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A Kotlin DSL for generating SSP archives.

sspgen is Kotlin DSL designed to ease the work of creating SSP compliant simulation systems.

Among other things, sspgen can validate the SystemStructureDefinition, e.g. checking that connectors exists and that connections are made between the same variable type.

Resources bundled with the generated .ssp may be specified both as local files and remote URLs.


Either download the latest kotlin-compiler and add the bin folder to PATH.

OR, (recommended) run the script in the context of IntelliJ, which additionally adds script auto completion.

Maven artifact

sspgen is hosted through Maven Central


Imagine a file named ExampleSspGen.main.kts with the following content:

note: File names MUST end with .main.kts



import no.ntnu.ihb.sspgen.dsl.*

ssp("TestSsdGen") {
    resources {

    ssd("A simple CLI test") {

        author = "John Doe"
        description = "A simple description"

        system("Test") {

            description = "An even simpler description"

            elements {
                component("FMU1", "resources/FMU1.fmu") {
                    connectors {
                        real("output", output) {
                        real("input", input)
                        integer("counter", output)
                    parameterBindings {
                        parameterSet("initialValues") {
                            real("input", 2.0)
                            integer("counter", 99)
                component("FMU2", "resources/FMU2.fmu") {
                    connectors {
                        real("input", input)
                        real("output", output)

            connections {
                "FMU2.output" to "FMU1.input"
                ("FMU1.output" to "FMU2.input").linearTransformation(factor = 1.5)


        defaultExperiment(startTime = 1.0)



Executing ./ExampleSsdGen.main.kts in a shell would result in an SSP archive named TestSsdGen.ssp with two FMUs and someFile.txt located under /resources and a SystemStructure.ssd in the root directory with the content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ssd:SystemStructureDescription xmlns:ssd="" xmlns:ssc="" xmlns:ssb="" version="1.0" name="A simple CLI test" description="A simple description" author="John Doe" generationTool="sspgen">
    <ssd:System name="Test">
            <ssd:Component source="resources/FMU1.fmu" name="FMU1">
                    <ssd:Connector name="output" kind="output">
                        <ssc:Real unit="m/s"/>
                    <ssd:Connector name="input" kind="input">
                    <ssd:Connector name="counter" kind="output">
                            <ssv:ParameterSet version="1.0" name="initialValues">
                                    <ssv:Parameter name="input">
                                        <ssv:Real value="2.0"/>
                                    <ssv:Parameter name="counter">
                                        <ssv:Integer value="99"/>
            <ssd:Component source="resources/FMU2.fmu" name="FMU2">
                    <ssd:Connector name="input" kind="input">
                    <ssd:Connector name="output" kind="output">
            <ssd:Connection startElement="FMU2" startConnector="output" endElement="FMU1" endConnector="input"/>
            <ssd:Connection startElement="FMU1" startConnector="output" endElement="FMU2" endConnector="input">
                <ssc:LinearTransformation factor="1.5" offset="0.0"/>
    <ssd:DefaultExperiment startTime="1.0"/>

Another convenient feature of the DSL is the ability for copying connectors and parameterSets from one component to another. Additionally, OSP-IS is supported, allowing high-level connections to be formed.


ssp(archiveName: String) {

    resources {
        file(path: String)
        url(path: String)
        pythonfmu(sourcePath: String, vararg projectFiles: String)

    ssd(name: String) {

        author: String
        description: String
        fileVersion: String
        copyright: String
        license: String
        system(name: String) {

            description: String

            elements {
                component(name: String, source: String) {
                    connectors {
                        integer(name: String, kind: String)
                        real(name: String, kind: String) {
                            unit(name: String)
                        string(name: String, kind: String)
                        boolean(name: String, kind: String)
                        enumeration(name: String, kind: String)
                        copyFrom(componentName: String) {
                            //declare additional connectors as above
                    parameterBindings {
                        parameterSet(name: String) {
                            integer(name: String, value: Int)
                            real(name: String, value: Number)
                            string(name: String, value: String)
                            boolean(name: String, value: Boolean)
                            enumeration(name: String, value: String)
                            copyFrom(componentName: String, parameterSetName: String) {
                                //declare additional parameters or override existing ones
                    annotations {
                        annotation(rawString: String) {
                            // e.g: 
                                <ChildElement value="something"/>
                        copyFrom(component: String)       
            connections(inputsFirst: Boolean = false) {
                "StartElement.StartConnector" to "EndElement.EndConnector" //inputsFirst=true swaps this
            ospConnections {
                "" to ""

        defaultExperiment(startTime: Number, stopTime: Number) {       
            annotations {
                annotation(rawString: String) {
                    // e.g: 
                        <ChildElement value="something"/>



    namespaces {
        namespace(namespace: String, uri: String)


Integration with FMI-VDM-Model

sspgen integrates with FMI-VDM-Model, allowing optional static analysis of the included FMUs for informative purposes. To use, simply provide the path to the fmi2vdm.jar when invoking validate or build.