Notely is a web application designed to help users manage and organize their notes efficiently. It provides user authentication, note creation, updating, deleting, sharing and searching functionalities. Users can also share notes with others and search for notes based on keywords.
- React.js
- Tailwind CSS
- Axios
- Node.js (Express.js)
- MongoDB (Mongoose for ODM)
- JWT for authentication
- Node.js and npm installed
- MongoDB server running locally or accessible remotely
- Fork the repository:
- Clone the repository:
git clone
cd notely
# Install backend dependencies
cd backend
npm install
cd ..
# Install frontend dependencies
cd client
npm install
- Configure environment variables:
- Create a .env file in the backend directory and set the following variables:
- Run the application:
cd backend
npm run dev
cd client
npm run dev
- Authentication
- Sign Up: POST /api/auth/signup
- Login: POST /api/auth/login
- Notes
- Get All Notes: GET /api/notes
- Get a Note by ID: GET /api/notes/:id
- Create a New Note: POST /api/notes
- Update a Note by ID: PUT /api/notes/:id
- Delete a Note by ID: DELETE /api/notes/:id
- Share a Note with Another User: POST /api/notes/:id/share
- Search for Notes Based on Keywords: GET /api/search?q=:query
to test all api by running frontend or simply use Postman
|-- controller/
| |-- authController(auth.js)
| |-- noteController(note.js)
|-- middleware/
| |-- authMiddleware(auth.js)
|-- model/
| |-- userModel(user.js)
| |-- noteModel(note.js)
|-- routes/
| |-- authRoutes(auth.js)
| |-- noteRoutes(note.js)
|-- .env
|-- .gitignore
|-- dbConnect.js
|-- index.js
|-- package.json