Traditional Chinese Universal Dependencies Treebank annotated and converted by Google.
- 2023-11-15 v2.13
- Some PART/ADV should be SCONJ (see UniversalDependencies/docs#460 and
- Fixed attachment clf+nummod according to the guidelines.
- 2023-05-15 v2.12
- Fixed: PUNCT nodes must be attached via punct relations.
- Fixed: Only some UPOS categories are compatible with mark.
- Fixed: Only some UPOS categories are compatible with det.
- Fixed: ADJ cannot be copula.
- Fixed: Auxiliary must be tagged AUX.
- Fixed: Nominal cannot be advmod.
- Fixed: Verb cannot be advmod.
- Added pinyin transcription.
- Scaled down the set of copulas and other auxiliaries.
- Fixed: function words must be leaves.
- Fixed: case marker adpositions mislabled as acl.
- 2021-05-15 v2.8
- Changed mark:relcl to mark:rel (as in the other Chinese treebanks).
- Removed the relation case:dec (for 的 between two nouns; the other treebanks use just
here. - Removed the relation aux:aspect (the aspect particles 了 (le), 過 (guo), 著 (zhe) use just
in the other treebanks). - Question particles changed from Mood=Inter to PartType=Int, and from discourse to discourse:sp.
- Undocumented relation subtypes case:pref and case:suff changed to case.
- Extent constructions converted from cop + mark:comp to compound:ext.
- Changed mark:advb to mark:adv (as in the other Chinese treebanks).
- 2020-11-15 v2.7
- Aspect markers relations are corrected from
- Aspect markers relations are corrected from
- 2019-11-15 v2.5
- Google gave permission to drop the "NC" restriction from the license. This applies to the UD annotations (not the underlying content, of which Google claims no ownership or copyright).
- Fixed punctuation (use East Asian punctuation where appropriate)
- Fixed various parses and features (e.g., added Case=Ord)
- Some manual fixes in tokenization 2017-03-01 v2.0
- Conversion to UD v2 by Dan Zeman.
- Added SpaceAfter=No.
- Added lemmas.
- Case=Advb,Comp,Rel changed to deprel mark:advb/comp/relcl.
- Detected classifiers, changed their deprel to clf. 2016-11-15 v1.4
- No changes since UD release 1.3. 2016-05-15 v1.3
- Initial UD release.
=== Machine-readable metadata ================================================= Data available since: UD v1.3 License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Includes text: yes Genre: wiki Lemmas: automatic with corrections UPOS: converted from manual XPOS: manual native Features: automatic with corrections Relations: converted from manual Contributors: Shen, Mo; McDonald, Ryan; Zeman, Daniel; Qi, Peng Contributing: here Contact: [email protected] ===============================================================================