Releases: UniversityOfHelsinkiCS/oodikone
Releases · UniversityOfHelsinkiCS/oodikone
Course statistics: Filter out courses constructed of custom attainments
Course statistics
- Due to a big change how custom attainments are handled, course search became partly unusable because of the large number of custom codes, most of which are not relevant at all. These courses have now been filtered out to make the course search more usable
Study guidance group view optimized
Study guidance groups
- In the previous version, the study guidance group page either did not open or was very slow. The page has now been optimized, and the loading time should be much shorter.
Class statistics
- In the previous version, the Total page, which shows the combined statistics of all students in a study programme, did not display any students. This issue has now been fixed.
Oodikone 3.0.0
Course statistics
- Grade distribution chart now takes into account different grade scales
- Red for failed, green for accepted, blue for grades
- HT is now treated as higher grade than TT
- Hyv./Hyl.
- 0-5
- I-L
Study programme
- Overview: Removed average graduation time percentages
- BIG REFACTOR is ready
- More TypeScript
- Funidata: New compose file
Course statistics: Numbers fixed
Course statistics
- The numbers between course statistics and course population are now closer to each other. Previously there was a problem regarding counting enrollments
- Lots of packages updated
- Big refactor almost complete: class statistics, course population, custom population and study guidance groups are now done
Class statistics: Fix page crashing in certain situations
Class statistics
- In situations where no correct study right was found, the page crashed. This has now been fixed
Study programme: Average graduation times clarified
Study programme / Faculty
- The average graduation times divider texts now contain a more detailed description for clarity
- Installation script fixed
- More TypeScript
- More big refactor
Study guidance group view fixed
Study guidance groups
- Added a fix for a bug that prevented the fetching of users' study guidance groups
University view fixed
This release fixes the issue with the University view not working properly in the previous version.
Internal: Shared code
2.47.19 [GitHub Actions] Change build context for production
Internal: Shared code
Merge pull request #4608 from UniversityOfHelsinkiCS/gha-lint Create a separate workflow for linting