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The Kolonization Dashboard

voicey99 edited this page Jul 9, 2017 · 10 revisions

You can access the Kolonization Dashboard by pressing either the Kolony Button button on the stock tool bar or ??? if you use Blizzy's Toolbar.

From here you can monitor your Kolony Statistics, Local Logistics, Planetary Logistics & Recruit Kolonists.

Kolony Statistics

Kolony Bonuses are accrued by kerbonauts spending time on the relevant body and which stat the contribute to depends on their specialisation (FundsBoost contritributes to Geology rating, ScienceBoost contributes to Botany rating and RepBoost contributes to Kolonisation rating). As these points are generated, in addition to providing production and habitation buffs, they will also generate their namesake resources over time, which can be collected from a Pioneer module on the vessel containing the points-generating crew.

Local Logistics

From the Dashboard, resources can be manually transferred from one vessel to another within the 150m range, as long as one or both of the vessels has the resource for transfer stored in a local-logistics-enabled container. This is especially useful for refuelling landed vessels or loading up/unloading cargo shuttles without having to physically link them to whatever vessel has the resource.

Planetary Logistics

You can also now view the status of Planetary Logistics in the same Dashboard. This simply displays the total amount of each resource currently stored in PL.

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