Create new file called
inside members directorymembers/ ├── __init__.py ├── admin.py ├── apps.py ├── models.py ├── urls.py ├── views.py ├── tasks.py └── test.py
Add below contents
import datetime from myworld.celery import app from .models import Job, Blog, JobStats, JobLogs import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from dateutil.parser import parse import pytz utc=pytz.UTC @app.task(bind=True, name="extract") def extract(self, job_id): job_obj = Job.objects.get(pk=job_id) job_stats_obj = JobStats(job=job_obj, status="IN PROGRESS", start_date=datetime.datetime.now(), no_of_blogs_extracted=0) job_stats_obj.save() JobLogs(job_stats=job_stats_obj, log="Extraction stated", function_name="extract", date=datetime.datetime.now()).save() start_date = job_obj.start_date end_date = job_obj.end_date start_id = job_obj.start_no no_of_articles = job_obj.no_of_blogs url = "https://blog.python.org/" try: data = requests.get(url) page_soup = BeautifulSoup(data.text, 'html.parser') blogs = page_soup.select('div.date-outer') article_count = 0 counter = 1 for blog in blogs: article_count += 1 if start_id and article_count < int(start_id): continue if no_of_articles and counter > int(no_of_articles): continue date = blog.select('.date-header span')[0].get_text() converted_date = parse(date) JobLogs(job_stats=job_stats_obj, log=f"Extracting {article_count}", function_name="extract", date=datetime.datetime.now()).save() if start_date and utc.localize(converted_date) < start_date: continue if end_date and utc.localize(converted_date) > end_date: continue post = blog.select('.post')[0] title = "" title_bar = post.select('.post-title') if len(title_bar) > 0: title = title_bar[0].text else: title = post.select('.post-body')[0].contents[0].text # getting the author and blog time post_footer = post.select('.post-footer')[0] author = post_footer.select('.post-author span')[0].text time = post_footer.select('abbr')[0].text blog_obj = Blog(title=title, author=author, release_date=date, blog_time=time) blog_obj.save() job_stats_obj.no_of_blogs_extracted += job_stats_obj.no_of_blogs_extracted job_stats_obj.save() print("\nTitle:", title.strip('\n')) print("Date:", date, ) print("Time:", time) print("Author:", author) counter += 1 JobLogs(job_stats=job_stats_obj, log=f"Total {counter} articles extracted: ", function_name="extract", date=datetime.datetime.now()).save() job_stats_obj.end_date = datetime.datetime.now() job_stats_obj.total_blogs = article_count job_stats_obj.status = "COMPLETED" job_stats_obj.save() JobLogs(job_stats=job_stats_obj, log="Extraction Done", function_name="extract", date=datetime.datetime.now()).save() except Exception as ex: JobLogs(job_stats=job_stats_obj, log=str(ex), function_name="extract", date=datetime.datetime.now()).save() job_stats_obj.end_date = datetime.datetime.now() job_stats_obj.total_blogs = article_count job_stats_obj.status = "FAILED" job_stats_obj.save() JobLogs(job_stats=job_stats_obj, log="Extraction Done", function_name="extract", date=datetime.datetime.now()).save()
Crate new view to trigger the task
- Add below code in views.py file
from members.tasks import extract from django.shortcuts import redirect def python_blog_scraping(request, job_id): extract.delay(job_id) return redirect('/admin/members/job/')
- Add below code in views.py file
Add Url for above view
path('python_blog_scraping/<int:job_id>', views.python_blog_scraping, name="scraping")
Run below curl cmd to trigger the task.
Please make sure celery is running in worker container.
- Add below code inside Job class (admin.py)
def run(self, obj): return format_html('<a class="button" href="{}">RUN</a>', reverse('scraping', args=(str(obj.pk)))) run.short_description = 'Run' run.allow_tags = True list_display = ("job_name", "start_date", "end_date", "no_of_blogs", "start_no", "created_date", "run", "view_stats")
- click On RUN to trigger the task.
Using the celery Beat, we can configure tasks to be run periodically. This can be defined either implicitly or explicitly. The thing to keep in mind is to run a single scheduler at a time. Otherwise, this would lead to duplicate tasks. The scheduling depends on the time zone (CELERYTIMEZONE = "Asia/NewYork") configured in the settings.py We can configure periodic tasks either by manually adding the configurations to the celery.py module or using the django-celery-beat package which allows us to add periodic tasks from the Django Admin by extending the Admin functionality to allow scheduling tasks.
- Add below code to celery.py
Note : Add Proper job id in args
app.conf.beat_schedule = { #Scheduler Name 'run-task-ten-seconds': { # Task Name (Name Specified in Decorator) 'task': 'extract', # Schedule 'schedule': 60.0, # Function Arguments 'args': (1,) } }
- Restart your worker
python -m celery -A myworld worker -l info
This extension enables the user to store periodic tasks in a Django database and manage the tasks using the Django Admin interface.
Please check here : https://django-celery-beat.readthedocs.io/en/latest/