Releases: VR-25/acc
Releases Β· VR-25/acc
- 6e3ad43 Optimize memory usage
- de4150c (origin/dev, origin/HEAD) Rewrite discharge polarity handling logic
- 348e707 Miscellaneous optimizations
- cf2de3b Remember auto-detected discharge polarity until accd is reinitialized
- 660132b Fix language selector
- 7a38b5e Prevent unwanted switch blacklisting
- ec3b204 Remove re-plug notice
- ad922cd Fix: daemon stop timeout not honored
- cf368d3 Exclude additional misleading uevent information
- 942c251 Show battery health % and power supply info (if interfaces are available)
- e8171ba Determine discharge polarity only when the battery is actually discharging
- a725111 Re-enable daemon stop timeout (10 seconds)
- 3a9aeaa Add Zelle donation info
- b768746 Fix switch filter
- bf13dfa Add new charging switches
- 92687bb Fix: misleading "Idle" status
- d2db8e3 acc -p: filter out additional files
- 863e5b1 Fix --parse (acc -p) crash
- 1db225b Fix voltage based idle mode inconsistencies
- 88855fd Disable verbose for -l|--log
- 61961b2 Fix typoο»Ώ
v2022.6.21-dev (202206210)
- 8fc9e92 Update strings
- 5b791e6 Add re-plug notice
- 6884e69 If flip=on, wait for charging to resume
- d22ac4b Update discharge_polarity description
- 637ca4a Fix read_status()
- f8a04d9 Fix AccA idle mode support detection
- 624487c Assume battery is "Discharging" if charging status is unknown/weird
- 20e20c9 Fix: charging can't be enabled, if it was disabled above pause_capacity
- 9110ed8 Always check uevent batt status before comparing current
- 5746f7e Fix acc -f
- 1076997 Fix "charging keeps stopping at min < capacity < max"
- 06fff97 Add Turkish tranlations (Türkçe (tr)) by
- e429770 Enhance current unit and polarity detection
- ddc8c50 Accelerate accd stop
- 8df12eb Export log archive to /sdcard/Download/
- 9c4cce3 Include acc-t_output-${device}.log in log archive
- 1579304 Save acc -t output to /sdcard/Download/acc-t_output-${device}.log
- a0846f9 Blacklist /sys/class/qcom-battery/vbus_disable 0 1
- 12ceb6a --parse: exclude all known switches
- fc1e98b Fix typoο»Ώ
**v2022.6.4 (202206040)** - `-n|--notif [[string] [user]]`: post Android notification; may not work on all systems; - `-t|--test [p|parse]`: parse potential charging switches from power supply log (as `acc -p`), test them all, and add the working ones to the list of known switches; implies `-x`; - `acc -p`: exclude all known switches and additional troublesome ctrl files; - `acc -s`: Enforce valid pause_capacity and resume_capacity difference; - `acc -t`: show more useful information; source; - `accd`: if possible, avoid idle mode when capacity > pause_capacity; - Additional charging switches; - Blacklisted usb/vbus_disable; - Fixed `accd /path/to/config --init`; - Fixed `runCmdOnPause` and `loopCmd` parsing issues; - Fixed: "after a reboot, accd doesn't control charging, until the keyguard is unlocked"; - General refactor; - Hard reset wipes config and control file blacklists (`acc -sr a` or acc --set --reset a); - Improved advanced battery status detection; - Misc fixes & optimizations; - New config variables: `batt_status_override=Idle|Discharging|'custom'`, `batt_status_workaround=true`, `reboot_resume=false`, `reset_batt_stats_on_plug=false`, `schedule='HHMM command...'` (refer to the config or readme files for details); - One-line scripts; - Parse config `ampFactor` from `` as well; - Post exit code notification if accd stops due to an error; - Removed obsolete source code files; - Run dexopt-job only once per boot session (if battery is charging, and system has been up for at least 15 minutes); - Save acc -t output to /sdcard/Download/acc-t_output.txt; - Tuning variables for not_charging() timeout (seqCount) and voltage-based idle mode (voltOff); - Updated documentation; - Updates can be downloaded with busybox's wget as well (may not work on all systems). Try upgrading with `acc -u`.
**v2022.2.22.1 (202202221)**
- acc -ss and -t show more info/hints; - Fixed `acc: inaccessible or not found` following acc -t execution; - Minor additions to readme.
**v2022.2.20 (202202200)**
- [acc -t]: show hints, fixed return code issues (10: no switch or all switches fail, 0: success, 15: idle mode works); - Additional charging switches; - Consider STATUS=Discharging, if idle() returns false, current turns negative or drops by 101+ mA -- and its absolute value is less than 750 mA; - Fixed: capacityMask going over 100%; - Fixed: custom unit conversion factors not effective for acca -i; - General optimizations; - Improved busybox detection; - Misc changes for front-ends; - New presets for charging_switch=<mA|mV>; - Updated links in; - Updated naming conventions for release files; - updateJSON API for front-ends (details in the readme); - Use idleThreshold=95 (mA) for mtk devices and 15 for the rest.
**v2022.2.3 (202202030)**
- Additional charging switches; - Auto detect and blacklist unwritable charging control files and those that trigger unexpected reboots; - Blacklisted troublesome charging switches; - Fixed bg-dexopt-job wrapper causing long accd stop delay; - Fixed typos in; - Fixed voltage "millivolts --exit" error; - Improved charging status logic; - Magisk updateJson support; - Misc fixes & optimizations; - Moved changelog from to; - Removed README.html; - Support for a new charging switch format: `ctrl_file1 <on_value|file> <off_value|file> ctrl_file2 <on_value|file> <off_value|file> ...`, `file` is where to get the on/off value from, e.g., `battery/charge_control_limit 0 battery/charge_control_limit_max`; - Updated unexpected reboot troubleshooting guide.
**v2022.1.8 (202201080)**
- `acc -p` finds even more potential switches; - Enhanced charging status detection; - General fixes & optimizations; - Improved idle mode support; - New charging switches; - Optimize system performance and battery utilization, by forcing `bg-dexopt-job` on daemon [re]start, if charging; - Support for Qualcomm SnapDragon 8 Gen 1 devices, Nokia 2.2 and more; - Updated documentation.