phrase := "guard cream sadness conduct invite crumble clock pudding hole grit liar hotel maid produce squeeze return argue turtle know drive eight casino maze host"
isSuccess := CreateAccount("test_key", phrase, "pass")
phrase := GenerateRecoveryPhrase()
check := ImportAccountFromMnemoic(phrase, "test_key")
phrase := GenerateRecoveryPhrase()
keyName := "TestKey"
privKey := GetPrivKeyFromMnemonic(phrase, keyName)
phrase := GenerateRecoveryPhrase()
CreateAccount("test_key", phrase, "pass")
check := DeleteAccount("test_key", "pass")
Base Account Struct:
// Define the BaseAccount struct in Go
type BaseAccount struct {
Address []byte
Coins *Coins
PubKey []byte
AccountNumber uint64
Sequence uint64
Query Accoune Example:
phrase := GenerateRecoveryPhrase()
CreateAccount("test_key", phrase, "pass")
addr := GetAddressFromKeyName("test_key")
acc, err := QueryAccount(addr)
phrase := GenerateRecoveryPhrase()
privKey := GetPrivKeyFromMnemonic(phrase, "test_key")
phrase := GenerateRecoveryPhrase()
CreateAccount("test_key", phrase, "pass")
addr := GetAddressFromKeyName("test_key")
phrase := GenerateRecoveryPhrase()
CreateAccount("test_key", phrase, "pass")
addr := GetAddressFromKeyName("test_key")
acc := GetAccountByAddress(addr)
contractAddr := "nibi1qg5ega6dykkxc307y25pecuufrjkxkaggkkxh7nad0vhyhtuhw3slkhcux"
queryMsg := "{\"owner_of\": {\"token_id\": \"unique-nft-15\", \"include_expired\": false}}"
result := QueryWasmContract(contractAddr, queryMsg)
txResult := QueryTXHash(txHash)
phrase := "napkin rigid magnet grass plastic spawn replace hobby tray eternal pupil olive pledge nasty animal base bitter climb guess analyst fat neglect zoo earn"
adminPhases := "guard cream sadness conduct invite crumble clock pudding hole grit liar hotel maid produce squeeze return argue turtle know drive eight casino maze host"
// create account from these phrases first
// then use the address to test the transfer token
check1 := CreateAccount("admin", adminPhases, "pass")
check2 := CreateAccount("test", phrase, "pass")
adminAddr := GetAddressFromKeyName("admin")
testAddr := GetAddressFromKeyName("test")
denom := "unibi"
amount := 75
result := TransferToken(adminAddr, testAddr, denom, amount)
adminPhases := "guard cream sadness conduct invite crumble clock pudding hole grit liar hotel maid produce squeeze return argue turtle know drive eight casino maze host"
susscess := CreateAccount("admin", adminPhases, "pass")
adminAddr := GetAddressFromKeyName("admin")
contractAddr := "nibi1qg5ega6dykkxc307y25pecuufrjkxkaggkkxh7nad0vhyhtuhw3slkhcux"
executeMsg := "{\"mint\": {\"token_id\": \"unique-nft-15\", \"owner\": \"nibi1zy7amen6h5e4whcta4ac656l0whsalzmnqrkc5\", \"token_uri\": \"\"}}"
txHash := ExecuteWasmContract(adminAddr, contractAddr, executeMsg, "unibi", 75)
time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)
txResult := QueryTXHash(txHash)
time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)
queryMsg := "{\"owner_of\": {\"token_id\": \"unique-nft-15\", \"include_expired\": false}}"
result := QueryWasmContract(contractAddr, queryMsg)
var (
LocalNetworkInfo = NetworkInfo{
GrpcEndpoint: "localhost:9090",
LcdEndpoint: "http://localhost:1317",
TmRpcEndpoint: "http://localhost:26657",
WebsocketEndpoint: "ws://localhost:26657/websocket",
ChainID: "nibiru-localnet-0",
TestNetworkInfo = NetworkInfo{
GrpcEndpoint: "",
LcdEndpoint: "",
TmRpcEndpoint: "",
WebsocketEndpoint: "wss://",
ChainID: "nibiru-testnet-1",
MainNetworkInfo = NetworkInfo{
GrpcEndpoint: "",
LcdEndpoint: "",
TmRpcEndpoint: "",
WebsocketEndpoint: "wss://",
ChainID: "cataclysm-1",
You can use switchNetwork funciton to switch the network
success := SwitchNetwork("test")