PyDBML classes represent database entities. They live in the pydbml.classes
>>> from pydbml.classes import Table, Column, Reference
The Database
class represents a PyDBML database. You can import it from the pydbml
>>> from pydbml import Database
is the main class, representing a PyDBML database. When PyDBML parses a .dbml file, it returns a Database
object. This object holds all objects of the database and makes sure they are properly connected. You can access the Database
object by calling the database
property of each class (except child classes like Column
or Index
When you are creating PyDBML schema from scratch, you have to add each created object to the database by calling Database.add
object may act as a list or a dictionary of tables:
>>> from pydbml import PyDBML
>>> db = PyDBML.parse_file('test_schema.dbml')
>>> table = db.tables[0]
>>> db['public.orders']
<Table 'public' 'orders'>
>>> db[0]
<Table 'public' 'orders'>
- tables (list of
) — list of allTable
objects, defined in this database. - table_dict (dict of
) — dictionary holding databaseTable
objects. The key is full table name (with schema:public.mytable
) or a table alias (myalias
). - refs (list of
) — list of allReference
objects, defined in this database. - enums (list of
) — list of allEnum
objects, defined in this database. - table_groups (list of
) — list of allTableGroup
objects, defined in this database. - project (
) — databaseProject
. - sql () — SQL definition for this database.
- dbml () — DBML definition for this table.
- add (PyDBML object) — add a PyDBML object to the database.
- add_table (
) — add aTable
object to the database. - add_reference (
) — add aReference
object to the database. - add_enum (
) — add aEnum
object to the database. - add_table_group (
) — add aTableGroup
object to the database. - add_project (
) — add aProject
object to the database. - delete (PyDBML object) — delete a PyDBML object from the database.
- delete_table (
) — delete aTable
object from the database. - delete_reference (
) — delete aReference
object from the database. - delete_enum (
) — delete aEnum
object from the database. - delete_table_group (
) — delete aTableGroup
object from the database. - delete_project (
) — delete aProject
object from the database.
class represents a database table.
>>> from pydbml import PyDBML
>>> parsed = PyDBML.parse_file('test_schema.dbml')
>>> table = parsed.tables[0]
>>> table
<Table 'public' 'orders'>
object may act as a list or a dictionary of columns:
>>> table[0]
<Column 'id', 'int'>
>>> table['status']
<Column 'status', 'orders_status'>
- database (
) — link to the table's database object, if it was set. - name (str) — table name.
- schema (str) — table schema name.
- full_name (str) — table name with schema prefix.
- columns (list of
) — table columns. - indexes (list of
) — indexes, defined for the table. - alias (str) — table alias, if defined.
- note (str) — note for table, if defined.
- header_color (str) — the header_color param, if defined.
- comment (str) — comment, if it was added just before table definition.
- sql (str) — SQL definition for this table.
- dbml (str) — DBML definition for this table.
- add_column (c:
) — add a column to the table, - delete_column (c:
or int) — delete a column from the table by Column object or column index. - add_index (i:
) — add an index to the table, - delete_index (i: Index or int) — delete an index from the table by Index object or index number.
- get_refs — get list of references, defined for this table.
- get_references_for_sql — get list of references where this table is on the left side of FOREIGN KEY definition in SQL.
class represents a column of a database table.
Table columns are stored in the columns
attribute of a Table
- database (
) — link to the database object of this column's table, if it was set. - name (str) — column name,
- table (
) — link toTable
object, which holds this column. - type (str or
) — column type. If type is a enum, this attribute will hold a link to correspondingEnum
object. - unique (bool) — indicates whether the column is unique.
- not_null (bool) — indicates whether the column is not null.
- pk (bool) — indicates whether the column is a primary key.
- autoinc (bool) — indicates whether this is an autoincrement column.
- default (str or bool or int or float or Expression) — column's default value.
- note (Note) — column's note if was defined.
- comment (str) — comment, if it was added just before column definition or right after it on the same line.
- sql (str) — SQL definition for this column.
- dbml (str) — DBML definition for this column.
- get_refs — get list of references, defined for this column.
class represents an index of a database table.
Indexes are stored in the indexes
attribute of a Table
- subjects (list of
) — list subjects which are indexed. Columns are represented byColumn
objects orExpression
objects. - subject_names (list of str) — list of index subject names.
- table (
) — link to table, for which this index is defined. - name (str) — index name, if defined.
- unique (bool) — indicates whether the index is unique.
- type (str) — index type, if defined. Accepted values:
. - pk (bool) — indicates whether this a primary key index.
- note (note) — index note, if defined.
- comment (str) — comment, if it was added just before index definition.
- sql (str) — SQL definition for this index.
- dbml (str) — DBML definition for this index.
class represents a database relation.
>>> from pydbml import PyDBML
>>> parsed = PyDBML.parse_file('test_schema.dbml')
>>> parsed.refs[0]
<Reference '<', ['id'], ['order_id']>
- database (
) — link to the reference's database object, if it was set. - type (str) — reference type, in DBML syntax:
— one to many;>
— many to one;-
— one to one.
- col1 (list of
) — list of Column objects of the left side of the reference. Changed in 0.4.0, previously was plainColumn
. - table1 (
) — link to the leftTable
object of the reference orNone
of it was not set. - col2 (list of
) — list of Column objects of the right side of the reference. Changed in 0.4.0, previously was plainColumn
. - table2 (
) — link to the rightTable
object of the reference orNone
of it was not set. - name (str) — reference name, if defined.
- on_update (str) — reference's on update setting, if defined.
- on_delete (str) — reference's on delete setting, if defined.
- comment (str) — comment, if it was added before reference definition.
- inline (bool) — indicates whether this reference should be rendered inside SQL or DBML definition of the table.
- sql (str) — SQL definition for this reference.
- dbml (str) — DBML definition for this reference.
class represents a enum type in the database.
>>> from pydbml import PyDBML
>>> parsed = PyDBML.parse_file('test_schema.dbml')
>>> enum = parsed.enums[0]
>>> enum
<Enum 'orders_status', ['created', 'running', 'done', 'failure']>
Enum objects also act as a list of items:
>>> enum[0]
<EnumItem 'created'>
database name schema comment items
- database (
) — link to the enum's database object, if it was set. - schema (str) — enum schema name.
- name (str) — enum name,
- items (list of
) — list of items. - comment (str) — comment, which was defined before enum definition.
- sql (str) — SQL definition for this enum.
- dbml (str) — DBML definition for this enum.
- add_item (item:
or str) — add an item to this enum.
class represents an item of a enum type in the database.
Enum items are stored in the items
property of a Enum
- name (str) — enum item name,
- note (
) — enum item note, if was defined. - comment (str) — comment, which was defined before enum item definition or right after it on the same line.
- sql (str) — SQL definition for this enum item.
- dbml (str) — DBML definition for this enum item.
Note is a basic class, which may appear in some other classes' note
attribute. Mainly used for documentation of a DBML database.
text (str) — note text.
- sql (str) — SQL definition for this note.
- dbml (str) — DBML definition for this note.
new in PyDBML 1.0.10
Sticky notes are similar to regular notes, except that they are defined at the root of your DBML file and have a name.
name (str) — note name. text (str) — note text.
- dbml (str) — DBML definition for this note.
new in PyDBML 1.0.0
class represents an SQL expression. Expressions may appear in Index
subjects or Column
default values.
text (str) — expression text.
- sql (str) — SQL definition for this expression.
- dbml (str) — DBML definition for this expression.
class holds DBML project metadata. Project is not present in SQL.
>>> from pydbml import PyDBML
>>> parsed = PyDBML.parse_file('test_schema.dbml')
>>> parsed.project
<Project 'test_schema'>
- database (
) — link to the project's database object, if it was set. - name (str) — project name,
- items (str) — dictionary with project metadata,
- note (
) — note, if was defined, - comment (str) — comment, if was added before project definition.
- dbml (str) — DBML definition for this project.
class represents a table group in the DBML database. TableGroups are not present in SQL.
>>> from pydbml import PyDBML
>>> parsed = PyDBML.parse_file('test_schema.dbml')
>>> parsed.table_groups
[<TableGroup 'g1', ['users', 'merchants']>, <TableGroup 'g2', ['countries', 'orders']>]
- database (
) — link to the tableg group's database object, if it was set. - name (str) — table group name,
- items (str) — dictionary with tables in the group,
- comment (str) — comment, if was added before table group definition.
- note (Note) — table group's note if was defined.
- color (str) — the color param, if defined.
- dbml (str) — DBML definition for this table group.