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Gatsby Theme Material

gatsby-theme-material is a Material Design oriented blog theme for GatsbyJS equipped with advanced features such as SEO, image optimization, PWA capabilities and infinite scrolling feeds.

The theme uses gatsby-theme-advanced under the hood.


Material Preview

Material Demo.

Visit gatsby-theme-material for details regarding on how it was built using gatsby-theme-advanced.


  • Gatsby v4 support
  • First class TypeScript support (for query data and components exposed by the theme)
  • Material UI V5 components
  • Emotion used for styling
  • Posts in MDX
    • Code syntax highlighting
    • Embed videos
    • Embed iframes
  • Infinite Scrolling
  • React Query for client side API calls
  • Tags
    • Separate page for posts under each tag
  • Categories
    • Separate page for posts under each category
  • Social features
    • Twitter tweet button
    • Facebook share/share count
    • Reddit share/share count
    • LinkedIn share button
  • Author section
  • Related posts computation and display based on category/tag match ranking
  • Disqus support via gatsby-theme-advanced
  • gatsby-plugin-image for optimized image generation
  • Inline SVG imports
  • High configurability
  • Separate components for everything:
    • Gatsby Link utilities
    • SEO
    • Disqus
  • PWA features
    • Offline support
    • Web App Manifest support
    • Loading progress for slow networks
  • SEO
  • RSS feeds


Install the theme via:

npm install gatsby-theme-material


yarn add gatsby-theme-material

Take a look at Gatsby Material Starter which can help you to kickstart your development process.

To configure the theme, consult the Configuration section.

Make sure you are familiar with GatsbyJS documentation for themes, in particular:


To configure the theme edit your gatsby-config.js:

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: `gatsby-theme-material`,
      options: {
        basePath: `/blog`,

Available options are:

const config: SiteConfig = {
  // Website configuration
  website: {
    title: "Gatsby Material Starter", // Homepage title
    titleShort: "Material Blog", // Short site title for homescreen (PWA). Preferably should be under 12 characters to prevent truncation
    name: "Gatsby Material Starter", // Website name used for homescreen (PWA) and SEO
    description: "A GatsbyJS starter equipped with material design.", // Website description used for RSS feeds/meta description tag
    language: "en", // Sets the global HTML lang attribute
    logoUrl: "/logos/logo-1024.png", // Logo used for SEO
    fbAppId: "APP_ID", // FB Application ID for using app insights
    twitterName: "Vagr9K", // Twitter handle of the website
    url: "", // Domain of your website without the pathPrefix
    rss: "/rss.xml", // Path to the RSS file
    rssTitle: "Gatsby Material Starter RSS Feed", // Title of the RSS feed

    googleAnalyticsId: "UA-VALIDID", // GA tracking ID
    copyright: "© Copyright 2021 | Advanced User", // Copyright string for the footer of the website and RSS feed.

    themeColor: "#D83850", // Used for setting manifest and progress theme colors.
    backgroundColor: "#F7F7F7", // Used for setting manifest background color.

  // User configuration
  user: {
    id: "MaterialUser", // Unique identifier of the user on the website. Used for OpenGraph SEO tags
    firstName: "Material", // Used for SEO
    lastName: "User", // Used for SEO
    twitterName: "Vagr9K", // Twitter username used for SEO
    linkedIn: "your-linkedin", // Used for contact information
    github: "vagr9k", // Used for contact information
    email: "[email protected]", // Used for contact information and displayed in the RSS feed
    location: "User Location", // User location used for SEO
    about: "A full-stack web developer looking for a challenge!", // User information used for the author section
    avatar: "", // User avatar used for the author section

  // Organization information used for SEO
  organization: {
    name: "Organization Name",
    description: "Organization description",
    logoUrl: "/logos/logo-512.png",
    url: "", // URL of the organization website

  // Gatsby Configuration
  pathPrefix: "/", // Prefixes all links. For cases when deployed to

  contentDir: undefined, // Directory for MDX posts. Defaults to "content".
  assetDir: undefined, // Asset directory. Defaults to "static".

  embeddedImageWidth: 768, // MDX embedded image width. Used by gatsby-plugin-image for optimization
  embeddedVideoWidth: 920, // MDX embedded video width in pixels

  iconPath: undefined, // Icon used for manifest icon creation.
  iconList: [], // Icons used for the web manifest. Can be used to override iconPath for a more pixel perfect control.
  iconCachePaths: undefined, // Glob pattern path for the icons to be cached by the gatsby-plugin-offline

  basePath: undefined, // Base path for mounting pages. Allows for multiple themes to be used in a single website.


Source Code

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Ruben Harutyunyan (@Vagr9K)