH v12.1.6 Git branch to be used to build chain 1
CHAIN_1_ID evmos_9000-5 Chain id of chain 1
CHAIN_1_TYPE evmos Chain type of chain 1
CHAIN_1_COINTYPE 60 HD key derivation path for chain 1's accounts
CHAIN_2_GIT_REPO Git repo to be used to build chain 2
CHAIN_2_GIT_REPO_BRANCH v12.1.6 Git branch to be used to build chain 2
CHAIN_2_ID evmos_9000-6 Chain id of chain 2
CHAIN_2_TYPE evmos Chain type of chain 2
CHAIN_2_COINTYPE 60 HD key derivation path for chain 2's accounts

Performance: 2 chains created by this sample can run in parallel smoothly in a 4 Core 4 Gb RAM machine

This sample is using keyring-backend is test, you may need to change to file ( to secure your test env if needed

V. Mapped volumes

Network Chain ID Container name Home dir within container Mapped home dir in host machine
1 evmos_9000-5 vtevmos10 (val1) /.evmosd1 /path/to/EVMOS-sample-scripts/blockchain-in-docker/.evmosd10
1 evmos_9000-5 vtevmos11 (val2) /.evmosd1 /path/to/EVMOS-sample-scripts/blockchain-in-docker/.evmosd11
1 evmos_9000-5 vtevmos12 (val3) /.evmosd1 /path/to/EVMOS-sample-scripts/blockchain-in-docker/.evmosd12
2 evmos_9000-6 vtevmos20 (val1) /.evmosd2 /path/to/EVMOS-sample-scripts/blockchain-in-docker/.evmosd20
2 evmos_9000-6 vtevmos21 (val2) /.evmosd2 /path/to/EVMOS-sample-scripts/blockchain-in-docker/.evmosd21
2 evmos_9000-6 vtevmos22 (val3) /.evmosd2 /path/to/EVMOS-sample-scripts/blockchain-in-docker/.evmosd22

The gov-sample-proposals also mapped to /gov-sample-proposals vol within each container