While parts of vsign
are stable, we are continuing to experiment and add new features. The following feature set is not considered stable yet, but we are commiteted to stabilizing it over time!
Note: the following providers require online access to CodeSign Protect for both signing and verification
ML-DSA44 example
vsign sign --config test/config.ini --output-signature test/output.sig --payload test/data.txt --mechanism 2147483650
SLH-DSA-SHA2-256S example
vsign sign --config test/config.ini --output-signature test/output.sig --payload test/data.txt --mechanism 2147483652
SLH-DSA-SHAKE-256S example
vsign sign --config test/config.ini --output-signature test/output.sig --payload test/data.txt --mechanism 2147483652 --digest shake
Note: PQC verification not currently supported given experimental state of algorithms and no official library support
Inspired by the Relic project
vsign sign --config test/config.ini --payload test/hello.jar --output-signature ~/hello-signed.jar --digest sha256 --mechanism 1 --sig-type jar
Supported flags are:
- Don't compute hash of entire manifest
- Include .SF inside the signature block
- Add X-Android-APK-Signed header to signature
vsign verify --config test/config.ini --payload test/hello.jar --signature test/hello-signed.jar --digest sha256
You can also use jarsigner to perform verification:
jarsigner -verify hello-signed.jar
Inspired by the Relic project
vsign sign --config test/config.ini --payload test/hello.xml --output-signature ~/hello-signed.xml --digest sha256 --mechanism 1
vsign verify --config test/config.ini --payload test/hello.jar --signature test/hello-signed.jar --digest sha256
vsign sign --config test/config.ini --image myorg/myapp:v1 --mechanism 64