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File metadata and controls

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This page lists all the config options that apply to the multiple existing features.


This is a simple switch to enable or disable features throughout the configuration.
True: Enables a feature
False: Disables a feature
Default: This feature will be enabled or disabled by NoCheatPlus, based on a determined condition (eg.: if the server is > 1.9)

Set up a custom configuration

We will be using the following string as an example for our walkthrough.
actions: vl>2 log:fdirectionlowvl:5:6:i vl>10 cancel log:fdirection:2:4:if vl>50 cancel log:fdirection:0:7:icf cmdc:kicksuspiciouscombat:1:5


actions The actions entry can be considered as NoCheatPlus' task scheduler and can be found at the end of a given check's options. This is the only place where you can control what a check should do after reaching a determined violation level.

  • vl>X To be interpreted literally, it means "violation greater than X". This is used to articulate actions into different intervals. After a player has reached the defined violation threshold, the subsequent interval will be executed. In other words, the vl>X is a limiter to how many actions can be performed in a given interval.
    Intervals can be ommitted altogether, meaning: you can tell NoCheatPlus to perform a single and specific action at any violation level (e.g.: actions: log:fdirection:10:10:icf), but the actions section cannot be left blank as a whole.
    The first interval may be left undefined at the start (e.g.: vl>2 cancel (...)).
  • cancel is the flag used to indicate that an action is to be cancelled, this can have several meanings:
    -Cancel an event (prevent) (i.e.: prevent illegal moves by setting the player back, or cancel illegal hits in combat.);
    -Undo actions done by players in some other way (i.e.: restore altered fall damage or fall distance);
    -Do something that should've been done (enforce) (i.e.: enforcing damage if players ignore its source (GodMode));
    Note that the cancel flag currently supports cancellation with probability: instead of cancelling an action 100% of the time, you can tell NoCheatPlus that said action only has a probability of actually getting cancelled, by specifying the probability in percentage (x%) before the cancel flag (e.g.: 10%cancel). Can be used in combat, for instance, to not immediately cancel a hit.

Taking the previously illustrated example:

  • Interval 1: If players don't reach at least 2 VL, NoCheatPlus will do nothing, as we don't have anything specified before VL 2.
  • Interval 2: After the player has reached at least a violation level of 3 the log action will be executed.
  • Interval 3: After a violation level of 10, we then start to cancel whatever has been detected by the check and execute the log action.
  • Interval 4: In the final interval, after a player has reached VL 50, we cancel, then log and finally, we execute the cmdc action (which will kick the player in this case).

Strings usage

Strings are defined at the file's bottom part; you can think of them as aliases. A string can be used to either log something into NoCheatPlus' logging stream or execute a command. This enables server owners to do almost anything they wish to do upon detections.

  • cmd and cmdc are used to tell NoCheatPlus to execute a command action. The latter will force NoCheatPlus to recognize color codes (&).
  • log is used to tell NoCheatPlus to log a message into its logging stream (console, in-game or flat file).
    The template for strings is as it follows:
    Do note that normal messages need start and ending quotes. (eg.: 'your message here').

Taking the previously illustrated example:

  • The default message for the fdirectionlowvl string is as it follows:
    fdirectionlowvl: '&c[player]&7 failed &c[check]&7: could be using an aimbot (hit not canceled) &7(&cVL[violations]&7)'
  • While the command for kicksuspiciouscombat is like this:
    kicksuspiciouscombat: ncp kick [player] &c&l(!)&7 Illegal combat modifications.

Actions format

In order for actions to be recognized by NoCheatPlus, they need to respect a specific format. If an action is not formatted correctly, NoCheatPlus will fallback to the default actions for that check.

  • The format used for log actions is: log:string:delay:cooldown:target.
  • For cmdc/cmd actions, the target part has to be omitted, while delay and repeat can be removed or specified, at your discretion: (cmd(c):yourcommandhere[:delay:cooldown]).
  • The delay part tells NoCheatPlus how many failed checks it has to wait before actually logging the action. This is used if you feel like a check is throwing too many false positives and you want to log your string only if a player fails the check multiple times within a minute.
  • The cooldown is used to indicate how many seconds have to pass before NoCheatPlus can log an action once again. This is needed to prevent the spam of multiple actions in a given interval. Usually a value of 5 seconds is acceptable. It is recommended to at least enforce a one second cooldown.
  • The target part is used to indicate where NoCheatPlus should log a log action. i stands for in-game chat, c stands for console, f stands for file. The order is at your discretion (icf, cfi, ifc etc..) , however, at least one log destination has to be specified.
  • The cancel action does not need to respect a fixed order (e.g.: log:yourstringhere:3:0:icf cancel or cancel log:yourstringhere:3:0:icf).
    Colons are used to separate arguments from one another.

As always, we'll be taking the previously illustrated string as an example:

  • log:fdirectionlowvl:5:6:i: This will let NoCheatPlus know that it needs to log the fdirectionlowvl string only in the in-game chat (i), every 5 failed checks, with a cooldown of 6 seconds.
  • cmdc:kicksuspiciouscombat:1:5: This will let NoCheatPlus know that it needs to execute the kicksuspiciouscombat command after failing the check 1 time, with a cooldown of 5 seconds. Since cmdc is used, color codes will be used.


There are a few placeholders available which can be used to display more in-depth information in strings and to further customize actions.

Placeholder Description Check
[player] Display the name of the player. All
[IP] Display a player's IP. Chat.Text, Chat.Commands, Chat.Login, Chat.Relog
[reachdistance] Display the reach distance in blocks. Block*.Reach, Fight.Reach
[tags] Generic tag used to display a specific check's information (Eg.: with SurvivalFly, this will display the triggered subchecks). Moving.*, Net.AttackFrequency, Fight.Angle, Fight.Critical, Combined.Improbable, BlockPlace.AutoSign, Inventory.InventoryMove, Inventory.FastConsume, BlockPlace.Scaffold
[packets] Generic tag used to display a certain packet (Eg.: with MorePackets, this will display the amount of move-packet received, with AttackFrequency, the attack-packets and so on). Net.AttackFrequency, Moving.MorePackets, Moving.Vehicle.MorePackets
[limit] Display the limit of a specific check (Eg. with Fight.Speed, this will display the established limit in the config). Fight.Speed, Net.AttackFrequency
[violations] Returns the current violation level reached by the player. All
[food] Used by FastConsume and InstantEat, it will display the food type that the player attempted to fast-use. Inventory.InstantEat, Inventory.FastConsume
[check] Returns the check's name. All
[locationto] Returns the coordinates where the player moved to. Moving.SurvivalFly, Moving.CreativeFly, Moving.Passable, Moving.Vehicle.Envelope
[locationfrom] Returns the coordinates where the player moved from. Moving.SurvivalFly, Moving.CreativeFly, Moving.Passable
[distance] Returns the horizontal distance that the player has covered with one move. Moving.SurvivalFly, Moving.CreativeFly, Moving.Passable, Moving.Vehicle.Envelope
[health] Returns a player's health in hearts. Fight.GodMode, Fight.FastHeal
[blocktype] Display a block's name for which the player tried to interact or phase through. Moving.Passable, BlockBreak.FastBreak, BlockPlace.Against
[model] Display CreativeFly's current movement model. Moving.CreativeFly


  • Remember that NoCheatPlus will still load up the check on start-up even if its set to false.
  • Do note that some checks and/or modules might depend on other features to be enabled in order to work (eg.: disabling NoFall will partially cripple the Critical check)
  • For some checks immediate kicking of players is not recommended, because it can conflict with the set-back logic or further event-processing, such as with the flying checks - for those we recommend to use the command prefix "ncp delay", in order to run the actions outside of the event processing.
  • Always make sure to cancel first before you kick player to avoid exploits with checks not canceling properly.
