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Meteor Template helpers


  • 👨‍🔬 100% tests coverage;
  • 💡 Lightweight - No external dependencies, all feature helpers has only weak dependencies;
  • ⚖️ Compare values with conditions - {{#if compare one '===' two}} ... {{/if}};
  • 🐒 Get/set Session (weak dependency) - {{Session 'key' set='value'}}, {{#if Session 'key'}} ... {{/if}};
  • 🔨 Use underscore's functions (weak dependency) - {{#if _ 'isString' 'one'}} ... {{/if}};
  • 👨‍💻 Debug/log passed objects as a string to template - {{log this.someVal 'string' object="value"}}.


meteor add ostrio:templatehelpers


Use comparison, conditional, and logical operations right in the Blaze templates. Get access to Session object ans stored values. Execute underscore package methods. And debug Blaze templating data using log helper.

Comparison helpers

Compare template data. Create conditional if and unless blocks.

Compare two values in template

{{#if compare 'one' '>' 'two'}}
  <!-- ... -->
{{compare 'one' 'gt' 'two'}}
{{compare 'one' 'greaterThan' 'two'}}

{{compare 'one' '>=' 'two'}}
{{compare 'one' 'gte' 'two'}}
{{compare 'one' 'greaterThanEqual' 'two'}}

{{compare 'one' '<' 'two'}}
{{compare 'one' 'lt' 'two'}}
{{compare 'one' 'lessThan' 'two'}}

{{compare 'one' '<=' 'two'}}
{{compare 'one' 'lte' 'two'}}
{{compare 'one' 'lessThanEqual' 'two'}}

{{compare 'one' '===' 'two'}}
{{compare 'one' 'is' 'two'}}

{{compare 'one' '!==' 'two'}}
{{compare 'one' 'isnt' 'two'}}

{{compare 'one' '==' 'two'}}
{{compare 'one' 'isEqual' 'two'}}

{{compare 'one' '!=' 'two'}}
{{compare 'one' 'isNotEqual' 'two'}}

{{compare 'one' '&&' 'two'}}
{{compare 'one' 'and' 'two'}}

{{compare 'one' '&!' 'two'}} <!-- (a && !b) -->
{{compare 'one' '!&' 'two'}} <!-- (!a && b) -->
{{compare 'one' '!&!' 'two'}} <!-- (!a && !b) -->
{{compare 'one' '!&&' 'two'}} <!-- !(a && b) -->
{{compare 'one' 'nand' 'two'}} <!-- !(a && b) -->

{{compare 'one' '||' 'two'}}
{{compare 'one' 'or' 'two'}}
<!-- Or statements returns real values -->
<!-- For example you have one falsy value and another not -->
<!-- Truthy value will be returned then (as in real JS-script) -->

{{compare 'one' '|!' 'two'}} <!-- (a || !b) -->
{{compare 'one' '!|' 'two'}} <!-- (!a || b) -->
{{compare 'one' '!|!' 'two'}} <!-- (!a || !b) -->
{{compare 'one' '!||' 'two'}} <!-- !(a || b) -->
{{compare 'one' 'nor' 'two'}} <!-- !(a || b) -->

{{compare 'one' 'xor' 'two'}} <!-- ((a && !b) || (!a && b)) -->
{{compare 'one' 'nxor' 'two'}} <!-- !((a && !b) || (!a && b)) -->

Compare many to many

Compare complex template data.

{{#if compare 1 '>' 2 '&&' 5 '<' 8}}
  <!-- ... -->
{{compare 1 '>' 2 '||' 5 '<' 8}}
{{compare first '||' second '||' third}}
{{compare first '&&' second '&&' third}}
{{compare first '&&' second '||' third}}
<!-- Any combinations will work, above just basic examples -->

Compare one value to many (any of.. match)

Compare single value against many (any of.. match).

{{#if compare 'one' '>' 'two|one|three|four|five'}}
  <!-- ... -->
{{compare 'one' '>=' 'two|one|three|four|five'}}
{{compare 'one' '<' 'two|one|three|four'}}
{{compare 'one' '<=' 'two|one|three'}}
{{compare 'one' '===' 'two|one'}}
{{compare 'one' '!==' 'two|one|three'}}
{{compare 'one' '==' 'two|one|three|four'}}
{{compare 'one' '!=' 'two|one|three|four'}}
{{compare 'one' '&&' 'two|one|three|four'}}


Template debugging - Log arguments into browser's console with output into template

{{log 'val' opt='val2' opt2=variable}}

Add console=true as an argument to log values into JS-console

{{log 'val' opt='val2' opt2=variable console=true}}


Get or set session value from views via Session helper

<!-- To get value -->
{{Session 'key'}}

<!-- To set value -->
{{Session 'key' set="new value"}}

<!-- To set default value -->
{{Session 'key' set="new value" action="setDefault"}}

Underscore (all methods)

Execute underscore methods in template

{{#if _ 'isString' 'one'}}

Running Tests

  1. Clone this package
  2. In Terminal (Console) go to directory where package is cloned
  3. Then run:


# Default
meteor test-packages ./

# With custom port
meteor test-packages ./ --port 8888