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Building and Deploying Container Images Using JBDS

Use Case: As a developer, I wish to create container images using JBDS and deploy them to OpenShift

Step 1: Switch to Docker perspective On the top right of JBDS you will find icons to switch perspectives. Find the Docker Tooling icon that appears as a single blue cylinder. If you hover over the icons it should show the label Docker Tooling. You can also open this by going through menu options Window->Perspective->Open Perspective->Other and select Docker Tooling.

Step 2: Create a connection to the Docker Daemon running on the Minishift VM

Minishift runs a VM, and a docker daemon inside that VM. oc cluster up that is run by minishift pulls the OpenShift all-in-one and instantiates using this docker daemon. While you may have Docker running on your workstation (example Docker on Windows or Docker on Mac), Minishift doesn't use that daemon. In this step, we will connect to this daemon from JBDS.

  • To find the connection details run the following command from your command line to gather minishift's docker connection details.
$ minishift docker-env
export DOCKER_HOST="tcp://"
export DOCKER_CERT_PATH="/Users/veer/.minishift/certs"
export DOCKER_API_VERSION="1.24"
# Run this command to configure your shell: 
# eval $(minishift docker-env)

Note the values for DOCKER_HOST and DOCKER_CERT_PATH. In my case they are tcp:// and /Users/veer/.minishift/certs

  • In the Docker Explorer, press on the Add Connection icon (blue cylinder with a yellow + sign).

  • This will open up Connect to docker daemon window. Now provide a Connection name and type in the connection parameters noted above for TCP Connection. Check Enable Authentication and provide the DOCKER_CERT_PATH noted above.

  • Press on Test Connection to ensure that the connection is successful. Then press on Finish

  • Docker Explorer view on the left should now show the connection that you just created. Expand the same and navigate through the Images and Containers to get accustomed to this view.

Step 3: Create an Application Container Image

We will use a Dockerfile to create a container. I have a simple example here that has a Dockerfile based on busybox as the base image. If you are using Minishift with CDK, you can use rhel based image.

  • Let us switch back from the Docker tooling perspective back to JBoss perspective by clicking on the red dots icon.

  • Right click in the Project Explorer view and select Import->Import. Choose Git and Projects from Git (with smart import) and the Next button
  • You'll see Select Repository Source window. Choose Clone URI and press Next again
  • Next you'll see Source Git Repository window. Copy paste in the URI and press on Next and again Next in the Branch Selection window
  • Choose a directory for Local Destination or leave it as defaults and press Next and Finish on the next window.

This will import the git repository with code and make it available via Project Explorer. We are interested in the Dockerfile in the busybox folder. Open the same.

  • Now let's switch back to the Docker Tooling perspective
  • Right click on the Dockerfile and select Run As->Docker Image Build
  • You'll see Edit Configuration window. Give a Name: to the image (I called it bbtime) and select the Docker Connection to point to the Minishift daemon that you configured earlier. Ensure the Build Context Path is set correctly and press on Run
  • The docker build should now start and you will see the output in the Console view at the bottom
  • Now use Docker Explorer and navigate to Images in the Minishift Docker Daemon that you configured earlier. You should find the new image that you just created (bbtime) there.

Step 4: Deploy the container image into OpenShift

In order to deploy this image we will tag it and push it into the openshift internal registry first.

  • Go to OpenShift Explorer view at the bottom and find the OpenShift connection to the Minishift Cluster. This OpenShift connection should show My Project. Right-click on the OpenShift Connection and choose New -> Project. Provide a name for the project. I'll call it newproject and give a Display Name of My New Project and press on Finish. JBDS will create a new project on the OpenShift cluster. We will use this project to deploy our application using the container image.

  • Based on what you learnt in chapter 2, you know how to find the registry service IP. Usually it is set to by default and exposes port 5000. Let's now retag the image as where is the container registry running on OpenShift and newproject is the namespace. In the Docker Explorer view select the image (bbtime) created in the previous step, right-click on the same and Add Tag. Fill the New Tag fied with the value and press Finish.

  • Our next step is to Push this tagged image. Find the image with tag bbtime:latest in the images list and right click on it and select Push. You will be taken to Push Image window. Use newproject/bbtime:latest for Image Name. We will need token from oc login to use as password here. So go to command line and run oc whoami -t to find the token. Fill in Server Address with the registry address i.e, and Username as developer and use the token as the Password. Then press on Finish to push the image to atomic registry on OpenShift.

  • If you check now in the new-project, you should see the image stream in place
$ oc project newproject
Now using project "newproject" on server "".
$ oc get is
NAME      DOCKER REPO                         TAGS      UPDATED
bbtime   latest    4 minutes ago
  • In order to deploy the application, navigate to the Docker Explorer view, right click on the in the images list and select Deploy to OpenShift.
  • You'll see Deploy an Image window. Make sure that you are using the newproject and Image Name is pointing to and press Next
  • Click Next again twice to accept the defaults on the Deployment Configuration and Service and Routing Settings windows
  • On the next screen let's add a label app=bbtime and press on Finish. This will deploy the docker image as a new application.

  • Now if you go to OpenShift Explorer view and navigate to newproject you should see the bbtime service running. Right click on the service and Show In -> Web Browser to view the running application.

Summary: In this chapter, we learnt to set up connection to a docker daemon running on minishift from JBDS. Then built a container image on JBDS, tagged and pushed it into an OpenShift project to create an image stream. Then we deployed the application into this project.